path: root/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
commit2aa4a82499d4becd2284cdb482213d541b8804dd (patch)
treeb80bf8bf13c3766139fbacc530efd0dd9d54394c /l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 86.0.1.upstream/86.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences')
18 files changed, 1676 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36d4814213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+account-settingsTitle = Runuk'ulem Iqitzijib'äl
+account-channelTitle = Taq B'ey e K'o
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfd6be7ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+app-manager-window-dialog =
+ .title = Taq Kib'anikil Chokoy
+ .style = width: 30em; min-height: 20em;
+remove-app-button =
+ .label = Tiyuj
+ .accesskey = y
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f8118c4d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+attachment-reminder-window =
+ .title = Natanel ewan taq Kitzij Taqoj
+attachment-reminder-label = { -brand-short-name } xtuya' rutzijol chawe pa kiwi' taq yakoj man e k'o ta we xa ta natäq yan jun taqoya'l ri ruk'wan jun chi ke re taq tzij re'.
+keyword-new-button =
+ .label = K'ak'a'…
+ .accesskey = K
+keyword-edit-button =
+ .label = Tinuk'…
+ .accesskey = n
+keyword-remove-button =
+ .label = Tiyuj
+ .accesskey = y
+new-keyword-title = K'ak'a' Ruk'u'x Tzij
+new-keyword-label = Ruk'u'x tzij:
+edit-keyword-title = Tinuk' Ruk'u'x Tzij
+edit-keyword-label = Ruk'u'x tzij:
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9d1c3b113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+colors-dialog-window =
+ .title = Taq b'onil
+ .style =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] width: 41em !important
+ *[other] width: 38em !important
+ }
+colors-dialog-legend = Tz'ib'atzij chuqa' Rupam
+text-color-label =
+ .value = Rucholajem tzij:
+ .accesskey = R
+background-color-label =
+ .value = Rupam:
+ .accesskey = R
+use-system-colors =
+ .label = Ke'okisäx ri taq rub'onil q'inoj
+ .accesskey = q
+colors-link-legend = Kib'onil ri ximonel
+link-color-label =
+ .value = Manjun etz'eton ri taq Ximonel:
+ .accesskey = X
+visited-link-color-label =
+ .value = Taq Ximonel Etz'eton:
+ .accesskey = E
+underline-link-checkbox =
+ .label = Tijux kixe' ri ximonela'
+ .accesskey = T
+override-color-label =
+ .value = Kejalwachïx ri taq b'onil ya'on rutzijol richin re rupam rik'in ri nucha'oj nib'anon chik:
+ .accesskey = K
+override-color-always =
+ .label = Junelïk
+override-color-auto =
+ .label = Xa xe q'equ'm taq chumal kichin taq ruwachinel
+override-color-never =
+ .label = Majub'ey
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0a0f22c66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+connection-dns-over-https-url-resolver = Tokisäx Ya'öl
+ .accesskey = l
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Display name or URL for the DNS over HTTPS provider
+connection-dns-over-https-url-item-default =
+ .label = { $name } (K'o wi)
+ .tooltiptext = Takusaj k'o wi URL richin tisol ri DNS pa ruwi' HTTPS
+connection-dns-over-https-url-custom =
+ .label = Ichinan
+ .accesskey = I
+ .tooltiptext = Tatz'ib'aj ri URL nawajo' richin nisol DNS chi rij HTTPS
+connection-dns-over-https-custom-label = Ichinan
+connection-dialog-window =
+ .title = Runuk'ulem okem pa k'amaya'l
+ .style =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] width: 44em !important
+ *[other] width: 49em !important
+ }
+connection-proxy-legend = Tinuk'samajïx ri taq proxi richin yatok pa k'amaya'l
+proxy-type-no =
+ .label = Majun proxi
+ .accesskey = i
+proxy-type-wpad =
+ .label = Pa ruyonil trïl runuk'ulem ri proxi richin re k'amab'ey re'
+ .accesskey = b
+proxy-type-system =
+ .label = Tawokisaj ri runuk'ulem ruproxi q'inoj
+ .accesskey = o
+proxy-type-manual =
+ .label = Tanuk'samajij retamawuj proxi:
+ .accesskey = r
+proxy-http-label =
+ .value = HTTP Proxi:
+ .accesskey = h
+http-port-label =
+ .value = B'ey:
+ .accesskey = b
+ssl-port-label =
+ .value = B'ey:
+ .accesskey = e
+proxy-socks-label =
+ .value = SOCKS K'uxasamaj:
+ .accesskey = c
+socks-port-label =
+ .value = B'ey:
+ .accesskey = y
+proxy-socks4-label =
+ .label = SOCKS v4
+ .accesskey = k
+proxy-socks5-label =
+ .label = SOCKS v5
+ .accesskey = v
+proxy-type-auto =
+ .label = URL richin runuk'ulem pa ruyonil ri proxi:
+ .accesskey = y
+proxy-reload-label =
+ .label = Tisamajib'ëx chik
+ .accesskey = j
+no-proxy-label =
+ .value = Manjun Proxi richin:
+ .accesskey = n
+no-proxy-example = Tz'eteb'äl:,,
+# Note: Do not translate localhost, and ::1.
+no-proxy-localhost-label = Taq okem pa localhost,, chuqa' ::1 majub'ey nik'o pa proxi.
+proxy-password-prompt =
+ .label = Mani tik'utüx rujikib'axik we yakon ri ewan tzij
+ .accesskey = j
+ .tooltiptext = Re jun cha'oj re' nuya' awetal eqal chi kiwäch ri taq proxi toq e'ayakon kan taq awujil kichin rije'. Xakasik'ïx we ri ruya'ik awetal nisach.
