""" This module is a thin wrapper around libcephfs. """ from cpython cimport PyObject, ref, exc from libc cimport errno from libc.stdint cimport * from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, realloc, free cimport rados from collections import namedtuple from datetime import datetime import errno import os import sys import time # Are we running Python 2.x if sys.version_info[0] < 3: str_type = basestring else: str_type = str AT_NO_ATTR_SYNC = 0x4000 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x100 cdef int AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW_CDEF = AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS = 0x7ff cdef int CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS_CDEF = CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS CEPH_STATX_MODE = 0x1 CEPH_STATX_NLINK = 0x2 CEPH_STATX_UID = 0x4 CEPH_STATX_GID = 0x8 CEPH_STATX_RDEV = 0x10 CEPH_STATX_ATIME = 0x20 CEPH_STATX_MTIME = 0x40 CEPH_STATX_CTIME = 0x80 CEPH_STATX_INO = 0x100 CEPH_STATX_SIZE = 0x200 CEPH_STATX_BLOCKS = 0x400 CEPH_STATX_BTIME = 0x800 CEPH_STATX_VERSION = 0x1000 cdef extern from "Python.h": # These are in cpython/string.pxd, but use "object" types instead of # PyObject*, which invokes assumptions in cpython that we need to # legitimately break to implement zero-copy string buffers in Image.read(). # This is valid use of the Python API and documented as a special case. PyObject *PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(char *v, Py_ssize_t len) except NULL char* PyBytes_AsString(PyObject *string) except NULL int _PyBytes_Resize(PyObject **string, Py_ssize_t newsize) except -1 void PyEval_InitThreads() cdef extern from "sys/statvfs.h": cdef struct statvfs: unsigned long int f_bsize unsigned long int f_frsize unsigned long int f_blocks unsigned long int f_bfree unsigned long int f_bavail unsigned long int f_files unsigned long int f_ffree unsigned long int f_favail unsigned long int f_fsid unsigned long int f_flag unsigned long int f_namemax unsigned long int f_padding[32] IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "FreeBSD": cdef extern from "dirent.h": cdef struct dirent: long int d_ino unsigned short int d_reclen unsigned char d_type char d_name[256] ELSE: cdef extern from "dirent.h": cdef struct dirent: long int d_ino unsigned long int d_off unsigned short int d_reclen unsigned char d_type char d_name[256] cdef extern from "time.h": ctypedef long int time_t cdef extern from "time.h": cdef struct timespec: time_t tv_sec long int tv_nsec cdef extern from "sys/types.h": ctypedef unsigned long mode_t cdef extern from "": cdef struct utimbuf: time_t actime time_t modtime cdef extern from "sys/time.h": cdef struct timeval: long tv_sec long tv_usec cdef extern from "cephfs/ceph_ll_client.h": cdef struct statx "ceph_statx": uint32_t stx_mask uint32_t stx_blksize uint32_t stx_nlink uint32_t stx_uid uint32_t stx_gid uint16_t stx_mode uint64_t stx_ino uint64_t stx_size uint64_t stx_blocks uint64_t stx_dev uint64_t stx_rdev timespec stx_atime timespec stx_ctime timespec stx_mtime timespec stx_btime uint64_t stx_version cdef extern from "cephfs/libcephfs.h" nogil: cdef struct ceph_mount_info: pass cdef struct ceph_dir_result: pass ctypedef void* rados_t const char *ceph_version(int *major, int *minor, int *patch) int ceph_create(ceph_mount_info **cmount, const char * const id) int ceph_create_from_rados(ceph_mount_info **cmount, rados_t cluster) int ceph_init(ceph_mount_info *cmount) void ceph_shutdown(ceph_mount_info *cmount) int ceph_conf_read_file(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path_list) int ceph_conf_parse_argv(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int argc, const char **argv) int ceph_conf_get(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *option, char *buf, size_t len) int ceph_conf_set(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *option, const char *value) int ceph_mount(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *root) int ceph_select_filesystem(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *fs_name) int ceph_unmount(ceph_mount_info *cmount) int ceph_abort_conn(ceph_mount_info *cmount) uint64_t ceph_get_instance_id(ceph_mount_info *cmount) int ceph_fstatx(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int fd, statx *stx, unsigned want, unsigned flags) int ceph_statx(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, statx *stx, unsigned want, unsigned flags) int ceph_statfs(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, statvfs *stbuf) int ceph_mds_command(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *mds_spec, const char **cmd, size_t cmdlen, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char **outbuf, size_t *outbuflen, char **outs, size_t *outslen) int ceph_rename(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *from_, const char *to) int ceph_link(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *existing, const char *newname) int ceph_unlink(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path) int ceph_symlink(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *existing, const char *newname) int ceph_readlink(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, char *buf, int64_t size) int ceph_setxattr(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, const char *name, const void *value, size_t size, int flags) int ceph_getxattr(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, const char *name, void *value, size_t size) int ceph_write(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int fd, const char *buf, int64_t size, int64_t offset) int ceph_read(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int fd, char *buf, int64_t