// -*- mode:C; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "include/types.h" #include "cls/rgw/cls_rgw_client.h" #include "cls/rgw/cls_rgw_ops.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "test/librados/test_cxx.h" #include "global/global_context.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace librados; librados::Rados rados; librados::IoCtx ioctx; string pool_name; /* must be the first test! */ TEST(cls_rgw, init) { pool_name = get_temp_pool_name(); /* create pool */ ASSERT_EQ("", create_one_pool_pp(pool_name, rados)); ASSERT_EQ(0, rados.ioctx_create(pool_name.c_str(), ioctx)); } string str_int(string s, int i) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-%d", i); s.append(buf); return s; } class OpMgr { vector ops; public: OpMgr() {} ~OpMgr() { vector::iterator iter; for (iter = ops.begin(); iter != ops.end(); ++iter) { ObjectOperation *op = *iter; delete op; } } ObjectReadOperation *read_op() { ObjectReadOperation *op = new ObjectReadOperation; ops.push_back(op); return op; } ObjectWriteOperation *write_op() { ObjectWriteOperation *op = new ObjectWriteOperation; ops.push_back(op); return op; } }; void test_stats(librados::IoCtx& ioctx, string& oid, RGWObjCategory category, uint64_t num_entries, uint64_t total_size) { map results; map oids; oids[0] = oid; ASSERT_EQ(0, CLSRGWIssueGetDirHeader(ioctx, oids, results, 8)()); uint64_t entries = 0; uint64_t size = 0; map::iterator iter = results.begin(); for (; iter != results.end(); ++iter) { entries += (iter->second).dir.header.stats[category].num_entries; size += (iter->second).dir.header.stats[category].total_size; } ASSERT_EQ(total_size, size); ASSERT_EQ(num_entries, entries); } void index_prepare(OpMgr& mgr, librados::IoCtx& ioctx, string& oid, RGWModifyOp index_op, string& tag, string& obj, string& loc, uint16_t bi_flags = 0, bool log_op = true) { ObjectWriteOperation *op = mgr.write_op(); cls_rgw_obj_key key(obj, string()); rgw_zone_set zones_trace; cls_rgw_bucket_prepare_op(*op, index_op, tag, key, loc, log_op, bi_flags, zones_trace); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, op)); } void index_complete(OpMgr& mgr, librados::IoCtx& ioctx, string& oid, RGWModifyOp index_op, string& tag, int epoch, string& obj, rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta& meta, uint16_t bi_flags = 0, bool log_op = true) { ObjectWriteOperation *op = mgr.write_op(); cls_rgw_obj_key key(obj, string()); rgw_bucket_entry_ver ver; ver.pool = ioctx.get_id(); ver.epoch = epoch; meta.accounted_size = meta.size; cls_rgw_bucket_complete_op(*op, index_op, tag, ver, key, meta, nullptr, log_op, bi_flags, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, op)); } TEST(cls_rgw, index_basic) { string bucket_oid = str_int("bucket", 0); OpMgr mgr; ObjectWriteOperation *op = mgr.write_op(); cls_rgw_bucket_init_index(*op); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(bucket_oid, op)); uint64_t epoch = 1; uint64_t obj_size = 1024; #define NUM_OBJS 10 for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OBJS; i++) { string obj = str_int("obj", i); string tag = str_int("tag", i); string loc = str_int("loc", i); index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, obj, loc); test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, i, obj_size * i); op = mgr.write_op(); rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta; meta.category = RGWObjCategory::None; meta.size = obj_size; index_complete(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, epoch, obj, meta); } test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, NUM_OBJS, obj_size * NUM_OBJS); } TEST(cls_rgw, index_multiple_obj_writers) { string bucket_oid = str_int("bucket", 1); OpMgr mgr; ObjectWriteOperation *op = mgr.write_op(); cls_rgw_bucket_init_index(*op); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(bucket_oid, op)); uint64_t obj_size = 1024; string obj = str_int("obj", 0); string loc = str_int("loc", 0); /* multi prepare on a single object */ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OBJS; i++) { string tag = str_int("tag", i); index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, obj, loc); test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, 0, 0); } for (int i = NUM_OBJS; i > 0; i--) { string tag = str_int("tag", i - 1); rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta; meta.category = RGWObjCategory::None; meta.size = obj_size * i; index_complete(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, i, obj, meta); /* verify that object size doesn't change, as we went back with epoch */ test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, 1, obj_size * NUM_OBJS); } } TEST(cls_rgw, index_remove_object) { string bucket_oid = str_int("bucket", 2); OpMgr mgr; ObjectWriteOperation *op = mgr.write_op(); cls_rgw_bucket_init_index(*op); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(bucket_oid, op)); uint64_t obj_size = 1024; uint64_t total_size = 0; int epoch = 0; /* prepare multiple objects */ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OBJS; i++) { string obj = str_int("obj", i); string tag = str_int("tag", i); string loc = str_int("loc", i); index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, obj, loc); test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, i, total_size); rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta; meta.category = RGWObjCategory::None; meta.size = i * obj_size; total_size += i * obj_size; index_complete(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, ++epoch, obj, meta); test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, i + 1, total_size); } int i = NUM_OBJS / 2; string tag_remove = "tag-rm"; string tag_modify = "tag-mod"; string obj = str_int("obj", i); string loc = str_int("loc", i); /* prepare both removal and modification on the same object */ index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_DEL, tag_remove, obj, loc); index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag_modify, obj, loc); test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, NUM_OBJS, total_size); rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta; /* complete object removal */ index_complete(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_DEL, tag_remove, ++epoch, obj, meta); /* verify stats correct */ total_size -= i * obj_size; test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, NUM_OBJS - 1, total_size); meta.size = 512; meta.category = RGWObjCategory::None; /* complete object modification */ index_complete(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag_modify, ++epoch, obj, meta); /* verify stats correct */ total_size += meta.size; test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, NUM_OBJS, total_size); /* prepare both removal and modification on the same object, this time we'll * first complete modification then remove*/ index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_DEL, tag_remove, obj, loc); index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_DEL, tag_modify, obj, loc); /* complete modification */ total_size -= meta.size; meta.size = i * obj_size * 2; meta.category = RGWObjCategory::None; /* complete object modification */ index_complete(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag_modify, ++epoch, obj, meta); /* verify stats correct */ total_size += meta.size; test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, NUM_OBJS, total_size); /* complete object removal */ index_complete(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_DEL, tag_remove, ++epoch, obj, meta); /* verify stats correct */ total_size -= meta.size; test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, NUM_OBJS - 1, total_size); } TEST(cls_rgw, index_suggest) { string bucket_oid = str_int("bucket", 3); OpMgr mgr; ObjectWriteOperation *op = mgr.write_op(); cls_rgw_bucket_init_index(*op); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(bucket_oid, op)); uint64_t total_size = 0; int epoch = 0; int num_objs = 100; uint64_t obj_size = 1024; /* create multiple objects */ for (int i = 0; i < num_objs; i++) { string obj = str_int("obj", i); string tag = str_int("tag", i); string loc = str_int("loc", i); index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, obj, loc); test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, i, total_size); rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta; meta.category = RGWObjCategory::None; meta.size = obj_size; total_size += meta.size; index_complete(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, ++epoch, obj, meta); test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, i + 1, total_size); } /* prepare (without completion) some of the objects */ for (int i = 0; i < num_objs; i += 2) { string obj = str_int("obj", i); string