;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Copyright(c) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ; are met: ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ; distribution. ; * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its ; contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ; from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ; LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ; DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ; OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; %include "options.asm" %include "lz0a_const.asm" ; Macros for doing Huffman Encoding %ifdef LONGER_HUFFTABLE %if (D > 8192) %error History D is larger than 8K, cannot use %LONGER_HUFFTABLE % error %else %define DIST_TABLE_SIZE 8192 %define DECODE_OFFSET 26 %endif %else %define DIST_TABLE_SIZE 2 %define DECODE_OFFSET 0 %endif %define LEN_TABLE_SIZE 256 %define LIT_TABLE_SIZE 257 %define DIST_TABLE_START (ISAL_DEF_MAX_HDR_SIZE + 8) %define DIST_TABLE_OFFSET (DIST_TABLE_START + - 4 * 1) %define LEN_TABLE_OFFSET (DIST_TABLE_START + DIST_TABLE_SIZE * 4 - 4*3) %define LIT_TABLE_OFFSET (DIST_TABLE_START + 4 * DIST_TABLE_SIZE + 4 * LEN_TABLE_SIZE) %define LIT_TABLE_SIZES_OFFSET (LIT_TABLE_OFFSET + 2 * LIT_TABLE_SIZE) %define DCODE_TABLE_OFFSET (LIT_TABLE_SIZES_OFFSET + LIT_TABLE_SIZE + 1 - DECODE_OFFSET * 2) %define DCODE_TABLE_SIZE_OFFSET (DCODE_TABLE_OFFSET + 2 * 30 - DECODE_OFFSET) ;; /** @brief Holds the huffman tree used to huffman encode the input stream **/ ;; struct isal_hufftables { ;; // deflate huffman tree header ;; uint8_t deflate_huff_hdr[ISAL_DEF_MAX_HDR_SIZE]; ;; ;; //!< Number of whole bytes in deflate_huff_hdr ;; uint32_t deflate_huff_hdr_count; ;; ;; //!< Number of bits in the partial byte in header ;; uint32_t deflate_huff_hdr_extra_bits; ;; ;; //!< bits 7:0 are the code length, bits 31:8 are the code ;; uint32_t dist_table[DIST_TABLE_SIZE]; ;; ;; //!< bits 7:0 are the code length, bits 31:8 are the code ;; uint32_t len_table[LEN_TABLE_SIZE]; ;; ;; //!< bits 3:0 are the code length, bits 15:4 are the code ;; uint16_t lit_table[LIT_TABLE_SIZE]; ;; ;; //!< bits 3:0 are the code length, bits 15:4 are the code ;; uint16_t dcodes[30 - DECODE_OFFSET]; ;; }; %ifdef LONGER_HUFFTABLE ; Uses RCX, clobbers dist ; get_dist_code dist, code, len %macro get_dist_code 4 %define %%dist %1 ; 64-bit IN %define %%code %2d ; 32-bit OUT %define %%len %3d ; 32-bit OUT %define %%hufftables %4 ; address of the hufftable mov %%len, [%%hufftables + DIST_TABLE_OFFSET + 4*(%%dist + 1) ] mov %%code, %%len and %%len, 0x1F; shr %%code, 5 %endm %macro get_packed_dist_code 3 %define %%dist %1 ; 64-bit IN %define %%code_len %2d ; 32-bit OUT %define %%hufftables %3 ; address of the hufftable mov %%code_len, [%%hufftables + DIST_TABLE_OFFSET + 4*%%dist ] %endm %macro unpack_dist_code 2 %define %%code %1d ; 32-bit OUT %define %%len %2d ; 32-bit OUT mov %%len, %%code and %%len, 0x1F; shr %%code, 5 %endm %else ; Assumes (dist != 0) ; Uses RCX, clobbers dist ; void compute_dist_code dist, code, len %macro compute_dist_code 4 %define %%dist %1 ; IN, clobbered %define %%distq %1 %define %%code %2 ; OUT %define %%len %3 ; OUT %define %%hufftables %4 bsr rcx, %%dist ; ecx = msb = bsr(dist) dec rcx ; ecx = num_extra_bits = msb - N BZHI %%code, %%dist, rcx, %%len SHRX %%dist, %%dist, rcx ; dist >>= num_extra_bits lea %%dist, [%%dist + 2*rcx] ; dist = sym = dist + num_extra_bits*2 mov %%len, rcx ; len = num_extra_bits movzx rcx, byte [hufftables + DCODE_TABLE_SIZE_OFFSET + %%distq WRT_OPT] movzx %%dist, word [hufftables + DCODE_TABLE_OFFSET + 2 * %%distq WRT_OPT] SHLX %%code, %%code, rcx ; code = extra_bits << (sym & 0xF) or %%code, %%dist ; code = (sym >> 4) | (extra_bits << (sym & 0xF)) add %%len, rcx ; len = num_extra_bits + (sym & 0xF) %endm ; Uses RCX, clobbers dist ; get_dist_code dist, code, len %macro get_dist_code 4 %define %%dist %1 ; 32-bit IN, clobbered %define %%distq %1 ; 64-bit IN, clobbered %define %%code %2 ; 32-bit OUT %define %%len %3 ; 32-bit OUT %define %%hufftables %4 cmp %%dist, DIST_TABLE_SIZE - 1 jg %%do_compute %ifndef IACA mov %%len %+ d, dword [hufftables + DIST_TABLE_OFFSET + 4*(%%distq + 1) WRT_OPT] mov %%code, %%len and %%len, 0x1F; shr %%code, 5 jmp %%done %endif %%do_compute: compute_dist_code %%distq, %%code, %%len, %%hufftables %%done: %endm %macro get_packed_dist_code 3 %define %%dist %1 ; 64-bit IN %define %%code_len %2d ; 32-bit OUT %define %%hufftables %3 ; address of the hufftable %endm %endif ; Macros for doing Huffman Encoding ; Assumes (dist != 0) ; Uses RCX, clobbers dist ; void compute_dist_code dist, code, len %macro compute_dist_icf_code 3 %define %%dist %1 ; IN, clobbered %define %%distq %1 %define %%code %2 ; OUT %define %%tmp1 %3 bsr rcx, %%dist ; ecx = msb = bsr(dist) dec rcx ; ecx = num_extra_bits = msb - N BZHI %%code, %%dist, rcx, %%tmp1 SHRX %%dist, %%dist, rcx ; dist >>= num_extra_bits lea %%dist, [%%dist + 2*rcx] ; code = sym = dist + num_extra_bits*2 shl %%code, EXTRA_BITS_OFFSET - DIST_OFFSET add %%code, %%dist ; code = extra_bits | sym %endm ; Uses RCX, clobbers dist ; get_dist_code dist, code, len %macro get_dist_icf_code 3 %define %%dist %1 ; 32-bit IN, clobbered %define %%distq %1 ; 64-bit IN, clobbered %define %%code %2 ; 32-bit OUT %define %%tmp1 %3 cmp %%dist, 1 jg %%do_compute %ifnidn %%code, %%dist mov %%code, %%dist %endif jmp %%done %%do_compute: compute_dist_icf_code %%distq, %%code, %%tmp1 %%done: shl %%code, DIST_OFFSET %endm ; "len" can be same register as "length" ; get_len_code length, code, len %macro get_len_code 4 %define %%length %1 ; 64-bit IN %define %%code %2d ; 32-bit OUT %define %%len %3d ; 32-bit OUT %define %%hufftables %4 mov %%len, [%%hufftables + LEN_TABLE_OFFSET + 4 * %%length] mov %%code, %%len and %%len, 0x1F shr %%code, 5 %endm %macro get_lit_code 4 %define %%lit %1 ; 64-bit IN or CONST %define %%code %2d ; 32-bit OUT %define %%len %3d ; 32-bit OUT %define %%hufftables %4 movzx %%len, byte [%%hufftables + LIT_TABLE_SIZES_OFFSET + %%lit] movzx %%code, word [%%hufftables + LIT_TABLE_OFFSET + 2 * %%lit] %endm ;; Compute hash of first 3 bytes of data %macro compute_hash 2 %define %%result %1d ; 32-bit reg %define %%data %2d ; 32-bit reg (low byte not clobbered) xor %%result, %%result crc32 %%result, %%data %endm