// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "common/errno.h" #include "rgw_zone.h" #include "rgw_realm_watcher.h" #include "rgw_meta_sync_status.h" #include "rgw_sync.h" #include "services/svc_zone.h" #include "services/svc_sys_obj.h" #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw namespace rgw_zone_defaults { std::string zone_info_oid_prefix = "zone_info."; std::string zone_names_oid_prefix = "zone_names."; std::string region_info_oid_prefix = "region_info."; std::string realm_names_oid_prefix = "realms_names."; std::string zone_group_info_oid_prefix = "zonegroup_info."; std::string realm_info_oid_prefix = "realms."; std::string default_region_info_oid = "default.region"; std::string default_zone_group_info_oid = "default.zonegroup"; std::string period_info_oid_prefix = "periods."; std::string period_latest_epoch_info_oid = ".latest_epoch"; std::string region_map_oid = "region_map"; std::string default_realm_info_oid = "default.realm"; std::string default_zonegroup_name = "default"; std::string default_zone_name = "default"; std::string zonegroup_names_oid_prefix = "zonegroups_names."; std::string RGW_DEFAULT_ZONE_ROOT_POOL = "rgw.root"; std::string RGW_DEFAULT_ZONEGROUP_ROOT_POOL = "rgw.root"; std::string RGW_DEFAULT_REALM_ROOT_POOL = "rgw.root"; std::string RGW_DEFAULT_PERIOD_ROOT_POOL = "rgw.root"; std::string default_bucket_index_pool_suffix = "rgw.buckets.index"; std::string default_storage_extra_pool_suffix = "rgw.buckets.non-ec"; std::string avail_pools = ".pools.avail"; std::string default_storage_pool_suffix = "rgw.buckets.data"; } using namespace rgw_zone_defaults; #define FIRST_EPOCH 1 void RGWDefaultZoneGroupInfo::dump(Formatter *f) const { encode_json("default_zonegroup", default_zonegroup, f); } void RGWDefaultZoneGroupInfo::decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { JSONDecoder::decode_json("default_zonegroup", default_zonegroup, obj); /* backward compatability with region */ if (default_zonegroup.empty()) { JSONDecoder::decode_json("default_region", default_zonegroup, obj); } } rgw_pool RGWZoneGroup::get_pool(CephContext *cct_) const { if (cct_->_conf->rgw_zonegroup_root_pool.empty()) { return rgw_pool(RGW_DEFAULT_ZONEGROUP_ROOT_POOL); } return rgw_pool(cct_->_conf->rgw_zonegroup_root_pool); } int RGWZoneGroup::create_default(bool old_format) { name = default_zonegroup_name; api_name = default_zonegroup_name; is_master = true; RGWZoneGroupPlacementTarget placement_target; placement_target.name = "default-placement"; placement_targets[placement_target.name] = placement_target; default_placement.name = "default-placement"; RGWZoneParams zone_params(default_zone_name); int r = zone_params.init(cct, sysobj_svc, false); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "create_default: error initializing zone params: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } r = zone_params.create_default(); if (r < 0 && r != -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 0) << "create_default: error in create_default zone params: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } else if (r == -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 10) << "zone_params::create_default() returned -EEXIST, we raced with another default zone_params creation" << dendl; zone_params.clear_id(); r = zone_params.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "create_default: error in init existing zone params: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } ldout(cct, 20) << "zone_params::create_default() " << zone_params.get_name() << " id " << zone_params.get_id() << dendl; } RGWZone& default_zone = zones[zone_params.get_id()]; default_zone.name = zone_params.get_name(); default_zone.id = zone_params.get_id(); master_zone = default_zone.id; r = create(); if (r < 0 && r != -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 0) << "error storing zone group info: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } if (r == -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 10) << "create_default() returned -EEXIST, we raced with another zonegroup creation" << dendl; id.clear(); r = init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (r < 0) { return r; } } if (old_format) { name = id; } post_process_params(); return 0; } const string RGWZoneGroup::get_default_oid(bool old_region_format) const { if (old_region_format) { if (cct->_conf->rgw_default_region_info_oid.empty()) { return default_region_info_oid; } return cct->_conf->rgw_default_region_info_oid; } string default_oid = cct->_conf->rgw_default_zonegroup_info_oid; if (cct->_conf->rgw_default_zonegroup_info_oid.empty()) { default_oid = default_zone_group_info_oid; } default_oid += "." + realm_id; return default_oid; } const string& RGWZoneGroup::get_info_oid_prefix(bool old_region_format) const { if (old_region_format) { return region_info_oid_prefix; } return zone_group_info_oid_prefix; } const string& RGWZoneGroup::get_names_oid_prefix() const { return zonegroup_names_oid_prefix; } const string& RGWZoneGroup::get_predefined_name(CephContext *cct) const { return cct->_conf->rgw_zonegroup; } int RGWZoneGroup::equals(const string& other_zonegroup) const { if (is_master && other_zonegroup.empty()) return true; return (id == other_zonegroup); } int RGWZoneGroup::add_zone(const RGWZoneParams& zone_params, bool *is_master, bool *read_only, const list& endpoints, const string *ptier_type, bool *psync_from_all, list& sync_from, list& sync_from_rm, string *predirect_zone, RGWSyncModulesManager *sync_mgr) { auto& zone_id = zone_params.get_id(); auto& zone_name = zone_params.get_name(); // check for duplicate zone name on insert if (!zones.count(zone_id)) { for (const auto& zone : zones) { if (zone.second.name == zone_name) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: found existing zone name " << zone_name << " (" << zone.first << ") in zonegroup " << get_name() << dendl; return -EEXIST; } } } if (is_master) { if (*is_master) { if (!master_zone.empty() && master_zone != zone_id) { ldout(cct, 0) << "NOTICE: overriding master zone: " << master_zone << dendl; } master_zone = zone_id; } else if (master_zone == zone_id) { master_zone.clear(); } } RGWZone& zone = zones[zone_id]; zone.name = zone_name; zone.id = zone_id; if (!endpoints.empty()) { zone.endpoints = endpoints; } if (read_only) { zone.read_only = *read_only; } if (ptier_type) { zone.tier_type = *ptier_type; if (!sync_mgr->get_module(*ptier_type, nullptr)) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: could not found sync module: " << *ptier_type << ", valid sync modules: " << sync_mgr->get_registered_module_names() << dendl; return -ENOENT; } } if (psync_from_all) { zone.sync_from_all = *psync_from_all; } if (predirect_zone) { zone.redirect_zone = *predirect_zone; } for (auto add : sync_from) { zone.sync_from.insert(add); } for (auto rm : sync_from_rm) { zone.sync_from.erase(rm); } post_process_params(); return update(); } int RGWZoneGroup::rename_zone(const RGWZoneParams& zone_params) { RGWZone& zone = zones[zone_params.get_id()]; zone.name = zone_params.get_name(); return update(); } void RGWZoneGroup::post_process_params() { bool log_data = zones.size() > 1; if (master_zone.empty()) { map::iterator iter = zones.begin(); if (iter != zones.end()) { master_zone = iter->first; } } for (map::iterator iter = zones.begin(); iter != zones.end(); ++iter) { RGWZone& zone = iter->second; zone.log_data = log_data; RGWZoneParams zone_params(zone.id, zone.name); int ret = zone_params.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "WARNING: could not read zone params for zone id=" << zone.id << " name=" << zone.name << dendl; continue; } for (map::iterator iter = zone_params.placement_pools.begin(); iter != zone_params.placement_pools.end(); ++iter) { const string& placement_name = iter->first; if (placement_targets.find(placement_name) == placement_targets.end()) { RGWZoneGroupPlacementTarget placement_target; placement_target.name = placement_name; placement_targets[placement_name] = placement_target; } } } if (default_placement.empty() && !placement_targets.empty()) { default_placement.init(placement_targets.begin()->first, RGW_STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD); } } int RGWZoneGroup::remove_zone(const std::string& zone_id) { map::iterator iter = zones.find(zone_id); if (iter == zones.end()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "zone id " << zone_id << " is not a part of zonegroup " << name << dendl; return -ENOENT; } zones.erase(iter); post_process_params(); return update(); } int RGWZoneGroup::read_default_id(string& default_id, bool old_format) { if (realm_id.empty()) { /* try using default realm */ RGWRealm realm; int ret = realm.init(cct, sysobj_svc); // no default realm exist if (ret < 0) { return read_id(default_zonegroup_name, default_id); } realm_id = realm.get_id(); } return RGWSystemMetaObj::read_default_id(default_id, old_format); } int RGWZoneGroup::set_as_default(bool exclusive) { if (realm_id.empty()) { /* try using default realm */ RGWRealm realm; int ret = realm.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 10) << "could not read realm id: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return -EINVAL; } realm_id = realm.get_id(); } return RGWSystemMetaObj::set_as_default(exclusive); } void RGWSystemMetaObj::reinit_instance(CephContext *_cct, RGWSI_SysObj *_sysobj_svc) { cct = _cct; sysobj_svc = _sysobj_svc; zone_svc = _sysobj_svc->get_zone_svc(); } int RGWSystemMetaObj::init(CephContext *_cct, RGWSI_SysObj *_sysobj_svc, bool setup_obj, bool old_format) { reinit_instance(_cct, _sysobj_svc); if (!setup_obj) return 0; if (old_format && id.empty()) { id = name; } if (id.empty()) { int r; if (name.empty()) { name = get_predefined_name(cct); } if (name.empty()) { r = use_default(old_format); if (r < 0) { return r; } } else if (!old_format) { r = read_id(name, id); if (r < 0) { if (r != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << "error in read_id for object name: " << name << " : " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; } return r; } } } return read_info(id, old_format); } int RGWSystemMetaObj::read_default(RGWDefaultSystemMetaObjInfo& default_info, const string& oid) { using ceph::decode; auto pool = get_pool(cct); bufferlist bl; auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj(pool, oid)); int ret = sysobj.rop().read(&bl); if (ret < 0) return ret; try { auto iter = bl.cbegin(); decode(default_info, iter); } catch (buffer::error& err) { ldout(cct, 0) << "error decoding data from " << pool << ":" << oid << dendl; return -EIO; } return 0; } int RGWSystemMetaObj::read_default_id(string& default_id, bool old_format) { RGWDefaultSystemMetaObjInfo default_info; int ret = read_default(default_info, get_default_oid(old_format)); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } default_id = default_info.default_id; return 0; } int RGWSystemMetaObj::use_default(bool old_format) { return read_default_id(id, old_format); } int RGWSystemMetaObj::set_as_default(bool exclusive) { using ceph::encode; string oid = get_default_oid(); rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); bufferlist bl; RGWDefaultSystemMetaObjInfo default_info; default_info.default_id = id; encode(default_info, bl); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj(pool, oid)); int ret = sysobj.wop() .set_exclusive(exclusive) .write(bl); if (ret < 0) return ret; return 0; } int RGWSystemMetaObj::read_id(const string& obj_name, string& object_id) { using ceph::decode; rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); bufferlist bl; string oid = get_names_oid_prefix() + obj_name; auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj(pool, oid)); int ret = sysobj.rop().read(&bl); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } RGWNameToId nameToId; try { auto iter = bl.cbegin(); decode(nameToId, iter); } catch (buffer::error& err) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to decode obj from " << pool << ":" << oid << dendl; return -EIO; } object_id = nameToId.obj_id; return 0; } int RGWSystemMetaObj::delete_obj(bool old_format) { rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); /* check to see if obj is the default */ RGWDefaultSystemMetaObjInfo default_info; int ret = read_default(default_info, get_default_oid(old_format)); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) return ret; if (default_info.default_id == id || (old_format && default_info.default_id == name)) { string oid = get_default_oid(old_format); rgw_raw_obj default_named_obj(pool, oid); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, default_named_obj); ret = sysobj.wop().remove(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error delete default obj name " << name << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } if (!old_format) { string oid = get_names_oid_prefix() + name; rgw_raw_obj object_name(pool, oid); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, object_name); ret = sysobj.wop().remove(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error delete obj name " << name << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } string oid = get_info_oid_prefix(old_format); if (old_format) { oid += name; } else { oid += id; } rgw_raw_obj object_id(pool, oid); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, object_id); ret = sysobj.wop().remove(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error delete object id " << id << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; } return ret; } int RGWSystemMetaObj::store_name(bool exclusive) { rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); string oid = get_names_oid_prefix() + name; RGWNameToId nameToId; nameToId.obj_id = id; bufferlist bl; using ceph::encode; encode(nameToId, bl); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj(pool, oid)); return sysobj.wop() .set_exclusive(exclusive) .write(bl); } int RGWSystemMetaObj::rename(const string& new_name) { string new_id; int ret = read_id(new_name, new_id); if (!ret) { return -EEXIST; } if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error read_id " << new_name << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } string old_name = name; name = new_name; ret = update(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error storing new obj info " << new_name << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = store_name(true); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error storing new name " << new_name << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } /* delete old name */ rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); string oid = get_names_oid_prefix() + old_name; rgw_raw_obj old_name_obj(pool, oid); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, old_name_obj); ret = sysobj.wop().remove(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error delete old obj name " << old_name << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } return ret; } int RGWSystemMetaObj::read_info(const string& obj_id, bool old_format) { rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); bufferlist bl; string oid = get_info_oid_prefix(old_format) + obj_id; auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj{pool, oid}); int ret = sysobj.rop().read(&bl); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed reading obj info from " << pool << ":" << oid << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } using ceph::decode; try { auto iter = bl.cbegin(); decode(*this, iter); } catch (buffer::error& err) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to decode obj from " << pool << ":" << oid << dendl; return -EIO; } return 0; } int RGWSystemMetaObj::read() { int ret = read_id(name, id); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } return read_info(id); } int RGWSystemMetaObj::create(bool exclusive) { int ret; /* check to see the name is not used */ ret = read_id(name, id); if (exclusive && ret == 0) { ldout(cct, 10) << "ERROR: name " << name << " already in use for obj id " << id << dendl; return -EEXIST; } else if ( ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed reading obj id " << id << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } if (id.empty()) { /* create unique id */ uuid_d new_uuid; char uuid_str[37]; new_uuid.generate_random(); new_uuid.print(uuid_str); id = uuid_str; } ret = store_info(exclusive); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: storing info for " << id << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } return store_name(exclusive); } int RGWSystemMetaObj::store_info(bool exclusive) { rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); string oid = get_info_oid_prefix() + id; bufferlist bl; using ceph::encode; encode(*this, bl); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj{pool, oid}); return sysobj.wop() .set_exclusive(exclusive) .write(bl); } int RGWSystemMetaObj::write(bool exclusive) { int ret = store_info(exclusive); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << "(): store_info() returned ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } ret = store_name(exclusive); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << "(): store_name() returned ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } const string& RGWRealm::get_predefined_name(CephContext *cct) const { return cct->_conf->rgw_realm; } int RGWRealm::create(bool exclusive) { int ret = RGWSystemMetaObj::create(exclusive); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR creating new realm object " << name << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } // create the control object for watch/notify ret = create_control(exclusive); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR creating control for new realm " << name << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } RGWPeriod period; if (current_period.empty()) { /* create new period for the realm */ ret = period.init(cct, sysobj_svc, id, name, false); if (ret < 0 ) { return ret; } ret = period.create(true); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: creating new period for realm " << name << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } else { period = RGWPeriod(current_period, 0); int ret = period.init(cct, sysobj_svc, id, name); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to init period " << current_period << dendl; return ret; } } ret = set_current_period(period); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed set current period " << current_period << dendl; return ret; } // try to set as default. may race with another create, so pass exclusive=true // so we don't override an existing default ret = set_as_default(true); if (ret < 0 && ret != -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 0) << "WARNING: failed to set realm as default realm, ret=" << ret << dendl; } return 0; } int RGWRealm::delete_obj() { int ret = RGWSystemMetaObj::delete_obj(); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } return delete_control(); } int RGWRealm::create_control(bool exclusive) { auto pool = rgw_pool{get_pool(cct)}; auto oid = get_control_oid(); bufferlist bl; auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj{pool, oid}); return sysobj.wop() .set_exclusive(exclusive) .write(bl); } int