path: root/third_party/python/attrs
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
commit2aa4a82499d4becd2284cdb482213d541b8804dd (patch)
treeb80bf8bf13c3766139fbacc530efd0dd9d54394c /third_party/python/attrs
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 86.0.1.upstream/86.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
35 files changed, 5194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/.coveragerc b/third_party/python/attrs/.coveragerc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..093c119431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/.coveragerc
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+branch = True
+source =
+ attr
+source =
+ src/attr
+ .tox/*/lib/python*/site-packages/attr
+ .tox/pypy/site-packages/attr
+show_missing = True
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.rst b/third_party/python/attrs/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56e8914ce2
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+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
+Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community.
+Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.
+Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at
+All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances.
+The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
+Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership.
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the `Contributor Covenant <>`_, version 1.4, available at <>.
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/.github/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/third_party/python/attrs/.github/CONTRIBUTING.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c43c2f1ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/.github/CONTRIBUTING.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+How To Contribute
+First off, thank you for considering contributing to ``attrs``!
+It's people like *you* who make it such a great tool for everyone.
+This document intends to make contribution more accessible by codifying tribal knowledge and expectations.
+Don't be afraid to open half-finished PRs, and ask questions if something is unclear!
+In case you'd like to help out but don't want to deal with GitHub, there's a great opportunity:
+help your fellow developers on `StackOverflow <>`_!
+The offical tag is ``python-attrs`` and helping out in support frees us up to improve ``attrs`` instead!
+- No contribution is too small!
+ Please submit as many fixes for typos and grammar bloopers as you can!
+- Try to limit each pull request to *one* change only.
+- Since we squash on merge, it's up to you how you handle updates to the master branch.
+ Whether you prefer to rebase on master or merge master into your branch, do whatever is more comfortable for you.
+- *Always* add tests and docs for your code.
+ This is a hard rule; patches with missing tests or documentation can't be merged.
+- Make sure your changes pass our CI_.
+ You won't get any feedback until it's green unless you ask for it.
+- Once you've addressed review feedback, make sure to bump the pull request with a short note, so we know you're done.
+- Don’t break `backward compatibility`_.
+- Obey `PEP 8`_ and `PEP 257`_.
+ We use the ``"""``\ -on-separate-lines style for docstrings:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ def func(x):
+ """
+ Do something.
+ :param str x: A very important parameter.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+- If you add or change public APIs, tag the docstring using ``.. versionadded:: 16.0.0 WHAT`` or ``.. versionchanged:: 16.2.0 WHAT``.
+- We use isort_ to sort our imports, and we follow the Black_ code style with a line length of 79 characters.
+ As long as you run our full tox suite before committing, or install our pre-commit_ hooks (ideally you'll do both -- see below "Local Development Environment"), you won't have to spend any time on formatting your code at all.
+ If you don't, CI will catch it for you -- but that seems like a waste of your time!
+- Write your asserts as ``expected == actual`` to line them up nicely:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ x = f()
+ assert 42 == x.some_attribute
+ assert "foo" == x._a_private_attribute
+- To run the test suite, all you need is a recent tox_.
+ It will ensure the test suite runs with all dependencies against all Python versions just as it will on Travis CI.
+ If you lack some Python versions, you can can always limit the environments like ``tox -e py27,py35`` (in that case you may want to look into pyenv_, which makes it very easy to install many different Python versions in parallel).
+- Write `good test docstrings`_.
+- To ensure new features work well with the rest of the system, they should be also added to our `Hypothesis`_ testing strategy, which is found in ``tests/``.
+- If you've changed or added public APIs, please update our type stubs (files ending in ``.pyi``).
+- Use `semantic newlines`_ in reStructuredText_ files (files ending in ``.rst``):
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ This is a sentence.
+ This is another sentence.
+- If you start a new section, add two blank lines before and one blank line after the header, except if two headers follow immediately after each other:
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ Last line of previous section.
+ Header of New Top Section
+ -------------------------
+ Header of New Section
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ First line of new section.
+- If you add a new feature, demonstrate its awesomeness on the `examples page`_!
+If your change is noteworthy, there needs to be a changelog entry so our users can learn about it!
+To avoid merge conflicts, we use the towncrier_ package to manage our changelog.
+``towncrier`` uses independent files for each pull request -- so called *news fragments* -- instead of one monolithic changelog file.
+On release, those news fragments are compiled into our ``CHANGELOG.rst``.
+You don't need to install ``towncrier`` yourself, you just have to abide by a few simple rules:
+- For each pull request, add a new file into ``changelog.d`` with a filename adhering to the ``pr#.(change|deprecation|breaking).rst`` schema:
+ For example, ``changelog.d/42.change.rst`` for a non-breaking change that is proposed in pull request #42.
+- As with other docs, please use `semantic newlines`_ within news fragments.
+- Wrap symbols like modules, functions, or classes into double backticks so they are rendered in a ``monospace font``.
+- Wrap arguments into asterisks like in docstrings: *these* or *attributes*.
+- If you mention functions or other callables, add parentheses at the end of their names: ``attr.func()`` or ``attr.Class.method()``.
+ This makes the changelog a lot more readable.
+- Prefer simple past tense or constructions with "now".
+ For example:
+ + Added ``attr.validators.func()``.
+ + ``attr.func()`` now doesn't crash the Large Hadron Collider anymore when passed the *foobar* argument.
+- If you want to reference multiple issues, copy the news fragment to another filename.
+ ``towncrier`` will merge all news fragments with identical contents into one entry with multiple links to the respective pull requests.
+Example entries:
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ Added ``attr.validators.func()``.
+ The feature really *is* awesome.
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ ``attr.func()`` now doesn't crash the Large Hadron Collider anymore when passed the *foobar* argument.
+ The bug really *was* nasty.
+``tox -e changelog`` will render the current changelog to the terminal if you have any doubts.
+Local Development Environment
+You can (and should) run our test suite using tox_.
+However, you’ll probably want a more traditional environment as well.
+We highly recommend to develop using the latest Python 3 release because ``attrs`` tries to take advantage of modern features whenever possible.
+First create a `virtual environment <>`_.
+It’s out of scope for this document to list all the ways to manage virtual environments in Python, but if you don’t already have a pet way, take some time to look at tools like `pew <>`_, `virtualfish <>`_, and `virtualenvwrapper <>`_.
+Next, get an up to date checkout of the ``attrs`` repository:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ git clone
+or if you want to use git via ``https``:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ git clone
+Change into the newly created directory and **after activating your virtual environment** install an editable version of ``attrs`` along with its tests and docs requirements:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cd attrs
+ $ pip install -e '.[dev]'
+At this point,
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ python -m pytest
+should work and pass, as should:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cd docs
+ $ make html
+The built documentation can then be found in ``docs/_build/html/``.
+To avoid committing code that violates our style guide, we strongly advise you to install pre-commit_ [#f1]_ hooks:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ pre-commit install
+You can also run them anytime (as our tox does) using:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ pre-commit run --all-files
+.. [#f1] pre-commit should have been installed into your virtualenv automatically when you ran ``pip install -e '.[dev]'`` above. If pre-commit is missing, it may be that you need to re-run ``pip install -e '.[dev]'``.
+``attrs`` is maintained by `team of volunteers`_ that is always open to new members that share our vision of a fast, lean, and magic-free library that empowers programmers to write better code with less effort.
+If you'd like to join, just get a pull request merged and ask to be added in the very same pull request!
+**The simple rule is that everyone is welcome to review/merge pull requests of others but nobody is allowed to merge their own code.**
+`Hynek Schlawack`_ acts reluctantly as the BDFL_ and has the final say over design decisions.
+Please note that this project is released with a Contributor `Code of Conduct`_.
+By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
+Please report any harm to `Hynek Schlawack`_ in any way you find appropriate.
+Thank you for considering contributing to ``attrs``!
+.. _`Hynek Schlawack`:
+.. _`PEP 8`:
+.. _`PEP 257`:
+.. _`good test docstrings`:
+.. _`Code of Conduct`:
+.. _changelog:
+.. _`backward compatibility`:
+.. _tox:
+.. _pyenv:
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _semantic newlines:
+.. _examples page:
+.. _Hypothesis:
+.. _CI:
+.. _`team of volunteers`:
+.. _BDFL:
+.. _towncrier:
+.. _black:
+.. _pre-commit:
+.. _isort:
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/.github/ b/third_party/python/attrs/.github/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ac4f7aea4
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+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/.github/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Pull Request Check List
+This is just a reminder about the most common mistakes. Please make sure that you tick all *appropriate* boxes. But please read our [contribution guide]( at least once, it will save you unnecessary review cycles!