size, int64_t offset) int ceph_flock(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int fd, int operation, uint64_t owner) int ceph_close(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int fd) int ceph_open(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode) int ceph_mkdir(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, mode_t mode) int ceph_mkdirs(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, mode_t mode) int ceph_closedir(ceph_mount_info *cmount, ceph_dir_result *dirp) int ceph_opendir(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *name, ceph_dir_result **dirpp) void ceph_rewinddir(ceph_mount_info *cmount, ceph_dir_result *dirp) int ceph_chdir(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path) dirent * ceph_readdir(ceph_mount_info *cmount, ceph_dir_result *dirp) int ceph_rmdir(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path) const char* ceph_getcwd(ceph_mount_info *cmount) int ceph_sync_fs(ceph_mount_info *cmount) int ceph_fsync(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int fd, int syncdataonly) int ceph_conf_parse_argv(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int argc, const char **argv) int ceph_chmod(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, mode_t mode) int ceph_chown(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, int uid, int gid) int ceph_lchown(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, int uid, int gid) int64_t ceph_lseek(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int fd, int64_t offset, int whence) void ceph_buffer_free(char *buf) mode_t ceph_umask(ceph_mount_info *cmount, mode_t mode) int ceph_utime(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, utimbuf *buf) int ceph_futime(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int fd, utimbuf *buf) int ceph_utimes(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, timeval times[2]) int ceph_lutimes(ceph_mount_info *cmount, const char *path, timeval times[2]) int ceph_futimes(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int fd, timeval times[2]) int ceph_futimens(ceph_mount_info *cmount, int fd, timespec times[2]) class Error(Exception): pass class OSError(Error): def __init__(self, errno, strerror): super(OSError, self).__init__(errno, strerror) self.errno = errno self.strerror = strerror def __str__(self): return '{0}: {1} [Errno {2}]'.format(self.strerror, os.strerror(self.errno), self.errno) class PermissionError(OSError): pass class ObjectNotFound(OSError): pass class NoData(OSError): pass class ObjectExists(OSError): pass class IOError(OSError): pass class NoSpace(OSError): pass class InvalidValue(OSError): pass class OperationNotSupported(OSError): pass class LibCephFSStateError(Error): pass class WouldBlock(OSError): pass class OutOfRange(OSError): pass class ObjectNotEmpty(OSError): pass class DiskQuotaExceeded(OSError): pass IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "FreeBSD": cdef errno_to_exception = { errno.EPERM : PermissionError, errno.ENOENT : ObjectNotFound, errno.EIO : IOError, errno.ENOSPC : NoSpace, errno.EEXIST : ObjectExists, errno.ENOATTR : NoData, errno.EINVAL : InvalidValue, errno.EOPNOTSUPP : OperationNotSupported, errno.ERANGE : OutOfRange, errno.EWOULDBLOCK: WouldBlock, errno.ENOTEMPTY : ObjectNotEmpty, errno.EDQUOT : DiskQuotaExceeded, } ELSE: cdef errno_to_exception = { errno.EPERM : PermissionError, errno.ENOENT : ObjectNotFound, errno.EIO : IOError, errno.ENOSPC : NoSpace, errno.EEXIST : ObjectExists, errno.ENODATA : NoData, errno.EINVAL : InvalidValue, errno.EOPNOTSUPP : OperationNotSupported, errno.ERANGE : OutOfRange, errno.EWOULDBLOCK: WouldBlock, errno.ENOTEMPTY : ObjectNotEmpty, errno.EDQUOT : DiskQuotaExceeded, } cdef make_ex(ret, msg): """ Translate a libcephfs return code into an exception. :param ret: the return code :type ret: int :param msg: the error message to use :type msg: str :returns: a subclass of :class:`Error` """ ret = abs(ret) if ret in errno_to_exception: return errno_to_exception[ret](ret, msg) else: return OSError(ret, msg) class DirEntry(namedtuple('DirEntry', ['d_ino', 'd_off', 'd_reclen', 'd_type', 'd_name'])): DT_DIR = 0x4 DT_REG = 0xA DT_LNK = 0xC def is_dir(self): return self.d_type == self.DT_DIR def is_symbol_file(self): return self.d_type == self.DT_LNK def is_file(self): return self.d_type == self.DT_REG StatResult = namedtuple('StatResult', ["st_dev", "st_ino", "st_mode", "st_nlink", "st_uid", "st_gid", "st_rdev", "st_size", "st_blksize", "st_blocks", "st_atime", "st_mtime", "st_ctime"]) cdef class DirResult(object): cdef LibCephFS lib cdef ceph_dir_result* handle # Bug in older Cython instances prevents this from being a static method. # @staticmethod # cdef create(LibCephFS lib, ceph_dir_result* handle): # d = DirResult() # d.lib = lib # d.handle = handle # return d def __dealloc__(self): self.close() def __enter__(self): if not self.handle: raise make_ex(errno.EBADF, "dir is not open") self.lib.require_state("mounted") with nogil: ceph_rewinddir(self.lib.cluster, self.handle) return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): self.close() return False def readdir(self): self.lib.require_state("mounted") with nogil: dirent = ceph_readdir(self.lib.cluster, self.handle) if not dirent: return None IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "FreeBSD": return DirEntry(d_ino=dirent.d_ino, d_off=0, d_reclen=dirent.d_reclen, d_type=dirent.d_type, d_name=dirent.d_name) ELSE: return DirEntry(d_ino=dirent.d_ino, d_off=dirent.d_off, d_reclen=dirent.d_reclen, d_type=dirent.d_type, d_name=dirent.d_name) def close(self): if self.handle: self.lib.require_state("mounted") with nogil: ret = ceph_closedir(self.lib.cluster, self.handle) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "closedir failed") self.handle = NULL def cstr(val, name, encoding="utf-8", opt=False): """ Create a byte string from a Python string :param basestring val: Python string :param str name: Name of the string parameter, for exceptions :param str encoding: Encoding to use :param bool opt: If True, None is allowed :rtype: bytes :raises: :class:`InvalidArgument` """ if opt and val is None: return None if isinstance(val, bytes): return val else: try: v = val.encode(encoding) except: raise TypeError('%s must be encodeable as a bytearray' % name) assert isinstance(v, bytes) return v def cstr_list(list_str, name, encoding="utf-8"): return [cstr(s, name) for s in list_str] def decode_cstr(val, encoding="utf-8"): """ Decode a byte string into a Python string. :param bytes val: byte string :rtype: unicode or None """ if val is None: return None return val.decode(encoding) cdef timeval to_timeval(t): """ return timeval equivalent from time """ tt = int(t) cdef timeval buf = timeval(tt, (t - tt) * 1000000) return buf cdef timespec to_timespec(t): """ return timespec equivalent from time """ tt = int(t) cdef timespec buf = timespec(tt, (t - tt) * 1000000000) return buf cdef char* opt_str(s) except? NULL: if s is None: return NULL return s cdef char ** to_bytes_array(list_bytes): cdef char **ret = malloc(len(list_bytes) * sizeof(char *)) if ret == NULL: raise MemoryError("malloc failed") for i in range(len(list_bytes)): ret[i] = list_bytes[i] return ret cdef void* realloc_chk(void* ptr, size_t size) except NULL: cdef void *ret = realloc(ptr, size) if ret == NULL: raise MemoryError("realloc failed") return ret cdef class LibCephFS(object): """libcephfs python wrapper""" cdef public object state cdef ceph_mount_info *cluster def require_state(self, *args): if self.state in args: return raise LibCephFSStateError("You cannot perform that operation on a " "CephFS object in state %s." % (self.state)) def __cinit__(self, conf=None, conffile=None, auth_id=None, rados_inst=None): """Create a libcephfs wrapper :param conf dict opt: settings overriding the default ones and conffile :param conffile str opt: the path to ceph.conf to override the default settings :auth_id str opt: the id used to authenticate the client entity :rados_inst Rados opt: a rados.Rados instance """ PyEval_InitThreads() self.state = "uninitialized" if rados_inst is not None: if auth_id is not None or conffile is not None or conf is not None: raise make_ex(errno.EINVAL, "May not pass RADOS instance as well as other configuration") self.create_with_rados(rados_inst) else: self.create(conf, conffile, auth_id) def create_with_rados(self, rados.Rados rados_inst): cdef int ret with nogil: ret = ceph_create_from_rados(&self.cluster, rados_inst.cluster) if ret != 0: raise Error("libcephfs_initialize failed with error code: %d" % ret) self.state = "configuring" NO_CONF_FILE = -1 "special value that indicates no conffile should be read when creating a mount handle" DEFAULT_CONF_FILES = -2 "special value that indicates the default conffiles should be read when creating a mount handle" def create(self, conf=None, conffile=NO_CONF_FILE, auth_id=None): """ Create a mount handle for interacting with Ceph. All libcephfs functions operate on a mount info handle. :param conf dict opt: settings overriding the default ones and conffile :param conffile Union[int,str], optional: the path to ceph.conf to override the default settings :auth_id str opt: the id used to authenticate the client entity """ if conf is not None and not isinstance(conf, dict): raise TypeError("conf must be dict or None") cstr(conffile, 'configfile', opt=True) auth_id = cstr(auth_id, 'auth_id', opt=True) cdef: char* _auth_id = opt_str(auth_id) int ret with nogil: ret = ceph_create(&self.cluster, _auth_id) if ret != 0: raise Error("libcephfs_initialize failed with error code: %d" % ret) self.state = "configuring" if conffile in (self.NO_CONF_FILE, None): pass elif conffile in (self.DEFAULT_CONF_FILES, ''): self.conf_read_file(None) else: self.conf_read_file(conffile) if conf is not None: for key, value in conf.iteritems(): self.conf_set(key, value) def conf_read_file(self, conffile=None): """ Load the ceph configuration from the specified config file. :param conffile str opt: the path to ceph.conf to override the default settings """ conffile = cstr(conffile, 'conffile', opt=True) cdef: char *_conffile = opt_str(conffile) with nogil: ret = ceph_conf_read_file(self.cluster, _conffile) if ret != 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error calling conf_read_file") def conf_parse_argv(self, argv): """ Parse the command line arguments and load the configuration parameters. :param argv: the argument list """ self.require_state("configuring") cargv = cstr_list(argv, 'argv') cdef: int _argc = len(argv) char **_argv = to_bytes_array(cargv) try: with nogil: ret = ceph_conf_parse_argv(self.cluster, _argc, _argv) if ret != 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error calling conf_parse_argv") finally: free(_argv) def shutdown(self): """ Unmount and destroy the ceph mount handle. """ if self.state in ["initialized", "mounted"]: with nogil: ceph_shutdown(self.cluster) self.state = "shutdown" def __enter__(self): self.mount() return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): self.shutdown() return False def __dealloc__(self): self.shutdown() def version(self): """ Get the version number of the ``libcephfs`` C library. :returns: a tuple of ``(major, minor, extra)`` components of the libcephfs version """ cdef: int major = 0 int minor = 0 int extra = 0 with nogil: ceph_version(&major, &minor, &extra) return (major, minor, extra) def