// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include #include "common/ceph_json.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "rgw_metadata.h" #include "rgw_coroutine.h" #include "cls/version/cls_version_types.h" #include "rgw_rados.h" #include "rgw_zone.h" #include "rgw_tools.h" #include "rgw_cr_rados.h" #include "services/svc_zone.h" #include "include/ceph_assert.h" #include #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw void LogStatusDump::dump(Formatter *f) const { string s; switch (status) { case MDLOG_STATUS_WRITE: s = "write"; break; case MDLOG_STATUS_SETATTRS: s = "set_attrs"; break; case MDLOG_STATUS_REMOVE: s = "remove"; break; case MDLOG_STATUS_COMPLETE: s = "complete"; break; case MDLOG_STATUS_ABORT: s = "abort"; break; default: s = "unknown"; break; } encode_json("status", s, f); } void RGWMetadataLogData::encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); encode(read_version, bl); encode(write_version, bl); uint32_t s = (uint32_t)status; encode(s, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void RGWMetadataLogData::decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); decode(read_version, bl); decode(write_version, bl); uint32_t s; decode(s, bl); status = (RGWMDLogStatus)s; DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void RGWMetadataLogData::dump(Formatter *f) const { encode_json("read_version", read_version, f); encode_json("write_version", write_version, f); encode_json("status", LogStatusDump(status), f); } void decode_json_obj(RGWMDLogStatus& status, JSONObj *obj) { string s; JSONDecoder::decode_json("status", s, obj); if (s == "complete") { status = MDLOG_STATUS_COMPLETE; } else if (s == "write") { status = MDLOG_STATUS_WRITE; } else if (s == "remove") { status = MDLOG_STATUS_REMOVE; } else if (s == "set_attrs") { status = MDLOG_STATUS_SETATTRS; } else if (s == "abort") { status = MDLOG_STATUS_ABORT; } else { status = MDLOG_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } } void RGWMetadataLogData::decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { JSONDecoder::decode_json("read_version", read_version, obj); JSONDecoder::decode_json("write_version", write_version, obj); JSONDecoder::decode_json("status", status, obj); } int RGWMetadataLog::add_entry(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& section, const string& key, bufferlist& bl) { if (!store->svc.zone->need_to_log_metadata()) return 0; string oid; string hash_key; handler->get_hash_key(section, key, hash_key); int shard_id; store->shard_name(prefix, cct->_conf->rgw_md_log_max_shards, hash_key, oid, &shard_id); mark_modified(shard_id); real_time now = real_clock::now(); return store->time_log_add(oid, now, section, key, bl); } int RGWMetadataLog::store_entries_in_shard(list& entries, int shard_id, librados::AioCompletion *completion) { string oid; mark_modified(shard_id); store->shard_name(prefix, shard_id, oid); return store->time_log_add(oid, entries, completion, false); } void RGWMetadataLog::init_list_entries(int shard_id, const real_time& from_time, const real_time& end_time, string& marker, void **handle) { LogListCtx *ctx = new LogListCtx(); ctx->cur_shard = shard_id; ctx->from_time = from_time; ctx->end_time = end_time; ctx->marker = marker; get_shard_oid(ctx->cur_shard, ctx->cur_oid); *handle = (void *)ctx; } void RGWMetadataLog::complete_list_entries(void *handle) { LogListCtx *ctx = static_cast(handle); delete ctx; } int RGWMetadataLog::list_entries(void *handle, int max_entries, list& entries, string *last_marker, bool *truncated) { LogListCtx *ctx = static_cast(handle); if (!max_entries) { *truncated = false; return 0; } std::string next_marker; int ret = store->time_log_list(ctx->cur_oid, ctx->from_time, ctx->end_time, max_entries, entries, ctx->marker, &next_marker, truncated); if ((ret < 0) && (ret != -ENOENT)) return ret; ctx->marker = std::move(next_marker); if (last_marker) { *last_marker = ctx->marker; } if (ret == -ENOENT) *truncated = false; return 0; } int RGWMetadataLog::get_info(int shard_id, RGWMetadataLogInfo *info) { string oid; get_shard_oid(shard_id, oid); cls_log_header header; int ret = store->time_log_info(oid, &header); if ((ret < 0) && (ret != -ENOENT)) return ret; info->marker = header.max_marker; info->last_update = header.max_time.to_real_time(); return 0; } static void _mdlog_info_completion(librados::completion_t cb, void *arg) { auto infoc = static_cast(arg); infoc->finish(cb); infoc->put(); // drop the ref from get_info_async() } RGWMetadataLogInfoCompletion::RGWMetadataLogInfoCompletion(info_callback_t cb) : completion(librados::Rados::aio_create_completion((void *)this, nullptr, _mdlog_info_completion)), callback(cb) { } RGWMetadataLogInfoCompletion::~RGWMetadataLogInfoCompletion() { completion->release(); } int RGWMetadataLog::get_info_async(int shard_id, RGWMetadataLogInfoCompletion *completion) { string oid; get_shard_oid(shard_id, oid); completion->get(); // hold a ref until the completion fires return store->time_log_info_async(completion->get_io_ctx(), oid, &completion->get_header(), completion->get_completion()); } int RGWMetadataLog::trim(int shard_id, const real_time& from_time, const real_time& end_time, const string& start_marker, const string& end_marker) { string oid; get_shard_oid(shard_id, oid); return store->time_log_trim(oid, from_time, end_time, start_marker, end_marker, nullptr); } int RGWMetadataLog::lock_exclusive(int shard_id, timespan duration, string& zone_id, string& owner_id) { string oid; get_shard_oid(shard_id, oid); return store->lock_exclusive(store->svc.zone->get_zone_params().log_pool, oid, duration, zone_id, owner_id); } int RGWMetadataLog::unlock(int shard_id, string& zone_id, string& owner_id) { string oid; get_shard_oid(shard_id, oid); return store->unlock(store->svc.zone->get_zone_params().log_pool, oid, zone_id, owner_id); } void RGWMetadataLog::mark_modified(int shard_id) { lock.get_read(); if (modified_shards.find(shard_id) != modified_shards.end()) { lock.unlock(); return; } lock.unlock(); RWLock::WLocker wl(lock); modified_shards.insert(shard_id); } void RGWMetadataLog::read_clear_modified(set &modified) { RWLock::WLocker wl(lock); modified.swap(modified_shards); modified_shards.clear(); } obj_version& RGWMetadataObject::get_version() { return objv; } class RGWMetadataTopHandler : public RGWMetadataHandler { struct iter_data { set sections; set::iterator iter; }; public: RGWMetadataTopHandler() {} string get_type() override { return string(); } int get(RGWRados *store, string& entry, RGWMetadataObject **obj) override { return -ENOTSUP; } int put(RGWRados *store, string& entry, RGWObjVersionTracker& objv_tracker, real_time mtime, JSONObj *obj, sync_type_t sync_type) override { return -ENOTSUP; } virtual void get_pool_and_oid(RGWRados *store, const string& key, rgw_pool& pool, string& oid) override {} int remove(RGWRados *store, string& entry, RGWObjVersionTracker& objv_tracker) override { return -ENOTSUP; } int list_keys_init(RGWRados *store, const string& marker, void **phandle) override { iter_data *data = new iter_data; list sections; store->meta_mgr->get_sections(sections); for (auto& s : sections) { data->sections.insert(s); } data->iter = data->sections.lower_bound(marker); *phandle = data; return 0; } int list_keys_next(void *handle, int max, list& keys, bool *truncated) override { iter_data *data = static_cast(handle); for (int i = 0; i < max && data->iter != data->sections.end(); ++i, ++(data->iter)) { keys.push_back(*data->iter); } *truncated = (data->iter != data->sections.end()); return 0; } void list_keys_complete(void *handle) override { iter_data *data = static_cast(handle); delete data; } virtual string get_marker(void *handle) override { iter_data *data = static_cast(handle); if (data->iter != data->sections.end()) { return *(data->iter); } return string(); } }; static RGWMetadataTopHandler md_top_handler; RGWMetadataManager::RGWMetadataManager(CephContext *_cct, RGWRados *_store) : cct(_cct), store(_store) { } RGWMetadataManager::~RGWMetadataManager() { map::iterator iter; for (iter = handlers.begin(); iter != handlers.end(); ++iter) { delete iter->second; } handlers.clear(); } const std::string RGWMetadataLogHistory::oid = "meta.history"; namespace { int read_history(RGWRados *store, RGWMetadataLogHistory *state, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker) { auto obj_ctx = store->svc.sysobj->init_obj_ctx(); auto& pool = store->svc.zone->get_zone_params().log_pool; const auto& oid = RGWMetadataLogHistory::oid; bufferlist bl; int ret = rgw_get_system_obj(store, obj_ctx, pool, oid, bl, objv_tracker, nullptr); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } if (bl.length() == 0) { /* bad history object, remove it */ rgw_raw_obj obj(pool, oid); auto sysobj = obj_ctx.get_obj(obj); ret = sysobj.wop().remove(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(store->ctx(), 0) << "ERROR: meta history is empty, but cannot remove it (" << cpp_strerror(-ret) << ")" << dendl; return ret; } return -ENOENT; } try { auto p = bl.cbegin(); state->decode(p); } catch (buffer::error& e) { ldout(store->ctx(), 1) << "failed to decode the mdlog history: " << e.what() << dendl; return -EIO; } return 0; } int write_history(RGWRados *store, const RGWMetadataLogHistory& state, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, bool exclusive = false) { bufferlist bl; state.encode(bl); auto& pool = store->svc.zone->get_zone_params().log_pool; const auto& oid = RGWMetadataLogHistory::oid; return rgw_put_system_obj(store, pool, oid, bl, exclusive, objv_tracker, real_time{}); } using Cursor = RGWPeriodHistory::Cursor; /// read the mdlog history and use it to initialize the given cursor class ReadHistoryCR : public RGWCoroutine { RGWRados *store; Cursor *cursor; RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker; RGWMetadataLogHistory state; public: ReadHistoryCR(RGWRados *store, Cursor *cursor, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker) : RGWCoroutine(store->ctx()), store(store), cursor(cursor), objv_tracker(objv_tracker) {} int operate() { reenter(this) { yield { rgw_raw_obj obj{store->svc.zone->get_zone_params().log_pool, RGWMetadataLogHistory::oid}; constexpr bool empty_on_enoent = false; using ReadCR = RGWSimpleRadosReadCR; call(new ReadCR(store->get_async_rados(), store->svc.sysobj, obj, &state, empty_on_enoent, objv_tracker)); } if (retcode < 0) { ldout(cct, 1) << "failed to read mdlog history: " << cpp_strerror(retcode) << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } *cursor = store->period_history->lookup(state.oldest_realm_epoch); if (!*cursor) { return set_cr_error(cursor->get_error()); } ldout(cct, 10) << "read mdlog history with oldest period id=" << state.oldest_period_id << " realm_epoch=" << state.oldest_realm_epoch << dendl; return set_cr_done(); } return 0; } }; /// write the given cursor to the mdlog history class WriteHistoryCR : public RGWCoroutine { RGWRados *store; Cursor cursor; RGWObjVersionTracker *objv; RGWMetadataLogHistory state; public: WriteHistoryCR(RGWRados *store, const Cursor& cursor, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv) : RGWCoroutine(store->ctx()), store(store), cursor(cursor), objv(objv) {} int operate() { reenter(this) { state.oldest_period_id = cursor.get_period().get_id(); state.oldest_realm_epoch = cursor.get_epoch(); yield { rgw_raw_obj obj{store->svc.zone->get_zone_params().log_pool, RGWMetadataLogHistory::oid}; using WriteCR = RGWSimpleRadosWriteCR; call(new WriteCR(store->get_async_rados(), store->svc.sysobj, obj, state, objv)); } if (retcode < 0) { ldout(cct, 1) << "failed to write mdlog history: " << cpp_strerror(retcode) << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } ldout(cct, 10) << "wrote mdlog history with oldest period id=" << state.oldest_period_id << " realm_epoch=" << state.oldest_realm_epoch << dendl; return set_cr_done(); } return 0; } }; /// update the mdlog history to reflect trimmed logs class TrimHistoryCR : public RGWCoroutine { RGWRados *store; const Cursor cursor; //< cursor to trimmed period RGWObjVersionTracker *objv; //< to prevent racing updates Cursor next; //< target cursor for oldest log period Cursor existing; //< existing cursor read from disk public: TrimHistoryCR(RGWRados *store, Cursor cursor, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv) : RGWCoroutine(store->ctx()), store(store), cursor(cursor), objv(objv), next(cursor) { next.next(); // advance past cursor } int operate() { reenter(this) { // read an existing history, and write the new history if it's newer yield call(new ReadHistoryCR(store, &existing, objv)); if (retcode < 0) { return set_cr_error(retcode); } // reject older trims with ECANCELED if (cursor.get_epoch() < existing.get_epoch()) { ldout(cct, 4) << "found oldest log epoch=" << existing.get_epoch() << ", rejecting