// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2011 New Dream Network * Copyright (C) 2017 OVH * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "common/perf_counters.h" #include "common/dout.h" #include "common/valgrind.h" using std::ostringstream; PerfCountersCollectionImpl::PerfCountersCollectionImpl() { } PerfCountersCollectionImpl::~PerfCountersCollectionImpl() { clear(); } void PerfCountersCollectionImpl::add(PerfCounters *l) { // make sure the name is unique perf_counters_set_t::iterator i; i = m_loggers.find(l); while (i != m_loggers.end()) { ostringstream ss; ss << l->get_name() << "-" << (void*)l; l->set_name(ss.str()); i = m_loggers.find(l); } m_loggers.insert(l); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l->m_data.size(); ++i) { PerfCounters::perf_counter_data_any_d &data = l->m_data[i]; std::string path = l->get_name(); path += "."; path += data.name; by_path[path] = {&data, l}; } } void PerfCountersCollectionImpl::remove(PerfCounters *l) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l->m_data.size(); ++i) { PerfCounters::perf_counter_data_any_d &data = l->m_data[i]; std::string path = l->get_name(); path += "."; path += data.name; by_path.erase(path); } perf_counters_set_t::iterator i = m_loggers.find(l); ceph_assert(i != m_loggers.end()); m_loggers.erase(i); } void PerfCountersCollectionImpl::clear() { perf_counters_set_t::iterator i = m_loggers.begin(); perf_counters_set_t::iterator i_end = m_loggers.end(); for (; i != i_end; ) { delete *i; m_loggers.erase(i++); } by_path.clear(); } bool PerfCountersCollectionImpl::reset(const std::string &name) { bool result = false; perf_counters_set_t::iterator i = m_loggers.begin(); perf_counters_set_t::iterator i_end = m_loggers.end(); if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), "all")) { while (i != i_end) { (*i)->reset(); ++i; } result = true; } else { while (i != i_end) { if (!name.compare((*i)->get_name())) { (*i)->reset(); result = true; break; } ++i; } } return result; } /** * Serialize current values of performance counters. Optionally * output the schema instead, or filter output to a particular * PerfCounters or particular named counter. * * @param logger name of subsystem logger, e.g. "mds_cache", may be empty * @param counter name of counter within subsystem, e.g. "num_strays", * may be empty. * @param schema if true, output schema instead of current data. * @param histograms if true, dump histogram values, * if false dump all non-histogram counters */ void PerfCountersCollectionImpl::dump_formatted_generic( Formatter *f, bool schema, bool histograms, const std::string &logger, const std::string &counter) const { f->open_object_section("perfcounter_collection"); for (perf_counters_set_t::iterator l = m_loggers.begin(); l != m_loggers.end(); ++l) { // Optionally filter on logger name, pass through counter filter if (logger.empty() || (*l)->get_name() == logger) { (*l)->dump_formatted_generic(f, schema, histograms, counter); } } f->close_section(); } void PerfCountersCollectionImpl::with_counters(std::function fn) const { fn(by_path); } // --------------------------- PerfCounters::~PerfCounters() { } void PerfCounters::inc(int idx, uint64_t amt) { #ifndef WITH_SEASTAR if (!m_cct->_conf->perf) return; #endif ceph_assert(idx > m_lower_bound); ceph_assert(idx < m_upper_bound); perf_counter_data_any_d& data(m_data[idx - m_lower_bound - 1]); if (!(data.type & PERFCOUNTER_U64)) return; if (data.type & PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG) { data.avgcount++; data.u64 += amt; data.avgcount2++; } else { data.u64 += amt; } } void PerfCounters::dec(int idx, uint64_t amt) { #ifndef WITH_SEASTAR if (!m_cct->_conf->perf) return; #endif ceph_assert(idx > m_lower_bound); ceph_assert(idx < m_upper_bound); perf_counter_data_any_d& data(m_data[idx - m_lower_bound - 1]); ceph_assert(!(data.type & PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG)); if (!(data.type & PERFCOUNTER_U64)) return; data.u64 -= amt; } void PerfCounters::set(int idx, uint64_t amt) { #ifndef WITH_SEASTAR if (!m_cct->_conf->perf) return; #endif ceph_assert(idx > m_lower_bound); ceph_assert(idx < m_upper_bound); perf_counter_data_any_d& data(m_data[idx - m_lower_bound - 1]); if (!(data.type & PERFCOUNTER_U64)) return; ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(&data.u64, sizeof(data.u64), "perf counter atomic"); if (data.type & PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG) { data.avgcount++; data.u64 = amt; data.avgcount2++; } else { data.u64 = amt; } } uint64_t PerfCounters::get(int idx) const { #ifndef WITH_SEASTAR if (!m_cct->_conf->perf) return 0; #endif ceph_assert(idx > m_lower_bound); ceph_assert(idx < m_upper_bound); const perf_counter_data_any_d& data(m_data[idx - m_lower_bound - 1]); if (!