+If an item doesn't apply to your pull request, **check it anyway** to make it apparent that there's nothing to do.
+- [ ] Added **tests** for changed code.
+- [ ] New features have been added to our [Hypothesis testing strategy](
+- [ ] Changes or additions to public APIs are reflected in our type stubs (files ending in ``.pyi``).
+ - [ ] ...and used in the stub test file `tests/`.
+- [ ] Updated **documentation** for changed code.
+ - [ ] New functions/classes have to be added to `docs/api.rst` by hand.
+ - [ ] Changes to the signature of `@attr.s()` have to be added by hand too.
+ - [ ] Changed/added classes/methods/functions have appropriate `versionadded`, `versionchanged`, or `deprecated` [directives](
+- [ ] Documentation in `.rst` files is written using [semantic newlines](
+- [ ] Changes (and possible deprecations) have news fragments in [`changelog.d`](
+If you have *any* questions to *any* of the points above, just **submit and ask**! This checklist is here to *help* you, not to deter you from contributing!
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/third_party/python/attrs/.pre-commit-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a35fff26c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ - repo:
+ rev: 18.9b0
+ hooks:
+ - id: black
+ language_version: python3.7
+ # override until resolved:
+ files: \.pyi?$
+ types: []
+ - repo:
+ rev: 3.7.6
+ hooks:
+ - id: flake8
+ language_version: python3.7
+ - repo:
+ rev: v1.6.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: seed-isort-config
+ - repo:
+ rev: v4.3.4
+ hooks:
+ - id: isort
+ language_version: python3.7
+ - repo:
+ rev: v2.1.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: trailing-whitespace
+ - id: end-of-file-fixer
+ - id: debug-statements
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/.readthedocs.yml b/third_party/python/attrs/.readthedocs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6a8043b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/.readthedocs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+version: 2
+ version: 3.7
+ install:
+ - method: pip
+ path: .
+ extra_requirements:
+ - docs
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/.travis.yml b/third_party/python/attrs/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b135d6e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+dist: xenial
+group: travis_latest
+ directories:
+ - $HOME/.cache/pip
+language: python
+ fast_finish: true
+ include:
+ # lint
+ - python: "3.7"
+ stage: lint
+ env: TOXENV=lint
+ - python: "3.7"
+ env: TOXENV=manifest
+ - python: "3.7"
+ env: TOXENV=typing
+ # test
+ - python: "2.7"
+ stage: test
+ env: TOXENV=py27
+ - python: "3.4"
+ env: TOXENV=py34
+ - python: "3.5"
+ env: TOXENV=py35
+ - python: "3.6"
+ env: TOXENV=py36
+ - python: "pypy"
+ env: TOXENV=pypy
+ dist: trusty
+ - python: "pypy3"
+ env: TOXENV=pypy3
+ dist: trusty
+ - python: "3.7"
+ env: TOXENV=py37
+ # Prevent breakage by new releases
+ - python: "3.7-dev"
+ env: TOXENV=py37
+ # Docs
+ - python: "3.7"
+ stage: docs
+ env: TOXENV=docs
+ - python: "3.7"
+ env: TOXENV=pypi-description
+ - python: "3.7"
+ env: TOXENV=changelog
+ allow_failures:
+ - python: "3.7-dev"
+ - pip install --upgrade tox
+ - tox
+ - pip install codecov
+ - tox -e coverage-report
+ - codecov
+ email: false
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/AUTHORS.rst b/third_party/python/attrs/AUTHORS.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f14ef6c607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/AUTHORS.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+``attrs`` is written and maintained by `Hynek Schlawack <>`_.
+The development is kindly supported by `Variomedia AG <>`_.
+A full list of contributors can be found in `GitHub's overview <>`_.
+It’s the spiritual successor of `characteristic <>`_ and aspires to fix some of it clunkiness and unfortunate decisions.
+Both were inspired by Twisted’s `FancyEqMixin <>`_ but both are implemented using class decorators because `subclassing is bad for you <>`_, m’kay?
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/CHANGELOG.rst b/third_party/python/attrs/CHANGELOG.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bcfb431e7
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+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+Versions follow `CalVer <>`_ with a strict backwards compatibility policy.
+The third digit is only for regressions.
+.. towncrier release notes start
+19.1.0 (2019-03-03)
+Backward-incompatible Changes
+- Fixed a bug where deserialized objects with ``cache_hash=True`` could have incorrect hash code values.
+ This change breaks classes with ``cache_hash=True`` when a custom ``__setstate__`` is present.
+ An exception will be thrown when applying the ``attrs`` annotation to such a class.
+ This limitation is tracked in issue `#494 <>`_.
+ `#482 <>`_
+- Add ``is_callable``, ``deep_iterable``, and ``deep_mapping`` validators.
+ * ``is_callable``: validates that a value is callable
+ * ``deep_iterable``: Allows recursion down into an iterable,
+ applying another validator to every member in the iterable
+ as well as applying an optional validator to the iterable itself.
+ * ``deep_mapping``: Allows recursion down into the items in a mapping object,
+ applying a key validator and a value validator to the key and value in every item.
+ Also applies an optional validator to the mapping object itself.
+ You can find them in the ``attr.validators`` package.
+ `#425 <>`_
+- Fixed stub files to prevent errors raised by mypy's ``disallow_any_generics = True`` option.
+ `#443 <>`_
+- Attributes with ``init=False`` now can follow after ``kw_only=True`` attributes.
+ `#450 <>`_
+- ``attrs`` now has first class support for defining exception classes.
+ If you define a class using ``@attr.s(auto_exc=True)`` and subclass an exception, the class will behave like a well-behaved exception class including an appropriate ``__str__`` method, and all attributes additionally available in an ``args`` attribute.
+ `#500 <>`_
+- Clarified documentation for hashing to warn that hashable objects should be deeply immutable (in their usage, even if this is not enforced).
+ `#503 <>`_
+18.2.0 (2018-09-01)
+- Comparing subclasses using ``<``, ``>``, ``<=``, and ``>=`` is now deprecated.
+ The docs always claimed that instances are only compared if the types are identical, so this is a first step to conform to the docs.
+ Equality operators (``==`` and ``!=``) were always strict in this regard.
+ `#394 <>`_
+- ``attrs`` now ships its own `PEP 484 <>`_ type hints.
+ Together with `mypy <>`_'s ``attrs`` plugin, you've got all you need for writing statically typed code in both Python 2 and 3!
+ At that occasion, we've also added `narrative docs <>`_ about type annotations in ``attrs``.
+ `#238 <>`_
+- Added *kw_only* arguments to ``attr.ib`` and ``attr.s``, and a corresponding *kw_only* attribute to ``attr.Attribute``.
+ This change makes it possible to have a generated ``__init__`` with keyword-only arguments on Python 3, relaxing the required ordering of default and non-default valued attributes.
+ `#281 <>`_,
+ `#411 <>`_
+- The test suite now runs with ``hypothesis.HealthCheck.too_slow`` disabled to prevent CI breakage on slower computers.
+ `#364 <>`_,
+ `#396 <>`_
+- ``attr.validators.in_()`` now raises a ``ValueError`` with a useful message even if the options are a string and the value is not a string.
+ `#383 <>`_
+- ``attr.asdict()`` now properly handles deeply nested lists and dictionaries.
+ `#395 <>`_
+- Added ``attr.converters.default_if_none()`` that allows to replace ``None`` values in attributes.
+ For example ``attr.ib(converter=default_if_none(""))`` replaces ``None`` by empty strings.
+ `#400 <>`_,
+ `#414 <>`_
+- Fixed a reference leak where the original class would remain live after being replaced when ``slots=True`` is set.
+ `#407 <>`_
+- Slotted classes can now be made weakly referenceable by passing ``@attr.s(weakref_slot=True)``.
+ `#420 <>`_
+- Added *cache_hash* option to ``@attr.s`` which causes the hash code to be computed once and stored on the object.
+ `#425 <>`_
+- Attributes can be named ``property`` and ``itemgetter`` now.
+ `#430 <>`_
+- It is now possible to override a base class' class variable using only class annotations.
+ `#431 <>`_
+18.1.0 (2018-05-03)
+- ``x=X(); x.cycle = x; repr(x)`` will no longer raise a ``RecursionError``, and will instead show as ``X(x=...)``.
+ `#95 <>`_
+- ``attr.ib(factory=f)`` is now syntactic sugar for the common case of ``attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(f))``.
+ `#178 <>`_,
+ `#356 <>`_
+- Added ``attr.field_dict()`` to return an ordered dictionary of ``attrs`` attributes for a class, whose keys are the attribute names.
