path: root/js/src/frontend/SharedContext.h
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
commit2aa4a82499d4becd2284cdb482213d541b8804dd (patch)
treeb80bf8bf13c3766139fbacc530efd0dd9d54394c /js/src/frontend/SharedContext.h
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 86.0.1.upstream/86.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'js/src/frontend/SharedContext.h')
1 files changed, 712 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/frontend/SharedContext.h b/js/src/frontend/SharedContext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6838436b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/frontend/SharedContext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef frontend_SharedContext_h
+#define frontend_SharedContext_h
+#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
+#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
+#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
+#include "jstypes.h"
+#include "frontend/AbstractScopePtr.h" // ScopeIndex
+#include "frontend/FunctionSyntaxKind.h" // FunctionSyntaxKind
+#include "frontend/ParseNode.h"
+#include "frontend/ScriptIndex.h" // ScriptIndex
+#include "js/WasmModule.h" // JS::WasmModule
+#include "vm/FunctionFlags.h" // js::FunctionFlags
+#include "vm/GeneratorAndAsyncKind.h" // js::GeneratorKind, js::FunctionAsyncKind
+#include "vm/JSFunction.h"
+#include "vm/JSScript.h"
+#include "vm/Scope.h"
+#include "vm/SharedStencil.h"
+namespace js {
+namespace frontend {
+struct CompilationStencil;
+struct CompilationState;
+class ParseContext;
+class ScriptStencil;
+struct ScopeContext;
+enum class StatementKind : uint8_t {
+ Label,
+ Block,
+ If,
+ Switch,
+ With,
+ Catch,
+ Try,
+ Finally,
+ ForLoopLexicalHead,
+ ForLoop,
+ ForInLoop,
+ ForOfLoop,
+ DoLoop,
+ WhileLoop,
+ Class,
+ // Used only by BytecodeEmitter.
+ Spread,
+ YieldStar,
+static inline bool StatementKindIsLoop(StatementKind kind) {
+ return kind == StatementKind::ForLoop || kind == StatementKind::ForInLoop ||
+ kind == StatementKind::ForOfLoop || kind == StatementKind::DoLoop ||
+ kind == StatementKind::WhileLoop || kind == StatementKind::Spread ||
+ kind == StatementKind::YieldStar;
+static inline bool StatementKindIsUnlabeledBreakTarget(StatementKind kind) {
+ return StatementKindIsLoop(kind) || kind == StatementKind::Switch;
+// List of directives that may be encountered in a Directive Prologue
+// (ES5 15.1).
+class Directives {
+ bool strict_;
+ bool asmJS_;
+ public:
+ explicit Directives(bool strict) : strict_(strict), asmJS_(false) {}
+ explicit Directives(ParseContext* parent);
+ void setStrict() { strict_ = true; }
+ bool strict() const { return strict_; }
+ void setAsmJS() { asmJS_ = true; }
+ bool asmJS() const { return asmJS_; }
+ Directives& operator=(Directives rhs) {
+ strict_ = rhs.strict_;
+ asmJS_ = rhs.asmJS_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Directives& rhs) const {
+ return strict_ == rhs.strict_ && asmJS_ == rhs.asmJS_;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Directives& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
+// The kind of this-binding for the current scope. Note that arrow functions
+// have a lexical this-binding so their ThisBinding is the same as the
+// ThisBinding of their enclosing scope and can be any value. Derived
+// constructors require TDZ checks when accessing the binding.
+enum class ThisBinding : uint8_t {
+ Global,
+ Module,
+ Function,
+ DerivedConstructor
+// If Yes, the script inherits it's "this" environment and binding from the
+// enclosing script. This is true for arrow-functions and eval scripts.
+enum class InheritThis { No, Yes };
+class GlobalSharedContext;
+class EvalSharedContext;
+class ModuleSharedContext;
+class SuspendableContext;
+#define FLAG_GETTER(enumName, enumEntry, lowerName, name) \
+ public: \
+ bool lowerName() const { return hasFlag(enumName::enumEntry); }
+#define FLAG_SETTER(enumName, enumEntry, lowerName, name) \
+ public: \
+ void set##name() { setFlag(enumName::enumEntry); } \
+ void set##name(bool b) { setFlag(enumName::enumEntry, b); }
+#define IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(lowerName, name) \
+ FLAG_GETTER(ImmutableFlags, name, lowerName, name) \
+ FLAG_SETTER(ImmutableFlags, name, lowerName, name)
+#define IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER(lowerName, name) \
+ FLAG_GETTER(ImmutableFlags, name, lowerName, name)
+ * The struct SharedContext is part of the current parser context (see
+ * ParseContext). It stores information that is reused between the parser and
+ * the bytecode emitter.