tag = str_int("tag-prepare", i); string loc = str_int("loc", i); index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, obj, loc); test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, num_objs, total_size); } int actual_num_objs = num_objs; /* remove half of the objects */ for (int i = num_objs / 2; i < num_objs; i++) { string obj = str_int("obj", i); string tag = str_int("tag-rm", i); string loc = str_int("loc", i); index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, obj, loc); test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, actual_num_objs, total_size); rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta; index_complete(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_DEL, tag, ++epoch, obj, meta); total_size -= obj_size; actual_num_objs--; test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, actual_num_objs, total_size); } bufferlist updates; for (int i = 0; i < num_objs; i += 2) { string obj = str_int("obj", i); string tag = str_int("tag-rm", i); string loc = str_int("loc", i); rgw_bucket_dir_entry dirent; dirent.key.name = obj; dirent.locator = loc; dirent.exists = (i < num_objs / 2); // we removed half the objects dirent.meta.size = 1024; dirent.meta.accounted_size = 1024; char suggest_op = (i < num_objs / 2 ? CEPH_RGW_UPDATE : CEPH_RGW_REMOVE); cls_rgw_encode_suggestion(suggest_op, dirent, updates); } map bucket_objs; bucket_objs[0] = bucket_oid; int r = CLSRGWIssueSetTagTimeout(ioctx, bucket_objs, 8 /* max aio */, 1)(); ASSERT_EQ(0, r); sleep(1); /* suggest changes! */ op = mgr.write_op(); cls_rgw_suggest_changes(*op, updates); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(bucket_oid, op)); /* suggest changes twice! */ op = mgr.write_op(); cls_rgw_suggest_changes(*op, updates); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(bucket_oid, op)); test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, num_objs / 2, total_size); } /* * This case is used to test whether get_obj_vals will * return all validate utf8 objnames and filter out those * in BI_PREFIX_CHAR private namespace. */ TEST(cls_rgw, index_list) { string bucket_oid = str_int("bucket", 4); OpMgr mgr; ObjectWriteOperation *op = mgr.write_op(); cls_rgw_bucket_init_index(*op); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(bucket_oid, op)); uint64_t epoch = 1; uint64_t obj_size = 1024; const int num_objs = 4; const string keys[num_objs] = { /* single byte utf8 character */ { static_cast(0x41) }, /* double byte utf8 character */ { static_cast(0xCF), static_cast(0x8F) }, /* treble byte utf8 character */ { static_cast(0xDF), static_cast(0x8F), static_cast(0x8F) }, /* quadruble byte utf8 character */ { static_cast(0xF7), static_cast(0x8F), static_cast(0x8F), static_cast(0x8F) }, }; for (int i = 0; i < num_objs; i++) { string obj = keys[i]; string tag = str_int("tag", i); string loc = str_int("loc", i); index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, obj, loc, 0 /* bi_falgs */, false /* log_op */); op = mgr.write_op(); rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta; meta.category = RGWObjCategory::None; meta.size = obj_size; index_complete(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, epoch, obj, meta, 0 /* bi_falgs */, false /* log_op */); } map entries; /* insert 998 omap key starts with BI_PREFIX_CHAR, * so bucket list first time will get one key before 0x80 and one key after */ for (int i = 0; i < 998; ++i) { char buf[10]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c%s%d", 0x80, "1000_", i); entries.emplace(string{buf}, bufferlist{}); } ioctx.omap_set(bucket_oid, entries); test_stats(ioctx, bucket_oid, RGWObjCategory::None, num_objs, obj_size * num_objs); map oids = { {0, bucket_oid} }; map list_results; cls_rgw_obj_key start_key("", ""); int r = CLSRGWIssueBucketList(ioctx, start_key, "", 1000, true, oids, list_results, 1)(); ASSERT_EQ(r, 0); ASSERT_EQ(1u, list_results.size()); auto it = list_results.begin(); auto m = (it->second).dir.m; ASSERT_EQ(4u, m.size()); int i = 0; for(auto it2 = m.begin(); it2 != m.end(); it2++, i++) ASSERT_EQ(it2->first.compare(keys[i]), 0); } TEST(cls_rgw, bi_list) { string bucket_oid = str_int("bucket", 5); CephContext *cct = reinterpret_cast(ioctx.cct()); OpMgr mgr; ObjectWriteOperation *op = mgr.write_op(); cls_rgw_bucket_init_index(*op); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(bucket_oid, op)); string