# This is Debbugs.pm from the Debian devscripts package # # Copyright (C) 2008 Adam D. Barratt # select() is Copyright (C) 2007 Don Armstrong # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. package Devscripts::Debbugs; =head1 OPTIONS =item select [key:value ...] Uses the SOAP interface to output a list of bugs which match the given selection requirements. The following keys are allowed, and may be given multiple times. =over 8 =item package Binary package name. =item source Source package name. =item maintainer E-mail address of the maintainer. =item submitter E-mail address of the submitter. =item severity Bug severity. =item status Status of the bug. =item tag Tags applied to the bug. If I is specified, may include usertags in addition to the standard tags. =item owner Bug's owner. =item correspondent Address of someone who sent mail to the log. =item affects Bugs which affect this package. =item bugs List of bugs to search within. =item users Users to use when looking up usertags. =item archive Whether to search archived bugs or normal bugs; defaults to 0 (i.e. only search normal bugs). As a special case, if archive is 'both', both archived and unarchived bugs are returned. =back For example, to select the set of bugs submitted by jrandomdeveloper@example.com and tagged wontfix, one would use select("submitter:jrandomdeveloper@example.com", "tag:wontfix") =cut use strict; use warnings; my $soapurl = 'Debbugs/SOAP/1'; our $btsurl = 'http://bugs.debian.org/'; my @errors; our $soap_timeout; sub soap_timeout { my $timeout_arg = shift; if (defined $timeout_arg and $timeout_arg =~ m{^[1-9]\d*$}) { $soap_timeout = $timeout_arg; } } sub init_soap { my $soapproxyurl; if ($btsurl =~ m%^https?://(.*)/?$%) { $soapproxyurl = $btsurl . '/'; } else { $soapproxyurl = 'http://' . $btsurl . '/'; } $soapproxyurl =~ s%//$%/%; $soapproxyurl .= 'cgi-bin/soap.cgi'; my %options; if ($soap_timeout) { $options{timeout} = $soap_timeout; } my $soap = SOAP::Lite->uri($soapurl)->proxy($soapproxyurl, %options); $soap->transport->env_proxy(); $soap->on_fault(\&getSOAPError); return $soap; } my $soap_broken; sub have_soap { return ($soap_broken ? 0 : 1) if defined $soap_broken; eval { require SOAP::Lite; }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ m%^Can't locate SOAP/%) { $soap_broken = "the libsoap-lite-perl package is not installed"; } else { $soap_broken = "couldn't load SOAP::Lite: $@"; } } else { $soap_broken = 0; } return ($soap_broken ? 0 : 1); } sub getSOAPError { my ($soap, $result) = @_; my $err; if (ref($result)) { $err = $result->faultstring; } else { $err = $soap->transport->status; } chomp $err; push @errors, $err; return new SOAP::SOM; } sub usertags { die "Couldn't run usertags: $soap_broken\n" unless have_soap(); my @args = @_; my $soap = init_soap(); my $usertags = $soap->get_usertag(@_); if (@errors or not defined $usertags) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error retrieving usertags from SOAP server: $error\n"; } my $result = $usertags->result(); if (@errors or not defined $result) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error retrieving usertags from SOAP server: $error\n"; } return $result; } sub select { die "Couldn't run select: $soap_broken\n" unless have_soap(); my @args = @_; my %valid_keys = ( package => 'package', pkg => 'package', src => 'src', source => 'src', maint => 'maint', maintainer => 'maint', submitter => 'submitter', from => 'submitter', status => 'status', tag => 'tag', tags => 'tag', usertag => 'tag', usertags => 'tag', owner => 'owner', dist => 'dist', distribution => 'dist', bugs => 'bugs', archive => 'archive', severity => 'severity', correspondent => 'correspondent', affects => 'affects', ); my %users; my %search_parameters; my $soap = init_soap(); for my $arg (@args) { my ($key, $value) = split /:/, $arg, 2; next unless $key; if (exists $valid_keys{$key}) { if ($valid_keys{$key} eq 'archive') { $search_parameters{ $valid_keys{$key} } = $value if $value; } else { push @{ $search_parameters{ $valid_keys{$key} } }, $value if $value; } } elsif ($key =~ /users?