# Basic tests for "numfmt".
# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
use strict;
(my $program_name = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
my $prog = 'numfmt';
my $limits = getlimits ();
# TODO: add localization tests with "grouping"
# Turn off localization of executable's output.
@ENV{qw(LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL)} = ('C') x 3;
my $locale = $ENV{LOCALE_FR_UTF8};
! defined $locale || $locale eq 'none'
and $locale = 'C';
my $try = "Try '$prog --help' for more information.\n";
my @Tests =
['1', '1234', {OUT => "1234"}],
['2', '--from=si 1K', {OUT => "1000"}],
['3', '--from=iec 1K', {OUT => "1024"}],
['4', '--from=auto 1K', {OUT => "1000"}],
['5', '--from=auto 1Ki', {OUT => "1024"}],
['5.1', '--from=iec-i 1Ki', {OUT => "1024"}],
['6', {IN_PIPE => "1234\n"}, {OUT => "1234"}],
['7', '--from=si', {IN_PIPE => "2K\n"}, {OUT => "2000"}],
['7a', '--invalid=fail', {IN_PIPE => "no_NL"}, {OUT => "no_NL"},
{ERR => "$prog: invalid number: 'no_NL'\n"},
{EXIT => '2'}],
['8', '--to=si 2000', {OUT => "2.0K"}],
['9', '--to=si 2001', {OUT => "2.1K"}],
['10', '--to=si 1999', {OUT => "2.0K"}],
['11', '--to=si --round=down 2001', {OUT => "2.0K"}],
['12', '--to=si --round=down 1999', {OUT => "1.9K"}],
['13', '--to=si --round=up 1901', {OUT => "2.0K"}],
['14', '--to=si --round=down 1901', {OUT => "1.9K"}],
['15', '--to=si --round=nearest 1901', {OUT => "1.9K"}],
['16', '--to=si --round=nearest 1945', {OUT => "1.9K"}],
['17', '--to=si --round=nearest 1955', {OUT => "2.0K"}],
['18', '--to=iec 2048', {OUT => "2.0K"}],
['19', '--to=iec 2049', {OUT => "2.1K"}],
['20', '--to=iec 2047', {OUT => "2.0K"}],
['21', '--to=iec --round=down 2049', {OUT => "2.0K"}],
['22', '--to=iec --round=down 2047', {OUT => "1.9K"}],
['23', '--to=iec --round=up 2040', {OUT => "2.0K"}],
['24', '--to=iec --round=down 2040', {OUT => "1.9K"}],
['25', '--to=iec --round=nearest 1996', {OUT => "1.9K"}],
['26', '--to=iec --round=nearest 1997', {OUT => "2.0K"}],
['27', '--to=iec-i 2048', {OUT => "2.0Ki"}],
['neg-1', '-- -1234', {OUT => "-1234"}],
['neg-2', '--padding=5 -- -1234', {OUT => "-1234"}],
['neg-3', '--padding=6 -- -1234', {OUT => " -1234"}],
['neg-4', '--to=iec -- 9100 -9100', {OUT => "8.9K\n-8.9K"}],
['neg-5', '-- -0.1', {OUT => "-0.1"}],
['neg-6', '-- -0', {OUT => "0"}],
['neg-7', '-- -0.-1',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid number: '-0.-1'\n"},
{EXIT => '2'}],
['float-1', '1.1', {OUT => "1.1"}],
['float-2', '1.22', {OUT => "1.22"}],
['float-3', '1.22.',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input: '1.22.'\n"},
{EXIT => '2'}],
['unit-1', '--from-unit=512 4', {OUT => "2048"}],
['unit-2', '--to-unit=512 2048', {OUT => "4"}],
['unit-3', '--from-unit=512 --from=si 4M', {OUT => "2048000000"}],
['unit-4', '--from-unit=512 --from=iec --to=iec 4M', {OUT => "2.0G"}],
['unit-5', '--from-unit=AA --from=iec --to=iec 4M',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid unit size: 'AA'\n"},
{EXIT => '1'}],
['unit-6', '--from-unit=54W --from=iec --to=iec 4M',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid unit size: '54W'\n"},
{EXIT => '1'}],
['unit-7', '--from-unit=K 30', {OUT=>"30000"}],
['unit-7.1', '--from-unit=Ki 30', {OUT=>"30720"}],
['unit-7.2', '--from-unit=i 0',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid unit size: 'i'\n"},
{EXIT => '1'}],
['unit-7.3', '--from-unit=1i 0',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid unit size: '1i'\n"},
{EXIT => '1'}],
['unit-8', '--from-unit='.$limits->{UINTMAX_OFLOW}.' --to=iec 30',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid unit size: '$limits->{UINTMAX_OFLOW}'\n"},
{EXIT => '1'}],
['unit-9', '--from-unit=0 1',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid unit size: '0'\n"},
{EXIT => '1'}],
['unit-10', '--to-unit=0 1',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid unit size: '0'\n"},
{EXIT => '1'}],
# Test Suffix logic
['suf-1', '4000', {OUT=>'4000'}],
['suf-2', '4Q',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input: '4Q'\n"},
{EXIT => '2'}],
['suf-2.1', '4M',
{ERR => "$prog: rejecting suffix " .