RGWRealm::delete_control() { auto pool = rgw_pool{get_pool(cct)}; auto obj = rgw_raw_obj{pool, get_control_oid()}; auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, obj); return sysobj.wop().remove(); } rgw_pool RGWRealm::get_pool(CephContext *cct) const { if (cct->_conf->rgw_realm_root_pool.empty()) { return rgw_pool(RGW_DEFAULT_REALM_ROOT_POOL); } return rgw_pool(cct->_conf->rgw_realm_root_pool); } const string RGWRealm::get_default_oid(bool old_format) const { if (cct->_conf->rgw_default_realm_info_oid.empty()) { return default_realm_info_oid; } return cct->_conf->rgw_default_realm_info_oid; } const string& RGWRealm::get_names_oid_prefix() const { return realm_names_oid_prefix; } const string& RGWRealm::get_info_oid_prefix(bool old_format) const { return realm_info_oid_prefix; } int RGWRealm::set_current_period(RGWPeriod& period) { // update realm epoch to match the period's if (epoch > period.get_realm_epoch()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: set_current_period with old realm epoch " << period.get_realm_epoch() << ", current epoch=" << epoch << dendl; return -EINVAL; } if (epoch == period.get_realm_epoch() && current_period != period.get_id()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: set_current_period with same realm epoch " << period.get_realm_epoch() << ", but different period id " << period.get_id() << " != " << current_period << dendl; return -EINVAL; } epoch = period.get_realm_epoch(); current_period = period.get_id(); int ret = update(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: period update: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = period.reflect(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: period.reflect(): " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } string RGWRealm::get_control_oid() const { return get_info_oid_prefix() + id + ".control"; } int RGWRealm::notify_zone(bufferlist& bl) { rgw_pool pool{get_pool(cct)}; auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj{pool, get_control_oid()}); int ret = sysobj.wn().notify(bl, 0, nullptr); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } return 0; } int RGWRealm::notify_new_period(const RGWPeriod& period) { bufferlist bl; using ceph::encode; // push the period to dependent zonegroups/zones encode(RGWRealmNotify::ZonesNeedPeriod, bl); encode(period, bl); // reload the gateway with the new period encode(RGWRealmNotify::Reload, bl); return notify_zone(bl); } std::string RGWPeriodConfig::get_oid(const std::string& realm_id) { if (realm_id.empty()) { return "period_config.default"; } return "period_config." + realm_id; } rgw_pool RGWPeriodConfig::get_pool(CephContext *cct) { const auto& pool_name = cct->_conf->rgw_period_root_pool; if (pool_name.empty()) { return {RGW_DEFAULT_PERIOD_ROOT_POOL}; } return {pool_name}; } int RGWPeriodConfig::read(RGWSI_SysObj *sysobj_svc, const std::string& realm_id) { const auto& pool = get_pool(sysobj_svc->ctx()); const auto& oid = get_oid(realm_id); bufferlist bl; auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj{pool, oid}); int ret = sysobj.rop().read(&bl); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } using ceph::decode; try { auto iter = bl.cbegin(); decode(*this, iter); } catch (buffer::error& err) { return -EIO; } return 0; } int RGWPeriodConfig::write(RGWSI_SysObj *sysobj_svc, const std::string& realm_id) { const auto& pool = get_pool(sysobj_svc->ctx()); const auto& oid = get_oid(realm_id); bufferlist bl; using ceph::encode; encode(*this, bl); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj{pool, oid}); return sysobj.wop() .set_exclusive(false) .write(bl); } int RGWPeriod::init(CephContext *_cct, RGWSI_SysObj *_sysobj_svc, const string& period_realm_id, const string& period_realm_name, bool setup_obj) { cct = _cct; sysobj_svc = _sysobj_svc; realm_id = period_realm_id; realm_name = period_realm_name; if (!setup_obj) return 0; return init(_cct, _sysobj_svc, setup_obj); } int RGWPeriod::init(CephContext *_cct, RGWSI_SysObj *_sysobj_svc, bool setup_obj) { cct = _cct; sysobj_svc = _sysobj_svc; if (!setup_obj) return 0; if (id.empty()) { RGWRealm realm(realm_id, realm_name); int ret = realm.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "RGWPeriod::init failed to init realm " << realm_name << " id " << realm_id << " : " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } id = realm.get_current_period(); realm_id = realm.get_id(); } if (!epoch) { int ret = use_latest_epoch(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed to use_latest_epoch period id " << id << " realm " << realm_name << " id " << realm_id << " : " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } return read_info(); } int RGWPeriod::get_zonegroup(RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup, const string& zonegroup_id) const { map::const_iterator iter; if (!zonegroup_id.empty()) { iter = period_map.zonegroups.find(zonegroup_id); } else { iter = period_map.zonegroups.find("default"); } if (iter != period_map.zonegroups.end()) { zonegroup = iter->second; return 0; } return -ENOENT; } const string& RGWPeriod::get_latest_epoch_oid() const { if (cct->_conf->rgw_period_latest_epoch_info_oid.empty()) { return period_latest_epoch_info_oid; } return cct->_conf->rgw_period_latest_epoch_info_oid; } const string& RGWPeriod::get_info_oid_prefix() const { return period_info_oid_prefix; } const string RGWPeriod::get_period_oid_prefix() const { return get_info_oid_prefix() + id; } const string RGWPeriod::get_period_oid() const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << get_period_oid_prefix(); // skip the epoch for the staging period if (id != get_staging_id(realm_id)) oss << "." << epoch; return oss.str(); } int RGWPeriod::read_latest_epoch(RGWPeriodLatestEpochInfo& info, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv) { string oid = get_period_oid_prefix() + get_latest_epoch_oid(); rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); bufferlist bl; auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj{pool, oid}); int ret = sysobj.rop().read(&bl); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 1) << "error read_lastest_epoch " << pool << ":" << oid << dendl; return ret; } try { auto iter = bl.cbegin(); using ceph::decode; decode(info, iter); } catch (buffer::error& err) { ldout(cct, 0) << "error decoding data from " << pool << ":" << oid << dendl; return -EIO; } return 0; } int