#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright Bill Allombert 2001. # Modifications copyright 2002-2005 Julian Gilbey # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; use warnings; use 5.006_000; # our() commands use Cwd; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use Devscripts::Set; use Devscripts::Packages; use Devscripts::PackageDeps; # Function prototypes sub process_features ($$); sub getusedfiles (@); sub filterfiles (@); # Global options our %opts; # A list of files that do not belong to a Debian package but are known # to never create a dependency our @known_files = ( "/etc/ld.so.cache", "/etc/dpkg/shlibs.default", "/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg", "/etc/devscripts.conf" ); # This will be given information about features later on our (%feature, %default_feature); my $progname = basename($0); my $modified_conf_msg; sub usage () { my @ed = ("disabled", "enabled"); print <<"EOF"; Usage: $progname [options] Run and then output packages used to do this. Options: Which packages to report: -a, --all Report all packages used to run -b, --build-depends Do not report build-essential or essential packages used or any of their (direct or indirect) dependencies -d, --ignore-dev-deps Do not show packages used which are direct dependencies of -dev packages used -m, --min-deps Output a minimal set of packages needed, taking into account direct dependencies -m implies -d and both imply -b; -a gives additional dependency information if used in conjunction with -b, -d or -m -C, --C-locale Run command with C locale --no-C-locale Don\'t change locale -l, --list-files Report list of files used in each package --no-list-files Do not report list of files used in each package -o, --output=FILE Output diagnostic to FILE instead of stdout -O, --strace-output=FILE Write strace output to FILE when tracing instead of a temporary file -I, --strace-input=FILE Get strace output from FILE instead of tracing ; strace must be run with -f -q for this to work -f, --features=LIST Enable or disabled features given in comma-separated LIST as follows: +feature or feature enable feature -feature disable feature Known features and default setting: warn-local ($ed[$default_feature{'warn-local'}]) warn if files in /usr/local are used discard-check-version ($ed[$default_feature{'discard-check-version'}]) discard execve with only --version argument; this works around some configure scripts that check for binaries they don\'t use trace-local ($ed[$default_feature{'trace-local'}]) also try to identify file accesses in /usr/local catch-alternatives ($ed[$default_feature{'catch-alternatives'}]) catch access to alternatives discard-sgml-catalogs ($ed[$default_feature{'discard-sgml-catalogs'}]) discard access to SGML catalogs; some SGML tools read all the registered catalogs at startup. --no-conf, --noconf Don\'t read devscripts config files; must be the first option given -h, --help Display this help and exit -v, --version Output version information and exit Default settings modified by devscripts configuration files: $modified_conf_msg EOF } sub version () { print <<'EOF'; This is $progname, from the Debian devscripts package, version ###VERSION### Copyright Bill Allombert 2001. Modifications copyright 2002, 2003 Julian Gilbey This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. EOF } # Main program # Features: # This are heuristics used to speed up the process. # Since thay may be considered as "kludges" or worse "bugs" # by some, they can be deactivated # 0 disabled by default, 1 enabled by default. %feature = ( "warn-local" => 1, "discard-check-version" => 1, "trace-local" => 0, "catch-alternatives" => 1, "discard-sgml-catalogs" => 1, ); %default_feature = %feature; # First process configuration file options, then check for command-line # options. This is pretty much boilerplate. if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?conf$/) { $modified_conf_msg = " (no configuration files read)"; shift; } else { my @config_files = ('/etc/devscripts.conf', '~/.devscripts'); my %config_vars = ('DPKG_DEPCHECK_OPTIONS' => '',); my %config_default = %config_vars; my $shell_cmd; # Set defaults foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) { $shell_cmd .