"in input: '4M' (consider using --from)\n"},
{EXIT => '2'}],
['suf-3', '--from=si 4M', {OUT=>'4000000'}],
['suf-4', '--from=si 4Q',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input: '4Q'\n"},
{EXIT => '2'}],
['suf-5', '--from=si 4MQ',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input '4MQ': 'Q'\n"},
{EXIT => '2'}],
['suf-6', '--from=iec 4M', {OUT=>'4194304'}],
['suf-7', '--from=auto 4M', {OUT=>'4000000'}],
['suf-8', '--from=auto 4Mi', {OUT=>'4194304'}],
['suf-9', '--from=auto 4MiQ',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input '4MiQ': 'Q'\n"},
{EXIT => '2'}],
['suf-10', '--from=auto 4QiQ',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input: '4QiQ'\n"},
{EXIT => '2'}],
# characters after a white space are OK - printed as-is
['suf-11', '"4 M"', {OUT=>'4 M'}],
# Custom suffix
['suf-12', '--suffix=Foo 70Foo', {OUT=>'70Foo'}],
['suf-13', '--suffix=Foo 70', {OUT=>'70Foo'}],
['suf-14', '--suffix=Foo --from=si 70K', {OUT=>'70000Foo'}],
['suf-15', '--suffix=Foo --from=si 70KFoo', {OUT=>'70000Foo'}],
['suf-16', '--suffix=Foo --to=si 7000Foo', {OUT=>'7.0KFoo'}],
['suf-17', '--suffix=Foo --to=si 7000Bar',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input: '7000Bar'\n"},
{EXIT => '2'}],
['suf-18', '--suffix=Foo --to=si 7000FooF',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input: '7000FooF'\n"},
{EXIT => '2'}],
# space(s) between number and suffix. Note only field 1 is used
# by default so specify the NUL delimiter to consider the whole "line".
['suf-19', "-d '' --from=si '4.0 K'", {OUT => "4000"}],
# "C" locale - no grouping (locale-specific tests, below)
['grp-1', '--from=si --grouping 7M', {OUT=>'7000000'}],
['grp-2', '--from=si --to=si --grouping 7M',
{ERR => "$prog: grouping cannot be combined with --to\n"},
{EXIT => '1'}],
## Padding
['pad-1', '--padding=10 5', {OUT=>' 5'}],
['pad-2', '--padding=-10 5', {OUT=>'5 '}],
['pad-3', '--padding=A 5',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid padding value 'A'\n"},
{EXIT => '1'}],
['pad-3.1', '--padding=0 5',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid padding value '0'\n"},
{EXIT => '1'}],
['pad-4', '--padding=10 --to=si 50000', {OUT=>' 50K'}],
['pad-5', '--padding=-10 --to=si 50000', {OUT=>'50K '}],
# padding too narrow
['pad-6', '--padding=2 --to=si 1000', {OUT=>'1.0K'}],
# Padding + suffix
['pad-7', '--padding=10 --suffix=foo --to=si 50000',
{OUT=>' 50Kfoo'}],
['pad-8', '--padding=-10 --suffix=foo --to=si 50000',
{OUT=>'50Kfoo '}],
# Delimiters
['delim-1', '--delimiter=: --from=auto 40M:', {OUT=>'40000000:'}],
['delim-2', '--delimiter="" --from=auto "40 M"',{OUT=>'40000000'}],
['delim-3', '--delimiter=" " --from=auto "40M Foo"',{OUT=>'40000000 Foo'}],
['delim-4', '--delimiter=: --from=auto 40M:60M', {OUT=>'40000000:60M'}],
['delim-5', '-d: --field=2 --from=auto :40M:60M', {OUT=>':40000000:60M'}],
['delim-6', '-d: --field 3 --from=auto 40M:60M', {OUT=>"40M:60M"}],
['delim-err-1', '-d,, --to=si 1', {EXIT=>1},
{ERR => "$prog: the delimiter must be a single character\n"}],
['field-1', '--field A',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid field value 'A'\n$try"},
{EXIT => '1'}],
['field-2', '--field 2 --from=auto "Hello 40M World 90G"',
{OUT=>'Hello 40000000 World 90G'}],
['field-3', '--field 3 --from=auto "Hello 40M World 90G"',
{OUT=>"Hello 40M "},
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid number: 'World'\n"},
{EXIT => 2},],
# Last field - no text after number
['field-4', '--field 4 --from=auto "Hello 40M World 90G"',
{OUT=>"Hello 40M World 90000000000"}],
# Last field - a delimiter after the number
['field-5', '--field 4 --from=auto "Hello 40M World 90G "',
{OUT=>"Hello 40M World 90000000000 "}],
# Mix Fields + Delimiters
['field-6', '--delimiter=: --field 2 --from=auto "Hello:40M:World:90G"',
# not enough fields
['field-8', '--field 3 --to=si "Hello World"', {OUT=>"Hello World"}],
# Multiple fields
['field-range-1', '--field 2,4 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1000 2.0K 3000 4.0K 5000"}],
['field-range-2', '--field 2-4 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1000 2.0K 3.0K 4.0K 5000"}],
['field-range-3', '--field 1,2,3-5 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3.0K 4.0K 5.0K"}],
['field-range-4', '--field 1-5 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3.0K 4.0K 5.0K"}],
['field-range-5', '--field 1-3,5 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3.0K 4000 5.0K"}],
['field-range-6', '--field 3- --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1000 2000 3.0K 4.0K 5.0K"}],
['field-range-7', '--field -3 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3.0K 4000 5000"}],
['field-range-8', '--field 1-2,4-5 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3000 4.0K 5.0K"}],
['field-range-9', '--field 4-5,1-2 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3000 4.0K 5.0K"}],
['field-range-10','--field 1-3,2-4 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3.0K 4.0K 5000"}],
['field-range-11','--field 2-4,1-3 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3.0K 4.0K 5000"}],
['field-range-12','--field 1-1,3-3 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2000 3.0K 4000 5000"}],
['field-range-13', '--field 1,-2 --to=si "1000 2000 3000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3000"}],
['field-range-14', '--field -2,4- --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3000 4.0K 5.0K"}],
['field-range-15', '--field -2,-4 --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3.0K 4.0K 5000"}],
['field-range-16', '--field 2-,4- --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1000 2.0K 3.0K 4.0K 5.0K"}],
['field-range-17', '--field 4-,2- --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1000 2.0K 3.0K 4.0K 5.0K"}],