+ `#290 <>`_,
+ `#349 <>`_
+- The order of attributes that are passed into ``attr.make_class()`` or the *these* argument of ``@attr.s()`` is now retained if the dictionary is ordered (i.e. ``dict`` on Python 3.6 and later, ``collections.OrderedDict`` otherwise).
+ Before, the order was always determined by the order in which the attributes have been defined which may not be desirable when creating classes programatically.
+ `#300 <>`_,
+ `#339 <>`_,
+ `#343 <>`_
+- In slotted classes, ``__getstate__`` and ``__setstate__`` now ignore the ``__weakref__`` attribute.
+ `#311 <>`_,
+ `#326 <>`_
+- Setting the cell type is now completely best effort.
+ This fixes ``attrs`` on Jython.
+ We cannot make any guarantees regarding Jython though, because our test suite cannot run due to dependency incompatabilities.
+ `#321 <>`_,
+ `#334 <>`_
+- If ``attr.s`` is passed a *these* argument, it will no longer attempt to remove attributes with the same name from the class body.
+ `#322 <>`_,
+ `#323 <>`_
+- The hash of ``attr.NOTHING`` is now vegan and faster on 32bit Python builds.
+ `#331 <>`_,
+ `#332 <>`_
+- The overhead of instantiating frozen dict classes is virtually eliminated.
+ `#336 <>`_
+- Generated ``__init__`` methods now have an ``__annotations__`` attribute derived from the types of the fields.
+ `#363 <>`_
+- We have restructured the documentation a bit to account for ``attrs``' growth in scope.
+ Instead of putting everything into the `examples <>`_ page, we have started to extract narrative chapters.
+ So far, we've added chapters on `initialization <>`_ and `hashing <>`_.
+ Expect more to come!
+ `#369 <>`_,
+ `#370 <>`_
+17.4.0 (2017-12-30)
+Backward-incompatible Changes
+- The traversal of MROs when using multiple inheritance was backward:
+ If you defined a class ``C`` that subclasses ``A`` and ``B`` like ``C(A, B)``, ``attrs`` would have collected the attributes from ``B`` *before* those of ``A``.
+ This is now fixed and means that in classes that employ multiple inheritance, the output of ``__repr__`` and the order of positional arguments in ``__init__`` changes.
+ Because of the nature of this bug, a proper deprecation cycle was unfortunately impossible.
+ Generally speaking, it's advisable to prefer ``kwargs``-based initialization anyways – *especially* if you employ multiple inheritance and diamond-shaped hierarchies.
+ `#298 <>`_,
+ `#299 <>`_,
+ `#304 <>`_
+- The ``__repr__`` set by ``attrs`` no longer produces an ``AttributeError`` when the instance is missing some of the specified attributes (either through deleting or after using ``init=False`` on some attributes).
+ This can break code that relied on ``repr(attr_cls_instance)`` raising ``AttributeError`` to check if any ``attrs``-specified members were unset.
+ If you were using this, you can implement a custom method for checking this::
+ def has_unset_members(self):
+ for field in attr.fields(type(self)):
+ try:
+ getattr(self,
+ except AttributeError:
+ return True
+ return False
+ `#308 <>`_
+- The ``attr.ib(convert=callable)`` option is now deprecated in favor of ``attr.ib(converter=callable)``.
+ This is done to achieve consistency with other noun-based arguments like *validator*.
+ *convert* will keep working until at least January 2019 while raising a ``DeprecationWarning``.
+ `#307 <>`_
+- Generated ``__hash__`` methods now hash the class type along with the attribute values.
+ Until now the hashes of two classes with the same values were identical which was a bug.
+ The generated method is also *much* faster now.
+ `#261 <>`_,
+ `#295 <>`_,
+ `#296 <>`_
+- ``attr.ib``\ ’s *metadata* argument now defaults to a unique empty ``dict`` instance instead of sharing a common empty ``dict`` for all.
+ The singleton empty ``dict`` is still enforced.
+ `#280 <>`_
+- ``ctypes`` is optional now however if it's missing, a bare ``super()`` will not work in slotted classes.
+ This should only happen in special environments like Google App Engine.
+ `#284 <>`_,
+ `#286 <>`_
+- The attribute redefinition feature introduced in 17.3.0 now takes into account if an attribute is redefined via multiple inheritance.
+ In that case, the definition that is closer to the base of the class hierarchy wins.
+ `#285 <>`_,
+ `#287 <>`_
+- Subclasses of ``auto_attribs=True`` can be empty now.
+ `#291 <>`_,
+ `#292 <>`_
+- Equality tests are *much* faster now.
+ `#306 <>`_
+- All generated methods now have correct ``__module__``, ``__name__``, and (on Python 3) ``__qualname__`` attributes.
+ `#309 <>`_
+17.3.0 (2017-11-08)
+Backward-incompatible Changes
+- Attributes are no longer defined on the class body.
+ This means that if you define a class ``C`` with an attribute ``x``, the class will *not* have an attribute ``x`` for introspection.
+ Instead of ``C.x``, use ``attr.fields(C).x`` or look at ``C.__attrs_attrs__``.
+ The old behavior has been deprecated since version 16.1.
+ (`#253 <>`_)
+- ``super()`` and ``__class__`` now work with slotted classes on Python 3.
+ (`#102 <>`_, `#226 <>`_, `#269 <>`_, `#270 <>`_, `#272 <>`_)
+- Added *type* argument to ``attr.ib()`` and corresponding ``type`` attribute to ``attr.Attribute``.
+ This change paves the way for automatic type checking and serialization (though as of this release ``attrs`` does not make use of it).
+ In Python 3.6 or higher, the value of ``attr.Attribute.type`` can alternately be set using variable type annotations
+ (see `PEP 526 <>`_).
+ (`#151 <>`_, `#214 <>`_, `#215 <>`_, `#239 <>`_)
+- The combination of ``str=True`` and ``slots=True`` now works on Python 2.
+ (`#198 <>`_)
+- ``attr.Factory`` is hashable again.
+ (`#204 <>`_)
+- Subclasses now can overwrite attribute definitions of their base classes.
+ That means that you can -- for example -- change the default value for an attribute by redefining it.
+ (`#221 <>`_, `#229 <>`_)
+- Added new option *auto_attribs* to ``@attr.s`` that allows to collect annotated fields without setting them to ``attr.ib()``.
+ Setting a field to an ``attr.ib()`` is still possible to supply options like validators.
+ Setting it to any other value is treated like it was passed as ``attr.ib(default=value)`` -- passing an instance of ``attr.Factory`` also works as expected.
+ (`#262 <>`_, `#277 <>`_)
+- Instances of classes created using ``attr.make_class()`` can now be pickled.
+ (`#282 <>`_)
+17.2.0 (2017-05-24)
+- Validators are hashable again.
+ Note that validators may become frozen in the future, pending availability of no-overhead frozen classes.
+ `#192 <>`_
+17.1.0 (2017-05-16)
+To encourage more participation, the project has also been moved into a `dedicated GitHub organization <>`_ and everyone is most welcome to join!
+``attrs`` also has a logo now!
+.. image::
+ :alt: attrs logo
+Backward-incompatible Changes:
+- ``attrs`` will set the ``__hash__()`` method to ``None`` by default now.
+ The way hashes were handled before was in conflict with `Python's specification <>`_.
+ This *may* break some software although this breakage is most likely just surfacing of latent bugs.
+ You can always make ``attrs`` create the ``__hash__()`` method using ``@attr.s(hash=True)``.
+ See `#136`_ for the rationale of this change.
+ .. warning::
+ Please *do not* upgrade blindly and *do* test your software!
+ *Especially* if you use instances as dict keys or put them into sets!
+- Correspondingly, ``attr.ib``'s *hash* argument is ``None`` by default too and mirrors the *cmp* argument as it should.
+- ``attr.assoc()`` is now deprecated in favor of ``attr.evolve()`` and will stop working in 2018.
+- Fix default hashing behavior.
+ Now *hash* mirrors the value of *cmp* and classes are unhashable by default.
+ `#136`_
+ `#142 <>`_
+- Added ``attr.evolve()`` that, given an instance of an ``attrs`` class and field changes as keyword arguments, will instantiate a copy of the given instance with the changes applied.
+ ``evolve()`` replaces ``assoc()``, which is now deprecated.
+ ``evolve()`` is significantly faster than ``assoc()``, and requires the class have an initializer that can take the field values as keyword arguments (like ``attrs`` itself can generate).
+ `#116 <>`_
+ `#124 <>`_
+ `#135 <>`_
+- ``FrozenInstanceError`` is now raised when trying to delete an attribute from a frozen class.