+ */
+class SharedContext {
+ public:
+ JSContext* const cx_;
+ protected:
+ CompilationStencil& stencil_;
+ // See: BaseScript::immutableFlags_
+ ImmutableScriptFlags immutableFlags_ = {};
+ // The location of this script in the source. Note that the value here differs
+ // from the final BaseScript for the case of standalone functions.
+ // This field is copied to ScriptStencil, and shouldn't be modified after the
+ // copy.
+ SourceExtent extent_ = {};
+ protected:
+ // See: ThisBinding
+ ThisBinding thisBinding_ = ThisBinding::Global;
+ // These flags do not have corresponding script flags and may be inherited
+ // from the scope chain in the case of eval and arrows.
+ bool allowNewTarget_ : 1;
+ bool allowSuperProperty_ : 1;
+ bool allowSuperCall_ : 1;
+ bool allowArguments_ : 1;
+ bool inWith_ : 1;
+ bool inClass_ : 1;
+ // See `strict()` below.
+ bool localStrict : 1;
+ // True if "use strict"; appears in the body instead of being inherited.
+ bool hasExplicitUseStrict_ : 1;
+ // Tracks if script-related fields are already copied to ScriptStencil.
+ //
+ // If this field is true, those fileds shouldn't be modified.
+ //
+ // For FunctionBox, some fields are allowed to be modified, but the
+ // modification should be synced with ScriptStencil by
+ // FunctionBox::copyUpdated* methods.
+ bool isScriptFieldCopiedToStencil : 1;
+ // End of fields.
+ enum class Kind : uint8_t { FunctionBox, Global, Eval, Module };
+ // Alias enum into SharedContext
+ using ImmutableFlags = ImmutableScriptFlagsEnum;
+ MOZ_MUST_USE bool hasFlag(ImmutableFlags flag) const {
+ return immutableFlags_.hasFlag(flag);
+ }
+ void setFlag(ImmutableFlags flag, bool b = true) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!isScriptFieldCopiedToStencil);
+ immutableFlags_.setFlag(flag, b);
+ }
+ public:
+ SharedContext(JSContext* cx, Kind kind, CompilationStencil& stencil,
+ Directives directives, SourceExtent extent);
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(forceStrict, ForceStrict)
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(hasNonSyntacticScope, HasNonSyntacticScope)
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER(treatAsRunOnce, TreatAsRunOnce)
+ // Strict: custom logic below
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(hasModuleGoal, HasModuleGoal)
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(hasInnerFunctions, HasInnerFunctions)
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(hasDirectEval, HasDirectEval)
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(bindingsAccessedDynamically,
+ BindingsAccessedDynamically)
+ const SourceExtent& extent() const { return extent_; }
+ bool isFunctionBox() const { return isFunction(); }
+ inline FunctionBox* asFunctionBox();
+ bool isModuleContext() const { return isModule(); }
+ inline ModuleSharedContext* asModuleContext();
+ bool isSuspendableContext() const { return isFunction() || isModule(); }
+ inline SuspendableContext* asSuspendableContext();
+ bool isGlobalContext() const {
+ return !(isFunction() || isModule() || isForEval());
+ }
+ inline GlobalSharedContext* asGlobalContext();
+ bool isEvalContext() const { return isForEval(); }
+ inline EvalSharedContext* asEvalContext();
+ bool isTopLevelContext() const { return !isFunction(); }
+ CompilationStencil& stencil() const { return stencil_; }
+ ThisBinding thisBinding() const { return thisBinding_; }
+ bool hasFunctionThisBinding() const {
+ return thisBinding() == ThisBinding::Function ||
+ thisBinding() == ThisBinding::DerivedConstructor;
+ }
+ bool needsThisTDZChecks() const {
+ return thisBinding() == ThisBinding::DerivedConstructor;
+ }
+ bool isSelfHosted() const { return selfHosted(); }
+ bool allowNewTarget() const { return allowNewTarget_; }
+ bool allowSuperProperty() const { return allowSuperProperty_; }
+ bool allowSuperCall() const { return allowSuperCall_; }
+ bool allowArguments() const { return allowArguments_; }
+ bool inWith() const { return inWith_; }
+ bool inClass() const { return inClass_; }
+ bool hasExplicitUseStrict() const { return hasExplicitUseStrict_; }
+ void setExplicitUseStrict() { hasExplicitUseStrict_ = true; }
+ ImmutableScriptFlags immutableFlags() { return immutableFlags_; }
+ bool allBindingsClosedOver() { return bindingsAccessedDynamically(); }
+ // The ImmutableFlag tracks if the entire script is strict, while the
+ // localStrict flag indicates the current region (such as class body) should
+ // be treated as strict. The localStrict flag will always be reset to false
+ // before the end of the script.