# white space are valid field separators
# (undocumented? but works in cut as well).
['field-range-18', '--field "1,2 4" --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3000 4.0K 5000"}],
# Unlike 'cut', a lone '-' means 'all fields', even as part of a list
# of fields.
['field-range-19','--field 3,- --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3.0K 4.0K 5.0K"}],
['all-fields-1', '--field=- --to=si "1000 2000 3000 4000 5000"',
{OUT=>"1.0K 2.0K 3.0K 4.0K 5.0K"}],
['field-range-err-1', '--field -foo --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: invalid field value 'foo'\n$try"}],
['field-range-err-2', '--field --3 --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: invalid field range\n$try"}],
['field-range-err-3', '--field 0 --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: fields are numbered from 1\n$try"}],
['field-range-err-4', '--field 3-2 --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: invalid decreasing range\n$try"}],
['field-range-err-6', '--field - --field 1- --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: multiple field specifications\n"}],
['field-range-err-7', '--field -1 --field 1- --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: multiple field specifications\n"}],
['field-range-err-8', '--field -1 --field 1,2,3 --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: multiple field specifications\n"}],
['field-range-err-9', '--field 1- --field 1,2,3 --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: multiple field specifications\n"}],
['field-range-err-10','--field 1,2,3 --field 1- --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: multiple field specifications\n"}],
['field-range-err-11','--field 1-2-3 --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: invalid field range\n$try"}],
['field-range-err-12','--field 0-1 --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: fields are numbered from 1\n$try"}],
['field-range-err-13','--field '.$limits->{UINTMAX_MAX}.',22 --to=si 10',
{EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>"$prog: field number " .
"'".$limits->{UINTMAX_MAX}."' is too large\n$try"}],
# Auto-consume white-space, setup auto-padding
['whitespace-1', '--to=si --field 2 "A 500 B"', {OUT=>"A 500 B"}],
['whitespace-2', '--to=si --field 2 "A 5000 B"', {OUT=>"A 5.0K B"}],
['whitespace-3', '--to=si " 500"', {OUT=>" 500"}],
['whitespace-4', '--to=si " 6500"', {OUT=>" 6.5K"}],
# NOTE: auto-padding is not enabled if the value is on the first
# field and there's no white-space before it.
['whitespace-5', '--to=si "6000000"', {OUT=>"6.0M"}],
# but if there is whitespace, assume auto-padding is desired.
['whitespace-6', '--to=si " 6000000"', {OUT=>" 6.0M"}],
# auto-padding - lines have same padding-width
# (padding_buffer will be alloc'd just once)
['whitespace-7', '--to=si --field 2',
{IN_PIPE=>"rootfs 100000\n" .
"udevxx 2000000\n"},
{OUT =>"rootfs 100K\n" .
"udevxx 2.0M"}],
# auto-padding - second line requires a
# larger padding (padding-buffer needs to be realloc'd)
['whitespace-8', '--to=si --field 2',
{IN_PIPE=>"rootfs 100000\n" .
"udev 20000000\n"},
{OUT =>"rootfs 100K\n" .
"udev 20M"}],
# Corner-cases:
# weird mix of identical suffix,delimiters
# The priority is:
# 1. delimiters (and fields) are parsed (in process_line()
# 2. optional custom suffix is removed (in process_suffixed_number())
# 3. Remaining suffixes must be valid SI/IEC (in human_xstrtol())
# custom suffix comes BEFORE SI/IEC suffix,
# so these are 40 of "M", not 40,000,000.
['mix-1', '--suffix=M --from=si 40M', {OUT=>"40M"}],
# These are forty-million Ms .
['mix-2', '--suffix=M --from=si 40MM', {OUT=>"40000000M"}],
['mix-3', '--suffix=M --from=auto 40MM', {OUT=>"40000000M"}],
['mix-4', '--suffix=M --from=auto 40MiM', {OUT=>"41943040M"}],
['mix-5', '--suffix=M --to=si --from=si 4MM', {OUT=>"4.0MM"}],
# This might be confusing to the user, but it's legit:
# The M in the output is the custom suffix, not Mega.
['mix-6', '--suffix=M 40', {OUT=>"40M"}],
['mix-7', '--suffix=M 4000000', {OUT=>"4000000M"}],
['mix-8', '--suffix=M --to=si 4000000', {OUT=>"4.0MM"}],
# The output 'M' is the custom suffix.
['mix-10', '--delimiter=M --suffix=M 40', {OUT=>"40M"}],
# The INPUT 'M' is a delimiter (delimiters are top priority)
# The output contains one M for custom suffix, and one 'M' delimiter.
['mix-11', '--delimiter=M --suffix=M 40M', {OUT=>"40MM"}],
# Same as above, the "M" is NOT treated as a mega SI prefix,
['mix-12', '--delimiter=M --from=si --suffix=M 40M', {OUT=>"40MM"}],
# The 'M' is treated as a delimiter, and so the input value is '4000'
['mix-13', '--delimiter=M --to=si --from=auto 4000M5000M9000',
# 'M' is the delimiter, so the second input field is '5000'
['mix-14', '--delimiter=M --field 2 --from=auto --to=si 4000M5000M9000',
## Header testing
# header - silently ignored with command line parameters
['header-1', '--header --to=iec 4096', {OUT=>"4.0K"}],
# header warning with --debug
['header-2', '--debug --header --to=iec 4096', {OUT=>"4.0K"},
{ERR=>"$prog: --header ignored with command-line input\n"}],
['header-3', '--header=A',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid header value 'A'\n"},
{EXIT => 1},],
['header-4', '--header=0',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid header value '0'\n"},
{EXIT => 1},],
['header-5', '--header=-6',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid header value '-6'\n"},
{EXIT => 1},],
['header-6', '--debug --header --to=iec',
['header-7', '--debug --header=3 --to=iec',
# header, but no actual content
['header-8', '--header=2 --to=iec',
# not enough header lines
['header-9', '--header=3 --to=iec',
## human_strtod testing
['strtod-1', '--from=si "foo"',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid number: 'foo'\n"},
{EXIT=> 2}],
['strtod-2', '--from=si ""',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid number: ''\n"},
{EXIT=> 2}],
['strtod-5', '--from=si 12.',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid number: '12.'\n"},
['strtod-6', '--from=si 12.K',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid number: '12.K'\n"},
# whitespace is not allowed after decimal-point
['strtod-6.1', '--from=si --delimiter=, "12. 2"',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid number: '12. 2'\n"},
['strtod-9', '--from=si 12.2Q',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid suffix in input: '12.2Q'\n"},
['strtod-10', '12M',
{ERR => "$prog: rejecting suffix " .