+ `#118 <>`_
+- Frozen-ness of classes is now inherited.
+ `#128 <>`_
+- ``__attrs_post_init__()`` is now run if validation is disabled.
+ `#130 <>`_
+- Added ``attr.validators.in_(options)`` that, given the allowed `options`, checks whether the attribute value is in it.
+ This can be used to check constants, enums, mappings, etc.
+ `#181 <>`_
+- Added ``attr.validators.and_()`` that composes multiple validators into one.
+ `#161 <>`_
+- For convenience, the *validator* argument of ``@attr.s`` now can take a list of validators that are wrapped using ``and_()``.
+ `#138 <>`_
+- Accordingly, ``attr.validators.optional()`` now can take a list of validators too.
+ `#161 <>`_
+- Validators can now be defined conveniently inline by using the attribute as a decorator.
+ Check out the `validator examples <>`_ to see it in action!
+ `#143 <>`_
+- ``attr.Factory()`` now has a *takes_self* argument that makes the initializer to pass the partially initialized instance into the factory.
+ In other words you can define attribute defaults based on other attributes.
+ `#165`_
+ `#189 <>`_
+- Default factories can now also be defined inline using decorators.
+ They are *always* passed the partially initialized instance.
+ `#165`_
+- Conversion can now be made optional using ``attr.converters.optional()``.
+ `#105 <>`_
+ `#173 <>`_
+- ``attr.make_class()`` now accepts the keyword argument ``bases`` which allows for subclassing.
+ `#152 <>`_
+- Metaclasses are now preserved with ``slots=True``.
+ `#155 <>`_
+.. _`#136`:
+.. _`#165`:
+16.3.0 (2016-11-24)
+- Attributes now can have user-defined metadata which greatly improves ``attrs``'s extensibility.
+ `#96 <>`_
+- Allow for a ``__attrs_post_init__()`` method that -- if defined -- will get called at the end of the ``attrs``-generated ``__init__()`` method.
+ `#111 <>`_
+- Added ``@attr.s(str=True)`` that will optionally create a ``__str__()`` method that is identical to ``__repr__()``.
+ This is mainly useful with ``Exception``\ s and other classes that rely on a useful ``__str__()`` implementation but overwrite the default one through a poor own one.
+ Default Python class behavior is to use ``__repr__()`` as ``__str__()`` anyways.
+ If you tried using ``attrs`` with ``Exception``\ s and were puzzled by the tracebacks: this option is for you.
+- ``__name__`` is no longer overwritten with ``__qualname__`` for ``attr.s(slots=True)`` classes.
+ `#99 <>`_
+16.2.0 (2016-09-17)
+- Added ``attr.astuple()`` that -- similarly to ``attr.asdict()`` -- returns the instance as a tuple.
+ `#77 <>`_
+- Converters now work with frozen classes.
+ `#76 <>`_
+- Instantiation of ``attrs`` classes with converters is now significantly faster.
+ `#80 <>`_
+- Pickling now works with slotted classes.
+ `#81 <>`_
+- ``attr.assoc()`` now works with slotted classes.
+ `#84 <>`_
+- The tuple returned by ``attr.fields()`` now also allows to access the ``Attribute`` instances by name.
+ Yes, we've subclassed ``tuple`` so you don't have to!
+ Therefore ``attr.fields(C).x`` is equivalent to the deprecated ``C.x`` and works with slotted classes.
+ `#88 <>`_
+16.1.0 (2016-08-30)
+Backward-incompatible Changes:
+- All instances where function arguments were called ``cl`` have been changed to the more Pythonic ``cls``.
+ Since it was always the first argument, it's doubtful anyone ever called those function with in the keyword form.
+ If so, sorry for any breakage but there's no practical deprecation path to solve this ugly wart.
+- Accessing ``Attribute`` instances on class objects is now deprecated and will stop working in 2017.
+ If you need introspection please use the ``__attrs_attrs__`` attribute or the ``attr.fields()`` function that carry them too.
+ In the future, the attributes that are defined on the class body and are usually overwritten in your ``__init__`` method are simply removed after ``@attr.s`` has been applied.
+ This will remove the confusing error message if you write your own ``__init__`` and forget to initialize some attribute.
+ Instead you will get a straightforward ``AttributeError``.
+ In other words: decorated classes will work more like plain Python classes which was always ``attrs``'s goal.
+- The serious business aliases ``attr.attributes`` and ``attr.attr`` have been deprecated in favor of ``attr.attrs`` and ``attr.attrib`` which are much more consistent and frankly obvious in hindsight.
+ They will be purged from documentation immediately but there are no plans to actually remove them.
+- ``attr.asdict()``\ 's ``dict_factory`` arguments is now propagated on recursion.
+ `#45 <>`_
+- ``attr.asdict()``, ``attr.has()`` and ``attr.fields()`` are significantly faster.
+ `#48 <>`_
+ `#51 <>`_
+- Add ``attr.attrs`` and ``attr.attrib`` as a more consistent aliases for ``attr.s`` and ``attr.ib``.
+- Add *frozen* option to ``attr.s`` that will make instances best-effort immutable.
+ `#60 <>`_
+- ``attr.asdict()`` now takes ``retain_collection_types`` as an argument.
+ If ``True``, it does not convert attributes of type ``tuple`` or ``set`` to ``list``.
+ `#69 <>`_
+16.0.0 (2016-05-23)
+Backward-incompatible Changes:
+- Python 3.3 and 2.6 are no longer supported.
+ They may work by chance but any effort to keep them working has ceased.
+ The last Python 2.6 release was on October 29, 2013 and is no longer supported by the CPython core team.
+ Major Python packages like Django and Twisted dropped Python 2.6 a while ago already.
+ Python 3.3 never had a significant user base and wasn't part of any distribution's LTS release.
+- ``__slots__`` have arrived!
+ Classes now can automatically be `slotted <>`_-style (and save your precious memory) just by passing ``slots=True``.
+ `#35 <>`_
+- Allow the case of initializing attributes that are set to ``init=False``.
+ This allows for clean initializer parameter lists while being able to initialize attributes to default values.
+ `#32 <>`_
+- ``attr.asdict()`` can now produce arbitrary mappings instead of Python ``dict``\ s when provided with a ``dict_factory`` argument.
+ `#40 <>`_
+- Multiple performance improvements.
+15.2.0 (2015-12-08)
+- Added a ``convert`` argument to ``attr.ib``, which allows specifying a function to run on arguments.
+ This allows for simple type conversions, e.g. with ``attr.ib(convert=int)``.
+ `#26 <>`_
+- Speed up object creation when attribute validators are used.
+ `#28 <>`_
+15.1.0 (2015-08-20)
+- Added ``attr.validators.optional()`` that wraps other validators allowing attributes to be ``None``.
+ `#16 <>`_
+- Multi-level inheritance now works.
+ `#24 <>`_
+- ``__repr__()`` now works with non-redecorated subclasses.
+ `#20 <>`_
+15.0.0 (2015-04-15)
+Initial release.
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/LICENSE b/third_party/python/attrs/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ae3df9309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2015 Hynek Schlawack
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/ b/third_party/python/attrs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..852830df30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+include LICENSE *.rst *.toml *.yml *.yaml
+graft .github
+# Stubs
+include src/attr/py.typed
+recursive-include src *.pyi
+# Tests
+include tox.ini .coveragerc
+recursive-include tests *.py
+# Documentation
+include docs/Makefile docs/docutils.conf
+recursive-include docs *.png
+recursive-include docs *.svg
+recursive-include docs *.py
+recursive-include docs *.rst
+prune docs/_build
+# Just to keep check-manifest happy; on releases those files are gone.
+# Last rule wins!
+exclude changelog.d/*.rst
+include changelog.d/towncrier_template.rst
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/PKG-INFO b/third_party/python/attrs/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd7a8f0b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: attrs
+Version: 19.1.0
+Summary: Classes Without Boilerplate
+Author: Hynek Schlawack
+Maintainer: Hynek Schlawack
+License: MIT
+Project-URL: Documentation,
+Project-URL: Bug Tracker,
+Project-URL: Source Code,
+Description: .. image::
+ :alt: attrs Logo
+ ======================================
+ ``attrs``: Classes Without Boilerplate
+ ======================================
+ .. image::
+ :target:
+ :alt: Documentation Status
+ .. image::
+ :target:
+ :alt: CI Status
+ .. image::
+ :target:
+ :alt: Test Coverage
+ .. image::
+ :target:
+ :alt: Code style: black
+ .. teaser-begin
+ ``attrs`` is the Python package that will bring back the **joy** of **writing classes** by relieving you from the drudgery of implementing object protocols (aka `dunder <>`_ methods).