+ bool strict() const { return hasFlag(ImmutableFlags::Strict) || localStrict; }
+ void setStrictScript() { setFlag(ImmutableFlags::Strict); }
+ bool setLocalStrictMode(bool strict) {
+ bool retVal = localStrict;
+ localStrict = strict;
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ inline JSAtom* liftParserAtomToJSAtom(JSContext* cx,
+ const ParserAtom* atomId);
+ void copyScriptFields(ScriptStencil& script);
+ void copyScriptExtraFields(ScriptStencilExtra& scriptExtra);
+class MOZ_STACK_CLASS GlobalSharedContext : public SharedContext {
+ ScopeKind scopeKind_;
+ public:
+ GlobalScope::ParserData* bindings;
+ GlobalSharedContext(JSContext* cx, ScopeKind scopeKind,
+ CompilationStencil& stencil, Directives directives,
+ SourceExtent extent);
+ ScopeKind scopeKind() const { return scopeKind_; }
+inline GlobalSharedContext* SharedContext::asGlobalContext() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(isGlobalContext());
+ return static_cast<GlobalSharedContext*>(this);
+class MOZ_STACK_CLASS EvalSharedContext : public SharedContext {
+ public:
+ EvalScope::ParserData* bindings;
+ EvalSharedContext(JSContext* cx, CompilationStencil& stencil,
+ CompilationState& compilationState, SourceExtent extent);
+inline EvalSharedContext* SharedContext::asEvalContext() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(isEvalContext());
+ return static_cast<EvalSharedContext*>(this);
+enum class HasHeritage { No, Yes };
+class SuspendableContext : public SharedContext {
+ public:
+ SuspendableContext(JSContext* cx, Kind kind, CompilationStencil& stencil,
+ Directives directives, SourceExtent extent,
+ bool isGenerator, bool isAsync);
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(isGenerator, IsGenerator)
+ bool needsFinalYield() const { return isGenerator() || isAsync(); }
+ bool needsDotGeneratorName() const { return isGenerator() || isAsync(); }
+ bool needsClearSlotsOnExit() const { return isGenerator() || isAsync(); }
+ bool needsIteratorResult() const { return isGenerator() && !isAsync(); }
+ bool needsPromiseResult() const { return isAsync() && !isGenerator(); }
+class FunctionBox : public SuspendableContext {
+ friend struct GCThingList;
+ CompilationState& compilationState_;
+ // If this FunctionBox refers to a lazy child of the function being
+ // compiled, this field holds the child's immediately enclosing scope's index.
+ // Once compilation succeeds, we will store the scope pointed by this in the
+ // child's BaseScript. (Debugger may become confused if lazy scripts refer to
+ // partially initialized enclosing scopes, so we must avoid storing the
+ // scope in the BaseScript until compilation has completed
+ // successfully.)
+ // This is copied to ScriptStencil.
+ // Any update after the copy should be synced to the ScriptStencil.
+ mozilla::Maybe<ScopeIndex> enclosingScopeIndex_;
+ // Names from the named lambda scope, if a named lambda.
+ LexicalScope::ParserData* namedLambdaBindings_ = nullptr;
+ // Names from the function scope.
+ FunctionScope::ParserData* functionScopeBindings_ = nullptr;
+ // Names from the extra 'var' scope of the function, if the parameter list
+ // has expressions.
+ VarScope::ParserData* extraVarScopeBindings_ = nullptr;
+ // The explicit or implicit name of the function. The FunctionFlags indicate
+ // the kind of name.
+ // This is copied to ScriptStencil.
+ // Any update after the copy should be synced to the ScriptStencil.
+ const ParserAtom* atom_ = nullptr;
+ // Index into BaseCompilationStencil::scriptData.
