// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "tools/rbd/ArgumentTypes.h" #include "tools/rbd/Shell.h" #include "tools/rbd/Utils.h" #include "include/Context.h" #include "common/blkdev.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "common/Throttle.h" #include "include/compat.h" #include "include/encoding.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "common/safe_io.h" #include #include #include #include "include/ceph_assert.h" #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rbd namespace rbd { namespace action { namespace import { struct ImportDiffContext { librbd::Image *image; int fd; size_t size; utils::ProgressContext pc; OrderedThrottle throttle; uint64_t last_offset; ImportDiffContext(librbd::Image *image, int fd, size_t size, bool no_progress) : image(image), fd(fd), size(size), pc("Importing image diff", no_progress), throttle((fd == STDIN_FILENO) ? 1 : g_conf().get_val("rbd_concurrent_management_ops"), false), last_offset(0) { } void update_size(size_t new_size) { if (fd == STDIN_FILENO) { size = new_size; } } void update_progress(uint64_t off) { if (size) { pc.update_progress(off, size); last_offset = off; } } void update_progress() { uint64_t off = last_offset; if (fd != STDIN_FILENO) { off = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); } update_progress(off); } void finish(int r) { if (r < 0) { pc.fail(); } else { pc.finish(); } } }; class C_ImportDiff : public Context { public: C_ImportDiff(ImportDiffContext *idiffctx, bufferlist data, uint64_t offset, uint64_t length, bool write_zeroes) : m_idiffctx(idiffctx), m_data(data), m_offset(offset), m_length(length), m_write_zeroes(write_zeroes) { // use block offset (stdin) or import file position to report // progress. if (m_idiffctx->fd == STDIN_FILENO) { m_prog_offset = offset; } else { m_prog_offset = lseek(m_idiffctx->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); } } int send() { if (m_idiffctx->throttle.pending_error()) { return m_idiffctx->throttle.wait_for_ret(); } C_OrderedThrottle *ctx = m_idiffctx->throttle.start_op(this); librbd::RBD::AioCompletion *aio_completion = new librbd::RBD::AioCompletion(ctx, &utils::aio_context_callback); int r; if (m_write_zeroes) { r = m_idiffctx->image->aio_write_zeroes(m_offset, m_length, aio_completion, 0U, LIBRADOS_OP_FLAG_FADVISE_NOCACHE); } else { r = m_idiffctx->image->aio_write2(m_offset, m_length, m_data, aio_completion, LIBRADOS_OP_FLAG_FADVISE_NOCACHE); } if (r < 0) { aio_completion->release(); ctx->complete(r); } return r; } void finish(int r) override { m_idiffctx->update_progress(m_prog_offset); m_idiffctx->throttle.end_op(r); } private: ImportDiffContext *m_idiffctx; bufferlist m_data; uint64_t m_offset; uint64_t m_length; bool m_write_zeroes; uint64_t m_prog_offset; }; static int do_image_snap_from(ImportDiffContext *idiffctx) { int r; string from; r = utils::read_string(idiffctx->fd, 4096, &from); // 4k limit to make sure we don't get a garbage string if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode start snap name" << std::endl; return r; } bool exists; r = idiffctx->image->snap_exists2(from.c_str(), &exists); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to query start snap state" << std::endl; return r; } if (!exists) { std::cerr << "start snapshot '" << from << "' does not exist in the image, aborting" << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } idiffctx->update_progress(); return 0; } static int do_image_snap_to(ImportDiffContext *idiffctx, std::string *tosnap) { int r; string to; r = utils::read_string(idiffctx->fd, 4096, &to); // 4k limit to make sure we don't get a garbage string if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode end snap name" << std::endl; return r; } bool exists; r = idiffctx->image->snap_exists2(to.c_str(), &exists); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to query end snap state" << std::endl; return r; } if (exists) { std::cerr << "end snapshot '" << to << "' already