= qq[$var="$config_vars{$var}";\n]; } $shell_cmd .= 'for file in ' . join(" ", @config_files) . "; do\n"; $shell_cmd .= '[ -f $file ] && . $file; done;' . "\n"; # Read back values foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) { $shell_cmd .= "echo \$$var;\n" } my $shell_out = `/bin/bash -c '$shell_cmd'`; @config_vars{ keys %config_vars } = split /\n/, $shell_out, -1; foreach my $var (sort keys %config_vars) { if ($config_vars{$var} ne $config_default{$var}) { $modified_conf_msg .= " $var=$config_vars{$var}\n"; } } $modified_conf_msg ||= " (none)\n"; chomp $modified_conf_msg; if ($config_vars{'DPKG_DEPCHECK_OPTIONS'} ne '') { unshift @ARGV, split(' ', $config_vars{'DPKG_DEPCHECK_OPTIONS'}); } } # Default option: $opts{"pkgs"} = 'all'; $opts{"allpkgs"} = 0; Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling', 'require_order'); GetOptions( "h|help" => sub { usage(); exit; }, "v|version" => sub { version(); exit; }, "a|all" => sub { $opts{"allpkgs"} = 1; }, "b|build-depends" => sub { $opts{"pkgs"} = 'build'; }, "d|ignore-dev-deps" => sub { $opts{"pkgs"} = 'dev'; }, "m|min-deps" => sub { $opts{"pkgs"} = 'min'; }, "C|C-locale" => \$opts{"C"}, "no-C-locale|noC-locale" => sub { $opts{"C"} = 0; }, "l|list-files" => \$opts{"l"}, "no-list-files|nolist-files" => sub { $opts{"l"} = 0; }, "o|output=s" => \$opts{"o"}, "O|strace-output=s" => \$opts{"strace-output"}, "I|strace-input=s" => \$opts{"strace-input"}, "f|features=s" => \&process_features, "no-conf" => \$opts{"noconf"}, "noconf" => \$opts{"noconf"}, ) or do { usage; exit 1; }; if ($opts{"noconf"}) { die "$progname: --no-conf is only acceptable as the first command-line option!\n"; } if ($opts{"pkgs"} eq 'all') { $opts{"allpkgs"} = 0; } else { # We don't initialise the packages database before doing this check, # as that takes quite some time unless (system('dpkg -L build-essential >/dev/null 2>&1') >> 8 == 0) { die "You must have the build-essential package installed or use the --all option\n"; } } @ARGV > 0 or $opts{"strace-input"} or die "You need to specify a command! Run $progname --help for more info\n"; # Run the command and trace it to see what's going on my @usedfiles = getusedfiles(@ARGV); if ($opts{"o"}) { $opts{"o"} =~ s%^(\s)%./$1%; open STDOUT, "> $opts{'o'}" or warn "Cannot open $opts{'o'} for writing: $!\nTrying to use stdout instead\n"; } else { # Visual space print "\n\n"; print '-' x 70, "\n"; } # Get each file once only, and drop any we are not interested in. # Also, expand all symlinks so we get full pathnames of the real file accessed. @usedfiles = filterfiles(@usedfiles); # Forget about the few files we are expecting to see but can ignore @usedfiles = SetMinus(\@usedfiles, \@known_files); # For a message at the end my $number_files_used = scalar @usedfiles; # Initialise the packages database unless --all is given my $packagedeps; # @used_ess_files will contain those files used which are in essential packages my @used_ess_files; # Exclude essential and build-essential packages? if ($opts{"pkgs"} ne 'all') { $packagedeps = Devscripts::PackageDeps->fromStatus(); my @essential = PackagesMatch('^Essential: yes$'); my @essential_packages = $packagedeps->full_dependencies('build-essential', @essential); my @essential_files = PackagesToFiles(@essential_packages); @used_ess_files = SetInter(\@usedfiles, \@essential_files); @usedfiles = SetMinus(\@usedfiles, \@used_ess_files); } # Now let's find out which packages are used... my @ess_packages = FilesToPackages(@used_ess_files); my @packages = FilesToPackages(@usedfiles); my %dep_packages = (); # packages which are depended upon by others # ... and remove their files from the filelist if ($opts{"l"}) { # Have to do it slowly :-( if ($opts{"allpkgs"}) { print "Files used in each of the needed build-essential or essential packages:\n"; foreach my $pkg (sort @ess_packages) { my @pkgfiles = PackagesToFiles($pkg); print "Files used in (build-)essential package $pkg:\n ", join("\n ", SetInter(\@used_ess_files, \@pkgfiles)), "\n"; } print "\n"; } print "Files used in each of the needed packages:\n"; foreach my $pkg (sort @packages) { my @pkgfiles = PackagesToFiles($pkg); print "Files used in package $pkg:\n ", join("\n ", SetInter(\@usedfiles, \@pkgfiles)), "\n"; # We take care to note any files used which # do not appear in any package @usedfiles = SetMinus(\@usedfiles, \@pkgfiles); } print "\n"; } else { # We take care to note any files used which # do not appear in any package my @pkgfiles = PackagesToFiles(@packages); @usedfiles = SetMinus(\@usedfiles, \@pkgfiles); } if ($opts{"pkgs"} eq 'dev') { # We also remove any direct dependencies of '-dev' packages my %pkgs; @pkgs{@packages} = (1) x @packages; foreach my $pkg (@packages) { next unless $pkg =~ /-dev$/; my @deps = $packagedeps->dependencies($pkg); foreach my $dep (@deps) { $dep = $$dep[0] if ref $dep; if (exists $pkgs{$dep}) { $dep_packages{$dep} = $pkg; delete $pkgs{$dep}; } } } @packages = keys %pkgs; } elsif ($opts{"pkgs"} eq 'min') { # Do a mindep job on the package list my ($packages_ref, $dep_packages_ref) = $packagedeps->min_dependencies(@packages); @packages = @$packages_ref; %dep_packages = %$dep_packages_ref; } print "Summary: $number_files_used files considered.\n" if $opts{"l"}; # Ignore unrecognised /var/... files @usedfiles = grep !/^\/var\//, @usedfiles; if (@usedfiles) { warn "The following files did not appear to belong to any package:\n"; warn join("\n", @usedfiles) . "\n"; } print "Packages ", ($opts{"pkgs"} eq 'all') ? "used" : "needed", ":\n "; print join("\n ", @packages), "\n"; if ($opts{"allpkgs"}) { if (@ess_packages) { print "\n(Build-)Essential packages used:\n "; print join("\n ", @ess_packages), "\n"; } else { print "\nNo (Build-)Essential packages used\n"; } if (scalar keys %dep_packages) { print "\nOther packages used with depending packages listed:\n"; foreach my $pkg (sort keys %dep_packages) { print " $pkg <= $dep_packages{$pkg}\n"; } } } exit 0; ### Subroutines # This sub is handed two arguments: f or feature, and the setting sub process_features ($$) { foreach (split(',', $_[1])) { my $state = 1; m/^-/ and $state = 0; s/^[-+]//; if (exists $feature{$_}) { $feature{$_} = $state; } else { die("Unknown feature $_\n"); } } } # Get used files. This runs the requested command (given as parameters # to this sub) under strace and then parses the output, returning a list # of all absolute filenames successfully opened or execve'd. sub getusedfiles (@) { my $file; if ($opts{"strace-input"}) { $file = $opts{"strace-input"}; } else { my $old_locale = $ENV{'LC_ALL'} || undef; $file = $opts{"strace-output"} || `tempfile -p depcheck`; chomp $file; $file =~ s%^(\s)%./$1%; my @strace_cmd = ( 'strace', '-e', 'trace=open,openat,execve', '-f', '-q', '-o', $file, @_ ); $ENV{'LC_ALL'} = "C" if $opts{"C"}; system(@strace_cmd); $? >> 8 == 0 or die "Running strace failed (command line:\n@strace_cmd\n"; if (defined $old_locale) { $ENV{'LC_ALL'} = $old_locale; } else { delete $ENV{'LC_ALL'}; } } my %openfiles = (); open FILE, $file or die "Cannot open $file for reading: $!\n"; while () { # We only consider absolute filenames m/^\d+\s+(\w+)\((?:[\w\d_]*, )?