# Push local work. Like gbp push but able to push uncomplete work package Devscripts::Salsa::push; use strict; use Devscripts::Output; use Devscripts::Utils; use Dpkg::Source::Format; use Moo::Role; use Dpkg::IPC; sub readGbpConf { my ($self) = @_; my $res = ''; foreach my $gbpconf (qw(.gbp.conf debian/gbp.conf .git/gbp.conf)) { if (-e $gbpconf) { open(my $f, $gbpconf); while (<$f>) { $res .= $_; if (/^\s*(debian|upstream)\-(branch|tag)\s*=\s*(.*\S)/) { $self->{"$1_$2"} = $3; } } close $f; last; } } if ($self->{debian_tag}) { $self->{debian_tag} =~ s/%\(version\)s/.*/g; $self->{debian_tag} =~ s/^/^/; $self->{debian_tag} =~ s/$/\$/; } else { my @tmp = Dpkg::Source::Format->new(filename => 'debian/source/format')->get; $self->{debian_tag} = $tmp[2] eq 'native' ? '.*' : '^debian/.*$'; } if ($self->{upstream_tag}) { $self->{upstream_tag} =~ s/%\(version\)s/.*/g; $self->{upstream_tag} =~ s/^/^/; $self->{upstream_tag} =~ s/$/\$/; } else { $self->{upstream_tag} = '^upstream/.*$'; } $self->{debian_branch} ||= 'master'; $self->{upstream_branch} ||= 'upstream'; return $res; } sub push { my ($self) = @_; $self->readGbpConf; my @refs; foreach ( $self->{debian_branch}, $self->{upstream_branch}, 'pristine-tar', 'refs/notes/commits' ) { if (ds_exec_no_fail(qw(git rev-parse --verify --quiet), $_) == 0) { push @refs, $_; } } my $out; spawn(exec => ['git', 'tag'], wait_child => 1, to_string => \$out); my @tags = grep /(?:$self->{debian_tag}|$self->{upstream_tag})/, split(/\r?\n/, $out); unless ( $ds_yes < 0 and ds_prompt( "You're going to push :\n - " . join(', ', @refs) . "\nand check tags that match:\n - " . join(', ', $self->{debian_tag}, $self->{upstream_tag}) . "\nContinue (Y/n) " ) =~ refuse ) { my $origin; eval { spawn( exec => ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], wait_child => 1, to_string => \$out, ); chomp $out; spawn( exec => ['git', 'config', '--local', '--get', "branch.$out.remote"], wait_child => 1, to_string => \$origin, ); chomp $origin; }; if ($origin) { ds_verbose 'Origin is ' . $origin; } else { ds_warn 'Unable to detect remote name, trying "origin"'; ds_verbose "Error: $@" if ($@); $origin = 'origin'; } ds_verbose "Execute 'git push $origin " . join(' ', @refs, ''); ds_debug "Tags are: " . join(' ', @tags); spawn( exec => ['git', 'push', $origin, @refs, @tags], wait_child => 1 ); } return 0; } 1;