+proxy-remote-dns =
+ .label = K'exel DNS toq nawokisaj SOCKS v5
+ .accesskey = d
+proxy-enable-doh =
+ .label = Titzij DNS chuwäch HTTPS
+ .accesskey = j
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4bb41ebc43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+cookies-window-dialog =
+ .title = Taq kaxlanwey
+ .style = width: 36em;
+window-close-key =
+ .key = w
+window-focus-search-key =
+ .key = f
+window-focus-search-alt-key =
+ .key = k
+filter-search-label =
+ .value = Tikanöx:
+ .accesskey = T
+cookies-on-system-label = Re taq kaxlanwey re' eyakon pan akematz'ib':
+treecol-site-header =
+ .label = Ruxaq k'amaya'l
+treecol-name-header =
+ .label = Rub'i' Kaxlanwey
+props-name-label =
+ .value = B'i'aj:
+props-value-label =
+ .value = Rupam:
+props-domain-label =
+ .value = K'uxasamaj:
+props-path-label =
+ .value = B'ey:
+props-secure-label =
+ .value = Titaq chi re:
+props-expires-label =
+ .value = Xtik'o ruq'ijul:
+props-container-label =
+ .value = K'ojlib'äl:
+remove-cookie-button =
+ .label = Tiyuj Kaxlanwäy
+ .accesskey = y
+remove-all-cookies-button =
+ .label = Keyuj Konojel taq Kaxlanwey
+ .accesskey = K
+cookie-close-button =
+ .label = Titz'apïx
+ .accesskey = x
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd80a83040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+dock-options-window-dialog =
+ .title = Kicha'oj ruwachaj chokoy
+ .style = width: 35em;
+bounce-system-dock-icon =
+ .label = Tisilöx ri ruwachib'al silonem toq napon jun k'ak'a' rutizjol
+ .accesskey = i
+dock-icon-legend = Retal ruwachib'al chokoy
+dock-icon-show-label =
+ .value = Retal ruwachib'al chokoy rik'in:
+count-unread-messages-radio =
+ .label = Kajilab'al mesik'in taq tzijol
+ .accesskey = a
+count-new-messages-radio =
+ .label = Kajilab'al k'ak'a' taq tzijol
+ .accesskey = k
+notification-settings-info = Yatikïr nachüp ri retal pa rupas Kitzijol Kajowab'al Q'inoj.
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d52ce5a638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+fonts-window-close =
+ .key = w
+# Variables:
+# $name {string, "Arial"} - Name of the default font
+fonts-label-default =
+ .label = K'o wi ({ $name })
+fonts-label-default-unnamed =
+ .label = K'o wi
+fonts-encoding-dialog-title =
+ .title = Kiwäch Tz'ib' & Ewan taq Sik'inem
+fonts-language-legend =
+ .value = Ruwäch tz'ib' richin:
+ .accesskey = t
+fonts-proportional-label =
+ .value = Junamil:
+ .accesskey = J
+## Languages
+# Note: Translate "Latin" as the name of Latin (Roman) script, not as the name of the Latin language.
+font-language-group-latin =
+ .label = Latin
+font-language-group-japanese =
+ .label = Japones
+font-language-group-trad-chinese =
+ .label = Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)
+font-language-group-simpl-chinese =
+ .label = Ch'uti Chino
+font-language-group-trad-chinese-hk =
+ .label = Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
+font-language-group-korean =
+ .label = Korean
+font-language-group-cyrillic =
+ .label = Cyrillic
+font-language-group-el =
+ .label = Greek
+font-language-group-other =
+ .label = Ch'aqa' chik Kitz'ib'anik Qinoj
+font-language-group-thai =
+ .label = Taylanes
+font-language-group-hebrew =
+ .label = Hebrew
+font-language-group-arabic =
+ .label = Aj Arabia
+font-language-group-devanagari =
+ .label = Devanagari
+font-language-group-tamil =
+ .label = Tamil
+font-language-group-armenian =
+ .label = Armeni'o' ch'ab'äl
+font-language-group-bengali =
+ .label = Bengali
+font-language-group-canadian =
+ .label = Unified Canadian Syllabary
+font-language-group-ethiopic =
+ .label = Eti'ope'
+font-language-group-georgian =
+ .label = Georgian
+font-language-group-gujarati =
+ .label = Gujarati
+font-language-group-gurmukhi =
+ .label = Gurmukhi
+font-language-group-khmer =
+ .label = Aj CamboyaKhmer
+font-language-group-malayalam =
+ .label = Malayalam
+font-language-group-math =
+ .label = Ajilanem
+font-language-group-odia =
+ .label = Odia
+font-language-group-telugu =
+ .label = Telugu
+font-language-group-kannada =
+ .label = Kannada
+font-language-group-sinhala =
+ .label = Sinhala
+font-language-group-tibetan =
+ .label = Tibetano'
+## Default font type
+default-font-serif =
+ .label = Seriw
+default-font-sans-serif =
+ .label = Sans Serif
+font-size-label =
+ .value = Nimilem:
+ .accesskey = e
+font-size-monospace-label =
+ .value = Nimilem:
+ .accesskey = i
+font-serif-label =
+ .value = Serif:
+ .accesskey = S
+font-sans-serif-label =
+ .value = Sans-serif:
+ .accesskey = n
+font-monospace-label =
+ .value = Rujukojol cholaj:
+ .accesskey = R
+font-min-size-label =
+ .value = Ko'öl runimilem tz'ib':
+ .accesskey = n
+min-size-none =
+ .label = Majun
+## Fonts in message
+font-control-legend = Ruwäch Tz'ib' Nichajïx
+use-document-fonts-checkbox =
+ .label = Tiya' q'ij chi ri taq rutzijol yekokisaj juley chik taq tz'ib'
+ .accesskey = a
+use-fixed-width-plain-checkbox =
+ .label = Tokisäx nïm ruwäch tz'ib' pa kitzijol li'an cholan tzij
+ .accesskey = x
+## Language settings
+text-encoding-legend = Rucholajil Tz'ib'atzij
+text-encoding-description = Tijikib'äx ri kicholajil cholan tzij e k'o wi richin nitaq chuqa' nik'ul taqoya'l
+font-outgoing-email-label =
+ .value = Elem Taqoya'l:
+ .accesskey = e
+font-incoming-email-label =
+ .value = Okem Taqoya'l:
+ .accesskey = O
+default-font-reply-checkbox =
+ .label = Tokisäx pa tzolin taq tzij ri kicholajil cholan tzij k'o wi toq tikirel
+ .accesskey = k
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/languages.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/languages.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b51d0f990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/languages.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+languages-customize-moveup =
+ .label = Tijotob'äx
+ .accesskey = j
+languages-customize-movedown =
+ .label = Tiqasäx qa
+ .accesskey = q
+languages-customize-remove =
+ .label = Tiyuj
+ .accesskey = y
+languages-customize-select-language =
+ .placeholder = Tacha' jun ch'ab'äl ri nitz'aqatisäx…
+languages-customize-add =
+ .label = Titz'aqatisäx
+ .accesskey = t
+messenger-languages-window =
+ .title = { -brand-short-name } Runuk'ulem Ch'ab'äl
+ .style = width: 40em
+messenger-languages-description = { -brand-short-name } xtuk'üt ri nab'ey ch'ab'äl achi'el ri k'o wi chuqa' xkeruk'üt pe ch'aqa' chik ch'ab'äl we k'atzinel pa ri rucholajem e k'o.
