// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/ceph_time.h" #include "messages/MOSDOp.h" #include "messages/MOSDOpReply.h" #include "crimson/common/log.h" #include "crimson/net/Connection.h" #include "crimson/net/Dispatcher.h" #include "crimson/net/Messenger.h" namespace bpo = boost::program_options; namespace { template using Ref = boost::intrusive_ptr; seastar::logger& logger() { return ceph::get_logger(ceph_subsys_ms); } enum class perf_mode_t { both, client, server }; static std::random_device rd; static std::default_random_engine rng{rd()}; static seastar::future<> run(unsigned rounds, double keepalive_ratio, int bs, int depth, std::string addr, perf_mode_t mode) { struct test_state { struct Server final : public ceph::net::Dispatcher, public seastar::peering_sharded_service { ceph::net::Messenger *msgr = nullptr; Dispatcher* get_local_shard() override { return &(container().local()); } seastar::future<> stop() { return seastar::make_ready_future<>(); } seastar::future<> ms_dispatch(ceph::net::ConnectionRef c, MessageRef m) override { ceph_assert(m->get_type() == CEPH_MSG_OSD_OP); // reply Ref req = boost::static_pointer_cast(m); req->finish_decode(); return c->send(MessageRef{ new MOSDOpReply(req.get(), 0, 0, 0, false), false }); } seastar::future<> init(const entity_name_t& name, const std::string& lname, const uint64_t nonce, const entity_addr_t& addr) { auto&& fut = ceph::net::Messenger::create(name, lname, nonce, 1); return fut.then([this, addr](ceph::net::Messenger *messenger) { return container().invoke_on_all([messenger](auto& server) { server.msgr = messenger->get_local_shard(); server.msgr->set_crc_header(); }).then([messenger, addr] { return messenger->bind(entity_addrvec_t{addr}); }).then([this, messenger] { return messenger->start(this); }); }); } seastar::future<> shutdown() { ceph_assert(msgr); return msgr->shutdown(); } }; struct Client final : public ceph::net::Dispatcher, public seastar::peering_sharded_service { struct PingSession : public seastar::enable_shared_from_this { unsigned count = 0u; mono_time connected_time; mono_time finish_time; }; using PingSessionRef = seastar::shared_ptr; unsigned rounds; std::bernoulli_distribution keepalive_dist; ceph::net::Messenger *msgr = nullptr; std::map> pending_conns; std::map sessions; int msg_len; bufferlist msg_data; seastar::semaphore depth; Client(unsigned rounds, double keepalive_ratio, int msg_len, int depth) : rounds(rounds), keepalive_dist(std::bernoulli_distribution{keepalive_ratio}), depth(depth) { bufferptr ptr(msg_len); memset(ptr.c_str(), 0, msg_len); msg_data.append(ptr); } PingSessionRef find_session(ceph::net::ConnectionRef c) { auto found = sessions.find(c); if (found == sessions.end()) { ceph_assert(false); } return found->second; } Dispatcher* get_local_shard() override { return &(container().local()); } seastar::future<> stop() { return seastar::now(); } seastar::future<> ms_handle_connect(ceph::net::ConnectionRef conn) override { logger().info("{}: connected to {}", *conn, conn->get_peer_addr()); auto session = seastar::make_shared(); auto [i, added] = sessions.emplace(conn, session); std::ignore = i; ceph_assert(added); session->connected_time = mono_clock::now(); return seastar::now(); } seastar::future<> ms_dispatch(ceph::net::ConnectionRef c, MessageRef m) override { ceph_assert(m->get_type() == CEPH_MSG_OSD_OPREPLY); depth.signal(1); auto session = find_session(c); ++(session->count); if (session->count == rounds) { logger().info("{}: finished receiving {} OPREPLYs", *c.get(), session->count); session->finish_time = mono_clock::now(); return container().invoke_on_all([conn = c.get()](auto &client) { auto found = client.pending_conns.find(conn); ceph_assert(found != client.pending_conns.end()); found->second.set_value(); }); } else { return seastar::now(); } } seastar::future<> init(const entity_name_t& name, const std::string& lname, const uint64_t nonce) { return ceph::net::Messenger::create(name, lname, nonce, 2) .then([this](ceph::net::Messenger *messenger) { return container().invoke_on_all([messenger](auto& client) { client.msgr = messenger->get_local_shard(); client.msgr->set_crc_header(); }).then([this, messenger] { return messenger->start(this); }); }); } seastar::future<> shutdown() { ceph_assert(msgr); return msgr->shutdown(); } seastar::future<> dispatch_messages(const entity_addr_t& peer_addr, bool foreign_dispatch=true) { mono_time start_time = mono_clock::now(); return msgr->connect(peer_addr, entity_name_t::TYPE_OSD) .then([this, foreign_dispatch, start_time](auto conn) { return seastar::futurize_apply([this, conn, foreign_dispatch] { if (foreign_dispatch) { return do_dispatch_messages(&**conn); } else { // NOTE: this could be faster if we don't switch cores in do_dispatch_messages(). return container().invoke_on(conn->get()->shard_id(), [conn = &**conn](auto &client) { return client.do_dispatch_messages(conn); }); } }).finally([this, conn, start_time] { return container().invoke_on(conn->get()->shard_id(), [conn, start_time](auto &client) { auto session = client.find_session((*conn)->shared_from_this()); std::chrono::duration dur_handshake = session->connected_time - start_time; std::chrono::duration dur_messaging = session->finish_time - session->connected_time; logger().info("{}: handshake {}, messaging {}", **conn, dur_handshake.count(), dur_messaging.count()); }); }); }); } private: seastar::future<> send_msg(ceph::net::Connection* conn) { return depth.wait(1).then([this, conn] { const static pg_t pgid; const static object_locator_t oloc; const static hobject_t hobj(object_t(), oloc.key, CEPH_NOSNAP, pgid.ps(), pgid.pool(), oloc.nspace); static spg_t spgid(pgid); MOSDOp *m = new MOSDOp(0, 0, hobj, spgid, 0, 0, 0); bufferlist data(msg_data); m->write(0, msg_len, data); MessageRef msg = {m, false}; return conn->send(msg); }); } seastar::future<> do_dispatch_messages(ceph::net::Connection* conn) { return container().invoke_on_all([conn](auto& client) { auto [i, added] = client.pending_conns.emplace(conn, seastar::promise<>()); std::ignore = i; ceph_assert(added); }).then([this, conn] { return seastar::do_with(0u, 0u, [this, conn](auto &count_ping, auto &count_keepalive) { return seastar::do_until( [this, conn, &count_ping, &count_keepalive] { bool stop = (count_ping == rounds); if (stop) { logger().info("{}: finished sending {} OSDOPs with {} keepalives", *conn, count_ping, count_keepalive); } return stop; }, [this, conn, &count_ping, &count_keepalive] { return seastar::repeat([this, conn, &count_ping, &count_keepalive] { if (keepalive_dist(rng)) { return conn->keepalive() .then([&count_keepalive] { count_keepalive += 1; return seastar::make_ready_future( seastar::stop_iteration::no); }); } else { return send_msg(conn) .then([&count_ping] { count_ping += 1; return seastar::make_ready_future( seastar::stop_iteration::yes); }); } }); }).then([this, conn] { auto found = pending_conns.find(conn); return found->second.get_future(); }); }); }); } }; }; return seastar::when_all_succeed( ceph::net::create_sharded(), ceph::net::create_sharded(rounds, keepalive_ratio, bs, depth)) .then([rounds, keepalive_ratio, addr, mode](test_state::Server *server, test_state::Client *client) { entity_addr_t target_addr; target_addr.parse(addr.c_str(), nullptr); target_addr.set_type(entity_addr_t::TYPE_LEGACY); if (mode == perf_mode_t::both) { return seastar::when_all_succeed( server->init(entity_name_t::OSD(0), "server", 0, target_addr), client->init(entity_name_t::OSD(1), "client", 0)) // dispatch pingpoing .then([client, target_addr] { return client->dispatch_messages(target_addr, false); // shutdown }).finally([client] { logger().info("client shutdown..."); return client->shutdown(); }).finally([server] { logger().info("server shutdown..."); return server->shutdown(); }); } else if (mode == perf_mode_t::client) { return client->init(entity_name_t::OSD(1), "client", 0) // dispatch pingpoing .then([client, target_addr] { return client->dispatch_messages(target_addr, false); // shutdown }).finally([client] { logger().info("client shutdown..."); return client->shutdown(); }); } else { // mode == perf_mode_t::server return server->init(entity_name_t::OSD(0), "server", 0, target_addr) // dispatch pingpoing .then([server] { return server->msgr->wait(); // shutdown }).finally([server] { logger().info("server shutdown..."); return server->shutdown(); }); } }); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { seastar::app_template app; app.add_options() ("addr", bpo::value()->default_value(""), "start server") ("mode", bpo::value()->default_value(0), "0: both, 1:client, 2:server") ("rounds", bpo::value()->default_value(65536), "number of messaging rounds") ("keepalive-ratio", bpo::value()->default_value(0), "ratio of keepalive in ping messages") ("bs", bpo::value()->default_value(4096), "block size") ("depth", bpo::value()->default_value(512), "io depth"); return app.run(argc, argv, [&app] { auto&& config = app.configuration(); auto rounds = config["rounds"].as(); auto keepalive_ratio = config["keepalive-ratio"].as(); auto bs = config["bs"].as(); auto depth = config["depth"].as(); auto addr = config["addr"].as(); auto mode = config["mode"].as(); logger().info("\nsettings:\n addr={}\n mode={}\n rounds={}\n keepalive-ratio={}\n bs={}\n depth={}", addr, mode, rounds, keepalive_ratio, bs, depth); ceph_assert(mode >= 0 && mode <= 2); auto _mode = static_cast(mode); return run(rounds, keepalive_ratio, bs, depth, addr, _mode) .then([] { std::cout << "successful" << std::endl; }).handle_exception([] (auto eptr) { std::cout << "failed" << std::endl; return seastar::make_exception_future<>(eptr); }); }); }