// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #ifndef CEPH_SNAPCLIENT_H #define CEPH_SNAPCLIENT_H #include #include "MDSTableClient.h" #include "snap.h" #include "MDSContext.h" class MDSRank; class LogSegment; class SnapClient : public MDSTableClient { version_t cached_version; snapid_t cached_last_created, cached_last_destroyed; map cached_snaps; map cached_pending_update; map > cached_pending_destroy; set committing_tids; map waiting_for_version; uint64_t sync_reqid; bool synced; public: explicit SnapClient(MDSRank *m) : MDSTableClient(m, TABLE_SNAP), cached_version(0), cached_last_created(0), cached_last_destroyed(0), sync_reqid(0), synced(false) {} void resend_queries() override; void handle_query_result(const MMDSTableRequest::const_ref &m) override; void handle_notify_prep(const MMDSTableRequest::const_ref &m) override; void notify_commit(version_t tid) override; void prepare_create(inodeno_t dirino, std::string_view name, utime_t stamp, version_t *pstid, bufferlist *pbl, MDSContext *onfinish) { bufferlist bl; __u32 op = TABLE_OP_CREATE; encode(op, bl); encode(dirino, bl); encode(name, bl); encode(stamp, bl); _prepare(bl, pstid, pbl, onfinish); } void prepare_create_realm(inodeno_t ino, version_t *pstid, bufferlist *pbl, MDSContext *onfinish) { bufferlist bl; __u32 op = TABLE_OP_CREATE; encode(op, bl); encode(ino, bl); _prepare(bl, pstid, pbl, onfinish); } void prepare_destroy(inodeno_t ino, snapid_t snapid, version_t *pstid, bufferlist *pbl, MDSContext *onfinish) { bufferlist bl; __u32 op = TABLE_OP_DESTROY; encode(op, bl); encode(ino, bl); encode(snapid, bl); _prepare(bl, pstid, pbl, onfinish); } void prepare_update(inodeno_t ino, snapid_t snapid, std::string_view name, utime_t stamp, version_t *pstid, MDSContext *onfinish) { bufferlist bl; __u32 op = TABLE_OP_UPDATE; encode(op, bl); encode(ino, bl); encode(snapid, bl); encode(name, bl); encode(stamp, bl); _prepare(bl, pstid, NULL, onfinish); } version_t get_cached_version() const { return cached_version; } void refresh(version_t want, MDSContext *onfinish); void sync(MDSContext *onfinish); bool is_synced() const { return synced; } void wait_for_sync(MDSContext *c) { ceph_assert(!synced); waiting_for_version[std::max(cached_version, 1)].push_back(c); } snapid_t get_last_created() const { return cached_last_created; } snapid_t get_last_destroyed() const { return cached_last_destroyed; } void get_snaps(set& snaps) const; set filter(const set& snaps) const; const SnapInfo* get_snap_info(snapid_t snapid) const; void get_snap_infos(map& infomap, const set& snaps) const; int dump_cache(Formatter *f) const; }; #endif