trim at epoch=" << cursor.get_epoch() << dendl; return set_cr_error(-ECANCELED); } // overwrite with updated history yield call(new WriteHistoryCR(store, next, objv)); if (retcode < 0) { return set_cr_error(retcode); } return set_cr_done(); } return 0; } }; // traverse all the way back to the beginning of the period history, and // return a cursor to the first period in a fully attached history Cursor find_oldest_period(RGWRados *store) { auto cct = store->ctx(); auto cursor = store->period_history->get_current(); while (cursor) { // advance to the period's predecessor if (!cursor.has_prev()) { auto& predecessor = cursor.get_period().get_predecessor(); if (predecessor.empty()) { // this is the first period, so our logs must start here ldout(cct, 10) << "find_oldest_period returning first " "period " << cursor.get_period().get_id() << dendl; return cursor; } // pull the predecessor and add it to our history RGWPeriod period; int r = store->period_puller->pull(predecessor, period); if (r < 0) { return cursor; } auto prev = store->period_history->insert(std::move(period)); if (!prev) { return prev; } ldout(cct, 20) << "find_oldest_period advancing to " "predecessor period " << predecessor << dendl; ceph_assert(cursor.has_prev()); } cursor.prev(); } ldout(cct, 10) << "find_oldest_period returning empty cursor" << dendl; return cursor; } } // anonymous namespace Cursor RGWMetadataManager::init_oldest_log_period() { // read the mdlog history RGWMetadataLogHistory state; RGWObjVersionTracker objv; int ret = read_history(store, &state, &objv); if (ret == -ENOENT) { // initialize the mdlog history and write it ldout(cct, 10) << "initializing mdlog history" << dendl; auto cursor = find_oldest_period(store); if (!cursor) { return cursor; } // write the initial history state.oldest_realm_epoch = cursor.get_epoch(); state.oldest_period_id = cursor.get_period().get_id(); constexpr bool exclusive = true; // don't overwrite int ret = write_history(store, state, &objv, exclusive); if (ret < 0 && ret != -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 1) << "failed to write mdlog history: " << cpp_strerror(ret) << dendl; return Cursor{ret}; } return cursor; } else if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 1) << "failed to read mdlog history: " << cpp_strerror(ret) << dendl; return Cursor{ret}; } // if it's already in the history, return it auto cursor = store->period_history->lookup(state.oldest_realm_epoch); if (cursor) { return cursor; } else { cursor = find_oldest_period(store); state.oldest_realm_epoch = cursor.get_epoch(); state.oldest_period_id = cursor.get_period().get_id(); ldout(cct, 10) << "rewriting mdlog history" << dendl; ret = write_history(store, state, &objv); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ECANCELED) { ldout(cct, 1) << "failed to write mdlog history: " << cpp_strerror(ret) << dendl; return Cursor{ret}; } return cursor; } // pull the oldest period by id RGWPeriod period; ret = store->period_puller->pull(state.oldest_period_id, period); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 1) << "failed to read period id=" << state.oldest_period_id << " for mdlog history: " << cpp_strerror(ret) << dendl; return Cursor{ret}; } // verify its realm_epoch if (period.get_realm_epoch() != state.oldest_realm_epoch) { ldout(cct, 1) << "inconsistent mdlog history: read period id=" << period.get_id() << " with realm_epoch=" << period.get_realm_epoch() << ", expected realm_epoch=" << state.oldest_realm_epoch << dendl; return Cursor{-EINVAL}; } // attach the period to our history return store->period_history->attach(std::move(period)); } Cursor RGWMetadataManager::read_oldest_log_period() const { RGWMetadataLogHistory state; int ret = read_history(store, &state, nullptr); if (ret < 0) { ldout(store->ctx(), 1) << "failed to read mdlog history: " << cpp_strerror(ret) << dendl; return Cursor{ret}; } ldout(store->ctx(), 10) << "read mdlog history with oldest period id=" << state.oldest_period_id << " realm_epoch=" << state.oldest_realm_epoch << dendl; return store->period_history->lookup(state.oldest_realm_epoch); } RGWCoroutine* RGWMetadataManager::read_oldest_log_period_cr(Cursor *period, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv) const { return new ReadHistoryCR(store, period, objv); } RGWCoroutine* RGWMetadataManager::trim_log_period_cr(Cursor period, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv) const { return new TrimHistoryCR(store, period, objv); } int RGWMetadataManager::init(const std::string& current_period) { // open a log for the current period current_log = get_log(current_period); return 0; } RGWMetadataLog* RGWMetadataManager::get_log(const std::string& period) { // construct the period's log in place if it doesn't exist auto insert = md_logs.