+messenger-languages-search = Kekanöx ch'aqa' chik ch'ab'äl...
+messenger-languages-searching =
+ .label = Yekanöx taq ch'ab'äl...
+messenger-languages-downloading =
+ .label = Niqasäx…
+messenger-languages-select-language =
+ .label = Tacha' jun ch'ab'äl ri nitz'aqatisäx…
+ .placeholder = Tacha' jun ch'ab'äl ri nitz'aqatisäx…
+messenger-languages-installed-label = Yakon taq ch'ab'äl
+messenger-languages-available-label = Wachel taq ch'ab'äl
+messenger-languages-error = { -brand-short-name } man nitikïr ta yeruk'ëx ri taq ach'ab'äl. Tanik'oj chi atokinäq pa k'amaya'l o tatojtob'ej chik.
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23c0ac6823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+tag-dialog-window =
+ .title = K'ak'a' Etal
+tag-name-label =
+ .value = Rub'i' Etal:
+ .accesskey = E
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41e55a6241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+notifications-dialog-window =
+ .title = Tichinäx K'ak'a' Rutzijol Taqoya'l
+customize-alert-description = Ticha' achike taq k'ojlib'äl yek'ut pa ri rutzijol k'ayewal:
+preview-text-checkbox =
+ .label = Nab'ey Rutzub'al Cholan Rutzij Tzijol
+ .accesskey = R
+subject-checkbox =
+ .label = Taqikil
+ .accesskey = T
+sender-checkbox =
+ .label = Taqonel
+ .accesskey = a
+## Note: open-time-label-before is displayed first, then there's a field where
+## the user can enter a number, and open-time-label-after is displayed at the end
+## of the line. The translations of the open-time-label-before and open-time-label-after
+## parts don't have to mean the exact same thing as in English; please try instead
+## to translate the whole sentence.
+open-time-label-before =
+ .value = Tik'ut pe K'ak'a' Rutzijol Ruk'ayewal Tzijol pa
+ .accesskey = K
+open-time-label-after =
+ .value = taq nich'ramaj
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc33951d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+offline-dialog-window =
+ .title = Chupül Kinuk'ulem
+autodetect-online-label =
+ .label = Ruyonil trojqaj ri rub'anikil okem xilitäj
+ .accesskey = x
+startup-label = Rub'anikil chi q'ab'aj toq nitikirisäx el:
+status-radio-remember =
+ .label = Tinatäx ri jun kan rub'anikil okem
+ .accesskey = T
+status-radio-ask =
+ .label = Tik'utüx chwe pa ruwi' rub'anikil okem
+ .accesskey = k
+status-radio-always-online =
+ .label = Pa k'amab'ey
+ .accesskey = m
+status-radio-always-offline =
+ .label = Chupül
+ .accesskey = p
+going-online-label = ¿La yetaq ri oyob'en taq tzijol toq nok?
+going-online-auto =
+ .label = Ja'
+ .accesskey = J
+going-online-not =
+ .label = Mani
+ .accesskey = M
+going-online-ask =
+ .label = Tik'utüx pe chwe
+ .accesskey = k
+going-offline-label = Toq nel pa okem, ¿la yeqasäx ri taq rutzijol richin ye'okisäx toq majun okem?
+going-offline-auto =
+ .label = Ja'
+ .accesskey = a
+going-offline-not =
+ .label = Mani
+ .accesskey = i
+going-offline-ask =
+ .label = Tik'utüx pe chwe
+ .accesskey = u
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/passwordManager.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/passwordManager.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c737cf590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/passwordManager.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+saved-logins =
+ .title = Yakon taq kitikirib'al molojri'ïl
+window-close =
+ .key = w
+focus-search-shortcut =
+ .key = f
+focus-search-altshortcut =
+ .key = k
+copy-provider-url-cmd =
+ .label = Tiwachib'ëx URL
+ .accesskey = w
+copy-username-cmd =
+ .label = Tiwachib'ëx Rub'i' Winäq
+ .accesskey = R
+edit-username-cmd =
+ .label = Tinuk' Rub'i' Winäq
+ .accesskey = n
+copy-password-cmd =
+ .label = Tiwachib'ëx Ewan Tzij
+ .accesskey = w
+edit-password-cmd =
+ .label = Tinuk' Ewan Tzij
+ .accesskey = n
+search-filter =
+ .accesskey = k
+ .placeholder = Tikanöx
+column-heading-provider =
+ .label = Ajya'öl
+column-heading-username =
+ .label = Rub'i' winäq
+column-heading-password =
+ .label = Ewan tzij
+column-heading-time-created =
+ .label = Nab'ey mul okisan
+column-heading-time-last-used =
+ .label = Ruk'isib'äl mul okisan
+column-heading-time-password-changed =
+ .label = Ruk'isib'äl Mul Xjal
+column-heading-times-used =
+ .label = Janipe' Okisan
+remove =
+ .label = Tiyuj
+ .accesskey = y
+import =
+ .label = Tijik' pe…
+ .accesskey = j
+close-button =
+ .label = Titz'apïx
+ .accesskey = z
+show-passwords =
+ .label = Kek'ut Ewan taq Tzij
+ .accesskey = E
+hide-passwords =
+ .label = Ke'ewäx ri Ewan taq Tzij
+ .accesskey = E
+logins-description-all = Ri kitikirib'al moloj re taq ajya'öl re' yeyak pan akematz'ib'
+logins-description-filtered = Re jujun kitikirib'al molojri'ïl re', nikik'äm ki' rik'in ri nakanoj:
+remove-all =
+ .label = Keyuj Ronojel
+ .accesskey = R
+remove-all-shown =
+ .label = Keyuj Ronojel Ek'utun pe
+ .accesskey = R
+remove-all-passwords-prompt = ¿At jikïl chi nawajo' ye'ayüj ronojel ri ewan taq tzij?
+remove-all-passwords-title = Keyuj ronojel ri ewan taq tzij
+no-master-password-prompt = ¿La at jikïl chi nawajo' ye'ak'üt pe ri ewan taq atzij?
