#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2018 Jesse Haber-Kucharsky # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # This is cmake-cooking v0.8.1 # The home of cmake-cooking is https://github.com/hakuch/CMakeCooking # set -e CMAKE=${CMAKE:-cmake} invoked_args=("$@") source_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" initial_wd=$(pwd) memory_file="${initial_wd}/.cooking_memory" recipe="" declare -a excluded_ingredients declare -a included_ingredients build_dir="${initial_wd}/build" build_type="Debug" # Depends on `build_dir`. ingredients_dir="" generator="Ninja" list_only="" nested="" usage() { cat <&2 } while getopts "ar:e:i:d:p:t:g:s:lhx" arg; do case "${arg}" in a) if [ ! -f "${memory_file}" ]; then echo "No previous invocation found to recall!" >&2 exit 1 fi source "${memory_file}" run_previous && exit 0 ;; r) recipe=${OPTARG} ;; e) if [[ ${#included_ingredients[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then yell_include_exclude_mutually_exclusive exit 1 fi excluded_ingredients+=(${OPTARG}) ;; i) if [[ ${#excluded_ingredients[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then yell_include_exclude_mutually_exclusive exit 1 fi included_ingredients+=(${OPTARG}) ;; d) build_dir=$(realpath "${OPTARG}") ;; p) ingredients_dir=$(realpath "${OPTARG}") ;; t) build_type=${OPTARG} ;; g) generator=${OPTARG} ;; s) parse_assignment "${OPTARG}" ;; l) list_only="1" ;; h) usage; exit 0 ;; x) nested="1" ;; *) usage; exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) cooking_dir="${build_dir}/_cooking" cmake_dir="${source_dir}/cmake" cache_file="${build_dir}/CMakeCache.txt" ingredients_ready_file="${cooking_dir}/ready.txt" if [ -z "${ingredients_dir}" ]; then ingredients_dir="${cooking_dir}/installed" fi mkdir -p "${cmake_dir}" cat <<'EOF' > "${cmake_dir}/Cooking.cmake" # # Copyright 2018 Jesse Haber-Kucharsky # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # This file was generated by cmake-cooking v0.8.1 # The home of cmake-cooking is https://github.com/hakuch/CMakeCooking # macro (project name) set (_cooking_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_cooking) if (CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) set (_cooking_root ON) else () set (_cooking_root OFF) endif () find_program (Cooking_STOW_EXECUTABLE stow "Executable path of GNU Stow.") if (NOT Cooking_STOW_EXECUTABLE) message (FATAL_ERROR "Cooking: GNU Stow is required!") endif () set (Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR ${_cooking_dir}/installed CACHE PATH "Directory where ingredients will be installed.") set (Cooking_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENTS "" CACHE STRING "Semicolon-separated list of ingredients that are not provided by Cooking.") set (Cooking_INCLUDED_INGREDIENTS "" CACHE STRING "Semicolon-separated list of ingredients that are provided by Cooking.") option (Cooking_LIST_ONLY "Available ingredients will be listed and nothing will be installed." OFF) set (Cooking_RECIPE "" CACHE STRING "Configure ${name}'s dependencies according to the named recipe.") if ((NOT DEFINED Cooking_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENTS) OR (Cooking_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENTS STREQUAL "")) set (_cooking_is_excluding OFF) else () set (_cooking_is_excluding ON) endif () if ((NOT DEFINED Cooking_INCLUDED_INGREDIENTS) OR (Cooking_INCLUDED_INGREDIENTS STREQUAL "")) set (_cooking_is_including OFF) else () set (_cooking_is_including ON) endif () if (_cooking_is_excluding AND _cooking_is_including) message ( FATAL_ERROR "Cooking: The EXCLUDED_INGREDIENTS and INCLUDED_INGREDIENTS lists are mutually exclusive options!") endif () if (_cooking_root) _project (${name} ${ARGN}) if (NOT ("${Cooking_RECIPE}" STREQUAL "")) add_custom_target (_cooking_ingredients) set (_cooking_ready_marker_file ${_cooking_dir}/ready.txt) add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${_cooking_ready_marker_file} DEPENDS _cooking_ingredients COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${_cooking_ready_marker_file}) add_custom_target (_cooking_ingredients_ready DEPENDS ${_cooking_ready_marker_file}) set (_cooking_local_synchronize_marker_file ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR}/.cooking_local_synchronize) add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${_cooking_local_synchronize_marker_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${_cooking_local_synchronize_marker_file}) add_custom_target (_cooking_marked_for_local_synchronization DEPENDS ${_cooking_local_synchronize_marker_file}) list (APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR}) include ("recipe/${Cooking_RECIPE}.cmake") if (NOT EXISTS ${_cooking_ready_marker_file}) return () endif () endif () endif () endmacro () function (_cooking_set_union x y var) set (r ${${x}}) foreach (e ${${y}}) list (APPEND r ${e}) endforeach () list (REMOVE_DUPLICATES r) set (${var} ${r} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_cooking_set_difference x y var) set (r ${${x}}) foreach (e ${${y}}) if (${e} IN_LIST ${x}) list (REMOVE_ITEM r ${e}) endif () endforeach () set (${var} ${r} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_cooking_set_intersection x y var) set (r "") foreach (e ${${y}}) if (${e} IN_LIST ${x}) list (APPEND r ${e}) endif () endforeach () list (REMOVE_DUPLICATES r) set (${var} ${r} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_cooking_query_by_key list key var) list (FIND ${list} ${key} index) if (${index} EQUAL "-1") set (value NOTFOUND) else () math (EXPR value_index "${index} + 1") list (GET ${list} ${value_index} value) endif () set (${var} ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_cooking_populate_ep_parameter) cmake_parse_arguments ( pa "" "EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS_LIST;PARAMETER;DEFAULT_VALUE" "" ${ARGN}) string (TOLOWER ${pa_PARAMETER} parameter_lower) _cooking_query_by_key (${pa_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS_LIST} ${pa_PARAMETER} ${parameter_lower}) set (value ${${parameter_lower}}) set (var_name _cooking_${parameter_lower}) set (ep_var_name _cooking_ep_${parameter_lower}) if (NOT value) set (${var_name} ${pa_DEFAULT_VALUE} PARENT_SCOPE) set (${ep_var_name} ${pa_PARAMETER} ${pa_DEFAULT_VALUE} PARENT_SCOPE) else () set (${var_name} ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) set (${ep_var_name} "" PARENT_SCOPE) endif () endfunction () function (_cooking_define_listing_targets) cmake_parse_arguments ( pa "" "NAME;SOURCE_DIR;RECIPE" "REQUIRES" ${ARGN}) set (stale_file ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR}/.cooking_stale_ingredient_${pa_NAME}) add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${stale_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${stale_file}) add_custom_target (_cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}_stale DEPENDS ${stale_file}) set (commands COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR}/.cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}) if (pa_RECIPE) list (INSERT commands 0 COMMAND ${pa_SOURCE_DIR}/cooking.sh -r ${pa_RECIPE} -p ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR} -g ${CMAKE_GENERATOR} -x -l) endif () add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR}/.cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME} DEPENDS _cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}_stale ${stale_file} ${commands}) add_custom_target (_cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}_listed DEPENDS ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR}/.cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}) foreach (d ${pa_REQUIRES}) add_dependencies (_cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}_listed _cooking_ingredient_${d}_listed) endforeach () add_dependencies (_cooking_ingredients _cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}_listed) endfunction () function (_cooking_adjust_requirements) cmake_parse_arguments ( pa "" "IS_EXCLUDING;IS_INCLUDING;OUTPUT_LIST" "REQUIREMENTS" ${ARGN}) if (pa_IS_EXCLUDING) # Strip out any dependencies that are excluded. _cooking_set_difference ( pa_REQUIREMENTS Cooking_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENTS pa_REQUIREMENTS) elseif (_cooking_is_including) # Eliminate dependencies that have not been included. _cooking_set_intersection ( pa_REQUIREMENTS Cooking_INCLUDED_INGREDIENTS pa_REQUIREMENTS) endif () set (${pa_OUTPUT_LIST} ${pa_REQUIREMENTS} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_cooking_populate_ep_depends) cmake_parse_arguments ( pa "" "" "REQUIREMENTS" ${ARGN}) if (pa_REQUIREMENTS) set (value DEPENDS) foreach (d ${pa_REQUIREMENTS}) list (APPEND value ingredient_${d}) endforeach () else () set (value "") endif () set (_cooking_ep_depends ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_cooking_prepare_restrictions_arguments) cmake_parse_arguments ( pa "" "IS_EXCLUDING;IS_INCLUDING;OUTPUT_LIST" "REQUIREMENTS" ${ARGN}) set (args "") if (pa_IS_INCLUDING) _cooking_set_difference ( Cooking_INCLUDED_INGREDIENTS pa_REQUIREMENTS included) foreach (x ${included}) list (APPEND args -i ${x}) endforeach () elseif (pa_IS_EXCLUDING) _cooking_set_union ( Cooking_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENTS pa_REQUIREMENTS excluded) foreach (x ${excluded}) list (APPEND args -e ${x}) endforeach () else () foreach (x ${pa_REQUIREMENTS}) list (APPEND args -e ${x}) endforeach () endif () set (${pa_OUTPUT_LIST} ${args} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_cooking_determine_common_cmake_args output) string (REPLACE ";" ":::" prefix_path_with_colons "${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}") set (${output} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${prefix_path_with_colons} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_cooking_populate_ep_configure_command) cmake_parse_arguments ( pa "" "IS_EXCLUDING;IS_INCLUDING;RECIPE;EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS_LIST" "REQUIREMENTS;CMAKE_ARGS;COOKING_CMAKE_ARGS" ${ARGN}) if (pa_RECIPE) _cooking_prepare_restrictions_arguments ( IS_EXCLUDING ${pa_IS_EXCLUDING} IS_INCLUDING ${pa_IS_INCLUDING} REQUIREMENTS ${pa_REQUIREMENTS} OUTPUT_LIST restrictions_args) set (value CONFIGURE_COMMAND /cooking.sh -r ${pa_RECIPE} -d -p ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR} -g ${CMAKE_GENERATOR} -x ${restrictions_args} -- ${pa_COOKING_CMAKE_ARGS}) elseif (NOT (CONFIGURE_COMMAND IN_LIST ${pa_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS_LIST})) set (value CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ${pa_CMAKE_ARGS} ) else () set (value "") endif () set (_cooking_ep_configure_command ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_cooking_populate_ep_build_command ep_args_list) if (NOT (BUILD_COMMAND IN_LIST ${ep_args_list})) set (value BUILD_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build ) else () set (value "") endif () set (_cooking_ep_build_command ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_cooking_populate_ep_install_command ep_args_list) if (NOT (INSTALL_COMMAND IN_LIST ${ep_args_list})) set (value INSTALL_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build --target install) else () set (value "") endif () set (_cooking_ep_install_command ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_cooking_define_ep) cmake_parse_arguments ( pa "" "NAME;SOURCE_DIR;BINARY_DIR;EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS_LIST;RECIPE;INGREDIENT_DIR;STOW_DIR;LOCAL_RECONFIGURE;LOCAL_REBUILD" "DEPENDS;CONFIGURE_COMMAND;BUILD_COMMAND;INSTALL_COMMAND;CMAKE_ARGS" ${ARGN}) string (REPLACE "" "" forwarded_ep_args "${${pa_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS_LIST}}") set (ep_name ingredient_${pa_NAME}) include (ExternalProject) set (stamp_dir ${pa_INGREDIENT_DIR}/stamp) ExternalProject_add (${ep_name} DEPENDS ${pa_DEPENDS} SOURCE_DIR ${pa_SOURCE_DIR} BINARY_DIR ${pa_BINARY_DIR} CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${pa_CONFIGURE_COMMAND} BUILD_COMMAND ${pa_BUILD_COMMAND} INSTALL_COMMAND ${pa_INSTALL_COMMAND} PREFIX ${pa_INGREDIENT_DIR} STAMP_DIR ${stamp_dir} INSTALL_DIR ${pa_STOW_DIR}/${pa_NAME} CMAKE_ARGS ${pa_CMAKE_ARGS} LIST_SEPARATOR ::: STEP_TARGETS install "${forwarded_ep_args}") set (stow_marker_file ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR}/.cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}) set (lock_file ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR}/.cooking_stow.lock) add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${stow_marker_file} DEPENDS ${ep_name}-install ${stamp_dir}/ingredient_${pa_NAME}-install COMMAND flock --wait 30 ${lock_file} ${Cooking_STOW_EXECUTABLE} -t ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR} -d ${pa_STOW_DIR} ${pa_NAME} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${stow_marker_file}) add_custom_target (_cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}_stowed DEPENDS ${stow_marker_file}) if (pa_RECIPE) set (reconfigure_marker_file ${Cooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR}/.cooking_reconfigure_ingredient_${pa_NAME}) add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${reconfigure_marker_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${reconfigure_marker_file}) add_custom_target (_cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}_marked_for_reconfigure DEPENDS ${reconfigure_marker_file}) ExternalProject_add_step (${ep_name} cooking-reconfigure DEPENDERS configure DEPENDS ${reconfigure_marker_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo_append) ExternalProject_add_stepdependencies (${ep_name} cooking-reconfigure _cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}_marked_for_reconfigure) endif () foreach (d ${pa_DEPENDS}) ExternalProject_add_stepdependencies (${ep_name} configure _cooking_${d}_stowed) endforeach () add_dependencies (_cooking_ingredients _cooking_ingredient_${pa_NAME}_stowed) if (pa_LOCAL_RECONFIGURE OR pa_LOCAL_REBUILD) if (pa_LOCAL_RECONFIGURE) set (step configure) else () set (step build) endif () ExternalProject_add_step (${ep_name} cooking-local-${step} DEPENDERS ${step} DEPENDS ${_cooking_local_synchronize_marker_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo_append) ExternalProject_add_stepdependencies (${ep_name} cooking-local-${step} _cooking_marked_for_local_synchronization) endif () endfunction () macro (cooking_ingredient name) set (_cooking_args "${ARGN}") if ((_cooking_is_excluding AND (${name} IN_LIST Cooking_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENTS)) OR (_cooking_is_including AND (NOT (${name} IN_LIST Cooking_INCLUDED_INGREDIENTS)))) # Nothing. else () set (_cooking_ingredient_dir ${_cooking_dir}/ingredient/${name}) cmake_parse_arguments ( _cooking_pa "LOCAL_RECONFIGURE;LOCAL_REBUILD" "COOKING_RECIPE" "CMAKE_ARGS;COOKING_CMAKE_ARGS;EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS;REQUIRES" ${_cooking_args}) _cooking_populate_ep_parameter ( EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS_LIST _cooking_pa_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS PARAMETER SOURCE_DIR DEFAULT_VALUE ${_cooking_ingredient_dir}/src) _cooking_populate_ep_parameter ( EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS_LIST _cooking_pa_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS PARAMETER BINARY_DIR DEFAULT_VALUE ${_cooking_ingredient_dir}/build) _cooking_populate_ep_parameter ( EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS_LIST _cooking_pa_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS PARAMETER BUILD_IN_SOURCE DEFAULT_VALUE OFF) if (_cooking_build_in_source) set (_cooking_ep_binary_dir "") endif () if (Cooking_LIST_ONLY) _cooking_define_listing_targets ( NAME ${name} SOURCE_DIR ${_cooking_source_dir} RECIPE ${_cooking_pa_COOKING_RECIPE} REQUIRES ${_cooking_pa_REQUIRES}) else () _cooking_adjust_requirements ( IS_EXCLUDING ${_cooking_is_excluding} IS_INCLUDING ${_cooking_is_including} REQUIREMENTS ${_cooking_pa_REQUIRES} OUTPUT_LIST _cooking_pa_REQUIRES) _cooking_populate_ep_depends ( REQUIREMENTS ${_cooking_pa_REQUIRES}) _cooking_determine_common_cmake_args (_cooking_common_cmake_args) _cooking_populate_ep_configure_command ( IS_EXCLUDING ${_cooking_is_excluding} IS_INCLUDING ${_cooking_is_including} RECIPE ${_cooking_pa_COOKING_RECIPE} REQUIREMENTS ${_cooking_pa_REQUIRES} EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS_LIST _cooking_pa_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS CMAKE_ARGS ${_cooking_common_cmake_args} ${_cooking_pa_CMAKE_ARGS} COOKING_CMAKE_ARGS ${_cooking_common_cmake_args} ${_cooking_pa_COOKING_CMAKE_ARGS}) _cooking_populate_ep_build_command (_cooking_pa_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS) _cooking_populate_ep_install_command (_cooking_pa_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS) _cooking_define_ep ( NAME ${name} RECIPE ${_cooking_pa_COOKING_RECIPE} DEPENDS ${_cooking_ep_depends} SOURCE_DIR ${_cooking_ep_source_dir} BINARY_DIR ${_cooking_ep_binary_dir} CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${_cooking_ep_configure_command} BUILD_COMMAND ${_cooking_ep_build_command} INSTALL_COMMAND ${_cooking_ep_install_command} INGREDIENT_DIR ${_cooking_ingredient_dir} STOW_DIR ${_cooking_dir}/stow CMAKE_ARGS ${_cooking_common_cmake_args} EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS_LIST _cooking_pa_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_ARGS LOCAL_RECONFIGURE ${_cooking_pa_LOCAL_RECONFIGURE} LOCAL_REBUILD ${_cooking_pa_LOCAL_REBUILD}) endif () endif () endmacro () EOF cmake_cooking_args=( "-DCooking_INGREDIENTS_DIR=${ingredients_dir}" "-DCooking_RECIPE=${recipe}" ) # # Clean-up from a previous run. # if [ -e "${ingredients_ready_file}" ]; then rm "${ingredients_ready_file}" fi if [ -e "${cache_file}" ]; then rm "${cache_file}" fi if [ -d "${ingredients_dir}" -a -z "${nested}" ]; then rm -r --preserve-root "${ingredients_dir}" fi mkdir -p "${ingredients_dir}" # # Validate recipe. # if [ -n "${recipe}" ]; then recipe_file="${source_dir}/recipe/${recipe}.cmake" if [ ! -f "${recipe_file}" ]; then echo "Cooking: The '${recipe}' recipe does not exist!" >&2 exit 1 fi fi # # Prepare lists of included and excluded ingredients. # if [ -n "${excluded_ingredients}" ] && [ -z "${list_only}" ]; then cmake_cooking_args+=( -DCooking_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENTS=$(printf "%s;" "${excluded_ingredients[@]}") -DCooking_INCLUDED_INGREDIENTS= ) fi if [ -n "${included_ingredients}" ] && [ -z "${list_only}" ]; then cmake_cooking_args+=( -DCooking_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENTS= -DCooking_INCLUDED_INGREDIENTS=$(printf "%s;" "${included_ingredients[@]}") ) fi # # Configure and build ingredients. # mkdir -p "${build_dir}" mkdir -p "${cooking_dir}"/stow touch "${cooking_dir}"/stow/.stow cd "${build_dir}" declare -a build_args if [ "${generator}" == "Ninja" ]; then build_args+=(-v) fi if [ -n "${list_only}" ]; then cmake_cooking_args+=("-DCooking_LIST_ONLY=ON") fi ${CMAKE} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="${build_type}" "${cmake_cooking_args[@]}" -G "${generator}" "${source_dir}" "${@}" ${CMAKE} --build . --target _cooking_ingredients_ready -- "${build_args[@]}" # # Report what we've done (if we're not nested). # if [ -z "${nested}" ]; then ingredients=($(find "${ingredients_dir}" -name '.cooking_ingredient_*' -printf '%f\n' | sed -r 's/\.cooking_ingredient_(.+)/\1/')) if [ -z "${list_only}" ]; then printf "\nCooking: Installed the following ingredients:\n" else printf "\nCooking: The following ingredients are necessary for this recipe:\n" fi for ingredient in "${ingredients[@]}"; do echo " - ${ingredient}" done printf '\n' fi if [ -n "${list_only}" ]; then exit 0 fi # # Configure the project, expecting all requirements satisfied. # ${CMAKE} -DCMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY=ON "${@}" . # # Save invocation information. # cd "${initial_wd}" cat < "${memory_file}" run_previous() { "${0}" ${invoked_args[@]@Q} } EOF