RGWPeriod::get_latest_epoch(epoch_t& latest_epoch) { RGWPeriodLatestEpochInfo info; int ret = read_latest_epoch(info); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } latest_epoch = info.epoch; return 0; } int RGWPeriod::use_latest_epoch() { RGWPeriodLatestEpochInfo info; int ret = read_latest_epoch(info); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } epoch = info.epoch; return 0; } int RGWPeriod::set_latest_epoch(epoch_t epoch, bool exclusive, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv) { string oid = get_period_oid_prefix() + get_latest_epoch_oid(); rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); bufferlist bl; RGWPeriodLatestEpochInfo info; info.epoch = epoch; using ceph::encode; encode(info, bl); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj(pool, oid)); return sysobj.wop() .set_exclusive(exclusive) .write(bl); } int RGWPeriod::update_latest_epoch(epoch_t epoch) { static constexpr int MAX_RETRIES = 20; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RETRIES; i++) { RGWPeriodLatestEpochInfo info; RGWObjVersionTracker objv; bool exclusive = false; // read existing epoch int r = read_latest_epoch(info, &objv); if (r == -ENOENT) { // use an exclusive create to set the epoch atomically exclusive = true; ldout(cct, 20) << "creating initial latest_epoch=" << epoch << " for period=" << id << dendl; } else if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to read latest_epoch" << dendl; return r; } else if (epoch <= info.epoch) { r = -EEXIST; // fail with EEXIST if epoch is not newer ldout(cct, 10) << "found existing latest_epoch " << info.epoch << " >= given epoch " << epoch << ", returning r=" << r << dendl; return r; } else { ldout(cct, 20) << "updating latest_epoch from " << info.epoch << " -> " << epoch << " on period=" << id << dendl; } r = set_latest_epoch(epoch, exclusive, &objv); if (r == -EEXIST) { continue; // exclusive create raced with another update, retry } else if (r == -ECANCELED) { continue; // write raced with a conflicting version, retry } if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to write latest_epoch" << dendl; return r; } return 0; // return success } return -ECANCELED; // fail after max retries } int RGWPeriod::delete_obj() { rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); // delete the object for each period epoch for (epoch_t e = 1; e <= epoch; e++) { RGWPeriod p{get_id(), e}; rgw_raw_obj oid{pool, p.get_period_oid()}; auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, oid); int ret = sysobj.wop().remove(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "WARNING: failed to delete period object " << oid << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; } } // delete the .latest_epoch object rgw_raw_obj oid{pool, get_period_oid_prefix() + get_latest_epoch_oid()}; auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, oid); int ret = sysobj.wop().remove(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "WARNING: failed to delete period object " << oid << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; } return ret; } int RGWPeriod::read_info() { rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); bufferlist bl; auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj{pool, get_period_oid()}); int ret = sysobj.rop().read(&bl); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed reading obj info from " << pool << ":" << get_period_oid() << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } try { using ceph::decode; auto iter = bl.cbegin(); decode(*this, iter); } catch (buffer::error& err) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to decode obj from " << pool << ":" << get_period_oid() << dendl; return -EIO; } return 0; } int RGWPeriod::create(bool exclusive) { int ret; /* create unique id */ uuid_d new_uuid; char uuid_str[37]; new_uuid.generate_random(); new_uuid.print(uuid_str); id = uuid_str; epoch = FIRST_EPOCH; period_map.id = id; ret = store_info(exclusive); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: storing info for " << id << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = set_latest_epoch(epoch); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: setting latest epoch " << id << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; } return ret; } int RGWPeriod::store_info(bool exclusive) { rgw_pool pool(get_pool(cct)); string oid = get_period_oid(); bufferlist bl; using ceph::encode; encode(*this, bl); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj(pool, oid)); return sysobj.wop() .set_exclusive(exclusive) .write(bl); } rgw_pool RGWPeriod::get_pool(CephContext *cct) const { if (cct->_conf->rgw_period_root_pool.empty()) { return rgw_pool(RGW_DEFAULT_PERIOD_ROOT_POOL); } return rgw_pool(cct->_conf->rgw_period_root_pool); } int RGWPeriod::add_zonegroup(const RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup) { if (zonegroup.realm_id != realm_id) { return 0; } int ret = period_map.update(zonegroup, cct); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: updating period map: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } return store_info(false); } int RGWPeriod::update() { auto zone_svc = sysobj_svc->get_zone_svc(); ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << " realm " << realm_id << " period " << get_id() << dendl; list zonegroups; int ret = zone_svc->list_zonegroups(zonegroups); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to list zonegroups: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } // clear zone short ids of removed zones. period_map.update() will add the // remaining zones back period_map.short_zone_ids.clear(); for (auto& iter : zonegroups) { RGWZoneGroup zg(string(), iter); ret = zg.