#!/bin/bash ## ## mergechanges -- merge Architecture: and Files: fields of a set of .changes ## Copyright 2002 Gergely Nagy ## Changes copyright 2002,2003 by Julian Gilbey ## ## $MadHouse: home/bin/mergechanges,v 1.1 2002/01/25 12:37:27 algernon Exp $ ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see . set -e PROGNAME=`basename $0` synopsis () { echo "Usage: $PROGNAME [-h|--help|--version] [-d] [-S|--source] [-i|--indep] [-f] [ ...]" } usage () { synopsis cat <, , .... Output on stdout unless -f option given, in which case, output to __multi.changes in the same directory as . If -i is given, only source and architecture-independent packages are included in the output. If -S is given, only the source package is included in the output. EOT } version () { echo \ "This is $PROGNAME, from the Debian devscripts package, version ###VERSION### This code is copyright (C) 2002 Gergely Nagy Changes copyright 2002 by Julian Gilbey This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later." } # Commandline parsing FILE=0 DELETE=0 REMOVE_ARCHDEP=0 REMOVE_INDEP=0 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; --version) version exit 0 ;; -f) FILE=1 shift ;; -d) DELETE=1 shift ;; -i|--indep) REMOVE_ARCHDEP=1 shift ;; -S|--source) REMOVE_ARCHDEP=1 REMOVE_INDEP=1 shift ;; -*) echo "Unrecognised option $1. Use $progname --help for help" >&2 exit 1 ;; *) break ;; esac done # Sanity check #0: Do we have enough parameters? if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "Not enough parameters." >&2 synopsis >&2 exit 1 fi # Sanity check #1: Do the requested files exist? for f in "$@"; do if ! test -r $f; then echo "ERROR: Cannot read $f!" >&2 exit 1 fi done # Get a (possibly multi-line) field. get_field () { perl -e ' use warnings; use strict; use autodie; use Dpkg::Control; my $field = shift; foreach my $file (@ARGV) { my $changes = Dpkg::Control->new(type => CTRL_FILE_CHANGES); $changes->load($file); next unless defined $changes->{$field}; print $changes->{$field}; print "\n"; } ' "$@" } # Extract the Architecture: field from all .changes files, # and merge them, sorting out duplicates. Skip architectures # other than all and source if desired. ARCHS=$(get_field Architecture "$@" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u) if test ${REMOVE_ARCHDEP} = 1; then ARCHS=$(echo "$ARCHS" | grep -E '^(all|source)$') fi if test ${REMOVE_INDEP} = 1; then ARCHS=$(echo "$ARCHS" | grep -vxF all) fi ARCHS=$(echo "$ARCHS" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $//') checksum_uniq() { local line local IFS= if test ${REMOVE_ARCHDEP} = 1 -o ${REMOVE_INDEP} = 1; then while read line; do case "$line" in ("") # empty first line echo "$line" ;; (*.dsc|*.diff.gz|*.tar.*|*_source.buildinfo) # source echo "$line" ;; (*_all.deb|*_all.udeb|*_all.buildinfo) # architecture-indep if test ${REMOVE_INDEP} = 0; then echo "$line" fi ;; (*.deb|*.udeb|*.buildinfo) # architecture-specific if test ${REMOVE_ARCHDEP} = 0; then echo "$line" fi ;; (*) echo "Unrecognised file, is it architecture-dependent?" >&2 echo "$line" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done | awk '{if(arr[$NF] != 1){arr[$NF] = 1; print;}}' else awk '{if(arr[$NF] != 1){arr[$NF] = 1; print;}}' fi } # Extract & merge the Version: field from all files.. # Don't catch Version: GnuPG lines, though! VERSION=$(get_field Version "$@" | sort -u) SVERSION=$(echo "$VERSION" | perl -pe 's/^\d+://') # Extract & merge the sources from all files SOURCE=$(get_field Source "$@" | sort -u) # Extract & merge the files from all files FILES=$(get_field Files "$@" | checksum_uniq) # Extract & merge the sha1 checksums from all files SHA1S=$(get_field Checksums-Sha1 "$@" | checksum_uniq) # Extract & merge the sha256 checksums from all files SHA256S=$(get_field Checksums-Sha256 "$@" | checksum_uniq) # Extract & merge the description from all files DESCRIPTIONS=$(get_field Description "$@" | sort -u) # Extract & merge the Formats from all files FORMATS=$(get_field Format "$@" | sort -u) # Extract & merge the Checksums-* field names from all files CHECKSUMS=$(grep -h "^Checksums-.*:" "$@" | sort -u) UNSUPCHECKSUMS="$(echo "${CHECKSUMS}" | grep -v "^Checksums-Sha\(1\|256\):" || true)" # Sanity check #2: Versions must match if test $(echo "${VERSION}" | wc -l) -ne 1; then echo "ERROR: Version numbers do not match:" >&2 grep "^Version: [0-9]" "$@" >&2 exit 1 fi # Sanity check #3: Sources must match if test $(echo "${SOURCE}" | wc -l) -ne 1; then echo "Error: Source packages do not match:" >&2 grep "^Source: " "$@" >&2 exit 1 fi # Sanity check #4: Description for same binary must match if test $(echo "${DESCRIPTIONS}" | sed -e 's/ \+- .