+## OS Authentication dialog
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77597a0a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+permissions-reminder-window =
+ .title = Taq man relik ta
+ .style = width: 45em;
+window-close-key =
+ .key = w
+website-address-label =
+ .value = Rochochib'al ri ajk'amaya'l ruxaq:
+ .accesskey = c
+block-button =
+ .label = Tiq'eleb'ëx
+ .accesskey = T
+allow-session-button =
+ .label = Tiya' q'ij xa xe chi re Molojri'ïl re'
+ .accesskey = j
+allow-button =
+ .label = Tiya' q'ij
+ .accesskey = y
+treehead-sitename-label =
+ .label = Ruxaq k'amaya'l
+treehead-status-label =
+ .label = B'anikil
+remove-site-button =
+ .label = Tiyuj Ruxaq K'amaya'l
+ .accesskey = y
+remove-all-site-button =
+ .label = Keyuj Ronojel ri Ruxaq K'amaya'l
+ .accesskey = y
+cancel-button =
+ .label = Tiq'at
+ .accesskey = q
+save-button =
+ .label = Keyak Jaloj
+ .accesskey = y
+permission-can-label = Tiya' q'ij
+permission-can-access-first-party-label = Tiya' q'ij xa xe chi ke ri nab'ey taq peraj
+permission-can-session-label = Tiya' q'ij pa re Molojri'ïl re'
+permission-cannot-label = Tiq'eleb'ëx
+invalid-uri-message = Tatz'ib'aj ri okel rub'i' ruk'uxasamaj
+invalid-uri-title = Man okel ta ri Rub'i' Rochochib'al K'uxasamaj
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bcbcadc3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+close-button =
+ .aria-label = Titz'apïx
+preferences-title =
+ .title =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Taq cha'oj
+ *[other] Taq ajowab'äl
+ }
+pane-general-title = Chijun
+category-general =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-general-title }
+pane-compose-title = Ruch'akulal
+category-compose =
+ .tooltiptext = Ruch'akulal
+pane-privacy-title = Ichinanem & Jikomal
+category-privacy =
+ .tooltiptext = Ichinanem & Jikomal
+pane-chat-title = Chat
+category-chat =
+ .tooltiptext = Chat
+general-language-and-appearance-header = Ch'ab'äl & Rutzub'al
+general-incoming-mail-header = Okinel taq Taqoya'l
+general-files-and-attachment-header = Taq Yakb'äl & Taq Tz'aqat
+general-tags-header = Taq etal
+general-reading-and-display-header = Sik'inem & Tz'etoj
+general-updates-header = Taq K'exoj
+general-network-and-diskspace-header = K'amab'ey & Rupam Rujolom
+composition-category-header = Ruch'akulal
+composition-attachments-header = Taq taqoj
+composition-spelling-title = Tz'ib'anikil
+compose-html-style-title = HTML Rub'anikil
+composition-addressing-header = Taq ochochib'äl
+privacy-main-header = Ichinanem
+privacy-passwords-header = Ewan taq tzij
+privacy-junk-header = Seq'
+privacy-security-header = Jikomal
+privacy-anti-virus-title = Chapöy chikopil
+privacy-certificates-title = Taq ruwujil b'i'aj
+chat-pane-header = Chat
+chat-status-title = B'anikil
+chat-notifications-title = Taq rutzijol
+chat-pane-styling-header = Rub'anikil
+choose-messenger-language-description = Kecha' ri taq ch'ab'äl e'okisan richin yek'ut taq molsamajib'äl, taq rutzijol taqoj, taq rutzijol { -brand-short-name }.
+manage-messenger-languages-button =
+ .label = Keya' taq Cha'oj
+ .accesskey = h
+confirm-messenger-language-change-description = Titikirisäx chik { -brand-short-name } richin ye'okisäx ri taq k'exoj
+confirm-messenger-language-change-button = Tisamajïx chuqa' Titikirisäx chik
+update-setting-write-failure-title = Xsach toq xyak ri Ruk'exoj taq ajowab'äl
+# Variables:
+# $path (String) - Path to the configuration file
+# The newlines between the main text and the line containing the path is
+# intentional so the path is easier to identify.
+update-setting-write-failure-message =
+ { -brand-short-name } xrïl jun sachoj ruma ri' toq man xuyäk ta re jaloj re'. Tatz'eta' chi re runuk'ulem re rajowab'al jaloj re' nrajo' chi niya' q'ij richin nitz'ib'äx pa ri yakb'äl. Rik'in jub'a' rat o jun runuk'samajel q'inoj yixtikïr nisöl re sachoj, rik'in ruchajixik chijun ri yakb'äl ruma ri molaj okisanela'.
+ Man tikirel ta xtz'ib'äx chupam ri yakb'äl: { $path }
+update-in-progress-title = Tajin Nik'ex
+update-in-progress-message = ¿La nawajo' chi ri { -brand-short-name } nuk'isib'ej ri k'exoj?
+update-in-progress-ok-button = &Tich'aqïx
+# Continue is the cancel button so pressing escape or using a platform standard
+# method of closing the UI will not discard the update.
+update-in-progress-cancel-button = &Titikïr chik el
+addons-button = Taq k'amal & taq Wachinel
+## OS Authentication dialog
+## General Tab
+focus-search-shortcut =
+ .key = f
+focus-search-shortcut-alt =
+ .key = k
+general-legend = { -brand-short-name } Rutikirib'al Ruxaq
+start-page-label =
+ .label = Toq nitikirisäx { -brand-short-name } tik'ut ri Tikirib'äl Ruxaq pa ruk'ojlemal tzijol
+ .accesskey = T
+location-label =
+ .value = Ochochib'al:
+ .accesskey = o
+restore-default-label =
+ .label = Titzolïx ri K'o wi
+ .accesskey = T
+default-search-engine = K'o wi chi Kanob'äl
+add-search-engine =
+ .label = Titz'aqatisäx rik'in yakb'äl
+ .accesskey = T
+remove-search-engine =
+ .label = Tiyuj
+ .accesskey = y
+new-message-arrival = Toq ye'uqa k'ak'a' taq tzijol:
+mail-play-sound-label =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Titzij re ruyakb'al k'oxom re':
+ *[other] Titzij jun k'oxom
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] o
+ *[other] o
+ }
+mail-play-button =
+ .label = Titzij
+ .accesskey = T
+change-dock-icon = Kejal taq rajowab'al ruwachaj chokoy
+app-icon-options =
+ .label = Kicha'oj Ruwachaj Chokoy…
+ .accesskey = w
+notification-settings = Kitzijol k'ayewal chuqa' k'oxom k'o wi yatikïr ye'achüp ri ketal pa rupas Kitzijol Kajowab'al Q'inoj.
