path: root/lib/Devscripts/Uscan/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 09:36:25 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 09:36:25 +0000
commit6077d258b500b20e1e705f5cda567400240c7804 (patch)
treea5d41c050bd69f91476994b0d30c0a8f1e7957b5 /lib/Devscripts/Uscan/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 2.21.3+deb11u1.upstream/2.21.3+deb11u1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Devscripts/Uscan/ b/lib/Devscripts/Uscan/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ae03e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Devscripts/Uscan/
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+package Devscripts::Uscan::Downloader;
+use strict;
+use Cwd qw/cwd abs_path/;
+use Devscripts::Uscan::CatchRedirections;
+use Devscripts::Uscan::Output;
+use Devscripts::Uscan::Utils;
+use Dpkg::IPC;
+use File::DirList;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+use File::Touch;
+use Moo;
+use URI;
+our $haveSSL;
+has git_upstream => (is => 'rw');
+ eval { require LWP::UserAgent; };
+ if ($@) {
+ my $progname = basename($0);
+ if ($@ =~ /^Can\'t locate LWP\/UserAgent\.pm/) {
+ die "$progname: you must have the libwww-perl package installed\n"
+ . "to use this script";
+ } else {
+ die "$progname: problem loading the LWP::UserAgent module:\n $@\n"
+ . "Have you installed the libwww-perl package?";
+ }
+ }
+ eval { require LWP::Protocol::https; };
+ $haveSSL = $@ ? 0 : 1;
+has agent =>
+ (is => 'rw', default => sub { "Debian uscan $main::uscan_version" });
+has timeout => (is => 'rw');
+has pasv => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ default => 'default',
+ trigger => sub {
+ my ($self, $nv) = @_;
+ if ($nv) {
+ uscan_verbose "Set passive mode: $self->{pasv}";
+ $ENV{'FTP_PASSIVE'} = $self->pasv;
+ } elsif ($ENV{'FTP_PASSIVE'}) {
+ uscan_verbose "Unset passive mode";
+ delete $ENV{'FTP_PASSIVE'};
+ }
+ });
+has destdir => (is => 'rw');
+# 0: no repo, 1: shallow clone, 2: full clone
+has gitrepo_state => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ default => sub { 0 });
+has git_export_all => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ default => sub { 0 });
+has user_agent => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ lazy => 1,
+ default => sub {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $user_agent
+ = Devscripts::Uscan::CatchRedirections->new(env_proxy => 1);
+ $user_agent->timeout($self->timeout);
+ $user_agent->agent($self->agent);
+ # Strip Referer header for Sourceforge to avoid SF sending back a
+ # "200 OK" with a <meta refresh=...> redirect
+ $user_agent->add_handler(
+ 'request_prepare' => sub {
+ my ($request, $ua, $h) = @_;
+ $request->remove_header('Referer');
+ },
+ m_hostname => '',
+ );
+ $self->{user_agent} = $user_agent;
+ });
+has ssl => (is => 'rw', default => sub { $haveSSL });
+has headers => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ default => sub { {} });
+sub download ($$$$$$$$) {
+ my ($self, $url, $fname, $optref, $base, $pkg_dir, $pkg, $mode) = @_;
+ my ($request, $response);
+ $mode ||= $optref->mode;
+ if ($mode eq 'http') {
+ if ($url =~ /^https/ and !$self->ssl) {
+ uscan_die "$progname: you must have the "
+ . "liblwp-protocol-https-perl package installed\n"
+ . "to use https URLs";
+ }
+ # substitute HTML entities
+ # Is anything else than "&amp;" required? I doubt it.
+ uscan_verbose "Requesting URL:\n $url";
+ my $headers = HTTP::Headers->new;
+ $headers->header('Accept' => '*/*');
+ $headers->header('Referer' => $base);
+ my $uri_o = URI->new($url);
+ foreach my $k (keys %{ $self->headers }) {
+ if ($k =~ /^(.*?)@(.*)$/) {
+ my $baseUrl = $1;
+ my $hdr = $2;
+ if ($url =~ m#^\Q$baseUrl\E(?:/.*)?$#) {
+ $headers->header($hdr => $self->headers->{$k});
+ uscan_verbose "Set per-host custom header $hdr for $url";
+ } else {
+ uscan_debug "$url does not start with $1";
+ }
+ } else {
+ uscan_warn "Malformed http-header: $k";
+ }
+ }
+ $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url, $headers);
+ $response = $self->user_agent->request($request, $fname);
+ if (!$response->is_success) {
+ uscan_warn((defined $pkg_dir ? "In directory $pkg_dir, d" : "D")
+ . "ownloading\n $url failed: "
+ . $response->status_line);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } elsif ($mode eq 'ftp') {
+ uscan_verbose "Requesting URL:\n $url";
+ $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', "$url");
+ $response = $self->user_agent->request($request, $fname);
+ if (!$response->is_success) {
