// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include #include "include/types.h" #include "include/random.h" #include "Messenger.h" #include "msg/simple/SimpleMessenger.h" #include "msg/async/AsyncMessenger.h" #ifdef HAVE_XIO #include "msg/xio/XioMessenger.h" #endif Messenger *Messenger::create_client_messenger(CephContext *cct, string lname) { std::string public_msgr_type = cct->_conf->ms_public_type.empty() ? cct->_conf.get_val("ms_type") : cct->_conf->ms_public_type; auto nonce = ceph::util::generate_random_number(); return Messenger::create(cct, public_msgr_type, entity_name_t::CLIENT(), std::move(lname), nonce, 0); } Messenger *Messenger::create(CephContext *cct, const string &type, entity_name_t name, string lname, uint64_t nonce, uint64_t cflags) { int r = -1; if (type == "random") { r = ceph::util::generate_random_number(0, 1); } if (r == 0 || type == "simple") return new SimpleMessenger(cct, name, std::move(lname), nonce); else if (r == 1 || type.find("async") != std::string::npos) return new AsyncMessenger(cct, name, type, std::move(lname), nonce); #ifdef HAVE_XIO else if ((type == "xio") && cct->check_experimental_feature_enabled("ms-type-xio")) return new XioMessenger(cct, name, std::move(lname), nonce, cflags); #endif lderr(cct) << "unrecognized ms_type '" << type << "'" << dendl; return nullptr; } /** * Get the default crc flags for this messenger. * but not yet dispatched. */ static int get_default_crc_flags(const ConfigProxy&); Messenger::Messenger(CephContext *cct_, entity_name_t w) : trace_endpoint("", 0, "Messenger"), my_name(w), default_send_priority(CEPH_MSG_PRIO_DEFAULT), started(false), magic(0), socket_priority(-1), cct(cct_), crcflags(get_default_crc_flags(cct->_conf)), auth_registry(cct) { auth_registry.refresh_config(); } void Messenger::set_endpoint_addr(const entity_addr_t& a, const entity_name_t &name) { size_t hostlen; if (a.get_family() == AF_INET) hostlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); else if (a.get_family() == AF_INET6) hostlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); else hostlen = 0; if (hostlen) { char buf[NI_MAXHOST] = { 0 }; getnameinfo(a.get_sockaddr(), hostlen, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); trace_endpoint.copy_ip(buf); } trace_endpoint.set_port(a.get_port()); } /** * Get the default crc flags for this messenger. * but not yet dispatched. * * Pre-calculate desired software CRC settings. CRC computation may * be disabled by default for some transports (e.g., those with strong * hardware checksum support). */ int get_default_crc_flags(const ConfigProxy& conf) { int r = 0; if (conf->ms_crc_data) r |= MSG_CRC_DATA; if (conf->ms_crc_header) r |= MSG_CRC_HEADER; return r; } int Messenger::bindv(const entity_addrvec_t& addrs) { return bind(addrs.legacy_addr()); } bool Messenger::ms_deliver_verify_authorizer( Connection *con, int peer_type, int protocol, bufferlist& authorizer, bufferlist& authorizer_reply, bool& isvalid, CryptoKey& session_key, std::string *connection_secret, std::unique_ptr *challenge) { if (authorizer.length() == 0) { for (auto dis : dispatchers) { if (!dis->require_authorizer) { //ldout(cct,10) << __func__ << " tolerating missing authorizer" << dendl; isvalid = true; return true; } } } AuthAuthorizeHandler *ah = auth_registry.get_handler(peer_type, protocol); if (get_mytype() == CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MON && peer_type != CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MON) { // the monitor doesn't do authenticators for msgr1. isvalid = true; return true; } if (!ah) { lderr(cct) << __func__ << " no AuthAuthorizeHandler found for protocol " << protocol << dendl; isvalid = false; return false; } for (auto dis : dispatchers) { KeyStore *ks = dis->ms_get_auth1_authorizer_keystore(); if (ks) { isvalid = ah->verify_authorizer( cct, ks, authorizer, 0, &authorizer_reply, &con->peer_name, &con->peer_global_id, &con->peer_caps_info, &session_key, connection_secret, challenge); if (isvalid) { return dis->ms_handle_authentication(con)>=0; } return true; } } return false; }