$/) { $users{$value} = 1 if $value; } else { warn "select(): Unrecognised key: $key\n"; } } my %usertags; for my $user (keys %users) { my $ut = usertags($user); next unless defined $ut and $ut ne ""; for my $tag (keys %{$ut}) { push @{ $usertags{$tag} }, @{ $ut->{$tag} }; } } my $bugs = $soap->get_bugs(%search_parameters, (keys %usertags) ? (usertags => \%usertags) : ()); if (@errors or not defined $bugs) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving bugs from SOAP server: $error\n"; } my $result = $bugs->result(); if (@errors or not defined $result) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving bugs from SOAP server: $error\n"; } return $result; } sub status { die "Couldn't run status: $soap_broken\n" unless have_soap(); my @args = @_; my $soap = init_soap(); my $result = {}; while (my @slice = splice(@args, 0, 500)) { my $bugs = $soap->get_status(@slice); if (@errors or not defined $bugs) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving bug statuses from SOAP server: $error\n"; } my $tmp = $bugs->result(); if (@errors or not defined $tmp) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving bug statuses from SOAP server: $error\n"; } %$result = (%$result, %$tmp); } return $result; } sub versions { die "Couldn't run versions: $soap_broken\n" unless have_soap(); my @args = @_; my %valid_keys = ( package => 'package', pkg => 'package', src => 'source', source => 'source', time => 'time', binary => 'no_source_arch', notsource => 'no_source_arch', archs => 'return_archs', displayarch => 'return_archs', ); my %search_parameters; my @archs = (); my @dists = (); for my $arg (@args) { my ($key, $value) = split /:/, $arg, 2; $value ||= "1"; if ($key =~ /^arch(itecture)?$/) { push @archs, $value; } elsif ($key =~ /^dist(ribution)?$/) { push @dists, $value; } elsif (exists $valid_keys{$key}) { $search_parameters{ $valid_keys{$key} } = $value; } } $search_parameters{arch} = \@archs if @archs; $search_parameters{dist} = \@dists if @dists; my $soap = init_soap(); my $versions = $soap->get_versions(%search_parameters); if (@errors or not defined $versions) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving package versions from SOAP server: $error\n"; } my $result = $versions->result(); if (@errors or not defined $result) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieivng package versions from SOAP server: $error"; } return $result; } sub versions_with_arch { die "Couldn't run versions_with_arch: $soap_broken\n" unless have_soap(); my @args = @_; my $versions = versions(@args, 'displayarch:1'); if (not defined $versions) { die "Error while retrieivng package versions from SOAP server: $@"; } return $versions; } sub newest_bugs { die "Couldn't run newest_bugs: $soap_broken\n" unless have_soap(); my $count = shift || ''; return if $count !~ /^\d+$/; my $soap = init_soap(); my $bugs = $soap->newest_bugs($count); if (@errors or not defined $bugs) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving newest bug list from SOAP server: $error"; } my $result = $bugs->result(); if (@errors or not defined $result) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving newest bug list from SOAP server: $error"; } return $result; } # debbugs currently ignores the $msg_num parameter # but eventually it might not, so we support passing it sub bug_log { die "Couldn't run bug_log: $soap_broken\n" unless have_soap(); my $bug = shift || ''; my $message = shift; return if $bug !~ /^\d+$/; my $soap = init_soap(); my $log = $soap->get_bug_log($bug, $message); if (@errors or not defined $log) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving bug log from SOAP server: $error\n"; } my $result = $log->result(); if (@errors or not defined $result) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving bug log from SOAP server: $error\n"; } return $result; } sub binary_to_source { die "Couldn't run binary_to_source: $soap_broken\n" unless have_soap(); my $soap = init_soap(); my $binpkg = shift; my $binver = shift; my $arch = shift; return if not defined $binpkg or not defined $binver; my $mapping = $soap->binary_to_source($binpkg, $binver, $arch); if (@errors or not defined $mapping) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving binary to source mapping from SOAP server: $error\n"; } my $result = $mapping->result(); if (@errors or not defined $result) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving binary to source mapping from SOAP server: $error\n"; } return $result; } sub source_to_binary { die "Couldn't run source_to_binary: $soap_broken\n" unless have_soap(); my $soap = init_soap(); my $srcpkg = shift; my $srcver = shift; return if not defined $srcpkg or not defined $srcver; my $mapping = $soap->source_to_binary($srcpkg, $srcver); if (@errors or not defined $mapping) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving source to binary mapping from SOAP server: $error\n"; } my $result = $mapping->result(); if (@errors or not defined $result) { my $error = join("\n", @errors); die "Error while retrieving source to binary mapping from SOAP server: $error\n"; } return $result; } 1; __END__