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(period), std::forward_as_tuple(cct, store, period)); return &insert.first->second; } int RGWMetadataManager::register_handler(RGWMetadataHandler *handler) { string type = handler->get_type(); if (handlers.find(type) != handlers.end()) return -EINVAL; handlers[type] = handler; return 0; } RGWMetadataHandler *RGWMetadataManager::get_handler(const string& type) { map::iterator iter = handlers.find(type); if (iter == handlers.end()) return NULL; return iter->second; } void RGWMetadataManager::parse_metadata_key(const string& metadata_key, string& type, string& entry) { auto pos = metadata_key.find(':'); if (pos == string::npos) { type = metadata_key; } else { type = metadata_key.substr(0, pos); entry = metadata_key.substr(pos + 1); } } int RGWMetadataManager::find_handler(const string& metadata_key, RGWMetadataHandler **handler, string& entry) { string type; parse_metadata_key(metadata_key, type, entry); if (type.empty()) { *handler = &md_top_handler; return 0; } map::iterator iter = handlers.find(type); if (iter == handlers.end()) return -ENOENT; *handler = iter->second; return 0; } int RGWMetadataManager::get(string& metadata_key, Formatter *f) { RGWMetadataHandler *handler; string entry; int ret = find_handler(metadata_key, &handler, entry); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } RGWMetadataObject *obj; ret = handler->get(store, entry, &obj); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } f->open_object_section("metadata_info"); encode_json("key", metadata_key, f); encode_json("ver", obj->get_version(), f); real_time mtime = obj->get_mtime(); if (!real_clock::is_zero(mtime)) { utime_t ut(mtime); encode_json("mtime", ut, f); } encode_json("data", *obj, f); f->close_section(); delete obj; return 0; } int RGWMetadataManager::put(string& metadata_key, bufferlist& bl, RGWMetadataHandler::sync_type_t sync_type, obj_version *existing_version) { RGWMetadataHandler *handler; string entry; int ret = find_handler(metadata_key, &handler, entry); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } JSONParser parser; if (!parser.parse(bl.c_str(), bl.length())) { return -EINVAL; } RGWObjVersionTracker objv_tracker; obj_version *objv = &objv_tracker.write_version; utime_t mtime; try { JSONDecoder::decode_json("key", metadata_key, &parser); JSONDecoder::decode_json("ver", *objv, &parser); JSONDecoder::decode_json("mtime", mtime, &parser); } catch (JSONDecoder::err& e) { return -EINVAL; } JSONObj *jo = parser.find_obj("data"); if (!jo) { return -EINVAL; } ret = handler->put(store, entry, objv_tracker, mtime.to_real_time(), jo, sync_type); if (existing_version) { *existing_version = objv_tracker.read_version; } return ret; } int RGWMetadataManager::prepare_mutate(RGWRados *store, rgw_pool& pool, const string& oid, const real_time& mtime, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, RGWMetadataHandler::sync_type_t sync_mode) { bufferlist bl; real_time orig_mtime; auto obj_ctx = store->svc.sysobj->init_obj_ctx(); int ret = rgw_get_system_obj(store, obj_ctx, pool, oid, bl, objv_tracker, &orig_mtime, nullptr, nullptr); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { return ret; } if (ret != -ENOENT && !RGWMetadataHandler::check_versions(objv_tracker->read_version, orig_mtime, objv_tracker->write_version, mtime, sync_mode)) { return STATUS_NO_APPLY; } if (objv_tracker->write_version.tag.empty()) { if (objv_tracker->read_version.tag.empty()) { objv_tracker->generate_new_write_ver(store->ctx()); } else { objv_tracker->write_version = objv_tracker->read_version; objv_tracker->write_version.ver++; } } return 0; } int RGWMetadataManager::remove(string& metadata_key) { RGWMetadataHandler *handler; string entry; int ret = find_handler(metadata_key, &handler, entry); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } RGWMetadataObject *obj; ret = handler->get(store, entry, &obj); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } RGWObjVersionTracker objv_tracker; objv_tracker.read_version = obj->get_version(); delete obj; return handler->remove(store, entry, objv_tracker); } int RGWMetadataManager::lock_exclusive(string& metadata_key, timespan duration, string& owner_id) { RGWMetadataHandler *handler; string entry; string zone_id; int ret = find_handler(metadata_key, &handler, entry); if (ret < 0) return ret; rgw_pool pool; string oid; handler->get_pool_and_oid(store, entry, pool, oid); return store->lock_exclusive(pool, oid, duration, zone_id, owner_id); } int RGWMetadataManager::unlock(string& metadata_key, string& owner_id) { librados::IoCtx io_ctx; RGWMetadataHandler *handler; string entry; string zone_id; int ret = find_handler(metadata_key, &handler, entry); if (ret < 0) return ret; rgw_pool pool; string oid; handler->get_pool_and_oid(store, entry, pool, oid); return store->unlock(pool, oid, zone_id, owner_id); } struct list_keys_handle { void *handle; RGWMetadataHandler *handler; }; int RGWMetadataManager::list_keys_init(const string& section, void **handle) { return list_keys_init(section, string(), handle); } int RGWMetadataManager::list_keys_init(const string& section, const string& marker, void **handle) { string entry; RGWMetadataHandler *handler; int ret; ret = find_handler(section, &handler, entry); if (ret < 0) { return -ENOENT; } list_keys_handle *h = new list_keys_handle; h->handler = handler; ret = handler->list_keys_init(store, marker, &h->handle); if (ret < 0) { delete h; return ret; } *handle = (void *)h; return 0; } int RGWMetadataManager::list_keys_next(void *handle, int max, list& keys, bool *truncated) { list_keys_handle *h = static_cast(handle); RGWMetadataHandler *handler = h->handler; return handler->list_keys_next(h->handle, max, keys, truncated); } void RGWMetadataManager::list_keys_complete(void *handle) { list_keys_handle *h = static_cast(handle); RGWMetadataHandler *handler = h->handler; handler->list_keys_complete(h->handle); delete h; } string RGWMetadataManager::get_marker(void *handle) { list_keys_handle *h = static_cast(handle); return h->handler->get_marker(h->handle); } void RGWMetadataManager::dump_log_entry(cls_log_entry& entry, Formatter *f) { f->open_object_section("entry"); f->dump_string("id", entry.id); f->dump_string("section", entry.section); f->dump_string("name", entry.name); entry.timestamp.gmtime_nsec(f->dump_stream("timestamp")); try { RGWMetadataLogData log_data; auto iter = entry.data.cbegin(); decode(log_data, iter); encode_json("data", log_data, f); } catch (buffer::error& err) { lderr(cct) << "failed to decode log entry: " << entry.section << ":" << entry.name<< " ts=" << entry.timestamp << dendl; } f->close_section(); } void RGWMetadataManager::get_sections(list& sections) { for (map::iterator iter = handlers.begin(); iter != handlers.end(); ++iter) { sections.push_back(iter->first); } } int RGWMetadataManager::pre_modify(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, string& section, const string& key, RGWMetadataLogData& log_data, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, RGWMDLogStatus op_type) { section = handler->get_type(); /* if write version has not been set, and there's a read version, set it so that we can * log it */ if (objv_tracker) { if (objv_tracker->read_version.ver && !objv_tracker->write_version.ver) { objv_tracker->write_version = objv_tracker->read_version; objv_tracker->write_version.ver++; } log_data.read_version = objv_tracker->read_version; log_data.write_version = objv_tracker->write_version; } log_data.status = op_type; bufferlist logbl; encode(log_data, logbl); ceph_assert(current_log); // must have called init() int ret = current_log->add_entry(handler, section, key, logbl); if (ret < 0) return ret; return 0; } int RGWMetadataManager::post_modify(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& section, const string& key, RGWMetadataLogData& log_data, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, int ret) { if (ret >= 0) log_data.status = MDLOG_STATUS_COMPLETE; else log_data.status = MDLOG_STATUS_ABORT; bufferlist