+animated-alert-label =
+ .label = Tik'ut jun retal k'ayewal
+ .accesskey = T
+customize-alert-label =
+ .label = Tichinäx…
+ .accesskey = c
+tray-icon-label =
+ .label = Tik'ut jun wachaj pa nuk'ulem
+ .accesskey = n
+mail-custom-sound-label =
+ .label = Tokisäx re ruyakb'al k'oxom re'
+ .accesskey = o
+mail-browse-sound-button =
+ .label = Tokik'amayin…
+ .accesskey = T
+enable-gloda-search-label =
+ .label = Titzij Cholajin chuqa' Chijun Kanoxïk
+ .accesskey = C
+datetime-formatting-legend = Rub'anikil Q'ijul chuqa' Ramaj
+language-selector-legend = Ch'ab'äl
+allow-hw-accel =
+ .label = Tokisäx rupararexik ch'akulakem toq xtiwachin pe
+ .accesskey = c
+store-type-label =
+ .value = Ruwäch Ruyakoj Tzijol kichin k'ak'a' kib'i' taqoya'l:
+ .accesskey = R
+mbox-store-label =
+ .label = Yakb'äl chi yakwuj (mbox)
+maildir-store-label =
+ .label = Jun yakb'äl chi rutzijol (maildir)
+scrolling-legend = Q'axanem
+autoscroll-label =
+ .label = Tokisäx ruyonil rusiloxik
+ .accesskey = T
+smooth-scrolling-label =
+ .label = Tokisäx jeb'ël q'axanïk
+ .accesskey = j
+system-integration-legend = Q'inoj Tunuj
+always-check-default =
+ .label = Junelïk tinik'öx we ri { -brand-short-name } ja ri' ri ruwinaqil taqoya'l k'o wi toq nitikirisäx
+ .accesskey = J
+check-default-button =
+ .label = Tinik'öx Wakami…
+ .accesskey = W
+# Note: This is the search engine name for all the different platforms.
+# Platforms that don't support it should be left blank.
+search-engine-name =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Spotlight
+ [windows] Kikanoxik Windows
+ *[other] { "" }
+ }
+search-integration-label =
+ .label = Tiya' q'ij chi re { search-engine-name } richin yerukanoj taq tzijol
+ .accesskey = S
+config-editor-button =
+ .label = Tib'an runuk'ulem ri Nuk'unel…
+ .accesskey = r
+return-receipts-description = Tijikib'äx rub'eyal ri { -brand-short-name } yerusamajij ri kiwujil ajil
+return-receipts-button =
+ .label = Tzolin taq Wujil…
+ .accesskey = T
+update-app-legend = { -brand-short-name } Taq Ruk'exoj
+# Variables:
+# $version (String): version of Thunderbird, e.g. 68.0.1
+update-app-version = Ruwäch { $version }
+allow-description = Tiya' q'ij { -brand-short-name } chi re
+automatic-updates-label =
+ .label = Keyak ruyonil taq k'exoj ruwäch (chilab'en: utzilan jikimal)
+ .accesskey = r
+check-updates-label =
+ .label = Kenik'öx ri taq k'exoj, xa xe chi tiya' q'ij chwe we ninwajo' chi yenyäk
+ .accesskey = K
+update-history-button =
+ .label = Tik'ut Kinatab'al taq K'exoj
+ .accesskey = x
+use-service =
+ .label = Tokisäx jun samaj pa ruka'n b'ey richin yeyak ri taq k'exoj
+ .accesskey = n
+networking-legend = Okem
+proxy-config-description = Tanuk'samajij ri rub'eyal nok ri { -brand-short-name } pa k'amaya'l
+network-settings-button =
+ .label = Taq nuk'ulem…
+ .accesskey = n
+offline-legend = Chupül
+offline-settings = Tib'an runuk'ulem rik'in chupül okem
+offline-settings-button =
+ .label = Chupül…
+ .accesskey = C
+diskspace-legend = Rupam Rujolom
+offline-compact-folder =
+ .label = Kesib' yakwuj toq yekol k'ïy
+ .accesskey = a
+compact-folder-size =
+ .value = MB chi ronojel
+## Note: The entities use-cache-before and use-cache-after appear on a single
+## line in preferences as follows:
+## use-cache-before [ textbox for cache size in MB ] use-cache-after
+use-cache-before =
+ .value = Tokisäx k'a
+ .accesskey = T
+use-cache-after = MB rupam richin ri jumejyak
+smart-cache-label =
+ .label = Tiyuj runuk'samajixïk ruyonil jumejyak
+ .accesskey = y
+clear-cache-button =
+ .label = Tijosq'ïx Wakami
+ .accesskey = j
+fonts-legend = Kiwäch taq tz'ib' &' taq b'onil
+default-font-label =
+ .value = Ruwäch tzij kan k'o wi:
+ .accesskey = k
+default-size-label =
+ .value = Nimilem:
+ .accesskey = N
+font-options-button =
+ .label = Taq Q'axinäq…
+ .accesskey = A
+color-options-button =
+ .label = Taq b'onil…
+ .accesskey = b
+display-width-legend = Kitzijol Li'an Cholan Tzij
+# Note : convert-emoticons-label 'Emoticons' are also known as 'Smileys', e.g. :-)
+convert-emoticons-label =
+ .label = Kek'ut pe taq emotikon achi'el taq wachib'äl
+ .accesskey = e
+display-text-label = Toq yek'ut pe kitzijol li'an cholan tzij esik'in:
+style-label =
+ .value = Taq b'anikil:
+ .accesskey = n
+regular-style-item =
+ .label = Loman
+bold-style-item =
+ .label = Q'eqatz'ib'
+italic-style-item =
+ .label = Q'e'etz'ib'
+bold-italic-style-item =
+ .label = Q'ëq Q'e'etz'ib'
+size-label =
+ .value = Nimilem:
+ .accesskey = m
+regular-size-item =
+ .label = Loman
+bigger-size-item =
+ .label = Chom
+smaller-size-item =
+ .label = Ko'öl
+quoted-text-color =
+ .label = B'onil:
+ .accesskey = o
+search-input =
+ .placeholder = Tikanöx
+type-column-label =
+ .label = Ruwäch Rupam
+ .accesskey = R
+action-column-label =
+ .label = B'anoj
+ .accesskey = B
+save-to-label =
+ .label = Keyak yakb'äl pa
+ .accesskey = y
+choose-folder-label =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Ticha'…
+ *[other] Tokik'amayin…
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] c
+ *[other] T
+ }
+always-ask-label =
+ .label = Jantape' tik'utüx pe chwe akuchi' yeyak wi kan ri taq yakb'äl
+ .accesskey = J
+display-tags-text = Ri taq yaketal tikirel ye'okisäx richin niya' kiwäch o kiq'ij taq atzijol.