\"(\/.*?)\",.*\) = (-?\d+)/ or next; my ($syscall, $filename, $status) = ($1, $2, $3); if ($syscall eq 'open' || $syscall eq 'openat') { next unless $status >= 0; } elsif ($syscall eq 'execve') { next unless $status == 0; } else { next; } # unrecognised syscall next if $feature{"discard-check-version"} and m/execve\(\"\Q$filename\E\", \[\"[^\"]+\", "--version"\], /; # So it's a real file $openfiles{$filename} = 1; } unlink $file unless $opts{"strace-input"} or $opts{"strace-output"}; return keys %openfiles; } # Select those files which we are interested in, as determined by the # user-specified options sub filterfiles (@) { my %files = (); my %local_files = (); my %alternatives = (); my $pwd = cwd(); foreach my $file (@_) { next unless -f $file; $file = Cwd::abs_path($file); my @links = (); my $prevlink = ''; foreach (ListSymlinks($file, $pwd)) { if (m%^/(usr|var)/local(/|\z)%) { $feature{"warn-local"} and $local_files{$_} = 1; unless ($feature{"trace-local"}) { $prevlink = $_; next; } } elsif ($feature{"discard-sgml-catalogs"} and m%^/usr/share/(sgml/.*\.cat|.*/catalog)%) { next; } elsif ($feature{"catch-alternatives"} and m%^/etc/alternatives/%) { $alternatives{ "$prevlink --> " . readlink($_) } = 1 if $prevlink; } $prevlink = $_; # If it's not in one of these dirs, we skip it next unless m%^/(bin|etc|lib|sbin|usr|var)%; push @links, $_; } @files{@links} = (1) x @links; } if (keys %local_files) { print "warning: files in /usr/local or /var/local used:\n", join("\n", sort keys %local_files), "\n"; } if (keys %alternatives) { print "warning: alternatives used:\n", join("\n", sort keys %alternatives), "\n"; } return keys %files; } # The purpose here is to find out all the symlinks crossed by a file access. # We work from the end of the filename (basename) back towards the root of # the filename (solving bug#246006 where /usr is a symlink to another # filesystem), repeating this process until we end up with an absolute # filename with no symlinks in it. We return a list of all of the # full filenames encountered. # For example, if /usr -> /moved/usr, then # /usr/bin/X11/xapp would yield: # /usr/bin/X11/xapp, /usr/X11R6/bin/xapp, /moved/usr/X11R6/bin/xapp # input: file, pwd # output: if symlink found: (readlink-replaced file, prefix) # if not: (file, '') sub NextSymlink ($) { my $file = shift; my $filestart = $file; my $fileend = ''; while ($filestart ne '/') { if (-l $filestart) { my $link = readlink($filestart); my $parent = dirname $filestart; if ($link =~ m%^/%) { # absolute symlink return $link . $fileend; } while ($link =~ s%^\./%%) { } # The following is not actually correct: if we have # /usr -> /moved/usr and /usr/mylib -> ../mylibdir, then # /usr/mylib should resolve to /moved/mylibdir, not /mylibdir # But if we try to take this into account, we would need to # use something like Cwd(), which would immediately resolve # /usr -> /moved/usr, losing us the opportunity of recognising # the filename we want. This is a bug we'll probably have to # cope with. # One way of doing this correctly would be to have a function # resolvelink which would recursively resolve any initial ../ in # symlinks, but no more than that. But I don't really want to # implement this unless it really proves to be necessary: # people shouldn't be having evil symlinks like that on their # system!! while ($link =~ s%^\.\./%%) { $parent = dirname $parent; } return $parent . '/' . $link . $fileend; } else { $fileend = '/' . basename($filestart) . $fileend; $filestart = dirname($filestart); } } return undef; } # input: file, pwd # output: list of full filenames encountered en route sub ListSymlinks ($$) { my ($file, $path) = @_; if ($file !~ m%^/%) { $file = "$path/$file"; } my @fn = ($file); while ($file = NextSymlink($file)) { push @fn, $file; } return @fn; }