// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "MDSMap.h" #include "MDSRank.h" #include "msg/Messenger.h" #include "messages/MMDSTableRequest.h" #include "SnapClient.h" #include "common/config.h" #include "include/ceph_assert.h" #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_mds #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix *_dout << "mds." << mds->get_nodeid() << ".snapclient " void SnapClient::resend_queries() { if (!waiting_for_version.empty() || (!synced && sync_reqid > 0)) { version_t want; if (!waiting_for_version.empty()) want = std::max(cached_version, waiting_for_version.rbegin()->first); else want = std::max(cached_version, 1); refresh(want, NULL); if (!synced) sync_reqid = last_reqid; } } void SnapClient::handle_query_result(const MMDSTableRequest::const_ref &m) { dout(10) << __func__ << " " << *m << dendl; char type; using ceph::decode; auto p = m->bl.cbegin(); decode(type, p); switch (type) { case 'U': // uptodate ceph_assert(cached_version == m->get_tid()); break; case 'F': // full { decode(cached_snaps, p); decode(cached_pending_update, p); decode(cached_pending_destroy, p); snapid_t last_created, last_destroyed; decode(last_created, p); decode(last_destroyed, p); if (last_created > cached_last_created) cached_last_created = last_created; if (last_destroyed > cached_last_destroyed) cached_last_destroyed = last_destroyed; cached_version = m->get_tid(); } break; default: ceph_abort(); }; if (!committing_tids.empty()) { for (auto p = committing_tids.begin(); p != committing_tids.end() && *p <= cached_version; ) { if (cached_pending_update.count(*p)) { if (cached_pending_update[*p].snapid > cached_last_created) cached_last_created = cached_pending_update[*p].snapid; ++p; } else if (cached_pending_destroy.count(*p)) { if (cached_pending_destroy[*p].second > cached_last_destroyed) cached_last_destroyed = cached_pending_destroy[*p].second; ++p; } else { // pending update/destroy have been committed. committing_tids.erase(p++); } } } if (m->op == TABLESERVER_OP_QUERY_REPLY && m->reqid >= sync_reqid) synced = true; if (synced && !waiting_for_version.empty()) { MDSContext::vec finished; while (!waiting_for_version.empty()) { auto it = waiting_for_version.begin(); if (it->first > cached_version) break; auto& v = it->second; finished.insert(finished.end(), v.begin(), v.end()); waiting_for_version.erase(it); } if (!finished.empty()) mds->queue_waiters(finished); } } void SnapClient::handle_notify_prep(const MMDSTableRequest::const_ref &m) { dout(10) << __func__ << " " << *m << dendl; handle_query_result(m); auto ack = MMDSTableRequest::create(table, TABLESERVER_OP_NOTIFY_ACK, 0, m->get_tid()); mds->send_message(ack, m->get_connection()); } void SnapClient::notify_commit(version_t tid) { dout(10) << __func__ << " tid " << tid << dendl; ceph_assert(cached_version == 0 || cached_version >= tid); if (cached_version == 0) { committing_tids.insert(tid); } else if (cached_pending_update.count(tid)) { committing_tids.insert(tid); if (cached_pending_update[tid].snapid > cached_last_created) cached_last_created = cached_pending_update[tid].snapid; } else if (cached_pending_destroy.count(tid)) { committing_tids.insert(tid); if (cached_pending_destroy[tid].second > cached_last_destroyed) cached_last_destroyed = cached_pending_destroy[tid].second; } else if (cached_version > tid) { // no need to record the tid if it has already been committed. } else { ceph_abort(); } } void SnapClient::refresh(version_t want, MDSContext *onfinish) { dout(10) << __func__ << " want " << want << dendl; ceph_assert(want >= cached_version); if (onfinish) waiting_for_version[want].push_back(onfinish); if (!server_ready) return; mds_rank_t ts = mds->mdsmap->get_tableserver(); auto req = MMDSTableRequest::create(table, TABLESERVER_OP_QUERY, ++last_reqid, 0); using ceph::encode; char op = 'F'; encode(op, req->bl); encode(cached_version, req->bl); mds->send_message_mds(req, ts); } void SnapClient::sync(MDSContext *onfinish) { dout(10) << __func__ << dendl; refresh(std::max(cached_version, 1), onfinish); synced = false; if (server_ready) sync_reqid = last_reqid; else sync_reqid = (last_reqid == ~0ULL) ? 1 : last_reqid + 1; } void SnapClient::get_snaps(set& result) const { ceph_assert(cached_version > 0); for (auto& p : cached_snaps) result.insert(p.first); for (auto tid : committing_tids) { auto q = cached_pending_update.find(tid); if (q != cached_pending_update.end()) result.insert(q->second.snapid); auto r = cached_pending_destroy.find(tid); if (r != cached_pending_destroy.end()) result.erase(r->second.first); } } set SnapClient::filter(const set& snaps) const { ceph_assert(cached_version > 0); if (snaps.empty()) return snaps; set result; for (auto p : snaps) { if (cached_snaps.count(p)) result.insert(p); } for (auto tid : committing_tids) { auto q = cached_pending_update.find(tid); if (q != cached_pending_update.end()) { if (snaps.count(q->second.snapid)) result.insert(q->second.snapid); } auto r = cached_pending_destroy.find(tid); if (r != cached_pending_destroy.end()) result.erase(r->second.first); } dout(10) << __func__ << " " << snaps << " -> " << result << dendl; return result; } const SnapInfo* SnapClient::get_snap_info(snapid_t snapid) const { ceph_assert(cached_version > 0); const SnapInfo* result = NULL; auto it = cached_snaps.find(snapid); if (it != cached_snaps.end()) result = &it->second; for (auto tid : committing_tids) { auto q = cached_pending_update.find(tid); if (q != cached_pending_update.end() && q->second.snapid == snapid) { result = &q->second; break; } auto r = cached_pending_destroy.find(tid); if (r != cached_pending_destroy.end() && r->second.first == snapid) { result = NULL; break; } } dout(10) << __func__ << " snapid " << snapid << " -> " << result << dendl; return result; } void SnapClient::get_snap_infos(map& infomap, const set& snaps) const { ceph_assert(cached_version > 0); if (snaps.empty()) return; map result; for (auto p : snaps) { auto it = cached_snaps.find(p); if (it != cached_snaps.end()) result[p] = &it->second; } for (auto tid : committing_tids) { auto q = cached_pending_update.find(tid); if (q != cached_pending_update.end()) { if (snaps.count(q->second.snapid)) result[q->second.snapid] = &q->second; } auto r = cached_pending_destroy.find(tid); if (r != cached_pending_destroy.end()) result.erase(r->second.first); } infomap.insert(result.begin(), result.end()); } int SnapClient::dump_cache(Formatter *f) const { if (!is_synced()) { dout(5) << "dump_cache: not synced" << dendl; return -EINVAL; } map snaps; for (auto& p : cached_snaps) snaps[p.first] = &p.second; for (auto tid : committing_tids) { auto q = cached_pending_update.find(tid); if (q != cached_pending_update.end()) snaps[q->second.snapid] = &q->second; auto r = cached_pending_destroy.find(tid); if (r != cached_pending_destroy.end()) snaps.erase(r->second.first); } f->open_object_section("snapclient"); f->dump_int("last_created", get_last_created()); f->dump_int("last_destroyed", get_last_destroyed()); f->open_array_section("snaps"); for (auto p : snaps) { f->open_object_section("snap"); p.second->dump(f); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); f->close_section(); return 0; }