# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ * Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LLC * * openATTIC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from .settings import Settings from .tools import build_url import inspect import re import requests from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, InvalidURL, Timeout from . import logger try: from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import SSLError except ImportError: from urllib3.exceptions import SSLError class TimeoutRequestsSession(requests.Session): """ Set timeout argument for all requests if this is not already done. """ def request(self, *args, **kwargs): if ((args[8] if len(args) > 8 else None) is None) \ and kwargs.get('timeout') is None: if Settings.REST_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT > 0: kwargs['timeout'] = Settings.REST_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT return super(TimeoutRequestsSession, self).request(*args, **kwargs) class RequestException(Exception): def __init__(self, message, status_code=None, content=None, conn_errno=None, conn_strerror=None): super(RequestException, self).__init__(message) self.status_code = status_code self.content = content self.conn_errno = conn_errno self.conn_strerror = conn_strerror class BadResponseFormatException(RequestException): def __init__(self, message): super(BadResponseFormatException, self).__init__( "Bad response format" if message is None else message, None) class _ResponseValidator(object): """Simple JSON schema validator This class implements a very simple validator for the JSON formatted messages received by request responses from a RestClient instance. The validator validates the JSON response against a "structure" string that specifies the structure that the JSON response must comply. The validation procedure raises a BadResponseFormatException in case of a validation failure. The structure syntax is given by the following grammar: Structure ::= Level Level ::= Path | Path '&' Level Path ::= Step | Step '>'+ Path Step ::= Key | '?' Key | '*' | '(' Level ')' Key ::= | Array+ Array ::= '[' ']' | '[' '*' ']' | '[' '+' ']' The symbols enclosed in ' ' are tokens of the language, and the + symbol denotes repetition of of the preceding token at least once. Examples of usage: Example 1: Validator args: structure = "return > *" response = { 'return': { ... } } In the above example the structure will validate against any response that contains a key named "return" in the root of the response dictionary and its value is also a dictionary. Example 2: Validator args: structure = "[*]" response = [...] In the above example the structure will validate against any response that is an array of any size. Example 3: Validator args: structure = "return[*]" response = { 'return': [....] } In the above example the structure will validate against any response that contains a key named "return" in the root of the response dictionary and its value is an array. Example 4: Validator args: structure = "return[0] > token" response = { 'return': [ { 'token': .... } ] } In the above example the structure will validate against any response that contains a key named "return" in the root of the response dictionary and its value is an array, and the first element of the array is a dictionary that contains the key 'token'. Example 5: Validator args: structure = "return[0][*] > key1" response = { 'return': [ [ { 'key1': ... } ], ...] } In the above example the structure will validate against any response that contains a key named "return" in the root of the response dictionary where its value is an array, and the first value of this array is also an array where all it's values must be a dictionary containing a key named "key1". Example 6: Validator args: structure = "return > (key1[*] & key2 & ?key3 > subkey)" response = { 'return': { 'key1': [...], 'key2: .... } ] } In the above example the structure will validate against any response that contains a key named "return" in the root of the response dictionary and its value is a dictionary that must contain a key named "key1" that is an array, a key named "key2", and optionally a key named "key3" that is a dictionary that contains a key named "subkey". Example 7: Validator args: structure = "return >> roles[*]" response = { 'return': { 'key1': { 'roles': [...] }, 'key2': { 'roles': [...] } } } In the above example the structure will validate against any response that contains a key named "return" in the root of the response dictionary, and its value is a dictionary that for any key present in the dictionary their value is also a dictionary that must contain a key named 'roles' that is an array. Please note that