package Devscripts::Uscan::http; use strict; use Cwd qw/abs_path/; use Devscripts::Uscan::Output; use Devscripts::Uscan::Utils; use Devscripts::Uscan::_xtp; use Moo::Role; *http_newfile_base = \&Devscripts::Uscan::_xtp::_xtp_newfile_base; ################################## # search $newversion (http mode) ################################## #returns (\@patterns, \@base_sites, \@base_dirs) sub handle_redirection { my ($self, $pattern, @additional_bases) = @_; my @redirections = @{ $self->downloader->user_agent->get_redirections }; my (@patterns, @base_sites, @base_dirs); uscan_verbose "redirections: @redirections" if @redirections; foreach my $_redir (@redirections, @additional_bases) { my $base_dir = $_redir; $base_dir =~ s%^\w+://[^/]+/%/%; $base_dir =~ s%/[^/]*(?:[#?].*)?$%/%; if ($_redir =~ m%^(\w+://[^/]+)%) { my $base_site = $1; push @patterns, quotemeta($base_site) . quotemeta($base_dir) . "$pattern"; push @base_sites, $base_site; push @base_dirs, $base_dir; # remove the filename, if any my $base_dir_orig = $base_dir; $base_dir =~ s%/[^/]*$%/%; if ($base_dir ne $base_dir_orig) { push @patterns, quotemeta($base_site) . quotemeta($base_dir) . "$pattern"; push @base_sites, $base_site; push @base_dirs, $base_dir; } } } return (\@patterns, \@base_sites, \@base_dirs); } sub http_search { my ($self) = @_; # $content: web page to be scraped to find the URLs to be downloaded if ($self->{parse_result}->{base} =~ /^https/ and !$self->downloader->ssl) { uscan_die "you must have the liblwp-protocol-https-perl package installed\nto use https URLs"; } uscan_verbose "Requesting URL:\n $self->{parse_result}->{base}"; my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $self->parse_result->{base}); foreach my $k (keys %{ $self->downloader->headers }) { if ($k =~ /^(.*?)@(.*)$/) { my $baseUrl = $1; my $hdr = $2; if ($self->parse_result->{base} =~ m#^\Q$baseUrl\E(?:/.*)?$#) { $request->header($hdr => $self->headers->{$k}); uscan_verbose "Set per-host custom header $hdr for " . $self->parse_result->{base}; } else { uscan_debug "$self->parse_result->{base} does not start with $1"; } } else { uscan_warn "Malformed http-header: $k"; } } $request->header('Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip'); $request->header('Accept' => '*/*'); my $response = $self->downloader->user_agent->request($request); if (!$response->is_success) { uscan_warn "In watchfile $self->{watchfile}, reading webpage\n $self->{parse_result}->{base} failed: " . $response->status_line; return undef; } my ($patterns, $base_sites, $base_dirs) = handle_redirection($self, $self->{parse_result}->{filepattern}); push @{ $self->patterns }, @$patterns; push @{ $self->sites }, @$base_sites; push @{ $self->basedirs }, @$base_dirs; my $content = $response->decoded_content; uscan_extra_debug "received content:\n$content\n[End of received content] by HTTP"; my @hrefs; if (!$self->searchmode or $self->searchmode eq 'html') { @hrefs = $self->html_search($content, $self->patterns); } elsif ($self->searchmode eq 'plain') { @hrefs = $self->plain_search($content); } else { uscan_warn 'Unknown searchmode "' . $self->searchmode . '", skipping'; return undef; } if (@hrefs) { @hrefs = Devscripts::Versort::versort(@hrefs); my $msg = "Found the following matching hrefs on the web page (newest first):\n"; foreach my $href (@hrefs) { $msg .= " $$href[2] ($$href[1]) index=$$href[0] $$href[3]\n"; } uscan_verbose $msg; } my ($newversion, $newfile); if (defined $self->shared->{download_version} and not $self->versionmode eq 'ignore') { # extract ones which has $match in the above loop defined my @vhrefs = grep { $$_[3] } @hrefs; if (@vhrefs) { (undef, $newversion, $newfile, undef) = @{ $vhrefs[0] }; } else { uscan_warn "In $self->{watchfile} no matching hrefs for version $self->{shared}->{download_version}" . " in watch line\n $self->{line}"; return undef; } } else { if (@hrefs) { (undef, $newversion, $newfile, undef) = @{ $hrefs[0] }; } else { uscan_warn "In $self->{watchfile} no matching files for watch line\n $self->{line}"; return undef; } } return ($newversion, $newfile); } ####################################################################### # determine $upstream_url (http mode) ####################################################################### # http is complicated due to absolute/relative URL issue sub http_upstream_url { my ($self) = @_; my $upstream_url; my $newfile = $self->search_result->{newfile}; if ($newfile =~ m%^\w+://%) { $upstream_url = $newfile; } elsif ($newfile =~ m%^//%) { $upstream_url = $self->parse_result->{site}; $upstream_url =~ s/^(https?:).