// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "rgw_period_history.h" #include "rgw_rados.h" #include "rgw_zone.h" #include "include/ceph_assert.h" #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix (*_dout << "rgw period history: ") /// an ordered history of consecutive periods class RGWPeriodHistory::History : public bi::avl_set_base_hook<> { public: std::deque periods; epoch_t get_oldest_epoch() const { return periods.front().get_realm_epoch(); } epoch_t get_newest_epoch() const { return periods.back().get_realm_epoch(); } bool contains(epoch_t epoch) const { return get_oldest_epoch() <= epoch && epoch <= get_newest_epoch(); } RGWPeriod& get(epoch_t epoch) { return periods[epoch - get_oldest_epoch()]; } const RGWPeriod& get(epoch_t epoch) const { return periods[epoch - get_oldest_epoch()]; } const std::string& get_predecessor_id() const { return periods.front().get_predecessor(); } }; /// value comparison for avl_set bool operator<(const RGWPeriodHistory::History& lhs, const RGWPeriodHistory::History& rhs) { return lhs.get_newest_epoch() < rhs.get_newest_epoch(); } /// key-value comparison for avl_set struct NewestEpochLess { bool operator()(const RGWPeriodHistory::History& value, epoch_t key) const { return value.get_newest_epoch() < key; } }; using Cursor = RGWPeriodHistory::Cursor; const RGWPeriod& Cursor::get_period() const { std::lock_guard lock(*mutex); return history->get(epoch); } bool Cursor::has_prev() const { std::lock_guard lock(*mutex); return epoch > history->get_oldest_epoch(); } bool Cursor::has_next() const { std::lock_guard lock(*mutex); return epoch < history->get_newest_epoch(); } bool operator==(const Cursor& lhs, const Cursor& rhs) { return lhs.history == rhs.history && lhs.epoch == rhs.epoch; } bool operator!=(const Cursor& lhs, const Cursor& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } class RGWPeriodHistory::Impl final { public: Impl(CephContext* cct, Puller* puller, const RGWPeriod& current_period); ~Impl(); Cursor get_current() const { return current_cursor; } Cursor attach(RGWPeriod&& period); Cursor insert(RGWPeriod&& period); Cursor lookup(epoch_t realm_epoch); private: /// an intrusive set of histories, ordered by their newest epoch. although /// the newest epoch of each history is mutable, the ordering cannot change /// because we prevent the histories from overlapping using Set = bi::avl_set; /// insert the given period into the period history, creating new unconnected /// histories or merging existing histories as necessary. expects the caller /// to hold a lock on mutex. returns a valid cursor regardless of whether it /// ends up in current_history, though cursors in other histories are only /// valid within the context of the lock Cursor insert_locked(RGWPeriod&& period); /// merge the periods from the src history onto the end of the dst history, /// and return an iterator to the merged history Set::iterator merge(Set::iterator dst, Set::iterator src); /// construct a Cursor object using Cursor's private constuctor Cursor make_cursor(Set::const_iterator history, epoch_t epoch); CephContext *const cct; Puller *const puller; //< interface for pulling missing periods Cursor current_cursor; //< Cursor to realm's current period mutable std::mutex mutex; //< protects the histories /// set of disjoint histories that are missing intermediate periods needed to /// connect them together Set histories; /// iterator to the history that contains the realm's current period Set::const_iterator current_history; }; RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::Impl(CephContext* cct, Puller* puller, const RGWPeriod& current_period) : cct(cct), puller(puller) { if (!current_period.get_id().empty()) { // copy the current period into a new history auto history = new History; history->periods.push_back(current_period); // insert as our current history current_history = histories.insert(*history).first; // get a cursor to the current period current_cursor = make_cursor(current_history, current_period.get_realm_epoch()); } else { current_history = histories.end(); } } RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::~Impl() { // clear the histories and delete each entry histories.clear_and_dispose(std::default_delete{}); } Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::attach(RGWPeriod&& period) { if (current_history == histories.end()) { return Cursor{-EINVAL}; } const auto epoch = period.get_realm_epoch(); std::string predecessor_id; for (;;) { { // hold the lock over insert, and while accessing the unsafe cursor std::lock_guard lock(mutex); auto cursor = insert_locked(std::move(period)); if (!cursor) { return cursor; } if (current_history->contains(epoch)) { break; // the history is complete } // take the predecessor id of the most recent history if (cursor.get_epoch() > current_cursor.get_epoch()) { predecessor_id = cursor.history->get_predecessor_id(); } else { predecessor_id = current_history->get_predecessor_id(); } } if (predecessor_id.empty()) { lderr(cct) << "reached a period with an empty predecessor id" << dendl; return Cursor{-EINVAL}; } // pull the period outside of the lock int r = puller->pull(predecessor_id, period); if (r < 0) { return Cursor{r}; } } // return a cursor to the requested period return make_cursor(current_history, epoch); } Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::insert(RGWPeriod&& period) { if (current_history == histories.end()) { return Cursor{-EINVAL}; } std::lock_guard lock(mutex); auto cursor = insert_locked(std::move(period)); if (cursor.get_error()) { return cursor; } // we can only provide cursors that are safe to use outside of the mutex if // they're within the current_history, because other histories can disappear // in a merge. see merge() for the special handling of current_history if (cursor.history == &*current_history) { return cursor; } return Cursor{}; } Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::lookup(epoch_t realm_epoch) { if (current_history != histories.end() && current_history->contains(realm_epoch)) { return make_cursor(current_history, realm_epoch); } return Cursor{}; } Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::insert_locked(RGWPeriod&& period) { auto epoch = period.get_realm_epoch(); // find the first history whose newest epoch comes at or after this period auto i = histories.lower_bound(epoch, NewestEpochLess{}); if (i == histories.end()) { // epoch is past the end of our newest history auto last = --Set::iterator{i}; // last = i - 1 if (epoch == last->get_newest_epoch() + 1) { // insert at the back of the last history last->periods.emplace_back(std::move(period)); return make_cursor(last, epoch); } // create a new history for this period auto history = new History; history->periods.emplace_back(std::move(period)); histories.insert(last, *history); i = Set::s_iterator_to(*history); return make_cursor(i, epoch); } if (i->contains(epoch)) { // already resident in this history auto& existing = i->get(epoch); // verify that the period ids match; otherwise we've forked the history if (period.get_id() != existing.get_id()) { lderr(cct) << "Got two different periods, " << period.get_id() << " and " << existing.get_id() << ", with the same realm epoch " << epoch << "! This indicates a fork in the period history." << dendl; return Cursor{-EEXIST}; } // update the existing period if we got a newer period epoch if (period.get_epoch() > existing.get_epoch()) { existing = std::move(period); } return make_cursor(i, epoch); } if (epoch + 1 == i->get_oldest_epoch()) { // insert at the front of this history i->periods.emplace_front(std::move(period)); // try to merge with the previous history if (i != histories.begin()) { auto prev = --Set::iterator{i}; if (epoch == prev->get_newest_epoch() + 1) { i = merge(prev, i); } } return make_cursor(i, epoch); } if (i != histories.begin()) { auto prev = --Set::iterator{i}; if (epoch == prev->get_newest_epoch() + 1) { // insert at the back of the previous history prev->periods.emplace_back(std::move(period)); return make_cursor(prev, epoch); } } // create a new history for this period auto history = new History; history->periods.emplace_back(std::move(period)); histories.insert(i, *history); i = Set::s_iterator_to(*history); return make_cursor(i, epoch); } RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::Set::iterator RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::merge(Set::iterator dst, Set::iterator src) { ceph_assert(dst->get_newest_epoch() + 1 == src->get_oldest_epoch()); // always merge into current_history if (src == current_history) { // move the periods from dst onto the front of src src->periods.insert(src->periods.begin(), std::make_move_iterator(dst->periods.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(dst->periods.end())); histories.erase_and_dispose(dst, std::default_delete{}); return src; } // move the periods from src onto the end of dst dst->periods.insert(dst->periods.end(), std::make_move_iterator(src->periods.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(src->periods.end())); histories.erase_and_dispose(src, std::default_delete{}); return dst; } Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::make_cursor(Set::const_iterator history, epoch_t epoch) { return Cursor{&*history, &mutex, epoch}; } RGWPeriodHistory::RGWPeriodHistory(CephContext* cct, Puller* puller, const RGWPeriod& current_period) : impl(new Impl(cct, puller, current_period)) {} RGWPeriodHistory::~RGWPeriodHistory() = default; Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::get_current() const { return impl->get_current(); } Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::attach(RGWPeriod&& period) { return impl->attach(std::move(period)); } Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::insert(RGWPeriod&& period) { return impl->insert(std::move(period)); } Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::lookup(epoch_t realm_epoch) { return impl->lookup(realm_epoch); }