// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "librbd/ManagedLock.h" #include "librbd/managed_lock/AcquireRequest.h" #include "librbd/managed_lock/BreakRequest.h" #include "librbd/managed_lock/GetLockerRequest.h" #include "librbd/managed_lock/ReleaseRequest.h" #include "librbd/managed_lock/ReacquireRequest.h" #include "librbd/managed_lock/Types.h" #include "librbd/managed_lock/Utils.h" #include "librbd/Watcher.h" #include "librbd/ImageCtx.h" #include "cls/lock/cls_lock_client.h" #include "common/dout.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "common/Cond.h" #include "common/WorkQueue.h" #include "librbd/Utils.h" #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rbd #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix *_dout << "librbd::ManagedLock: " << this << " " \ << __func__ << ": " namespace librbd { using std::string; using namespace managed_lock; namespace { template struct C_SendLockRequest : public Context { R* request; explicit C_SendLockRequest(R* request) : request(request) { } void finish(int r) override { request->send(); } }; struct C_Tracked : public Context { AsyncOpTracker &tracker; Context *ctx; C_Tracked(AsyncOpTracker &tracker, Context *ctx) : tracker(tracker), ctx(ctx) { tracker.start_op(); } ~C_Tracked() override { tracker.finish_op(); } void finish(int r) override { ctx->complete(r); } }; } // anonymous namespace using librbd::util::create_context_callback; using librbd::util::unique_lock_name; using managed_lock::util::decode_lock_cookie; using managed_lock::util::encode_lock_cookie; template ManagedLock::ManagedLock(librados::IoCtx &ioctx, ContextWQ *work_queue, const string& oid, Watcher *watcher, Mode mode, bool blacklist_on_break_lock, uint32_t blacklist_expire_seconds) : m_lock(unique_lock_name("librbd::ManagedLock::m_lock", this)), m_ioctx(ioctx), m_cct(reinterpret_cast(ioctx.cct())), m_work_queue(work_queue), m_oid(oid), m_watcher(watcher), m_mode(mode), m_blacklist_on_break_lock(blacklist_on_break_lock), m_blacklist_expire_seconds(blacklist_expire_seconds), m_state(STATE_UNLOCKED) { } template ManagedLock::~ManagedLock() { Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); ceph_assert(m_state == STATE_SHUTDOWN || m_state == STATE_UNLOCKED || m_state == STATE_UNINITIALIZED); if (m_state == STATE_UNINITIALIZED) { // never initialized -- ensure any in-flight ops are complete // since we wouldn't expect shut_down to be invoked C_SaferCond ctx; m_async_op_tracker.wait_for_ops(&ctx); ctx.wait(); } ceph_assert(m_async_op_tracker.empty()); } template bool ManagedLock::is_lock_owner() const { Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); return is_lock_owner(m_lock); } template bool ManagedLock::is_lock_owner(Mutex &lock) const { ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); bool lock_owner; switch (m_state) { case STATE_LOCKED: case STATE_REACQUIRING: case STATE_PRE_SHUTTING_DOWN: case STATE_POST_ACQUIRING: case STATE_PRE_RELEASING: lock_owner = true; break; default: lock_owner = false; break; } ldout(m_cct, 20) << "=" << lock_owner << dendl; return lock_owner; } template void ManagedLock::shut_down(Context *on_shut_down) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); ceph_assert(!is_state_shutdown()); if (m_state == STATE_WAITING_FOR_REGISTER) { // abort stalled acquire lock state ldout(m_cct, 10) << "woke up waiting (re)acquire" << dendl; Action active_action = get_active_action(); ceph_assert(active_action == ACTION_TRY_LOCK || active_action == ACTION_ACQUIRE_LOCK); complete_active_action(STATE_UNLOCKED, -ESHUTDOWN); } execute_action(ACTION_SHUT_DOWN, on_shut_down); } template void ManagedLock::acquire_lock(Context *on_acquired) { int r = 0; { Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); if (is_state_shutdown()) { r = -ESHUTDOWN; } else if (m_state != STATE_LOCKED || !m_actions_contexts.empty()) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; execute_action(ACTION_ACQUIRE_LOCK, on_acquired); return; } } if (on_acquired != nullptr) { on_acquired->complete(r); } } template void ManagedLock::try_acquire_lock(Context *on_acquired) { int r = 0; { Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); if (is_state_shutdown()) { r = -ESHUTDOWN; } else if (m_state != STATE_LOCKED || !m_actions_contexts.empty()) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; execute_action(ACTION_TRY_LOCK, on_acquired); return; } } if (on_acquired != nullptr) { on_acquired->complete(r); } } template void ManagedLock::release_lock(Context *on_released) { int r = 0; { Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); if (is_state_shutdown()) { r = -ESHUTDOWN; } else if (m_state != STATE_UNLOCKED || !m_actions_contexts.empty()) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; execute_action(ACTION_RELEASE_LOCK, on_released); return; } } if (on_released != nullptr) { on_released->complete(r); } } template void ManagedLock::reacquire_lock(Context *on_reacquired) { { Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); if (m_state == STATE_WAITING_FOR_REGISTER) { // restart the acquire lock process now that watch is valid ldout(m_cct, 10) << "woke up waiting (re)acquire" << dendl; Action active_action = get_active_action(); ceph_assert(active_action == ACTION_TRY_LOCK || active_action == ACTION_ACQUIRE_LOCK); execute_next_action(); } else if (!is_state_shutdown() && (m_state == STATE_LOCKED || m_state == STATE_ACQUIRING || m_state == STATE_POST_ACQUIRING || m_state == STATE_WAITING_FOR_LOCK)) { // interlock the lock operation with other state ops ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; execute_action(ACTION_REACQUIRE_LOCK, on_reacquired); return; } } // ignore request if shutdown or not in a locked-related state if (on_reacquired != nullptr) { on_reacquired->complete(0); } } template void ManagedLock::get_locker(managed_lock::Locker *locker, Context *on_finish) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; int r; { Mutex::Locker l(m_lock); if (is_state_shutdown()) { r = -ESHUTDOWN; } else { on_finish = new C_Tracked(m_async_op_tracker, on_finish); auto req = managed_lock::GetLockerRequest::create( m_ioctx, m_oid, m_mode == EXCLUSIVE, locker, on_finish); req->send(); return; } } on_finish->complete(r); } template void ManagedLock::break_lock(const managed_lock::Locker &locker, bool force_break_lock, Context *on_finish) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; int r; { Mutex::Locker l(m_lock); if (is_state_shutdown()) { r = -ESHUTDOWN; } else if (is_lock_owner(m_lock)) { r = -EBUSY; } else { on_finish = new C_Tracked(m_async_op_tracker, on_finish); auto req = managed_lock::BreakRequest::create( m_ioctx, m_work_queue, m_oid, locker, m_mode == EXCLUSIVE, m_blacklist_on_break_lock, m_blacklist_expire_seconds, force_break_lock, on_finish); req->send(); return; } } on_finish->complete(r); } template int ManagedLock::assert_header_locked() { ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; librados::ObjectReadOperation op; { Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); rados::cls::lock::assert_locked(&op, RBD_LOCK_NAME, (m_mode == EXCLUSIVE ? LOCK_EXCLUSIVE : LOCK_SHARED), m_cookie, managed_lock::util::get_watcher_lock_tag()); } int r = m_ioctx.operate(m_oid, &op, nullptr); if (r < 0) { if (r == -EBLACKLISTED) { ldout(m_cct, 5) << "client is not lock owner -- client blacklisted" << dendl; } else if (r == -ENOENT) { ldout(m_cct, 5) << "client is not lock owner -- no lock detected" << dendl; } else if (r == -EBUSY) { ldout(m_cct, 5) << "client is not lock owner -- owned by different client" << dendl; } else { lderr(m_cct) << "failed to verify lock ownership: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; } return r; } return 0; } template void ManagedLock::shutdown_handler(int r, Context *on_finish) { on_finish->complete(r); } template void ManagedLock::pre_acquire_lock_handler(Context *on_finish) { on_finish->complete(0); } template void ManagedLock::post_acquire_lock_handler(int r, Context *on_finish) { on_finish->complete(r); } template void ManagedLock::pre_release_lock_handler(bool shutting_down, Context *on_finish) { on_finish->complete(0); } template void ManagedLock::post_release_lock_handler(bool shutting_down, int r, Context *on_finish) { on_finish->complete(r); } template