*/$1/; $upstream_url .= $newfile; } elsif ($newfile =~ m%^/%) { # absolute filename # Were there any redirections? If so try using those first if ($#{ $self->patterns } > 0) { # replace $site here with the one we were redirected to foreach my $index (0 .. $#{ $self->patterns }) { if ("$self->{sites}->[$index]$newfile" =~ m&^$self->{patterns}->[$index]$&) { $upstream_url = "$self->{sites}->[$index]$newfile"; last; } } if (!defined($upstream_url)) { uscan_verbose "Unable to determine upstream url from redirections,\n" . "defaulting to using site specified in watch file"; $upstream_url = "$self->{sites}->[0]$newfile"; } } else { $upstream_url = "$self->{sites}->[0]$newfile"; } } else { # relative filename, we hope # Were there any redirections? If so try using those first if ($#{ $self->patterns } > 0) { # replace $site here with the one we were redirected to foreach my $index (0 .. $#{ $self->patterns }) { # skip unless the basedir looks like a directory next unless $self->{basedirs}->[$index] =~ m%/$%; my $nf = "$self->{basedirs}->[$index]$newfile"; if ("$self->{sites}->[$index]$nf" =~ m&^$self->{patterns}->[$index]$&) { $upstream_url = "$self->{sites}->[$index]$nf"; last; } } if (!defined($upstream_url)) { uscan_verbose "Unable to determine upstream url from redirections,\n" . "defaulting to using site specified in watch file"; $upstream_url = "$self->{parse_result}->{urlbase}$newfile"; } } else { $upstream_url = "$self->{parse_result}->{urlbase}$newfile"; } } # mangle if necessary $upstream_url =~ s/&/&/g; uscan_verbose "Matching target for downloadurlmangle: $upstream_url"; if (@{ $self->downloadurlmangle }) { if ( mangle( $self->watchfile, \$self->line, 'downloadurlmangle:', \@{ $self->downloadurlmangle }, \$upstream_url ) ) { $self->status(1); return undef; } } return $upstream_url; } sub http_newdir { my ($https, $line, $site, $dir, $pattern, $dirversionmangle, $watchfile, $lineptr, $download_version) = @_; my $downloader = $line->downloader; my ($request, $response, $newdir); my ($download_version_short1, $download_version_short2, $download_version_short3) = partial_version($download_version); my $base = $site . $dir; $pattern .= "/?"; if (defined($https) and !$downloader->ssl) { uscan_die "$progname: you must have the liblwp-protocol-https-perl package installed\n" . "to use https URLs"; } # At least for now, set base in the line object - other methods need it local $line->parse_result->{base} = $base; $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $base); $response = $downloader->user_agent->request($request); if (!$response->is_success) { uscan_warn "In watch file $watchfile, reading webpage\n $base failed: " . $response->status_line; return ''; } my $content = $response->content; if ( $response->header('Content-Encoding') and $response->header('Content-Encoding') =~ /^gzip$/i) { require IO::Uncompress::Gunzip; require IO::String; uscan_debug "content seems gzip encoded, let's decode it"; my $out; if (IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::gunzip(IO::String->new($content), \$out)) { $content = $out; } else { uscan_warn 'Unable to decode remote content: ' . $IO::Uncompress::GunzipError; return ''; } } uscan_extra_debug "received content:\n$content\n[End of received content] by HTTP"; clean_content(\$content); my ($dirpatterns, $base_sites, $base_dirs) = handle_redirection($line, $pattern, $base); $downloader->user_agent->clear_redirections; # we won't be needing that my @hrefs; for my $parsed ( html_search($line, $content, $dirpatterns, 'dirversionmangle')) { my ($priority, $mangled_version, $href, $match) = @$parsed; $match = ''; if (defined $download_version and $mangled_version eq $download_version) { $match = "matched with the download version"; } if (defined $download_version_short3 and $mangled_version eq $download_version_short3) { $match = "matched with the download version (partial 3)"; } if (defined $download_version_short2 and $mangled_version eq $download_version_short2) { $match = "matched with the download version (partial 2)"; } if (defined $download_version_short1 and $mangled_version eq $download_version_short1) { $match = "matched with the download version (partial 1)"; } push @hrefs, [$mangled_version, $href, $match]; } # extract ones which has $match in the above loop defined my @vhrefs = grep { $$_[2] } @hrefs; if (@vhrefs) { @vhrefs = Devscripts::Versort::upstream_versort(@vhrefs); $newdir = $vhrefs[0][1]; } if (@hrefs) { @hrefs = Devscripts::Versort::upstream_versort(@hrefs); my $msg = "Found the following matching directories (newest first):\n"; foreach my $href (@hrefs) { $msg .