""" Telemetry module for ceph-mgr Collect statistics from Ceph cluster and send this back to the Ceph project when user has opted-in """ import errno import hashlib import json import rbd import re import requests import uuid import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from threading import Event from collections import defaultdict from mgr_module import MgrModule ALL_CHANNELS = ['basic', 'ident', 'crash', 'device'] LICENSE='sharing-1-0' LICENSE_NAME='Community Data License Agreement - Sharing - Version 1.0' LICENSE_URL='https://cdla.io/sharing-1-0/' # If the telemetry revision has changed since this point, re-require # an opt-in. This should happen each time we add new information to # the telemetry report. LAST_REVISION_RE_OPT_IN = 2 # Latest revision of the telemetry report. Bump this each time we make # *any* change. REVISION = 3 # History of revisions # -------------------- # # Version 1: # Mimic and/or nautilus are lumped together here, since # we didn't track revisions yet. # # Version 2: # - added revision tracking, nagging, etc. # - added config option changes # - added channels # - added explicit license acknowledgement to the opt-in process # # Version 3: # - added device health metrics (i.e., SMART data, minus serial number) # - remove crush_rule # - added CephFS metadata (how many MDSs, fs features, how many data pools, # how much metadata is cached, rfiles, rbytes, rsnapshots) # - added more pool metadata (rep vs ec, cache tiering mode, ec profile) # - added host count, and counts for hosts with each of (mon, osd, mds, mgr) # - whether an OSD cluster network is in use # - rbd pool and image count, and rbd mirror mode (pool-level) # - rgw daemons, zones, zonegroups; which rgw frontends # - crush map stats class Module(MgrModule): config = dict() metadata_keys = [ "arch", "ceph_version", "os", "cpu", "kernel_description", "kernel_version", "distro_description", "distro" ] MODULE_OPTIONS = [ { 'name': 'url', 'type': 'str', 'default': 'https://telemetry.ceph.com/report' }, { 'name': 'device_url', 'type': 'str', 'default': 'https://telemetry.ceph.com/device' }, { 'name': 'enabled', 'type': 'bool', 'default': False }, { 'name': 'last_opt_revision', 'type': 'int', 'default': 1, }, { 'name': 'leaderboard', 'type': 'bool', 'default': False }, { 'name': 'description', 'type': 'str', 'default': None }, { 'name': 'contact', 'type': 'str', 'default': None }, { 'name': 'organization', 'type': 'str', 'default': None }, { 'name': 'proxy', 'type': 'str', 'default': None }, { 'name': 'interval', 'type': 'int', 'default': 24, 'min': 8 }, { 'name': 'channel_basic', 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'desc': 'Share basic cluster information (size, version)', }, { 'name': 'channel_ident', 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'description': 'Share a user-provided description and/or contact email for the cluster', }, { 'name': 'channel_crash', 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'Share metadata about Ceph daemon crashes (version, stack straces, etc)', }, { 'name': 'channel_device', 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'Share device health metrics (e.g., SMART data, minus potentially identifying info like serial numbers)', }, ] COMMANDS = [ { "cmd": "telemetry status", "desc": "Show current configuration", "perm": "r" }, { "cmd": "telemetry send " "name=endpoint,type=CephChoices,strings=ceph|device,n=N,req=false " "name=license,type=CephString,req=false", "desc": "Force sending data to Ceph telemetry", "perm": "rw" }, { "cmd": "telemetry show " "name=channels,type=CephString,n=N,req=False", "desc": "Show last report or report to be sent", "perm": "r" }, { "cmd": "telemetry show-device", "desc": "Show last device report or device report to be sent", "perm": "r" }, { "cmd": "telemetry on name=license,type=CephString,req=false", "desc": "Enable telemetry reports from this cluster", "perm": "rw", }, { "cmd": "telemetry off", "desc": "Disable telemetry reports from this cluster", "perm": "rw", }, ] @property def config_keys(self): return dict((o['name'], o.get('default', None)) for o in self.MODULE_OPTIONS) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Module, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.event = Event() self.run = False self.last_upload = None self.last_report = dict() self.report_id = None self.salt = None def config_notify(self): for