""" Types and routines used by the ceph CLI as well as the RESTful interface. These have to do with querying the daemons for command-description information, validating user command input against those descriptions, and submitting the command to the appropriate daemon. Copyright (C) 2013 Inktank Storage, Inc. LGPL2.1. See file COPYING. """ from __future__ import print_function import copy import errno import math import json import os import pprint import re import socket import stat import sys import threading import uuid # Flags are from MonCommand.h class Flag: NOFORWARD = (1 << 0) OBSOLETE = (1 << 1) DEPRECATED = (1 << 2) MGR = (1<<3) POLL = (1 << 4) HIDDEN = (1 << 5) KWARG_EQUALS = "--([^=]+)=(.+)" KWARG_SPACE = "--([^=]+)" try: basestring except NameError: basestring = str class ArgumentError(Exception): """ Something wrong with arguments """ pass class ArgumentNumber(ArgumentError): """ Wrong number of a repeated argument """ pass class ArgumentFormat(ArgumentError): """ Argument value has wrong format """ pass class ArgumentMissing(ArgumentError): """ Argument value missing in a command """ pass class ArgumentValid(ArgumentError): """ Argument value is otherwise invalid (doesn't match choices, for instance) """ pass class ArgumentTooFew(ArgumentError): """ Fewer arguments than descriptors in signature; may mean to continue the search, so gets a special exception type """ class ArgumentPrefix(ArgumentError): """ Special for mismatched prefix; less severe, don't report by default """ pass class JsonFormat(Exception): """ some syntactic or semantic issue with the JSON """ pass class CephArgtype(object): """ Base class for all Ceph argument types Instantiating an object sets any validation parameters (allowable strings, numeric ranges, etc.). The 'valid' method validates a string against that initialized instance, throwing ArgumentError if there's a problem. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ set any per-instance validation parameters here from kwargs (fixed string sets, integer ranges, etc) """ pass def valid(self, s, partial=False): """ Run validation against given string s (generally one word); partial means to accept partial string matches (begins-with). If cool, set self.val to the value that should be returned (a copy of the input string, or a numeric or boolean interpretation thereof, for example) if not, throw ArgumentError(msg-as-to-why) """ self.val = s def __repr__(self): """ return string representation of description of type. Note, this is not a representation of the actual value. Subclasses probably also override __str__() to give a more user-friendly 'name/type' description for use in command format help messages. """ a = '' if hasattr(self, 'typeargs'): a = self.typeargs return '{0}(\'{1}\')'.format(self.__class__.__name__, a) def __str__(self): """ where __repr__ (ideally) returns a string that could be used to reproduce the object, __str__ returns one you'd like to see in print messages. Use __str__ to format the argtype descriptor as it would be useful in a command usage message. """ return '<{0}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__) def complete(self, s): return [] class CephInt(CephArgtype): """ range-limited integers, [+|-][0-9]+ or 0x[0-9a-f]+ range: list of 1 or 2 ints, [min] or [min,max] """ def __init__(self, range=''): if range == '': self.range = list() else: self.range = list(range.split('|')) self.range = [int(x) for x in self.range] def valid(self, s, partial=False): try: val = int(s, 0) except ValueError: raise ArgumentValid("{0} doesn't represent an int".format(s)) if len(self.range) == 2: if val < self.range[0] or val > self.range[1]: raise ArgumentValid("{0} not in range {1}".format(val, self.range)) elif len(self.range) == 1: if val < self.range[0]: raise ArgumentValid("{0} not in range {1}".format(val, self.range)) self.val = val def __str__(self): r = '' if len(self.range) == 1: r = '[{0}-]'.format(self.range[0]) if len(self.range) == 2: r = '[{0}-{1}]'.format(self.range[0], self.range[1]) return ''.format(r) class CephFloat(CephArgtype): """ range-limited float type range: list of 1 or 2 floats, [min] or [min, max] """ def __init__(self, range=''): if range == '': self.range = list() else: self.range = list(range.split('|')) self.range = [float(x) for x in self.range] def valid(self, s, partial=False): try: val = float(s) except ValueError: raise ArgumentValid("{0} doesn't represent a float".format(s)) if len(self.range) == 2: if val < self.range[0] or val > self.range[1]: raise ArgumentValid("{0} not in range {1}".format(val, self.range)) elif len(self.range) == 1: if val < self.range[0]: raise ArgumentValid("{0} not in range {1}".format(val, self.range)) self.val = val def __str__(self): r = '' if len(self.range) == 1: r = '[{0}-]'.format(self.range[0]) if len(self.range) == 2: r = '[{0}-{1}]'.format(self.range[0], self.range[1]) return ''.format(r) class CephString(CephArgtype): """ String; pretty generic. goodchars is a RE char class of valid chars """ def __init__(self, goodchars=''): from string import printable try: re.compile(goodchars) except: raise ValueError('CephString(): "{0}" is not a valid RE'. format(goodchars)) self.goodchars = goodchars self.goodset = frozenset( [c for c in printable if re.match(goodchars, c)] ) def valid(self, s, partial=False): sset = set(s) if self.goodset and not sset <= self.goodset: raise ArgumentFormat("invalid chars {0} in {1}". format(''.join(sset - self.goodset), s)) self.val = s def __str__(self): b = '' if self.goodchars: b += '(goodchars {0})'.format(self.goodchars) return ''.format(b) def complete(self, s): if s == '': return [] else: return [s] class CephSocketpath(CephArgtype): """ Admin socket path; check that it's readable and S_ISSOCK """ def valid(self, s, partial=False): mode = os.stat(s).st_mode if not stat.S_ISSOCK(mode): raise ArgumentValid('socket path {0} is not a socket'.format(s)) self.val = s def __str__(self): return '' class CephIPAddr(CephArgtype): """ IP address (v4 or v6) with optional port """ def valid(self, s, partial=False): # parse off port, use socket to validate addr type = 6 if s.startswith('['): type = 6 elif s.find('.') != -1: type = 4 if type == 4: port = s.find(':') if port != -1: a = s[:port] p = s[port + 1:] if int(p) > 65535: raise ArgumentValid('{0}: invalid IPv4 port'.format(p)) else: a = s p = None try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, a) except: raise ArgumentValid('{0}: invalid IPv4 address'.format(a)) else: # v6 if s.startswith('['): end = s.find(']') if end == -1: raise ArgumentFormat('{0} missing terminating ]'.format(s)) if s[end + 1] == ':': try: p = int(s[end + 2]) except: raise ArgumentValid('{0}: bad port number'.format(s)) a = s[1:end] else: a = s p = None try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, a) except: raise ArgumentValid('{0} not valid IPv6 address'.format(s)) if p is not None and int(p) > 65535: raise ArgumentValid("{0} not a valid port number".format(p)) self.val = s self.addr = a self.port = p def __str__(self): return '' class CephEntityAddr(CephIPAddr): """ EntityAddress, that is, IP address[/nonce] """ def valid(self, s, partial=False): nonce = None if '/' in s: ip, nonce = s.split('/') else: ip = s super(self.__class__, self).valid(ip) if nonce: nonce_int = None try: nonce_int = int(nonce) except ValueError: pass if nonce_int is None or nonce_int < 0: raise ArgumentValid( '{0}: invalid entity, nonce {1} not integer > 0'. format(s, nonce) ) self.val = s def __str__(self): return '' class CephPoolname(CephArgtype): """ Pool name; very little utility """ def __str__(self): return '' class CephObjectname(CephArgtype): """ Object name. Maybe should be combined with Pool name as they're always present in pairs, and then could be checked for presence """ def __str__(self): return '' class CephPgid(CephArgtype): """ pgid, in form N.xxx (N = pool number, xxx = hex pgnum) """ def valid(self, s, partial=False): if s.find('.') == -1: raise ArgumentFormat('pgid has no .') poolid, pgnum = s.split('.', 1) try: poolid = int(poolid) except ValueError: raise ArgumentFormat('pool {0} not integer'.format(poolid)) if poolid < 0: raise ArgumentFormat('pool {0} < 0'.format(poolid)) try: pgnum = int(pgnum, 16) except ValueError: raise ArgumentFormat('pgnum {0} not hex integer'.format(pgnum)) self.val = s def __str__(self): return '' class CephName(CephArgtype): """ Name (type.id) where: type is osd|mon|client|mds id is a base10 int, if type == osd, or a string otherwise Also accept '*' """ def __init__(self): self.nametype = None self.nameid = None def valid(self, s, partial=False): if s == '*': self.val = s return elif s == "mgr": self.nametype = "mgr" self.val = s return elif s == "mon": self.nametype = "mon" self.val = s return if s.find('.') == -1: raise ArgumentFormat('CephName: no . in {0}'.format(s)) else: t, i = s.split('.', 1) if t not in ('osd', 'mon', 'client', 'mds', 'mgr'): raise ArgumentValid('unknown type ' + t) if t == 'osd': if i != '*': try: i = int(i) except: raise