// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "tools/rbd/ArgumentTypes.h" #include "tools/rbd/Shell.h" #include "tools/rbd/Utils.h" #include "include/stringify.h" #include "common/ceph_context.h" #include "common/ceph_json.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "common/Formatter.h" #include "common/TextTable.h" #include "global/global_context.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace rbd { namespace action { namespace perf { namespace at = argument_types; namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace { enum class StatDescriptor { WRITE_OPS = 0, READ_OPS, WRITE_BYTES, READ_BYTES, WRITE_LATENCY, READ_LATENCY }; typedef boost::bimap StatDescriptors; static const StatDescriptors STAT_DESCRIPTORS = boost::assign::list_of (StatDescriptor::WRITE_OPS, "write_ops") (StatDescriptor::READ_OPS, "read_ops") (StatDescriptor::WRITE_BYTES, "write_bytes") (StatDescriptor::READ_BYTES, "read_bytes") (StatDescriptor::WRITE_LATENCY, "write_latency") (StatDescriptor::READ_LATENCY, "read_latency"); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StatDescriptor& val) { auto it = STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left.find(val); if (it == STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left.end()) { os << "unknown (" << static_cast(val) << ")"; } else { os << it->second; } return os; } void validate(boost::any& v, const std::vector& values, StatDescriptor *target_type, int) { po::validators::check_first_occurrence(v); std::string s = po::validators::get_single_string(values); boost::replace_all(s, "_", " "); boost::replace_all(s, "-", "_"); auto it = STAT_DESCRIPTORS.right.find(s); if (it == STAT_DESCRIPTORS.right.end()) { throw po::validation_error(po::validation_error::invalid_option_value); } v = boost::any(it->second); } struct ImageStat { ImageStat(const std::string& pool_name, const std::string& pool_namespace, const std::string& image_name) : pool_name(pool_name), pool_namespace(pool_namespace), image_name(image_name) { stats.resize(STAT_DESCRIPTORS.size()); } std::string pool_name; std::string pool_namespace; std::string image_name; std::vector stats; }; typedef std::vector ImageStats; typedef std::pair SpecPair; std::string format_pool_spec(const std::string& pool, const std::string& pool_namespace) { std::string pool_spec{pool}; if (!pool_namespace.empty()) { pool_spec += "/" + pool_namespace; } return pool_spec; } int query_iostats(librados::Rados& rados, const std::string& pool_spec, StatDescriptor sort_by, ImageStats* image_stats, std::ostream& err_os) { auto sort_by_str = STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left.find(sort_by)->second; std::string cmd = R"( { "prefix": "rbd perf image stats", "pool_spec": ")" + pool_spec + R"(", "sort_by": ")" + sort_by_str + R"(", "format": "json" }")"; bufferlist in_bl; bufferlist out_bl; std::string outs; int r = rados.mgr_command(cmd, in_bl, &out_bl, &outs); if (r == -EOPNOTSUPP) { err_os << "rbd: 'rbd_support' mgr module is not enabled." << std::endl << std::endl << "Use 'ceph mgr module enable rbd_support' to enable." << std::endl; return r; } else if (r < 0) { err_os << "rbd: mgr command failed: " << cpp_strerror(r); if (!outs.empty()) { err_os << ": " << outs; } err_os << std::endl; return r; } json_spirit::mValue json_root; if (!json_spirit::read(out_bl.to_str(), json_root)) { err_os << "rbd: error parsing perf stats" << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } image_stats->clear(); try { auto& root = json_root.get_obj(); // map JSON stat descriptor order to our internal order std::map json_to_internal_stats; auto& json_stat_descriptors = root["stat_descriptors"].get_array(); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < json_stat_descriptors.size(); ++idx) { auto it = STAT_DESCRIPTORS.right.find( json_stat_descriptors[idx].get_str()); if (it == STAT_DESCRIPTORS.right.end()) { continue; } json_to_internal_stats[idx] = static_cast(it->second); } // cache a mapping from