server = $(shell hostname) domain = $(shell dnsdomainname) name = $(server) country = SE state = Stockholm locality= $(state) org = $(domain) unit = $(domain) mail = mx common = $(server).$(domain) email = postmaster@$(domain) ckey = ca$(key).pem pubkey = $(name).pub prvkey = $(name).key width = 4096 csr = $(name).csr crt = $(name).crt root = ca$(name).pem rootkey = ca$(name).key config = $(name).cfg days = 3650 hosts = all : $(crt) clean : @rm -f $(crt) $(csr) $(pubkey) $(prvkey) %.key : @echo generating $@ openssl genrsa -out $@ $(width) : %.key @echo generating $@ openssl rsa -in $< -out $@ $(config) : $(MAKEFILE_LIST) @echo generating $@ @( \ echo RANDFILE = $ENV::HOME/.rnd ; \ echo [ req ] ; \ echo default_bits = $(width) ; \ echo default_keyfile = $(prvkey) ; \ echo distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name ; \ echo req_extensions = v3_req ; \ echo prompt = no ; \ echo [ req_distinguished_name ] ; \ echo C = $(country) ; \ echo ST = $(state) ; \ echo L = $(locality) ; \ echo O = $(org) ; \ echo OU = $(unit) ; \ echo CN= $(common) ; \ echo emailAddress = $(email) ; \ echo [v3_ca] ; \ echo subjectKeyIdentifier=hash ; \ echo authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always ; \ echo basicConstraints = CA:true ; \ echo [v3_req] ; \ echo "# Extensions to add to a certificate request" ; \ echo basicConstraints = CA:FALSE ; \ echo keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment ; \ $(if $(hosts), echo subjectAltName = @alt_names ;) \ $(if $(hosts), echo [alt_names] ;) \ $(if $(hosts), index=1; for host in $(hosts); \ do echo DNS.$$index = $$host.$(domain); \ index=$$(($$index + 1));done ;) \ ) > $@ %.csr : %.key $(config) @echo generating $@ openssl req -new -key $< -out $@ -config $(config) %.crt : %.csr $(root) $(rootkey) @echo generating $@ openssl x509 -req -in $< -CA $(root) -CAkey $(rootkey) -CAcreateserial \ -out $@ -days $(days) %.pem : %.key $(config) @echo generating $@ openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key $< -days $(days) -config $(config) \ -out $@ .PRECIOUS : %.pem %.key %.crt %.csr