name; string marker; uint64_t max = 10; list entries; bool is_truncated; int ret = cls_rgw_bi_list(ioctx, bucket_oid, name, marker, max, &entries, &is_truncated); ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0); ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), 0u); ASSERT_EQ(is_truncated, false); uint64_t epoch = 1; uint64_t obj_size = 1024; uint64_t num_objs = 35; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_objs; i++) { string obj = str_int("obj", i); string tag = str_int("tag", i); string loc = str_int("loc", i); index_prepare(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, obj, loc, RGW_BILOG_FLAG_VERSIONED_OP); op = mgr.write_op(); rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta; meta.category = RGWObjCategory::None; meta.size = obj_size; index_complete(mgr, ioctx, bucket_oid, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD, tag, epoch, obj, meta, RGW_BILOG_FLAG_VERSIONED_OP); } ret = cls_rgw_bi_list(ioctx, bucket_oid, name, marker, num_objs + 10, &entries, &is_truncated); ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0); if (cct->_conf->osd_max_omap_entries_per_request < num_objs) { ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), cct->_conf->osd_max_omap_entries_per_request); } else { ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), num_objs); } uint64_t num_entries = 0; is_truncated = true; while(is_truncated) { ret = cls_rgw_bi_list(ioctx, bucket_oid, name, marker, max, &entries, &is_truncated); ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0); if (is_truncated) { ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), std::min(max, cct->_conf->osd_max_omap_entries_per_request)); } else { ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), num_objs - num_entries); } num_entries += entries.size(); marker = entries.back().idx; } ret = cls_rgw_bi_list(ioctx, bucket_oid, name, marker, max, &entries, &is_truncated); ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0); ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), 0u); ASSERT_EQ(is_truncated, false); if (cct->_conf->osd_max_omap_entries_per_request < 15) { num_entries = 0; max = 15; is_truncated = true; marker.clear(); while(is_truncated) { ret = cls_rgw_bi_list(ioctx, bucket_oid, name, marker, max, &entries, &is_truncated); ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0); if (is_truncated) { ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), cct->_conf->osd_max_omap_entries_per_request); } else { ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), num_objs - num_entries); } num_entries += entries.size(); marker = entries.back().idx; } } ret = cls_rgw_bi_list(ioctx, bucket_oid, name, marker, max, &entries, &is_truncated); ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0); ASSERT_EQ(entries.size(), 0u); ASSERT_EQ(is_truncated, false); } /* test garbage collection */ static void create_obj(cls_rgw_obj& obj, int i, int j) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-%d.%d", i, j); obj.pool = "pool"; obj.pool.append(buf); obj.key.name = "oid"; obj.key.name.append(buf); obj.loc = "loc"; obj.loc.append(buf); } static bool cmp_objs(cls_rgw_obj& obj1, cls_rgw_obj& obj2) { return (obj1.pool == obj2.pool) && (obj1.key == obj2.key) && (obj1.loc == obj2.loc); } TEST(cls_rgw, gc_set) { /* add chains */ string oid = "obj"; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "chain-%d", i); string tag = buf; librados::ObjectWriteOperation op; cls_rgw_gc_obj_info info; cls_rgw_obj obj1, obj2; create_obj(obj1, i, 1); create_obj(obj2, i, 2); info.chain.objs.push_back(obj1); info.chain.objs.push_back(obj2); op.create(false); // create object info.tag = tag; cls_rgw_gc_set_entry(op, 0, info); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, &op)); } bool truncated; list entries; string marker; string next_marker; /* list chains, verify truncated */ ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_rgw_gc_list(ioctx, oid, marker, 8, true, entries, &truncated, next_marker)); ASSERT_EQ(8, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(1, truncated); entries.clear(); next_marker.clear(); /* list all chains, verify not truncated */ ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_rgw_gc_list(ioctx, oid, marker, 10, true, entries, &truncated, next_marker)); ASSERT_EQ(10, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, truncated); /* verify all chains are valid */ list::iterator iter = entries.