(data.type & PERFCOUNTER_U64)) return 0; return data.u64; } void PerfCounters::tinc(int idx, utime_t amt) { #ifndef WITH_SEASTAR if (!m_cct->_conf->perf) return; #endif ceph_assert(idx > m_lower_bound); ceph_assert(idx < m_upper_bound); perf_counter_data_any_d& data(m_data[idx - m_lower_bound - 1]); if (!(data.type & PERFCOUNTER_TIME)) return; if (data.type & PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG) { data.avgcount++; data.u64 += amt.to_nsec(); data.avgcount2++; } else { data.u64 += amt.to_nsec(); } } void PerfCounters::tinc(int idx, ceph::timespan amt) { #ifndef WITH_SEASTAR if (!m_cct->_conf->perf) return; #endif ceph_assert(idx > m_lower_bound); ceph_assert(idx < m_upper_bound); perf_counter_data_any_d& data(m_data[idx - m_lower_bound - 1]); if (!(data.type & PERFCOUNTER_TIME)) return; if (data.type & PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG) { data.avgcount++; data.u64 += amt.count(); data.avgcount2++; } else { data.u64 += amt.count(); } } void PerfCounters::tset(int idx, utime_t amt) { #ifndef WITH_SEASTAR if (!m_cct->_conf->perf) return; #endif ceph_assert(idx > m_lower_bound); ceph_assert(idx < m_upper_bound); perf_counter_data_any_d& data(m_data[idx - m_lower_bound - 1]); if (!(data.type & PERFCOUNTER_TIME)) return; data.u64 = amt.to_nsec(); if (data.type & PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG) ceph_abort(); } utime_t PerfCounters::tget(int idx) const { #ifndef WITH_SEASTAR if (!m_cct->_conf->perf) return utime_t(); #endif ceph_assert(idx > m_lower_bound); ceph_assert(idx < m_upper_bound); const perf_counter_data_any_d& data(m_data[idx - m_lower_bound - 1]); if (!(data.type & PERFCOUNTER_TIME)) return utime_t(); uint64_t v = data.u64; return utime_t(v / 1000000000ull, v % 1000000000ull); } void PerfCounters::hinc(int idx, int64_t x, int64_t y) { #ifndef WITH_SEASTAR if (!m_cct->_conf->perf) return; #endif ceph_assert(idx > m_lower_bound); ceph_assert(idx < m_upper_bound); perf_counter_data_any_d& data(m_data[idx - m_lower_bound - 1]); ceph_assert(data.type == (PERFCOUNTER_HISTOGRAM | PERFCOUNTER_COUNTER | PERFCOUNTER_U64)); ceph_assert(data.histogram); data.histogram->inc(x, y); } pair PerfCounters::get_tavg_ns(int idx) const { #ifndef WITH_SEASTAR if (!m_cct->_conf->perf) return make_pair(0, 0); #endif ceph_assert(idx > m_lower_bound); ceph_assert(idx < m_upper_bound); const perf_counter_data_any_d& data(m_data[idx - m_lower_bound - 1]); if (!(data.type & PERFCOUNTER_TIME)) return make_pair(0, 0); if (!(data.type & PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG)) return make_pair(0, 0); pair a = data.read_avg(); return make_pair(a.second, a.first); } void PerfCounters::reset() { perf_counter_data_vec_t::iterator d = m_data.begin(); perf_counter_data_vec_t::iterator d_end = m_data.end(); while (d != d_end) { d->reset(); ++d; } } void PerfCounters::dump_formatted_generic(Formatter *f, bool schema, bool histograms, const std::string &counter) const { f->open_object_section(m_name.c_str()); for (perf_counter_data_vec_t::const_iterator d = m_data.begin(); d != m_data.end(); ++d) { if (!counter.empty() && counter != d->name) { // Optionally filter on counter name continue; } // Switch between normal and histogram view bool is_histogram = (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_HISTOGRAM) != 0; if (is_histogram != histograms) { continue; } if (schema) { f->open_object_section(d->name); // we probably should not have exposed this raw field (with bit // values), but existing plugins rely on it so we're stuck with // it. f->dump_int("type", d->type); if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_COUNTER) { f->dump_string("metric_type", "counter"); } else { f->dump_string("metric_type", "gauge"); } if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG) { if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_TIME) { f->dump_string("value_type", "real-integer-pair"); } else { f->dump_string("value_type", "integer-integer-pair"); } } else if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_HISTOGRAM) { if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_TIME) { f->dump_string("value_type", "real-2d-histogram"); } else { f->dump_string("value_type", "integer-2d-histogram"); } } else { if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_TIME) { f->dump_string("value_type", "real"); } else { f->dump_string("value_type", "integer"); } } f->dump_string("description", d->description ? d->description : ""); if (d->nick != NULL) { f->dump_string("nick", d->nick); } else { f->dump_string("nick", ""); } f->dump_int("priority", get_adjusted_priority(d->prio)); if (d->unit == UNIT_NONE) { f->dump_string("units", "none"); } else if (d->unit == UNIT_BYTES) { f->dump_string("units", "bytes"); } f->close_section(); } else { if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG) { f->open_object_section(d->name); pair a = d->read_avg(); if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_U64) { f->dump_unsigned("avgcount", a.second); f->dump_unsigned("sum", a.first); } else if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_TIME) { f->dump_unsigned("avgcount", a.second); f->dump_format_unquoted("sum", "%" PRId64 ".