#include #include #include using namespace seastar; using namespace net; SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_connection_attempt_is_shutdown) { ipv4_addr server_addr(""); auto unconn = engine().net().socket(); auto f = unconn .connect(make_ipv4_address(server_addr)) .then_wrapped([] (auto&& f) { try { f.get(); BOOST_REQUIRE(false); } catch (...) {} }); unconn.shutdown(); return f; } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_unconnected_socket_shutsdown_established_connection) { // Use a random port to reduce chance of conflict. // TODO: retry a few times on failure. std::random_device rnd; auto distr = std::uniform_int_distribution(12000, 65000); auto sa = make_ipv4_address({"", distr(rnd)}); return do_with(engine().net().listen(sa, listen_options()), [sa] (auto& listener) { auto f = listener.accept(); auto unconn = engine().net().socket(); auto connf = unconn.connect(sa); return connf.then([unconn = std::move(unconn)] (auto&& conn) mutable { unconn.shutdown(); return do_with(std::move(conn), [] (auto& conn) { return do_with(conn.output(1), [] (auto& out) { return out.write("ping").then_wrapped([] (auto&& f) { try { f.get(); BOOST_REQUIRE(false); } catch (...) {} }); }); }); }).finally([f = std::move(f)] () mutable { return std::move(f); }); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_accept_after_abort) { std::random_device rnd; auto distr = std::uniform_int_distribution(12000, 65000); auto sa = make_ipv4_address({"", distr(rnd)}); return do_with(engine().net().listen(sa, listen_options()), [] (auto& listener) { using ftype = future; promise p; future done = p.get_future(); auto f = listener.accept().then_wrapped([&listener, p = std::move(p)] (auto f) mutable { f.ignore_ready_future(); p.set_value(listener.accept()); }); listener.abort_accept(); return done.then([] (ftype f) { return f.then_wrapped([] (ftype f) { BOOST_REQUIRE(f.failed()); if (f.available()) { f.ignore_ready_future(); } }); }); }); }