// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #ifndef RGW_FRONTEND_H #define RGW_FRONTEND_H #include #include #include "rgw_request.h" #include "rgw_process.h" #include "rgw_realm_reloader.h" #include "rgw_civetweb.h" #include "rgw_civetweb_log.h" #include "civetweb/civetweb.h" #include "rgw_auth_registry.h" #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw namespace rgw::dmclock { class SyncScheduler; class ClientConfig; class SchedulerCtx; } class RGWFrontendConfig { std::string config; std::multimap config_map; std::string framework; int parse_config(const std::string& config, std::multimap& config_map); public: explicit RGWFrontendConfig(const std::string& config) : config(config) { } int init() { const int ret = parse_config(config, config_map); return ret < 0 ? ret : 0; } bool get_val(const std::string& key, const std::string& def_val, std::string* out); bool get_val(const std::string& key, int def_val, int *out); std::string get_val(const std::string& key, const std::string& def_val) { std::string out; get_val(key, def_val, &out); return out; } const std::string& get_config() { return config; } std::multimap& get_config_map() { return config_map; } std::string get_framework() const { return framework; } }; class RGWFrontend { public: virtual ~RGWFrontend() {} virtual int init() = 0; virtual int run() = 0; virtual void stop() = 0; virtual void join() = 0; virtual void pause_for_new_config() = 0; virtual void unpause_with_new_config(RGWRados* store, rgw_auth_registry_ptr_t auth_registry) = 0; }; struct RGWMongooseEnv : public RGWProcessEnv { // every request holds a read lock, so we need to prioritize write locks to // avoid starving pause_for_new_config() static constexpr bool prioritize_write = true; RWLock mutex; explicit RGWMongooseEnv(const RGWProcessEnv &env) : RGWProcessEnv(env), mutex("RGWCivetWebFrontend", false, true, prioritize_write) { } }; class RGWCivetWebFrontend : public RGWFrontend { RGWFrontendConfig* conf; struct mg_context* ctx; RGWMongooseEnv env; std::unique_ptr scheduler; std::unique_ptr client_config; void set_conf_default(std::multimap& m, const std::string& key, const std::string& def_val) { if (m.find(key) == std::end(m)) { m.emplace(key, def_val); } } CephContext* cct() const { return env.store->ctx(); } public: RGWCivetWebFrontend(RGWProcessEnv& env, RGWFrontendConfig *conf, rgw::dmclock::SchedulerCtx& sched_ctx); int init() override { return 0; } int run() override; int process(struct mg_connection* conn); void stop() override { if (ctx) { mg_stop(ctx); } } void join() override { return; } void pause_for_new_config() override { // block callbacks until unpause env.mutex.get_write(); } void unpause_with_new_config(RGWRados* const store, rgw_auth_registry_ptr_t auth_registry) override { env.store = store; env.auth_registry = std::move(auth_registry); // unpause callbacks env.mutex.put_write(); } }; /* RGWCivetWebFrontend */ class RGWProcessFrontend : public RGWFrontend { protected: RGWFrontendConfig* conf; RGWProcess* pprocess; RGWProcessEnv env; RGWProcessControlThread* thread; public: RGWProcessFrontend(RGWProcessEnv& pe, RGWFrontendConfig* _conf) : conf(_conf), pprocess(nullptr), env(pe), thread(nullptr) { } ~RGWProcessFrontend() override { delete thread; delete pprocess; } int run() override { ceph_assert(pprocess); /* should have initialized by init() */ thread = new RGWProcessControlThread(pprocess); thread->create("rgw_frontend"); return 0; } void stop() override; void join() override { thread->join(); } void pause_for_new_config() override { pprocess->pause(); } void unpause_with_new_config(RGWRados* const store, rgw_auth_registry_ptr_t auth_registry) override { env.store = store; env.auth_registry = auth_registry; pprocess->unpause_with_new_config(store, std::move(auth_registry)); } }; /* RGWProcessFrontend */ class RGWFCGXFrontend : public RGWProcessFrontend { public: RGWFCGXFrontend(RGWProcessEnv& pe, RGWFrontendConfig* _conf) : RGWProcessFrontend(pe, _conf) {} int init() override { pprocess = new RGWFCGXProcess(g_ceph_context, &env, g_conf()->rgw_thread_pool_size, conf); return 0; } }; /* RGWFCGXFrontend */ class RGWLoadGenFrontend : public RGWProcessFrontend { public: RGWLoadGenFrontend(RGWProcessEnv& pe, RGWFrontendConfig *_conf) : RGWProcessFrontend(pe, _conf) {} int init() override { int num_threads; conf->get_val("num_threads", g_conf()->rgw_thread_pool_size, &num_threads); RGWLoadGenProcess *pp = new RGWLoadGenProcess(g_ceph_context, &env, num_threads, conf); pprocess = pp; string uid_str; conf->get_val("uid", "", &uid_str); if (uid_str.empty()) { derr << "ERROR: uid param must be specified for loadgen frontend" << dendl; return -EINVAL; } rgw_user uid(uid_str); RGWUserInfo user_info; int ret = rgw_get_user_info_by_uid(env.store, uid, user_info, NULL); if (ret < 0) { derr << "ERROR: failed reading user info: uid=" << uid << " ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } map::iterator aiter = user_info.access_keys.begin(); if (aiter == user_info.access_keys.end()) { derr << "ERROR: user has no S3 access keys set" << dendl; return -EINVAL; } pp->set_access_key(aiter->second); return 0; } }; /* RGWLoadGenFrontend */ // FrontendPauser implementation for RGWRealmReloader class RGWFrontendPauser : public RGWRealmReloader::Pauser { std::list &frontends; RGWRealmReloader::Pauser* pauser; rgw::auth::ImplicitTenants& implicit_tenants; public: RGWFrontendPauser(std::list &frontends, rgw::auth::ImplicitTenants& implicit_tenants, RGWRealmReloader::Pauser* pauser = nullptr) : frontends(frontends), pauser(pauser), implicit_tenants(implicit_tenants) { } void pause() override { for (auto frontend : frontends) frontend->pause_for_new_config(); if (pauser) pauser->pause(); } void resume(RGWRados *store) override { /* Initialize the registry of auth strategies which will coordinate * the dynamic reconfiguration. */ auto auth_registry = \ rgw::auth::StrategyRegistry::create(g_ceph_context, implicit_tenants, store); for (auto frontend : frontends) frontend->unpause_with_new_config(store, auth_registry); if (pauser) pauser->resume(store); } }; #endif /* RGW_FRONTEND_H */