// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2014 Adam Crume * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "actions.hpp" #include #include #include "PendingIO.hpp" #include "rbd_replay_debug.hpp" #define dout_context g_ceph_context using namespace rbd_replay; namespace { std::string create_fake_data() { char data[1 << 20]; // 1 MB for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(data); i++) { data[i] = (char) i; } return std::string(data, sizeof(data)); } struct ConstructVisitor : public boost::static_visitor { inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::StartThreadAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(new StartThreadAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::StopThreadAction &action) const{ return Action::ptr(new StopThreadAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::ReadAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(new ReadAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::AioReadAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(new AioReadAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::WriteAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(new WriteAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::AioWriteAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(new AioWriteAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::DiscardAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(new DiscardAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::AioDiscardAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(new AioDiscardAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::OpenImageAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(new OpenImageAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::CloseImageAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(new CloseImageAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::AioOpenImageAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(new AioOpenImageAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::AioCloseImageAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(new AioCloseImageAction(action)); } inline Action::ptr operator()(const action::UnknownAction &action) const { return Action::ptr(); } }; } // anonymous namespace std::ostream& rbd_replay::operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Action& a) { return a.dump(o); } Action::ptr Action::construct(const action::ActionEntry &action_entry) { return boost::apply_visitor(ConstructVisitor(), action_entry.action); } void StartThreadAction::perform(ActionCtx &ctx) { cerr << "StartThreadAction should never actually be performed" << std::endl; exit(1); } void StopThreadAction::perform(ActionCtx &ctx) { dout(ACTION_LEVEL) << "Performing " << *this << dendl; ctx.stop(); } void AioReadAction::perform(ActionCtx &worker) { dout(ACTION_LEVEL) << "Performing " << *this << dendl; librbd::Image *image = worker.get_image(m_action.imagectx_id); ceph_assert(image); PendingIO::ptr io(new PendingIO(pending_io_id(), worker)); worker.add_pending(io); int r = image->aio_read(m_action.offset, m_action.length, io->bufferlist(), &io->completion()); assertf(r >= 0, "id = %d, r = %d", id(), r); } void ReadAction::perform(ActionCtx &worker) { dout(ACTION_LEVEL) << "Performing " << *this << dendl; librbd::Image *image = worker.get_image(m_action.imagectx_id); PendingIO::ptr io(new PendingIO(pending_io_id(), worker)); worker.add_pending(io); ssize_t r = image->read(m_action.offset, m_action.length, io->bufferlist()); assertf(r >= 0, "id = %d, r = %d", id(), r); worker.remove_pending(io); } void AioWriteAction::perform(ActionCtx &worker) { static const std::string fake_data(create_fake_data()); dout(ACTION_LEVEL) << "Performing " << *this << dendl; librbd::Image *image = worker.get_image(m_action.imagectx_id); PendingIO::ptr io(new PendingIO(pending_io_id(), worker)); uint64_t remaining = m_action.length; while (remaining > 0) { uint64_t n = std::min(remaining, (uint64_t)fake_data.length()); io->bufferlist().append(fake_data.data(), n); remaining -= n; } worker.add_pending(io); if (worker.readonly()) { worker.remove_pending(io); } else { int r = image->aio_write(m_action.offset, m_action.length, io->bufferlist(), &io->completion()); assertf(r >= 0, "id = %d, r = %d", id(), r); } } void WriteAction::perform(ActionCtx &worker) { dout(ACTION_LEVEL) << "Performing " << *this << dendl; librbd::Image *image = worker.get_image(m_action.imagectx_id); PendingIO::ptr io(new PendingIO(pending_io_id(), worker)); worker.add_pending(io); io->bufferlist().append_zero(m_action.length); if (!worker.readonly()) { ssize_t r = image->write(m_action.offset, m_action.length, io->bufferlist()); assertf(r >= 0, "id = %d, r = %d", id(), r); } worker.remove_pending(io); } void AioDiscardAction::perform(ActionCtx &worker) { dout(ACTION_LEVEL) << "Performing " << *this << dendl; librbd::Image *image = worker.get_image(m_action.imagectx_id); PendingIO::ptr io(new PendingIO(pending_io_id(), worker)); worker.add_pending(io); if (worker.readonly()) { worker.remove_pending(io); } else { int r = image->aio_discard(m_action.offset, m_action.length, &io->completion()); assertf(r >= 0, "id = %d, r = %d", id(), r); } } void DiscardAction::perform(ActionCtx &worker) { dout(ACTION_LEVEL) << "Performing " << *this << dendl; librbd::Image *image = worker.get_image(m_action.imagectx_id); PendingIO::ptr io(new PendingIO(pending_io_id(), worker)); worker.add_pending(io); if (!worker.readonly()) { ssize_t r = image->discard(m_action.offset, m_action.length); assertf(r >= 0, "id = %d, r = %d", id(), r); } worker.remove_pending(io); } void OpenImageAction::perform(ActionCtx &worker) { dout(ACTION_LEVEL) << "Performing " << *this << dendl; PendingIO::ptr io(new PendingIO(pending_io_id(), worker)); worker.add_pending(io); librbd::Image *image = new librbd::Image(); librbd::RBD *rbd = worker.rbd(); rbd_loc name(worker.map_image_name(m_action.name, m_action.snap_name)); int r; if (m_action.read_only || worker.readonly()) { r = rbd->open_read_only(*worker.ioctx(), *image, name.image.c_str(), name.snap.c_str()); } else { r = rbd->open(*worker.ioctx(), *image, name.image.c_str(), name.snap.c_str()); } if (r) { cerr << "Unable to open image '" << m_action.name << "' with snap '" << m_action.snap_name << "' (mapped to '" << name.str() << "') and readonly " << m_action.read_only << ": (" << -r << ") " << strerror(-r) << std::endl; exit(1); } worker.put_image(m_action.imagectx_id, image); worker.remove_pending(io); } void CloseImageAction::perform(ActionCtx &worker) { dout(ACTION_LEVEL) << "Performing " << *this << dendl; worker.erase_image(m_action.imagectx_id); worker.set_action_complete(pending_io_id()); } void AioOpenImageAction::perform(ActionCtx &worker) { dout(ACTION_LEVEL) << "Performing " << *this << dendl; // TODO: Make it async PendingIO::ptr io(new PendingIO(pending_io_id(), worker)); worker.add_pending(io); librbd::Image *image = new librbd::Image(); librbd::RBD *rbd = worker.rbd(); rbd_loc name(worker.map_image_name(m_action.name, m_action.snap_name)); int r; if (m_action.read_only || worker.readonly()) { r = rbd->open_read_only(*worker.ioctx(), *image, name.image.c_str(), name.snap.c_str()); } else { r = rbd->open(*worker.ioctx(), *image, name.image.c_str(), name.snap.c_str()); } if (r) { cerr << "Unable to open image '" << m_action.name << "' with snap '" << m_action.snap_name << "' (mapped to '" << name.str() << "') and readonly " << m_action.read_only << ": (" << -r << ") " << strerror(-r) << std::endl; exit(1); } worker.put_image(m_action.imagectx_id, image); worker.remove_pending(io); } void AioCloseImageAction::perform(ActionCtx &worker) { dout(ACTION_LEVEL) << "Performing " << *this << dendl; // TODO: Make it async worker.erase_image(m_action.imagectx_id); worker.set_action_complete(pending_io_id()); }