+ Its main goal is to help you to write **concise** and **correct** software without slowing down your code.
+ .. -spiel-end-
+ For that, it gives you a class decorator and a way to declaratively define the attributes on that class:
+ .. -code-begin-
+ .. code-block:: pycon
+ >>> import attr
+ >>> @attr.s
+ ... class SomeClass(object):
+ ... a_number = attr.ib(default=42)
+ ... list_of_numbers = attr.ib(factory=list)
+ ...
+ ... def hard_math(self, another_number):
+ ... return self.a_number + sum(self.list_of_numbers) * another_number
+ >>> sc = SomeClass(1, [1, 2, 3])
+ >>> sc
+ SomeClass(a_number=1, list_of_numbers=[1, 2, 3])
+ >>> sc.hard_math(3)
+ 19
+ >>> sc == SomeClass(1, [1, 2, 3])
+ True
+ >>> sc != SomeClass(2, [3, 2, 1])
+ True
+ >>> attr.asdict(sc)
+ {'a_number': 1, 'list_of_numbers': [1, 2, 3]}
+ >>> SomeClass()
+ SomeClass(a_number=42, list_of_numbers=[])
+ >>> C = attr.make_class("C", ["a", "b"])
+ >>> C("foo", "bar")
+ C(a='foo', b='bar')
+ After *declaring* your attributes ``attrs`` gives you:
+ - a concise and explicit overview of the class's attributes,
+ - a nice human-readable ``__repr__``,
+ - a complete set of comparison methods,
+ - an initializer,
+ - and much more,
+ *without* writing dull boilerplate code again and again and *without* runtime performance penalties.
+ On Python 3.6 and later, you can often even drop the calls to ``attr.ib()`` by using `type annotations <>`_.
+ This gives you the power to use actual classes with actual types in your code instead of confusing ``tuple``\ s or `confusingly behaving <>`_ ``namedtuple``\ s.
+ Which in turn encourages you to write *small classes* that do `one thing well <>`_.
+ Never again violate the `single responsibility principle <>`_ just because implementing ``__init__`` et al is a painful drag.
+ .. -testimonials-
+ Testimonials
+ ============
+ **Amber Hawkie Brown**, Twisted Release Manager and Computer Owl:
+ Writing a fully-functional class using attrs takes me less time than writing this testimonial.
+ **Glyph Lefkowitz**, creator of `Twisted <>`_, `Automat <>`_, and other open source software, in `The One Python Library Everyone Needs <>`_:
+ I’m looking forward to is being able to program in Python-with-attrs everywhere.
+ It exerts a subtle, but positive, design influence in all the codebases I’ve see it used in.
+ **Kenneth Reitz**, author of `Requests <>`_ and Developer Advocate at DigitalOcean, (`on paper no less <>`_!):
+ attrs—classes for humans. I like it.
+ **Łukasz Langa**, prolific CPython core developer and Production Engineer at Facebook:
+ I'm increasingly digging your attr.ocity. Good job!
+ .. -end-
+ .. -project-information-
+ Getting Help
+ ============
+ Please use the ``python-attrs`` tag on `StackOverflow <>`_ to get help.
+ Answering questions of your fellow developers is also great way to help the project!
+ Project Information
+ ===================
+ ``attrs`` is released under the `MIT <>`_ license,
+ its documentation lives at `Read the Docs <>`_,
+ the code on `GitHub <>`_,
+ and the latest release on `PyPI <>`_.
+ It’s rigorously tested on Python 2.7, 3.4+, and PyPy.
+ We collect information on **third-party extensions** in our `wiki <>`_.
+ Feel free to browse and add your own!
+ If you'd like to contribute to ``attrs`` you're most welcome and we've written `a little guide <>`_ to get you started!
+ Release Information
+ ===================
+ 19.1.0 (2019-03-03)
+ -------------------
+ Backward-incompatible Changes
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ - Fixed a bug where deserialized objects with ``cache_hash=True`` could have incorrect hash code values.
+ This change breaks classes with ``cache_hash=True`` when a custom ``__setstate__`` is present.
+ An exception will be thrown when applying the ``attrs`` annotation to such a class.
+ This limitation is tracked in issue `#494 <>`_.
+ `#482 <>`_
+ Changes
+ ^^^^^^^
+ - Add ``is_callable``, ``deep_iterable``, and ``deep_mapping`` validators.
+ * ``is_callable``: validates that a value is callable
+ * ``deep_iterable``: Allows recursion down into an iterable,
+ applying another validator to every member in the iterable
+ as well as applying an optional validator to the iterable itself.
+ * ``deep_mapping``: Allows recursion down into the items in a mapping object,
+ applying a key validator and a value validator to the key and value in every item.
+ Also applies an optional validator to the mapping object itself.
+ You can find them in the ``attr.validators`` package.
+ `#425 <>`_
+ - Fixed stub files to prevent errors raised by mypy's ``disallow_any_generics = True`` option.
+ `#443 <>`_
+ - Attributes with ``init=False`` now can follow after ``kw_only=True`` attributes.
+ `#450 <>`_
+ - ``attrs`` now has first class support for defining exception classes.
+ If you define a class using ``@attr.s(auto_exc=True)`` and subclass an exception, the class will behave like a well-behaved exception class including an appropriate ``__str__`` method, and all attributes additionally available in an ``args`` attribute.
+ `#500 <>`_
+ - Clarified documentation for hashing to warn that hashable objects should be deeply immutable (in their usage, even if this is not enforced).
+ `#503 <>`_
+ `Full changelog <>`_.
+ Credits
+ =======
+ ``attrs`` is written and maintained by `Hynek Schlawack <>`_.
+ The development is kindly supported by `Variomedia AG <>`_.
+ A full list of contributors can be found in `GitHub's overview <>`_.
+ It’s the spiritual successor of `characteristic <>`_ and aspires to fix some of it clunkiness and unfortunate decisions.
+ Both were inspired by Twisted’s `FancyEqMixin <>`_ but both are implemented using class decorators because `subclassing is bad for you <>`_, m’kay?
+Keywords: class,attribute,boilerplate
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: Natural Language :: English
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
+Requires-Python: >=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*
+Provides-Extra: tests
+Provides-Extra: dev
+Provides-Extra: docs
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/README.rst b/third_party/python/attrs/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db287f73b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+.. image::
+ :alt: attrs Logo
+``attrs``: Classes Without Boilerplate
+.. image::
+ :target:
+ :alt: Documentation Status
+.. image::
+ :target:
+ :alt: CI Status
+.. image::
+ :target:
+ :alt: Test Coverage
+.. image::
+ :target:
+ :alt: Code style: black
+.. teaser-begin
+``attrs`` is the Python package that will bring back the **joy** of **writing classes** by relieving you from the drudgery of implementing object protocols (aka `dunder <>`_ methods).
+Its main goal is to help you to write **concise** and **correct** software without slowing down your code.
+.. -spiel-end-
+For that, it gives you a class decorator and a way to declaratively define the attributes on that class:
+.. -code-begin-
+.. code-block:: pycon
+ >>> import attr
+ >>> @attr.s
+ ... class SomeClass(object):
+ ... a_number = attr.ib(default=42)
+ ... list_of_numbers = attr.ib(factory=list)
+ ...
+ ... def hard_math(self, another_number):
+ ... return self.a_number + sum(self.list_of_numbers) * another_number
+ >>> sc = SomeClass(1, [1, 2, 3])
+ >>> sc
+ SomeClass(a_number=1, list_of_numbers=[1, 2, 3])
+ >>> sc.hard_math(3)
+ 19
+ >>> sc == SomeClass(1, [1, 2, 3])
+ True
+ >>> sc != SomeClass(2, [3, 2, 1])
+ True
+ >>> attr.asdict(sc)
+ {'a_number': 1, 'list_of_numbers': [1, 2, 3]}
+ >>> SomeClass()
+ SomeClass(a_number=42, list_of_numbers=[])
+ >>> C = attr.make_class("C", ["a", "b"])
+ >>> C("foo", "bar")
+ C(a='foo', b='bar')
+After *declaring* your attributes ``attrs`` gives you:
+- a concise and explicit overview of the class's attributes,
+- a nice human-readable ``__repr__``,
+- a complete set of comparison methods,
+- an initializer,
+- and much more,
+*without* writing dull boilerplate code again and again and *without* runtime performance penalties.
+On Python 3.6 and later, you can often even drop the calls to ``attr.ib()`` by using `type annotations <>`_.