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "WARNING: zg.init() failed: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; continue; } if (zg.realm_id != realm_id) { ldout(cct, 20) << "skipping zonegroup " << zg.get_name() << " zone realm id " << zg.realm_id << ", not on our realm " << realm_id << dendl; continue; } if (zg.master_zone.empty()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: zonegroup " << zg.get_name() << " should have a master zone " << dendl; return -EINVAL; } if (zg.zones.find(zg.master_zone) == zg.zones.end()) { ldout(cct,0) << "ERROR: zonegroup " << zg.get_name() << " has a non existent master zone "<< dendl; return -EINVAL; } if (zg.is_master_zonegroup()) { master_zonegroup = zg.get_id(); master_zone = zg.master_zone; } int ret = period_map.update(zg, cct); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } } ret = period_config.read(sysobj_svc, realm_id); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to read period config: " << cpp_strerror(ret) << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } int RGWPeriod::reflect() { for (auto& iter : period_map.zonegroups) { RGWZoneGroup& zg = iter.second; zg.reinit_instance(cct, sysobj_svc); int r = zg.write(false); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to store zonegroup info for zonegroup=" << iter.first << ": " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } if (zg.is_master_zonegroup()) { // set master as default if no default exists r = zg.set_as_default(true); if (r == 0) { ldout(cct, 1) << "Set the period's master zonegroup " << zg.get_id() << " as the default" << dendl; } } } int r = period_config.write(sysobj_svc, realm_id); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to store period config: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } return 0; } void RGWPeriod::fork() { ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << " realm " << realm_id << " period " << id << dendl; predecessor_uuid = id; id = get_staging_id(realm_id); period_map.reset(); realm_epoch++; } static int read_sync_status(RGWRados *store, rgw_meta_sync_status *sync_status) { // initialize a sync status manager to read the status RGWMetaSyncStatusManager mgr(store, store->get_async_rados()); int r = mgr.init(); if (r < 0) { return r; } r = mgr.read_sync_status(sync_status); mgr.stop(); return r; } int RGWPeriod::update_sync_status(RGWRados *store, /* for now */ const RGWPeriod ¤t_period, std::ostream& error_stream, bool force_if_stale) { rgw_meta_sync_status status; int r = read_sync_status(store, &status); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "period failed to read sync status: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } std::vector markers; const auto current_epoch = current_period.get_realm_epoch(); if (current_epoch != status.sync_info.realm_epoch) { // no sync status markers for the current period ceph_assert(current_epoch > status.sync_info.realm_epoch); const int behind = current_epoch - status.sync_info.realm_epoch; if (!force_if_stale && current_epoch > 1) { error_stream << "ERROR: This zone is " << behind << " period(s) behind " "the current master zone in metadata sync. If this zone is promoted " "to master, any metadata changes during that time are likely to " "be lost.\n" "Waiting for this zone to catch up on metadata sync (see " "'radosgw-admin sync status') is recommended.\n" "To promote this zone to master anyway, add the flag " "--yes-i-really-mean-it." << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } // empty sync status markers - other zones will skip this period during // incremental metadata sync markers.resize(status.sync_info.num_shards); } else { markers.reserve(status.sync_info.num_shards); for (auto& i : status.sync_markers) { auto& marker = i.second; // filter out markers from other periods if (marker.realm_epoch != current_epoch) { marker.marker.clear(); } markers.emplace_back(std::move(marker.marker)); } } std::swap(sync_status, markers); return 0; } int RGWPeriod::commit(RGWRados *store, RGWRealm& realm, const RGWPeriod& current_period, std::ostream& error_stream, bool force_if_stale) { auto zone_svc = sysobj_svc->get_zone_svc(); ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << " realm " << realm.get_id() << " period " << current_period.get_id() << dendl; // gateway must be in the master zone to commit if (master_zone != zone_svc->get_zone_params().get_id()) { error_stream << "Cannot commit period on zone " << zone_svc->get_zone_params().get_id() << ", it must be sent to " "the period's master zone " << master_zone << '.' << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } // period predecessor must match current period if (predecessor_uuid != current_period.get_id()) { error_stream << "Period predecessor " << predecessor_uuid << " does not match current period " << current_period.get_id() << ". Use 'period pull' to get the latest period from the master, " "reapply your changes, and try again." << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } // realm epoch must be 1 greater than current period if (realm_epoch != current_period.get_realm_epoch() + 1) { error_stream << "Period's realm epoch " << realm_epoch << " does not come directly after current realm epoch " << current_period.get_realm_epoch() << ". Use 'realm pull' to get the " "latest realm and period from the master zone, reapply your changes, " "and try again." << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } // did the master zone change? if (master_zone != current_period.get_master_zone()) { // store the current metadata sync status in the period int r = update_sync_status(store, current_period, error_stream, force_if_stale); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed to update metadata sync status: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } // create an object with a new period id r = create(true); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed to create new period: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } // set as current period r = realm.set_current_period(*this); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed to update realm's current period: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } ldout(cct, 4) << "Promoted to master zone and committed new period " << id << dendl; realm.notify_new_period(*this); return 0; } // period must be based on current epoch if (epoch != current_period.get_epoch()) { error_stream << "Period epoch " << epoch << " does not match " "predecessor epoch " << current_period.get_epoch() << ". Use 'period pull' to get the latest epoch from the master zone, " "reapply your changes, and try again." << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } // set period as next epoch set_id(current_period.get_id()); set_epoch(current_period.get_epoch() + 1); set_predecessor(current_period.get_predecessor()); realm_epoch = current_period.get_realm_epoch(); // write the period to rados int r = store_info(false); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed to store period: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } // set as latest epoch r = update_latest_epoch(epoch); if (r == -EEXIST) { // already have this epoch (or a more recent one) return 0; } if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed to set latest epoch: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } r = reflect(); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed to update local objects: " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } ldout(cct, 4) << "Committed new epoch " << epoch << " for period " << id << dendl; realm.notify_new_period(*this); return 0; } int RGWZoneParams::create_default(bool old_format) { name = default_zone_name; int r = create(); if (r < 0) { return r; } if (old_format) { name = id; } return r; } int get_zones_pool_set(CephContext* cct, RGWSI_SysObj* sysobj_svc, const list& zones, const string& my_zone_id, set& pool_names) { for(auto const& iter : zones) { RGWZoneParams zone(iter); int r = zone.