from mgr_module import MgrModule, CommandResult, PersistentStoreDict import threading import random import json import errno import six class Module(MgrModule): """ This module is for testing the ceph-mgr python interface from within a running ceph-mgr daemon. It implements a sychronous self-test command for calling the functions in the MgrModule interface one by one, and a background "workload" command for causing the module to perform some thrashing-type activities in its serve() thread. """ # These workloads are things that can be requested to run inside the # serve() function WORKLOAD_COMMAND_SPAM = "command_spam" WORKLOAD_THROW_EXCEPTION = "throw_exception" SHUTDOWN = "shutdown" WORKLOADS = (WORKLOAD_COMMAND_SPAM, WORKLOAD_THROW_EXCEPTION) # The test code in qa/ relies on these options existing -- they # are of course not really used for anything in the module MODULE_OPTIONS = [ {'name': 'testkey'}, {'name': 'testlkey'}, {'name': 'testnewline'}, {'name': 'roption1'}, {'name': 'roption2', 'type': 'str', 'default': 'xyz'}, {'name': 'rwoption1'}, {'name': 'rwoption2', 'type': 'int'}, {'name': 'rwoption3', 'type': 'float'}, {'name': 'rwoption4', 'type': 'str'}, {'name': 'rwoption5', 'type': 'bool'}, {'name': 'rwoption6', 'type': 'bool', 'default': True} ] COMMANDS = [ { "cmd": "mgr self-test run", "desc": "Run mgr python interface tests", "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "mgr self-test background start name=workload,type=CephString", "desc": "Activate a background workload (one of {0})".format( ", ".join(WORKLOADS)), "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "mgr self-test background stop", "desc": "Stop background workload if any is running", "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "mgr self-test config get name=key,type=CephString", "desc": "Peek at a configuration value", "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "mgr self-test config get_localized name=key,type=CephString", "desc": "Peek at a configuration value (localized variant)", "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "mgr self-test remote", "desc": "Test inter-module calls", "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "mgr self-test module name=module,type=CephString", "desc": "Run another module's self_test() method", "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "mgr self-test health set name=checks,type=CephString", "desc": "Set a health check from a JSON-formatted description.", "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "mgr self-test health clear name=checks,type=CephString,n=N,req=False", "desc": "Clear health checks by name. If no names provided, clear all.", "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "mgr self-test insights_set_now_offset name=hours,type=CephString", "desc": "Set the now time for the insights module.", "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "mgr self-test cluster-log name=channel,type=CephString " "name=priority,type=CephString " "name=message,type=CephString", "desc": "Create an audit log record.", "perm": "rw" }, ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Module, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._event = threading.Event() self._workload = None self._health = {} def handle_command(self, inbuf, command): if command['prefix'] == 'mgr self-test run': self._self_test() return 0, '', 'Self-test succeeded' elif command['prefix'] == 'mgr self-test background start': if command['workload'] not in self.WORKLOADS: return (-errno.EINVAL, '', "Workload not found '{0}'".format(command['workload'])) self._workload = command['workload'] self._event.set() return 0, '', 'Running `{0}` in background'.format(self._workload) elif command['prefix'] == 'mgr self-test background stop': if self._workload: was_running = self._workload self._workload = None self._event.set() return 0, '', 'Stopping background workload `{0}`'.format( was_running) else: return 0, '', 'No background workload was running' elif command['prefix'] == 'mgr self-test config get': return 0, str(self.get_module_option(command['key'])), '' elif command['prefix'] == 'mgr self-test config get_localized': return 0, str(self.get_localized_module_option(command['key'])), '' elif command['prefix'] == 'mgr self-test remote': self._test_remote_calls() return 0, '', 'Successfully called' elif command['prefix'] == 'mgr self-test module': try: r = self.remote(command['module'], "self_test") except RuntimeError as e: return -1, '', "Test failed: {0}".format(e) else: return 0, str(r), "Self-test OK" elif command['prefix'] == 'mgr self-test health set': return