exists, aborting" << std::endl; return -EEXIST; } *tosnap = to; idiffctx->update_progress(); return 0; } static int get_snap_protection_status(ImportDiffContext *idiffctx, bool *is_protected) { int r; char buf[sizeof(__u8)]; r = safe_read_exact(idiffctx->fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode snap protection status" << std::endl; return r; } *is_protected = (buf[0] != 0); idiffctx->update_progress(); return 0; } static int do_image_resize(ImportDiffContext *idiffctx) { int r; char buf[sizeof(uint64_t)]; uint64_t end_size; r = safe_read_exact(idiffctx->fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode image size" << std::endl; return r; } bufferlist bl; bl.append(buf, sizeof(buf)); auto p = bl.cbegin(); decode(end_size, p); uint64_t cur_size; idiffctx->image->size(&cur_size); if (cur_size != end_size) { idiffctx->image->resize(end_size); } idiffctx->update_size(end_size); idiffctx->update_progress(); return 0; } static int do_image_io(ImportDiffContext *idiffctx, bool write_zeroes, size_t sparse_size) { int r; char buf[16]; r = safe_read_exact(idiffctx->fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode IO length" << std::endl; return r; } bufferlist bl; bl.append(buf, sizeof(buf)); auto p = bl.cbegin(); uint64_t image_offset, buffer_length; decode(image_offset, p); decode(buffer_length, p); if (!write_zeroes) { bufferptr bp = buffer::create(buffer_length); r = safe_read_exact(idiffctx->fd, bp.c_str(), buffer_length); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode write data" << std::endl; return r; } size_t buffer_offset = 0; while (buffer_offset < buffer_length) { size_t write_length = 0; bool zeroed = false; utils::calc_sparse_extent(bp, sparse_size, buffer_offset, buffer_length, &write_length, &zeroed); ceph_assert(write_length > 0); bufferlist write_bl; if (!zeroed) { bufferptr write_ptr(bp, buffer_offset, write_length); write_bl.push_back(write_ptr); ceph_assert(write_bl.length() == write_length); } C_ImportDiff *ctx = new C_ImportDiff(idiffctx, write_bl, image_offset + buffer_offset, write_length, zeroed); r = ctx->send(); if (r < 0) { return r; } buffer_offset += write_length; } } else { bufferlist data; C_ImportDiff *ctx = new C_ImportDiff(idiffctx, data, image_offset, buffer_length, true); return ctx->send(); } return r; } static int validate_banner(int fd, std::string banner) { int r; char buf[banner.size() + 1]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); r = safe_read_exact(fd, buf, banner.size()); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode diff banner" << std::endl; return r; } buf[banner.size()] = '\0'; if (strcmp(buf, banner.c_str())) { std::cerr << "rbd: invalid or unexpected diff banner" << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } static int skip_tag(int fd, uint64_t length) { int r; if (fd == STDIN_FILENO) { // read the appending data out to skip this tag. char buf[4096]; uint64_t len = min(length, sizeof(buf)); while (len > 0) { r = safe_read_exact(fd, buf, len); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode skipped tag data" << std::endl; return r; } length -= len; len = min(length, sizeof(buf)); } } else { // lseek to skip this tag off64_t offs = lseek64(fd, length, SEEK_CUR); if (offs < 0) { return -errno; } } return 0; } static int read_tag(int fd, __u8 end_tag, int format, __u8 *tag, uint64_t *readlen) { int r; __u8 read_tag; r = safe_read_exact(fd, &read_tag, sizeof(read_tag)); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode tag" << std::endl; return r; } *tag = read_tag; if (read_tag != end_tag && format == 2) { char buf[sizeof(uint64_t)]; r = safe_read_exact(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode tag length" << std::endl; return r; } bufferlist bl; bl.append(buf, sizeof(buf)); auto p = bl.cbegin(); decode(*readlen, p); } return 0; } int do_import_diff_fd(librados::Rados &rados, librbd::Image &image, int fd, bool no_progress, int format, size_t sparse_size) { int r; uint64_t size = 0; bool from_stdin = (fd == STDIN_FILENO); if (!from_stdin) { struct stat stat_buf; r = ::fstat(fd, &stat_buf); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to stat specified diff file" << std::endl; return r; } size = (uint64_t)stat_buf.st_size; } r = validate_banner(fd, (format == 1 ? utils::RBD_DIFF_BANNER : utils::RBD_DIFF_BANNER_V2)); if (r < 0) { return r; } // begin image import std::string tosnap; bool is_protected = false; ImportDiffContext idiffctx(&image, fd, size, no_progress); while (r == 0) { __u8 tag; uint64_t length = 0; r = read_tag(fd, RBD_DIFF_END, format, &tag, &length); if (r < 0 || tag == RBD_DIFF_END) { break; } if (tag == RBD_DIFF_FROM_SNAP) { r = do_image_snap_from(&idiffctx); } else if (tag == RBD_DIFF_TO_SNAP) { r = do_image_snap_to(&idiffctx, &tosnap); } else if (tag == RBD_SNAP_PROTECTION_STATUS) { r = get_snap_protection_status(&idiffctx, &is_protected); } else if (tag == RBD_DIFF_IMAGE_SIZE) { r = do_image_resize(&idiffctx); } else if (tag == RBD_DIFF_WRITE || tag == RBD_DIFF_ZERO) { r = do_image_io(&idiffctx, (tag == RBD_DIFF_ZERO), sparse_size); } else { std::cerr << "unrecognized tag byte " << (int)tag << " in stream; skipping" << std::endl; r = skip_tag(fd, length); } } int temp_r = idiffctx.throttle.wait_for_ret(); r = (r < 0) ? r : temp_r; // preserve original error if (r == 0 && tosnap.length()) { r = idiffctx.image->snap_create(tosnap.c_str()); if (r == 0 && is_protected) { r = idiffctx.image->snap_protect(tosnap.c_str()); } } idiffctx.finish(r); return r; } int do_import_diff(librados::Rados &rados, librbd::Image &image, const char *path, bool no_progress, size_t sparse_size) { int r; int fd; if (strcmp(path, "-") == 0) { fd = STDIN_FILENO; } else { fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { r = -errno; std::cerr << "rbd: error opening " << path << std::endl; return r; } } r = do_import_diff_fd(rados, image, fd, no_progress, 1, sparse_size); if (fd != 0) close(fd); return r; } namespace at = argument_types; namespace po = boost::program_options; void get_arguments_diff(po::options_description *positional, po::options_description *options) { at::add_path_options(positional, options, "import file (or '-' for stdin)"); at::add_image_spec_options(positional, options, at::ARGUMENT_MODIFIER_NONE); at::add_sparse_size_option(options); at::add_no_progress_option(options); } int execute_diff(const po::variables_map &vm, const std::vector &ceph_global_init_args) { std::string path; size_t arg_index = 0; int r = utils::get_path(vm, &arg_index, &path); if (r < 0) { return r; } std::string pool_name; std::string namespace_name; std::string image_name; std::string snap_name; r = utils::get_pool_image_snapshot_names( vm, at::ARGUMENT_MODIFIER_NONE, &arg_index, &pool_name, &namespace_name, &image_name, &snap_name, true, utils::SNAPSHOT_PRESENCE_NONE, utils::SPEC_VALIDATION_NONE); if (r < 0) { return r; } size_t sparse_size = utils::RBD_DEFAULT_SPARSE_SIZE; if (vm.count(at::IMAGE_SPARSE_SIZE)) { sparse_size = vm[at::IMAGE_SPARSE_SIZE].as(); } librados::Rados rados; librados::IoCtx io_ctx; librbd::Image image; r = utils::init_and_open_image(pool_name, namespace_name, image_name, "", "", false, &rados, &io_ctx, &image); if (r < 0) { return r; } r = do_import_diff(rados, image, path.c_str(), vm[at::NO_PROGRESS].as(), sparse_size); if (r == -EDOM) { r = -EBADMSG; } if (r < 0) { cerr << "rbd: import-diff failed: " << cpp_strerror(r) << std::endl; return r; } return 0; } Shell::Action action_diff( {"import-diff"}, {}, "Import an incremental diff.", "", &get_arguments_diff, &execute_diff); class C_Import : public Context { public: C_Import(SimpleThrottle &simple_throttle, librbd::Image &image, bufferlist &bl, uint64_t offset) : m_throttle(simple_throttle), m_image(image), m_aio_completion( new librbd::RBD::AioCompletion(this, &utils::aio_context_callback)), m_bufferlist(bl), m_offset(offset) { } void send() { m_throttle.start_op(); int op_flags = LIBRADOS_OP_FLAG_FADVISE_SEQUENTIAL | LIBRADOS_OP_FLAG_FADVISE_NOCACHE; int r = m_image.aio_write2(m_offset, m_bufferlist.length(), m_bufferlist, m_aio_completion, op_flags); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: error requesting write to destination image" << std::endl; m_aio_completion->release(); m_throttle.end_op(r); } } void finish(int r) override { if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: error writing to destination image at offset " << m_offset << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << std::endl; } m_throttle.end_op(r); } private: SimpleThrottle &m_throttle; librbd::Image &m_image; librbd::RBD::AioCompletion *m_aio_completion; bufferlist m_bufferlist; uint64_t m_offset; }; static int decode_and_set_image_option(int fd, uint64_t imageopt, librbd::ImageOptions& opts) { int r; char buf[sizeof(uint64_t)]; r = safe_read_exact(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode image option" << std::endl; return r; } bufferlist bl; bl.append(buf, sizeof(buf)); auto it = bl.cbegin(); uint64_t val; decode(val, it); if (opts.get(imageopt, &val) != 0) { opts.set(imageopt, val); } return 0; } static int do_import_metadata(int import_format, librbd::Image& image, const std::map &imagemetas) { int r = 0; //v1 format if (import_format == 1) { return 0; } for (std::map::const_iterator it = imagemetas.begin(); it != imagemetas.end(); ++it) { r = image.metadata_set(it->first, it->second); if (r < 0) return r; } return 0; } static int decode_imagemeta(int fd, uint64_t length, std::map* imagemetas) { int r; string key; string value; r = utils::read_string(fd, length, &key); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode metadata key" << std::endl; return r; } r = utils::read_string(fd, length, &value); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode metadata value" << std::endl; return r; } (*imagemetas)[key] = value; return 0; } static int do_import_header(int fd, int import_format, librbd::ImageOptions& opts, std::map* imagemetas) { // There is no header in v1 image. if (import_format == 1) { return 0; } int r; r = validate_banner(fd, utils::RBD_IMAGE_BANNER_V2); if (r < 0) { return r; } // As V1 format for image is already deprecated, import image in V2 by default. uint64_t image_format = 2; if (opts.get(RBD_IMAGE_OPTION_FORMAT, &image_format) != 0) { opts.set(RBD_IMAGE_OPTION_FORMAT, image_format); } while (r == 0) { __u8 tag; uint64_t length = 0; r = read_tag(fd, RBD_EXPORT_IMAGE_END, image_format, &tag, &length); if (r < 0 || tag == RBD_EXPORT_IMAGE_END) { break; } if (tag == RBD_EXPORT_IMAGE_ORDER) { r = decode_and_set_image_option(fd, RBD_IMAGE_OPTION_ORDER, opts); } else if (tag == RBD_EXPORT_IMAGE_FEATURES) { r = decode_and_set_image_option(fd, RBD_IMAGE_OPTION_FEATURES, opts); } else if (tag == RBD_EXPORT_IMAGE_STRIPE_UNIT) { r = decode_and_set_image_option(fd, RBD_IMAGE_OPTION_STRIPE_UNIT, opts); } else if (tag == RBD_EXPORT_IMAGE_STRIPE_COUNT) { r = decode_and_set_image_option(fd, RBD_IMAGE_OPTION_STRIPE_COUNT, opts); } else if (tag == RBD_EXPORT_IMAGE_META) { r = decode_imagemeta(fd, length, imagemetas); } else { std::cerr << "rbd: invalid tag in image properties zone: " << tag << "Skip it." << std::endl; r = skip_tag(fd, length); } } return r; } static int do_import_v2(librados::Rados &rados, int fd, librbd::Image &image, uint64_t size, size_t imgblklen, utils::ProgressContext &pc, size_t sparse_size) { int r = 0; r = validate_banner(fd, utils::RBD_IMAGE_DIFFS_BANNER_V2); if (r < 0) { return r; } char buf[sizeof(uint64_t)]; r = safe_read_exact(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to decode diff count" << std::endl; return r; } bufferlist bl; bl.append(buf, sizeof(buf)); auto p = bl.cbegin(); uint64_t diff_num; decode(diff_num, p); for (size_t i = 0; i < diff_num; i++) { r = do_import_diff_fd(rados, image, fd, true, 2, sparse_size); if (r < 0) { pc.fail(); std::cerr << "rbd: import-diff failed: " << cpp_strerror(r) << std::endl; return r; } pc.update_progress(i + 1, diff_num); } return r; } static int do_import_v1(int fd, librbd::Image &image, uint64_t size, size_t imgblklen, utils::ProgressContext &pc, size_t sparse_size) { int r = 0; size_t reqlen = imgblklen; // amount requested from read ssize_t readlen; // amount received from one read size_t blklen = 0; // amount accumulated from reads to fill blk char *p = new char[imgblklen]; uint64_t image_pos = 0; bool from_stdin = (fd == STDIN_FILENO); boost::scoped_ptr throttle; if (from_stdin) { throttle.reset(new SimpleThrottle(1, false)); } else { throttle.reset(new SimpleThrottle( g_conf().get_val("rbd_concurrent_management_ops"), false)); } reqlen = min(reqlen, size); // loop body handles 0 return, as we may have a block to flush while ((readlen = ::read(fd, p + blklen, reqlen)) >= 0) { if (throttle->pending_error()) { break; } blklen += readlen; // if read was short, try again to fill the block before writing if (readlen && ((size_t)readlen < reqlen)) { reqlen -= readlen; continue; } if (!from_stdin) pc.update_progress(image_pos, size); bufferptr blkptr(p, blklen); // resize output image by binary expansion as we go for stdin if (from_stdin && (image_pos + (size_t)blklen) > size) { size *= 2; r = image.resize(size); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: can't resize image during import" << std::endl; goto out; } } // write as much as we got; perhaps less than imgblklen // but skip writing zeros to create sparse images size_t buffer_offset = 0; while (buffer_offset < blklen) { size_t write_length = 0; bool zeroed = false; utils::calc_sparse_extent(blkptr, sparse_size, buffer_offset, blklen, &write_length, &zeroed); if (!zeroed) { bufferlist write_bl; bufferptr write_ptr(blkptr, buffer_offset, write_length); write_bl.push_back(write_ptr); ceph_assert(write_bl.length() == write_length); C_Import *ctx = new C_Import(*throttle, image, write_bl, image_pos + buffer_offset); ctx->send(); } buffer_offset += write_length; } // done with whole block, whether written or not image_pos += blklen; if (!from_stdin && image_pos >= size) break; // if read had returned 0, we're at EOF and should quit if (readlen == 0) break; blklen = 0; reqlen = imgblklen; } r = throttle->wait_for_ret(); if (r < 0) { goto out; } if (fd == STDIN_FILENO) { r = image.resize(image_pos); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: final image resize failed" << std::endl; goto out; } } out: delete[] p; return r; } static int do_import(librados::Rados &rados, librbd::RBD &rbd, librados::IoCtx& io_ctx, const char *imgname, const char *path, librbd::ImageOptions& opts, bool no_progress, int import_format, size_t sparse_size) { int fd, r; struct stat stat_buf; utils::ProgressContext pc("Importing image", no_progress); std::map imagemetas; ceph_assert(imgname); uint64_t order; if (opts.get(RBD_IMAGE_OPTION_ORDER, &order) != 0) { order = g_conf().get_val("rbd_default_order"); } // try to fill whole imgblklen blocks for sparsification size_t imgblklen = 1 << order; librbd::Image image; uint64_t size = 0; bool from_stdin = !strcmp(path, "-"); if (from_stdin) { fd = STDIN_FILENO; size = 1ULL << order; } else { if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { r = -errno; std::cerr << "rbd: error opening " << path << std::endl; goto done2; } if ((fstat(fd, &stat_buf)) < 0) { r = -errno; std::cerr << "rbd: stat error " << path << std::endl; goto done; } if (S_ISDIR(stat_buf.st_mode)) { r = -EISDIR; std::cerr << "rbd: cannot import a directory" << std::endl; goto done; } if (stat_buf.st_size) size = (uint64_t)stat_buf.st_size; if (!size) { int64_t bdev_size = 0; BlkDev blkdev(fd); r = blkdev.get_size(&bdev_size); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: unable to get size of file/block device" << std::endl; goto done; } ceph_assert(bdev_size >= 0); size = (uint64_t) bdev_size; } #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_FADVISE posix_fadvise(fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL); #endif } r = do_import_header(fd, import_format, opts, &imagemetas); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: import header failed." << std::endl; goto done; } r = rbd.create4(io_ctx, imgname, size, opts); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: image creation failed" << std::endl; goto done; } r = rbd.open(io_ctx, image, imgname); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to open image" << std::endl; goto err; } r = do_import_metadata(import_format, image, imagemetas); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to import image-meta" << std::endl; goto err; } if (import_format == 1) { r = do_import_v1(fd, image, size, imgblklen, pc, sparse_size); } else { r = do_import_v2(rados, fd, image, size, imgblklen, pc, sparse_size); } if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to import image" << std::endl; image.close(); goto err; } r = image.close(); err: if (r < 0) rbd.remove(io_ctx, imgname); done: if (r < 0) pc.fail(); else pc.finish(); if (!from_stdin) close(fd); done2: return r; } void get_arguments(po::options_description *positional, po::options_description *options) { at::add_path_options(positional, options, "import file (or '-' for stdin)"); at::add_image_spec_options(positional, options, at::ARGUMENT_MODIFIER_DEST); at::add_create_image_options(options, true); at::add_sparse_size_option(options); at::add_no_progress_option(options); at::add_export_format_option(options); // TODO legacy rbd allowed import to accept both 'image'/'dest' and // 'pool'/'dest-pool' at::add_pool_option(options, at::ARGUMENT_MODIFIER_NONE, " (deprecated)"); at::add_image_option(options, at::ARGUMENT_MODIFIER_NONE, " (deprecated)"); } int execute(const po::variables_map &vm, const std::vector &ceph_global_init_args) { std::string path; size_t arg_index = 0; int r = utils::get_path(vm, &arg_index, &path); if (r < 0) { return r; } // odd check to support legacy / deprecated behavior of import std::string deprecated_pool_name; if (vm.count(at::POOL_NAME)) { deprecated_pool_name = vm[at::POOL_NAME].as(); std::cerr << "rbd: --pool is deprecated for import, use --dest-pool" << std::endl; } std::string deprecated_image_name; if (vm.count(at::IMAGE_NAME)) { deprecated_image_name = vm[at::IMAGE_NAME].as(); std::cerr << "rbd: --image is deprecated for import, use --dest" << std::endl; } else { deprecated_image_name = path.substr(path.find_last_of("/") + 1); } std::string deprecated_snap_name; r = utils::extract_spec(deprecated_image_name, &deprecated_pool_name, nullptr, &deprecated_image_name, &deprecated_snap_name, utils::SPEC_VALIDATION_FULL); if (r < 0) { return r; } size_t sparse_size = utils::RBD_DEFAULT_SPARSE_SIZE; if (vm.count(at::IMAGE_SPARSE_SIZE)) { sparse_size = vm[at::IMAGE_SPARSE_SIZE].as(); } std::string pool_name = deprecated_pool_name; std::string namespace_name; std::string image_name; std::string snap_name = deprecated_snap_name; r = utils::get_pool_image_snapshot_names( vm, at::ARGUMENT_MODIFIER_DEST, &arg_index, &pool_name, &namespace_name, &image_name, &snap_name, false, utils::SNAPSHOT_PRESENCE_NONE, utils::SPEC_VALIDATION_FULL); if (r < 0) { return r; } if (image_name.empty()) { image_name = deprecated_image_name; } librbd::ImageOptions opts; r = utils::get_image_options(vm, true, &opts); if (r < 0) { return r; } librados::Rados rados; librados::IoCtx io_ctx; r = utils::init(pool_name, namespace_name, &rados, &io_ctx); if (r < 0) { return r; } int format = 1; if (vm.count("export-format")) format = vm["export-format"].as(); librbd::RBD rbd; r = do_import(rados, rbd, io_ctx, image_name.c_str(), path.c_str(), opts, vm[at::NO_PROGRESS].as(), format, sparse_size); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: import failed: " << cpp_strerror(r) << std::endl; return r; } return 0; } Shell::Action action( {"import"}, {}, "Import image from file.", at::get_long_features_help(), &get_arguments, &execute); } // namespace import } // namespace action } // namespace rbd