conf_get(self, option): """ Gets the configuration value as a string. :param option: the config option to get """ self.require_state("configuring", "initialized", "mounted") option = cstr(option, 'option') cdef: char *_option = option size_t length = 20 char *ret_buf = NULL try: while True: ret_buf = realloc_chk(ret_buf, length) with nogil: ret = ceph_conf_get(self.cluster, _option, ret_buf, length) if ret == 0: return decode_cstr(ret_buf) elif ret == -errno.ENAMETOOLONG: length = length * 2 elif ret == -errno.ENOENT: return None else: raise make_ex(ret, "error calling conf_get") finally: free(ret_buf) def conf_set(self, option, val): """ Sets a configuration value from a string. :param option: the configuration option to set :param value: the value of the configuration option to set """ self.require_state("configuring", "initialized", "mounted") option = cstr(option, 'option') val = cstr(val, 'val') cdef: char *_option = option char *_val = val with nogil: ret = ceph_conf_set(self.cluster, _option, _val) if ret != 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error calling conf_set") def init(self): """ Initialize the filesystem client (but do not mount the filesystem yet) """ self.require_state("configuring") with nogil: ret = ceph_init(self.cluster) if ret != 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error calling ceph_init") self.state = "initialized" def mount(self, mount_root=None, filesystem_name=None): """ Perform a mount using the path for the root of the mount. """ if self.state == "configuring": self.init() self.require_state("initialized") # Configure which filesystem to mount if one was specified if filesystem_name is None: filesystem_name = b"" cdef: char *_filesystem_name = filesystem_name if filesystem_name: with nogil: ret = ceph_select_filesystem(self.cluster, _filesystem_name) if ret != 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error calling ceph_select_filesystem") # Prepare mount_root argument, default to "/" root = b"/" if mount_root is None else mount_root cdef: char *_mount_root = root with nogil: ret = ceph_mount(self.cluster, _mount_root) if ret != 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error calling ceph_mount") self.state = "mounted" def unmount(self): """ Unmount a mount handle. """ self.require_state("mounted") with nogil: ret = ceph_unmount(self.cluster) if ret != 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error calling ceph_unmount") self.state = "initialized" def abort_conn(self): """ Abort mds connections. """ self.require_state("mounted") with nogil: ret = ceph_abort_conn(self.cluster) if ret != 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error calling ceph_abort_conn") self.state = "initialized" def get_instance_id(self): """ Get a global id for current instance """ self.require_state("initialized", "mounted") with nogil: ret = ceph_get_instance_id(self.cluster) return ret; def statfs(self, path): """ Perform a statfs on the ceph file system. This call fills in file system wide statistics into the passed in buffer. :param path: any path within the mounted filesystem """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') cdef: char* _path = path statvfs statbuf with nogil: ret = ceph_statfs(self.cluster, _path, &statbuf) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "statfs failed: %s" % path) return {'f_bsize': statbuf.f_bsize, 'f_frsize': statbuf.f_frsize, 'f_blocks': statbuf.f_blocks, 'f_bfree': statbuf.f_bfree, 'f_bavail': statbuf.f_bavail, 'f_files': statbuf.f_files, 'f_ffree': statbuf.f_ffree, 'f_favail': statbuf.f_favail, 'f_fsid': statbuf.f_fsid, 'f_flag': statbuf.f_flag, 'f_namemax': statbuf.f_namemax} def sync_fs(self): """ Synchronize all filesystem data to persistent media """ self.require_state("mounted") with nogil: ret = ceph_sync_fs(self.cluster) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "sync_fs failed") def fsync(self, int fd, int syncdataonly): """ Synchronize an open file to persistent media. :param fd: the file descriptor of the file to sync. :param syncdataonly: a boolean whether to synchronize metadata and data (0) or just data (1). """ self.require_state("mounted") with nogil: ret = ceph_fsync(self.cluster, fd, syncdataonly) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "fsync failed") def getcwd(self): """ Get the current working directory. :rtype the path to the current working directory """ self.require_state("mounted") with nogil: ret = ceph_getcwd(self.cluster) return ret def chdir(self, path): """ Change the current working directory. :param path the path to the working directory to change into. """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') cdef char* _path = path with nogil: ret = ceph_chdir(self.cluster, _path) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "chdir failed") def opendir(self, path): """ Open the given directory. :param path: the path name of the directory to open. Must be either an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory. :rtype handle: the open directory stream handle """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') cdef: char* _path = path ceph_dir_result* handle with nogil: ret = ceph_opendir(self.cluster, _path, &handle); if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "opendir failed") d = DirResult() d.lib = self d.handle = handle return d def readdir(self, DirResult handle): """ Get the next entry in an open directory. :param handle: the open directory stream handle :rtype dentry: the next directory entry or None if at the end of the directory (or the directory is empty. This pointer should not be freed by the caller, and is only safe to access between return and the next call to readdir