from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime from threading import Event, Thread from itertools import chain from six import next from six.moves import queue from six.moves import xrange as range import json import errno import six import time from mgr_module import MgrModule try: from influxdb import InfluxDBClient from influxdb.exceptions import InfluxDBClientError from requests.exceptions import RequestException except ImportError: InfluxDBClient = None class Module(MgrModule): MODULE_OPTIONS = [ { 'name': 'hostname', 'default': None }, { 'name': 'port', 'default': 8086 }, { 'name': 'database', 'default': 'ceph' }, { 'name': 'username', 'default': None }, { 'name': 'password', 'default': None }, { 'name': 'interval', 'default': 30 }, { 'name': 'ssl', 'default': 'false' }, { 'name': 'verify_ssl', 'default': 'true' }, { 'name': 'threads', 'default': 5 }, { 'name': 'batch_size', 'default': 5000 } ] @property def config_keys(self): return dict((o['name'], o.get('default', None)) for o in self.MODULE_OPTIONS) COMMANDS = [ { "cmd": "influx config-set name=key,type=CephString " "name=value,type=CephString", "desc": "Set a configuration value", "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "influx config-show", "desc": "Show current configuration", "perm": "r" }, { "cmd": "influx send", "desc": "Force sending data to Influx", "perm": "rw" } ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Module, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.event = Event() = True self.config = dict() self.workers = list() self.queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=100) self.health_checks = dict() def get_fsid(self): return self.get('mon_map')['fsid'] @staticmethod def can_run(): if InfluxDBClient is not None: return True, "" else: return False, "influxdb python module not found" @staticmethod def get_timestamp(): return datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' @staticmethod def chunk(l, n): try: while True: xs = [] for _ in range(n): xs.append(next(l)) yield xs except StopIteration: yield xs def queue_worker(self): while True: try: points = self.queue.get() if points is None: self.log.debug('Worker shutting down') break start = time.time() with self.get_influx_client() as client: client.write_points(points, time_precision='ms') runtime = time.time() - start self.log.debug('Writing points %d to Influx took %.3f seconds', len(points), runtime) except RequestException as e: self.log.exception("Failed to connect to Influx host %s:%d", self.config['hostname'], self.config['port']) self.health_checks.update({ 'MGR_INFLUX_SEND_FAILED': { 'severity': 'warning', 'summary': 'Failed to send data to InfluxDB server ' 'at %s:%d due to an connection error' % (self.config['hostname'], self.config['port']), 'detail': [str(e)] } }) except InfluxDBClientError as e: self.health_checks.update({ 'MGR_INFLUX_SEND_FAILED': { 'severity': 'warning', 'summary': 'Failed to send data to InfluxDB', 'detail': [str(e)] } }) self.log.exception('Failed to send data to InfluxDB') except queue.Empty: continue except: self.log.exception('Unhandled Exception while sending to Influx') finally: self.queue.task_done() def get_latest(self, daemon_type, daemon_name, stat): data = self.get_counter(daemon_type, daemon_name, stat)[stat] if data: return data[-1][1] return 0 def get_df_stats(self, now): df = self.get("df") data = [] pool_info = {} df_types = [ 'stored', 'kb_used', 'dirty', 'rd', 'rd_bytes', 'stored_raw', 'wr', 'wr_bytes', 'objects', 'max_avail', 'quota_objects', 'quota_bytes' ] for df_type in df_types: for pool in df['pools']: point = { "measurement": "ceph_pool_stats", "tags": { "pool_name": pool['name'], "pool_id": pool['id'], "type_instance": df_type, "fsid": self.get_fsid() }, "time": now, "fields": { "value": pool['stats'][df_type], } } data.append(point) pool_info.update({str(pool['id']):pool['name']}) return data, pool_info def get_pg_summary_osd(self, pool_info, now): pg_sum = self.get('pg_summary') osd_sum = pg_sum['by_osd'] for osd_id, stats in six.iteritems(osd_sum): metadata = self.get_metadata('osd', "%s" % osd_id) if not metadata: continue for stat in stats: yield { "measurement": "ceph_pg_summary_osd", "tags": { "ceph_daemon": "osd." + str(osd_id), "type_instance": stat, "host": metadata['hostname'] }, "time" : now, "fields" : { "value": stats[stat] } } def get_pg_summary_pool(self, pool_info, now): pool_sum = self.get('pg_summary')['by_pool'] for pool_id, stats in six.iteritems(pool_sum): for stat in stats: yield { "measurement": "ceph_pg_summary_pool", "tags": { "pool_name" : pool_info[pool_id], "pool_id" : pool_id, "type_instance" : stat, }, "time" : now, "fields": { "value" : stats[stat], } } def get_daemon_stats(self, now): for daemon, counters in six.iteritems(self.get_all_perf_counters()): svc_type, svc_id = daemon.split(".", 1) metadata = self.get_metadata(svc_type, svc_id) for path, counter_info in counters.items(): if counter_info['type'] & self.PERFCOUNTER_HISTOGRAM: continue value = counter_info['value'] yield { "measurement": "ceph_daemon_stats", "tags": { "ceph_daemon": daemon, "type_instance": path, "host": metadata['hostname'], "fsid": self.get_fsid() }, "time": now, "fields": { "value": value } } def set_config_option(self, option, value): if option not in self.config_keys.keys(): raise RuntimeError('{0} is a unknown configuration ' 'option'.format(option)) if option in ['port', 'interval', 'threads', 'batch_size']: try: value = int(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise RuntimeError('invalid {0} configured. Please specify ' 'a valid integer'.format(option)) if