pool descriptors back to pool-specs std::map json_to_internal_pools; auto& pool_descriptors = root["pool_descriptors"].get_obj(); for (auto& pool : pool_descriptors) { auto& pool_spec = pool.second.get_str(); auto pos = pool_spec.rfind("/"); SpecPair pair{pool_spec.substr(0, pos), ""}; if (pos != std::string::npos) { pair.second = pool_spec.substr(pos + 1); } json_to_internal_pools[pool.first] = pair; } auto& stats = root["stats"].get_array(); for (auto& stat : stats) { auto& stat_obj = stat.get_obj(); if (!stat_obj.empty()) { auto& image_spec = stat_obj.begin()->first; auto pos = image_spec.find("/"); SpecPair pair{image_spec.substr(0, pos), ""}; if (pos != std::string::npos) { pair.second = image_spec.substr(pos + 1); } const auto pool_it = json_to_internal_pools.find(pair.first); if (pool_it == json_to_internal_pools.end()) { continue; } image_stats->emplace_back( pool_it->second.first, pool_it->second.second, pair.second); auto& image_stat = image_stats->back(); auto& data = stat_obj.begin()->second.get_array(); for (auto& indexes : json_to_internal_stats) { image_stat.stats[indexes.second] = data[indexes.first].get_real(); } } } } catch (std::runtime_error &e) { err_os << "rbd: error parsing perf stats: " << e.what() << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } void format_stat(StatDescriptor stat_descriptor, double stat, std::ostream& os) { switch (stat_descriptor) { case StatDescriptor::WRITE_OPS: case StatDescriptor::READ_OPS: os << si_u_t(stat) << "/s"; break; case StatDescriptor::WRITE_BYTES: case StatDescriptor::READ_BYTES: os << byte_u_t(stat) << "/s"; break; case StatDescriptor::WRITE_LATENCY: case StatDescriptor::READ_LATENCY: os << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2); if (stat >= 1000000000) { os << (stat / 1000000000) << " s"; } else if (stat >= 1000000) { os << (stat / 1000000) << " ms"; } else if (stat >= 1000) { os << (stat / 1000) << " us"; } else { os << stat << " ns"; } break; default: ceph_assert(false); break; } } } // anonymous namespace namespace iostat { struct Iterations {}; void validate(boost::any& v, const std::vector& values, Iterations *target_type, int) { po::validators::check_first_occurrence(v); auto& s = po::validators::get_single_string(values); try { auto iterations = boost::lexical_cast(s); if (iterations > 0) { v = boost::any(iterations); return; } } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &) { } throw po::validation_error(po::validation_error::invalid_option_value); } void format(const ImageStats& image_stats, Formatter* f, bool global_search) { TextTable tbl; if (f) { f->open_array_section("images"); } else { tbl.define_column("NAME", TextTable::LEFT, TextTable::LEFT); for (auto& stat : STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left) { std::string title; switch (stat.first) { case StatDescriptor::WRITE_OPS: title = "WR "; break; case StatDescriptor::READ_OPS: title = "RD "; break; case StatDescriptor::WRITE_BYTES: title = "WR_BYTES "; break; case StatDescriptor::READ_BYTES: title = "RD_BYTES "; break; case StatDescriptor::WRITE_LATENCY: title = "WR_LAT "; break; case StatDescriptor::READ_LATENCY: title = "RD_LAT "; break; default: ceph_assert(false); break; } tbl.define_column(title, TextTable::RIGHT, TextTable::RIGHT); } } for (auto& image_stat : image_stats) { if (f) { f->open_object_section("image"); f->dump_string("pool", image_stat.pool_name); f->dump_string("pool_namespace", image_stat.pool_namespace); f->dump_string("image", image_stat.image_name); for (auto& pair : STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left) { f->dump_float(pair.second.c_str(), image_stat.stats[static_cast(pair.first)]); } f->close_section(); } else { std::string name; if (global_search) { name += image_stat.pool_name + "/"; if (!image_stat.pool_namespace.empty()) { name += image_stat.pool_namespace + "/"; } } name += image_stat.image_name; tbl << name; for (auto& pair : STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left) { std::stringstream