+This gives you the power to use actual classes with actual types in your code instead of confusing ``tuple``\ s or `confusingly behaving <>`_ ``namedtuple``\ s.
+Which in turn encourages you to write *small classes* that do `one thing well <>`_.
+Never again violate the `single responsibility principle <>`_ just because implementing ``__init__`` et al is a painful drag.
+.. -testimonials-
+**Amber Hawkie Brown**, Twisted Release Manager and Computer Owl:
+ Writing a fully-functional class using attrs takes me less time than writing this testimonial.
+**Glyph Lefkowitz**, creator of `Twisted <>`_, `Automat <>`_, and other open source software, in `The One Python Library Everyone Needs <>`_:
+ I’m looking forward to is being able to program in Python-with-attrs everywhere.
+ It exerts a subtle, but positive, design influence in all the codebases I’ve see it used in.
+**Kenneth Reitz**, author of `Requests <>`_ and Developer Advocate at DigitalOcean, (`on paper no less <>`_!):
+ attrs—classes for humans. I like it.
+**Łukasz Langa**, prolific CPython core developer and Production Engineer at Facebook:
+ I'm increasingly digging your attr.ocity. Good job!
+.. -end-
+.. -project-information-
+Getting Help
+Please use the ``python-attrs`` tag on `StackOverflow <>`_ to get help.
+Answering questions of your fellow developers is also great way to help the project!
+Project Information
+``attrs`` is released under the `MIT <>`_ license,
+its documentation lives at `Read the Docs <>`_,
+the code on `GitHub <>`_,
+and the latest release on `PyPI <>`_.
+It’s rigorously tested on Python 2.7, 3.4+, and PyPy.
+We collect information on **third-party extensions** in our `wiki <>`_.
+Feel free to browse and add your own!
+If you'd like to contribute to ``attrs`` you're most welcome and we've written `a little guide <>`_ to get you started!
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/changelog.d/towncrier_template.rst b/third_party/python/attrs/changelog.d/towncrier_template.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29ca74c4e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/changelog.d/towncrier_template.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+{% for section, _ in sections.items() %}
+{% set underline = underlines[0] %}{% if section %}{{section}}
+{{ underline * section|length }}{% set underline = underlines[1] %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if sections[section] %}
+{% for category, val in definitions.items() if category in sections[section]%}
+{{ definitions[category]['name'] }}
+{{ underline * definitions[category]['name']|length }}
+{% if definitions[category]['showcontent'] %}
+{% for text, values in sections[section][category].items() %}
+- {{ text }}
+ {{ values|join(',\n ') }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% else %}
+- {{ sections[section][category]['']|join(', ') }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if sections[section][category]|length == 0 %}
+No significant changes.
+{% else %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% else %}
+No significant changes.
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/codecov.yml b/third_party/python/attrs/codecov.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60a1e5c12e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/codecov.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+comment: false
+ status:
+ patch:
+ default:
+ target: "100"
+ project:
+ default:
+ target: "100"
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/ b/third_party/python/attrs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cce4950cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import sys
+import pytest
+from hypothesis import HealthCheck, settings
+from attr._compat import PYPY
+def pytest_configure(config):
+ # HealthCheck.too_slow causes more trouble than good -- especially in CIs.
+ settings.register_profile(
+ "patience", settings(suppress_health_check=[HealthCheck.too_slow])
+ )
+ settings.load_profile("patience")
+def C():
+ """
+ Return a simple but fully featured attrs class with an x and a y attribute.
+ """
+ import attr
+ @attr.s
+ class C(object):
+ x = attr.ib()
+ y = attr.ib()
+ return C
+collect_ignore = []
+if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 6):
+ collect_ignore.extend(
+ ["tests/", "tests/"]
+ )
+elif PYPY: # FIXME: Currently our tests fail on pypy3. See #509
+ collect_ignore.extend(["tests/"])
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/pyproject.toml b/third_party/python/attrs/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5657791dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+requires = ["setuptools>=40.6.0", "wheel"]
+build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+line-length = 79
+ package = "attr"
+ package_dir = "src"
+ filename = "CHANGELOG.rst"
+ template = "changelog.d/towncrier_template.rst"
+ issue_format = "`#{issue} <{issue}>`_"
+ directory = "changelog.d"
+ title_format = "{version} ({project_date})"
+ underlines = ["-", "^"]
+ [[tool.towncrier.section]]
+ path = ""
+ [[tool.towncrier.type]]
+ directory = "breaking"
+ name = "Backward-incompatible Changes"
+ showcontent = true
+ [[tool.towncrier.type]]
+ directory = "deprecation"
+ name = "Deprecations"
+ showcontent = true
+ [[tool.towncrier.type]]
+ directory = "change"
+ name = "Changes"
+ showcontent = true
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/setup.cfg b/third_party/python/attrs/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dfa1a84cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+universal = 1
+license_file = LICENSE
+minversion = 3.0
+strict = true
+addopts = -ra
+testpaths = tests
+filterwarnings =
+ once::Warning
+ ignore:::pympler[.*]
+atomic = true
+force_grid_wrap = 0
+include_trailing_comma = true
+lines_after_imports = 2
+lines_between_types = 1
+multi_line_output = 3
+not_skip =
+use_parentheses = true
+known_first_party = attr
+known_third_party = hypothesis,pytest,setuptools,six,zope
+tag_build =
+tag_date = 0
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/ b/third_party/python/attrs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a181c95ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import codecs
+import os
+import re
+from setuptools import find_packages, setup
+NAME = "attrs"
+PACKAGES = find_packages(where="src")
+META_PATH = os.path.join("src", "attr", "")
+KEYWORDS = ["class", "attribute", "boilerplate"]
+ "Documentation": "",
+ "Bug Tracker": "",
+ "Source Code": "",
+ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
+ "Intended Audience :: Developers",
+ "Natural Language :: English",
+ "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+ "Programming Language :: Python",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 2",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy",
+ "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
+ "docs": ["sphinx", "zope.interface"],
+ "tests": [
+ "coverage",
+ "hypothesis",
+ "pympler",
+ "pytest",
+ "six",
+ "zope.interface",
+ ],
+EXTRAS_REQUIRE["dev"] = (
+ EXTRAS_REQUIRE["tests"] + EXTRAS_REQUIRE["docs"] + ["pre-commit"]
+HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+def read(*parts):
+ """
+ Build an absolute path from *parts* and and return the contents of the
+ resulting file. Assume UTF-8 encoding.
+ """
+ with, *parts), "rb", "utf-8") as f:
+ return
+def find_meta(meta):
+ """
+ Extract __*meta*__ from META_FILE.
+ """
+ meta_match =
+ r"^__{meta}__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]".format(meta=meta), META_FILE, re.M
+ )
+ if meta_match:
+ return
+ raise RuntimeError("Unable to find __{meta}__ string.".format(meta=meta))
+VERSION = find_meta("version")
+URL = find_meta("url")
+LONG = (
+ read("README.rst")
+ + "\n\n"
+ + "Release Information\n"
+ + "===================\n\n"
+ +
+ r"(\d+.\d.\d \(.*?\)\n.*?)\n\n\n----\n\n\n",
+ read("CHANGELOG.rst"),
+ re.S,
+ ).group(1)
+ + "\n\n`Full changelog "
+ + "<{url}en/stable/changelog.html>`_.\n\n".format(url=URL)
+ + read("AUTHORS.rst")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ setup(
+ name=NAME,
+ description=find_meta("description"),
+ license=find_meta("license"),
+ url=URL,
+ project_urls=PROJECT_URLS,
+ version=VERSION,
+ author=find_meta("author"),
+ author_email=find_meta("email"),
+ maintainer=find_meta("author"),
+ maintainer_email=find_meta("email"),
+ keywords=KEYWORDS,
+ long_description=LONG,
+ packages=PACKAGES,
+ package_dir={"": "src"},
+ python_requires=">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*",
+ zip_safe=False,
+ classifiers=CLASSIFIERS,
+ install_requires=INSTALL_REQUIRES,
+ extras_require=EXTRAS_REQUIRE,
+ include_package_data=True,
+ )
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ebe5197a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+from functools import partial
+from . import converters, exceptions, filters, validators
+from ._config import get_run_validators, set_run_validators
+from ._funcs import asdict, assoc, astuple, evolve, has
+from ._make import (
+ Attribute,
+ Factory,
+ attrib,
+ attrs,
+ fields,
+ fields_dict,
+ make_class,
+ validate,
+__version__ = "19.1.0"
+__title__ = "attrs"
+__description__ = "Classes Without Boilerplate"
+__url__ = ""
+__uri__ = __url__
+__doc__ = __description__ + " <" + __uri__ + ">"
+__author__ = "Hynek Schlawack"
+__email__ = ""
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2015 Hynek Schlawack"
+s = attributes = attrs
+ib = attr = attrib
+dataclass = partial(attrs, auto_attribs=True) # happy Easter ;)
+__all__ = [
+ "Attribute",
+ "Factory",
+ "asdict",
+ "assoc",
+ "astuple",
+ "attr",
+ "attrib",
+ "attributes",
+ "attrs",
+ "converters",
+ "evolve",
+ "exceptions",
+ "fields",
+ "fields_dict",
+ "filters",
+ "get_run_validators",
+ "has",
+ "ib",
+ "make_class",
+ "s",
+ "set_run_validators",
+ "validate",
+ "validators",
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/__init__.pyi b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcb93b18e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+from typing import (
+ Any,
+ Callable,
+ Dict,
+ Generic,
+ List,
+ Optional,
+ Sequence,
+ Mapping,
+ Tuple,
+ Type,
+ TypeVar,
+ Union,
+ overload,
+# `import X as X` is required to make these public
+from . import exceptions as exceptions
+from . import filters as filters
+from . import converters as converters
+from . import validators as validators
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+_C = TypeVar("_C", bound=type)
+_ValidatorType = Callable[[Any, Attribute[_T], _T], Any]
+_ConverterType = Callable[[Any], _T]
+_FilterType = Callable[[Attribute[_T], _T], bool]
+# FIXME: in reality, if multiple validators are passed they must be in a list or tuple,
+# but those are invariant and so would prevent subtypes of _ValidatorType from working
+# when passed in a list or tuple.