+ uscan_warn(
+ (defined $pkg_dir ? "In directory $pkg_dir, d" : "D")
+ . "ownloading\n $url failed: "
+ . $response->status_line);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else { # elsif ($$optref{'mode'} eq 'git')
+ my $destdir = $self->destdir;
+ my $curdir = cwd();
+ $fname =~ m%(.*)/$pkg-([^_/]*)\.tar\.(gz|xz|bz2|lzma)%;
+ my $dst = $1;
+ my $abs_dst = abs_path($dst);
+ my $ver = $2;
+ my $suffix = $3;
+ my $gitrepo_dir
+ = "$pkg-temporary.$$.git"; # same as outside of downloader
+ my ($gitrepo, $gitref) = split /[[:space:]]+/, $url, 2;
+ my $clean = sub {
+ uscan_exec_no_fail('rm', '-fr', $gitrepo_dir);
+ };
+ my $clean_and_die = sub {
+ $clean->();
+ uscan_die @_;
+ };
+ if ($mode eq 'svn') {
+ my $tempdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
+ my $old_umask = umask(oct('022'));
+ uscan_exec('svn', 'export', $url, "$tempdir/$pkg-$ver");
+ umask($old_umask);
+ find({
+ wanted => sub {
+ return if !-d $File::Find::name;
+ my ($newest) = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' }
+ map { $_->[13] } @{ File::DirList::list($_, 'M') };
+ return if !$newest;
+ my $touch
+ = File::Touch->new(reference => $_ . '/' . $newest);
+ $touch->touch($_);
+ },
+ bydepth => 1,
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ },
+ "$tempdir/$pkg-$ver"
+ );
+ uscan_exec(
+ 'tar', '-C',
+ $tempdir, '--sort=name',
+ '--owner=root', '--group=root',
+ '-cvf', "$abs_dst/$pkg-$ver.tar",
+ "$pkg-$ver"
+ );
+ } elsif ($self->git_upstream) {
+ my ($infodir, $attr_file, $attr_bkp);
+ if ($self->git_export_all) {
+ # override any export-subst and export-ignore attributes
+ spawn(
+ exec => [qw|git rev-parse --git-path info/|],
+ to_string => \$infodir,
+ );
+ chomp $infodir;
+ mkdir $infodir unless -e $infodir;
+ spawn(
+ exec => [qw|git rev-parse --git-path info/attributes|],
+ to_string => \$attr_file,
+ );
+ chomp $attr_file;
+ spawn(
+ exec =>
+ [qw|git rev-parse --git-path info/attributes-uscan|],
+ to_string => \$attr_bkp,
+ );
+ chomp $attr_bkp;
+ rename $attr_file, $attr_bkp if -e $attr_file;
+ my $attr_fh;
+ unless (open($attr_fh, '>', $attr_file)) {
+ rename $attr_bkp, $attr_file if -e $attr_bkp;
+ uscan_die("could not open $attr_file for writing");
+ }
+ print $attr_fh "* -export-subst\n* -export-ignore\n";
+ close $attr_fh;
+ }
+ uscan_exec_no_fail('git', 'archive', '--format=tar',
+ "--prefix=$pkg-$ver/", "--output=$abs_dst/$pkg-$ver.tar",
+ $gitref) == 0
+ or $clean_and_die->("git archive failed");
+ if ($self->git_export_all) {
+ # restore attributes
+ if (-e $attr_bkp) {
+ rename $attr_bkp, $attr_file;
+ } else {
+ unlink $attr_file;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($self->gitrepo_state == 0) {
+ if ($optref->gitmode eq 'shallow') {
+ my $tag = $gitref;
+ $tag =~ s#^refs/(?:tags|heads)/##;
+ uscan_exec('git', 'clone', '--bare', '--depth=1', '-b',
+ $tag, $base, "$destdir/$gitrepo_dir");
+ $self->gitrepo_state(1);
+ } else {
+ uscan_exec('git', 'clone', '--bare', $base,
+ "$destdir/$gitrepo_dir");
+ $self->gitrepo_state(2);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->git_export_all) {
+ # override any export-subst and export-ignore attributes
+ my ($infodir, $attr_file);
+ spawn(
+ exec => [
+ 'git', "--git-dir=$destdir/$gitrepo_dir",
+ 'rev-parse', '--git-path', 'info/'
+ ],
+ to_string => \$infodir,
+ );
+ chomp $infodir;
+ mkdir $infodir unless -e $infodir;
+ spawn(
+ exec => [
+ 'git', "--git-dir=$destdir/$gitrepo_dir",
+ 'rev-parse', '--git-path',
+ 'info/attributes'
+ ],
+ to_string => \$attr_file,
+ );
+ chomp $attr_file;
+ my $attr_fh;
+ $clean_and_die->("could not open $attr_file for writing")
+ unless open($attr_fh, '>', $attr_file);
+ print $attr_fh "* -export-subst\n* -export-ignore\n";
+ close $attr_fh;
+ }
+ uscan_exec_no_fail(
+ 'git', "--git-dir=$destdir/$gitrepo_dir",
+ 'archive', '--format=tar',
+ "--prefix=$pkg-$ver/", "--output=$abs_dst/$pkg-$ver.tar",
+ $gitref
+ ) == 0
+ or $clean_and_die->("git archive failed");
+ }
+ chdir "$abs_dst" or $clean_and_die->("Unable to chdir($abs_dst): $!");
+ if ($suffix eq 'gz') {
+ uscan_exec("gzip", "-n", "-9", "$pkg-$ver.tar");
+ } elsif ($suffix eq 'xz') {
+ uscan_exec("xz", "$pkg-$ver.tar");
+ } elsif ($suffix eq 'bz2') {
+ uscan_exec("bzip2", "$pkg-$ver.tar");
+ } elsif ($suffix eq 'lzma') {
+ uscan_exec("lzma", "$pkg-$ver.tar");
+ } else {
+ $clean_and_die->("Unknown suffix file to repack: $suffix");
+ }
+ chdir "$curdir" or $clean_and_die->("Unable to chdir($curdir): $!");
+ $clean->();
+ }
+ return 1;