= " $$href[1] ($$href[0]) $$href[2]\n"; } uscan_verbose $msg; $newdir //= $hrefs[0][1]; } else { uscan_warn "In $watchfile,\n no matching hrefs for pattern\n $site$dir$pattern"; return ''; } # just give the final directory component $newdir =~ s%/$%%; $newdir =~ s%^.*/%%; return ($newdir); } # Nothing to clean here sub http_clean { 0 } sub clean_content { my ($content) = @_; # We need this horrid stuff to handle href=foo type # links. OK, bad HTML, but we have to handle it nonetheless. # It's bug #89749. $$content =~ s/href\s*=\s*(?=[^\"\'])([^\s>]+)/href="$1"/ig; # Strip comments $$content =~ s///sg; return $content; } sub url_canonicalize_dots { my ($base, $url) = @_; if ($url !~ m{^[^:#?/]+://}) { if ($url =~ m{^//}) { $base =~ m{^[^:#?/]+:} and $url = $& . $url; } elsif ($url =~ m{^/}) { $base =~ m{^[^:#?/]+://[^/#?]*} and $url = $& . $url; } else { uscan_debug "Resolving urls with query part unimplemented" if ($url =~ m/^[#?]/); $base =~ m{^[^:#?/]+://[^/#?]*(?:/(?:[^#?/]*/)*)?} and do { my $base_to_path = $&; $base_to_path .= '/' unless $base_to_path =~ m|/$|; $url = $base_to_path . $url; }; } } $url =~ s{^([^:#?/]+://[^/#?]*)(/[^#?]*)}{ my ($h, $p) = ($1, $2); $p =~ s{/\.(?:/|$|(?=[#?]))}{/}g; 1 while $p =~ s{/(?!\.\./)[^/]*/\.\.(?:/|(?=[#?])|$)}{/}g; $h.$p;}e; $url; } sub html_search { my ($self, $content, $patterns, $mangle) = @_; # pagenmangle: should not abuse this slow operation if ( mangle( $self->watchfile, \$self->line, 'pagemangle:\n', [@{ $self->pagemangle }], \$content ) ) { return undef; } if ( !$self->shared->{bare} and $content =~ m%^<[?]xml%i and $content =~ m%xmlns=""% and $content !~ m%([^<]*)%$1%g; uscan_extra_debug "processed content:\n$content\n[End of processed content] by Amazon AWS special case code"; } clean_content(\$content); # Is there a base URL given? if ($content =~ /<\s*base\s+[^>]*href\s*=\s*([\"\'])(.*?)\1/i) { $self->parse_result->{urlbase} = url_canonicalize_dots($self->parse_result->{base}, $2); } else { $self->parse_result->{urlbase} = $self->parse_result->{base}; } uscan_extra_debug "processed content:\n$content\n[End of processed content] by fix bad HTML code"; # search hrefs in web page to obtain a list of uversionmangled version and matching download URL { local $, = ','; uscan_verbose "Matching pattern:\n @{$self->{patterns}}"; } my @hrefs; while ($content =~ m/<\s*a\s+[^>]*(?<=\s)href\s*=\s*([\"\'])(.*?)\1/sgi) { my $href = $2; $href = fix_href($href); my $href_canonical = url_canonicalize_dots($self->parse_result->{urlbase}, $href); if (defined $self->hrefdecode) { if ($self->hrefdecode eq 'percent-encoding') { uscan_debug "... Decoding from href: $href"; $href =~ s/%([A-Fa-f\d]{2})/chr hex $1/eg; $href_canonical =~ s/%([A-Fa-f\d]{2})/chr hex $1/eg; } else { uscan_warn "Illegal value for hrefdecode: " . "$self->{hrefdecode}"; return undef; } } uscan_extra_debug "Checking href $href"; foreach my $_pattern (@$patterns) { if (my @match = $href =~ /^$_pattern$/) { push @hrefs, parse_href($self, $href_canonical, $_pattern, \@match, $mangle); } uscan_extra_debug "Checking href $href_canonical"; if (my @match = $href_canonical =~ /^$_pattern$/) { push @hrefs, parse_href($self, $href_canonical, $_pattern, \@match, $mangle); } } } return @hrefs; } sub plain_search { my ($self, $content) = @_; my @hrefs; foreach my $_pattern (@{ $self->patterns }) { while ($content =~ s/.*?($_pattern)//) { push @hrefs, $self->parse_href($1, $_pattern, $2); } } return @hrefs; } sub parse_href { my ($self, $href, $_pattern, $match, $mangle) = @_; $mangle //= 'uversionmangle'; my $mangled_version; if ($self->watch_version == 2) { # watch_version 2 only recognised one group; the code # below will break version 2 watch files with a construction # such as file-([\d\.]+(-\d+)?) (bug #327258) $mangled_version = ref $match eq 'ARRAY' ? $match->[0] : $match; } else { # need the map { ... } here to handle cases of (...)? # which may match but then return undef values if ($self->versionless) { # exception, otherwise $mangled_version = 1 $mangled_version = ''; } else { $mangled_version = join(".", map { $_ if defined($_) } ref $match eq 'ARRAY' ? @$match : $href =~ m&^$_pattern$&); } if ( mangle( $self->watchfile, \$self->line, "$mangle:", \@{ $self->$mangle }, \$mangled_version ) ) { return (); } } $match = ''; if (defined $self->shared->{download_version}) { if ($mangled_version eq $self->shared->{download_version}) { $match = "matched with the download version"; } } my $priority = $mangled_version . '-' . get_priority($href); return [$priority, $mangled_version, $href, $match]; } 1;