/* * This file is open source software, licensed to you under the terms * of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Copyright 2015 Cloudius Systems */ #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace seastar; struct serializer { }; template inline void write_arithmetic_type(Output& out, T v) { static_assert(std::is_arithmetic::value, "must be arithmetic type"); return out.write(reinterpret_cast(&v), sizeof(T)); } template inline T read_arithmetic_type(Input& in) { static_assert(std::is_arithmetic::value, "must be arithmetic type"); T v; in.read(reinterpret_cast(&v), sizeof(T)); return v; } template inline void write(serializer, Output& output, int32_t v) { return write_arithmetic_type(output, v); } template inline void write(serializer, Output& output, uint32_t v) { return write_arithmetic_type(output, v); } template inline void write(serializer, Output& output, int64_t v) { return write_arithmetic_type(output, v); } template inline void write(serializer, Output& output, uint64_t v) { return write_arithmetic_type(output, v); } template inline void write(serializer, Output& output, double v) { return write_arithmetic_type(output, v); } template inline int32_t read(serializer, Input& input, rpc::type) { return read_arithmetic_type(input); } template inline uint32_t read(serializer, Input& input, rpc::type) { return read_arithmetic_type(input); } template inline uint64_t read(serializer, Input& input, rpc::type) { return read_arithmetic_type(input); } template inline uint64_t read(serializer, Input& input, rpc::type) { return read_arithmetic_type(input); } template inline double read(serializer, Input& input, rpc::type) { return read_arithmetic_type(input); } template inline void write(serializer, Output& out, const sstring& v) { write_arithmetic_type(out, uint32_t(v.size())); out.write(v.c_str(), v.size()); } template inline sstring read(serializer, Input& in, rpc::type) { auto size = read_arithmetic_type(in); sstring ret(sstring::initialized_later(), size); in.read(ret.begin(), size); return ret; } namespace bpo = boost::program_options; using namespace std::chrono_literals; class mycomp : public rpc::compressor::factory { const sstring _name = "LZ4"; public: virtual const sstring& supported() const override { fmt::print("supported called\n"); return _name; } virtual std::unique_ptr negotiate(sstring feature, bool is_server) const override { fmt::print("negotiate called with {}\n", feature); return feature == _name ? std::make_unique() : nullptr; } }; int main(int ac, char** av) { app_template app; app.add_options() ("port", bpo::value()->default_value(10000), "RPC server port") ("server", bpo::value(), "Server address") ("compress", bpo::value()->default_value(false), "Compress RPC traffic"); std::cout << "start "; rpc::protocol myrpc(serializer{}); static std::unique_ptr::server> server; static std::unique_ptr::client> client; static double x = 30.0; myrpc.set_logger([] (const sstring& log) { fmt::print("{}", log); std::cout << std::endl; }); return app.run_deprecated(ac, av, [&] { auto&& config = app.configuration(); uint16_t port = config["port"].as(); bool compress = config["compress"].as(); static mycomp mc; auto test1 = myrpc.register_handler(1, [x = 0](int i) mutable { fmt::print("test1 count {:d} got {:d}\n", ++x, i); }); auto test2 = myrpc.register_handler(2, [](int a, int b){ fmt::print("test2 got {:d} {:d}\n", a, b); return make_ready_future(a+b); }); auto test3 = myrpc.register_handler(3, [](double x){ fmt::print("test3 got {:f}\n", x); return std::make_unique(sin(x)); }); auto test4 = myrpc.register_handler(4, [](){ fmt::print("test4 throw!\n"); throw std::runtime_error("exception!"); }); auto test5 = myrpc.register_handler(5, [](){ fmt::print("test5 no wait\n"); return rpc::no_wait; }); auto test6 = myrpc.register_handler(6, [](const rpc::client_info& info, int x){ fmt::print("test6 client {}, {:d}\n", inet_ntoa(info.addr.as_posix_sockaddr_in().sin_addr), x); }); auto test8 = myrpc.register_handler(8, [](){ fmt::print("test8 sleep for 2 sec\n"); return sleep(2s); }); auto test13 = myrpc.register_handler(13, [](){ fmt::print("test13 sleep for 1 msec\n"); return sleep(1ms); }); auto test_message_to_big = myrpc.register_handler(14, [](sstring payload){ fmt::print("test message to bit, should not get here"); }); if (config.count("server")) { std::cout << "client" << std::endl; auto test7 = myrpc.make_client(7); auto test9 = myrpc.make_client(9); // do not send optional auto test9_1 = myrpc.make_client(9); // send optional auto test9_2 = myrpc.make_client(9); // send more data than handler expects auto test10 = myrpc.make_client(10); // receive less then replied auto test10_1 = myrpc.make_client ()>(10); // receive all auto test11 = myrpc.make_client> ()>(11); // receive more then replied auto test12 = myrpc.make_client(12); // large payload vs. server limits auto test_nohandler = myrpc.make_client(100000000); // non existing verb auto test_nohandler_nowait = myrpc.make_client(100000000); // non existing verb, no_wait call rpc::client_options co; if (compress) { co.compressor_factory = &mc; } client = std::make_unique::client>(myrpc, co, ipv4_addr{config["server"].as()}); auto f = test8(*client, 1500ms).then_wrapped([](future<> f) { try { f.get(); printf("test8 should not get here!