you can use any number of successive '>' to denote the level in the JSON tree that you want to match next step in the path. """ @staticmethod def validate(structure, response): if structure is None: return _ResponseValidator._validate_level(structure, response) @staticmethod def _validate_level(level, resp): if not isinstance(resp, dict) and not isinstance(resp, list): raise BadResponseFormatException( "{} is neither a dict nor a list".format(resp)) paths = _ResponseValidator._parse_level_paths(level) for path in paths: path_sep = path.find('>') if path_sep != -1: level_next = path[path_sep + 1:].strip() else: path_sep = len(path) level_next = None key = path[:path_sep].strip() if key == '*': continue elif key == '': # check all keys for k in resp.keys(): _ResponseValidator._validate_key(k, level_next, resp) else: _ResponseValidator._validate_key(key, level_next, resp) @staticmethod def _validate_array(array_seq, level_next, resp): if array_seq: if not isinstance(resp, list): raise BadResponseFormatException( "{} is not an array".format(resp)) if array_seq[0].isdigit(): idx = int(array_seq[0]) if len(resp) <= idx: raise BadResponseFormatException( "length of array {} is lower than the index {}".format( resp, idx)) _ResponseValidator._validate_array(array_seq[1:], level_next, resp[idx]) elif array_seq[0] == '*': for r in resp: _ResponseValidator._validate_array(array_seq[1:], level_next, r) elif array_seq[0] == '+': if len(resp) < 1: raise BadResponseFormatException( "array should not be empty") for r in resp: _ResponseValidator._validate_array(array_seq[1:], level_next, r) else: raise Exception( "Response structure is invalid: only | '*' are " "allowed as array index arguments") else: if level_next: _ResponseValidator._validate_level(level_next, resp) @staticmethod def _validate_key(key, level_next, resp): array_access = [a.strip() for a in key.split("[")] key = array_access[0] if key: optional = key[0] == '?' if optional: key = key[1:] if key not in resp: if optional: return raise BadResponseFormatException( "key {} is not in dict {}".format(key, resp)) resp_next = resp[key] else: resp_next = resp if len(array_access) > 1: _ResponseValidator._validate_array( [a[0:-1] for a in array_access[1:]], level_next, resp_next) else: if level_next: _ResponseValidator._validate_level(level_next, resp_next) @staticmethod def _parse_level_paths(level): level = level.strip() if level[0] == '(': level = level[1:] if level[-1] == ')': level = level[:-1] paths = [] lp = 0 nested = 0 for i, c in enumerate(level): if c == '&' and nested == 0: paths.append(level[lp:i].strip()) lp = i + 1 elif c == '(': nested += 1 elif c == ')': nested -= 1 paths.append(level[lp:].strip()) return paths class _Request(object): def __init__(self, method, path, path_params, rest_client, resp_structure): self.method = method self.path = path self.path_params = path_params self.rest_client = rest_client self.resp_structure = resp_structure def _gen_path(self): new_path = self.path matches = re.finditer(r'\{(\w+?)\}', self.path) for match in matches: if match: param_key = match.group(1) if param_key in self.path_params: new_path = new_path.replace( match.group(0), self.path_params[param_key]) else: raise RequestException( 'Invalid path. Param "{}" was not specified' .format(param_key), None) return new_path def __call__(self, req_data=None, method=None, params=None, data=None, raw_content=False): method = method if method else self.method if not method: raise Exception('No HTTP request method specified') if req_data: if method == 'get': if params: raise Exception('Ambiguous source of GET params') params = req_data else: if data: raise Exception('Ambiguous source of {} data'.format( method.upper())) data = req_data resp = self.rest_client.do_request(method, self._gen_path(), params, data, raw_content) if raw_content and self.resp_structure: raise Exception("Cannot validate response in raw format") _ResponseValidator.validate(self.resp_structure, resp) return resp class RestClient(object): def __init__(self, host, port, client_name=None, ssl=False, auth=None, ssl_verify=True): super(RestClient, self).