// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #ifndef DYNAMIC_PERF_STATS_H #define DYNAMIC_PERF_STATS_H #include "include/random.h" #include "messages/MOSDOp.h" #include "mgr/OSDPerfMetricTypes.h" #include "osd/OSD.h" #include "osd/OpRequest.h" class DynamicPerfStats { public: DynamicPerfStats() { } DynamicPerfStats(const std::list &queries) { for (auto &query : queries) { data[query]; } } void merge(const DynamicPerfStats &dps) { for (auto &query_it : dps.data) { auto &query = query_it.first; for (auto &key_it : query_it.second) { auto &key = key_it.first; auto counter_it = key_it.second.begin(); auto update_counter_fnc = [&counter_it](const PerformanceCounterDescriptor &d, PerformanceCounter *c) { c->first += counter_it->first; c->second += counter_it->second; counter_it++; }; ceph_assert(key_it.second.size() >= data[query][key].size()); query.update_counters(update_counter_fnc, &data[query][key]); } } } void set_queries(const std::list &queries) { std::map> new_data; for (auto &query : queries) { std::swap(new_data[query], data[query]); } std::swap(data, new_data); } bool is_enabled() { return !data.empty(); } void add(const OSDService *osd, const pg_info_t &pg_info, const OpRequest& op, uint64_t inb, uint64_t outb, const utime_t &latency) { auto update_counter_fnc = [&op, inb, outb, &latency](const PerformanceCounterDescriptor &d, PerformanceCounter *c) { ceph_assert(d.is_supported()); switch(d.type) { case PerformanceCounterType::OPS: c->first++; return; case PerformanceCounterType::WRITE_OPS: if (op.may_write() || op.may_cache()) { c->first++; } return; case PerformanceCounterType::READ_OPS: if (op.may_read()) { c->first++; } return; case PerformanceCounterType::BYTES: c->first += inb + outb; return; case PerformanceCounterType::WRITE_BYTES: if (op.may_write() || op.may_cache()) { c->first += inb; } return; case PerformanceCounterType::READ_BYTES: if (op.may_read()) { c->first += outb; } return; case PerformanceCounterType::LATENCY: c->first += latency.to_nsec(); c->second++; return; case PerformanceCounterType::WRITE_LATENCY: if (op.may_write() || op.may_cache()) { c->first += latency.to_nsec(); c->second++; } return; case PerformanceCounterType::READ_LATENCY: if (op.may_read()) { c->first += latency.to_nsec(); c->second++; } return; default: ceph_abort_msg("unknown counter type"); } }; auto get_subkey_fnc = [&osd, &pg_info, &op](const OSDPerfMetricSubKeyDescriptor &d, OSDPerfMetricSubKey *sub_key) { ceph_assert(d.is_supported()); auto m = static_cast(op.get_req()); std::string match_string; switch(d.type) { case OSDPerfMetricSubKeyType::CLIENT_ID: match_string = stringify(m->get_reqid().name); break; case OSDPerfMetricSubKeyType::CLIENT_ADDRESS: match_string = stringify(m->get_connection()->get_peer_addr()); break; case OSDPerfMetricSubKeyType::POOL_ID: match_string = stringify(m->get_spg().pool()); break; case OSDPerfMetricSubKeyType::NAMESPACE: match_string = m->get_hobj().nspace; break; case OSDPerfMetricSubKeyType::OSD_ID: match_string = stringify(osd->get_nodeid()); break; case OSDPerfMetricSubKeyType::PG_ID: match_string = stringify(pg_info.pgid); break; case OSDPerfMetricSubKeyType::OBJECT_NAME: match_string = m->get_oid().name; break; case OSDPerfMetricSubKeyType::SNAP_ID: match_string = stringify(m->get_snapid()); break; default: ceph_abort_msg("unknown counter type"); } std::smatch match; if (!std::regex_search(match_string, match, d.regex)) { return false; } if (match.size() <= 1) { return false; } for (size_t i = 1; i < match.size(); i++) { sub_key->push_back(match[i].str()); } return true; }; for (auto &it : data) { auto &query = it.first; OSDPerfMetricKey key; if (query.get_key(get_subkey_fnc, &key)) { query.update_counters(update_counter_fnc, &it.second[key]); } } } void add_to_reports( const std::map &limits, std::map *reports) { for (auto &it : data) { auto &query = it.first; auto limit_it = limits.find(query); if (limit_it == limits.end()) { continue; } auto &query_limits = limit_it->second; auto &counters = it.second; auto &report = (*reports)[query]; query.get_performance_counter_descriptors( &report.performance_counter_descriptors); auto &descriptors = report.performance_counter_descriptors; ceph_assert(descriptors.size() > 0); if (!is_limited(query_limits, counters.size())) { for (auto &it_counters : counters) { auto &bl = report.group_packed_performance_counters[it_counters.first]; query.pack_counters(it_counters.second, &bl); } continue; } for (auto &limit : query_limits) { size_t index = 0; for (; index < descriptors.size(); index++) { if (descriptors[index] == limit.order_by) { break; } } if (index == descriptors.size()) { // should not happen continue; } // Weighted Random Sampling (Algorithm A-Chao): // Select the first [0, max_count) samples, randomly replace // with samples from [max_count, end) using weighted // probability, and return [0, max_count) as the result. ceph_assert(limit.max_count < counters.size()); typedef std::map::iterator Iterator; std::vector counter_iterators; counter_iterators.reserve(limit.max_count); Iterator it_counters = counters.begin(); uint64_t wsum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < limit.max_count; i++) { wsum += it_counters->second[index].first; counter_iterators.push_back(it_counters++); } for (; it_counters != counters.end(); it_counters++) { wsum += it_counters->second[index].first; if (ceph::util::generate_random_number(0, wsum) <= it_counters->second[index].first) { auto i = ceph::util::generate_random_number(0, limit.max_count - 1); counter_iterators[i] = it_counters; } } for (auto it_counters : counter_iterators) { auto &bl = report.group_packed_performance_counters[it_counters->first]; if (bl.length() == 0) { query.pack_counters(it_counters->second, &bl); } } } } } private: static bool is_limited(const OSDPerfMetricLimits &limits, size_t counters_size) { if (limits.empty()) { return false; } for (auto &limit : limits) { if (limit.max_count >= counters_size) { return false; } } return true; } std::map> data; }; #endif // DYNAMIC_PERF_STATS_H