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++, ++iter) { cls_rgw_gc_obj_info& entry = *iter; /* create expected chain name */ char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "chain-%d", i); string tag = buf; /* verify chain name as expected */ ASSERT_EQ(entry.tag, tag); /* verify expected num of objects in chain */ ASSERT_EQ(2, (int)entry.chain.objs.size()); list::iterator oiter = entry.chain.objs.begin(); cls_rgw_obj obj1, obj2; /* create expected objects */ create_obj(obj1, i, 1); create_obj(obj2, i, 2); /* assign returned object names */ cls_rgw_obj& ret_obj1 = *oiter++; cls_rgw_obj& ret_obj2 = *oiter; /* verify objects are as expected */ ASSERT_EQ(1, (int)cmp_objs(obj1, ret_obj1)); ASSERT_EQ(1, (int)cmp_objs(obj2, ret_obj2)); } } TEST(cls_rgw, gc_list) { /* add chains */ string oid = "obj"; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "chain-%d", i); string tag = buf; librados::ObjectWriteOperation op; cls_rgw_gc_obj_info info; cls_rgw_obj obj1, obj2; create_obj(obj1, i, 1); create_obj(obj2, i, 2); info.chain.objs.push_back(obj1); info.chain.objs.push_back(obj2); op.create(false); // create object info.tag = tag; cls_rgw_gc_set_entry(op, 0, info); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, &op)); } bool truncated; list entries; list entries2; string marker; string next_marker; /* list chains, verify truncated */ ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_rgw_gc_list(ioctx, oid, marker, 8, true, entries, &truncated, next_marker)); ASSERT_EQ(8, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(1, truncated); marker = next_marker; next_marker.clear(); ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_rgw_gc_list(ioctx, oid, marker, 8, true, entries2, &truncated, next_marker)); ASSERT_EQ(2, (int)entries2.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, truncated); entries.splice(entries.end(), entries2); /* verify all chains are valid */ list::iterator iter = entries.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++, ++iter) { cls_rgw_gc_obj_info& entry = *iter; /* create expected chain name */ char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "chain-%d", i); string tag = buf; /* verify chain name as expected */ ASSERT_EQ(entry.tag, tag); /* verify expected num of objects in chain */ ASSERT_EQ(2, (int)entry.chain.objs.size()); list::iterator oiter = entry.chain.objs.begin(); cls_rgw_obj obj1, obj2; /* create expected objects */ create_obj(obj1, i, 1); create_obj(obj2, i, 2); /* assign returned object names */ cls_rgw_obj& ret_obj1 = *oiter++; cls_rgw_obj& ret_obj2 = *oiter; /* verify objects are as expected */ ASSERT_EQ(1, (int)cmp_objs(obj1, ret_obj1)); ASSERT_EQ(1, (int)cmp_objs(obj2, ret_obj2)); } } TEST(cls_rgw, gc_defer) { librados::IoCtx ioctx; librados::Rados rados; string gc_pool_name = get_temp_pool_name(); /* create pool */ ASSERT_EQ("", create_one_pool_pp(gc_pool_name, rados)); ASSERT_EQ(0, rados.ioctx_create(gc_pool_name.c_str(), ioctx)); string oid = "obj"; string tag = "mychain"; librados::ObjectWriteOperation op; cls_rgw_gc_obj_info info; op.create(false); info.tag = tag; /* create chain */ cls_rgw_gc_set_entry(op, 0, info); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, &op)); bool truncated; list entries; string marker; string next_marker; /* list chains, verify num entries as expected */ ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_rgw_gc_list(ioctx, oid, marker, 1, true, entries, &truncated, next_marker)); ASSERT_EQ(1, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, truncated); librados::ObjectWriteOperation op2; /* defer chain */ cls_rgw_gc_defer_entry(op2, 5, tag); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, &op2)); entries.clear(); next_marker.clear(); /* verify list doesn't show deferred entry (this may fail if cluster is thrashing) */ ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_rgw_gc_list(ioctx, oid, marker, 1, true, entries, &truncated, next_marker)); ASSERT_EQ(0, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, truncated); /* wait enough */ sleep(5); next_marker.clear(); /* verify list shows deferred entry */ ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_rgw_gc_list(ioctx, oid, marker, 1, true, entries, &truncated, next_marker)); ASSERT_EQ(1, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, truncated); librados::ObjectWriteOperation op3; vector tags; tags.push_back(tag); /* remove chain */ cls_rgw_gc_remove(op3, tags); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, &op3)); entries.clear(); next_marker.clear(); /* verify entry was removed */ ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_rgw_gc_list(ioctx, oid, marker, 1, true, entries, &truncated, next_marker)); ASSERT_EQ(0, (int)entries.