import subprocess import os import random import string import argparse import sys import logging try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser import nose.core from rgw_multi import multisite from rgw_multi.zone_rados import RadosZone as RadosZone from rgw_multi.zone_es import ESZone as ESZone from rgw_multi.zone_es import ESZoneConfig as ESZoneConfig from rgw_multi.zone_cloud import CloudZone as CloudZone from rgw_multi.zone_cloud import CloudZoneConfig as CloudZoneConfig from rgw_multi.zone_ps import PSZone as PSZone from rgw_multi.zone_ps import PSZoneConfig as PSZoneConfig # make tests from rgw_multi.tests available to nose from rgw_multi.tests import * from rgw_multi.tests_es import * from rgw_multi.tests_ps import * mstart_path = os.getenv('MSTART_PATH') if mstart_path is None: mstart_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../..') + '/' test_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) + '/' # configure logging for the tests module log = logging.getLogger('rgw_multi.tests') def bash(cmd, **kwargs): log.debug('running cmd: %s', ' '.join(cmd)) check_retcode = kwargs.pop('check_retcode', True) kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs) s = process.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8') log.debug('command returned status=%d stdout=%s', process.returncode, s) if check_retcode: assert(process.returncode == 0) return (s, process.returncode) class Cluster(multisite.Cluster): """ cluster implementation based on mstart/mrun scripts """ def __init__(self, cluster_id): super(Cluster, self).__init__() self.cluster_id = cluster_id self.needs_reset = True def admin(self, args = None, **kwargs): """ radosgw-admin command """ cmd = [test_path + '', 'call_rgw_admin', self.cluster_id] if args: cmd += args cmd += ['--debug-rgw', str(kwargs.pop('debug_rgw', 0))] cmd += ['--debug-ms', str(kwargs.pop('debug_ms', 0))] if kwargs.pop('read_only', False): cmd += ['--rgw-cache-enabled', 'false'] return bash(cmd, **kwargs) def start(self): cmd = [mstart_path + '', self.cluster_id] env = None if self.needs_reset: env = os.environ.copy() env['CEPH_NUM_MDS'] = '0' cmd += ['-n'] # cmd += ['-o'] # cmd += ['rgw_cache_enabled=false'] bash(cmd, env=env) self.needs_reset = False def stop(self): cmd = [mstart_path + '', self.cluster_id] bash(cmd) class Gateway(multisite.Gateway): """ gateway implementation based on mrgw/mstop scripts """ def __init__(self, client_id = None, *args, **kwargs): super(Gateway, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = client_id def start(self, args = None): """ start the gateway """ assert(self.cluster) env = os.environ.copy() # to change frontend, set RGW_FRONTEND env variable # e.g. RGW_FRONTEND=civetweb # to run test under valgrind memcheck, set RGW_VALGRIND to 'yes' # e.g. RGW_VALGRIND=yes cmd = [mstart_path + '', self.cluster.cluster_id, str(self.port), str(self.ssl_port)] if cmd += ['-i',] cmd += ['--debug-rgw=20', '--debug-ms=1'] if args: cmd += args bash(cmd, env=env) def stop(self): """ stop the gateway """ assert(self.cluster) cmd = [mstart_path + '', self.cluster.cluster_id, 'radosgw',] bash(cmd) def gen_access_key(): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16)) def gen_secret(): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(32)) def gen_credentials(): return multisite.Credentials(gen_access_key(), gen_secret()) def cluster_name(cluster_num): return 'c' + str(cluster_num) def zonegroup_name(zonegroup_num): return string.ascii_lowercase[zonegroup_num] def zone_name(zonegroup_num, zone_num): return zonegroup_name(zonegroup_num) + str(zone_num + 1) def gateway_port(zonegroup_num, gateway_num): return 8000 + 100 * zonegroup_num + gateway_num def gateway_name(zonegroup_num, zone_num, gateway_num): return zone_name(zonegroup_num, zone_num) + '-' + str(gateway_num + 1) def zone_endpoints(zonegroup_num, zone_num, gateways_per_zone): endpoints = [] base = gateway_port(zonegroup_num, zone_num * gateways_per_zone) for i in