opt in self.MODULE_OPTIONS: setattr(self, opt['name'], self.get_module_option(opt['name'])) self.log.debug(' %s = %s', opt['name'], getattr(self, opt['name'])) # wake up serve() thread self.event.set() @staticmethod def parse_timestamp(timestamp): return datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') def load(self): self.last_upload = self.get_store('last_upload', None) if self.last_upload is not None: self.last_upload = int(self.last_upload) self.report_id = self.get_store('report_id', None) if self.report_id is None: self.report_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.set_store('report_id', self.report_id) self.salt = self.get_store('salt', None) if not self.salt: self.salt = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.set_store('salt', self.salt) def gather_osd_metadata(self, osd_map): keys = ["osd_objectstore", "rotational"] keys += self.metadata_keys metadata = dict() for key in keys: metadata[key] = defaultdict(int) for osd in osd_map['osds']: res = self.get_metadata('osd', str(osd['osd'])).items() if res is None: self.log.debug('Could not get metadata for osd.%s' % str(osd['osd'])) continue for k, v in res: if k not in keys: continue metadata[k][v] += 1 return metadata def gather_mon_metadata(self, mon_map): keys = list() keys += self.metadata_keys metadata = dict() for key in keys: metadata[key] = defaultdict(int) for mon in mon_map['mons']: res = self.get_metadata('mon', mon['name']).items() if res is None: self.log.debug('Could not get metadata for mon.%s' % (mon['name'])) continue for k, v in res: if k not in keys: continue metadata[k][v] += 1 return metadata def gather_crush_info(self): osdmap = self.get_osdmap() crush_raw = osdmap.get_crush() crush = crush_raw.dump() def inc(d, k): if k in d: d[k] += 1 else: d[k] = 1 device_classes = {} for dev in crush['devices']: inc(device_classes, dev.get('class', '')) bucket_algs = {} bucket_types = {} bucket_sizes = {} for bucket in crush['buckets']: if '~' in bucket['name']: # ignore shadow buckets continue inc(bucket_algs, bucket['alg']) inc(bucket_types, bucket['type_id']) inc(bucket_sizes, len(bucket['items'])) return { 'num_devices': len(crush['devices']), 'num_types': len(crush['types']), 'num_buckets': len(crush['buckets']), 'num_rules': len(crush['rules']), 'device_classes': list(device_classes.values()), 'tunables': crush['tunables'], 'compat_weight_set': '-1' in crush['choose_args'], 'num_weight_sets': len(crush['choose_args']), 'bucket_algs': bucket_algs, 'bucket_sizes': bucket_sizes, 'bucket_types': bucket_types, } def gather_configs(self): # cluster config options cluster = set() r, outb, outs = self.mon_command({ 'prefix': 'config dump', 'format': 'json' }); if r != 0: return {} try: dump = json.loads(outb) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return {} for opt in dump: name = opt.get('name') if name: cluster.add(name) # daemon-reported options (which may include ceph.conf) active = set() ls = self.get("modified_config_options"); for opt in ls.get('options', {}): active.add(opt) return { 'cluster_changed': sorted(list(cluster)), 'active_changed': sorted(list(active)), } def gather_crashinfo(self): crashlist = list() errno, crashids, err = self.remote('crash', 'ls') if errno: return '' for crashid in crashids.split(): cmd = {'id': crashid} errno, crashinfo, err = self.remote('crash', 'do_info', cmd, '') if errno: continue c = json.loads(crashinfo) del c['utsname_hostname'] # entity_name might have more than one '.', beware (etype, eid) = c.get('entity_name', '').split('.', 1) m = hashlib.sha1() m.update(self.salt.encode('utf-8')) m.update(eid.encode('utf-8')) m.update(self.salt.encode('utf-8')) c['entity_name'] = etype + '.' + m.hexdigest() crashlist.append(c) return crashlist def get_active_channels(self): r = [] if self.channel_basic: r.append('basic') if self.channel_crash: r.append('crash') if self.channel_device: r.append('device') return r def gather_device_report(self): try: time_format = self.remote('devicehealth', 'get_time_format') except: return None cutoff = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=self.interval * 2) min_sample = cutoff.strftime(time_format) devices = self.get('devices')['devices'] res = {} # anon-host-id -> anon-devid -> { timestamp -> record } for d in devices: devid = d['devid'] try: # this is a map of stamp -> {device info} m = self.remote('devicehealth', 