"in input: '12M' (consider using --from)\n"},
['strtod-11', '--from=iec-i 12M',
{ERR => "$prog: missing 'i' suffix in input: " .
"'12M' (e.g Ki/Mi/Gi)\n"},
# Test double_to_human()
# 1K and smaller
['dbl-to-human-1','--to=si 800', {OUT=>"800"}],
['dbl-to-human-2','--to=si 0', {OUT=>"0"}],
['dbl-to-human-2.1','--to=si 999', {OUT=>"999"}],
['dbl-to-human-2.2','--to=si 1000', {OUT=>"1.0K"}],
#NOTE: the following are consistent with "ls -lh" output
['dbl-to-human-2.3','--to=iec 999', {OUT=>"999"}],
['dbl-to-human-2.4','--to=iec 1023', {OUT=>"1023"}],
['dbl-to-human-2.5','--to=iec 1024', {OUT=>"1.0K"}],
['dbl-to-human-2.6','--to=iec 1025', {OUT=>"1.1K"}],
['dbl-to-human-2.7','--to=iec 0', {OUT=>"0"}],
# no "i" suffix if output has no suffix
['dbl-to-human-2.8','--to=iec-i 0', {OUT=>"0"}],
# values resulting in "N.Nx" output
['dbl-to-human-3','--to=si 8000', {OUT=>"8.0K"}],
['dbl-to-human-3.1','--to=si 8001', {OUT=>"8.1K"}],
['dbl-to-human-4','--to=si --round=down 8001', {OUT=>"8.0K"}],
['dbl-to-human-5','--to=si --round=down 3500', {OUT=>"3.5K"}],
['dbl-to-human-6','--to=si --round=nearest 3500', {OUT=>"3.5K"}],
['dbl-to-human-7','--to=si --round=up 3500', {OUT=>"3.5K"}],
['dbl-to-human-8','--to=si --round=down 3501', {OUT=>"3.5K"}],
['dbl-to-human-9','--to=si --round=nearest 3501', {OUT=>"3.5K"}],
['dbl-to-human-10','--to=si --round=up 3501', {OUT=>"3.6K"}],
['dbl-to-human-11','--to=si --round=nearest 3550', {OUT=>"3.6K"}],
['dbl-to-human-12','--to=si --from=si 999.89K', {OUT=>"1.0M"}],
['dbl-to-human-13','--to=si --from=si 9.9K', {OUT=>"9.9K"}],
['dbl-to-human-14','--to=si 9900', {OUT=>"9.9K"}],
['dbl-to-human-15','--to=iec --from=si 3.3K', {OUT=>"3.3K"}],
['dbl-to-human-16','--to=iec --round=down --from=si 3.3K', {OUT=>"3.2K"}],
# values resulting in 'NNx' output
['dbl-to-human-17','--to=si 9999', {OUT=>"10K"}],
['dbl-to-human-18','--to=si --round=down 35000', {OUT=>"35K"}],
['dbl-to-human-19','--to=iec 35000', {OUT=>"35K"}],
['dbl-to-human-20','--to=iec --round=down 35000', {OUT=>"34K"}],
['dbl-to-human-21','--to=iec 35000000', {OUT=>"34M"}],
['dbl-to-human-22','--to=iec --round=down 35000000', {OUT=>"33M"}],
['dbl-to-human-23','--to=si 35000001', {OUT=>"36M"}],
['dbl-to-human-24','--to=si --from=si 9.99M', {OUT=>"10M"}],
['dbl-to-human-25','--to=si --from=iec 9.99M', {OUT=>"11M"}],
['dbl-to-human-25.1','--to=iec 99999', {OUT=>"98K"}],
# values resulting in 'NNNx' output
['dbl-to-human-26','--to=si 999000000000', {OUT=>"999G"}],
['dbl-to-human-27','--to=iec 999000000000', {OUT=>"931G"}],
['dbl-to-human-28','--to=si 123600000000000', {OUT=>"124T"}],
['dbl-to-human-29','--to=si 998123', {OUT=>"999K"}],
['dbl-to-human-30','--to=si --round=nearest 998123', {OUT=>"998K"}],
['dbl-to-human-31','--to=si 99999', {OUT=>"100K"}],
['dbl-to-human-32','--to=iec 102399', {OUT=>"100K"}],
['dbl-to-human-33','--to=iec-i 102399', {OUT=>"100Ki"}],
# Default --round=from-zero
['round-1','--to-unit=1024 -- 6000 -6000',
['round-2','--to-unit=1024 -- 6000.0 -6000.0',
['round-3','--to-unit=1024 -- 6000.00 -6000.00',
['round-4','--to-unit=1024 -- 6000.000 -6000.000',
['round-5','--to-unit=1024 -- 6000.0000 -6000.0000',
# --round=up
['round-1-up','--round=up --to-unit=1024 -- 6000 -6000',
['round-2-up','--round=up --to-unit=1024 -- 6000.0 -6000.0',
['round-3-up','--round=up --to-unit=1024 -- 6000.00 -6000.00',
['round-4-up','--round=up --to-unit=1024 -- 6000.000 -6000.000',
['round-5-up','--round=up --to-unit=1024 -- 6000.0000 -6000.0000',
# --round=down
['round-1-down','--round=down --to-unit=1024 -- 6000 -6000',
['round-2-down','--round=down --to-unit=1024 -- 6000.0 -6000.0',
['round-3-down','--round=down --to-unit=1024 -- 6000.00 -6000.00',
['round-4-down','--round=down --to-unit=1024 -- 6000.000 -6000.000',
['round-5-down','--round=down --to-unit=1024 -- 6000.0000 -6000.0000',
# --round=towards-zero
['round-1-to-zero','--ro=towards-zero --to-u=1024 -- 6000 -6000',
