#include "svc_zone.h" #include "svc_rados.h" #include "svc_sys_obj.h" #include "svc_sync_modules.h" #include "rgw/rgw_zone.h" #include "rgw/rgw_rest_conn.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "include/random.h" #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw using namespace rgw_zone_defaults; RGWSI_Zone::RGWSI_Zone(CephContext *cct) : RGWServiceInstance(cct) { } void RGWSI_Zone::init(RGWSI_SysObj *_sysobj_svc, RGWSI_RADOS * _rados_svc, RGWSI_SyncModules * _sync_modules_svc) { sysobj_svc = _sysobj_svc; rados_svc = _rados_svc; sync_modules_svc = _sync_modules_svc; realm = new RGWRealm(); zonegroup = new RGWZoneGroup(); zone_public_config = new RGWZone(); zone_params = new RGWZoneParams(); current_period = new RGWPeriod(); } RGWSI_Zone::~RGWSI_Zone() { delete realm; delete zonegroup; delete zone_public_config; delete zone_params; delete current_period; } bool RGWSI_Zone::zone_syncs_from(const RGWZone& target_zone, const RGWZone& source_zone) const { return target_zone.syncs_from(source_zone.name) && sync_modules_svc->get_manager()->supports_data_export(source_zone.tier_type); } int RGWSI_Zone::do_start() { int ret = sysobj_svc->start(); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } assert(sysobj_svc->is_started()); /* if not then there's ordering issue */ ret = rados_svc->start(); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } ret = sync_modules_svc->start(); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } ret = realm->init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed reading realm info: ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } else if (ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 20) << "realm " << realm->get_name() << " " << realm->get_id() << dendl; ret = current_period->init(cct, sysobj_svc, realm->get_id(), realm->get_name()); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed reading current period info: " << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ldout(cct, 20) << "current period " << current_period->get_id() << dendl; } ret = replace_region_with_zonegroup(); if (ret < 0) { lderr(cct) << "failed converting region to zonegroup : ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = convert_regionmap(); if (ret < 0) { lderr(cct) << "failed converting regionmap: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } bool zg_initialized = false; if (!current_period->get_id().empty()) { ret = init_zg_from_period(&zg_initialized); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } } bool creating_defaults = false; bool using_local = (!zg_initialized); if (using_local) { ldout(cct, 10) << " cannot find current period zonegroup using local zonegroup" << dendl; ret = init_zg_from_local(&creating_defaults); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } // read period_config into current_period auto& period_config = current_period->get_config(); ret = period_config.read(sysobj_svc, zonegroup->realm_id); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to read period config: " << cpp_strerror(ret) << dendl; return ret; } } ldout(cct, 10) << "Cannot find current period zone using local zone" << dendl; if (creating_defaults && cct->_conf->rgw_zone.empty()) { ldout(cct, 10) << " Using default name "<< default_zone_name << dendl; zone_params->set_name(default_zone_name); } ret = zone_params->init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { lderr(cct) << "failed reading zone info: ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } auto zone_iter = zonegroup->zones.find(zone_params->get_id()); if (zone_iter == zonegroup->zones.end()) { if (using_local) { lderr(cct) << "Cannot find zone id=" << zone_params->get_id() << " (name=" << zone_params->get_name() << ")" << dendl; return -EINVAL; } ldout(cct, 1) << "Cannot find zone id=" << zone_params->get_id() << " (name=" << zone_params->get_name() << "), switching to local zonegroup configuration" << dendl; ret = init_zg_from_local(&creating_defaults); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } zone_iter = zonegroup->zones.find(zone_params->get_id()); } if (zone_iter != zonegroup->zones.end()) { *zone_public_config = zone_iter->second; ldout(cct, 20) << "zone " << zone_params->get_name() << dendl; } else { lderr(cct) << "Cannot find zone id=" << zone_params->get_id() << " (name=" << zone_params->get_name() << ")" << dendl; return -EINVAL; } zone_short_id = current_period->get_map().get_zone_short_id(zone_params->get_id()); RGWSyncModuleRef sm; if (!sync_modules_svc->get_manager()->get_module(zone_public_config->tier_type, &sm)) { lderr(cct) << "ERROR: tier type not found: " << zone_public_config->tier_type << dendl; return -EINVAL; } writeable_zone = sm->supports_writes(); /* first build all zones index */ for (auto ziter : zonegroup->zones) { const string& id = ziter.first; RGWZone& z = ziter.second; zone_id_by_name[z.name] = id; zone_by_id[id] = z; } if (zone_by_id.find(zone_id()) == zone_by_id.end()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "WARNING: could not find zone config in zonegroup for local zone (" << zone_id() << "), will use defaults" << dendl; } *zone_public_config = zone_by_id[zone_id()]; for (const auto& ziter : zonegroup->zones) { const string& id = ziter.first; const RGWZone& z = ziter.second; if (id == zone_id()) { continue; } if (z.endpoints.empty()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "WARNING: can't generate connection for zone " << z.id << " id " << z.name << ": no endpoints defined" << dendl; continue; } ldout(cct, 20) << "generating connection object for zone " << z.name << " id " << z.id << dendl; RGWRESTConn *conn = new RGWRESTConn(cct, this, z.id, z.endpoints); zone_conn_map[id] = conn; if (zone_syncs_from(*zone_public_config, z) || zone_syncs_from(z, *zone_public_config)) { if (zone_syncs_from(*zone_public_config, z)) { data_sync_source_zones.push_back(&z); } if (zone_syncs_from(z, *zone_public_config)) { zone_data_notify_to_map[id] = conn; } } else { ldout(cct, 20) << "NOTICE: not syncing to/from zone " << z.name << " id " << z.id << dendl; } } return 0; } void RGWSI_Zone::shutdown() { delete rest_master_conn; map::iterator iter; for (iter = zone_conn_map.begin(); iter != zone_conn_map.end(); ++iter) { RGWRESTConn *conn = iter->second; delete conn; } for (iter = zonegroup_conn_map.begin(); iter != zonegroup_conn_map.end(); ++iter) { RGWRESTConn *conn = iter->second; delete conn; } } int RGWSI_Zone::list_regions(list& regions) { RGWZoneGroup zonegroup; RGWSI_SysObj::Pool syspool = sysobj_svc->get_pool(zonegroup.get_pool(cct)); return syspool.op().list_prefixed_objs(region_info_oid_prefix, ®ions); } int RGWSI_Zone::list_zonegroups(list& zonegroups) { RGWZoneGroup zonegroup; RGWSI_SysObj::Pool syspool = sysobj_svc->get_pool(zonegroup.get_pool(cct)); return syspool.op().list_prefixed_objs(zonegroup_names_oid_prefix, &zonegroups); } int RGWSI_Zone::list_zones(list& zones) { RGWZoneParams zoneparams; RGWSI_SysObj::Pool syspool = sysobj_svc->get_pool(zoneparams.get_pool(cct)); return syspool.op().list_prefixed_objs(zone_names_oid_prefix, &zones); } int RGWSI_Zone::list_realms(list& realms) { RGWRealm realm(cct, sysobj_svc); RGWSI_SysObj::Pool syspool = sysobj_svc->get_pool(realm.get_pool(cct)); return syspool.op().list_prefixed_objs(realm_names_oid_prefix, &realms); } int RGWSI_Zone::list_periods(list& periods) { RGWPeriod period; list raw_periods; RGWSI_SysObj::Pool syspool = sysobj_svc->get_pool(period.get_pool(cct)); int ret = syspool.op().list_prefixed_objs(period.get_info_oid_prefix(), &raw_periods); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } for (const auto& oid : raw_periods) { size_t pos = oid.find("."); if (pos != std::string::npos) { periods.push_back(oid.substr(0, pos)); } else { periods.push_back(oid); } } periods.sort(); // unique() only detects duplicates if they're adjacent periods.unique(); return 0; } int RGWSI_Zone::list_periods(const string& current_period, list& periods) { int ret = 0; string period_id = current_period; while(!period_id.empty()) { RGWPeriod period(period_id); ret = period.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } periods.push_back(period.get_id()); period_id = period.get_predecessor(); } return ret; } /** * Replace all region configuration with zonegroup for * backward compatability * Returns 0 on success, -ERR# on failure. */ int RGWSI_Zone::replace_region_with_zonegroup() { /* copy default region */ /* convert default region to default zonegroup */ string default_oid = cct->_conf->rgw_default_region_info_oid; if (default_oid.empty()) { default_oid = default_region_info_oid; } RGWZoneGroup default_zonegroup; rgw_pool pool{default_zonegroup.get_pool(cct)}; string oid = "converted"; bufferlist bl; RGWSysObjectCtx obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); RGWSysObj sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj(pool, oid)); int ret = sysobj.rop().read(&bl); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to read converted: ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } else if (ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 20) << "System already converted " << dendl; return 0; } string default_region; ret = default_zonegroup.init(cct, sysobj_svc, false, true); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed init default region: ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = default_zonegroup.read_default_id(default_region, true); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed reading old default region: ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } /* convert regions to zonegroups */ list regions; ret = list_regions(regions); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to list regions: ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } else if (ret == -ENOENT || regions.empty()) { RGWZoneParams zoneparams(default_zone_name); int ret = zoneparams.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << ": error initializing default zone params: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } /* update master zone */ RGWZoneGroup default_zg(default_zonegroup_name); ret = default_zg.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << ": error in initializing default zonegroup: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } if (ret != -ENOENT && default_zg.master_zone.empty()) { default_zg.master_zone = zoneparams.get_id(); return default_zg.update(); } return 0; } string master_region, master_zone; for (list::iterator iter = regions.begin(); iter != regions.end(); ++iter) { if (*iter != default_zonegroup_name){ RGWZoneGroup region(*iter); int ret = region.init(cct, sysobj_svc, true, true); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed init region "<< *iter << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } if (region.is_master_zonegroup()) { master_region = region.get_id(); master_zone = region.master_zone; } } } /* create realm if there is none. The realm name will be the region and zone concatenated realm id will be mds of its name */ if (realm->get_id().empty() && !master_region.empty() && !master_zone.empty()) { string new_realm_name = master_region + "." + master_zone; unsigned char md5[CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE]; char md5_str[CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE * 2 + 1]; MD5 hash; hash.Update((const unsigned char *)new_realm_name.c_str(), new_realm_name.length()); hash.Final(md5); buf_to_hex(md5, CEPH_CRYPTO_MD5_DIGESTSIZE, md5_str); string new_realm_id(md5_str); RGWRealm new_realm(new_realm_id,new_realm_name); ret = new_realm.init(cct, sysobj_svc, false); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " Error initing new realm: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = new_realm.create(); if (ret < 0 && ret != -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " Error creating new realm: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = new_realm.set_as_default(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " Error setting realm as default: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = realm->init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " Error initing realm: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = current_period->init(cct, sysobj_svc, realm->get_id(), realm->get_name()); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " Error initing current period: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } list::iterator iter; /* create zonegroups */ for (iter = regions.begin(); iter != regions.end(); ++iter) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " Converting " << *iter << dendl; /* check to see if we don't have already a zonegroup with this name */ RGWZoneGroup new_zonegroup(*iter); ret = new_zonegroup.init(cct , sysobj_svc); if (ret == 0 && new_zonegroup.get_id() != *iter) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " zonegroup "<< *iter << " already exists id " << new_zonegroup.get_id () << " skipping conversion " << dendl; continue; } RGWZoneGroup zonegroup(*iter); zonegroup.set_id(*iter); int ret = zonegroup.init(cct, sysobj_svc, true, true); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed init zonegroup: ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } zonegroup.realm_id = realm->get_id(); /* fix default region master zone */ if (*iter == default_zonegroup_name && zonegroup.master_zone.empty()) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " Setting default zone as master for default