+_ValidatorArgType = Union[_ValidatorType[_T], Sequence[_ValidatorType[_T]]]
+# _make --
+NOTHING: object
+# NOTE: Factory lies about its return type to make this possible: `x: List[int] = Factory(list)`
+# Work around mypy issue #4554 in the common case by using an overload.
+def Factory(factory: Callable[[], _T]) -> _T: ...
+def Factory(
+ factory: Union[Callable[[Any], _T], Callable[[], _T]],
+ takes_self: bool = ...,
+) -> _T: ...
+class Attribute(Generic[_T]):
+ name: str
+ default: Optional[_T]
+ validator: Optional[_ValidatorType[_T]]
+ repr: bool
+ cmp: bool
+ hash: Optional[bool]
+ init: bool
+ converter: Optional[_ConverterType[_T]]
+ metadata: Dict[Any, Any]
+ type: Optional[Type[_T]]
+ kw_only: bool
+ def __lt__(self, x: Attribute[_T]) -> bool: ...
+ def __le__(self, x: Attribute[_T]) -> bool: ...
+ def __gt__(self, x: Attribute[_T]) -> bool: ...
+ def __ge__(self, x: Attribute[_T]) -> bool: ...
+# NOTE: We had several choices for the annotation to use for type arg:
+# 1) Type[_T]
+# - Pros: Handles simple cases correctly
+# - Cons: Might produce less informative errors in the case of conflicting TypeVars
+# e.g. `attr.ib(default='bad', type=int)`
+# 2) Callable[..., _T]
+# - Pros: Better error messages than #1 for conflicting TypeVars
+# - Cons: Terrible error messages for validator checks.
+# e.g. attr.ib(type=int, validator=validate_str)
+# -> error: Cannot infer function type argument
+# 3) type (and do all of the work in the mypy plugin)
+# - Pros: Simple here, and we could customize the plugin with our own errors.
+# - Cons: Would need to write mypy plugin code to handle all the cases.
+# We chose option #1.
+# `attr` lies about its return type to make the following possible:
+# attr() -> Any
+# attr(8) -> int
+# attr(validator=<some callable>) -> Whatever the callable expects.
+# This makes this type of assignments possible:
+# x: int = attr(8)
+# This form catches explicit None or no default but with no other arguments returns Any.
+def attrib(
+ default: None = ...,
+ validator: None = ...,
+ repr: bool = ...,
+ cmp: bool = ...,
+ hash: Optional[bool] = ...,
+ init: bool = ...,
+ convert: None = ...,
+ metadata: Optional[Mapping[Any, Any]] = ...,
+ type: None = ...,
+ converter: None = ...,
+ factory: None = ...,
+ kw_only: bool = ...,
+) -> Any: ...
+# This form catches an explicit None or no default and infers the type from the other arguments.
+def attrib(
+ default: None = ...,
+ validator: Optional[_ValidatorArgType[_T]] = ...,
+ repr: bool = ...,
+ cmp: bool = ...,
+ hash: Optional[bool] = ...,
+ init: bool = ...,
+ convert: Optional[_ConverterType[_T]] = ...,
+ metadata: Optional[Mapping[Any, Any]] = ...,
+ type: Optional[Type[_T]] = ...,
+ converter: Optional[_ConverterType[_T]] = ...,
+ factory: Optional[Callable[[], _T]] = ...,
+ kw_only: bool = ...,
+) -> _T: ...
+# This form catches an explicit default argument.
+def attrib(
+ default: _T,
+ validator: Optional[_ValidatorArgType[_T]] = ...,
+ repr: bool = ...,
+ cmp: bool = ...,
+ hash: Optional[bool] = ...,
+ init: bool = ...,
+ convert: Optional[_ConverterType[_T]] = ...,
+ metadata: Optional[Mapping[Any, Any]] = ...,
+ type: Optional[Type[_T]] = ...,
+ converter: Optional[_ConverterType[_T]] = ...,
+ factory: Optional[Callable[[], _T]] = ...,
+ kw_only: bool = ...,
+) -> _T: ...
+# This form covers type=non-Type: e.g. forward references (str), Any
+def attrib(
+ default: Optional[_T] = ...,
+ validator: Optional[_ValidatorArgType[_T]] = ...,
+ repr: bool = ...,
+ cmp: bool = ...,
+ hash: Optional[bool] = ...,
+ init: bool = ...,
+ convert: Optional[_ConverterType[_T]] = ...,
+ metadata: Optional[Mapping[Any, Any]] = ...,
+ type: object = ...,
+ converter: Optional[_ConverterType[_T]] = ...,
+ factory: Optional[Callable[[], _T]] = ...,
+ kw_only: bool = ...,
+) -> Any: ...
+def attrs(
+ maybe_cls: _C,
+ these: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
+ repr_ns: Optional[str] = ...,
+ repr: bool = ...,
+ cmp: bool = ...,
+ hash: Optional[bool] = ...,
+ init: bool = ...,
+ slots: bool = ...,
+ frozen: bool = ...,
+ weakref_slot: bool = ...,
+ str: bool = ...,
+ auto_attribs: bool = ...,
+ kw_only: bool = ...,
+ cache_hash: bool = ...,
+ auto_exc: bool = ...,
+) -> _C: ...
+def attrs(
+ maybe_cls: None = ...,
+ these: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
+ repr_ns: Optional[str] = ...,
+ repr: bool = ...,
+ cmp: bool = ...,
+ hash: Optional[bool] = ...,
+ init: bool = ...,
+ slots: bool = ...,
+ frozen: bool = ...,
+ weakref_slot: bool = ...,
+ str: bool = ...,
+ auto_attribs: bool = ...,
+ kw_only: bool = ...,
+ cache_hash: bool = ...,
+ auto_exc: bool = ...,
+) -> Callable[[_C], _C]: ...
+# TODO: add support for returning NamedTuple from the mypy plugin
+class _Fields(Tuple[Attribute[Any], ...]):
+ def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Attribute[Any]: ...
+def fields(cls: type) -> _Fields: ...
+def fields_dict(cls: type) -> Dict[str, Attribute[Any]]: ...
+def validate(inst: Any) -> None: ...
+# TODO: add support for returning a proper attrs class from the mypy plugin
+# we use Any instead of _CountingAttr so that e.g. `make_class('Foo', [attr.ib()])` is valid
+def make_class(
+ name: str,
+ attrs: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...], Dict[str, Any]],
+ bases: Tuple[type, ...] = ...,
+ repr_ns: Optional[str] = ...,
+ repr: bool = ...,
+ cmp: bool = ...,
+ hash: Optional[bool] = ...,
+ init: bool = ...,
+ slots: bool = ...,
+ frozen: bool = ...,
+ weakref_slot: bool = ...,
+ str: bool = ...,
+ auto_attribs: bool = ...,
+ kw_only: bool = ...,
+ cache_hash: bool = ...,
+ auto_exc: bool = ...,
+) -> type: ...