+new-tag-button =
+ .label = K'ak'a'…
+ .accesskey = K
+edit-tag-button =
+ .label = Tinuk'…
+ .accesskey = n
+delete-tag-button =
+ .label = Tiyuj
+ .accesskey = y
+auto-mark-as-read =
+ .label = Ruyonil tiya' ketal taq tzijol achi'el sik'in
+ .accesskey = R
+mark-read-no-delay =
+ .label = Anin pa ruwäch
+ .accesskey = p
+## Note: This will concatenate to "After displaying for [___] seconds",
+## using (mark-read-delay) and a number (seconds-label).
+mark-read-delay =
+ .label = Chi rij nik'ut chi
+ .accesskey = n
+seconds-label = taq xil ramaj
+open-msg-label =
+ .value = Kejaq taq tzijol pa:
+open-msg-tab =
+ .label = Jun k'ak'a' ruwi'
+ .accesskey = r
+open-msg-window =
+ .label = Jun k'ak'a' rutzuwäch tzijol
+ .accesskey = k
+open-msg-ex-window =
+ .label = K'o jun rutzuwäch tzijol
+ .accesskey = o
+close-move-delete =
+ .label = Titz'apïx rutzuwäch/tab rutzijol toq nisilöx o niyuj
+ .accesskey = T
+display-name-label =
+ .value = Tik'ut b'i'aj:
+condensed-addresses-label =
+ .label = Titz'et xa xe ri b'i'aj xtik'ut chi kiwäch ri winaqi' pa kitz'ib'awuj wochochib'al
+ .accesskey = T
+## Compose Tab
+forward-label =
+ .value = Ketaq chik kitzijol:
+ .accesskey = T
+inline-label =
+ .label = Pa k'amab'ey
+as-attachment-label =
+ .label = Achi'el Rutz'aqat
+extension-label =
+ .label = titz'aqatisäx k'amal pa ri rub'i' yakb'äl
+ .accesskey = k
+## Note: This will concatenate to "Auto Save every [___] minutes",
+## using (auto-save-label) and a number (auto-save-end).
+auto-save-label =
+ .label = Jutaqil Ruyon Tiyak
+ .accesskey = R
+auto-save-end = taq ch'utiramaj
+warn-on-send-accel-key =
+ .label = Tijikib'äx toq ye'okisäx ruq'a' rokem pitz'b'äl richin nitaq rutzijol
+ .accesskey = T
+spellcheck-label =
+ .label = Tinik'öx tz'ib'anikil chuwäch nitaq
+ .accesskey = T
+spellcheck-inline-label =
+ .label = Tinik'öx tz'ib'anikil toq yatz'ib'an
+ .accesskey = T
+language-popup-label =
+ .value = Ch'ab'äl:
+ .accesskey = C
+download-dictionaries-link = Keqasäx ch'aqa' chik taq Soltzij
+font-label =
+ .value = Ruwäch tz'ib':
+ .accesskey = z
+font-size-label =
+ .value = Nimilem:
+ .accesskey = e
+default-colors-label =
+ .label = Ke'okisäx ri taq b'onil erucha'on ri sik'inel
+ .accesskey = e
+font-color-label =
+ .value = Rub'onil Rucholajem Tzij:
+ .accesskey = T
+bg-color-label =
+ .value = Rub'onil Rupam:
+ .accesskey = p
+restore-html-label =
+ .label = Ketzolïx ri taq wachinel e k'o wi
+ .accesskey = K
+default-format-label =
+ .label = Tokisäx rub'anikil Motzaj chuwäch Ruch'akul Cholan Rutzij k'o wi
+ .accesskey = M
+format-description = Tib'an runuk'ulem runa'oj rub'anikil cholan tzij
+send-options-label =
+ .label = Kejaq Cha'oj…
+ .accesskey = K
+autocomplete-description = Toq nitz'ib'äx jun ochochib'äl, kekanöx ri nikik'äm ki' rik'in pa:
+ab-label =
+ .label = Aj Wawe' Kiwujil Ochochib'äl
+ .accesskey = W
+directories-label =
+ .label = Rucholb'al K'uxasamaj:
+ .accesskey = R
+directories-none-label =
+ .none = Majun
+edit-directories-label =
+ .label = Kenuk' taq Soltzij…
+ .accesskey = K
+email-picker-label =
+ .label = Ruyonil ketz'aqatisäx ri kochochib'al taqoya'l ye'el pa nu:
+ .accesskey = R
+default-directory-label =
+ .value = Rucholb'al tikirib'äl k'o wi pa ri rutzuwäch kitz'ib'awuj ochochib'äl:
+ .accesskey = S
+default-last-label =
+ .none = Ruk'isib'äl cholb'äl okisan
+attachment-label =
+ .label = Kenik'öx taq taqoj nrajo' na
+ .accesskey = n
+attachment-options-label =
+ .label = Kik'u'x tzij…
+ .accesskey = K
+enable-cloud-share =
+ .label = Tisuj richin yekomonïx taq yakb'äl ye'ik'o chi re
+cloud-share-size =
+ .value = MB
+add-cloud-account =
+ .label = Titz'aqatisäx…
+ .accesskey = t
+ .defaultlabel = Titz'aqatisäx…
+remove-cloud-account =
+ .label = Tiyuj
+ .accesskey = y
+find-cloud-providers =
+ .value = Kekanöx ch'aqa' chik taq ajya'öl…
+cloud-account-description = Titz'aqatisäx jun k'ak'a' Filelink richin kiyakik samaj
+## Privacy Tab
+mail-content = Rupam Taqotz'ib'
+remote-content-label =
+ .label = Tiya' q'ij näj rupam pa rutzijol
+ .accesskey = n
+exceptions-button =
+ .label = Taq man relik ta…
+ .accesskey = m
+remote-content-info =
+ .value = Tetamäx ch'aqa' chik chi kij ri taq ruk'ayewal richinanem näj rupam
+web-content = Ajk'amaya'l Rupam
+history-label =
+ .label = Kenatäx ajk'amaya'l ruxaq chuqa' taq ximonel enutz'eton
+ .accesskey = K
+cookies-label =
+ .label = Kek'ulutäj taq rukaxlanwey ri ruxaq k'amaya'l
+ .accesskey = K
+third-party-label =
+ .value = Kek'ul taq kaxlanwey kichin aj rox winaqi':
+ .accesskey = k
+third-party-always =
+ .label = Junelïk
+third-party-never =
+ .label = Majub'ey
+third-party-visited =
+ .label = Etz'eton
+keep-label =
+ .value = Tik'oje' k'a:
+ .accesskey = k
+keep-expire =
+ .label = tik'o kiq'ij
+keep-close =
+ .label = Tintz'apij { -brand-short-name }
+keep-ask =
+ .label = junelïk tik'utüx pe chwe
+cookies-button =
+ .label = Kek'ut taq Kaxlanwey…
+ .accesskey = k
+do-not-track-label =
+ .label = Ketaq ri taq ruxaq ajk'amaya'l jun “Mani Tojqäx” raqän kumal chi man nojowäx ta chi tikanöx
+ .accesskey = t
+learn-button =
+ .label = Tetamäx ch'aqa' chik
+passwords-description = { -brand-short-name } nitikïr yerunataj ri ewan taq atzij kichin konojel ri taq rub'i' ataqoya'l.