'get_recent_device_metrics', devid, min_sample) except: continue # anonymize host id try: host = d['location'][0]['host'] except: continue anon_host = self.get_store('host-id/%s' % host) if not anon_host: anon_host = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.set_store('host-id/%s' % host, anon_host) serial = None for dev, rep in m.items(): rep['host_id'] = anon_host if serial is None and 'serial_number' in rep: serial = rep['serial_number'] # anonymize device id anon_devid = self.get_store('devid-id/%s' % devid) if not anon_devid: # ideally devid is 'vendor_model_serial', # but can also be 'model_serial', 'serial' if '_' in devid: anon_devid = devid[:devid.rfind('_')] + '_' + str(uuid.uuid1()) else: anon_devid = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.set_store('devid-id/%s' % devid, anon_devid) self.log.info('devid %s / %s, host %s / %s' % (devid, anon_devid, host, anon_host)) # anonymize the smartctl report itself if serial: m_str = json.dumps(m) m = json.loads(m_str.replace(serial, 'deleted')) if anon_host not in res: res[anon_host] = {} res[anon_host][anon_devid] = m return res def get_latest(self, daemon_type, daemon_name, stat): data = self.get_counter(daemon_type, daemon_name, stat)[stat] #self.log.error("get_latest {0} data={1}".format(stat, data)) if data: return data[-1][1] else: return 0 def compile_report(self, channels=[]): if not channels: channels = self.get_active_channels() report = { 'leaderboard': False, 'report_version': 1, 'report_timestamp': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'report_id': self.report_id, 'channels': channels, 'channels_available': ALL_CHANNELS, 'license': LICENSE, } if 'ident' in channels: if self.leaderboard: report['leaderboard'] = True for option in ['description', 'contact', 'organization']: report[option] = getattr(self, option) if 'basic' in channels: mon_map = self.get('mon_map') osd_map = self.get('osd_map') service_map = self.get('service_map') fs_map = self.get('fs_map') df = self.get('df') report['created'] = self.parse_timestamp(mon_map['created']).isoformat() # mons v1_mons = 0 v2_mons = 0 ipv4_mons = 0 ipv6_mons = 0 for mon in mon_map['mons']: for a in mon['public_addrs']['addrvec']: if a['type'] == 'v2': v2_mons += 1 elif a['type'] == 'v1': v1_mons += 1 if a['addr'].startswith('['): ipv6_mons += 1 else: ipv4_mons += 1 report['mon'] = { 'count': len(mon_map['mons']), 'features': mon_map['features'], 'min_mon_release': mon_map['min_mon_release'], 'v1_addr_mons': v1_mons, 'v2_addr_mons': v2_mons, 'ipv4_addr_mons': ipv4_mons, 'ipv6_addr_mons': ipv6_mons, } report['config'] = self.gather_configs() # pools report['rbd'] = { 'num_pools': 0, 'num_images_by_pool': [], 'mirroring_by_pool': [], } num_pg = 0 report['pools'] = list() for pool in osd_map['pools']: num_pg += pool['pg_num'] ec_profile = {} if pool['erasure_code_profile']: orig = osd_map['erasure_code_profiles'].get( pool['erasure_code_profile'], {}) ec_profile = { k: orig[k] for k in orig.keys() if k in ['k', 'm', 'plugin', 'technique', 'crush-failure-domain', 'l'] } report['pools'].append( { 'pool': pool['pool'], 'type': pool['type'], 'pg_num': pool['pg_num'], 'pgp_num': pool['pg_placement_num'], 'size': pool['size'], 'min_size': pool['min_size'], 'pg_autoscale_mode': pool['pg_autoscale_mode'], 'target_max_bytes': pool['target_max_bytes'], 'target_max_objects': pool['target_max_objects'], 'type': ['', 'replicated', '', 'erasure'][pool['type']], 'erasure_code_profile': ec_profile, 'cache_mode': pool['cache_mode'], } ) if 'rbd' in pool['application_metadata']: report['rbd']['num_pools'] += 1 ioctx = self.rados.open_ioctx(pool['pool_name']) report['rbd']['num_images_by_pool'].append( sum(1 for _ in rbd.RBD().list2(ioctx))) report['rbd']['mirroring_by_pool'].append( rbd.RBD().mirror_mode_get(ioctx) != rbd.RBD_MIRROR_MODE_DISABLED) # osds cluster_network = False for osd in osd_map['osds']: if osd['up'] and not cluster_network: front_ip = osd['public_addrs']['addrvec'][0]['addr'].split(':')[0] back_ip = osd['cluster_addrs']['addrvec'][0]['addr'].split(':')[0] if front_ip != back_ip: cluster_network = True report['osd'] = { 'count': len(osd_map['osds']), 'require_osd_release': osd_map['require_osd_release'], 'require_min_compat_client': osd_map['require_min_compat_client'], 'cluster_network': cluster_network, } # crush report['crush'] = self.gather_crush_info() # cephfs report['fs'] = { 