\n"); } catch (rpc::timeout_error&) { printf("test8 timeout!\n"); } }); for (auto i = 0; i < 100; i++) { fmt::print("iteration={:d}\n", i); test1(*client, 5).then([] (){ fmt::print("test1 ended\n");}); test2(*client, 1, 2).then([] (int r) { fmt::print("test2 got {:d}\n", r); }); test3(*client, x).then([](double x) { fmt::print("sin={:f}\n", x); }); test4(*client).then_wrapped([](future<> f) { try { f.get(); fmt::print("test4 your should not see this!\n"); } catch (std::runtime_error& x){ fmt::print("test4 {}\n", x.what()); } }); test5(*client).then([] { fmt::print("test5 no wait ended\n"); }); test6(*client, 1).then([] { fmt::print("test6 ended\n"); }); test7(*client, 5, 6).then([] (long r) { fmt::print("test7 got {:d}\n", r); }); test9(*client, 1, 2).then([] (long r) { fmt::print("test9 got {:d}\n", r); }); test9_1(*client, 1, 2, 3).then([] (long r) { fmt::print("test9.1 got {:d}\n", r); }); test9_2(*client, 1, 2, 3, 4).then([] (long r) { fmt::print("test9.2 got {:d}\n", r); }); test10(*client).then([] (long r) { fmt::print("test10 got {:d}\n", r); }); test10_1(*client).then([] (long r, int rr) { fmt::print("test10_1 got {:d} and {:d}\n", r, rr); }); test11(*client).then([] (long r, rpc::optional rr) { fmt::print("test11 got {:d} and {:d}\n", r, bool(rr)); }); test_nohandler(*client).then_wrapped([](future<> f) { try { f.get(); fmt::print("test_nohandler your should not see this!\n"); } catch (rpc::unknown_verb_error& x){ fmt::print("test_nohandle no such verb\n"); } catch (...) { fmt::print("incorrect exception!\n"); } }); test_nohandler_nowait(*client); auto c = make_lw_shared(); test13(*client, *c).then_wrapped([](future<> f) { try { f.get(); fmt::print("test13 shold not get here\n"); } catch(rpc::canceled_error&) { fmt::print("test13 canceled\n"); } catch(...) { fmt::print("test13 wrong exception\n"); } }); c->cancel(); test13(*client, *c).then_wrapped([](future<> f) { try { f.get(); fmt::print("test13 shold not get here\n"); } catch(rpc::canceled_error&) { fmt::print("test13 canceled\n"); } catch(...) { fmt::print("test13 wrong exception\n"); } }); sleep(500us).then([c] { c->cancel(); }); test_message_to_big(*client, sstring(sstring::initialized_later(), 10'000'001)).then_wrapped([](future<> f) { try { f.get(); fmt::print("test message to big shold not get here\n"); } catch(std::runtime_error& err) { fmt::print("test message to big get error {}\n", err.what()); } catch(...) { fmt::print("test message to big wrong exception\n"); } }); } // delay a little for a time-sensitive test sleep(400ms).then([test12] () mutable { // server is configured for 10MB max, throw 25MB worth of requests at it. auto now = rpc::rpc_clock_type::now(); return parallel_for_each(boost::irange(0, 25), [test12, now] (int idx) mutable { return test12(*client, 100, sstring(sstring::initialized_later(), 1'000'000)).then([idx, now] { auto later = rpc::rpc_clock_type::now(); auto delta = std::chrono::duration_cast(later - now); fmt::print("idx {:d} completed after {:d} ms\n", idx, delta.count()); }); }).then([now] { auto later = rpc::rpc_clock_type::now(); auto delta = std::chrono::duration_cast(later - now); fmt::print("test12 completed after {:d} ms (should be ~300)\n", delta.count()); }); }); f.finally([] { sleep(1s).then([] { client->stop().then([] { engine().exit(0); }); }); }); } else { std::cout << "server on port " << port << std::endl; myrpc.register_handler(7, [](long a, long b) mutable { auto p = make_lw_shared>(); auto t = make_lw_shared>(); fmt::print("test7 got {:d} {:d}\n", a, b); auto f = p->get_future().then([a, b, t] { fmt::print("test7 calc res\n"); return a - b; }); t->set_callback([p = std::move(p)] () mutable { p->set_value(); }); t->arm(1s); return f; }); myrpc.register_handler(9, [] (long a, long b, rpc::optional c) { long r = 2; fmt::print("test9 got {:d} {:d} ", a, b); if (c) { fmt::print("{:d}", c.value()); r++; } fmt::print("\n"); return r; }); myrpc.register_handler(10, [] { fmt::print("test 10\n"); return make_ready_future(1, 2); }); myrpc.register_handler(11, [] { fmt::print("test 11\n"); return 1ul; }); myrpc.register_handler(12, [] (int sleep_ms, sstring payload) { return sleep(std::chrono::milliseconds(sleep_ms)).then([] { return make_ready_future<>(); }); }); rpc::resource_limits limits; limits.bloat_factor = 1; limits.basic_request_size = 0; limits.max_memory = 10'000'000; rpc::server_options so; if (compress) { so.compressor_factory = &mc; } server = std::make_unique::server>(myrpc, so, ipv4_addr{port}, limits); } }); }