logbl; encode(log_data, logbl); ceph_assert(current_log); // must have called init() int r = current_log->add_entry(handler, section, key, logbl); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (r < 0) return r; return 0; } string RGWMetadataManager::heap_oid(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& key, const obj_version& objv) { char buf[objv.tag.size() + 32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%lld", objv.tag.c_str(), (long long)objv.ver); return string(".meta:") + handler->get_type() + ":" + key + ":" + buf; } int RGWMetadataManager::store_in_heap(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& key, bufferlist& bl, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, real_time mtime, map *pattrs) { if (!objv_tracker) { return -EINVAL; } rgw_pool heap_pool(store->svc.zone->get_zone_params().metadata_heap); if (heap_pool.empty()) { return 0; } RGWObjVersionTracker otracker; otracker.write_version = objv_tracker->write_version; string oid = heap_oid(handler, key, objv_tracker->write_version); int ret = rgw_put_system_obj(store, heap_pool, oid, bl, false, &otracker, mtime, pattrs); if (ret < 0) { ldout(store->ctx(), 0) << "ERROR: rgw_put_system_obj() oid=" << oid << " returned ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } int RGWMetadataManager::remove_from_heap(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& key, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker) { if (!objv_tracker) { return -EINVAL; } rgw_pool heap_pool(store->svc.zone->get_zone_params().metadata_heap); if (heap_pool.empty()) { return 0; } string oid = heap_oid(handler, key, objv_tracker->write_version); rgw_raw_obj obj(heap_pool, oid); auto obj_ctx = store->svc.sysobj->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = obj_ctx.get_obj(obj); int ret = sysobj.wop().remove(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(store->ctx(), 0) << "ERROR: sysobj.wop().remove() oid=" << oid << " returned ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } int RGWMetadataManager::put_entry(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& key, bufferlist& bl, bool exclusive, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, real_time mtime, map *pattrs) { string section; RGWMetadataLogData log_data; int ret = pre_modify(handler, section, key, log_data, objv_tracker, MDLOG_STATUS_WRITE); if (ret < 0) return ret; string oid; rgw_pool pool; handler->get_pool_and_oid(store, key, pool, oid); ret = store_in_heap(handler, key, bl, objv_tracker, mtime, pattrs); if (ret < 0) { ldout(store->ctx(), 0) << "ERROR: " << __func__ << ": store_in_heap() key=" << key << " returned ret=" << ret << dendl; goto done; } ret = rgw_put_system_obj(store, pool, oid, bl, exclusive, objv_tracker, mtime, pattrs); if (ret < 0) { int r = remove_from_heap(handler, key, objv_tracker); if (r < 0) { ldout(store->ctx(), 0) << "ERROR: " << __func__ << ": remove_from_heap() key=" << key << " returned ret=" << r << dendl; } } done: /* cascading ret into post_modify() */ ret = post_modify(handler, section, key, log_data, objv_tracker, ret); if (ret < 0) return ret; return 0; } int RGWMetadataManager::remove_entry(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& key, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker) { string section; RGWMetadataLogData log_data; int ret = pre_modify(handler, section, key, log_data, objv_tracker, MDLOG_STATUS_REMOVE); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } string oid; rgw_pool pool; handler->get_pool_and_oid(store, key, pool, oid); rgw_raw_obj obj(pool, oid); auto obj_ctx = store->svc.sysobj->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = obj_ctx.get_obj(obj); ret = sysobj.wop() .set_objv_tracker(objv_tracker) .remove(); /* cascading ret into post_modify() */ ret = post_modify(handler, section, key, log_data, objv_tracker, ret); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } return 0; } int RGWMetadataManager::get_log_shard_id(const string& section, const string& key, int *shard_id) { RGWMetadataHandler *handler = get_handler(section); if (!handler) { return -EINVAL; } string hash_key; handler->get_hash_key(section, key, hash_key); *shard_id = store->key_to_shard_id(hash_key, cct->_conf->rgw_md_log_max_shards); return 0; }