['round-2-to-zero','--ro=towards-zero --to-u=1024 -- 6000.0 -6000.0',
['round-3-to-zero','--ro=towards-zero --to-u=1024 -- 6000.00 -6000.00',
['round-4-to-zero','--ro=towards-zero --to-u=1024 -- 6000.000 -6000.000',
['round-5-to-zero','--ro=towards-zero --to-u=1024 -- 6000.0000 -6000.0000',
# --round=nearest
['round-1-near','--ro=nearest --to-u=1024 -- 6000 -6000',
['round-2-near','--ro=nearest --to-u=1024 -- 6000.0 -6000.0',
['round-3-near','--ro=nearest --to-u=1024 -- 6000.00 -6000.00',
['round-4-near','--ro=nearest --to-u=1024 -- 6000.000 -6000.000',
['round-5-near','--ro=nearest --to-u=1024 -- 6000.0000 -6000.0000',
# Leading zeros weren't handled appropriately before 8.24
['leading-1','0000000000000000000000000001', {OUT=>"1"}],
['leading-2','.1', {OUT=>"0.1"}],
{ERR => "$prog: invalid number: 'bad.1'\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input: '..1'\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
{ERR => "$prog: invalid number: '1.'\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
# precision override
['precision-1','--format=%.4f 9991239123 --to=si', {OUT=>"9.9913G"}],
['precision-2','--format=%.1f 9991239123 --to=si', {OUT=>"10.0G"}],
['precision-3','--format=%.1f 1', {OUT=>"1.0"}],
['precision-4','--format=%.1f 1.12', {OUT=>"1.2"}],
['precision-5','--format=%.1f 9991239123 --to-unit=G', {OUT=>"10.0"}],
['precision-6','--format="% .1f" 9991239123 --to-unit=G', {OUT=>"10.0"}],
['precision-7','--format=%.-1f 1.1',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid precision in format '%.-1f'\n"},
{EXIT => 1}],
['precision-8','--format=%.+1f 1.1',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid precision in format '%.+1f'\n"},
{EXIT => 1}],
['precision-9','--format="%. 1f" 1.1',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid precision in format '%. 1f'\n"},
{EXIT => 1}],
# debug warnings
['debug-1', '--debug 4096', {OUT=>"4096"},
{ERR=>"$prog: no conversion option specified\n"}],
# '--padding' is a valid conversion option - no warning should be printed
['debug-1.1', '--debug --padding 10 4096', {OUT=>" 4096"}],
['debug-2', '--debug --grouping --from=si 4.0K', {OUT=>"4000"},
{ERR=>"$prog: grouping has no effect in this locale\n"}],
# dev-debug messages - the actual messages don't matter
# just ensure the program works, and for code coverage testing.
['devdebug-1', '---debug --from=si 4.9K', {OUT=>"4900"},
['devdebug-2', '---debug 4900', {OUT=>"4900"},
['devdebug-3', '---debug --from=auto 4Mi', {OUT=>"4194304"},
['devdebug-4', '---debug --to=si 4000000', {OUT=>"4.0M"},
['devdebug-5', '---debug --to=si --padding=5 4000000', {OUT=>" 4.0M"},
['devdebug-6', '---debug --suffix=Foo 1234Foo', {OUT=>"1234Foo"},
['devdebug-7', '---debug --suffix=Foo 1234', {OUT=>"1234Foo"},
['devdebug-9', '---debug --grouping 10000', {OUT=>"10000"},
['devdebug-10', '---debug --format %f 10000', {OUT=>"10000"},
['devdebug-11', '---debug --format "%\'-10f" 10000',{OUT=>"10000 "},
# Invalid parameters
['help-1', '--foobar',
{ERR=>"$prog: unrecognized option\n$try"},
{ERR_SUBST=>"s/option.*/option/; s/unknown/unrecognized/"},
## Format string - check error detection
['fmt-err-1', '--format ""',
{ERR=>"$prog: format '' has no % directive\n"},
['fmt-err-2', '--format "hello"',
{ERR=>"$prog: format 'hello' has no % directive\n"},
['fmt-err-3', '--format "hello%"',
{ERR=>"$prog: format 'hello%' ends in %\n"},
['fmt-err-4', '--format "%d"',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid format '%d', " .
"directive must be %[0]['][-][N][.][N]f\n"},
['fmt-err-5', '--format "% -43 f"',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid format '% -43 f', " .
"directive must be %[0]['][-][N][.][N]f\n"},
['fmt-err-6', '--format "%f %f"',
{ERR=>"$prog: format '%f %f' has too many % directives\n"},
['fmt-err-7', '--format "%'.$limits->{LONG_OFLOW}.'f"',
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid format '%$limits->{LONG_OFLOW}f'".