self._health_set(inbuf, command) elif command['prefix'] == 'mgr self-test health clear': return self._health_clear(inbuf, command) elif command['prefix'] == 'mgr self-test insights_set_now_offset': return self._insights_set_now_offset(inbuf, command) elif command['prefix'] == 'mgr self-test cluster-log': priority_map = { 'info': self.CLUSTER_LOG_PRIO_INFO, 'security': self.CLUSTER_LOG_PRIO_SEC, 'warning': self.CLUSTER_LOG_PRIO_WARN, 'error': self.CLUSTER_LOG_PRIO_ERROR } self.cluster_log(command['channel'], priority_map[command['priority']], command['message']) return 0, '', 'Successfully called' else: return (-errno.EINVAL, '', "Command not found '{0}'".format(command['prefix'])) def _health_set(self, inbuf, command): try: checks = json.loads(command["checks"]) except Exception as e: return -1, "", "Failed to decode JSON input: {}".format(e) try: for check, info in six.iteritems(checks): self._health[check] = { "severity": str(info["severity"]), "summary": str(info["summary"]), "detail": [str(m) for m in info["detail"]] } except Exception as e: return -1, "", "Invalid health check format: {}".format(e) self.set_health_checks(self._health) return 0, "", "" def _health_clear(self, inbuf, command): if "checks" in command: for check in command["checks"]: if check in self._health: del self._health[check] else: self._health = dict() self.set_health_checks(self._health) return 0, "", "" def _insights_set_now_offset(self, inbuf, command): try: hours = int(command["hours"]) except Exception as e: return -1, "", "Timestamp must be numeric: {}".format(e) self.remote("insights", "testing_set_now_time_offset", hours) return 0, "", "" def _self_test(self):"Running self-test procedure...") self._self_test_osdmap() self._self_test_getters() self._self_test_config() self._self_test_store() self._self_test_misc() self._self_test_perf_counters() self._self_persistent_store_dict() def _self_test_getters(self): self.version self.get_context() self.get_mgr_id() # In this function, we will assume that the system is in a steady # state, i.e. if a server/service appears in one call, it will # not have gone by the time we call another function referring to it objects = [ "fs_map", "osdmap_crush_map_text", "osd_map", "config", "mon_map", "service_map", "osd_metadata", "pg_summary", "pg_status", "pg_dump", "pg_ready", "df", "pg_stats", "pool_stats", "osd_stats", "osd_ping_times", "health", "mon_status", "mgr_map" ] for obj in objects: assert self.get(obj) is not None assert self.get("__OBJ_DNE__") is None servers = self.list_servers() for server in servers: self.get_server(server['hostname']) osdmap = self.get('osd_map') for o in osdmap['osds']: osd_id = o['osd'] self.get_metadata("osd", str(osd_id)) self.get_daemon_status("osd", "0") #send_command def _self_test_config(self): # This is not a strong test (can't tell if values really # persisted), it's just for the python interface bit. self.set_module_option("testkey", "testvalue") assert self.get_module_option("testkey") == "testvalue" self.set_localized_module_option("testkey", "foo") assert self.get_localized_module_option("testkey") == "foo" # Must return the default value defined in MODULE_OPTIONS. value = self.get_localized_module_option("rwoption6") assert isinstance(value, bool) assert value is True # Use default value. assert self.get_module_option("roption1") is None assert self.get_module_option("roption1", "foobar") == "foobar" assert self.get_module_option("roption2") == "xyz" assert self.get_module_option("roption2", "foobar") == "xyz" # Option type is not defined => return as string. self.set_module_option("rwoption1", 8080) value = self.get_module_option("rwoption1") assert isinstance(value, str) assert value == "8080" # Option type is defined => return as integer. self.set_module_option("rwoption2", 10) value = self.get_module_option("rwoption2") assert isinstance(value, int) assert value == 10 # Option type is defined => return as float. self.set_module_option("rwoption3", 1.5) value = self.get_module_option("rwoption3") assert isinstance(value, float) assert value == 1.5 # Option type is defined => return as string. self.set_module_option("rwoption4", "foo") value = self.get_module_option("rwoption4") assert isinstance(value, str) assert value == "foo" # Option type is defined => return as bool. self.set_module_option("rwoption5", False) value = self.get_module_option("rwoption5") assert isinstance(value, bool) assert value is False # Specified module does not exist => return None. assert self.get_module_option_ex("foo", "bar") is None # Specified key does not exist => return