$ rbd --help usage: rbd ... Command-line interface for managing Ceph RBD images. Positional arguments: bench Simple benchmark. children Display children of an image or its snapshot. clone Clone a snapshot into a CoW child image. config global get Get a global-level configuration override. config global list (... ls) List global-level configuration overrides. config global remove (... rm) Remove a global-level configuration override. config global set Set a global-level configuration override. config image get Get an image-level configuration override. config image list (... ls) List image-level configuration overrides. config image remove (... rm) Remove an image-level configuration override. config image set Set an image-level configuration override. config pool get Get a pool-level configuration override. config pool list (... ls) List pool-level configuration overrides. config pool remove (... rm) Remove a pool-level configuration override. config pool set Set a pool-level configuration override. copy (cp) Copy src image to dest. create Create an empty image. deep copy (deep cp) Deep copy src image to dest. device list (showmapped) List mapped rbd images. device map (map) Map an image to a block device. device unmap (unmap) Unmap a rbd device. diff Print extents that differ since a previous snap, or image creation. disk-usage (du) Show disk usage stats for pool, image or snapshot. export Export image to file. export-diff Export incremental diff to file. feature disable Disable the specified image feature. feature enable Enable the specified image feature. flatten Fill clone with parent data (make it independent). group create Create a group. group image add Add an image to a group. group image list (... ls) List images in a group. group image remove (... rm) Remove an image from a group. group list (group ls) List rbd groups. group remove (group rm) Delete a group. group rename Rename a group within pool. group snap create Make a snapshot of a group. group snap list (... ls) List snapshots of a group. group snap remove (... rm) Remove a snapshot from a group. group snap rename Rename group's snapshot. group snap rollback Rollback group to snapshot. image-meta get Image metadata get the value associated with the key. image-meta list (image-meta ls) Image metadata list keys with values. image-meta remove (image-meta rm) Image metadata remove the key and value associated. image-meta set Image metadata set key with value. import Import image from file. import-diff Import an incremental diff. info Show information about image size, striping, etc. journal client disconnect Flag image journal client as disconnected. journal export Export image journal. journal import Import image journal. journal info Show information about image journal. journal inspect Inspect image journal for structural errors. journal reset Reset image journal. journal status Show status of image journal. list (ls) List rbd images. lock add Take a lock on an image. lock list (lock ls) Show locks held on an image. lock remove (lock rm) Release a lock on an image. merge-diff Merge two diff exports together. migration abort Cancel interrupted image migration. migration commit Commit image migration. migration execute Execute image migration. migration prepare Prepare image migration. mirror image demote Demote an image to non-primary for RBD mirroring. mirror image disable Disable RBD mirroring for an image. mirror image enable Enable RBD mirroring for an image. mirror image promote Promote an image to primary for RBD mirroring. mirror image resync Force resync to primary image for RBD mirroring. mirror image status Show RBD mirroring status for an image. mirror pool demote Demote all primary images in the pool. mirror pool disable Disable RBD mirroring by default within a pool. mirror pool enable Enable RBD mirroring by default within a pool. mirror pool info Show information about the pool mirroring configuration. mirror pool peer add Add a mirroring peer to a pool. mirror pool peer bootstrap create Create a peer bootstrap token to import in a remote cluster mirror pool peer bootstrap import Import a peer bootstrap token created from a remote cluster mirror pool peer remove Remove a mirroring peer from a pool. mirror pool peer set Update mirroring peer settings. mirror pool promote Promote all non-primary images in the pool. mirror pool status Show status for all mirrored images in the pool. namespace create Create an RBD image namespace. namespace list (namespace ls) List RBD image namespaces. namespace remove (namespace rm) Remove an RBD image namespace. object-map check Verify the object map is correct. object-map rebuild Rebuild an invalid object map. perf image iostat Display image IO statistics. perf image iotop Display a top-like IO monitor. pool init Initialize pool for use by RBD. pool stats Display pool statistics. remove (rm) Delete an image. rename (mv) Rename image within pool. resize Resize (expand or shrink) image. snap create (snap add) Create a snapshot. snap limit clear Remove snapshot limit. snap limit set Limit the number of snapshots. snap list (snap ls) Dump list of image snapshots. snap protect Prevent a snapshot from being deleted. snap purge Delete all unprotected snapshots. snap remove (snap rm) Delete a snapshot. snap rename Rename a snapshot. snap rollback (snap revert) Rollback image to snapshot. snap unprotect Allow a snapshot to be deleted. sparsify Reclaim space for zeroed image extents. status Show the status of this image. trash list (trash ls) List trash images. trash move (trash mv) Move an image to the trash. trash purge Remove all expired images from trash. trash remove (trash rm) Remove an image from trash. trash restore Restore an image from trash. watch Watch events on image. Optional arguments: -c [ --conf ] arg path to cluster configuration --cluster arg cluster name --id arg client id (without 'client.' prefix) --user arg client id (without 'client.' prefix) -n [ --name ] arg client name -m [ --mon_host ] arg monitor host --secret arg path to secret key (deprecated) -K [ --keyfile ] arg path to secret key -k [ --keyring ] arg path to keyring See 'rbd help ' for help on a specific command. $ rbd help | grep '^ [a-z]' | sed 's/^ \([a-z -]*[a-z]\).