void ManagedLock::post_reacquire_lock_handler(int r, Context *on_finish) { on_finish->complete(r); } template bool ManagedLock::is_transition_state() const { switch (m_state) { case STATE_ACQUIRING: case STATE_WAITING_FOR_REGISTER: case STATE_REACQUIRING: case STATE_RELEASING: case STATE_PRE_SHUTTING_DOWN: case STATE_SHUTTING_DOWN: case STATE_INITIALIZING: case STATE_WAITING_FOR_LOCK: case STATE_POST_ACQUIRING: case STATE_PRE_RELEASING: return true; case STATE_UNLOCKED: case STATE_LOCKED: case STATE_SHUTDOWN: case STATE_UNINITIALIZED: break; } return false; } template void ManagedLock::append_context(Action action, Context *ctx) { ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); for (auto &action_ctxs : m_actions_contexts) { if (action == action_ctxs.first) { if (ctx != nullptr) { action_ctxs.second.push_back(ctx); } return; } } Contexts contexts; if (ctx != nullptr) { contexts.push_back(ctx); } m_actions_contexts.push_back({action, std::move(contexts)}); } template void ManagedLock::execute_action(Action action, Context *ctx) { ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); append_context(action, ctx); if (!is_transition_state()) { execute_next_action(); } } template void ManagedLock::execute_next_action() { ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); ceph_assert(!m_actions_contexts.empty()); switch (get_active_action()) { case ACTION_ACQUIRE_LOCK: case ACTION_TRY_LOCK: send_acquire_lock(); break; case ACTION_REACQUIRE_LOCK: send_reacquire_lock(); break; case ACTION_RELEASE_LOCK: send_release_lock(); break; case ACTION_SHUT_DOWN: send_shutdown(); break; default: ceph_abort(); break; } } template typename ManagedLock::Action ManagedLock::get_active_action() const { ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); ceph_assert(!m_actions_contexts.empty()); return m_actions_contexts.front().first; } template void ManagedLock::complete_active_action(State next_state, int r) { ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); ceph_assert(!m_actions_contexts.empty()); ActionContexts action_contexts(std::move(m_actions_contexts.front())); m_actions_contexts.pop_front(); m_state = next_state; m_lock.Unlock(); for (auto ctx : action_contexts.second) { ctx->complete(r); } m_lock.Lock(); if (!is_transition_state() && !m_actions_contexts.empty()) { execute_next_action(); } } template bool ManagedLock::is_state_shutdown() const { ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); switch (m_state) { case STATE_PRE_SHUTTING_DOWN: case STATE_SHUTTING_DOWN: case STATE_SHUTDOWN: return true; default: break; } return (!m_actions_contexts.empty() && m_actions_contexts.back().first == ACTION_SHUT_DOWN); } template void ManagedLock::send_acquire_lock() { ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); if (m_state == STATE_LOCKED) { complete_active_action(STATE_LOCKED, 0); return; } ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; uint64_t watch_handle = m_watcher->get_watch_handle(); if (watch_handle == 0) { lderr(m_cct) << "watcher not registered - delaying request" << dendl; m_state = STATE_WAITING_FOR_REGISTER; // shut down might race w/ release/re-acquire of the lock if (is_state_shutdown()) { complete_active_action(STATE_UNLOCKED, -ESHUTDOWN); } return; } m_state = STATE_ACQUIRING; m_cookie = encode_lock_cookie(watch_handle); m_work_queue->queue(new FunctionContext([this](int r) { pre_acquire_lock_handler(create_context_callback< ManagedLock, &ManagedLock::handle_pre_acquire_lock>(this)); })); } template void ManagedLock::handle_pre_acquire_lock(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; if (r < 0) { handle_acquire_lock(r); return; } using managed_lock::AcquireRequest; AcquireRequest* req = AcquireRequest::create( m_ioctx, m_watcher, m_work_queue, m_oid, m_cookie, m_mode == EXCLUSIVE, m_blacklist_on_break_lock, m_blacklist_expire_seconds, create_context_callback< ManagedLock, &ManagedLock::handle_acquire_lock>(this)); m_work_queue->queue(new C_SendLockRequest>(req), 0); } template void ManagedLock::handle_acquire_lock(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; if (r == -EBUSY || r == -EAGAIN) { ldout(m_cct, 5) << "unable to acquire exclusive lock" << dendl; } else if (r < 0) { lderr(m_cct) << "failed to acquire exclusive lock:" << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; } else { ldout(m_cct, 5) << "successfully acquired exclusive lock" << dendl; } m_post_next_state = (r < 0 ? STATE_UNLOCKED : STATE_LOCKED); m_work_queue->queue(new FunctionContext([this, r](int ret) { post_acquire_lock_handler(r, create_context_callback< ManagedLock, &ManagedLock::handle_post_acquire_lock>(this)); })); } template void ManagedLock::handle_post_acquire_lock(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); if (r < 0 && m_post_next_state == STATE_LOCKED) { // release_lock without calling pre and post handlers revert_to_unlock_state(r); } else if (r != -ECANCELED) { // fail the lock request complete_active_action(m_post_next_state, r); } } template void ManagedLock::revert_to_unlock_state(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; using managed_lock::ReleaseRequest; ReleaseRequest* req = ReleaseRequest::create(m_ioctx, m_watcher, m_work_queue, m_oid, m_cookie, new FunctionContext([this, r](int ret) { Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); ceph_assert(ret == 0); complete_active_action(STATE_UNLOCKED, r); })); m_work_queue->queue(new C_SendLockRequest>(req)); } template void ManagedLock::send_reacquire_lock() { ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); if (m_state != STATE_LOCKED) { complete_active_action(m_state, 0); return; } ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; m_state = STATE_REACQUIRING; uint64_t watch_handle = m_watcher->get_watch_handle(); if (watch_handle == 0) { // watch (re)failed while recovering lderr(m_cct) << "aborting reacquire due to invalid watch handle" << dendl; // treat double-watch failure as a lost lock and invoke the // release/acquire handlers release_acquire_lock(); complete_active_action(STATE_LOCKED, 0); return; } m_new_cookie = encode_lock_cookie(watch_handle); if (m_cookie == m_new_cookie) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "skipping reacquire since cookie still valid" << dendl; auto ctx = create_context_callback< ManagedLock, &ManagedLock::handle_no_op_reacquire_lock>(this); post_reacquire_lock_handler(0, ctx); return; } auto ctx = create_context_callback< ManagedLock, &ManagedLock::handle_reacquire_lock>(this); ctx = new FunctionContext([this, ctx](int r) { post_reacquire_lock_handler(r, ctx); }); using managed_lock::ReacquireRequest; ReacquireRequest* req = ReacquireRequest::create(m_ioctx, m_oid, m_cookie, m_new_cookie, m_mode == EXCLUSIVE, ctx); m_work_queue->queue(new C_SendLockRequest>(req)); } template void ManagedLock::handle_reacquire_lock(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); ceph_assert(m_state == STATE_REACQUIRING); if (r < 0) { if (r == -EOPNOTSUPP) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "updating lock is not supported" << dendl; } else { lderr(m_cct) << "failed to update lock cookie: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; } release_acquire_lock(); } else { m_cookie = m_new_cookie; } complete_active_action(STATE_LOCKED, 0); } template void ManagedLock::handle_no_op_reacquire_lock(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; ceph_assert(m_state == STATE_REACQUIRING); ceph_assert(r >= 0); complete_active_action(STATE_LOCKED, 0); } template void ManagedLock::release_acquire_lock() { assert(m_lock.is_locked()); if (!is_state_shutdown()) { // queue a release and re-acquire of the lock since cookie cannot // be updated on older OSDs execute_action(ACTION_RELEASE_LOCK, nullptr); ceph_assert(!m_actions_contexts.empty()); ActionContexts &action_contexts(m_actions_contexts.front()); // reacquire completes when the request lock completes Contexts contexts; std::swap(contexts, action_contexts.second); if (contexts.empty()) { execute_action(ACTION_ACQUIRE_LOCK, nullptr); } else { for (auto ctx : contexts) { execute_action(ACTION_ACQUIRE_LOCK, ctx); } } } } template void ManagedLock::send_release_lock() { ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); if (m_state == STATE_UNLOCKED) { complete_active_action(STATE_UNLOCKED, 0); return; } ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; m_state = STATE_PRE_RELEASING; m_work_queue->queue(new FunctionContext([this](int r) { pre_release_lock_handler(false, create_context_callback< ManagedLock, &ManagedLock::handle_pre_release_lock>(this)); })); } template void ManagedLock::handle_pre_release_lock(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; { Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); ceph_assert(m_state == STATE_PRE_RELEASING); m_state = STATE_RELEASING; } if (r < 0) { handle_release_lock(r); return; } using managed_lock::ReleaseRequest; ReleaseRequest* req = ReleaseRequest::create(m_ioctx, m_watcher, m_work_queue, m_oid, m_cookie, create_context_callback< ManagedLock, &ManagedLock::handle_release_lock>(this)); m_work_queue->queue(new C_SendLockRequest>(req), 0); } template void ManagedLock::handle_release_lock(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); ceph_assert(m_state == STATE_RELEASING); if (r >= 0 || r == -EBLACKLISTED || r == -ENOENT) { m_cookie = ""; m_post_next_state = STATE_UNLOCKED; } else { m_post_next_state = STATE_LOCKED; } m_work_queue->queue(new FunctionContext([this, r](int ret) { post_release_lock_handler(false, r, create_context_callback< ManagedLock, &ManagedLock::handle_post_release_lock>(this)); })); } template void ManagedLock::handle_post_release_lock(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); complete_active_action(m_post_next_state, r); } template void ManagedLock::send_shutdown() { ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); if (m_state == STATE_UNLOCKED) { m_state = STATE_SHUTTING_DOWN; m_work_queue->queue(new FunctionContext([this](int r) { shutdown_handler(r, create_context_callback< ManagedLock, &ManagedLock::handle_shutdown>(this)); })); return; } ceph_assert(m_state == STATE_LOCKED); m_state = STATE_PRE_SHUTTING_DOWN; m_lock.Unlock(); m_work_queue->queue(new C_ShutDownRelease(this), 0); m_lock.Lock(); } template void ManagedLock::handle_shutdown(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; wait_for_tracked_ops(r); } template void ManagedLock::send_shutdown_release() { ldout(m_cct, 10) << dendl; Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); m_work_queue->queue(new FunctionContext([this](int r) { pre_release_lock_handler(true, create_context_callback< ManagedLock, &ManagedLock::handle_shutdown_pre_release>(this)); })); } template void ManagedLock::handle_shutdown_pre_release(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; std::string cookie; { Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); cookie = m_cookie; ceph_assert(m_state == STATE_PRE_SHUTTING_DOWN); m_state = STATE_SHUTTING_DOWN; } using managed_lock::ReleaseRequest; ReleaseRequest* req = ReleaseRequest::create(m_ioctx, m_watcher, m_work_queue, m_oid, cookie, new FunctionContext([this, r](int l) { int rst = r < 0 ? r : l; post_release_lock_handler(true, rst, create_context_callback< ManagedLock, &ManagedLock::handle_shutdown_post_release>(this)); })); req->send(); } template void ManagedLock::handle_shutdown_post_release(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; wait_for_tracked_ops(r); } template void ManagedLock::wait_for_tracked_ops(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; Context *ctx = new FunctionContext([this, r](int ret) { complete_shutdown(r); }); m_async_op_tracker.wait_for_ops(ctx); } template void ManagedLock::complete_shutdown(int r) { ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl; if (r < 0) { lderr(m_cct) << "failed to shut down lock: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; } ActionContexts action_contexts; { Mutex::Locker locker(m_lock); ceph_assert(m_lock.is_locked()); ceph_assert(m_actions_contexts.size() == 1); action_contexts = std::move(m_actions_contexts.front()); m_actions_contexts.pop_front(); m_state = STATE_SHUTDOWN; } // expect to be destroyed after firing callback for (auto ctx : action_contexts.second) { ctx->complete(r); } } } // namespace librbd template class librbd::ManagedLock;