str; format_stat(pair.first, image_stat.stats[static_cast(pair.first)], str); str << ' '; tbl << str.str(); } tbl << TextTable::endrow; } } if (f) { f->close_section(); f->flush(std::cout); } else { std::cout << tbl << std::endl; } } } // namespace iostat namespace iotop { class MainWindow { public: MainWindow(librados::Rados& rados, const std::string& pool_spec) : m_rados(rados), m_pool_spec(pool_spec) { initscr(); curs_set(0); cbreak(); noecho(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); init_columns(); } int run() { redraw(); int r = 0; std::stringstream err_str; while (true) { r = query_iostats(m_rados, m_pool_spec, m_sort_by, &m_image_stats, err_str); if (r < 0) { break; return r; } redraw(); wait_for_key_or_delay(); int ch = getch(); if (ch == 'q' || ch == 'Q') { break; } else if (ch == '<' || ch == KEY_LEFT) { auto it = STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left.find(m_sort_by); if (it != STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left.begin()) { m_sort_by = (--it)->first; } } else if (ch == '>' || ch == KEY_RIGHT) { auto it = STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left.find(m_sort_by); if (it != STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left.end() && ++it != STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left.end()) { m_sort_by = it->first; } } } endwin(); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << err_str.str() << std::endl; } return r; } private: static const size_t STAT_COLUMN_WIDTH = 12; librados::Rados& m_rados; std::string m_pool_spec; ImageStats m_image_stats; StatDescriptor m_sort_by = StatDescriptor::WRITE_OPS; bool m_pending_win_opened = false; WINDOW* m_pending_win = nullptr; int m_height = 1; int m_width = 1; std::map m_columns; void init_columns() { m_columns.clear(); for (auto& pair : STAT_DESCRIPTORS.left) { std::string title; switch (pair.first) { case StatDescriptor::WRITE_OPS: title = "WRITES OPS"; break; case StatDescriptor::READ_OPS: title = "READS OPS"; break; case StatDescriptor::WRITE_BYTES: title = "WRITE BYTES"; break; case StatDescriptor::READ_BYTES: title = "READ BYTES"; break; case StatDescriptor::WRITE_LATENCY: title = "WRITE LAT"; break; case StatDescriptor::READ_LATENCY: title = "READ LAT"; break; default: ceph_assert(false); break; } m_columns[pair.first] = (title); } } void redraw() { getmaxyx(stdscr, m_height, m_width); redraw_main_window(); redraw_pending_window(); doupdate(); } void redraw_main_window() { werase(stdscr); mvhline(0, 0, ' ' | A_REVERSE, m_width); // print header for all metrics int remaining_cols = m_width; std::stringstream str; for (auto& pair : m_columns) { int attr = A_REVERSE; std::string title; if (pair.first == m_sort_by) { title += '>'; attr |= A_BOLD; } else { title += ' '; } title += pair.second; str.str(""); str << std::right << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(STAT_COLUMN_WIDTH) << title << ' '; attrset(attr); addstr(str.str().c_str()); remaining_cols -= title.size(); } attrset(A_REVERSE); addstr("IMAGE"); attrset(A_NORMAL); // print each image (one per line) int row = 1; int remaining_lines = m_height - 1; for (auto& image_stat : m_image_stats) { if (remaining_lines <= 0) { break; } --remaining_lines; move(row++, 0); for (auto& pair : m_columns) { str.str(""); format_stat(pair.first, image_stat.stats[static_cast(pair.first)], str); auto value = str.str().substr(0, STAT_COLUMN_WIDTH); str.str(""); str << std::right << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(STAT_COLUMN_WIDTH) << value << ' '; addstr(str.str().c_str()); } std::string image; if (m_pool_spec.empty()) { image = format_pool_spec(image_stat.pool_name, image_stat.pool_namespace) + "/"; } image += image_stat.image_name; addstr(image.substr(0, remaining_cols).c_str()); } wnoutrefresh(stdscr); } void redraw_pending_window() { // draw a "please by patient" window while waiting const char* msg = "Waiting for initial stats"; int height = 5; int width = strlen(msg) + 4;; int starty = (m_height - height) / 2; int startx = (m_width - width) / 2; if (m_image_stats.empty() && !m_pending_win_opened) { m_pending_win_opened = true; m_pending_win = newwin(height, width, starty, startx); } if (m_pending_win != nullptr) { if (m_image_stats.empty()) { box(m_pending_win, 0 , 0); mvwaddstr(m_pending_win, 2, 2, msg); wnoutrefresh(m_pending_win); } else { delwin(m_pending_win); m_pending_win = nullptr; } } } void wait_for_key_or_delay() { fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds); // no point to refreshing faster than the stats period struct timeval tval; tval.tv_sec = std::min( 10, g_conf().get_val("mgr_stats_period")); tval.tv_usec = 0; select(STDIN_FILENO + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tval); } }; } // namespace iotop void get_arguments_iostat(po::options_description *positional, po::options_description *options) { at::add_pool_options(positional, options, true); options->add_options() ("iterations", po::value(), "iterations of metric collection [> 0]") ("sort-by", po::value()->default_value(StatDescriptor::WRITE_OPS), "sort-by IO metric " "(write-ops, read-ops, write-bytes, read-bytes, write-latency, read-latency) " "[default: write-ops]"); at::add_format_options(options); } int execute_iostat(const po::variables_map &vm, const std::vector &ceph_global_init_args) { std::string pool; std::string pool_namespace; size_t arg_index = 0; int r = utils::get_pool_and_namespace_names(vm, false, false, &pool, &pool_namespace, &arg_index); if (r < 0) { return r; } uint32_t iterations = 0; if (vm.count("iterations")) { iterations = vm["iterations"].as(); } auto sort_by = vm["sort-by"].as(); at::Format::Formatter formatter; r = utils::get_formatter(vm, &formatter); if (r < 0) { return r; } auto f = formatter.get(); if (iterations > 1 && f != nullptr) { std::cerr << "rbd: specifing iterations is not valid with formatted output" << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } librados::Rados rados; r = utils::init_rados(&rados); if (r < 0) { return r; } r = rados.wait_for_latest_osdmap(); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to retrieve OSD map" << std::endl; return r; } std::string pool_spec = format_pool_spec(pool, pool_namespace); // no point to refreshing faster than the stats period auto delay = std::min(10, g_conf().get_val("mgr_stats_period")); ImageStats image_stats; uint32_t count = 0; bool printed_notice = false; while (count++ < iterations || iterations == 0) { r = query_iostats(rados, pool_spec, sort_by, &image_stats, std::cerr); if (r < 0) { return r; } if (count == 1 && image_stats.empty()) { count = 0; if (!printed_notice) { std::cerr << "rbd: waiting for initial image stats" << std::endl << std::endl;; printed_notice = true; } } else { iostat::format(image_stats, f, pool_spec.empty()); if (f != nullptr) { break; } } sleep(delay); } return 0; } void get_arguments_iotop(po::options_description *positional, po::options_description *options) { at::add_pool_options(positional, options, true); } int execute_iotop(const po::variables_map &vm, const std::vector &ceph_global_init_args) { std::string pool; std::string pool_namespace; size_t arg_index = 0; int r = utils::get_pool_and_namespace_names(vm, false, false, &pool, &pool_namespace, &arg_index); if (r < 0) { return r; } librados::Rados rados; r = utils::init_rados(&rados); if (r < 0) { return r; } r = rados.wait_for_latest_osdmap(); if (r < 0) { std::cerr << "rbd: failed to retrieve OSD map" << std::endl; return r; } iotop::MainWindow mainWindow(rados, format_pool_spec(pool, pool_namespace)); r = mainWindow.run(); if (r < 0) { return r; } return 0; } Shell::Action stat_action( {"perf", "image", "iostat"}, {}, "Display image IO statistics.", "", &get_arguments_iostat, &execute_iostat); Shell::Action top_action( {"perf", "image", "iotop"}, {}, "Display a top-like IO monitor.", "", &get_arguments_iotop, &execute_iotop); } // namespace perf } // namespace action } // namespace rbd