None. assert self.get_module_option_ex("dashboard", "bar") is None self.set_module_option_ex("telemetry", "contact", "") assert self.get_module_option_ex("telemetry", "contact") == "" # No option default value, so use the specified one. assert self.get_module_option_ex("dashboard", "password") is None assert self.get_module_option_ex("dashboard", "password", "foobar") == "foobar" # Option type is not defined => return as string. self.set_module_option_ex("selftest", "rwoption1", 1234) value = self.get_module_option_ex("selftest", "rwoption1") assert isinstance(value, str) assert value == "1234" # Option type is defined => return as integer. self.set_module_option_ex("telemetry", "interval", 60) value = self.get_module_option_ex("telemetry", "interval") assert isinstance(value, int) assert value == 60 # Option type is defined => return as bool. self.set_module_option_ex("telemetry", "leaderboard", True) value = self.get_module_option_ex("telemetry", "leaderboard") assert isinstance(value, bool) assert value is True def _self_test_store(self): existing_keys = set(self.get_store_prefix("test").keys()) self.set_store("testkey", "testvalue") assert self.get_store("testkey") == "testvalue" assert sorted(self.get_store_prefix("test").keys()) == sorted( list({"testkey"} | existing_keys)) def _self_test_perf_counters(self): self.get_perf_schema("osd", "0") self.get_counter("osd", "0", "osd.op") #get_counter #get_all_perf_coutners def _self_test_misc(self): self.set_uri("") self.set_health_checks({}) def _self_test_osdmap(self): osdmap = self.get_osdmap() osdmap.get_epoch() osdmap.get_crush_version() osdmap.dump() inc = osdmap.new_incremental() osdmap.apply_incremental(inc) inc.get_epoch() inc.dump() crush = osdmap.get_crush() crush.dump() crush.get_item_name(-1) crush.get_item_weight(-1) crush.find_takes() crush.get_take_weight_osd_map(-1) #osdmap.get_pools_by_take() #osdmap.calc_pg_upmaps() #osdmap.map_pools_pgs_up() #inc.set_osd_reweights #inc.set_crush_compat_weight_set_weights"Finished self-test procedure.") def _self_persistent_store_dict(self): self.test_dict = PersistentStoreDict(self, 'test_dict') for i in "abcde": self.test_dict[i] = {i:1} assert self.test_dict.keys() == set("abcde") assert 'a' in self.test_dict del self.test_dict['a'] assert self.test_dict.keys() == set("bcde"), self.test_dict.keys() assert 'a' not in self.test_dict self.test_dict.clear() assert not self.test_dict, dict(self.test_dict.items()) self.set_store('test_dict.a', 'invalid json') try: self.test_dict['a'] assert False except ValueError: pass assert not self.test_dict, dict(self.test_dict.items()) def _test_remote_calls(self): # Test making valid call self.remote("influx", "handle_command", "", {"prefix": "influx self-test"}) # Test calling module that exists but isn't enabled # (arbitrarily pick a non-always-on module to use) disabled_module = "telegraf" mgr_map = self.get("mgr_map") assert disabled_module not in mgr_map['modules'] # (This works until the Z release in about 2027) latest_release = sorted(mgr_map['always_on_modules'].keys())[-1] assert disabled_module not in mgr_map['always_on_modules'][latest_release] try: self.remote(disabled_module, "handle_command", {"prefix": "influx self-test"}) except ImportError: pass else: raise RuntimeError("ImportError not raised for disabled module") # Test calling module that doesn't exist try: self.remote("idontexist", "handle_command", {"prefix": "influx self-test"}) except ImportError: pass else: raise RuntimeError("ImportError not raised for nonexistent module") # Test calling method that doesn't exist try: self.remote("influx", "idontexist", {"prefix": "influx self-test"}) except NameError: pass else: raise RuntimeError("KeyError not raised") def shutdown(self): self._workload = self.SHUTDOWN self._event.set() def _command_spam(self):"Starting command_spam workload...") while not self._event.is_set(): osdmap = self.get_osdmap() dump = osdmap.dump() count = len(dump['osds']) i = int(random.random() * count) w = random.random() result = CommandResult('') self.send_command(result, 'mon', '', json.dumps({ 'prefix': 'osd reweight', 'id': i, 'weight': w }), '') crush = osdmap.get_crush().dump() r, outb, outs = result.wait() self._event.clear()"Ended command_spam workload...") def serve(self): while True: if self._workload == self.WORKLOAD_COMMAND_SPAM: self._command_spam() elif self._workload == self.SHUTDOWN:"Shutting down...") break elif self._workload == self.WORKLOAD_THROW_EXCEPTION: raise RuntimeError("Synthetic exception in serve") else:"Waiting for workload request...") self._event.wait() self._event.clear()