+passwords-button =
+ .label = Xeyak taq Ewan Tzij…
+ .accesskey = X
+master-password-description = Jun Ajtij Ewan Tzij yeruchajij konojel ri ewan taq atzij, xa xe chi k'o chi natz'ib'aj jub'ey chi jujun molojri'ïl.
+master-password-label =
+ .label = Tokisäx ri ajtïj ewan tzij
+ .accesskey = o
+master-password-button =
+ .label = Tijal Ajtij Ewan Tzij…
+ .accesskey = j
+junk-description = Runuk'ulem k'o wi pa seq' taqoya'l. Ri taq runuk'ulem chi kijujunal ri taq taqoya'l k'o chi yeb'an pa Kinuk'ulem Rub'i' Taqoya'l.
+junk-label =
+ .label = Toq ninya' ketal taq rutzijol achi'el seq':
+ .accesskey = T
+junk-move-label =
+ .label = Kesilöx pa kiyakwuj "Seq'" rub'i' taqoya'l
+ .accesskey = o
+junk-delete-label =
+ .label = Keyuj
+ .accesskey = K
+junk-read-label =
+ .label = Tiya' ketal ri taq rutzijol yetz'et chi e Seq' achi'el esik'in chik
+ .accesskey = T
+junk-log-label =
+ .label = Titzij ri kitz'ib'axik ruchayub'al k'amonel seq'
+ .accesskey = T
+junk-log-button =
+ .label = Tik'ut pe tz'ib'anïk
+ .accesskey = T
+reset-junk-button =
+ .label = Titzolïx Tojtob'enïk
+ .accesskey = T
+phishing-description = { -brand-short-name } nitikïr yerunik'oj taq rutzijol toq yerukanoj ruq'ab'axel ruq'oloj taqoya'l akuchi' yerukanoj ri etamanel taq kob'eyal achoq ik'in yatkiq'öl.
+phishing-label =
+ .label = Tiya' pe rutzijol chwe we ri rutzijol ninsik'ij rik'in jub'a' jun eleq'
+ .accesskey = T
+antivirus-description = { -brand-short-name } nitikïr yeruto' ri chapöy chikopil chi tikinik'oj ri taqoya'l chuwäch yeyak qa.
+antivirus-label =
+ .label = Tiya' q'ij chi ke ri chapöy chikopil kekiya' pa kawinaqinem chi jujun taq rutzijol
+ .accesskey = T
+certificate-description = Toq ri ruk'u'x samaj xtrajo' pe ri ruwujil nub'i':
+certificate-auto =
+ .label = Pa ruyonil ticha' jun
+ .accesskey = t
+certificate-ask =
+ .label = Junelïk tik'utüx pe chwe
+ .accesskey = t
+ocsp-label =
+ .label = Rutzolixik rutzij ri OCSP peyon tzij, ri ruk'u'x taq samaj nikijikib'a' ri kutzil ri taq ruwujil rub'i'
+ .accesskey = R
+certificate-button =
+ .label = Kenuk'samajiïx Kiwujil B'i'aj…
+ .accesskey = K
+security-devices-button =
+ .label = Taq Rokisab'al Jikomal…
+ .accesskey = R
+## Chat Tab
+startup-label =
+ .value = Toq { -brand-short-name } xtitikirisäx:
+ .accesskey = x
+offline-label =
+ .label = Tichup kokem ri Chat Rub'i' Nutaqoya'l
+auto-connect-label =
+ .label = Pa ruyonil tokisäx ri chat rub'i' nutaqoya'l
+## Note: idle-label is displayed first, then there's a field where the user
+## can enter a number, and itemTime is displayed at the end of the line.
+## The translations of the idle-label and idle-time-label parts don't have
+## to mean the exact same thing as in English; please try instead to
+## translate the whole sentence.