" (width overflow)\n"},
['fmt-err-9', '--format "%f" --grouping',
{ERR=>"$prog: --grouping cannot be combined with --format\n"},
['fmt-err-10', '--format "%\'f" --to=si',
{ERR=>"$prog: grouping cannot be combined with --to\n"},
['fmt-err-11', '--debug --format "%\'f" 5000', {OUT=>"5000"},
{ERR=>"$prog: grouping has no effect in this locale\n"}],
## Format string - check some corner cases
['fmt-1', '--format "%% %f" 5000', {OUT=>"%%5000"}],
['fmt-2', '--format "%f %%" 5000', {OUT=>"5000 %%"}],
['fmt-3', '--format "--%f--" 5000000', {OUT=>"--5000000--"}],
['fmt-4', '--format "--%f--" --to=si 5000000', {OUT=>"--5.0M--"}],
['fmt-5', '--format "--%10f--" --to=si 5000000',{OUT=>"-- 5.0M--"}],
['fmt-6', '--format "--%-10f--" --to=si 5000000',{OUT=>"--5.0M --"}],
['fmt-7', '--format "--%10f--" 5000000',{OUT=>"-- 5000000--"}],
['fmt-8', '--format "--%-10f--" 5000000',{OUT=>"--5000000 --"}],
# too-short width
['fmt-9', '--format "--%5f--" 5000000',{OUT=>"--5000000--"}],
# Format + Suffix
['fmt-10', '--format "--%10f--" --suffix Foo 50', {OUT=>"-- 50Foo--"}],
['fmt-11', '--format "--%-10f--" --suffix Foo 50',{OUT=>"--50Foo --"}],
# Grouping in C locale - no grouping effect
['fmt-12', '--format "%\'f" 50000',{OUT=>"50000"}],
['fmt-13', '--format "%\'10f" 50000', {OUT=>" 50000"}],
['fmt-14', '--format "%\'-10f" 50000',{OUT=>"50000 "}],
# Very large format strings
['fmt-15', '--format "--%100000f--" --to=si 4200',
{OUT=>"--" . " " x 99996 . "4.2K--" }],
# --format padding overrides --padding
['fmt-16', '--format="%6f" --padding=66 1234',{OUT=>" 1234"}],
# zero padding
['fmt-17', '--format="%06f" 1234',{OUT=>"001234"}],
# also support spaces (which are ignored as spacing is handled separately)
['fmt-18', '--format="%0 6f" 1234',{OUT=>"001234"}],
# handle generic padding in combination
['fmt-22', '--format="%06f" --padding=7 1234',{OUT=>" 001234"}],
['fmt-23', '--format="%06f" --padding=-7 1234',{OUT=>"001234 "}],
## Check all errors again, this time with --invalid=fail
## Input will be printed without conversion,
## and exit code will be 2
['ign-err-1', '--invalid=fail 4Q',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input: '4Q'\n"},
{OUT => "4Q\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['ign-err-2', '--invalid=fail 4M',
{ERR => "$prog: rejecting suffix " .
"in input: '4M' (consider using --from)\n"},
{OUT => "4M\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['ign-err-3', '--invalid=fail --from=si 4MQ',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input '4MQ': 'Q'\n"},
{OUT => "4MQ\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['ign-err-4', '--invalid=fail --suffix=Foo --to=si 7000FooF',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid suffix in input: '7000FooF'\n"},
{OUT => "7000FooF\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['ign-err-5','--invalid=fail --field 3 --from=auto "Hello 40M World 90G"',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid number: 'World'\n"},
{OUT => "Hello 40M World 90G\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['ign-err-7', '--invalid=fail --from=si "foo"',
{ERR => "$prog: invalid number: 'foo'\n"},
{OUT => "foo\n"},
{EXIT=> 2}],
['ign-err-8', '--invalid=fail 12M',
{ERR => "$prog: rejecting suffix " .
"in input: '12M' (consider using --from)\n"},
{OUT => "12M\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['ign-err-9', '--invalid=fail --from=iec-i 12M',
{ERR => "$prog: missing 'i' suffix in input: " .
"'12M' (e.g Ki/Mi/Gi)\n"},
{OUT => "12M\n"},
## Ignore Errors with multiple conversions
['ign-err-m1', '--invalid=ignore --to=si 1000 2000 bad 3000',
{OUT => "1.0K\n2.0K\nbad\n3.0K"},
{EXIT => 0}],
['ign-err-m1.1', '--invalid=ignore --to=si',
{IN_PIPE => "1000\n2000\nbad\n3000\n"},
{OUT => "1.0K\n2.0K\nbad\n3.0K"},
{EXIT => 0}],
['ign-err-m1.3', '--invalid=fail --debug --to=si 1000 2000 3000',
{OUT => "1.0K\n2.0K\n3.0K"},
{EXIT => 0}],
['ign-err-m2', '--invalid=fail --to=si 1000 Foo 3000',
{OUT => "1.0K\nFoo\n3.0K\n"},
{ERR => "$prog: invalid number: 'Foo'\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['ign-err-m2.1', '--invalid=warn --to=si',
{IN_PIPE => "1000\nFoo\n3000\n"},
{OUT => "1.0K\nFoo\n3.0K"},
{ERR => "$prog: invalid number: 'Foo'\n"},
{EXIT => 0}],
# --debug will trigger a final warning at EOF
['ign-err-m2.2', '--invalid=fail --debug --to=si 1000 Foo 3000',
{OUT => "1.0K\nFoo\n3.0K\n"},
{ERR => "$prog: invalid number: 'Foo'\n" .
"$prog: failed to convert some of the input numbers\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['ign-err-m3', '--invalid=fail --field 2 --from=si --to=iec',
{IN_PIPE => "A 1K x\nB 2M y\nC 3G z\n"},
{OUT => "A 1000 x\nB 2.0M y\nC 2.8G z"},
{EXIT => 0}],
# invalid input on one of the fields
['ign-err-m3.1', '--invalid=fail --field 2 --from=si --to=iec',
{IN_PIPE => "A 1K x\nB Foo y\nC 3G z\n"},
{OUT => "A 1000 x\nB Foo y\nC 2.8G z\n"},
{ERR => "$prog: invalid number: 'Foo'\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
# test null-terminated lines
my @NullDelim_Tests =
# Input from STDIN
['z1', '-z --to=iec',
{IN_PIPE => "1025\x002048\x00"}, {OUT=>"1.1K\x002.0K\x00"}],
# Input from the commandline - terminated by NULL vs NL
['z3', ' --to=iec 1024', {OUT=>"1.0K\n"}],
['z2', '-z --to=iec 1024', {OUT=>"1.0K\x00"}],
# Input from STDIN, with fields
['z4', '-z --field=3 --to=si',
{IN_PIPE => "A B 1001 C\x00" .