or closedir. """ self.require_state("mounted") return handle.readdir() def closedir(self, DirResult handle): """ Close the open directory. :param handle: the open directory stream handle """ self.require_state("mounted") return handle.close() def mkdir(self, path, mode): """ Create a directory. :param path: the path of the directory to create. This must be either an absolute path or a relative path off of the current working directory. :param mode the permissions the directory should have once created. """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') if not isinstance(mode, int): raise TypeError('mode must be an int') cdef: char* _path = path int _mode = mode with nogil: ret = ceph_mkdir(self.cluster, _path, _mode) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in mkdir {}".format(path.decode('utf-8'))) def chmod(self, path, mode) : """ Change directory mode. :param path: the path of the directory to create. This must be either an absolute path or a relative path off of the current working directory. :param mode the permissions the directory should have once created. """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') if not isinstance(mode, int): raise TypeError('mode must be an int') cdef: char* _path = path int _mode = mode with nogil: ret = ceph_chmod(self.cluster, _path, _mode) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in chmod {}".format(path.decode('utf-8'))) def chown(self, path, uid, gid, follow_symlink=True): """ Change directory ownership :param path: the path of the directory to change. :param uid: the uid to set :param gid: the gid to set :param follow_symlink: perform the operation on the target file if @path is a symbolic link (default) """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') if not isinstance(uid, int): raise TypeError('uid must be an int') elif not isinstance(gid, int): raise TypeError('gid must be an int') cdef: char* _path = path int _uid = uid int _gid = gid if follow_symlink: with nogil: ret = ceph_chown(self.cluster, _path, _uid, _gid) else: with nogil: ret = ceph_lchown(self.cluster, _path, _uid, _gid) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in chown {}".format(path.decode('utf-8'))) def lchown(self, path, uid, gid): """ Change ownership of a symbolic link :param path: the path of the symbolic link to change. :param uid: the uid to set :param gid: the gid to set """ self.chown(path, uid, gid, follow_symlink=False) def mkdirs(self, path, mode): """ Create multiple directories at once. :param path: the full path of directories and sub-directories that should be created. :param mode the permissions the directory should have once created """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') if not isinstance(mode, int): raise TypeError('mode must be an int') cdef: char* _path = path int _mode = mode with nogil: ret = ceph_mkdirs(self.cluster, _path, _mode) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in mkdirs {}".format(path.decode('utf-8'))) def rmdir(self, path): """ Remove a directory. :param path: the path of the directory to remove. """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') cdef char* _path = path ret = ceph_rmdir(self.cluster, _path) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in rmdir {}".format(path.decode('utf-8'))) def open(self, path, flags, mode=0): """ Create and/or open a file. :param path: the path of the file to open. If the flags parameter includes O_CREAT, the file will first be created before opening. :param flags: set of option masks that control how the file is created/opened. :param mode: the permissions to place on the file if the file does not exist and O_CREAT is specified in the flags. """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') if not isinstance(mode, int): raise TypeError('mode must be an int') if isinstance(flags, str): cephfs_flags = 0 if flags == '': cephfs_flags = os.O_RDONLY else: access_flags = 0; for c in flags: if c == 'r': access_flags = 1; elif c == 'w': access_flags = 2; cephfs_flags |= os.O_TRUNC | os.O_CREAT elif access_flags > 0 and c == '+': access_flags = 3; else: raise make_ex(errno.EOPNOTSUPP, "open flags doesn't support %s" % c) if access_flags == 1: cephfs_flags |= os.O_RDONLY; elif access_flags == 2: cephfs_flags |= os.O_WRONLY; else: cephfs_flags |= os.O_RDWR; elif isinstance(flags, int): cephfs_flags = flags else: raise TypeError("flags must be a string or an integer") cdef: char* _path = path int _flags = cephfs_flags int _mode = mode with nogil: ret = ceph_open(self.cluster, _path, _flags, _mode) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in open {}".format(path.decode('utf-8'))) return ret def close(self, fd): """ Close the open file. :param fd: the file descriptor referring to the open file. """ self.require_state("mounted") if not isinstance(fd, int): raise TypeError('fd must be an int') cdef int _fd = fd with nogil: ret = ceph_close(self.cluster, _fd) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in close") def read(self, fd, offset, l): """ Read data from the file. :param fd : the file descriptor of the open file to read from. :param offset : the offset in the file to read from. If this value is negative, the function reads from the current offset of the file descriptor. :param l : the flag to indicate what type of seeking to perform """ self.require_state("mounted") if not isinstance(offset, int): raise TypeError('offset must be an int') if not isinstance(l, int): raise TypeError('l must be an int') if not isinstance(fd, int): raise TypeError('fd must be an int') cdef: int _fd = fd int64_t _offset = offset int64_t _length = l char *ret_buf PyObject* ret_s = NULL ret_s = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, _length) try: ret_buf = PyBytes_AsString(ret_s) with nogil: ret = ceph_read(self.cluster, _fd, ret_buf, _length, _offset) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in read") if ret != _length: _PyBytes_Resize(&ret_s, ret) return ret_s finally: # We DECREF unconditionally: the cast to object above will have # INCREFed if necessary. This also takes care of exceptions, # including if _PyString_Resize fails (that will free the string # itself and set ret_s to NULL, hence XDECREF). ref.Py_XDECREF(ret_s) def write(self, fd, buf, offset): """ Write data to a file. :param fd : the file descriptor of the open file to write to :param buf : the bytes to write to the file :param offset : the offset of the file write into. If this value is negative, the function writes to the current offset of the file descriptor. """ self.require_state("mounted") if not isinstance(fd, int): raise TypeError('fd must be an int') if not isinstance(buf, bytes): raise TypeError('buf must be a bytes') if not isinstance(offset, int): raise TypeError('offset must be an int') cdef: int _fd = fd char *_data = buf int64_t _offset = offset size_t length = len(buf) with nogil: ret = ceph_write(self.cluster, _fd, _data, length, _offset) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in write") return ret def flock(self, fd, operation, owner): """ Apply or remove an advisory lock. :param fd: the open file descriptor to change advisory lock. :param operation: the advisory lock operation to be performed on the file :param owner: the user-supplied owner identifier (an arbitrary integer) """ self.require_state("mounted") if not isinstance(fd, int): raise TypeError('fd must be an int') if not isinstance(operation, int): raise TypeError('operation must be an int') cdef: int _fd = fd int _op = operation uint64_t _owner = owner with nogil: ret = ceph_flock(self.cluster, _fd, _op, _owner) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in write") return ret def getxattr(self, path, name, size=255): """ Get an extended attribute. :param path: the path to the file :param name: the name of the extended attribute to get :param size: the size of the pre-allocated buffer """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') name = cstr(name, 'name') cdef: char* _path = path char* _name = name size_t ret_length = size char *ret_buf = NULL try: ret_buf = realloc_chk(ret_buf, ret_length) with nogil: ret = ceph_getxattr(self.cluster, _path, _name, ret_buf, ret_length) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in getxattr") return ret_buf[:ret] finally: free(ret_buf) def setxattr(self, path, name, value, flags): """ Set an extended attribute on a file. :param path: the path to the file. :param name: the name of the extended attribute to set. :param value: the bytes of the extended attribute value """ self.require_state("mounted") name = cstr(name, 'name') path = cstr(path, 'path') if not isinstance(flags, int): raise TypeError('flags must be a int') if not isinstance(value, bytes): raise TypeError('value must be a bytes') cdef: char *_path = path char *_name = name char *_value = value size_t _value_len = len(value) int _flags = flags with nogil: ret = ceph_setxattr(self.cluster, _path, _name, _value, _value_len, _flags) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in setxattr") def stat(self, path, follow_symlink=True): """ Get a file's extended statistics and attributes. :param path: the file or directory to get the statistics of. """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') cdef: char* _path = path statx stx if follow_symlink: with nogil: ret = ceph_statx(self.cluster, _path, &stx, CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS_CDEF, 0) else: with nogil: ret = ceph_statx(self.cluster, _path, &stx, CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS_CDEF, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW_CDEF) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in stat: {}".format(path.decode('utf-8'))) return StatResult(st_dev=stx.stx_dev, st_ino=stx.stx_ino, st_mode=stx.stx_mode, st_nlink=stx.stx_nlink, st_uid=stx.stx_uid, st_gid=stx.stx_gid, st_rdev=stx.stx_rdev, st_size=stx.stx_size, st_blksize=stx.stx_blksize, st_blocks=stx.stx_blocks, st_atime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stx.stx_atime.tv_sec), st_mtime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stx.stx_mtime.tv_sec), st_ctime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stx.stx_ctime.tv_sec)) def lstat(self, path): """ Get a file's extended statistics and attributes. When file's a symbolic link, return the informaion of the link itself rather than that of the file it points too. :param path: the file or directory to get the statistics of. """ return self.stat(path, follow_symlink=False) def fstat(self, fd): """ Get an open file's extended statistics and attributes. :param fd: the file descriptor of the file to get statistics of. """ self.require_state("mounted") if not isinstance(fd, int): raise TypeError('fd must be an int') cdef: int _fd = fd statx stx with nogil: ret = ceph_fstatx(self.cluster, _fd, &stx, CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS_CDEF, 0) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in fsat") return StatResult(st_dev=stx.stx_dev, st_ino=stx.stx_ino, st_mode=stx.stx_mode, st_nlink=stx.stx_nlink, st_uid=stx.stx_uid, st_gid=stx.stx_gid, st_rdev=stx.stx_rdev, st_size=stx.stx_size, st_blksize=stx.stx_blksize, st_blocks=stx.stx_blocks, st_atime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stx.stx_atime.tv_sec), st_mtime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stx.stx_mtime.tv_sec), st_ctime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stx.stx_ctime.tv_sec)) def