range(0, gateways_per_zone): endpoints.append('http://localhost:' + str(base + i)) return endpoints def get_log_level(log_level): if log_level >= 20: return logging.DEBUG if log_level >= 10: return logging.INFO if log_level >= 5: return logging.WARN if log_level >= 1: return logging.ERROR return logging.CRITICAL def setup_logging(log_level_console, log_file, log_level_file): if log_file: formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') fh = logging.FileHandler(log_file) fh.setFormatter(formatter) fh.setLevel(get_log_level(log_level_file)) log.addHandler(fh) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s %(message)s') ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setFormatter(formatter) ch.setLevel(get_log_level(log_level_console)) log.addHandler(ch) log.setLevel(get_log_level(log_level_console)) def init(parse_args): cfg = configparser.RawConfigParser({ 'num_zonegroups': 1, 'num_zones': 3, 'num_ps_zones': 0, 'num_az_zones': 0, 'gateways_per_zone': 2, 'no_bootstrap': 'false', 'log_level': 20, 'log_file': None, 'file_log_level': 20, 'tenant': None, 'checkpoint_retries': 60, 'checkpoint_delay': 5, 'reconfigure_delay': 5, 'use_ssl': 'false', }) try: path = os.environ['RGW_MULTI_TEST_CONF'] except KeyError: path = test_path + 'test_multi.conf' try: with open(path) as f: cfg.readfp(f) except: print('WARNING: error reading test config. Path can be set through the RGW_MULTI_TEST_CONF env variable') pass parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Run rgw multi-site tests', usage='test_multi [--num-zonegroups ] [--num-zones ] [--no-bootstrap]') section = 'DEFAULT' parser.add_argument('--num-zonegroups', type=int, default=cfg.getint(section, 'num_zonegroups')) parser.add_argument('--num-zones', type=int, default=cfg.getint(section, 'num_zones')) parser.add_argument('--gateways-per-zone', type=int, default=cfg.getint(section, 'gateways_per_zone')) parser.add_argument('--no-bootstrap', action='store_true', default=cfg.getboolean(section, 'no_bootstrap')) parser.add_argument('--log-level', type=int, default=cfg.getint(section, 'log_level')) parser.add_argument('--log-file', type=str, default=cfg.get(section, 'log_file')) parser.add_argument('--file-log-level', type=int, default=cfg.getint(section, 'file_log_level')) parser.add_argument('--tenant', type=str, default=cfg.get(section, 'tenant')) parser.add_argument('--checkpoint-retries', type=int, default=cfg.getint(section, 'checkpoint_retries')) parser.add_argument('--checkpoint-delay', type=int, default=cfg.getint(section, 'checkpoint_delay')) parser.add_argument('--reconfigure-delay', type=int, default=cfg.getint(section, 'reconfigure_delay')) parser.add_argument('--num-ps-zones', type=int, default=cfg.getint(section, 'num_ps_zones')) parser.add_argument('--use-ssl', type=bool, default=cfg.getboolean(section, 'use_ssl')) es_cfg = [] cloud_cfg = [] ps_cfg = [] az_cfg = [] for s in cfg.sections(): if s.startswith('elasticsearch'): es_cfg.append(ESZoneConfig(cfg, s)) elif s.startswith('cloud'): cloud_cfg.append(CloudZoneConfig(cfg, s)) elif s.startswith('pubsub'): ps_cfg.append(PSZoneConfig(cfg, s)) argv = [] if parse_args: argv = sys.argv[1:] args = parser.parse_args(argv) bootstrap = not args.no_bootstrap setup_logging(args.log_level, args.log_file, args.file_log_level) # start first cluster c1 = Cluster(cluster_name(1)) if bootstrap: c1.start() clusters = [] clusters.append(c1) admin_creds = gen_credentials() admin_user = multisite.User('zone.user') user_creds = gen_credentials() user = multisite.User('tester', tenant=args.tenant) realm = multisite.Realm('r') if bootstrap: # create the realm on c1 realm.create(c1) else: realm.get(c1) period = multisite.Period(realm=realm) realm.current_period = period num_es_zones = len(es_cfg) num_cloud_zones = len(cloud_cfg) num_ps_zones_from_conf = len(ps_cfg) num_ps_zones = args.num_ps_zones if num_ps_zones_from_conf == 0 else num_ps_zones_from_conf num_zones = args.num_zones + num_es_zones + num_cloud_zones + args.num_ps_zones use_ssl = cfg.getboolean(section, 'use_ssl') if use_ssl and bootstrap: cmd = ['openssl', 'req', '-x509', '-newkey', 'rsa:4096', '-sha256', '-nodes', '-keyout', 'key.pem', '-out', 'cert.pem', '-subj', '/CN=localhost', '-days', '3650'] bash(cmd) # append key to cert fkey = open('./key.pem', 'r') if fkey.mode == 'r': fcert = open('./cert.pem', 'a') fcert.write( fcert.close() fkey.close() for zg in range(0, args.num_zonegroups): zonegroup = multisite.ZoneGroup(zonegroup_name(zg), period) period.zonegroups.append(zonegroup) is_master_zg = zg == 0 if is_master_zg: period.master_zonegroup = zonegroup for z in range(0, num_zones): is_master = z == 0 # start a cluster, or use c1 for first zone cluster = None if is_master_zg and is_master: cluster = c1 else: cluster = Cluster(cluster_name(len(clusters) + 1)) clusters.append(cluster) if bootstrap: cluster.start() # pull realm configuration from the master's gateway gateway = realm.meta_master_zone().gateways[0] realm.pull(cluster, gateway, admin_creds) endpoints = zone_endpoints(zg, z, args.gateways_per_zone) if is_master: if bootstrap: # create the zonegroup on its first zone's cluster arg = [] if is_master_zg: arg += ['--master'] if len(endpoints): # use master zone's endpoints arg += ['--endpoints', ','.join(endpoints)] zonegroup.create(cluster, arg) else: zonegroup.get(cluster) es_zone = (z >= args.num_zones and z < args.num_zones + num_es_zones) cloud_zone = (z >= args.num_zones + num_es_zones and z < args.num_zones + num_es_zones + num_cloud_zones) ps_zone = (z >= args.num_zones + num_es_zones + num_cloud_zones) # create the zone in its zonegroup zone = multisite.Zone(zone_name(zg, z), zonegroup, cluster) if es_zone: zone_index = z - args.num_zones zone = ESZone(zone_name(zg, z), es_cfg[zone_index].endpoint, zonegroup, cluster) elif cloud_zone: zone_index = z - args.num_zones - num_es_zones ccfg = cloud_cfg[zone_index] zone = CloudZone(zone_name(zg, z), ccfg.endpoint, ccfg.credentials, ccfg.source_bucket, ccfg.target_path, zonegroup, cluster) elif ps_zone: zone_index = z - args.num_zones - num_es_zones - num_cloud_zones if num_ps_zones_from_conf == 0: zone = PSZone(zone_name(zg, z), zonegroup, cluster) else: pscfg = ps_cfg[zone_index] zone = PSZone(zone_name(zg, z), zonegroup, cluster, full_sync=pscfg.full_sync, retention_days=pscfg.retention_days) else: zone = RadosZone(zone_name(zg, z), zonegroup, cluster) if bootstrap: arg = admin_creds.credential_args() if is_master: arg += ['--master'] if len(endpoints): arg += ['--endpoints', ','.join(endpoints)] zone.create(cluster, arg) else: zone.get(cluster) zonegroup.zones.append(zone) if is_master: zonegroup.master_zone = zone zonegroup.zones_by_type.setdefault(zone.tier_type(), []).append(zone) if zone.is_read_only(): zonegroup.ro_zones.append(zone) else: zonegroup.rw_zones.append(zone) # update/commit the period if bootstrap: period.update(zone, commit=True) ssl_port_offset = 1000 # start the gateways for g in range(0, args.gateways_per_zone): port = gateway_port(zg, g + z * args.gateways_per_zone) client_id = gateway_name(zg, z, g) gateway = Gateway(client_id, 'localhost', port, cluster, zone, ssl_port = port+ssl_port_offset if use_ssl else 0) if bootstrap: gateway.start() zone.gateways.append(gateway) if is_master_zg and is_master: if bootstrap: # create admin user arg = ['--display-name', '"Zone User"', '--system'] arg += admin_creds.credential_args() admin_user.create(zone, arg) # create test user arg = ['--display-name', '"Test User"'] arg += user_creds.credential_args() user.create(zone, arg) else: # read users and update keys admin_creds = admin_user.credentials[0] arg = [], arg) user_creds = user.credentials[0] if not bootstrap: period.get(c1) config = Config(checkpoint_retries=args.checkpoint_retries, checkpoint_delay=args.checkpoint_delay, reconfigure_delay=args.reconfigure_delay, tenant=args.tenant) init_multi(realm, user, config) def setup_module(): init(False) if __name__ == "__main__": init(True)