// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "rgw_fcgi.h" #include "acconfig.h" size_t RGWFCGX::write_data(const char* const buf, const size_t len) { /* According to the documentation of FCGX_PutStr if there is no error * (signalised by negative return value), then always ret == len. */ const auto ret = FCGX_PutStr(buf, len, fcgx->out); if (ret < 0) { throw rgw::io::Exception(-ret, std::system_category()); } return ret; } size_t RGWFCGX::read_data(char* const buf, const size_t len) { const auto ret = FCGX_GetStr(buf, len, fcgx->in); if (ret < 0) { throw rgw::io::Exception(-ret, std::system_category()); } return ret; } void RGWFCGX::flush() { txbuf.pubsync(); FCGX_FFlush(fcgx->out); } int RGWFCGX::init_env(CephContext* const cct) { env.init(cct, (char **)fcgx->envp); return 0; } size_t RGWFCGX::send_status(const int status, const char* const status_name) { static constexpr size_t STATUS_BUF_SIZE = 128; char statusbuf[STATUS_BUF_SIZE]; const auto statuslen = snprintf(statusbuf, sizeof(statusbuf), "Status: %d %s\r\n", status, status_name); return txbuf.sputn(statusbuf, statuslen); } size_t RGWFCGX::send_100_continue() { const auto sent = send_status(100, "Continue"); flush(); return sent; } size_t RGWFCGX::send_header(const boost::string_ref& name, const boost::string_ref& value) { static constexpr char HEADER_SEP[] = ": "; static constexpr char HEADER_END[] = "\r\n"; size_t sent = 0; sent += txbuf.sputn(name.data(), name.length()); sent += txbuf.sputn(HEADER_SEP, sizeof(HEADER_SEP) - 1); sent += txbuf.sputn(value.data(), value.length()); sent += txbuf.sputn(HEADER_END, sizeof(HEADER_END) - 1); return sent; } size_t RGWFCGX::send_content_length(const uint64_t len) { static constexpr size_t CONLEN_BUF_SIZE = 128; char sizebuf[CONLEN_BUF_SIZE]; const auto sizelen = snprintf(sizebuf, sizeof(sizebuf), "Content-Length: %" PRIu64 "\r\n", len); return txbuf.sputn(sizebuf, sizelen); } size_t RGWFCGX::complete_header() { static constexpr char HEADER_END[] = "\r\n"; const size_t sent = txbuf.sputn(HEADER_END, sizeof(HEADER_END) - 1); flush(); return sent; }