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error: init zone " << iter << ":" << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; return r; } if (zone.get_id() != my_zone_id) { pool_names.insert(zone.domain_root); pool_names.insert(zone.metadata_heap); pool_names.insert(zone.control_pool); pool_names.insert(zone.gc_pool); pool_names.insert(zone.log_pool); pool_names.insert(zone.intent_log_pool); pool_names.insert(zone.usage_log_pool); pool_names.insert(zone.user_keys_pool); pool_names.insert(zone.user_email_pool); pool_names.insert(zone.user_swift_pool); pool_names.insert(zone.user_uid_pool); pool_names.insert(zone.otp_pool); pool_names.insert(zone.roles_pool); pool_names.insert(zone.reshard_pool); for(auto& iter : zone.placement_pools) { pool_names.insert(iter.second.index_pool); for (auto& pi : iter.second.storage_classes.get_all()) { if (pi.second.data_pool) { pool_names.insert(pi.second.data_pool.get()); } } pool_names.insert(iter.second.data_extra_pool); } } } return 0; } rgw_pool fix_zone_pool_dup(set pools, const string& default_prefix, const string& default_suffix, const rgw_pool& suggested_pool) { string suggested_name = suggested_pool.to_str(); string prefix = default_prefix; string suffix = default_suffix; if (!suggested_pool.empty()) { prefix = suggested_name.substr(0, suggested_name.find(".")); suffix = suggested_name.substr(prefix.length()); } rgw_pool pool(prefix + suffix); if (pools.find(pool) == pools.end()) { return pool; } else { while(true) { pool = prefix + "_" + std::to_string(std::rand()) + suffix; if (pools.find(pool) == pools.end()) { return pool; } } } } int RGWZoneParams::fix_pool_names() { list zones; int r = zone_svc->list_zones(zones); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 10) << "WARNING: store->list_zones() returned r=" << r << dendl; } set pools; r = get_zones_pool_set(cct, sysobj_svc, zones, id, pools); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error: get_zones_pool_names" << r << dendl; return r; } domain_root = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.meta:root", domain_root); if (!metadata_heap.name.empty()) { metadata_heap = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.meta:heap", metadata_heap); } control_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.control", control_pool); gc_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name ,".rgw.log:gc", gc_pool); lc_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name ,".rgw.log:lc", lc_pool); log_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.log", log_pool); intent_log_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.log:intent", intent_log_pool); usage_log_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.log:usage", usage_log_pool); user_keys_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.meta:users.keys", user_keys_pool); user_email_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.meta:users.email", user_email_pool); user_swift_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.meta:users.swift", user_swift_pool); user_uid_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.meta:users.uid", user_uid_pool); roles_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.meta:roles", roles_pool); reshard_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.log:reshard", reshard_pool); otp_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, ".rgw.otp", otp_pool); for(auto& iter : placement_pools) { iter.second.index_pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, "." + default_bucket_index_pool_suffix, iter.second.index_pool); for (auto& pi : iter.second.storage_classes.get_all()) { if (pi.second.data_pool) { rgw_pool& pool = pi.second.data_pool.get(); pool = fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, "." + default_storage_pool_suffix, pool); } } iter.second.data_extra_pool= fix_zone_pool_dup(pools, name, "." + default_storage_extra_pool_suffix, iter.second.data_extra_pool); } return 0; } int RGWZoneParams::create(bool exclusive) { /* check for old pools config */ rgw_raw_obj obj(domain_root, avail_pools); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, obj); int r = sysobj.rop().stat(); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 10) << "couldn't find old data placement pools config, setting up new ones for the zone" << dendl; /* a new system, let's set new placement info */ RGWZonePlacementInfo default_placement; default_placement.index_pool = name + "." + default_bucket_index_pool_suffix; rgw_pool pool = name + "." + default_storage_pool_suffix; default_placement.storage_classes.set_storage_class(RGW_STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD, &pool, nullptr); default_placement.data_extra_pool = name + "." + default_storage_extra_pool_suffix; placement_pools["default-placement"] = default_placement; } r = fix_pool_names(); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: fix_pool_names returned r=" << r << dendl; return r; } r = RGWSystemMetaObj::create(exclusive); if (r < 0) { return r; } // try to set as default. may race with another create, so pass exclusive=true // so we don't override an existing default r = set_as_default(true); if (r < 0 && r != -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 10) << "WARNING: failed to set zone as default, r=" << r << dendl; } return 0; } rgw_pool RGWZoneParams::get_pool(CephContext *cct) const { if (cct->_conf->rgw_zone_root_pool.empty()) { return rgw_pool(RGW_DEFAULT_ZONE_ROOT_POOL); } return rgw_pool(cct->_conf->rgw_zone_root_pool); } const string RGWZoneParams::get_default_oid(bool old_format) const { if (old_format) { return cct->_conf->rgw_default_zone_info_oid; } return cct->_conf->rgw_default_zone_info_oid + "." + realm_id; } const string& RGWZoneParams::get_names_oid_prefix() const { return zone_names_oid_prefix; } const string& RGWZoneParams::get_info_oid_prefix(bool old_format) const { return zone_info_oid_prefix; } const string& RGWZoneParams::get_predefined_name(CephContext *cct) const { return cct->_conf->rgw_zone; } int RGWZoneParams::init(CephContext *cct, RGWSI_SysObj *sysobj_svc, bool setup_obj, bool old_format) { if (name.empty()) { name = cct->_conf->rgw_zone; } return RGWSystemMetaObj::init(cct, sysobj_svc, setup_obj, old_format); } int RGWZoneParams::read_default_id(string& default_id, bool old_format) { if (realm_id.empty()) { /* try using default realm */ RGWRealm realm; int ret = realm.init(cct, sysobj_svc); //no default realm exist if (ret < 0) { return read_id(default_zone_name, default_id); } realm_id = realm.get_id(); } return RGWSystemMetaObj::read_default_id(default_id, old_format); } int RGWZoneParams::set_as_default(bool exclusive) { if (realm_id.empty()) { /* try using default realm */ RGWRealm realm; int ret = realm.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 10) << "could not read realm id: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return -EINVAL; } realm_id = realm.get_id(); } return RGWSystemMetaObj::set_as_default(exclusive); } const string& RGWZoneParams::get_compression_type(const rgw_placement_rule& placement_rule) const { static const std::string NONE{"none"}; auto p = placement_pools.find(placement_rule.name); if (p == placement_pools.end()) { return NONE; } const auto& type = p->second.get_compression_type(placement_rule.get_storage_class()); return !type.empty() ? type : NONE; } void RGWPeriodMap::encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(2, 1, bl); encode(id, bl); encode(zonegroups, bl); encode(master_zonegroup, bl); encode(short_zone_ids, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void RGWPeriodMap::decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(2, bl); decode(id, bl); decode(zonegroups, bl); decode(master_zonegroup, bl); if (struct_v >= 2) { decode(short_zone_ids, bl); } DECODE_FINISH(bl); zonegroups_by_api.clear(); for (map::iterator iter = zonegroups.begin(); iter != zonegroups.end(); ++iter) { RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup = iter->second; zonegroups_by_api[zonegroup.api_name] = zonegroup; if (zonegroup.is_master_zonegroup()) { master_zonegroup = zonegroup.get_id(); } } } // run an MD5 hash on the zone_id and return the first 32 bits static uint32_t gen_short_zone_id(const std::string zone_id) { unsigned char md5[CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE]; MD5 hash; hash.Update((const unsigned char *)zone_id.c_str(), zone_id.size()); hash.Final(md5); uint32_t short_id; memcpy((char *)&short_id, md5, sizeof(short_id)); return std::max(short_id, 1u); } int RGWPeriodMap::update(const RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup, CephContext *cct) { if (zonegroup.is_master_zonegroup() && (!master_zonegroup.empty() && zonegroup.get_id() != master_zonegroup)) { ldout(cct,0) << "Error updating periodmap, multiple master zonegroups configured "<< dendl; ldout(cct,0) << "master zonegroup: " << master_zonegroup << " and " << zonegroup.get_id() <::iterator iter = zonegroups.find(zonegroup.get_id()); if (iter != zonegroups.end()) { RGWZoneGroup& old_zonegroup = iter->second; if (!old_zonegroup.api_name.empty()) { zonegroups_by_api.erase(old_zonegroup.api_name); } } zonegroups[zonegroup.get_id()] = zonegroup; if (!zonegroup.api_name.empty()) { zonegroups_by_api[zonegroup.api_name] = zonegroup; } if (zonegroup.is_master_zonegroup()) { master_zonegroup = zonegroup.get_id(); } else if (master_zonegroup == zonegroup.get_id()) { master_zonegroup = ""; } for (auto& i : zonegroup.zones) { auto& zone = i.second; if (short_zone_ids.find(zone.id) != short_zone_ids.end()) { continue; } // calculate the zone's short id uint32_t short_id = gen_short_zone_id(zone.id); // search for an existing zone with the same short id for (auto& s : short_zone_ids) { if (s.second == short_id) { ldout(cct, 0) << "New zone '" << zone.name << "' (" << zone.id << ") generates the same short_zone_id " << short_id << " as existing zone id " << s.first << dendl; return -EEXIST; } } short_zone_ids[zone.id] = short_id; } return 0; } uint32_t RGWPeriodMap::get_zone_short_id(const string& zone_id) const { auto i = short_zone_ids.find(zone_id); if (i == short_zone_ids.end()) { return 0; } return i->second; } int RGWZoneGroupMap::read(CephContext *cct, RGWSI_SysObj *sysobj_svc) { RGWPeriod period; int ret = period.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0) { cerr << "failed to read current period info: " << cpp_strerror(ret); return ret; } bucket_quota = period.get_config().bucket_quota; user_quota = period.get_config().user_quota; zonegroups = period.get_map().zonegroups; zonegroups_by_api = period.get_map().zonegroups_by_api; master_zonegroup = period.get_map().master_zonegroup; return 0; } void RGWRegionMap::encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START( 3, 1, bl); encode(regions, bl); encode(master_region, bl); encode(bucket_quota, bl); encode(user_quota, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void RGWRegionMap::decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(3, bl); decode(regions, bl); decode(master_region, bl); if (struct_v >= 2) decode(bucket_quota, bl); if (struct_v >= 3) decode(user_quota, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void RGWZoneGroupMap::encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START( 3, 1, bl); encode(zonegroups, bl); encode(master_zonegroup, bl); encode(bucket_quota, bl); encode(user_quota, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void RGWZoneGroupMap::decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(3, bl); decode(zonegroups, bl); decode(master_zonegroup, bl); if (struct_v >= 2) decode(bucket_quota, bl); if (struct_v >= 3) decode(user_quota, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); zonegroups_by_api.clear(); for (map::iterator iter = zonegroups.begin(); iter != zonegroups.end(); ++iter) { RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup = iter->second; zonegroups_by_api[zonegroup.api_name] = zonegroup; if (zonegroup.is_master_zonegroup()) { master_zonegroup = zonegroup.get_name(); } } }