from BASEIMAGE # Some apt-get commands fail in docker builds because they try # and do interactive prompts ENV TERM linux # Baseline rook images may be from before the `rook` ceph-mgr module, # so let's install the dependencies of that # New RGW dependency since luminous: liboath # For the dashboard, if the rook images are pre-Mimic: ython-bcrypt librdmacm RUN (grep -q rhel /etc/os-release && ( \ yum install -y python-pip && \ yum install -y liboath && \ yum install -y python-bcrypt librdmacm && \ pip install kubernetes==6.0.0 \ )) || (grep -q suse /etc/os-release && ( \ zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys install --no-recommends --auto-agree-with-licenses --replacefiles --details \ python3-kubernetes \ liboauth-devel \ python-bcrypt \ lz4 \ librdmacm1 \ libopenssl1_1 \ )) ADD bin.tar.gz /usr/bin/ ADD lib.tar.gz /usr/lib64/ # Assume developer is using default paths (i.e. /usr/local), so # build binaries will be looking for libs there. ADD eclib.tar.gz /usr/local/lib64/ceph/erasure-code/ ADD clslib.tar.gz /usr/local/lib64/rados-classes/ ADD mgr_plugins.tar.gz /usr/local/lib64/ceph/mgr