"D E 2002 F\x00"},
{OUT => "A B 1.1K C\x00" .
"D E 2.1K F\x00"}],
# Input from STDIN, with fields and embedded NL
['z5', '-z --field=3 --to=si',
{IN_PIPE => "A\nB 1001 C\x00" .
"D E\n2002 F\x00"},
{OUT => "A B 1.1K C\x00" .
"D E 2.1K F\x00"}],
my @Limit_Tests =
# Large Values
['large-1','1000000000000000', {OUT=>"1000000000000000"}],
# 18 digits is OK
['large-2','1000000000000000000', {OUT=>"1000000000000000000"}],
# 19 digits is too much (without output scaling)
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '1e+19' " .
"(consider using --to)\n"},
{ERR => "$prog: value/precision too large to be printed: " .
"'1e+18/1' (consider using --to)\n"},
# Test input:
# Up to 27 digits is OK.
['large-3.1', '--to=si 1', {OUT=> "1"}],
['large-3.2', '--to=si 10', {OUT=> "10"}],
['large-3.3', '--to=si 100', {OUT=> "100"}],
['large-3.4', '--to=si 1000', {OUT=>"1.0K"}],
['large-3.5', '--to=si 10000', {OUT=> "10K"}],
['large-3.6', '--to=si 100000', {OUT=>"100K"}],
['large-3.7', '--to=si 1000000', {OUT=>"1.0M"}],
['large-3.8', '--to=si 10000000', {OUT=> "10M"}],
['large-3.9', '--to=si 100000000', {OUT=>"100M"}],
['large-3.10','--to=si 1000000000', {OUT=>"1.0G"}],
['large-3.11','--to=si 10000000000', {OUT=> "10G"}],
['large-3.12','--to=si 100000000000', {OUT=>"100G"}],
['large-3.13','--to=si 1000000000000', {OUT=>"1.0T"}],
['large-3.14','--to=si 10000000000000', {OUT=> "10T"}],
['large-3.15','--to=si 100000000000000', {OUT=>"100T"}],
['large-3.16','--to=si 1000000000000000', {OUT=>"1.0P"}],
['large-3.17','--to=si 10000000000000000', {OUT=> "10P"}],
['large-3.18','--to=si 100000000000000000', {OUT=>"100P"}],
['large-3.19','--to=si 1000000000000000000', {OUT=>"1.0E"}],
['large-3.20','--to=si 10000000000000000000', {OUT=> "10E"}],
['large-3.21','--to=si 210000000000000000000', {OUT=>"210E"}],
['large-3.22','--to=si 3210000000000000000000', {OUT=>"3.3Z"}],
['large-3.23','--to=si 43210000000000000000000', {OUT=> "44Z"}],
['large-3.24','--to=si 543210000000000000000000', {OUT=>"544Z"}],
['large-3.25','--to=si 6543210000000000000000000', {OUT=>"6.6Y"}],
['large-3.26','--to=si 76543210000000000000000000', {OUT=> "77Y"}],
['large-3.27','--to=si 876543210000000000000000000', {OUT=>"877Y"}],
# More than 27 digits is not OK
['large-3.28','--to=si 9876543210000000000000000000',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be converted: " .
{EXIT => 2}],
# Test Output
['large-4.1', '--from=si 9.7M', {OUT=>"9700000"}],
['large-4.2', '--from=si 10M', {OUT =>"10000000"}],
['large-4.3', '--from=si 200M', {OUT =>"200000000"}],
['large-4.4', '--from=si 3G', {OUT =>"3000000000"}],
['large-4.5', '--from=si 40G', {OUT =>"40000000000"}],
['large-4.6', '--from=si 500G', {OUT =>"500000000000"}],
['large-4.7', '--from=si 6T', {OUT =>"6000000000000"}],
['large-4.8', '--from=si 70T', {OUT =>"70000000000000"}],
['large-4.9', '--from=si 800T', {OUT =>"800000000000000"}],
['large-4.10','--from=si 9P', {OUT =>"9000000000000000"}],
['large-4.11','--from=si 10P', {OUT =>"10000000000000000"}],
['large-4.12','--from=si 200P', {OUT =>"200000000000000000"}],
['large-4.13','--from=si 3E', {OUT =>"3000000000000000000"}],
# More than 18 digits of output without scaling - no good.
['large-4.14','--from=si 40E',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '4e+19' " .
"(consider using --to)\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['large-4.15','--from=si 500E',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '5e+20' " .
"(consider using --to)\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['large-4.16','--from=si 6Z',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '6e+21' " .
"(consider using --to)\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['large-4.17','--from=si 70Z',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '7e+22' " .
"(consider using --to)\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['large-4.18','--from=si 800Z',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '8e+23' " .
"(consider using --to)\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['large-4.19','--from=si 9Y',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '9e+24' " .
"(consider using --to)\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['large-4.20','--from=si 10Y',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '1e+25' " .
"(consider using --to)\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['large-4.21','--from=si 200Y',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '2e+26' " .
"(consider using --to)\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['large-5.1','--to=si 1000000000000000000', {OUT=>"1.0E"}],
['large-5','--from=si --to=si 2E', {OUT=>"2.0E"}],
['large-6','--from=si --to=si 3.4Z', {OUT=>"3.4Z"}],
['large-7','--from=si --to=si 80Y', {OUT=>"80Y"}],
['large-8','--from=si --to=si 9000Z', {OUT=>"9.0Y"}],
['large-10','--from=si --to=si 999Y', {OUT=>"999Y"}],
['large-11','--from=si --to=iec 999Y', {OUT=>"827Y"}],
['large-12','--from=si --round=down --to=iec 999Y', {OUT=>"826Y"}],
# units can also affect the output
['large-13','--from=si --from-unit=1000000 9P',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '9e+21' " .