*$//' | uniq -d | wc -l) -ne 0; then echo "Error: Descriptions do not match:" >&2 echo "${DESCRIPTIONS}" >&2 exit 1 fi # Sanity check #5: Formats must match if test $(echo "${FORMATS}" | wc -l) -ne 1; then if test "${FORMATS}" = "$(printf "1.7\n1.8\n")"; then FORMATS="1.7" CHECKSUMS="" UNSUPCHECKSUMS="" SHA1S="" SHA256S="" else echo "Error: Changes files have different Format fields:" >&2 grep "^Format: " "$@" >&2 exit 1 fi fi # Sanity check #6: The Format must be one we understand case "$FORMATS" in 1.7|1.8) # Supported ;; *) echo "Error: Changes files use unknown Format:" >&2 echo "${FORMATS}" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac # Sanity check #7: Unknown checksum fields if test -n "${UNSUPCHECKSUMS}"; then echo "Error: Unsupported checksum fields:" >&2 echo "${UNSUPCHECKSUMS}" >&2 exit 1 fi if test ${FILE} = 1; then DIR=`dirname "$1"` REDIR1="> '${DIR}/${SOURCE}_${SVERSION}_multi.changes'" REDIR2=">$REDIR1" fi # Temporary output OUTPUT=$(mktemp --tmpdir mergechanges.tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) DESCFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir mergechanges.tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) trap 'rm -f "${OUTPUT}" "${DESCFILE}"' EXIT # Copy one of the files to ${OUTPUT}, nuking any PGP signature if $(grep -q "BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE" "$1"); then perl -ne 'next if 1../^$/; next if /^$/..1; print' "$1" > ${OUTPUT} else cp "$1" ${OUTPUT} fi # Combine the Binary: and Description: fields. This is straightforward, # unless we want to exclude some binary packages, in which case we need # more thought. BINARY=$(get_field Binary "$@" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u) if test ${REMOVE_ARCHDEP} = 1 && test ${REMOVE_INDEP} = 1; then BINARY= DESCRIPTIONS= elif test ${REMOVE_ARCHDEP} = 1 || test ${REMOVE_INDEP} = 1; then keep_binaries=$( get_field Files "$@" | while read -r line; do file="${line##* }" case "$line" in ("") # empty first line echo "$line" ;; (*.dsc|*.diff.gz|*.tar.*|*.buildinfo) # source or buildinfo ;; (*_all.deb|*_all.udeb) # architecture-indep package="${file%%_*}" if ! echo "$BINARY" | grep -q -x -F "$package"; then echo "Warning: $package not found in Binary field" >&2 echo "$line" >&2 fi if test ${REMOVE_INDEP} != 1; then echo "$package" fi ;; (*.deb|*.udeb) # architecture-specific package="${file%%_*}" if ! echo "$BINARY" | grep -q -x -F "$package"; then echo "Warning: $package not found in Binary field" >&2 echo "$line" >&2 fi if test ${REMOVE_ARCHDEP} != 1; then echo "$package" fi ;; (*) echo "Unrecognised file, is it architecture-dependent?" >&2 echo "$line" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done \ | tr '\n' ' ') BINARY=$( echo "$BINARY" | while read -r line; do if echo " $keep_binaries" | grep -q -F " $line "; then echo "$line"; fi done ) DESCRIPTIONS=$( echo "$DESCRIPTIONS" | while read -r line; do package="${line%% *}" if echo " $keep_binaries" | grep -q -F " $package "; then echo "$line"; fi done ) fi BINARY=$(echo "$BINARY" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $//') if test -n "${DESCRIPTIONS}"; then printf "Description:" > "${DESCFILE}" echo "${DESCRIPTIONS}" | sed -e 's/^/ /' >> "${DESCFILE}" fi if [ -n "$BINARY" ]; then BINARY="Binary: $BINARY\\n" fi # Modify the output to be the merged version: # * Replace the Architecture: and Binary: fields # * Nuke the value of Checksums-*: and Files: # * Insert the Description: field before the Changes: field # # We print Binary directly before Source instead of directly replacing # Binary, because with dpkg 1.19.3, if the first .changes file is # source-only, it won't have a Binary field at all. eval "awk -- '/^[^ ]/{ deleting=0 } /^ /{ if (!deleting) { print } next } /^Architecture: /{printf \"%s ${ARCHS}\\n\", \$1; deleting=1; next} /^Source: /{printf \"${BINARY}\"; print; next} /^Binary: /{deleting=1; next} /^Changes:/{ field=\$0 while ((getline < \"${DESCFILE}\") > 0) { print } printf \"%s\\n\", field next } /^Format: /{ printf \"%s ${FORMATS}\\n\", \$1; deleting=1; next} /^(Checksums-.*|Files|Description):/{ deleting=1; next } { print }' \ ${OUTPUT} ${REDIR1}" # Voodoo magic to get the merged file and checksum lists into the output if test -n "${SHA1S}"; then eval "printf 'Checksums-Sha1:' ${REDIR2}" eval "echo '${SHA1S}' | sed -e 's/^/ /' ${REDIR2}" fi if test -n "${SHA256S}"; then eval "printf 'Checksums-Sha256:' ${REDIR2}" eval "echo '${SHA256S}' | sed -e 's/^/ /' ${REDIR2}" fi eval "printf 'Files:' ${REDIR2}" eval "echo '${FILES}' | sed -e 's/^/ /' ${REDIR2}" if test ${DELETE} = 1; then rm "$@" fi exit 0