ArgumentFormat('osd id ' + i + ' not integer') self.nametype = t self.val = s self.nameid = i def __str__(self): return '' class CephOsdName(CephArgtype): """ Like CephName, but specific to osds: allow alone osd., or , or *, where id is a base10 int """ def __init__(self): self.nametype = None self.nameid = None def valid(self, s, partial=False): if s == '*': self.val = s return if s.find('.') != -1: t, i = s.split('.', 1) if t != 'osd': raise ArgumentValid('unknown type ' + t) else: t = 'osd' i = s try: i = int(i) except: raise ArgumentFormat('osd id ' + i + ' not integer') if i < 0: raise ArgumentFormat('osd id {0} is less than 0'.format(i)) self.nametype = t self.nameid = i self.val = i def __str__(self): return '' class CephChoices(CephArgtype): """ Set of string literals; init with valid choices """ def __init__(self, strings='', **kwargs): self.strings = strings.split('|') def valid(self, s, partial=False): if not partial: if s not in self.strings: # show as __str__ does: {s1|s2..} raise ArgumentValid("{0} not in {1}".format(s, self)) self.val = s return # partial for t in self.strings: if t.startswith(s): self.val = s return raise ArgumentValid("{0} not in {1}". format(s, self)) def __str__(self): if len(self.strings) == 1: return '{0}'.format(self.strings[0]) else: return '{0}'.format('|'.join(self.strings)) def complete(self, s): all_elems = [token for token in self.strings if token.startswith(s)] return all_elems class CephBool(CephArgtype): """ A boolean argument, values may be case insensitive 'true', 'false', '0', '1'. In keyword form, value may be left off (implies true). """ def __init__(self, strings='', **kwargs): self.strings = strings.split('|') def valid(self, s, partial=False): lower_case = s.lower() if lower_case in ['true', '1']: self.val = True elif lower_case in ['false', '0']: self.val = False else: raise ArgumentValid("{0} not one of 'true', 'false'".format(s)) def __str__(self): return '' class CephFilepath(CephArgtype): """ Openable file """ def valid(self, s, partial=False): # set self.val if the specified path is readable or writable s = os.path.abspath(s) if not os.access(s, os.R_OK): self._validate_writable_file(s) self.val = s def _validate_writable_file(self, fname): if os.path.exists(fname): if os.path.isfile(fname): if not os.access(fname, os.W_OK): raise ArgumentValid('{0} is not writable'.format(fname)) else: raise ArgumentValid('{0} is not file'.format(fname)) else: dirname = os.path.dirname(fname) if not os.access(dirname, os.W_OK): raise ArgumentValid('cannot create file in {0}'.format(dirname)) def __str__(self): return '' class CephFragment(CephArgtype): """ 'Fragment' ??? XXX """ def valid(self, s, partial=False): if s.find('/') == -1: raise ArgumentFormat('{0}: no /'.format(s)) val, bits = s.split('/') # XXX is this right? if not val.startswith('0x'): raise ArgumentFormat("{0} not a hex integer".format(val)) try: int(val) except: raise ArgumentFormat('can\'t convert {0} to integer'.format(val)) try: int(bits) except: raise ArgumentFormat('can\'t convert {0} to integer'.format(bits)) self.val = s def __str__(self): return "" class CephUUID(CephArgtype): """ CephUUID: pretty self-explanatory """ def valid(self, s, partial=False): try: uuid.UUID(s) except Exception as e: raise ArgumentFormat('invalid UUID {0}: {1}'.format(s, e)) self.val = s def __str__(self): return '' class CephPrefix(CephArgtype): """ CephPrefix: magic type for "all the first n fixed strings" """ def __init__(self, prefix=''): self.prefix = prefix def valid(self, s, partial=False): try: s = str(s) if isinstance(s, bytes): # `prefix` can always be converted into unicode when being compared, # but `s` could be anything passed by user. s = s.decode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: raise ArgumentPrefix(u"no match for {0}".format(s)) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ArgumentPrefix("no match for {0}".format(s)) if partial: if self.prefix.startswith(s): self.val = s return else: if s == self.prefix: self.val = s return raise ArgumentPrefix("no match for {0}".format(s)) def __str__(self): return self.prefix def complete(self, s): if self.prefix.startswith(s): return [self.prefix.rstrip(' ')] else: return [] class argdesc(object): """ argdesc(typename, name='name', n=numallowed|N, req=False, helptext=helptext, **kwargs (type-specific)) validation rules: typename: type(**kwargs) will be constructed later, type.valid(w) will be called with a word in that position name is used for parse errors and for constructing