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, truncated); /* remove pool */ ioctx.close(); ASSERT_EQ(0, destroy_one_pool_pp(gc_pool_name, rados)); } auto populate_usage_log_info(std::string user, std::string payer, int total_usage_entries) { rgw_usage_log_info info; for (int i=0; i < total_usage_entries; i++){ auto bucket = str_int("bucket", i); info.entries.emplace_back(rgw_usage_log_entry(user, payer, bucket)); } return info; } auto gen_usage_log_info(std::string payer, std::string bucket, int total_usage_entries) { rgw_usage_log_info info; for (int i=0; i < total_usage_entries; i++){ auto user = str_int("user", i); info.entries.emplace_back(rgw_usage_log_entry(user, payer, bucket)); } return info; } TEST(cls_rgw, usage_basic) { string oid="usage.1"; string user="user1"; uint64_t start_epoch{0}, end_epoch{(uint64_t) -1}; int total_usage_entries = 512; uint64_t max_entries = 2000; string payer; auto info = populate_usage_log_info(user, payer, total_usage_entries); ObjectWriteOperation op; cls_rgw_usage_log_add(op, info); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, &op)); string read_iter; map usage, usage2; bool truncated; int ret = cls_rgw_usage_log_read(ioctx, oid, user, "", start_epoch, end_epoch, max_entries, read_iter, usage, &truncated); // read the entries, and see that we have all the added entries ASSERT_EQ(0, ret); ASSERT_FALSE(truncated); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(total_usage_entries), usage.size()); // delete and read to assert that we've deleted all the values ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_rgw_usage_log_trim(ioctx, oid, user, "", start_epoch, end_epoch)); ret = cls_rgw_usage_log_read(ioctx, oid, user, "", start_epoch, end_epoch, max_entries, read_iter, usage2, &truncated); ASSERT_EQ(0, ret); ASSERT_EQ(0u, usage2.size()); // add and read to assert that bucket option is valid for usage reading string bucket1 = "bucket-usage-1"; string bucket2 = "bucket-usage-2"; info = gen_usage_log_info(payer, bucket1, 100); cls_rgw_usage_log_add(op, info); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, &op)); info = gen_usage_log_info(payer, bucket2, 100); cls_rgw_usage_log_add(op, info); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, &op)); ret = cls_rgw_usage_log_read(ioctx, oid, "", bucket1, start_epoch, end_epoch, max_entries, read_iter, usage2, &truncated); ASSERT_EQ(0, ret); ASSERT_EQ(100u, usage2.size()); // delete and read to assert that bucket option is valid for usage trim ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_rgw_usage_log_trim(ioctx, oid, "", bucket1, start_epoch, end_epoch)); ret = cls_rgw_usage_log_read(ioctx, oid, "", bucket1, start_epoch, end_epoch, max_entries, read_iter, usage2, &truncated); ASSERT_EQ(0, ret); ASSERT_EQ(0u, usage2.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, cls_rgw_usage_log_trim(ioctx, oid, "", bucket2, start_epoch, end_epoch)); } TEST(cls_rgw, usage_clear_no_obj) { string user="user1"; string oid="usage.10"; librados::ObjectWriteOperation op; cls_rgw_usage_log_clear(op); int ret = ioctx.operate(oid, &op); ASSERT_EQ(0, ret); } TEST(cls_rgw, usage_clear) { string user="user1"; string payer; string oid="usage.10"; librados::ObjectWriteOperation op; int max_entries=2000; auto info = populate_usage_log_info(user, payer, max_entries); cls_rgw_usage_log_add(op, info); ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.operate(oid, &op)); ObjectWriteOperation op2; cls_rgw_usage_log_clear(op2); int ret = ioctx.operate(oid, &op2); ASSERT_EQ(0, ret); map usage; bool truncated; uint64_t start_epoch{0}, end_epoch{(uint64_t) -1}; string read_iter; ret = cls_rgw_usage_log_read(ioctx, oid, user, "", start_epoch, end_epoch, max_entries, read_iter, usage, &truncated); ASSERT_EQ(0, ret); ASSERT_EQ(0u, usage.size()); } /* must be last test! */ TEST(cls_rgw, finalize) { /* remove pool */ ioctx.close(); ASSERT_EQ(0, destroy_one_pool_pp(pool_name, rados)); }