option == 'interval' and value < 5: raise RuntimeError('interval should be set to at least 5 seconds') if option in ['ssl', 'verify_ssl']: value = value.lower() == 'true' if option == 'threads': if 1 > value > 32: raise RuntimeError('threads should be in range 1-32') self.config[option] = value def init_module_config(self): self.config['hostname'] = \ self.get_module_option("hostname", default=self.config_keys['hostname']) self.config['port'] = \ int(self.get_module_option("port", default=self.config_keys['port'])) self.config['database'] = \ self.get_module_option("database", default=self.config_keys['database']) self.config['username'] = \ self.get_module_option("username", default=self.config_keys['username']) self.config['password'] = \ self.get_module_option("password", default=self.config_keys['password']) self.config['interval'] = \ int(self.get_module_option("interval", default=self.config_keys['interval'])) self.config['threads'] = \ int(self.get_module_option("threads", default=self.config_keys['threads'])) self.config['batch_size'] = \ int(self.get_module_option("batch_size", default=self.config_keys['batch_size'])) ssl = self.get_module_option("ssl", default=self.config_keys['ssl']) self.config['ssl'] = ssl.lower() == 'true' verify_ssl = \ self.get_module_option("verify_ssl", default=self.config_keys['verify_ssl']) self.config['verify_ssl'] = verify_ssl.lower() == 'true' def gather_statistics(self): now = self.get_timestamp() df_stats, pools = self.get_df_stats(now) return chain(df_stats, self.get_daemon_stats(now), self.get_pg_summary_osd(pools, now), self.get_pg_summary_pool(pools, now)) @contextmanager def get_influx_client(self): client = InfluxDBClient(self.config['hostname'], self.config['port'], self.config['username'], self.config['password'], self.config['database'], self.config['ssl'], self.config['verify_ssl']) try: yield client finally: try: client.close() except AttributeError: # influxdb older than v5.0.0 pass def send_to_influx(self): if not self.config['hostname']: self.log.error("No Influx server configured, please set one using: " "ceph influx config-set hostname ") self.set_health_checks({ 'MGR_INFLUX_NO_SERVER': { 'severity': 'warning', 'summary': 'No InfluxDB server configured', 'detail': ['Configuration option hostname not set'] } }) return False self.health_checks = dict() self.log.debug("Sending data to Influx host: %s", self.config['hostname']) try: with self.get_influx_client() as client: databases = client.get_list_database() if {'name': self.config['database']} not in databases:"Database '%s' not found, trying to create " "(requires admin privs). You can also create " "manually and grant write privs to user " "'%s'", self.config['database'], self.config['database']) client.create_database(self.config['database']) client.create_retention_policy(name='8_weeks', duration='8w', replication='1', default=True, database=self.config['database']) self.log.debug('Gathering statistics') points = self.gather_statistics() for chunk in self.chunk(points, self.config['batch_size']): self.queue.put(chunk, block=False) self.log.debug('Queue currently contains %d items', self.queue.qsize()) except queue.Full: self.health_checks.update({ 'MGR_INFLUX_QUEUE_FULL': { 'severity': 'warning', 'summary': 'Failed to chunk to InfluxDB Queue', 'detail': ['Queue is full. InfluxDB might be slow with ' 'processing data'] } }) self.log.error('Queue is full, failed to add chunk') except (RequestException, InfluxDBClientError) as e: self.health_checks.update({ 'MGR_INFLUX_DB_LIST_FAILED': { 'severity': 'warning', 'summary': 'Failed to list/create InfluxDB database', 'detail': [str(e)] } }) self.log.exception('Failed to list/create InfluxDB database') return False finally: self.set_health_checks(self.health_checks) def shutdown(self):'Stopping influx module') = False self.event.set() self.log.debug('Shutting down queue workers') for _ in self.workers: self.queue.put(None) self.queue.join() for worker in self.workers: worker.join() def self_test(self): now = self.get_timestamp() daemon_stats = list(self.get_daemon_stats(now)) assert len(daemon_stats) df_stats, pools = self.get_df_stats(now) result = { 'daemon_stats': daemon_stats, 'df_stats': df_stats } return json.dumps(result, indent=2) def handle_command(self, inbuf, cmd): if cmd['prefix'] == 'influx config-show': return 0, json.dumps(self.config), '' elif cmd['prefix'] == 'influx config-set': key = cmd['key'] value = cmd['value'] if not value: return -errno.EINVAL, '', 'Value should not be empty or None' self.log.debug('Setting configuration option %s to %s', key, value) self.set_config_option(key, value) self.set_module_option(key, value) return 0, 'Configuration option {0} updated'.format(key), '' elif cmd['prefix'] == 'influx send': self.send_to_influx() return 0, 'Sending data to Influx', '' return (-errno.EINVAL, '', "Command not found '{0}'".format(cmd['prefix'])) def serve(self): if InfluxDBClient is None: self.log.error("Cannot transmit statistics: influxdb python " "module not found. Did you install it?") return'Starting influx module') self.init_module_config() = True self.log.debug('Starting %d queue worker threads', self.config['threads']) for i in range(self.config['threads']): worker = Thread(target=self.queue_worker, args=()) worker.setDaemon(True) worker.start() self.workers.append(worker) while start = time.time() self.send_to_influx() runtime = time.time() - start self.log.debug('Finished sending data to Influx in %.3f seconds', runtime) self.log.debug("Sleeping for %d seconds", self.config['interval']) self.event.wait(self.config['interval'])