#!/usr/bin/env bash testdir=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0)) rootdir=$(readlink -f $testdir/../../..) source $rootdir/test/common/autotest_common.sh source $rootdir/test/nvmf/common.sh NULL_BDEV_SIZE=102400 NULL_BLOCK_SIZE=512 rpc_py="$rootdir/scripts/rpc.py" set -e # pass the parameter 'iso' to this script when running it in isolation to trigger rdma device initialization. # e.g. sudo ./discovery.sh iso nvmftestinit $1 if ! hash nvme; then echo "nvme command not found; skipping discovery test" exit 0 fi RDMA_IP_LIST=$(get_available_rdma_ips) NVMF_FIRST_TARGET_IP=$(echo "$RDMA_IP_LIST" | head -n 1) if [ -z $NVMF_FIRST_TARGET_IP ]; then echo "no NIC for nvmf test" exit 0 fi timing_enter discovery timing_enter start_nvmf_tgt # Start up the NVMf target in another process $NVMF_APP -m 0xF & nvmfpid=$! trap "process_shm --id $NVMF_APP_SHM_ID; killprocess $nvmfpid; nvmftestfini $1; exit 1" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT waitforlisten $nvmfpid $rpc_py nvmf_create_transport -t RDMA -u 8192 -p 4 timing_exit start_nvmf_tgt null_bdevs="$($rpc_py construct_null_bdev Null0 $NULL_BDEV_SIZE $NULL_BLOCK_SIZE) " null_bdevs+="$($rpc_py construct_null_bdev Null1 $NULL_BDEV_SIZE $NULL_BLOCK_SIZE)" modprobe -v nvme-rdma $rpc_py nvmf_subsystem_create nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 -a -s SPDK00000000000001 for null_bdev in $null_bdevs; do $rpc_py nvmf_subsystem_add_ns nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 $null_bdev done $rpc_py nvmf_subsystem_add_listener nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 -t rdma -a $NVMF_FIRST_TARGET_IP -s 4420 nvme discover -t rdma -a $NVMF_FIRST_TARGET_IP -s $NVMF_PORT echo "Perform nvmf subsystem discovery via RPC" $rpc_py get_nvmf_subsystems $rpc_py delete_nvmf_subsystem nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 for null_bdev in $null_bdevs; do $rpc_py delete_null_bdev $null_bdev done check_bdevs=$($rpc_py get_bdevs | jq -r '.[].name') if [ -n "$check_bdevs" ]; then echo $check_bdevs exit 1 fi trap - SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT nvmfcleanup killprocess $nvmfpid nvmftestfini $1 timing_exit discovery