JSON output n is a numeric literal or 'n|N', meaning "at least one, but maybe more" req=False means the argument need not be present in the list helptext is the associated help for the command anything else are arguments to pass to the type constructor. self.instance is an instance of type t constructed with typeargs. valid() will later be called with input to validate against it, and will store the validated value in self.instance.val for extraction. """ def __init__(self, t, name=None, n=1, req=True, **kwargs): if isinstance(t, basestring): self.t = CephPrefix self.typeargs = {'prefix': t} self.req = True else: self.t = t self.typeargs = kwargs self.req = req in (True, 'True', 'true') self.name = name self.N = (n in ['n', 'N']) if self.N: self.n = 1 else: self.n = int(n) self.numseen = 0 self.instance = self.t(**self.typeargs) def __repr__(self): r = 'argdesc(' + str(self.t) + ', ' internals = ['N', 'typeargs', 'instance', 't'] for (k, v) in self.__dict__.items(): if k.startswith('__') or k in internals: pass else: # undo modification from __init__ if k == 'n' and self.N: v = 'N' r += '{0}={1}, '.format(k, v) for (k, v) in self.typeargs.items(): r += '{0}={1}, '.format(k, v) return r[:-2] + ')' def __str__(self): if ((self.t == CephChoices and len(self.instance.strings) == 1) or (self.t == CephPrefix)): s = str(self.instance) else: s = '{0}({1})'.format(self.name, str(self.instance)) if self.N: s += ' [' + str(self.instance) + '...]' if not self.req: s = '{' + s + '}' return s def helpstr(self): """ like str(), but omit parameter names (except for CephString, which really needs them) """ if self.t == CephString: chunk = '<{0}>'.format(self.name) elif self.t == CephBool: chunk = "--{0}".format(self.name.replace("_", "-")) else: chunk = str(self.instance) s = chunk if self.N: s += ' [' + chunk + '...]' if not self.req: s = '{' + s + '}' return s def complete(self, s): return self.instance.complete(s) def concise_sig(sig): """ Return string representation of sig useful for syntax reference in help """ return ' '.join([d.helpstr() for d in sig]) def descsort_key(sh): """ sort descriptors by prefixes, defined as the concatenation of all simple strings in the descriptor; this works out to just the leading strings. """ return concise_sig(sh['sig']) def descsort(sh1, sh2): """ Deprecated; use (key=descsort_key) instead of (cmp=descsort) """ return cmp(descsort_key(sh1), descsort_key(sh2)) def parse_funcsig(sig): """ parse a single descriptor (array of strings or dicts) into a dict of function descriptor/validators (objects of CephXXX type) :returns: list of ``argdesc`` """ newsig = [] argnum = 0 for desc in sig: argnum += 1 if isinstance(desc, basestring): t = CephPrefix desc = {'type': t, 'name': 'prefix', 'prefix': desc} else: # not a simple string, must be dict if 'type' not in desc: s = 'JSON descriptor {0} has no type'.format(sig) raise JsonFormat(s) # look up type string in our globals() dict; if it's an # object of type `type`, it must be a # locally-defined class. otherwise, we haven't a clue. if desc['type'] in globals(): t = globals()[desc['type']] if not isinstance(t, type): s = 'unknown type {0}'.format(desc['type']) raise JsonFormat(s) else: s = 'unknown type {0}'.format(desc['type']) raise JsonFormat(s) kwargs = dict() for key, val in desc.items(): if key not in ['type', 'name', 'n', 'req']: kwargs[key] = val newsig.append(argdesc(t, name=desc.get('name', None), n=desc.get('n', 1), req=desc.get('req', True), **kwargs)) return newsig def parse_json_funcsigs(s, consumer): """ A function signature is mostly an array of argdesc; it's represented in JSON as { "cmd001": {"sig":[ "type": type, "name": name, "n": num, "req":true|false ], "help":helptext, "module":modulename, "perm":perms, "avail":availability} . . . ] A set of sigs is in an dict mapped by a unique number: { "cmd1": { "sig": ["type.. ], "help":helptext... } "cmd2"{ "sig": [.. ], "help":helptext... } } Parse the string s and return a dict of dicts, keyed by opcode; each dict contains 'sig' with the array of descriptors, and 'help' with the helptext, 'module' with the module name, 'perm' with a string representing required permissions in that module to execute this command (and also whether it is a read or write command from the cluster state perspective), and 'avail' as a hint for whether the command should be advertised by CLI, REST, or both. If avail does not contain 'consumer', don't include the command in the returned dict. """ try: overall = json.loads(s) except Exception