__init__() self.client_name = client_name if client_name else '' self.host = host self.port = port self.base_url = build_url( scheme='https' if ssl else 'http', host=host, port=port) logger.debug("REST service base URL: %s", self.base_url) self.headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} self.auth = auth self.session = TimeoutRequestsSession() self.session.verify = ssl_verify def _login(self, request=None): pass def _is_logged_in(self): pass def _reset_login(self): pass def is_service_online(self, request=None): pass @staticmethod def requires_login(func): def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): retries = 2 while True: try: if not self._is_logged_in(): self._login() resp = func(self, *args, **kwargs) return resp except RequestException as e: if isinstance(e, BadResponseFormatException): raise e retries -= 1 if e.status_code not in [401, 403] or retries == 0: raise e self._reset_login() return func_wrapper def do_request(self, method, path, params=None, data=None, raw_content=False): url = '{}{}'.format(self.base_url, path) logger.debug('%s REST API %s req: %s data: %s', self.client_name, method.upper(), path, data) try: if method.lower() == 'get': resp = self.session.get( url, headers=self.headers, params=params, auth=self.auth) elif method.lower() == 'post': resp = self.session.post( url, headers=self.headers, params=params, data=data, auth=self.auth) elif method.lower() == 'put': resp = self.session.put( url, headers=self.headers, params=params, data=data, auth=self.auth) elif method.lower() == 'delete': resp = self.session.delete( url, headers=self.headers, params=params, data=data, auth=self.auth) else: raise RequestException('Method "{}" not supported'.format( method.upper()), None) if resp.ok: logger.debug("%s REST API %s res status: %s content: %s", self.client_name, method.upper(), resp.status_code, resp.text) if raw_content: return resp.content try: return resp.json() if resp.text else None except ValueError: logger.error( "%s REST API failed %s req while decoding JSON " "response : %s", self.client_name, method.upper(), resp.text) raise RequestException( "{} REST API failed request while decoding JSON " "response: {}".format(self.client_name, resp.text), resp.status_code, resp.text) else: logger.error( "%s REST API failed %s req status: %s", self.client_name, method.upper(), resp.status_code) from pprint import pprint as pp from pprint import pformat as pf raise RequestException( "{} REST API failed request with status code {}\n" "{}" # TODO remove .format(self.client_name, resp.status_code, pf( resp.content)), resp.status_code, resp.content) except ConnectionError as ex: if ex.args: if isinstance(ex.args[0], SSLError): errno = "n/a" strerror = "SSL error. Probably trying to access a non " \ "SSL connection." logger.error("%s REST API failed %s, SSL error.", self.client_name, method.upper()) else: try: match = re.match(r'.*: \[Errno (-?\d+)\] (.+)', ex.args[0].reason.args[0]) except AttributeError: match = False if match: errno = match.group(1) strerror = match.group(2) logger.error( "%s REST API failed %s, connection error: " "[errno: %s] %s", self.client_name, method.upper(), errno, strerror) else: errno = "n/a" strerror = "n/a" logger.error( "%s REST API failed %s, connection error.", self.client_name, method.upper()) else: errno = "n/a" strerror = "n/a" logger.error("%s REST API failed %s, connection error.", self.client_name, method.upper()) if errno != "n/a": ex_msg = ( "{} REST API cannot be reached: {} [errno {}]. " "Please check your configuration and that the API endpoint" " is accessible" .format(self.client_name, strerror, errno)) else: ex_msg = ( "{} REST API cannot be reached. Please check " "your configuration and that the API endpoint is" " accessible" .format(self.client_name)) raise RequestException( ex_msg, conn_errno=errno, conn_strerror=strerror) except InvalidURL as ex: logger.exception("%s REST API failed %s: %s", self.client_name, method.upper(), str(ex)) raise RequestException(str(ex)) except Timeout as ex: msg = "{} REST API {} timed out after {} seconds (url={}).".format( self.client_name, ex.request.method, Settings.REST_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT, ex.request.url) logger.exception(msg) raise RequestException(msg) @staticmethod def api(path, **api_kwargs): def call_decorator(func): def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): method = api_kwargs.get('method', None) resp_structure = api_kwargs.get('resp_structure', None) args_name = inspect.getargspec(func).args args_dict = dict(zip(args_name[1:], args)) for key, val in kwargs: args_dict[key] = val return func( self, *args, request=_Request(method, path, args_dict, self, resp_structure), **kwargs) return func_wrapper return call_decorator @staticmethod def api_get(path, resp_structure=None): return RestClient.api( path, method='get', resp_structure=resp_structure) @staticmethod def api_post(path, resp_structure=None): return RestClient.api( path, method='post', resp_structure=resp_structure) @staticmethod def api_put(path, resp_structure=None): return RestClient.api( path, method='put', resp_structure=resp_structure) @staticmethod def api_delete(path, resp_structure=None): return RestClient.api( path, method='delete', resp_structure=resp_structure)