'count': len(fs_map['filesystems']), 'feature_flags': fs_map['feature_flags'], 'num_standby_mds': len(fs_map['standbys']), 'filesystems': [], } num_mds = len(fs_map['standbys']) for fsm in fs_map['filesystems']: fs = fsm['mdsmap'] num_sessions = 0 cached_ino = 0 cached_dn = 0 cached_cap = 0 subtrees = 0 rfiles = 0 rbytes = 0 rsnaps = 0 for gid, mds in fs['info'].items(): num_sessions += self.get_latest('mds', mds['name'], 'mds_sessions.session_count') cached_ino += self.get_latest('mds', mds['name'], 'mds_mem.ino') cached_dn += self.get_latest('mds', mds['name'], 'mds_mem.dn') cached_cap += self.get_latest('mds', mds['name'], 'mds_mem.cap') subtrees += self.get_latest('mds', mds['name'], 'mds.subtrees') if mds['rank'] == 0: rfiles = self.get_latest('mds', mds['name'], 'mds.root_rfiles') rbytes = self.get_latest('mds', mds['name'], 'mds.root_rbytes') rsnaps = self.get_latest('mds', mds['name'], 'mds.root_rsnaps') report['fs']['filesystems'].append({ 'max_mds': fs['max_mds'], 'ever_allowed_features': fs['ever_allowed_features'], 'explicitly_allowed_features': fs['explicitly_allowed_features'], 'num_in': len(fs['in']), 'num_up': len(fs['up']), 'num_standby_replay': len( [mds for gid, mds in fs['info'].items() if mds['state'] == 'up:standby-replay']), 'num_mds': len(fs['info']), 'num_sessions': num_sessions, 'cached_inos': cached_ino, 'cached_dns': cached_dn, 'cached_caps': cached_cap, 'cached_subtrees': subtrees, 'balancer_enabled': len(fs['balancer']) > 0, 'num_data_pools': len(fs['data_pools']), 'standby_count_wanted': fs['standby_count_wanted'], 'approx_ctime': fs['created'][0:7], 'files': rfiles, 'bytes': rbytes, 'snaps': rsnaps, }) num_mds += len(fs['info']) report['fs']['total_num_mds'] = num_mds # daemons report['metadata'] = dict() report['metadata']['osd'] = self.gather_osd_metadata(osd_map) report['metadata']['mon'] = self.gather_mon_metadata(mon_map) # host counts servers = self.list_servers() self.log.debug('servers %s' % servers) report['hosts'] = { 'num': len([h for h in servers if h['hostname']]), } for t in ['mon', 'mds', 'osd', 'mgr']: report['hosts']['num_with_' + t] = len( [h for h in servers if len([s for s in h['services'] if s['type'] == t])] ) report['usage'] = { 'pools': len(df['pools']), 'pg_num': num_pg, 'total_used_bytes': df['stats']['total_used_bytes'], 'total_bytes': df['stats']['total_bytes'], 'total_avail_bytes': df['stats']['total_avail_bytes'] } report['services'] = defaultdict(int) for key, value in service_map['services'].items(): report['services'][key] += 1 if key == 'rgw': report['rgw'] = { 'count': 0, } zones = set() realms = set() zonegroups = set() frontends = set() d = value.get('daemons', dict()) for k,v in d.items(): if k == 'summary' and v: report['rgw'][k] = v elif isinstance(v, dict) and 'metadata' in v: report['rgw']['count'] += 1 zones.add(v['metadata']['zone_id']) zonegroups.add(v['metadata']['zonegroup_id']) frontends.add(v['metadata']['frontend_type#0']) # we could actually iterate over all the keys of # the dict and check for how many frontends there # are, but it is unlikely that one would be running # more than 2 supported ones f2 = v['metadata'].get('frontend_type#1', None) if f2: frontends.add(f2) report['rgw']['zones'] = len(zones) report['rgw']['zonegroups'] = len(zonegroups) report['rgw']['frontends'] = list(frontends) # sets aren't json-serializable try: report['balancer'] = self.remote('balancer', 'gather_telemetry') except ImportError: report['balancer'] = { 'active': False } if 'crash' in channels: report['crashes'] = self.gather_crashinfo() # NOTE: We do not include the 'device' channel in this report; it is # sent to a different endpoint. return report def _try_post(self, what, url, report): self.log.info('Sending %s to: %s' % (what, url)) proxies = dict() if self.proxy: self.log.info('Send using HTTP(S) proxy: %s', self.proxy) proxies['http'] = self.proxy proxies['https'] = self.proxy try: resp = requests.put(url=url, json=report, proxies=proxies) resp.