statx(self, path, mask, flag): """ Get a file's extended statistics and attributes. :param path: the file or directory to get the statistics of. :param mask: want bitfield of CEPH_STATX_* flags showing designed attributes. :param flag: bitfield that can be used to set AT_* modifier flags (only AT_NO_ATTR_SYNC and AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') if not isinstance(mask, int): raise TypeError('flag must be a int') if not isinstance(flag, int): raise TypeError('flag must be a int') cdef: char* _path = path statx stx int _mask = mask int _flag = flag dict_result = dict() with nogil: ret = ceph_statx(self.cluster, _path, &stx, _mask, _flag) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in stat: %s" % path) if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_MODE): dict_result["mode"] = stx.stx_mode if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_NLINK): dict_result["nlink"] = stx.stx_nlink if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_UID): dict_result["uid"] = stx.stx_uid if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_GID): dict_result["gid"] = stx.stx_gid if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_RDEV): dict_result["rdev"] = stx.stx_rdev if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_ATIME): dict_result["atime"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(stx.stx_atime.tv_sec) if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_MTIME): dict_result["mtime"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(stx.stx_mtime.tv_sec) if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_CTIME): dict_result["ctime"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(stx.stx_ctime.tv_sec) if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_INO): dict_result["ino"] = stx.stx_ino if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_SIZE): dict_result["size"] = stx.stx_size if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_BLOCKS): dict_result["blocks"] = stx.stx_blocks if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_BTIME): dict_result["btime"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(stx.stx_btime.tv_sec) if (_mask & CEPH_STATX_VERSION): dict_result["version"] = stx.stx_version return dict_result def symlink(self, existing, newname): """ Creates a symbolic link. :param existing: the path to the existing file/directory to link to. :param newname: the path to the new file/directory to link from. """ self.require_state("mounted") existing = cstr(existing, 'existing') newname = cstr(newname, 'newname') cdef: char* _existing = existing char* _newname = newname with nogil: ret = ceph_symlink(self.cluster, _existing, _newname) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in symlink") def link(self, existing, newname): """ Create a link. :param existing: the path to the existing file/directory to link to. :param newname: the path to the new file/directory to link from. """ self.require_state("mounted") existing = cstr(existing, 'existing') newname = cstr(newname, 'newname') cdef: char* _existing = existing char* _newname = newname with nogil: ret = ceph_link(self.cluster, _existing, _newname) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in link") def readlink(self, path, size): """ Read a symbolic link. :param path: the path to the symlink to read :param size: the length of the buffer :rtype buf: buffer to hold the path of the file that the symlink points to. """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') cdef: char* _path = path int64_t _size = size char *buf = NULL try: buf = realloc_chk(buf, _size) with nogil: ret = ceph_readlink(self.cluster, _path, buf, _size) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in readlink") return buf[:ret] finally: free(buf) def unlink(self, path): """ Removes a file, link, or symbolic link. If the file/link has multiple links to it, the file will not disappear from the namespace until all references to it are removed. :param path: the path of the file or link to unlink. """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') cdef char* _path = path with nogil: ret = ceph_unlink(self.cluster, _path) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in unlink: {}".format(path.decode('utf-8'))) def rename(self, src, dst): """ Rename a file or directory. :param src: the path to the existing file or directory. :param dst: the new name of the file or directory. """ self.require_state("mounted") src = cstr(src, 'source') dst = cstr(dst, 'destination') cdef: char* _src = src char* _dst = dst with nogil: ret = ceph_rename(self.cluster, _src, _dst) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in rename {} to {}".format(src.decode( 'utf-8'), dst.decode('utf-8'))) def mds_command(self, mds_spec, args, input_data): """ :return 3-tuple of output status int, output status string, output data """ mds_spec = cstr(mds_spec, 'mds_spec') args = cstr_list(args, 'args') input_data = cstr(input_data, 'input_data') cdef: char *_mds_spec = opt_str(mds_spec) char **_cmd = to_bytes_array(args) size_t _cmdlen = len(args) char *_inbuf = input_data size_t _inbuf_len = len(input_data) char *_outbuf = NULL size_t _outbuf_len = 0 char *_outs = NULL size_t _outs_len = 0 try: with nogil: ret = ceph_mds_command(self.cluster, _mds_spec, _cmd, _cmdlen, _inbuf, _inbuf_len, &_outbuf, &_outbuf_len, &_outs, &_outs_len) my_outs = decode_cstr(_outs[:_outs_len]) my_outbuf = _outbuf[:_outbuf_len] if _outs_len: ceph_buffer_free(_outs) if _outbuf_len: ceph_buffer_free(_outbuf) return (ret, my_outbuf, my_outs) finally: free(_cmd) def umask(self, mode) : self.require_state("mounted") cdef: mode_t _mode = mode with nogil: ret = ceph_umask(self.cluster, _mode) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in umask") return ret def lseek(self, fd, offset, whence): """ Set the file's current position. :param fd : the file descriptor of the open file to read from. :param offset : the offset in the file to read from. If this value is negative, the function reads from the current offset of the file descriptor. :param whence : the flag to indicate what type of seeking to performs:SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END """ self.require_state("mounted") if not isinstance(fd, int): raise TypeError('fd must be an int') if not isinstance(offset, int): raise TypeError('offset must be an int') if not isinstance(whence, int): raise TypeError('whence must be an int') cdef: int _fd = fd int64_t _offset = offset int64_t _whence = whence with nogil: ret = ceph_lseek(self.cluster, _fd, _offset, _whence) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in lseek") return ret def utime(self, path, times=None): """ Set access and modification time for path :param path: file path for which timestamps have to be changed :param times: if times is not None, it must be a tuple (atime, mtime) """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') if times: if not isinstance(times, tuple): raise TypeError('times must be a tuple') if not isinstance(times[0], int): raise TypeError('atime must be an int') if not isinstance(times[1], int): raise TypeError('mtime must be an int') actime = modtime = int(time.time()) if times: actime = times[0] modtime = times[1] cdef: char *pth = path utimbuf buf = utimbuf(actime, modtime) with nogil: ret = ceph_utime(self.cluster, pth, &buf) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in utime {}".format(path.decode('utf-8'))) def futime(self, fd, times=None): """ Set access and modification time for a file pointed by descriptor :param fd: file descriptor of the open file :param times: if times is not None, it must be a tuple (atime, mtime) """ self.require_state("mounted") if not isinstance(fd, int): raise TypeError('fd must be an int') if times: if not isinstance(times, tuple): raise TypeError('times must be a tuple') if not isinstance(times[0], int): raise TypeError('atime must be an int') if not isinstance(times[1], int): raise TypeError('mtime must be an int') actime = modtime = int(time.time()) if times: actime = times[0] modtime = times[1] cdef: int _fd = fd utimbuf buf = utimbuf(actime, modtime) with nogil: ret = ceph_futime(self.cluster, _fd, &buf) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in futime") def utimes(self, path, times=None, follow_symlink=True): """ Set access and modification time for path :param path: file path for which timestamps have to be changed :param times: if times is not None, it must be a tuple (atime, mtime) :param follow_symlink: perform the operation on the target file if @path is a symbolic link (default) """ self.require_state("mounted") path = cstr(path, 'path') if times: if not isinstance(times, tuple): raise TypeError('times must be a tuple') if not isinstance(times[0], (int, float)): raise TypeError('atime must be an int or a float') if not isinstance(times[1], (int, float)): raise TypeError('mtime must be an int or a float') actime = modtime = time.time() if times: actime = float(times[0]) modtime = float(times[1]) cdef: char *pth = path timeval *buf = [to_timeval(actime), to_timeval(modtime)] if follow_symlink: with nogil: ret = ceph_utimes(self.cluster, pth, buf) else: with nogil: ret = ceph_lutimes(self.cluster, pth, buf) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in utimes {}".format(path.decode('utf-8'))) def lutimes(self, path, times=None): """ Set access and modification time for a file. If the file is a symbolic link do not follow to the target. :param path: file path for which timestamps have to be changed :param times: if times is not None, it must be a tuple (atime, mtime) """ self.utimes(path, times=times, follow_symlink=False) def futimes(self, fd, times=None): """ Set access and modification time for a file pointer by descriptor :param fd: file descriptor of the open file :param times: if times is not None, it must be a tuple (atime, mtime) """ self.require_state("mounted") if not isinstance(fd, int): raise TypeError('fd must be an int') if times: if not isinstance(times, tuple): raise TypeError('times must be a tuple') if not isinstance(times[0], (int, float)): raise TypeError('atime must be an int or a float') if not isinstance(times[1], (int, float)): raise TypeError('mtime must be an int or a float') actime = modtime = time.time() if times: actime = float(times[0]) modtime = float(times[1]) cdef: int _fd = fd timeval *buf = [to_timeval(actime), to_timeval(modtime)] with nogil: ret = ceph_futimes(self.cluster, _fd, buf) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in futimes") def futimens(self, fd, times=None): """ Set access and modification time for a file pointer by descriptor :param fd: file descriptor of the open file :param times: if times is not None, it must be a tuple (atime, mtime) """ self.require_state("mounted") if not isinstance(fd, int): raise TypeError('fd must be an int') if times: if not isinstance(times, tuple): raise TypeError('times must be a tuple') if not isinstance(times[0], (int, float)): raise TypeError('atime must be an int or a float') if not isinstance(times[1], (int, float)): raise TypeError('mtime must be an int or a float') actime = modtime = time.time() if times: actime = float(times[0]) modtime = float(times[1]) cdef: int _fd = fd timespec *buf = [to_timespec(actime), to_timespec(modtime)] with nogil: ret = ceph_futimens(self.cluster, _fd, buf) if ret < 0: raise make_ex(ret, "error in futimens")