+ ScriptIndex funcDataIndex_ = ScriptIndex(-1);
+ // See: FunctionFlags
+ // This is copied to ScriptStencil.
+ // Any update after the copy should be synced to the ScriptStencil.
+ FunctionFlags flags_ = {};
+ // See: ImmutableScriptData::funLength
+ uint16_t length_ = 0;
+ // JSFunction::nargs_
+ // This field is copied to ScriptStencil, and shouldn't be modified after the
+ // copy.
+ uint16_t nargs_ = 0;
+ // See: PrivateScriptData::memberInitializers_
+ // This field is copied to ScriptStencil, and shouldn't be modified after the
+ // copy.
+ mozilla::Maybe<MemberInitializers> memberInitializers_ = {};
+ public:
+ // Back pointer used by asm.js for error messages.
+ FunctionNode* functionNode = nullptr;
+ // True if bytecode will be emitted for this function in the current
+ // compilation.
+ bool emitBytecode : 1;
+ // This is set by the BytecodeEmitter of the enclosing script when a reference
+ // to this function is generated. This is also used to determine a hoisted
+ // function already is referenced by the bytecode.
+ bool wasEmitted_ : 1;
+ // Need to emit a synthesized Annex B assignment
+ bool isAnnexB : 1;
+ // Track if we saw "use asm".
+ // If we successfully validated it, `flags_` is seto to `AsmJS` kind.
+ bool useAsm : 1;
+ // Analysis of parameter list
+ bool hasParameterExprs : 1;
+ bool hasDestructuringArgs : 1;
+ bool hasDuplicateParameters : 1;
+ // Arrow function with expression body like: `() => 1`.
+ bool hasExprBody_ : 1;
+ // Tracks if function-related fields are already copied to ScriptStencil.
+ // If this field is true, modification to those fields should be synced with
+ // ScriptStencil by copyUpdated* methods.
+ bool isFunctionFieldCopiedToStencil : 1;
+ // End of fields.
+ FunctionBox(JSContext* cx, SourceExtent extent, CompilationStencil& stencil,
+ CompilationState& compilationState, Directives directives,
+ GeneratorKind generatorKind, FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind,
+ const ParserAtom* atom, FunctionFlags flags, ScriptIndex index);
+ ScriptStencil& functionStencil() const;
+ ScriptStencilExtra& functionExtraStencil() const;
+ bool hasFunctionExtraStencil() const;
+ LexicalScope::ParserData* namedLambdaBindings() {
+ return namedLambdaBindings_;
+ }
+ void setNamedLambdaBindings(LexicalScope::ParserData* bindings) {
+ namedLambdaBindings_ = bindings;
+ }
+ FunctionScope::ParserData* functionScopeBindings() {
+ return functionScopeBindings_;
+ }
+ void setFunctionScopeBindings(FunctionScope::ParserData* bindings) {
+ functionScopeBindings_ = bindings;
+ }
+ VarScope::ParserData* extraVarScopeBindings() {
+ return extraVarScopeBindings_;
+ }
+ void setExtraVarScopeBindings(VarScope::ParserData* bindings) {
+ extraVarScopeBindings_ = bindings;
+ }
+ void initFromLazyFunction(JSFunction* fun);
+ void initStandalone(ScopeContext& scopeContext, FunctionFlags flags,
+ FunctionSyntaxKind kind);
+ void initWithEnclosingParseContext(ParseContext* enclosing,
+ FunctionFlags flags,
+ FunctionSyntaxKind kind);
+ void setEnclosingScopeForInnerLazyFunction(ScopeIndex scopeIndex);
+ bool wasEmitted() const { return wasEmitted_; }
+ void setWasEmitted(bool wasEmitted) {
+ wasEmitted_ = wasEmitted;
+ if (isFunctionFieldCopiedToStencil) {
+ copyUpdatedWasEmitted();
+ }
+ }
+ MOZ_MUST_USE bool setAsmJSModule(const JS::WasmModule* module);
+ bool isAsmJSModule() const { return flags_.isAsmJSNative(); }
+ bool hasEnclosingScopeIndex() const { return enclosingScopeIndex_.isSome(); }
+ ScopeIndex getEnclosingScopeIndex() const { return *enclosingScopeIndex_; }
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(isGenerator, IsGenerator)
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(funHasExtensibleScope, FunHasExtensibleScope)
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(functionHasThisBinding, FunctionHasThisBinding)
+ // NeedsHomeObject: custom logic below.