+idle-label =
+ .label = Tib'an chi ri kib'i' wachib'il tiqetamaj chi man in k'o ta chi rij ri
+ .accesskey = I
+idle-time-label = ch'utiramaj man k'o ta
+away-message-label =
+ .label = chuqa' tijikib'äx ri nub'anikil achi'el Mek'o rik'in re rutzijol b'anikil re':
+ .accesskey = A
+send-typing-label =
+ .label = Titaq tz'ib'anem rutzijol pa taq tzijonem
+ .accesskey = t
+notification-label = Toq ye'apon taq rutzijol chawe:
+show-notification-label =
+ .label = Tik'ut jun rutzijol:
+ .accesskey = k
+notification-all =
+ .label = rik'in rub'i' taqonel chuqa' nab'ey rutzub'al tzijol
+notification-name =
+ .label = xa xe rik'in rub'i' taqonel
+notification-empty =
+ .label = majun chik etamab'äl
+notification-type-label =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Tisilöx ruwachib'al dock
+ *[other] Tiyuk'umäx ri ruch'akulal kikajtz'ik samaj
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] o
+ *[other] T
+ }
+chat-play-sound-label =
+ .label = Titzij jun k'oxom
+ .accesskey = m
+chat-play-button =
+ .label = Titzij
+ .accesskey = T
+chat-system-sound-label =
+ .label = Ruk'oxom q'inoj k'o wi richin k'ak'a' taqoya'l
+ .accesskey = R
+chat-custom-sound-label =
+ .label = Tokisäx re ruyakb'al k'oxom re'
+ .accesskey = T
+chat-browse-sound-button =
+ .label = Tokik'amayin…
+ .accesskey = T
+theme-label =
+ .value = Wachinïk:
+ .accesskey = W
+style-thunderbird =
+ .label = Thunderbird
+style-bubbles =
+ .label = Taq roqowinïk
+style-dark =
+ .label = Q'equ'm
+style-paper =
+ .label = Taq Ruxaq Wuj
+style-simple =
+ .label = Relik
+preview-label = Nab'ey tzub'al:
+no-preview-label = Majun nab'ey rutzub'al
+no-preview-description = Man okel ta re wachinïk re' o man wachel ta wakami (chupül tz'aqat, ütz-rub'anikil, …).
+chat-variant-label =
+ .value = Rujalik:
+ .accesskey = R
+chat-header-label =
+ .label = Tik'ut Jub'i'aj
+ .accesskey = J
+## Preferences UI Search Results
+## Preferences UI Search Results
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fdbf3b9a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+receipts-dialog-window =
+ .title = Tzolin taq Wujil
+return-receipt-checkbox =
+ .label = Toq ye'atäq taq rutzijol, junelïk tak'utuj jun tzolin ruwujil
+ .acceskey = T
+receipt-arrive-label = Toq napon jun tzolin ruwujil:
+receipt-leave-radio =
+ .label = Tiya' kan pa Numolb'äl
+ .acceskey = i
+receipt-move-radio =
+ .label = Tisilöx pa "Taqon" numolwuj
+ .acceskey = m
+receipt-request-label = Toq tik'utüx jun tzolin wujil chwe:
+receipt-return-never-radio =
+ .label = Majub'ey titaq jun tzolin wujil
+ .acceskey = n
+receipt-return-some-radio =
+ .label = Tiya' q'ij yetzolïx kiwujil chi ke jujun taq tzijol
+ .acceskey = y
+receipt-not-to-cc =
+ .value = We man in k'o ta pa Chi re o Cc richin ri rutzijol:
+ .acceskey = e
+receipt-send-never-label =
+ .label = Majub'ey titaq
+receipt-send-always-label =
+ .label = Junelïk titaq
+receipt-send-ask-label =
+ .label = Tik'utüx pe chwe
+sender-outside-domain =
+ .value = We man k'o ta pa ruk'ojlem nub'ey ri taqonel:
+ .acceskey = t
+other-cases-label =
+ .value = Pa konojel ri ch'aqa' chik taq k'ulwachinïk:
+ .acceskey = k
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/sendoptions.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/sendoptions.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a284d9ef6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/sendoptions.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+sendoptions-dialog-window =
+ .title = Ketaq Cha'oj
+send-mail-title = Rub'anikil Rucholajem Tzij
+auto-downgrade-label =
+ .label = Ketaq rutzijol achi'el li'an cholan tzij we tikirel
+ .accesskey = t
+default-html-format-label = Toq yetaq taq rutzijol pa HTML b'anikil chuqa' jun o ch'aqa' chik k'ulunela' man echolajin ta chi yetikïr nikik'ül taqoya'l HTML:
+html-format-ask =
+ .label = Tik'utüx pe chwe achike ninb'än
+ .accesskey = k
+html-format-convert =
+ .label = Tik'ex ri rutzijol pa li'an cholan tzij
+ .accesskey = T
+html-format-send-html =
+ .label = Titaq ri rutzijol pa HTML junam
+ .accesskey = T
+html-format-send-both =
+ .label = Titaq ri rutzijol pa ri ka'i' rub'anikil li'an cholan tzij chuqa' HTML
+ .accesskey = a
+default-html-format-info = Ch'utitzijol: Tokisäx ri Kitz'ib'awuj Ochochib'äl richin yejikib'äx ri ajowanel taq kib'anikil kib'i' achib'il.
+html-tab-label =
+ .label = HTML Taq Ajk'amal
+ .accesskey = H
+plain-tab-label =
+ .label = Li'an Cholan Tzij Ajk'amal
+ .accesskey = L
+send-message-domain-label = Toq natäq jun taqoya'l pa jun ochochib'äl rik'in jun chi ke ri ajk'amal echolajin ikim, { -brand-short-name } ruyonil xtutäq ri rutzijol rik'in ri ütz rub'anikil.
+add-domain-button =
+ .label = Titz'aqatisäx…
+ .accesskey = t
+delete-domain-button =
+ .label = Tiyuj
+ .accesskey = y
diff --git a/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69af5ccabe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/mail/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+system-integration-title =
+ .title = Q'inoj Tunuj
+system-integration-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Tichap achi'el ri K'o wi
+ .buttonlabelcancel = Tik'o pa Ruwi' Tunuj
+ .buttonlabelcancel2 = Tiq'at
+default-client-intro = Tokisäx { -brand-short-name } achi'el ri winaqil k'o wi richin:
+unset-default-tooltip = Man tikirel ta nib'an chi ri { -brand-short-name } nuya' kan rub'anikil achi'el winaqil k'o wi pa { -brand-short-name }. Richin chi jun chik chokoy nok ri kan k'o wi, tawokisaj 'Tijikib'äx achi'el ri k'o' tzijonem.
+checkbox-email-label =
+ .label = Taqoya'l
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+checkbox-newsgroups-label =
+ .label = Rumolaj tzijol
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+checkbox-feeds-label =
+ .label = Taq b'ey
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+# Note: This is the search engine name for all the different platforms.
+# Platforms that don't support it should be left blank.
+system-search-engine-name =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Spotlight
+ [windows] Kikanoxik Windows
+ *[other] { "" }
+ }
+system-search-integration-label =
+ .label = Tiya' q'ij chi re { system-search-engine-name } chi yerukanoj taq tzijol
+ .accesskey = S
+check-on-startup-label =
+ .label = Junelïk tinik'öx toq nitikirisäx el ri { -brand-short-name }
+ .accesskey = J