// -*- mode:C; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "include/types.h" #include "cls/log/cls_log_types.h" #include "cls/log/cls_log_client.h" #include "include/utime.h" #include "common/Clock.h" #include "global/global_context.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "test/librados/test_cxx.h" #include #include #include static librados::ObjectWriteOperation *new_op() { return new librados::ObjectWriteOperation(); } static librados::ObjectReadOperation *new_rop() { return new librados::ObjectReadOperation(); } static void reset_rop(librados::ObjectReadOperation **pop) { delete *pop; *pop = new_rop(); } static int read_bl(bufferlist& bl, int *i) { auto iter = bl.cbegin(); try { decode(*i, iter); } catch (buffer::error& err) { std::cout << "failed to decode buffer" << std::endl; return -EIO; } return 0; } void add_log(librados::ObjectWriteOperation *op, utime_t& timestamp, string& section, string&name, int i) { bufferlist bl; encode(i, bl); cls_log_add(*op, timestamp, section, name, bl); } string get_name(int i) { string name_prefix = "data-source"; char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i); return name_prefix + buf; } void generate_log(librados::IoCtx& ioctx, string& oid, int max, utime_t& start_time, bool modify_time) { string section = "global"; librados::ObjectWriteOperation *op = new_op(); int i; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { uint32_t secs = start_time.sec(); if (modify_time) secs += i; utime_t ts(secs, start_time.nsec()); string name = get_name(i); add_log(op, ts, section, name, i); } ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, op)); delete op; } utime_t get_time(utime_t& start_time, int i, bool modify_time) { uint32_t secs = start_time.sec(); if (modify_time) secs += i; return utime_t(secs, start_time.nsec()); } void check_entry(cls_log_entry& entry, utime_t& start_time, int i, bool modified_time) { string section = "global"; string name = get_name(i); utime_t ts = get_time(start_time, i, modified_time); ASSERT_EQ(section, entry.section); ASSERT_EQ(name, entry.name); ASSERT_EQ(ts, entry.timestamp); } TEST(cls_rgw, test_log_add_same_time) { librados::Rados rados; librados::IoCtx ioctx; string pool_name = get_temp_pool_name(); /* create pool */ ASSERT_EQ("", create_one_pool_pp(pool_name, rados)); ASSERT_EQ(0, rados.ioctx_create(pool_name.c_str(), ioctx)); /* add chains */ string oid = "obj"; /* create object */ ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.create(oid, true)); /* generate log */ utime_t start_time = ceph_clock_now(); generate_log(ioctx, oid, 10, start_time, false); librados::ObjectReadOperation *rop = new_rop(); list entries; bool truncated; /* check list */ utime_t to_time = get_time(start_time, 1, true); string marker; cls_log_list(*rop, start_time, to_time, marker, 0, entries, &marker, &truncated); bufferlist obl; ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, rop, &obl)); ASSERT_EQ(10, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, (int)truncated); list::iterator iter; /* need to sort returned entries, all were using the same time as key */ map check_ents; for (iter = entries.begin(); iter != entries.end(); ++iter) { cls_log_entry& entry = *iter; int num; ASSERT_EQ(0, read_bl(entry.data, &num)); check_ents[num] = entry; } ASSERT_EQ(10, (int)check_ents.size()); map::iterator ei; /* verify entries are as expected */ int i; for (i = 0, ei = check_ents.begin(); i < 10; i++, ++ei) { cls_log_entry& entry = ei->second; ASSERT_EQ(i, ei->first); check_entry(entry, start_time, i, false); } reset_rop(&rop); /* check list again, now want to be truncated*/ marker.clear(); cls_log_list(*rop, start_time, to_time, marker, 1, entries, &marker, &truncated); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, rop, &obl)); ASSERT_EQ(1, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(1, (int)truncated); delete rop; /* destroy pool */ ASSERT_EQ(0, destroy_one_pool_pp(pool_name, rados)); } TEST(cls_rgw, test_log_add_different_time) { librados::Rados rados; librados::IoCtx ioctx; string pool_name = get_temp_pool_name(); /* create pool */ ASSERT_EQ("", create_one_pool_pp(pool_name, rados)); ASSERT_EQ(0, rados.ioctx_create(pool_name.c_str(), ioctx)); /* add chains */ string oid = "obj"; /* create object */ ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.create(oid, true)); /* generate log */ utime_t start_time = ceph_clock_now(); generate_log(ioctx, oid, 10, start_time, true); librados::ObjectReadOperation *rop = new_rop(); list entries; bool truncated; utime_t to_time = utime_t(start_time.sec() + 10, start_time.nsec()); string marker; /* check list */ cls_log_list(*rop, start_time, to_time, marker, 0, entries, &marker, &truncated); bufferlist obl; ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, rop, &obl)); ASSERT_EQ(10, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, (int)truncated); list::iterator iter; /* returned entries should be sorted by time */ map check_ents; int i; for (i = 0, iter = entries.begin(); iter != entries.end(); ++iter, ++i) { cls_log_entry& entry = *iter; int num; ASSERT_EQ(0, read_bl(entry.data, &num)); ASSERT_EQ(i, num); check_entry(entry, start_time, i, true); } reset_rop(&rop); /* check list again with shifted time */ utime_t next_time = get_time(start_time, 1, true); marker.clear(); cls_log_list(*rop, next_time, to_time, marker, 0, entries, &marker, &truncated); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, rop, &obl)); ASSERT_EQ(9, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, (int)truncated); reset_rop(&rop); marker.clear(); i = 0; do { bufferlist obl; string old_marker = marker; cls_log_list(*rop, start_time, to_time, old_marker, 1, entries, &marker, &truncated); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, rop, &obl)); ASSERT_NE(old_marker, marker); ASSERT_EQ(1, (int)entries.size()); ++i; ASSERT_GE(10, i); } while (truncated); ASSERT_EQ(10, i); delete rop; /* destroy pool */ ASSERT_EQ(0, destroy_one_pool_pp(pool_name, rados)); } TEST(cls_rgw, test_log_trim) { librados::Rados rados; librados::IoCtx ioctx; string pool_name = get_temp_pool_name(); /* create pool */ ASSERT_EQ("", create_one_pool_pp(pool_name, rados)); ASSERT_EQ(0, rados.ioctx_create(pool_name.c_str(), ioctx)); /* add chains */ string oid = "obj"; /* create object */ ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.create(oid, true)); /* generate log */ utime_t start_time = ceph_clock_now(); generate_log(ioctx, oid, 10, start_time, true); librados::ObjectReadOperation *rop = new_rop(); list entries; bool truncated; /* check list */ /* trim */ utime_t to_time = get_time(start_time, 10, true); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { utime_t trim_time = get_time(start_time, i, true); utime_t zero_time; string start_marker, end_marker; ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_log_trim(ioctx, oid, zero_time, trim_time, start_marker, end_marker)); string marker; cls_log_list(*rop, start_time, to_time, marker, 0, entries, &marker, &truncated); bufferlist obl; ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, rop, &obl)); ASSERT_EQ(9 - i, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, (int)truncated); } delete rop; /* destroy pool */ ASSERT_EQ(0, destroy_one_pool_pp(pool_name, rados)); }