path: root/l10n-cak/toolkit/chrome/global/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
commit2aa4a82499d4becd2284cdb482213d541b8804dd (patch)
treeb80bf8bf13c3766139fbacc530efd0dd9d54394c /l10n-cak/toolkit/chrome/global/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 86.0.1.upstream/86.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-cak/toolkit/chrome/global/')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-cak/toolkit/chrome/global/ b/l10n-cak/toolkit/chrome/global/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1804493eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cak/toolkit/chrome/global/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+csp.error.missing-directive = Ri Na'ojil sachinäq jun '%S' k'amöl b'ey ri najowäx
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (csp.error.illegal-keyword) %1$S is the name of a CSP directive, such as "script-src". %2$S is the name of a CSP keyword, usually 'unsafe-inline'.
+csp.error.illegal-keyword = '%1$S' k'amöl b'ey k'o jun %2$S ewan rutzij man ütz ta
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (csp.error.illegal-protocol) %2$S a protocol name, such as "http", which appears as "http:", as it would in a URL.
+csp.error.illegal-protocol = '%1$S' k'amöl b'ey k'o jun itzel %2$S chupam: ruxe'el rub'eyal samaj
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (csp.error.missing-host) %2$S a protocol name, such as "http", which appears as "http:", as it would in a URL.
+csp.error.missing-host = %2$S: rub'eyal samaj nrajo' jun rucholajem '%1$S' k'amöl taq b'ey
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (csp.error.missing-source) %1$S is the name of a CSP directive, such as "script-src". %2$S is the name of a CSP source, usually 'self'.
+csp.error.missing-source = '%1$S' k'o chi ruk'wan ri ruxe'el %2$S
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (csp.error.illegal-host-wildcard) %2$S a protocol name, such as "http", which appears as "http:", as it would in a URL.
+csp.error.illegal-host-wildcard = %2$S: ruxe'el alaswuj pa '%1$S' k'amöl taq b'ey, k'o chi nuk'waj ok jun non-generic sub-domain (e.g., * ütz chuwäch ri *.com)
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (uninstall.confirmation.title) %S is the name of the extension which is about to be uninstalled.
+uninstall.confirmation.title = Telesäx el ri %S
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (uninstall.confirmation.message) %S is the name of the extension which is about to be uninstalled.
+uninstall.confirmation.message = Ri k'amal “%S” tajin nik'utüx chi tek'am el. ¿Achike nawajo' nab'än?
+uninstall.confirmation.button-0.label = Telesäx el
+uninstall.confirmation.button-1.label = Junelïk tayaka'
+saveaspdf.saveasdialog.title = Tiyak Achi'el
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (newTabControlled.message2) %S is the icon and name of the extension which updated the New Tab page.
+newTabControlled.message2 = Jun k'amal, %S, xujäq ri ruxaq natz'ët toq najäq jun k'ak'a' ruwi'.
+newTabControlled.learnMore = Tetamäx ch'aqa' chik
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (homepageControlled.message) %S is the icon and name of the extension which updated the homepage.
+homepageControlled.message = Jun k'amal, %S, xujäl ri ruxaq natz'ët toq najäq ri tikirib'äl ruxaq chuqa' k'ak'a' taq tzuwäch.
+homepageControlled.learnMore = Tetamäx ch'aqa' chik
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabHideControlled.message) %1$S is the icon and name of the extension which hid tabs, %2$S is the icon of the all tabs button.
+tabHideControlled.message = Jun k'amal, %1$S, yerewaj jujun taq ruwi'. K'a yatikïr yatok pa konojel ri taq ruwi' pa ri %2$S.
+tabHideControlled.learnMore = Tetamäx ch'aqa' chik