region" << dendl; zonegroup.master_zone = default_zone_name; } ret = zonegroup.update(); if (ret < 0 && ret != -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to update zonegroup " << *iter << ": ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = zonegroup.update_name(); if (ret < 0 && ret != -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to update_name for zonegroup " << *iter << ": ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } if (zonegroup.get_name() == default_region) { ret = zonegroup.set_as_default(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to set_as_default " << *iter << ": ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } for (map::const_iterator iter = zonegroup.zones.begin(); iter != zonegroup.zones.end(); ++iter) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " Converting zone" << iter->first << dendl; RGWZoneParams zoneparams(iter->first, iter->first); zoneparams.set_id(iter->first); zoneparams.realm_id = realm->get_id(); ret = zoneparams.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to init zoneparams " << iter->first << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } else if (ret == -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " zone is part of another cluster " << iter->first << " skipping " << dendl; continue; } zonegroup.realm_id = realm->get_id(); ret = zoneparams.update(); if (ret < 0 && ret != -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to update zoneparams " << iter->first << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = zoneparams.update_name(); if (ret < 0 && ret != -EEXIST) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to init zoneparams " << iter->first << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } if (!current_period->get_id().empty()) { ret = current_period->add_zonegroup(zonegroup); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to add zonegroup to current_period: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } } if (!current_period->get_id().empty()) { ret = current_period->update(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to update new period: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = current_period->store_info(false); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to store new period: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = current_period->reflect(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to update local objects: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } for (auto const& iter : regions) { RGWZoneGroup zonegroup(iter); int ret = zonegroup.init(cct, sysobj_svc, true, true); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed init zonegroup" << iter << ": ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = zonegroup.delete_obj(true); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to delete region " << iter << ": ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } /* mark as converted */ ret = sysobj.wop() .set_exclusive(true) .write(bl); if (ret < 0 ) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " failed to mark cluster as converted: ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } /** * Add new connection to connections map * @param zonegroup_conn_map map which new connection will be added to * @param zonegroup zonegroup which new connection will connect to * @param new_connection pointer to new connection instance */ static void add_new_connection_to_map(map &zonegroup_conn_map, const RGWZoneGroup &zonegroup, RGWRESTConn *new_connection) { // Delete if connection is already exists map::iterator iterZoneGroup = zonegroup_conn_map.find(zonegroup.get_id()); if (iterZoneGroup != zonegroup_conn_map.end()) { delete iterZoneGroup->second; } // Add new connection to connections map zonegroup_conn_map[zonegroup.get_id()] = new_connection; } int RGWSI_Zone::init_zg_from_period(bool *initialized) { *initialized = false; if (current_period->get_id().empty()) { return 0; } int ret = zonegroup->init(cct, sysobj_svc); ldout(cct, 20) << "period zonegroup init ret " << ret << dendl; if (ret == -ENOENT) { return 0; } if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed reading zonegroup info: " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ldout(cct, 20) << "period zonegroup name " << zonegroup->get_name() << dendl; map::const_iterator iter = current_period->get_map().zonegroups.find(zonegroup->get_id()); if (iter != current_period->get_map().zonegroups.end()) { ldout(cct, 20) << "using current period zonegroup " << zonegroup->get_name() << dendl; *zonegroup = iter->second; ret = zonegroup->init(cct, sysobj_svc, false); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed init zonegroup: " << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = zone_params->init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed reading zone params info: " << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } if (ret ==-ENOENT && zonegroup->get_name() == default_zonegroup_name) { ldout(cct, 10) << " Using default name "<< default_zone_name << dendl; zone_params->set_name(default_zone_name); ret = zone_params->init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed reading zone params info: " << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } } for (iter = current_period->get_map().zonegroups.begin(); iter != current_period->get_map().zonegroups.end(); ++iter){ const RGWZoneGroup& zg = iter->second; // use endpoints from the zonegroup's master zone auto master = zg.zones.find(zg.master_zone); if (master == zg.zones.end()) { // Check for empty zonegroup which can happen if zone was deleted before removal if (zg.zones.size() == 0) continue; // fix missing master zone for a single zone zonegroup if (zg.master_zone.empty() && zg.zones.size() == 1) { master = zg.zones.begin(); ldout(cct, 0) << "zonegroup " << zg.get_name() << " missing master_zone, setting zone " << master->second.name << " id:" << master->second.id << " as master" << dendl; if (zonegroup->get_id() == zg.get_id()) { zonegroup->master_zone = master->second.id; ret = zonegroup->update(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "error updating zonegroup : " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } else { RGWZoneGroup fixed_zg(zg.get_id(),zg.get_name()); ret = fixed_zg.init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "error initializing zonegroup : " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } fixed_zg.master_zone = master->second.id; ret = fixed_zg.update(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "error initializing zonegroup : " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } } else { ldout(cct, 0) << "zonegroup " << zg.get_name() << " missing zone for master_zone=" << zg.master_zone << dendl; return -EINVAL; } } const auto& endpoints = master->second.endpoints; add_new_connection_to_map(zonegroup_conn_map, zg, new RGWRESTConn(cct, this, zg.get_id(), endpoints)); if (!current_period->get_master_zonegroup().empty() && zg.get_id() == current_period->get_master_zonegroup()) { rest_master_conn = new RGWRESTConn(cct, this, zg.get_id(), endpoints); } } *initialized = true; return 0; } int RGWSI_Zone::init_zg_from_local(bool *creating_defaults) { int ret = zonegroup->init(cct, sysobj_svc); if ( (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) || (ret == -ENOENT && !cct->_conf->rgw_zonegroup.empty())) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failed reading zonegroup info: ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } else if (ret == -ENOENT) { *creating_defaults = true; ldout(cct, 10) << "Creating default zonegroup " << dendl; ret = zonegroup->create_default(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failure in zonegroup create_default: ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } ret = zonegroup->init(cct, sysobj_svc); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "failure in zonegroup create_default: ret "<< ret << " " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } ldout(cct, 20) << "zonegroup " << zonegroup->get_name() << dendl; if (zonegroup->is_master_zonegroup()) { // use endpoints from the zonegroup's master zone auto master = zonegroup->zones.find(zonegroup->master_zone); if (master == zonegroup->zones.end()) { // fix missing master zone for a single zone zonegroup if (zonegroup->master_zone.empty() && zonegroup->zones.size() == 1) { master = zonegroup->zones.begin(); ldout(cct, 0) << "zonegroup " << zonegroup->get_name() << " missing master_zone, setting zone " << master->second.name << " id:" << master->second.id << " as master" << dendl; zonegroup->master_zone = master->second.id; ret = zonegroup->update(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "error initializing zonegroup : " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } else { ldout(cct, 0) << "zonegroup " << zonegroup->get_name() << " missing zone for " "master_zone=" << zonegroup->master_zone << dendl; return -EINVAL; } } const auto& endpoints = master->second.endpoints; rest_master_conn = new RGWRESTConn(cct, this, zonegroup->get_id(), endpoints); } return 0; } int RGWSI_Zone::convert_regionmap() { RGWZoneGroupMap zonegroupmap; string pool_name = cct->_conf->rgw_zone_root_pool; if (pool_name.empty()) { pool_name = RGW_DEFAULT_ZONE_ROOT_POOL; } string oid = region_map_oid; rgw_pool pool(pool_name); bufferlist bl; RGWSysObjectCtx obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); RGWSysObj sysobj = sysobj_svc->get_obj(obj_ctx, rgw_raw_obj(pool, oid)); int ret = sysobj.rop().read(&bl); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { return ret; } else if (ret == -ENOENT) { return 0; } try { auto iter = bl.cbegin(); decode(zonegroupmap, iter); } catch (buffer::error& err) { ldout(cct, 0) << "error decoding regionmap from " << pool << ":" << oid << dendl; return -EIO; } for (map::iterator iter = zonegroupmap.zonegroups.begin(); iter != zonegroupmap.zonegroups.end(); ++iter) { RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup = iter->second; ret = zonegroup.init(cct, sysobj_svc, false); ret = zonegroup.update(); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error could not update zonegroup " << zonegroup.get_name() << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } else if (ret == -ENOENT) { ret = zonegroup.create(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error could not create " << zonegroup.get_name() << ": " << cpp_strerror(-ret) << dendl; return ret; } } } current_period->set_user_quota(zonegroupmap.user_quota); current_period->set_bucket_quota(zonegroupmap.bucket_quota); // remove the region_map so we don't try to convert again ret = sysobj.wop().remove(); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "Error could not remove " << sysobj.get_obj() << " after upgrading to zonegroup map: " << cpp_strerror(ret) << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } const RGWZoneParams& RGWSI_Zone::get_zone_params() const { return *zone_params; } const RGWZone& RGWSI_Zone::get_zone() const { return *zone_public_config; } const RGWZoneGroup& RGWSI_Zone::get_zonegroup() const { return *zonegroup; } int RGWSI_Zone::get_zonegroup(const string& id, RGWZoneGroup& zg) const { int ret = 0; if (id == zonegroup->get_id()) { zg = *zonegroup; } else if (!current_period->get_id().empty()) { ret = current_period->get_zonegroup(zg, id); } return ret; } const RGWRealm& RGWSI_Zone::get_realm() const { return *realm; } const RGWPeriod& RGWSI_Zone::get_current_period() const { return *current_period; } const string& RGWSI_Zone::get_current_period_id() { return current_period->get_id(); } bool RGWSI_Zone::has_zonegroup_api(const std::string& api) const { if (!current_period->get_id().empty()) { const auto& zonegroups_by_api = current_period->get_map().zonegroups_by_api; if (zonegroups_by_api.find(api) != zonegroups_by_api.end()) return true; } else if (zonegroup->api_name == api) { return true; } return false; } bool RGWSI_Zone::zone_is_writeable() { return writeable_zone && !get_zone().is_read_only(); } uint32_t RGWSI_Zone::get_zone_short_id() const { return zone_short_id; } const string& RGWSI_Zone::zone_name() { return get_zone_params().get_name(); } const string& RGWSI_Zone::zone_id() { return get_zone_params().get_id(); } bool RGWSI_Zone::find_zone_by_id(const string& id, RGWZone **zone) { auto iter = zone_by_id.find(id); if (iter == zone_by_id.end()) { return false; } *zone = &(iter->second); return true; } RGWRESTConn *RGWSI_Zone::get_zone_conn_by_id(const string& id) { auto citer = zone_conn_map.find(id); if (citer == zone_conn_map.end()) { return NULL; } return citer->second; } RGWRESTConn *RGWSI_Zone::get_zone_conn_by_name(const string& name) { auto i = zone_id_by_name.find(name); if (i == zone_id_by_name.end()) { return NULL; } return get_zone_conn_by_id(i->second); } bool RGWSI_Zone::find_zone_id_by_name(const string& name, string *id) { auto i = zone_id_by_name.find(name); if (i == zone_id_by_name.end()) { return false; } *id = i->second; return true; } bool RGWSI_Zone::need_to_log_data() const { return zone_public_config->log_data; } bool RGWSI_Zone::is_meta_master() const { if (!zonegroup->is_master_zonegroup()) { return false; } return (zonegroup->master_zone == zone_public_config->id); } bool RGWSI_Zone::need_to_log_metadata() const { return is_meta_master() && (zonegroup->zones.size() > 1 || current_period->is_multi_zonegroups_with_zones()); } bool RGWSI_Zone::can_reshard() const { return current_period->get_id().empty() || (zonegroup->zones.size() == 