*/\1/g' | while read -r line; do echo rbd help $line ; rbd help $line; done rbd help bench usage: rbd bench [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--io-size ] [--io-threads ] [--io-total ] [--io-pattern ] [--rw-mix-read ] --io-type Simple benchmark. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --io-size arg IO size (in B/K/M/G/T) [default: 4K] --io-threads arg ios in flight [default: 16] --io-total arg total size for IO (in B/K/M/G/T) [default: 1G] --io-pattern arg IO pattern (rand or seq) [default: seq] --rw-mix-read arg read proportion in readwrite (<= 100) [default: 50] --io-type arg IO type (read , write, or readwrite(rw)) rbd help children usage: rbd children [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--snap-id ] [--all] [--descendants] [--format ] [--pretty-format] Display children of an image or its snapshot. Positional arguments image or snapshot specification (example: [/[/]][@]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name --snap-id arg snapshot id -a [ --all ] list all children (include trash) --descendants include all descendants --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help clone usage: rbd clone [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--dest-pool ] [--dest-namespace ] [--dest ] [--order ] [--object-size ] [--image-feature ] [--image-shared] [--stripe-unit ] [--stripe-count ] [--data-pool ] [--journal-splay-width ] [--journal-object-size ] [--journal-pool ] Clone a snapshot into a CoW child image. Positional arguments source snapshot specification (example: [/[/]]@) destination image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg source pool name --namespace arg source namespace name --image arg source image name --snap arg source snapshot name --dest-pool arg destination pool name --dest-namespace arg destination namespace name --dest arg destination image name --order arg object order [12 <= order <= 25] --object-size arg object size in B/K/M [4K <= object size <= 32M] --image-feature arg image features [layering(+), exclusive-lock(+*), object-map(+*), deep-flatten(+-), journaling(*)] --image-shared shared image --stripe-unit arg stripe unit in B/K/M --stripe-count arg stripe count --data-pool arg data pool --journal-splay-width arg number of active journal objects --journal-object-size arg size of journal objects [4K <= size <= 64M] --journal-pool arg pool for journal objects Image Features: (*) supports enabling/disabling on existing images (-) supports disabling-only on existing images (+) enabled by default for new images if features not specified rbd help config global get usage: rbd config global get Get a global-level configuration override. Positional arguments config entity (global, client, client.) config key rbd help config global list usage: rbd config global list [--format ] [--pretty-format] List global-level configuration overrides. Positional arguments config entity (global, client, client.) Optional arguments --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help config global remove usage: rbd config global remove Remove a global-level configuration override. Positional arguments config entity (global, client, client.) config key rbd help config global set usage: rbd config global set Set a global-level configuration override. Positional arguments config entity (global, client, client.) config key config value rbd help config image get usage: rbd config image get [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Get an image-level configuration override. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) config key Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help config image list usage: rbd config image list [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] List image-level configuration overrides. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help config image remove usage: rbd config image remove [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Remove an image-level configuration override. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) config key Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help config image set usage: rbd config image set [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Set an image-level configuration override. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) config key config value Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help config pool get usage: rbd config pool get Get a pool-level configuration override. Positional arguments pool name config key rbd help config pool list usage: rbd config pool list [--format ] [--pretty-format] List pool-level configuration overrides. Positional arguments pool name Optional arguments --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help config pool remove usage: rbd config pool remove Remove a pool-level configuration override. Positional arguments pool name config key rbd help config pool set usage: rbd config pool set Set a pool-level configuration override. Positional arguments pool name config key config value rbd help copy usage: rbd copy [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--dest-pool ] [--dest-namespace ] [--dest ] [--order ] [--object-size ] [--image-feature ] [--image-shared] [--stripe-unit ] [--stripe-count ] [--data-pool ] [--journal-splay-width ] [--journal-object-size ] [--journal-pool ] [--sparse-size ] [--no-progress] Copy src image to dest. Positional arguments source image or snapshot specification (example: [/[/]][@]) destination image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg source pool name --namespace arg source namespace name --image arg source image name --snap arg source snapshot name --dest-pool arg destination pool name --dest-namespace arg destination namespace name --dest arg destination image name --order arg object order [12 <= order <= 25] --object-size arg object size in B/K/M [4K <= object size <= 32M] --image-feature arg image features [layering(+), exclusive-lock(+*), object-map(+*), deep-flatten(+-), journaling(*)] --image-shared shared image --stripe-unit arg stripe unit in B/K/M --stripe-count arg stripe count --data-pool arg data pool --journal-splay-width arg number of active journal objects --journal-object-size arg size of journal objects [4K <= size <= 64M] --journal-pool arg pool for journal objects --sparse-size arg sparse size in B/K/M [default: 4K] --no-progress disable progress output Image Features: (*) supports enabling/disabling on existing images (-) supports disabling-only on existing images (+) enabled by default for new images if features not specified rbd help create usage: rbd create [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--image-format ] [--new-format] [--order ] [--object-size ] [--image-feature ] [--image-shared] [--stripe-unit ] [--stripe-count ] [--data-pool ] [--journal-splay-width ] [--journal-object-size ] [--journal-pool ] [--thick-provision] --size [--no-progress] Create an empty image. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --image-format arg image format [1 (deprecated) or 2] --new-format use image format 2 (deprecated) --order arg object order [12 <= order <= 25] --object-size arg object size in B/K/M [4K <= object size <= 32M] --image-feature arg image features [layering(+), exclusive-lock(+*), object-map(+*), deep-flatten(+-), journaling(*)] --image-shared shared image --stripe-unit arg stripe unit in B/K/M --stripe-count arg stripe count --data-pool arg data pool --journal-splay-width arg number of active journal objects --journal-object-size arg size of journal objects [4K <= size <= 64M] --journal-pool arg pool for journal objects --thick-provision fully allocate storage and zero image -s [ --size ] arg image size (in M/G/T) [default: M] --no-progress disable progress output Image Features: (*) supports enabling/disabling on existing images (-) supports disabling-only on existing images (+) enabled by default for new images if features not specified rbd help deep copy usage: rbd deep copy [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--dest-pool ] [--dest-namespace ] [--dest ] [--order ] [--object-size ] [--image-feature ] [--image-shared] [--stripe-unit ] [--stripe-count ] [--data-pool ] [--journal-splay-width ] [--journal-object-size ] [--journal-pool ] [--flatten] [--no-progress] Deep copy src image to dest. Positional arguments source image or snapshot specification (example: [/[/]][@]) destination image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg source pool name --namespace arg source namespace name --image arg source image name --snap arg source snapshot name --dest-pool arg destination pool name --dest-namespace arg destination namespace name --dest arg destination image name --order arg object order [12 <= order <= 25] --object-size arg object size in B/K/M [4K <= object size <= 32M] --image-feature arg image features [layering(+), exclusive-lock(+*), object-map(+*), deep-flatten(+-), journaling(*)] --image-shared shared image --stripe-unit arg stripe unit in B/K/M --stripe-count arg stripe count --data-pool arg data pool --journal-splay-width arg number of active journal objects --journal-object-size arg size of journal objects [4K <= size <= 64M] --journal-pool arg pool for journal objects --flatten fill clone with parent data (make it independent) --no-progress disable progress output Image Features: (*) supports enabling/disabling on existing images (-) supports disabling-only on existing images (+) enabled by default for new images if features not specified rbd help device list usage: rbd device list [--device-type ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] List mapped rbd images. Optional arguments -t [ --device-type ] arg device type [ggate, krbd (default), nbd] --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help device map usage: rbd device map [--device-type ] [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--read-only] [--exclusive] [--options ] Map an image to a block device. Positional arguments image or snapshot specification (example: [/[/]][@ ]) Optional arguments -t [ --device-type ] arg device type [ggate, krbd (default), nbd] -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name --read-only map read-only --exclusive disable automatic exclusive lock transitions -o [ --options ] arg device specific options rbd help device unmap usage: rbd device unmap [--device-type ] [--pool ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--options ] Unmap a rbd device. Positional arguments image, snapshot, or device specification [/][@] or Optional arguments -t [ --device-type ] arg device type [ggate, krbd (default), nbd] -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name -o [ --options ] arg device specific options rbd help diff usage: rbd diff [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--from-snap ] [--whole-object] [--format ] [--pretty-format] Print extents that differ since a previous snap, or image creation. Positional arguments image or snapshot specification (example: [/[/]][@]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name --from-snap arg snapshot starting point --whole-object compare whole object --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help disk-usage usage: rbd disk-usage [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] [--from-snap ] [--exact] Show disk usage stats for pool, image or snapshot. Positional arguments image or snapshot specification (example: [/[/]][@]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) --from-snap arg snapshot starting point --exact compute exact disk usage (slow) rbd help export usage: rbd export [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--path ] [--no-progress] [--export-format ] Export image to file. Positional arguments source image or snapshot specification (example: [/[/]][@]) export file (or '-' for stdout) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg source pool name --namespace arg source namespace name --image arg source image name --snap arg source snapshot name --path arg export file (or '-' for stdout) --no-progress disable progress output --export-format arg format of image file rbd help export-diff usage: rbd export-diff [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--path ] [--from-snap ] [--whole-object] [--no-progress] Export incremental diff to file. Positional arguments source image or snapshot specification (example: [/[/]][@]) export file (or '-' for stdout) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg source pool name --namespace arg source namespace name --image arg source image name --snap arg source snapshot name --path arg export file (or '-' for stdout) --from-snap arg snapshot starting point --whole-object compare whole object --no-progress disable progress output rbd help feature disable usage: rbd feature disable [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [ ...] Disable the specified image feature. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) image features [exclusive-lock, object-map, journaling] Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help feature enable usage: rbd feature enable [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--journal-splay-width ] [--journal-object-size ] [--journal-pool ] [ ...] Enable the specified image feature. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) image features [exclusive-lock, object-map, journaling] Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --journal-splay-width arg number of active journal objects --journal-object-size arg size of journal objects [4K <= size <= 64M] --journal-pool arg pool for journal objects rbd help flatten usage: rbd flatten [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--no-progress] Fill clone with parent data (make it independent). Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --no-progress disable progress output rbd help group create usage: rbd group create [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--group ] Create a group. Positional arguments group specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --group arg group name rbd help group image add usage: rbd group image add [--group-pool ] [--group-namespace ] [--group ] [--image-pool ] [--image-namespace ] [--image ] [--pool ] Add an image to a group. Positional arguments group specification (example: [/[/]]) image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments --group-pool arg group pool name --group-namespace arg group namespace name --group arg group name --image-pool arg image pool name --image-namespace arg image namespace name --image arg image name -p [ --pool ] arg pool name unless overridden rbd help group image list usage: rbd group image list [--format ] [--pretty-format] [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--group ] List images in a group. Positional arguments group specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --group arg group name rbd help group image remove usage: rbd group image remove [--group-pool ] [--group-namespace ] [--group ] [--image-pool ] [--image-namespace ] [--image ] [--pool ] [--image-id ] Remove an image from a group. Positional arguments group specification (example: [/[/]]) image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments --group-pool arg group pool name --group-namespace arg group namespace name --group arg group name --image-pool arg image pool name --image-namespace arg image namespace name --image arg image name -p [ --pool ] arg pool name unless overridden --image-id arg image id rbd help group list usage: rbd group list [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] List rbd groups. Positional arguments pool specification (example: [/] Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help group remove usage: rbd group remove [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--group ] Delete a group. Positional arguments group specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --group arg group name rbd help group rename usage: rbd group rename [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--group ] [--dest-pool ] [--dest-namespace ] [--dest-group ] Rename a group within pool. Positional arguments source group specification (example: [/[/]]) destination group specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg source pool name --namespace arg source namespace name --group arg source group name --dest-pool arg destination pool name --dest-namespace arg destination namespace name --dest-group arg destination group name rbd help group snap create usage: rbd group snap create [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--group ] [--snap ] Make a snapshot of a group. Positional arguments group specification (example: [/[/]]@) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --group arg group name --snap arg snapshot name rbd help group snap list usage: rbd group snap list [--format ] [--pretty-format] [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--group ] List snapshots of a group. Positional arguments group specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --group arg group name rbd help group snap remove usage: rbd group snap remove [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--group ] [--snap ] Remove a snapshot from a group. Positional arguments group specification (example: [/[/]]@) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --group arg group name --snap arg snapshot name rbd help group snap rename usage: rbd group snap rename [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--group ] [--snap ] [--dest-snap ] Rename group's snapshot. Positional arguments group specification (example: [/[/]]@) destination snapshot name (example: ) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --group arg group name --snap arg snapshot name --dest-snap arg destination snapshot name rbd help group snap rollback usage: rbd group snap rollback [--no-progress] [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--group ] [--snap ] Rollback group to snapshot. Positional arguments group specification (example: [/[/]]@) Optional arguments --no-progress disable progress output -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --group arg group name --snap arg snapshot name rbd help image-meta get usage: rbd image-meta get [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Image metadata get the value associated with the key. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) image meta key Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help image-meta list usage: rbd image-meta list [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] Image metadata list keys with values. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help image-meta remove usage: rbd image-meta remove [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Image metadata remove the key and value associated. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) image meta key Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help image-meta set usage: rbd image-meta set [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Image metadata set key with value. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) image meta key image meta value Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help import usage: rbd import [--path ] [--dest-pool ] [--dest-namespace ] [--dest ] [--image-format ] [--new-format] [--order ] [--object-size ] [--image-feature ] [--image-shared] [--stripe-unit ] [--stripe-count ] [--data-pool ] [--journal-splay-width ] [--journal-object-size ] [--journal-pool ] [--sparse-size ] [--no-progress] [--export-format ] [--pool ] [--image ] Import image from file. Positional arguments import file (or '-' for stdin) destination image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments --path arg import file (or '-' for stdin) --dest-pool arg destination pool name --dest-namespace arg destination namespace name --dest arg destination image name --image-format arg image format [1 (deprecated) or 2] --new-format use image format 2 (deprecated) --order arg object order [12 <= order <= 25] --object-size arg object size in B/K/M [4K <= object size <= 32M] --image-feature arg image features [layering(+), exclusive-lock(+*), object-map(+*), deep-flatten(+-), journaling(*)] --image-shared shared image --stripe-unit arg stripe unit in B/K/M --stripe-count arg stripe count --data-pool arg data pool --journal-splay-width arg number of active journal objects --journal-object-size arg size of journal objects [4K <= size <= 64M] --journal-pool arg pool for journal objects --sparse-size arg sparse size in B/K/M [default: 4K] --no-progress disable progress output --export-format arg format of image file -p [ --pool ] arg pool name (deprecated) --image arg image name (deprecated) Image Features: (*) supports enabling/disabling on existing images (-) supports disabling-only on existing images (+) enabled by default for new images if features not specified rbd help import-diff usage: rbd import-diff [--path ] [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--sparse-size ] [--no-progress] Import an incremental diff. Positional arguments import file (or '-' for stdin) image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments --path arg import file (or '-' for stdin) -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --sparse-size arg sparse size in B/K/M [default: 4K] --no-progress disable progress output rbd help info usage: rbd info [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--image-id ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] Show information about image size, striping, etc. Positional arguments image or snapshot specification (example: [/[/]][@]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name --image-id arg image id --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help journal client disconnect usage: rbd journal client disconnect [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--journal ] [--client-id ] Flag image journal client as disconnected. Positional arguments journal specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --journal arg journal name --client-id arg client ID (or leave unspecified to disconnect all) rbd help journal export usage: rbd journal export [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--journal ] [--path ] [--verbose] [--no-error] Export image journal. Positional arguments source journal specification (example: [/[/]]) export file (or '-' for stdout) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg source pool name --namespace arg source namespace name --image arg source image name --journal arg source journal name --path arg export file (or '-' for stdout) --verbose be verbose --no-error continue after error rbd help journal import usage: rbd journal import [--path ] [--dest-pool ] [--dest-namespace ] [--dest ] [--dest-journal ] [--verbose] [--no-error] Import image journal. Positional arguments import file (or '-' for stdin) destination journal specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments --path arg import file (or '-' for stdin) --dest-pool arg destination pool name --dest-namespace arg destination namespace name --dest arg destination image name --dest-journal arg destination journal name --verbose be verbose --no-error continue after error rbd help journal info usage: rbd journal info [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--journal ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] Show information about image journal. Positional arguments journal specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --journal arg journal name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help journal inspect usage: rbd journal inspect [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--journal ] [--verbose] Inspect image journal for structural errors. Positional arguments journal specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --journal arg journal name --verbose be verbose rbd help journal reset usage: rbd journal reset [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--journal ] Reset image journal. Positional arguments journal specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --journal arg journal name rbd help journal status usage: rbd journal status [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--journal ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] Show status of image journal. Positional arguments journal specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --journal arg journal name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help list usage: rbd list [--long] [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] List rbd images. Positional arguments pool specification (example: [/] Optional arguments -l [ --long ] long listing format -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help lock add usage: rbd lock add [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--shared ] Take a lock on an image. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) unique lock id Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --shared arg shared lock tag rbd help lock list usage: rbd lock list [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] Show locks held on an image. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help lock remove usage: rbd lock remove [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Release a lock on an image. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) unique lock id locker client Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help merge-diff usage: rbd merge-diff [--path ] [--no-progress] Merge two diff exports together. Positional arguments path to first diff (or '-' for stdin) path to second diff path to merged diff (or '-' for stdout) Optional arguments --path arg path to merged diff (or '-' for stdout) --no-progress disable progress output rbd help migration abort usage: rbd migration abort [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--no-progress] Cancel interrupted image migration. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --no-progress disable progress output rbd help migration commit usage: rbd migration commit [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--no-progress] [--force] Commit image migration. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --no-progress disable progress output --force proceed even if the image has children rbd help migration execute usage: rbd migration execute [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--no-progress] Execute image migration. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --no-progress disable progress output rbd help migration prepare usage: rbd migration prepare [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--dest-pool ] [--dest-namespace ] [--dest ] [--image-format ] [--new-format] [--order ] [--object-size ] [--image-feature ] [--image-shared] [--stripe-unit ] [--stripe-count ] [--data-pool ] [--journal-splay-width ] [--journal-object-size ] [--journal-pool ] [--flatten] Prepare image migration. Positional arguments source image specification (example: [/[/]]) destination image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg source pool name --namespace arg source namespace name --image arg source image name --dest-pool arg destination pool name --dest-namespace arg destination namespace name --dest arg destination image name --image-format arg image format [1 (deprecated) or 2] --new-format use image format 2 (deprecated) --order arg object order [12 <= order <= 25] --object-size arg object size in B/K/M [4K <= object size <= 32M] --image-feature arg image features [layering(+), exclusive-lock(+*), object-map(+*), deep-flatten(+-), journaling(*)] --image-shared shared image --stripe-unit arg stripe unit in B/K/M --stripe-count arg stripe count --data-pool arg data pool --journal-splay-width arg number of active journal objects --journal-object-size arg size of journal objects [4K <= size <= 64M] --journal-pool arg pool for journal objects --flatten fill clone with parent data (make it independent) Image Features: (*) supports enabling/disabling on existing images (-) supports disabling-only on existing images (+) enabled by default for new images if features not specified rbd help mirror image demote usage: rbd mirror image demote [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Demote an image to non-primary for RBD mirroring. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help mirror image disable usage: rbd mirror image disable [--force] [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Disable RBD mirroring for an image. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments --force disable even if not primary -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help mirror image enable usage: rbd mirror image enable [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Enable RBD mirroring for an image. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help mirror image promote usage: rbd mirror image promote [--force] [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Promote an image to primary for RBD mirroring. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments --force promote even if not cleanly demoted by remote cluster -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help mirror image resync usage: rbd mirror image resync [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Force resync to primary image for RBD mirroring. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help mirror image status usage: rbd mirror image status [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] Show RBD mirroring status for an image. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help mirror pool demote usage: rbd mirror pool demote [--pool ] Demote all primary images in the pool. Positional arguments pool name Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name rbd help mirror pool disable usage: rbd mirror pool disable [--pool ] Disable RBD mirroring by default within a pool. Positional arguments pool name Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name rbd help mirror pool enable usage: rbd mirror pool enable [--pool ] [--site-name ] Enable RBD mirroring by default within a pool. Positional arguments pool name mirror mode [image or pool] Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --site-name arg local site name rbd help mirror pool info usage: rbd mirror pool info [--pool ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] [--all] Show information about the pool mirroring configuration. Positional arguments pool name Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) --all list all attributes rbd help mirror pool peer add usage: rbd mirror pool peer add [--pool ] [--remote-client-name ] [--remote-cluster ] [--remote-mon-host ] [--remote-key-file ] Add a mirroring peer to a pool. Positional arguments pool name remote cluster spec (example: [@]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --remote-client-name arg remote client name --remote-cluster arg remote cluster name --remote-mon-host arg remote mon host(s) --remote-key-file arg path to file containing remote key rbd help mirror pool peer bootstrap create usage: rbd mirror pool peer bootstrap create [--pool ] [--site-name ] Create a peer bootstrap token to import in a remote cluster Positional arguments pool name Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --site-name arg local site name rbd help mirror pool peer bootstrap import usage: rbd mirror pool peer bootstrap import [--pool ] [--site-name ] [--token-path ] [--direction ] Import a peer bootstrap token created from a remote cluster Positional arguments pool name bootstrap token file (or '-' for stdin) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --site-name arg local site name --token-path arg bootstrap token file (or '-' for stdin) --direction arg mirroring direction (rx-only, rx-tx) [default: rx-tx] rbd help mirror pool peer remove usage: rbd mirror pool peer remove [--pool ] Remove a mirroring peer from a pool. Positional arguments pool name peer uuid Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name rbd help mirror pool peer set usage: rbd mirror pool peer set [--pool ] Update mirroring peer settings. Positional arguments pool name peer uuid peer parameter [client, cluster, mon-host, key-file] new value for specified key Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name rbd help mirror pool promote usage: rbd mirror pool promote [--force] [--pool ] Promote all non-primary images in the pool. Positional arguments pool name Optional arguments --force promote even if not cleanly demoted by remote cluster -p [ --pool ] arg pool name rbd help mirror pool status usage: rbd mirror pool status [--pool ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] [--verbose] Show status for all mirrored images in the pool. Positional arguments pool name Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) --verbose be verbose rbd help namespace create usage: rbd namespace create [--pool ] [--namespace ] Create an RBD image namespace. Positional arguments pool specification (example: [/] Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name rbd help namespace list usage: rbd namespace list [--pool ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] List RBD image namespaces. Positional arguments pool name Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help namespace remove usage: rbd namespace remove [--pool ] [--namespace ] Remove an RBD image namespace. Positional arguments pool specification (example: [/] Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name rbd help object-map check usage: rbd object-map check [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--no-progress] Verify the object map is correct. Positional arguments image or snapshot specification (example: [/[/]][@]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name --no-progress disable progress output rbd help object-map rebuild usage: rbd object-map rebuild [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--no-progress] Rebuild an invalid object map. Positional arguments image or snapshot specification (example: [/[/]][@]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name --no-progress disable progress output rbd help perf image iostat usage: rbd perf image iostat [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--iterations ] [--sort-by ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] Display image IO statistics. Positional arguments pool specification (example: [/] Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --iterations arg iterations of metric collection [> 0] --sort-by arg (=write_ops) sort-by IO metric (write-ops, read-ops, write-bytes, read-bytes, write-latency, read-latency) [default: write-ops] --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help perf image iotop usage: rbd perf image iotop [--pool ] [--namespace ] Display a top-like IO monitor. Positional arguments pool specification (example: [/] Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name rbd help pool init usage: rbd pool init [--pool ] [--force] Initialize pool for use by RBD. Positional arguments pool name Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --force force initialize pool for RBD use if registered by another application rbd help pool stats usage: rbd pool stats [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] Display pool statistics. Positional arguments pool specification (example: [/] Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) Note: legacy v1 images are not included in stats rbd help remove usage: rbd remove [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--no-progress] Delete an image. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --no-progress disable progress output rbd help rename usage: rbd rename [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--dest-pool ] [--dest-namespace ] [--dest ] Rename image within pool. Positional arguments source image specification (example: [/[/]]) destination image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg source pool name --namespace arg source namespace name --image arg source image name --dest-pool arg destination pool name --dest-namespace arg destination namespace name --dest arg destination image name rbd help resize usage: rbd resize [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] --size [--allow-shrink] [--no-progress] Resize (expand or shrink) image. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name -s [ --size ] arg image size (in M/G/T) [default: M] --allow-shrink permit shrinking --no-progress disable progress output rbd help snap create usage: rbd snap create [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] Create a snapshot. Positional arguments snapshot specification (example: [/[/]]@) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name rbd help snap limit clear usage: rbd snap limit clear [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Remove snapshot limit. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name rbd help snap limit set usage: rbd snap limit set [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--limit ] Limit the number of snapshots. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --limit arg maximum allowed snapshot count rbd help snap list usage: rbd snap list [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--image-id ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] [--all] Dump list of image snapshots. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --image-id arg image id --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) -a [ --all ] list snapshots from all namespaces rbd help snap protect usage: rbd snap protect [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] Prevent a snapshot from being deleted. Positional arguments snapshot specification (example: [/[/]]@) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name rbd help snap purge usage: rbd snap purge [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--image-id ] [--no-progress] Delete all unprotected snapshots. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --image-id arg image id --no-progress disable progress output rbd help snap remove usage: rbd snap remove [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--image-id ] [--snap-id ] [--no-progress] [--force] Delete a snapshot. Positional arguments snapshot specification (example: [/[/]]@) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name --image-id arg image id --snap-id arg snapshot id --no-progress disable progress output --force flatten children and unprotect snapshot if needed. rbd help snap rename usage: rbd snap rename [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--dest-pool ] [--dest-namespace ] [--dest ] [--dest-snap ] Rename a snapshot. Positional arguments source snapshot specification (example: [/[/]]@) destination snapshot specification (example: [/[/]]@) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg source pool name --namespace arg source namespace name --image arg source image name --snap arg source snapshot name --dest-pool arg destination pool name --dest-namespace arg destination namespace name --dest arg destination image name --dest-snap arg destination snapshot name rbd help snap rollback usage: rbd snap rollback [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--no-progress] Rollback image to snapshot. Positional arguments snapshot specification (example: [/[/]]@) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name --no-progress disable progress output rbd help snap unprotect usage: rbd snap unprotect [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--snap ] [--image-id ] Allow a snapshot to be deleted. Positional arguments snapshot specification (example: [/[/]]@) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --snap arg snapshot name --image-id arg image id rbd help sparsify usage: rbd sparsify [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--no-progress] [--sparse-size ] Reclaim space for zeroed image extents. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --no-progress disable progress output --sparse-size arg sparse size in B/K/M [default: 4K] rbd help status usage: rbd status [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--format ] [--pretty-format] Show the status of this image. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help trash list usage: rbd trash list [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--all] [--long] [--format ] [--pretty-format] List trash images. Positional arguments pool specification (example: [/] Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name -a [ --all ] list images from all sources -l [ --long ] long listing format --format arg output format (plain, json, or xml) [default: plain] --pretty-format pretty formatting (json and xml) rbd help trash move usage: rbd trash move [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] [--expires-at ] Move an image to the trash. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name --expires-at arg (=now) set the expiration time of an image so it can be purged when it is stale rbd help trash purge usage: rbd trash purge [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--no-progress] [--expired-before ] [--threshold ] Remove all expired images from trash. Positional arguments pool specification (example: [/] Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --no-progress disable progress output --expired-before date purges images that expired before the given date --threshold arg purges images until the current pool data usage is reduced to X%, value range: 0.0-1.0 rbd help trash remove usage: rbd trash remove [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image-id ] [--no-progress] [--force] Remove an image from trash. Positional arguments image id (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image-id arg image id --no-progress disable progress output --force force remove of non-expired delayed images rbd help trash restore usage: rbd trash restore [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image-id ] [--image ] Restore an image from trash. Positional arguments image id (example: [/]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image-id arg image id --image arg image name rbd help watch usage: rbd watch [--pool ] [--namespace ] [--image ] Watch events on image. Positional arguments image specification (example: [/[/]]) Optional arguments -p [ --pool ] arg pool name --namespace arg namespace name --image arg image name