+ // IsDerivedClassConstructor: custom logic below.
+ // IsFieldInitializer: custom logic below.
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(needsFunctionEnvironmentObjects,
+ NeedsFunctionEnvironmentObjects)
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(functionHasExtraBodyVarScope,
+ FunctionHasExtraBodyVarScope)
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(shouldDeclareArguments, ShouldDeclareArguments)
+ IMMUTABLE_FLAG_GETTER_SETTER(argumentsHasVarBinding, ArgumentsHasVarBinding)
+ // AlwaysNeedsArgsObj: custom logic below.
+ // HasMappedArgsObj: custom logic below.
+ bool needsCallObjectRegardlessOfBindings() const {
+ // Always create a CallObject if:
+ // - The scope is extensible at runtime due to sloppy eval.
+ // - The function is a generator or async function. (The debugger reads the
+ // generator object directly from the frame.)
+ return funHasExtensibleScope() || isGenerator() || isAsync();
+ }
+ bool needsExtraBodyVarEnvironmentRegardlessOfBindings() const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(hasParameterExprs);
+ return funHasExtensibleScope();
+ }
+ GeneratorKind generatorKind() const {
+ return isGenerator() ? GeneratorKind::Generator
+ : GeneratorKind::NotGenerator;
+ }
+ FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind() const {
+ return isAsync() ? FunctionAsyncKind::AsyncFunction
+ : FunctionAsyncKind::SyncFunction;
+ }
+ bool needsFinalYield() const { return isGenerator() || isAsync(); }
+ bool needsDotGeneratorName() const { return isGenerator() || isAsync(); }
+ bool needsClearSlotsOnExit() const { return isGenerator() || isAsync(); }
+ bool needsIteratorResult() const { return isGenerator() && !isAsync(); }
+ bool needsPromiseResult() const { return isAsync() && !isGenerator(); }
+ bool isArrow() const { return flags_.isArrow(); }
+ bool isLambda() const { return flags_.isLambda(); }
+ bool hasExprBody() const { return hasExprBody_; }
+ void setHasExprBody() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(isArrow());
+ hasExprBody_ = true;
+ }
+ bool isNamedLambda() const {
+ return flags_.isNamedLambda(explicitName() != nullptr);
+ }
+ bool isGetter() const { return flags_.isGetter(); }
+ bool isSetter() const { return flags_.isSetter(); }
+ bool isMethod() const { return flags_.isMethod(); }
+ bool isClassConstructor() const { return flags_.isClassConstructor(); }
+ bool isInterpreted() const { return flags_.hasBaseScript(); }
+ FunctionFlags::FunctionKind kind() { return flags_.kind(); }
+ bool hasInferredName() const { return flags_.hasInferredName(); }
+ bool hasGuessedAtom() const { return flags_.hasGuessedAtom(); }
+ const ParserAtom* displayAtom() const { return atom_; }
+ const ParserAtom* explicitName() const {
+ return (hasInferredName() || hasGuessedAtom()) ? nullptr : atom_;
+ }
+ // NOTE: We propagate to any existing functions for now. This handles both the
+ // delazification case where functions already exist, and also handles
+ // code-coverage which is not yet deferred.
+ void setInferredName(const ParserAtom* atom) {
+ atom_ = atom;
+ flags_.setInferredName();
+ if (isFunctionFieldCopiedToStencil) {
+ copyUpdatedAtomAndFlags();
+ }
+ }
+ void setGuessedAtom(const ParserAtom* atom) {
+ atom_ = atom;
+ flags_.setGuessedAtom();
+ if (isFunctionFieldCopiedToStencil) {
+ copyUpdatedAtomAndFlags();
+ }
+ }
+ void setAlwaysNeedsArgsObj() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(argumentsHasVarBinding());
+ setFlag(ImmutableFlags::AlwaysNeedsArgsObj);
+ }
+ bool needsHomeObject() const {
+ return hasFlag(ImmutableFlags::NeedsHomeObject);
+ }
+ void setNeedsHomeObject() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(flags_.allowSuperProperty());
+ setFlag(ImmutableFlags::NeedsHomeObject);
+ }
+ bool isDerivedClassConstructor() const {
+ return hasFlag(ImmutableFlags::IsDerivedClassConstructor);
+ }
+ void setDerivedClassConstructor() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(flags_.isClassConstructor());
+ setFlag(ImmutableFlags::IsDerivedClassConstructor);
+ }
+ bool isFieldInitializer() const {
+ return hasFlag(ImmutableFlags::IsFieldInitializer);
+ }
+ void setFieldInitializer() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(flags_.isMethod());
+ setFlag(ImmutableFlags::IsFieldInitializer);
+ }
+ bool hasSimpleParameterList() const {
+ return !hasRest() && !hasParameterExprs && !hasDestructuringArgs;
+ }
+ bool hasMappedArgsObj() const {
+ return !strict() && hasSimpleParameterList();
+ }
+ // Return whether this or an enclosing function is being parsed and
+ // validated as asm.js. Note: if asm.js validation fails, this will be false
+ // while the function is being reparsed. This flag can be used to disable
+ // certain parsing features that are necessary in general, but unnecessary
+ // for validated asm.js.