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: fail_reason = 'Failed to send %s to %s: %s' % (what, url, str(e)) self.log.error(fail_reason) return fail_reason return None def send(self, report, endpoint=None): if not endpoint: endpoint = ['ceph', 'device'] failed = [] success = [] self.log.debug('Send endpoints %s' % endpoint) for e in endpoint: if e == 'ceph': fail_reason = self._try_post('ceph report', self.url, report) if fail_reason: failed.append(fail_reason) else: now = int(time.time()) self.last_upload = now self.set_store('last_upload', str(now)) success.append('Ceph report sent to {0}'.format(self.url)) self.log.info('Sent report to {0}'.format(self.url)) elif e == 'device': if 'device' in self.get_active_channels(): devices = self.gather_device_report() num_devs = 0 num_hosts = 0 for host, ls in devices.items(): self.log.debug('host %s devices %s' % (host, ls)) if not len(ls): continue fail_reason = self._try_post('devices', self.device_url, ls) if fail_reason: failed.append(fail_reason) else: num_devs += len(ls) num_hosts += 1 if num_devs: success.append('Reported %d devices across %d hosts' % ( num_devs, len(devices))) if failed: return 1, '', '\n'.join(success + failed) return 0, '', '\n'.join(success) def handle_command(self, inbuf, command): if command['prefix'] == 'telemetry status': r = {} for opt in self.MODULE_OPTIONS: r[opt['name']] = getattr(self, opt['name']) r['last_upload'] = time.ctime(self.last_upload) if self.last_upload else self.last_upload return 0, json.dumps(r, indent=4), '' elif command['prefix'] == 'telemetry on': if command.get('license') != LICENSE: return -errno.EPERM, '', "Telemetry data is licensed under the " + LICENSE_NAME + " (" + LICENSE_URL + ").\nTo enable, add '--license " + LICENSE + "' to the 'ceph telemetry on' command." self.set_module_option('enabled', True) self.set_module_option('last_opt_revision', REVISION) return 0, '', '' elif command['prefix'] == 'telemetry off': self.set_module_option('enabled', False) self.set_module_option('last_opt_revision', 1) return 0, '', '' elif command['prefix'] == 'telemetry send': if self.last_opt_revision < LAST_REVISION_RE_OPT_IN and command.get('license') != LICENSE: self.log.debug('A telemetry send attempt while opted-out. Asking for license agreement') return -errno.EPERM, '', "Telemetry data is licensed under the " + LICENSE_NAME + " (" + LICENSE_URL + ").\nTo manually send telemetry data, add '--license " + LICENSE + "' to the 'ceph telemetry send' command.\nPlease consider enabling the telemetry module with 'ceph telemetry on'." self.last_report = self.compile_report() return self.send(self.last_report, command.get('endpoint')) elif command['prefix'] == 'telemetry show': report = self.compile_report( channels=command.get('channels', None) ) report = json.dumps(report, indent=4) if self.channel_device: report += '\n \nDevice report is generated separately. To see it run \'ceph telemetry show-device\'.' return 0, report, '' elif command['prefix'] == 'telemetry show-device': return 0, json.dumps(self.gather_device_report(), indent=4, sort_keys=True), '' else: return (-errno.EINVAL, '', "Command not found '{0}'".format(command['prefix'])) def self_test(self): report = self.compile_report() if len(report) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Report is empty') if 'report_id' not in report: raise RuntimeError('report_id not found in report') def shutdown(self): self.run = False self.event.set() def refresh_health_checks(self): health_checks = {} if self.enabled and self.last_opt_revision < LAST_REVISION_RE_OPT_IN: health_checks['TELEMETRY_CHANGED'] = { 'severity': 'warning', 'summary': 'Telemetry requires re-opt-in', 'detail': [ 'telemetry report includes new information; must re-opt-in (or out)' ] } self.set_health_checks(health_checks) def serve(self): self.load() self.config_notify() self.run = True self.log.debug('Waiting for mgr to warm up') self.event.wait(10) while self.run: self.event.clear() self.refresh_health_checks() if self.last_opt_revision < LAST_REVISION_RE_OPT_IN: self.log.debug('Not sending report until user re-opts-in') self.event.wait(1800) continue if not self.enabled: self.log.debug('Not sending report until configured to do so') self.event.wait(1800) continue now = int(time.time()) if not self.last_upload or (now - self.last_upload) > \ self.interval * 3600: self.log.info('Compiling and sending report to %s', self.url) try: self.last_report = self.compile_report() except: self.log.exception('Exception while compiling report:') self.send(self.last_report) else: self.log.debug('Interval for sending new report has not expired') sleep = 3600 self.log.debug('Sleeping for %d seconds', sleep) self.event.wait(sleep) def self_test(self): self.compile_report() return True @staticmethod def can_run(): return True, ''