as e: print("Couldn't parse JSON {0}: {1}".format(s, e), file=sys.stderr) raise e sigdict = {} for cmdtag, cmd in overall.items(): if 'sig' not in cmd: s = "JSON descriptor {0} has no 'sig'".format(cmdtag) raise JsonFormat(s) # check 'avail' and possibly ignore this command if 'avail' in cmd: if consumer not in cmd['avail']: continue # rewrite the 'sig' item with the argdesc-ized version, and... cmd['sig'] = parse_funcsig(cmd['sig']) # just take everything else as given sigdict[cmdtag] = cmd return sigdict def validate_one(word, desc, partial=False): """ validate_one(word, desc, partial=False) validate word against the constructed instance of the type in desc. May raise exception. If it returns false (and doesn't raise an exception), desc.instance.val will contain the validated value (in the appropriate type). """ desc.instance.valid(word, partial) desc.numseen += 1 if desc.N: desc.n = desc.numseen + 1 def matchnum(args, signature, partial=False): """ matchnum(s, signature, partial=False) Returns number of arguments matched in s against signature. Can be used to determine most-likely command for full or partial matches (partial applies to string matches). """ words = args[:] mysig = copy.deepcopy(signature) matchcnt = 0 for desc in mysig: desc.numseen = 0 while desc.numseen < desc.n: # if there are no more arguments, return if not words: return matchcnt word = words.pop(0) try: # only allow partial matching if we're on the last supplied # word; avoid matching foo bar and foot bar just because # partial is set validate_one(word, desc, partial and (len(words) == 0)) valid = True except ArgumentError: # matchnum doesn't care about type of error valid = False if not valid: if not desc.req: # this wasn't required, so word may match the next desc words.insert(0, word) break else: # it was required, and didn't match, return return matchcnt if desc.req: matchcnt += 1 return matchcnt def store_arg(desc, d): ''' Store argument described by, and held in, thanks to valid(), desc into the dictionary d, keyed by desc.name. Three cases: 1) desc.N is set: value in d is a list 2) prefix: multiple args are joined with ' ' into one d{} item 3) single prefix or other arg: store as simple value Used in validate() below. ''' if desc.N: # value should be a list if desc.name in d: d[desc.name] += [desc.instance.val] else: d[desc.name] = [desc.instance.val] elif (desc.t == CephPrefix) and (desc.name in d): # prefixes' values should be a space-joined concatenation d[desc.name] += ' ' + desc.instance.val else: # if first CephPrefix or any other type, just set it d[desc.name] = desc.instance.val def validate(args, signature, flags=0, partial=False): """ validate(args, signature, flags=0, partial=False) args is a list of strings representing a possible command input following format of signature. Runs a validation; no exception means it's OK. Return a dict containing all arguments keyed by their descriptor name, with duplicate args per name accumulated into a list (or space-separated value for CephPrefix). Mismatches of prefix are non-fatal, as this probably just means the search hasn't hit the correct command. Mismatches of non-prefix arguments are treated as fatal, and an exception raised. This matching is modified if partial is set: allow partial matching (with partial dict returned); in this case, there are no exceptions raised. """ myargs = copy.deepcopy(args) mysig = copy.deepcopy(signature) reqsiglen = len([desc for desc in mysig if desc.req]) matchcnt = 0 d = dict() save_exception = None arg_descs_by_name = dict([desc.name, desc] for desc in mysig if desc.t != CephPrefix) # Special case: detect "injectargs" (legacy way of modifying daemon # configs) and permit "--" string arguments if so. injectargs = myargs and myargs[0] == "injectargs" # Make a pass through all arguments for desc in mysig: desc.numseen = 0 while desc.numseen < desc.n: if myargs: myarg = myargs.pop(0) else: myarg = None # no arg, but not required? Continue consuming mysig # in case there are later required args if myarg in (None, []) and not desc.req: break # A keyword argument? if myarg: # argdesc for the keyword argument, if we find one kwarg_desc = None # Track whether we need to push value back onto # myargs in the case that this isn't a valid k=v consumed_next = False # Try both styles of keyword argument kwarg_match = re.match(KWARG_EQUALS, myarg) if kwarg_match: # We have a "--foo=bar" style argument kwarg_k, kwarg_v = kwarg_match.groups() # Either "--foo-bar" or "--foo_bar" style is accepted