#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright 2020 Simon McVittie # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; use warnings; use Cwd qw(getcwd); use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use IPC::Run qw(run); use Test::More; # Disable l10n: we look for specific messages $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C.UTF-8'; my $srcdir = getcwd; my $top_srcdir = getcwd . '/..'; my $mass_bug = "$top_srcdir/scripts/mass-bug.pl"; if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq '--installed') { $mass_bug = 'mass-bug'; } my $tmp = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); sub verbose_run { my $argv = shift; diag("Running: @{$argv}"); return run($argv, @_); } sub capture { my $output; my $argv = shift; ok(verbose_run($argv, '>', \$output), "@{$argv}"); chomp $output; return $output; } my $stdout; my $stderr; diag('Help'); $stdout = capture([ $mass_bug, '--help', ]); like($stdout, qr{Usage:}); diag('Version'); $stdout = capture([ $mass_bug, '--version', ]); like($stdout, qr{devscripts package}); diag('Basic use'); $stdout = capture([ $mass_bug, '--no-conf', '--subject=Is broken', "$srcdir/mass-bug/template", "$srcdir/mass-bug/one-package", ]); like($stdout, qr{^Subject: test-package: Is broken$}m); like($stdout, qr{^Package: test-package$}m); like($stdout, qr{^Version: 1\.2-3$}m); like($stdout, qr{^test-package has a bug\. Please fix\.$}m); like($stdout, qr{^This long line gets word-wrapped because}m); unlike($stdout, qr{text/plain; format=flowed never really took off\.$}m); like($stdout, qr{^These short lines also get wrapped\.$}m); like($stdout, qr{^test-package version=1\.2-3$}m); like($stdout, qr{^test-package epoch=$}m); like($stdout, qr{^test-package upstream=1\.2$}m); like($stdout, qr{^test-package revision=-3$}m); like($stdout, qr{^test-package reassembled=1\.2-3$}m); like($stdout, qr{^-- $}m); like($stdout, qr{^This signature does not get word-wrapped because it is a signature, even though it is longer than a line ought to be\.$}m); diag('Subject is mandatory'); ok(! verbose_run([ $mass_bug, '--no-conf', "$srcdir/mass-bug/template", "$srcdir/mass-bug/one-package", ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr)); isnt($?, 0); like($stderr, qr{You must specify a subject}m); is($stdout, ''); diag('Various options'); $stdout = capture([ $mass_bug, '--no-conf', '--subject=Is broken', '--source', '--tags=ftbfs sid', '--user=me@example.com', '--usertags=bad wrong', '--control=block 123456 by -1', '--control=block -1 by 789012', '--no-wrap', "$srcdir/mass-bug/template", "$srcdir/mass-bug/one-package", ]); like($stdout, qr{^Subject: test-package: Is broken$}m); like($stdout, qr{^Source: test-package$}m); unlike($stdout, qr{^Package: test-package$}m); like($stdout, qr{^test-package has a bug\. Please fix\.$}m); like($stdout, qr{^Tags: ftbfs sid$}m); like($stdout, qr{^User: me\@example\.com$}m); like($stdout, qr{^Usertags: bad wrong$}m); like($stdout, qr{^Control: block 123456 by -1$}m); like($stdout, qr{^Control: block -1 by 789012$}m); like($stdout, qr{^This long line gets word-wrapped because text/plain; format=flowed never really took off\.$}m); unlike($stdout, qr{^These short lines also get wrapped\.$}m); diag('Version numbers'); $stdout = capture([ $mass_bug, '--no-conf', '--subject=Is broken', "$srcdir/mass-bug/template", "$srcdir/mass-bug/packages", ]); like($stdout, qr{^native-package version=1\.0$}m); like($stdout, qr{^native-package epoch=$}m); like($stdout, qr{^native-package upstream=1\.0$}m); like($stdout, qr{^native-package revision=$}m); like($stdout, qr{^native-package reassembled=1\.0$}m); like($stdout, qr{^upstream-package version=1\.2-3$}m); like($stdout, qr{^upstream-package epoch=$}m); like($stdout, qr{^upstream-package upstream=1\.2$}m); like($stdout, qr{^upstream-package revision=-3$}m); like($stdout, qr{^upstream-package reassembled=1\.2-3$}m); like($stdout, qr{^epoch-native-package version=1:2\.3$}m); like($stdout, qr{^epoch-native-package epoch=1:$}m); like($stdout, qr{^epoch-native-package upstream=2\.3$}m); like($stdout, qr{^epoch-native-package revision=$}m); like($stdout, qr{^epoch-native-package reassembled=1:2\.3$}m); like($stdout, qr{^epoch-package version=1:2\.3-4\.5$}m); like($stdout, qr{^epoch-package epoch=1:$}m); like($stdout, qr{^epoch-package upstream=2\.3$}m); like($stdout, qr{^epoch-package revision=-4\.5$}m); like($stdout, qr{^epoch-package reassembled=1:2\.3-4\.5$}m); done_testing;