#!/bin/bash . lib.sh # # *** Description *** # # generate header with malformed json but correct checksum in primary header # # $1 full target dir # $2 full source luks2 image function prepare() { cp $SRC_IMG $TGT_IMG test -d $TMPDIR || mkdir $TMPDIR read_luks2_json0 $TGT_IMG $TMPDIR/json0 read_luks2_bin_hdr0 $TGT_IMG $TMPDIR/hdr0 } function generate() { read -r json_str < $TMPDIR/json0 json_len=${#json_str} json_len=$((json_len-1)) # to replace json closing '}' json_new_str="${json_str:0:json_len},\"" while [ ${#json_new_str} -le $((LUKS2_JSON_SIZE*512)) ]; do json_new_str=$json_new_str"all_work_and_no_play_makes_Jack_a_dull_boy_" done printf "%s" $json_new_str | _dd of=$TMPDIR/json0 bs=512 count=$LUKS2_JSON_SIZE merge_bin_hdr_with_json $TMPDIR/hdr0 $TMPDIR/json0 $TMPDIR/area0 erase_checksum $TMPDIR/area0 chks0=$(calc_sha256_checksum_file $TMPDIR/area0) write_checksum $chks0 $TMPDIR/area0 write_luks2_hdr0 $TMPDIR/area0 $TGT_IMG } function check() { chks_res0=$(read_sha256_checksum $TGT_IMG) test "$chks0" = "$chks_res0" || exit 2 read_luks2_json0 $TGT_IMG $TMPDIR/json_res0 read -r json_str_res0 < $TMPDIR/json_res0 test ${#json_str_res0} -eq $((LUKS2_JSON_SIZE*512)) || exit 2 } function cleanup() { rm -f $TMPDIR/* rm -fd $TMPDIR } test $# -eq 2 || exit 1 TGT_IMG=$1/$(test_img_name $0) SRC_IMG=$2 prepare generate check cleanup