1 && current_period->is_single_zonegroup()); } /** * Check to see if the bucket metadata could be synced * bucket: the bucket to check * Returns false is the bucket is not synced */ bool RGWSI_Zone::is_syncing_bucket_meta(const rgw_bucket& bucket) { /* no current period */ if (current_period->get_id().empty()) { return false; } /* zonegroup is not master zonegroup */ if (!zonegroup->is_master_zonegroup()) { return false; } /* single zonegroup and a single zone */ if (current_period->is_single_zonegroup() && zonegroup->zones.size() == 1) { return false; } /* zone is not master */ if (zonegroup->master_zone.compare(zone_public_config->id) != 0) { return false; } return true; } int RGWSI_Zone::select_new_bucket_location(const RGWUserInfo& user_info, const string& zonegroup_id, const rgw_placement_rule& request_rule, rgw_placement_rule *pselected_rule_name, RGWZonePlacementInfo *rule_info) { /* first check that zonegroup exists within current period. */ RGWZoneGroup zonegroup; int ret = get_zonegroup(zonegroup_id, zonegroup); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "could not find zonegroup " << zonegroup_id << " in current period" << dendl; return ret; } const rgw_placement_rule *used_rule; /* find placement rule. Hierarchy: request rule > user default rule > zonegroup default rule */ std::map::const_iterator titer; if (!request_rule.name.empty()) { used_rule = &request_rule; titer = zonegroup.placement_targets.find(request_rule.name); if (titer == zonegroup.placement_targets.end()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "could not find requested placement id " << request_rule << " within zonegroup " << dendl; return -ERR_INVALID_LOCATION_CONSTRAINT; } } else if (!user_info.default_placement.name.empty()) { used_rule = &user_info.default_placement; titer = zonegroup.placement_targets.find(user_info.default_placement.name); if (titer == zonegroup.placement_targets.end()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "could not find user default placement id " << user_info.default_placement << " within zonegroup " << dendl; return -ERR_INVALID_LOCATION_CONSTRAINT; } } else { if (zonegroup.default_placement.name.empty()) { // zonegroup default rule as fallback, it should not be empty. ldout(cct, 0) << "misconfiguration, zonegroup default placement id should not be empty." << dendl; return -ERR_ZONEGROUP_DEFAULT_PLACEMENT_MISCONFIGURATION; } else { used_rule = &zonegroup.default_placement; titer = zonegroup.placement_targets.find(zonegroup.default_placement.name); if (titer == zonegroup.placement_targets.end()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "could not find zonegroup default placement id " << zonegroup.default_placement << " within zonegroup " << dendl; return -ERR_INVALID_LOCATION_CONSTRAINT; } } } /* now check tag for the rule, whether user is permitted to use rule */ const auto& target_rule = titer->second; if (!target_rule.user_permitted(user_info.placement_tags)) { ldout(cct, 0) << "user not permitted to use placement rule " << titer->first << dendl; return -EPERM; } const string *storage_class = &request_rule.storage_class; if (storage_class->empty()) { storage_class = &used_rule->storage_class; } rgw_placement_rule rule(titer->first, *storage_class); if (pselected_rule_name) { *pselected_rule_name = rule; } return select_bucket_location_by_rule(rule, rule_info); } int RGWSI_Zone::select_bucket_location_by_rule(const rgw_placement_rule& location_rule, RGWZonePlacementInfo *rule_info) { if (location_rule.name.empty()) { /* we can only reach here if we're trying to set a bucket location from a bucket * created on a different zone, using a legacy / default pool configuration */ if (rule_info) { return select_legacy_bucket_placement(rule_info); } return 0; } /* * make sure that zone has this rule configured. We're * checking it for the local zone, because that's where this bucket object is going to * reside. */ auto piter = zone_params->placement_pools.find(location_rule.name); if (piter == zone_params->placement_pools.end()) { /* couldn't find, means we cannot really place data for this bucket in this zone */ ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: This zone does not contain placement rule " << location_rule << " present in the zonegroup!" << dendl; return -EINVAL; } auto storage_class = location_rule.get_storage_class(); if (!piter->second.storage_class_exists(storage_class)) { ldout(cct, 5) << "requested storage class does not exist: " << storage_class << dendl; return -EINVAL; } RGWZonePlacementInfo& placement_info = piter->second; if (rule_info) { *rule_info = placement_info; } return 0; } int RGWSI_Zone::select_bucket_placement(const RGWUserInfo& user_info, const string& zonegroup_id, const rgw_placement_rule& placement_rule, rgw_placement_rule *pselected_rule, RGWZonePlacementInfo *rule_info) { if (!zone_params->placement_pools.empty()) { return select_new_bucket_location(user_info, zonegroup_id, placement_rule, pselected_rule, rule_info); } if (pselected_rule) { pselected_rule->clear(); } if (rule_info) { return select_legacy_bucket_placement(rule_info); } return 0; } int RGWSI_Zone::select_legacy_bucket_placement(RGWZonePlacementInfo *rule_info) { bufferlist map_bl; map m; string pool_name; bool write_map = false; rgw_raw_obj obj(zone_params->domain_root, avail_pools); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = obj_ctx.get_obj(obj); int ret = sysobj.rop().read(&map_bl); if (ret < 0) { goto read_omap; } try { auto iter = map_bl.cbegin(); decode(m, iter); } catch (buffer::error& err) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: couldn't decode avail_pools" << dendl; } read_omap: if (m.empty()) { ret = sysobj.omap().get_all(&m); write_map = true; } if (ret < 0 || m.empty()) { vector pools; string s = string("default.") + default_storage_pool_suffix; pools.push_back(rgw_pool(s)); vector retcodes; bufferlist bl; ret = rados_svc->pool().create(pools, &retcodes); if (ret < 0) return ret; ret = sysobj.omap().set(s, bl); if (ret < 0) return ret; m[s] = bl; } if (write_map) { bufferlist new_bl; encode(m, new_bl); ret = sysobj.wop().write(new_bl); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "WARNING: could not save avail pools map info ret=" << ret << dendl; } } auto miter = m.begin(); if (m.size() > 1) { // choose a pool at random auto r = ceph::util::generate_random_number(0, m.size() - 1); std::advance(miter, r); } pool_name = miter->first; rgw_pool pool = pool_name; rule_info->storage_classes.set_storage_class(RGW_STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD, &pool, nullptr); rule_info->data_extra_pool = pool_name; rule_info->index_pool = pool_name; rule_info->index_type = RGWBIType_Normal; return 0; } int RGWSI_Zone::update_placement_map() { bufferlist header; map m; rgw_raw_obj obj(zone_params->domain_root, avail_pools); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = obj_ctx.get_obj(obj); int ret = sysobj.omap().get_all(&m); if (ret < 0) return ret; bufferlist new_bl; encode(m, new_bl); ret = sysobj.wop().write(new_bl); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "WARNING: could not save avail pools map info ret=" << ret << dendl; } return ret; } int RGWSI_Zone::add_bucket_placement(const rgw_pool& new_pool) { int ret = rados_svc->pool(new_pool).lookup(); if (ret < 0) { // DNE, or something return ret; } rgw_raw_obj obj(zone_params->domain_root, avail_pools); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = obj_ctx.get_obj(obj); bufferlist empty_bl; ret = sysobj.omap().set(new_pool.to_str(), empty_bl); // don't care about return value update_placement_map(); return ret; } int RGWSI_Zone::remove_bucket_placement(const rgw_pool& old_pool) { rgw_raw_obj obj(zone_params->domain_root, avail_pools); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = obj_ctx.get_obj(obj); int ret = sysobj.omap().del(old_pool.to_str()); // don't care about return value update_placement_map(); return ret; } int RGWSI_Zone::list_placement_set(set& names) { bufferlist header; map m; rgw_raw_obj obj(zone_params->domain_root, avail_pools); auto obj_ctx = sysobj_svc->init_obj_ctx(); auto sysobj = obj_ctx.get_obj(obj); int ret = sysobj.omap().get_all(&m); if (ret < 0) return ret; names.clear(); map::iterator miter; for (miter = m.begin(); miter != m.end(); ++miter) { names.insert(rgw_pool(miter->first)); } return names.size(); } bool RGWSI_Zone::get_redirect_zone_endpoint(string *endpoint) { if (zone_public_config->redirect_zone.empty()) { return false; } auto iter = zone_conn_map.find(zone_public_config->redirect_zone); if (iter == zone_conn_map.end()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: cannot find entry for redirect zone: " << zone_public_config->redirect_zone << dendl; return false; } RGWRESTConn *conn = iter->second; int ret = conn->get_url(*endpoint); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: redirect zone, conn->get_endpoint() returned ret=" << ret << dendl; return false; } return true; }