"(consider using --to)\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['large-13.1','--from=si --from-unit=1000000 --to=si 9P', {OUT=>"9.0Z"}],
# Numbers>999Y are never acceptable, regardless of scaling
['large-14','--from=si --to=si 999Y', {OUT=>"999Y"}],
['large-14.1','--from=si --to=si 1000Y',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '1e+27' " .
"(cannot handle values > 999Y)\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
['large-14.2','--from=si --to=si --from-unit=10000 1Y',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '1e+28' " .
"(cannot handle values > 999Y)\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
# intmax_t overflow when rounding caused this to fail before 8.24
['large-15',$limits->{INTMAX_OFLOW}, {OUT=>$limits->{INTMAX_OFLOW}}],
['large-16','9.300000000000000000', {OUT=>'9.300000000000000000'}],
['strtod-3', '--from=si "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890'.
{ERR=>"$prog: value too large to be converted: '" .
"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" .
{EXIT=> 2}],
['strtod-7', '--from=si "12.1234567890123456789012345678901234567890'.
{ERR=>"$prog: value too large to be converted: '" .
"12.1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" .
{EXIT=> 2}],
['debug-4', '--to=si --debug 12345678901234567890',
{ERR=>"$prog: large input value '12345678901234567890':" .
" possible precision loss\n"}],
['debug-5', '--to=si --from=si --debug 1.12345678901234567890Y',
{ERR=>"$prog: large input value '1.12345678901234567890Y':" .
" possible precision loss\n"}],
['ign-err-10','--invalid=fail 10000000000000000000',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be printed: '1e+19' " .
"(consider using --to)\n"},
{OUT => "10000000000000000000\n"},
['ign-err-11','--invalid=fail --to=si 9876543210000000000000000000',
{ERR => "$prog: value too large to be converted: " .
{OUT => "9876543210000000000000000000\n"},
{EXIT => 2}],
# Restrict these tests to systems with LDBL_DIG == 18
(system "$prog ---debug 1 2>&1|grep 'MAX_UNSCALED_DIGITS: 18' > /dev/null") == 0
and push @Tests, @Limit_Tests;
my @Locale_Tests =
# Locale that supports grouping, but without '--grouping' parameter
['lcl-grp-1', '--from=si 7M', {OUT=>"7000000"},
# Locale with grouping
['lcl-grp-2', '--from=si --grouping 7M', {OUT=>"7 000 000"},
# Locale with grouping and debug - no debug warning message
['lcl-grp-3', '--from=si --debug --grouping 7M', {OUT=>"7 000 000"},
# Input with locale'd decimal-point
['lcl-stdtod-1', '--from=si 12,2K', {OUT=>"12200"},
['lcl-dbl-to-human-1', '--to=si 1100', {OUT=>"1,1K"},
# Format + Grouping
['lcl-fmt-1', '--format "%\'f" 50000',{OUT=>"50 000"},
['lcl-fmt-2', '--format "--%\'10f--" 50000', {OUT=>"-- 50 000--"},
['lcl-fmt-3', '--format "--%\'-10f--" 50000',{OUT=>"--50 000 --"},
['lcl-fmt-4', '--format "--%-10f--" --to=si 5000000',
{OUT=>"--5,0M --"},
# handle zero/grouping in combination
['lcl-fmt-5', '--format="%\'06f" 1234',{OUT=>"01 234"},
['lcl-fmt-6', '--format="%0\'6f" 1234',{OUT=>"01 234"},
['lcl-fmt-7', '--format="%0\'\'6f" 1234',{OUT=>"01 234"},
if ($locale ne 'C')
# Reset locale to 'C' if LOCALE_FR_UTF8 doesn't output as expected
# as determined by the separate printf program.
open(LOC_NUM, "env LC_ALL=$locale printf \"%'d\" 1234|")
or die "Can't fork command: $!";
my $loc_num = ;
close(LOC_NUM) || die "Failed to read grouped number from printf";
if ($loc_num ne '1 234')
warn "skipping locale grouping tests as 1234 groups like $loc_num\n";
$locale = 'C';
push @Tests, @Locale_Tests if $locale ne 'C';
## Check all valid/invalid suffixes
foreach my $suf ( 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z' ) {
if ( $suf =~ /^[KMGTPEZY]$/ )
push @Tests, ["auto-suf-si-$suf","--from=si --to=si 1$suf",
push @Tests, ["auto-suf-iec-$suf","--from=iec --to=iec 1$suf",
push @Tests, ["auto-suf-auto-$suf","--from=auto --to=iec 1${suf}i",
push @Tests, ["auto-suf-iec-to-ieci-$suf","--from=iec --to=iec-i 1${suf}",
push @Tests, ["auto-suf-ieci-to-iec-$suf",
"--from=iec-i --to=iec 1${suf}i",{OUT=>"1.0${suf}"}];
push @Tests, ["auto-suf-si-$suf","--from=si --to=si 1$suf",
{ERR=>"$prog: invalid suffix in input: '1${suf}'\n"},
# Prepend the command line argument and append a newline to end
# of each expected 'OUT' string.
my $t;
foreach $t (@Tests)
# Don't fiddle with expected OUT string if there's a nonzero exit status.
foreach my $e (@$t)
ref $e eq 'HASH' && exists $e->{EXIT} && $e->{EXIT}
and next Test;
foreach my $e (@$t)
ref $e eq 'HASH' && exists $e->{OUT}
and $e->{OUT} .= "\n"
# Add test for null-terminated lines (after adjusting the OUT string, above).
push @Tests, @NullDelim_Tests;
my $save_temps = $ENV{SAVE_TEMPS};
my $verbose = $ENV{VERBOSE};
my $fail = run_tests ($program_name, $prog, \@Tests, $save_temps, $verbose);
exit $fail;