+ bool useAsmOrInsideUseAsm() const { return useAsm; }
+ void setStart(uint32_t offset, uint32_t line, uint32_t column) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!isScriptFieldCopiedToStencil);
+ extent_.sourceStart = offset;
+ extent_.lineno = line;
+ extent_.column = column;
+ }
+ void setEnd(uint32_t end) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!isScriptFieldCopiedToStencil);
+ // For all functions except class constructors, the buffer and
+ // toString ending positions are the same. Class constructors override
+ // the toString ending position with the end of the class definition.
+ extent_.sourceEnd = end;
+ extent_.toStringEnd = end;
+ }
+ void setCtorToStringEnd(uint32_t end) {
+ extent_.toStringEnd = end;
+ if (isScriptFieldCopiedToStencil) {
+ copyUpdatedExtent();
+ }
+ }
+ void setCtorFunctionHasThisBinding() {
+ immutableFlags_.setFlag(ImmutableFlags::FunctionHasThisBinding, true);
+ if (isScriptFieldCopiedToStencil) {
+ copyUpdatedImmutableFlags();
+ }
+ }
+ uint16_t length() { return length_; }
+ void setLength(uint16_t length) { length_ = length; }
+ void setArgCount(uint16_t args) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!isFunctionFieldCopiedToStencil);
+ nargs_ = args;
+ }
+ size_t nargs() { return nargs_; }
+ bool hasMemberInitializers() const { return memberInitializers_.isSome(); }
+ const MemberInitializers& memberInitializers() const {
+ return *memberInitializers_;
+ }
+ void setMemberInitializers(MemberInitializers memberInitializers) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(memberInitializers_.isNothing());
+ memberInitializers_ = mozilla::Some(memberInitializers);
+ if (isScriptFieldCopiedToStencil) {
+ copyUpdatedMemberInitializers();
+ }
+ }
+ ScriptIndex index() { return funcDataIndex_; }
+ void finishScriptFlags();
+ void copyScriptFields(ScriptStencil& script);
+ void copyFunctionFields(ScriptStencil& script);
+ void copyFunctionExtraFields(ScriptStencilExtra& scriptExtra);
+ // * setCtorFunctionHasThisBinding can be called to a class constructor
+ // with a lazy function, while parsing enclosing class
+ void copyUpdatedImmutableFlags();
+ // * setCtorToStringEnd bcan be called to a class constructor with a lazy
+ // function, while parsing enclosing class
+ void copyUpdatedExtent();
+ // * setMemberInitializers can be called to a class constructor with a lazy
+ // function, while emitting enclosing script
+ void copyUpdatedMemberInitializers();
+ // * setEnclosingScopeForInnerLazyFunction can be called to a lazy function,
+ // while emitting enclosing script
+ void copyUpdatedEnclosingScopeIndex();
+ // * setInferredName can be called to a lazy function, while emitting
+ // enclosing script
+ // * setGuessedAtom can be called to both lazy/non-lazy functions,
+ // while running NameFunctions
+ void copyUpdatedAtomAndFlags();
+ // * setWasEmitted can be called to a lazy function, while emitting
+ // enclosing script
+ void copyUpdatedWasEmitted();
+inline FunctionBox* SharedContext::asFunctionBox() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(isFunctionBox());
+ return static_cast<FunctionBox*>(this);
+inline SuspendableContext* SharedContext::asSuspendableContext() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(isSuspendableContext());
+ return static_cast<SuspendableContext*>(this);
+} // namespace frontend
+} // namespace js
+#endif /* frontend_SharedContext_h */