%09" PRId64, a.first / 1000000000ull, a.first % 1000000000ull); uint64_t count = a.second; uint64_t sum_ns = a.first; if (count) { uint64_t avg_ns = sum_ns / count; f->dump_format_unquoted("avgtime", "%" PRId64 ".%09" PRId64, avg_ns / 1000000000ull, avg_ns % 1000000000ull); } else { f->dump_format_unquoted("avgtime", "%" PRId64 ".%09" PRId64, 0, 0); } } else { ceph_abort(); } f->close_section(); } else if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_HISTOGRAM) { ceph_assert(d->type == (PERFCOUNTER_HISTOGRAM | PERFCOUNTER_COUNTER | PERFCOUNTER_U64)); ceph_assert(d->histogram); f->open_object_section(d->name); d->histogram->dump_formatted(f); f->close_section(); } else { uint64_t v = d->u64; if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_U64) { f->dump_unsigned(d->name, v); } else if (d->type & PERFCOUNTER_TIME) { f->dump_format_unquoted(d->name, "%" PRId64 ".%09" PRId64, v / 1000000000ull, v % 1000000000ull); } else { ceph_abort(); } } } } f->close_section(); } const std::string &PerfCounters::get_name() const { return m_name; } PerfCounters::PerfCounters(CephContext *cct, const std::string &name, int lower_bound, int upper_bound) : m_cct(cct), m_lower_bound(lower_bound), m_upper_bound(upper_bound), m_name(name) #ifndef WITH_SEASTAR , m_lock_name(std::string("PerfCounters::") + name.c_str()), m_lock(ceph::make_mutex(m_lock_name)) #endif { m_data.resize(upper_bound - lower_bound - 1); } PerfCountersBuilder::PerfCountersBuilder(CephContext *cct, const std::string &name, int first, int last) : m_perf_counters(new PerfCounters(cct, name, first, last)) { } PerfCountersBuilder::~PerfCountersBuilder() { if (m_perf_counters) delete m_perf_counters; m_perf_counters = NULL; } void PerfCountersBuilder::add_u64_counter( int idx, const char *name, const char *description, const char *nick, int prio, int unit) { add_impl(idx, name, description, nick, prio, PERFCOUNTER_U64 | PERFCOUNTER_COUNTER, unit); } void PerfCountersBuilder::add_u64( int idx, const char *name, const char *description, const char *nick, int prio, int unit) { add_impl(idx, name, description, nick, prio, PERFCOUNTER_U64, unit); } void PerfCountersBuilder::add_u64_avg( int idx, const char *name, const char *description, const char *nick, int prio, int unit) { add_impl(idx, name, description, nick, prio, PERFCOUNTER_U64 | PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG, unit); } void PerfCountersBuilder::add_time( int idx, const char *name, const char *description, const char *nick, int prio) { add_impl(idx, name, description, nick, prio, PERFCOUNTER_TIME); } void PerfCountersBuilder::add_time_avg( int idx, const char *name, const char *description, const char *nick, int prio) { add_impl(idx, name, description, nick, prio, PERFCOUNTER_TIME | PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG); } void PerfCountersBuilder::add_u64_counter_histogram( int idx, const char *name, PerfHistogramCommon::axis_config_d x_axis_config, PerfHistogramCommon::axis_config_d y_axis_config, const char *description, const char *nick, int prio, int unit) { add_impl(idx, name, description, nick, prio, PERFCOUNTER_U64 | PERFCOUNTER_HISTOGRAM | PERFCOUNTER_COUNTER, unit, unique_ptr>{new PerfHistogram<>{x_axis_config, y_axis_config}}); } void PerfCountersBuilder::add_impl( int idx, const char *name, const char *description, const char *nick, int prio, int ty, int unit, unique_ptr> histogram) { ceph_assert(idx > m_perf_counters->m_lower_bound); ceph_assert(idx < m_perf_counters->m_upper_bound); PerfCounters::perf_counter_data_vec_t &vec(m_perf_counters->m_data); PerfCounters::perf_counter_data_any_d &data(vec[idx - m_perf_counters->m_lower_bound - 1]); ceph_assert(data.type == PERFCOUNTER_NONE); data.name = name; data.description = description; // nick must be <= 4 chars if (nick) { ceph_assert(strlen(nick) <= 4); } data.nick = nick; data.prio = prio ? prio : prio_default; data.type = (enum perfcounter_type_d)ty; data.unit = (enum unit_t) unit; data.histogram = std::move(histogram); } PerfCounters *PerfCountersBuilder::create_perf_counters() { PerfCounters::perf_counter_data_vec_t::const_iterator d = m_perf_counters->m_data.begin(); PerfCounters::perf_counter_data_vec_t::const_iterator d_end = m_perf_counters->m_data.end(); for (; d != d_end; ++d) { ceph_assert(d->type != PERFCOUNTER_NONE); ceph_assert(d->type & (PERFCOUNTER_U64 | PERFCOUNTER_TIME)); } PerfCounters *ret = m_perf_counters; m_perf_counters = NULL; return ret; }