kwarg_k = kwarg_k.replace('-', '_') kwarg_desc = arg_descs_by_name.get(kwarg_k, None) else: # Maybe this is a "--foo bar" or "--bool" style argument key_match = re.match(KWARG_SPACE, myarg) if key_match: kwarg_k = key_match.group(1) # Permit --foo-bar=123 form or --foo_bar=123 form, # assuming all command definitions use foo_bar argument # naming style kwarg_k = kwarg_k.replace('-', '_') kwarg_desc = arg_descs_by_name.get(kwarg_k, None) if kwarg_desc: if kwarg_desc.t == CephBool: kwarg_v = 'true' elif len(myargs): # Some trailing arguments exist kwarg_v = myargs.pop(0) else: # Forget it, this is not a valid kwarg kwarg_desc = None if kwarg_desc: validate_one(kwarg_v, kwarg_desc) matchcnt += 1 store_arg(kwarg_desc, d) continue # Don't handle something as a positional argument if it # has a leading "--" unless it's a CephChoices (used for # "--yes-i-really-mean-it") if myarg and myarg.startswith("--"): # Special cases for instances of confirmation flags # that were defined as CephString/CephChoices instead of CephBool # in pre-nautilus versions of Ceph daemons. is_value = desc.t == CephChoices \ or myarg == "--yes-i-really-mean-it" \ or myarg == "--yes-i-really-really-mean-it" \ or myarg == "--yes-i-really-really-mean-it-not-faking" \ or myarg == "--force" \ or injectargs if not is_value: # Didn't get caught by kwarg handling, but has a "--", so # we must assume it's something invalid, to avoid naively # passing through mis-typed options as the values of # positional arguments. raise ArgumentValid("Unexpected argument '{0}'".format( myarg)) # out of arguments for a required param? # Either return (if partial validation) or raise if myarg in (None, []) and desc.req: if desc.N and desc.numseen < 1: # wanted N, didn't even get 1 if partial: return d raise ArgumentNumber( 'saw {0} of {1}, expected at least 1'. format(desc.numseen, desc) ) elif not desc.N and desc.numseen < desc.n: # wanted n, got too few if partial: return d # special-case the "0 expected 1" case if desc.numseen == 0 and desc.n == 1: raise ArgumentMissing( 'missing required parameter {0}'.format(desc) ) raise ArgumentNumber( 'saw {0} of {1}, expected {2}'. format(desc.numseen, desc, desc.n) ) break # Have an arg; validate it try: validate_one(myarg, desc) valid = True except ArgumentError as e: valid = False # argument mismatch if not desc.req: # if not required, just push back; it might match # the next arg save_exception = [ myarg, e ] myargs.insert(0, myarg) break else: # hm, it was required, so time to return/raise if partial: return d raise # Whew, valid arg acquired. Store in dict matchcnt += 1 store_arg(desc, d) # Clear prior exception save_exception = None # Done with entire list of argdescs if matchcnt < reqsiglen: raise ArgumentTooFew("not enough arguments given") if myargs and not partial: if save_exception: print(save_exception[0], 'not valid: ', save_exception[1], file=sys.stderr) raise ArgumentError("unused arguments: " + str(myargs)) if flags & Flag.MGR: d['target'] = ('mgr','') if flags & Flag.POLL: d['poll'] = True # Finally, success return d def validate_command(sigdict, args, verbose=False): """ Parse positional arguments into a parameter dict, according to the command descriptions. Writes advice about nearly-matching commands ``sys.stderr`` if the arguments do not match any command. :param sigdict: A command description dictionary, as returned from Ceph daemons by the get_command_descriptions command. :param args: List of strings, should match one of the command signatures in ``sigdict`` :returns: A dict of parsed parameters (including ``prefix``), or an empty dict if the args did not match any signature """ if verbose: print("validate_command: " + " ".join(args), file=sys.stderr) found = [] valid_dict = {} # look for best match, accumulate possibles in bestcmds # (so we can maybe give a more-useful error message) best_match_cnt = 0 bestcmds = [] for cmd in sigdict.values(): flags = cmd.get('flags', 0) if flags & Flag.OBSOLETE: continue sig = cmd['sig'] matched = matchnum(args, sig, partial=True) if (matched >= math.floor(best_match_cnt) and matched == matchnum(args, sig, partial=False)): # prefer those fully matched over partial patch matched += 0.5 if matched < best_match_cnt: continue if verbose: print("better match: {0} > {1}: {2} ".format( matched, best_match_cnt, concise_sig(sig) ), file=sys.stderr) if matched > best_match_cnt: best_match_cnt = matched bestcmds = [cmd] else: bestcmds.append(cmd) # Sort bestcmds by number of args so we can try shortest first # (relies on a cmdsig being key,val where val is a list of len 1) bestcmds_sorted = sorted(bestcmds, key=lambda c: len(c['sig'])) if verbose: print("bestcmds_sorted: ", file=sys.stderr) pprint.PrettyPrinter(stream=sys.stderr).pprint(bestcmds_sorted) ex = None # for everything in bestcmds, look for a true match for cmd in bestcmds_sorted: sig = cmd['sig'] try: valid_dict = validate(args, sig, flags=cmd.get('flags', 0)) found = cmd break except ArgumentPrefix: # ignore prefix mismatches; we just haven't found # the right command yet pass except ArgumentMissing as e: ex = e if len(bestcmds) == 1: found = cmd break except ArgumentTooFew: # It looked like this matched the beginning, but it # didn't have enough args supplied. If we're out of # cmdsigs we'll fall out unfound; if we're not, maybe # the next one matches completely. Whine, but pass. if verbose: print('Not enough args supplied for ', concise_sig(sig), file=sys.stderr) except ArgumentError as e: ex = e # Solid mismatch on an arg (type, range, etc.) # Stop now, because we have the right command but # some other input is invalid found = cmd break if found: if not valid_dict: print("Invalid command:", ex, file=sys.stderr) print(concise_sig(sig), ': ', cmd['help'], file=sys.stderr) else: bestcmds = [c for c in bestcmds if not c.get('flags', 0) & (Flag.DEPRECATED | Flag.HIDDEN)] bestcmds = bestcmds[:10] # top 10 print('no valid command found; {0} closest matches:'.format(len(bestcmds)), file=sys.stderr) for cmd in bestcmds: print(concise_sig(cmd['sig']), file=sys.stderr) return valid_dict def find_cmd_target(childargs): """ Using a minimal validation, figure out whether the command should be sent to a monitor or an osd. We do this before even asking for the 'real' set of command signatures, so we can ask the right daemon. Returns ('osd', osdid), ('pg', pgid), ('mgr', '') or ('mon', '') """ sig = parse_funcsig(['tell', {'name': 'target', 'type': 'CephName'}]) try: valid_dict = validate(childargs, sig, partial=True) except ArgumentError: pass else: if len(valid_dict) == 2: # revalidate to isolate type and id name = CephName() # if this fails, something is horribly wrong, as it just # validated successfully above name.valid(valid_dict['target']) return name.nametype, name.nameid sig = parse_funcsig(['tell', {'name': 'pgid', 'type': 'CephPgid'}]) try: valid_dict = validate(childargs, sig, partial=True) except ArgumentError: pass else: if len(valid_dict) == 2: # pg doesn't need revalidation; the string is fine return 'pg', valid_dict['pgid'] # If we reached this far it must mean that so far we've been unable to # obtain a proper target from childargs. This may mean that we are not # dealing with a 'tell' command, or that the specified target is invalid. # If the latter, we likely were unable to catch it because we were not # really looking for it: first we tried to parse a 'CephName' (osd, mon, # mds, followed by and id); given our failure to parse, we tried to parse # a 'CephPgid' instead (e.g., 0.4a). Considering we got this far though # we were unable to do so. # # We will now check if this is a tell and, if so, forcefully validate the # target as a 'CephName'. This must be so because otherwise we will end # up sending garbage to a monitor, which is the default target when a # target is not explicitly specified. # e.g., # 'ceph status' -> target is any one monitor # 'ceph tell mon.* status -> target is all monitors # 'ceph tell foo status -> target is invalid! if len(childargs) > 1 and childargs[0] == 'tell': name = CephName() # CephName.valid() raises on validation error; find_cmd_target()'s # caller should handle them name.valid(childargs[1]) return name.nametype, name.nameid sig = parse_funcsig(['pg', {'name': 'pgid', 'type': 'CephPgid'}]) try: valid_dict = validate(childargs, sig, partial=True) except ArgumentError: pass else: if len(valid_dict) == 2: return 'pg', valid_dict['pgid'] return 'mon', '' class RadosThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.func = func self.exception = None threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): try: self.retval = self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs) except Exception as e: self.exception = e def run_in_thread(func, *args, **kwargs): interrupt = False timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', 0) if timeout == 0 or timeout == None: # python threading module will just get blocked if timeout is `None`, # otherwise it will keep polling until timeout or thread stops. timeout = 2 ** 32 t = RadosThread(func, *args, **kwargs) # allow the main thread to exit (presumably, avoid a join() on this # subthread) before this thread terminates. This allows SIGINT # exit of a blocked call. See below. t.daemon = True t.start() t.join(timeout=timeout) # ..but allow SIGINT to terminate the waiting. Note: this # relies on the Linux kernel behavior of delivering the signal # to the main thread in preference to any subthread (all that's # strictly guaranteed is that *some* thread that has the signal # unblocked will receive it). But there doesn't seem to be # any interface to create a thread with SIGINT blocked. if t.is_alive(): raise Exception("timed out") elif t.exception: raise t.exception else: return t.retval def send_command_retry(*args, **kwargs): while True: try: return send_command(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # If our librados instance has not reached state 'connected' # yet, we'll see an exception like this and retry if ('get_command_descriptions' in str(e) and 'object in state configuring' in str(e)): continue else: raise def send_command(cluster, target=('mon', ''), cmd=None, inbuf=b'', timeout=0, verbose=False): """ Send a command to a daemon using librados's mon_command, osd_command, mgr_command, or pg_command. Any bulk input data comes in inbuf. Returns (ret, outbuf, outs); ret is the return code, outbuf is the outbl "bulk useful output" buffer, and outs is any status or error message (intended for stderr). If target is osd.N, send command to that osd (except for pgid cmds) """ cmd = cmd or [] try: if target[0] == 'osd': osdid = target[1] if verbose: print('submit {0} to osd.{1}'.format(cmd, osdid), file=sys.stderr) ret, outbuf, outs = run_in_thread( cluster.osd_command, osdid, cmd, inbuf, timeout=timeout) elif target[0] == 'mgr': ret, outbuf, outs = run_in_thread( cluster.mgr_command, cmd, inbuf, timeout=timeout) elif target[0] == 'pg': pgid = target[1] # pgid will already be in the command for the pg # form, but for tell , we need to put it in if cmd: cmddict = json.loads(cmd[0]) cmddict['pgid'] = pgid else: cmddict = dict(pgid=pgid) cmd = [json.dumps(cmddict)] if verbose: print('submit {0} for pgid {1}'.format(cmd, pgid), file=sys.stderr) ret, outbuf, outs = run_in_thread( cluster.pg_command, pgid, cmd, inbuf, timeout=timeout) elif target[0] == 'mon': if verbose: print('{0} to {1}'.format(cmd, target[0]), file=sys.stderr) if len(target) < 2 or target[1] == '': ret, outbuf, outs = run_in_thread( cluster.mon_command, cmd, inbuf, timeout=timeout) else: ret, outbuf, outs = run_in_thread( cluster.mon_command, cmd, inbuf, timeout=timeout, target=target[1]) elif target[0] == 'mds': mds_spec = target[1] if verbose: print('submit {0} to mds.{1}'.format(cmd, mds_spec), file=sys.stderr) try: from cephfs import LibCephFS except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("CephFS unavailable, have you installed libcephfs?") filesystem = LibCephFS(rados_inst=cluster) filesystem.init() ret, outbuf, outs = \ filesystem.mds_command(mds_spec, cmd, inbuf) filesystem.shutdown() else: raise ArgumentValid("Bad target type '{0}'".format(target[0])) except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, ArgumentError): raise RuntimeError('"{0}": exception {1}'.format(cmd, e)) else: raise return ret, outbuf, outs def json_command(cluster, target=('mon', ''), prefix=None, argdict=None, inbuf=b'', timeout=0, verbose=False): """ Serialize a command and up a JSON command and send it with send_command() above. Prefix may be supplied separately or in argdict. Any bulk input data comes in inbuf. If target is osd.N, send command to that osd (except for pgid cmds) :param cluster: ``rados.Rados`` instance :param prefix: String to inject into command arguments as 'prefix' :param argdict: Command arguments """ cmddict = {} if prefix: cmddict.update({'prefix': prefix}) if argdict: cmddict.update(argdict) if 'target' in argdict: target = argdict.get('target') try: if target[0] == 'osd': osdtarg = CephName() osdtarget = '{0}.{1}'.format(*target) # prefer target from cmddict if present and valid if 'target' in cmddict: osdtarget = cmddict.pop('target') try: osdtarg.valid(osdtarget) target = ('osd', osdtarg.nameid) except: # use the target we were originally given pass ret, outbuf, outs = send_command_retry(cluster, target, [json.dumps(cmddict)], inbuf, timeout, verbose) except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, ArgumentError): raise RuntimeError('"{0}": exception {1}'.format(argdict, e)) else: raise return ret, outbuf, outs