+# _funcs --
+# TODO: add support for returning TypedDict from the mypy plugin
+# FIXME: asdict/astuple do not honor their factory args. waiting on one of these:
+def asdict(
+ inst: Any,
+ recurse: bool = ...,
+ filter: Optional[_FilterType[Any]] = ...,
+ dict_factory: Type[Mapping[Any, Any]] = ...,
+ retain_collection_types: bool = ...,
+) -> Dict[str, Any]: ...
+# TODO: add support for returning NamedTuple from the mypy plugin
+def astuple(
+ inst: Any,
+ recurse: bool = ...,
+ filter: Optional[_FilterType[Any]] = ...,
+ tuple_factory: Type[Sequence[Any]] = ...,
+ retain_collection_types: bool = ...,
+) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: ...
+def has(cls: type) -> bool: ...
+def assoc(inst: _T, **changes: Any) -> _T: ...
+def evolve(inst: _T, **changes: Any) -> _T: ...
+# _config --
+def set_run_validators(run: bool) -> None: ...
+def get_run_validators() -> bool: ...
+# aliases --
+s = attributes = attrs
+ib = attr = attrib
+dataclass = attrs # Technically, partial(attrs, auto_attribs=True) ;)
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a99dcd96c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import platform
+import sys
+import types
+import warnings
+PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
+PYPY = platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy"
+if PYPY or sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6):
+ ordered_dict = dict
+ from collections import OrderedDict
+ ordered_dict = OrderedDict
+if PY2:
+ from UserDict import IterableUserDict
+ from collections import Mapping, Sequence # noqa
+ # We 'bundle' isclass instead of using inspect as importing inspect is
+ # fairly expensive (order of 10-15 ms for a modern machine in 2016)
+ def isclass(klass):
+ return isinstance(klass, (type, types.ClassType))
+ # TYPE is used in exceptions, repr(int) is different on Python 2 and 3.
+ TYPE = "type"
+ def iteritems(d):
+ return d.iteritems()
+ # Python 2 is bereft of a read-only dict proxy, so we make one!
+ class ReadOnlyDict(IterableUserDict):
+ """
+ Best-effort read-only dict wrapper.
+ """
+ def __setitem__(self, key, val):
+ # We gently pretend we're a Python 3 mappingproxy.
+ raise TypeError(
+ "'mappingproxy' object does not support item assignment"
+ )
+ def update(self, _):
+ # We gently pretend we're a Python 3 mappingproxy.
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "'mappingproxy' object has no attribute 'update'"
+ )
+ def __delitem__(self, _):
+ # We gently pretend we're a Python 3 mappingproxy.
+ raise TypeError(
+ "'mappingproxy' object does not support item deletion"
+ )
+ def clear(self):
+ # We gently pretend we're a Python 3 mappingproxy.
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "'mappingproxy' object has no attribute 'clear'"
+ )
+ def pop(self, key, default=None):
+ # We gently pretend we're a Python 3 mappingproxy.
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "'mappingproxy' object has no attribute 'pop'"
+ )
+ def popitem(self):
+ # We gently pretend we're a Python 3 mappingproxy.
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "'mappingproxy' object has no attribute 'popitem'"
+ )
+ def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
+ # We gently pretend we're a Python 3 mappingproxy.
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "'mappingproxy' object has no attribute 'setdefault'"
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ # Override to be identical to the Python 3 version.
+ return "mappingproxy(" + repr( + ")"
+ def metadata_proxy(d):
+ res = ReadOnlyDict()
+ # We blocked update, so we have to do it like this.
+ return res
+ def just_warn(*args, **kw): # pragma: nocover
+ """
+ We only warn on Python 3 because we are not aware of any concrete
+ consequences of not setting the cell on Python 2.
+ """
+else: # Python 3 and later.
+ from import Mapping, Sequence # noqa
+ def just_warn(*args, **kw):
+ """
+ We only warn on Python 3 because we are not aware of any concrete
+ consequences of not setting the cell on Python 2.
+ """
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Missing ctypes. Some features like bare super() or accessing "
+ "__class__ will not work with slotted classes.",
+ RuntimeWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ def isclass(klass):
+ return isinstance(klass, type)
+ TYPE = "class"
+ def iteritems(d):
+ return d.items()
+ def metadata_proxy(d):
+ return types.MappingProxyType(dict(d))
+def import_ctypes():
+ """
+ Moved into a function for testability.
+ """
+ import ctypes
+ return ctypes
+def make_set_closure_cell():
+ """
+ Moved into a function for testability.
+ """
+ if PYPY: # pragma: no cover
+ def set_closure_cell(cell, value):
+ cell.__setstate__((value,))
+ else:
+ try:
+ ctypes = import_ctypes()
+ set_closure_cell = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCell_Set
+ set_closure_cell.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object, ctypes.py_object)
+ set_closure_cell.restype = ctypes.c_int
+ except Exception:
+ # We try best effort to set the cell, but sometimes it's not
+ # possible. For example on Jython or on GAE.
+ set_closure_cell = just_warn
+ return set_closure_cell
+set_closure_cell = make_set_closure_cell()
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ec920962d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__all__ = ["set_run_validators", "get_run_validators"]
+_run_validators = True
+def set_run_validators(run):
+ """
+ Set whether or not validators are run. By default, they are run.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(run, bool):
+ raise TypeError("'run' must be bool.")
+ global _run_validators
+ _run_validators = run
+def get_run_validators():
+ """
+ Return whether or not validators are run.
+ """
+ return _run_validators
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b61d239412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import copy
+from ._compat import iteritems
+from ._make import NOTHING, _obj_setattr, fields
+from .exceptions import AttrsAttributeNotFoundError
+def asdict(
+ inst,
+ recurse=True,
+ filter=None,
+ dict_factory=dict,
+ retain_collection_types=False,
+ """
+ Return the ``attrs`` attribute values of *inst* as a dict.
+ Optionally recurse into other ``attrs``-decorated classes.
+ :param inst: Instance of an ``attrs``-decorated class.
+ :param bool recurse: Recurse into classes that are also
+ ``attrs``-decorated.
+ :param callable filter: A callable whose return code determines whether an
+ attribute or element is included (``True``) or dropped (``False``). Is
+ called with the :class:`attr.Attribute` as the first argument and the
+ value as the second argument.
+ :param callable dict_factory: A callable to produce dictionaries from. For
+ example, to produce ordered dictionaries instead of normal Python
+ dictionaries, pass in ``collections.OrderedDict``.
+ :param bool retain_collection_types: Do not convert to ``list`` when
+ encountering an attribute whose type is ``tuple`` or ``set``. Only
+ meaningful if ``recurse`` is ``True``.
+ :rtype: return type of *dict_factory*
+ :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs``
+ class.
+ .. versionadded:: 16.0.0 *dict_factory*
+ .. versionadded:: 16.1.0 *retain_collection_types*
+ """
+ attrs = fields(inst.__class__)
+ rv = dict_factory()
+ for a in attrs:
+ v = getattr(inst,
+ if filter is not None and not filter(a, v):
+ continue
+ if recurse is True:
+ if has(v.__class__):
+ rv[] = asdict(
+ v, True, filter, dict_factory, retain_collection_types
+ )
+ elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list, set)):
+ cf = v.__class__ if retain_collection_types is True else list
+ rv[] = cf(
+ [
+ _asdict_anything(
+ i, filter, dict_factory, retain_collection_types
+ )
+ for i in v
+ ]
+ )
+ elif isinstance(v, dict):
+ df = dict_factory
+ rv[] = df(
+ (
+ _asdict_anything(
+ kk, filter, df, retain_collection_types
+ ),
+ _asdict_anything(
+ vv, filter, df, retain_collection_types
+ ),
+ )
+ for kk, vv in iteritems(v)
+ )
+ else:
+ rv[] = v
+ else:
+ rv[] = v
+ return rv
+def _asdict_anything(val, filter, dict_factory, retain_collection_types):
+ """
+ ``asdict`` only works on attrs instances, this works on anything.
+ """
+ if getattr(val.__class__, "__attrs_attrs__", None) is not None:
+ # Attrs class.
+ rv = asdict(val, True, filter, dict_factory, retain_collection_types)
+ elif isinstance(val, (tuple, list, set)):
+ cf = val.__class__ if retain_collection_types is True else list
+ rv = cf(
+ [
+ _asdict_anything(
+ i, filter, dict_factory, retain_collection_types
+ )
+ for i in val
+ ]
+ )
+ elif isinstance(val, dict):
+ df = dict_factory
+ rv = df(
+ (
+ _asdict_anything(kk, filter, df, retain_collection_types),
+ _asdict_anything(vv, filter, df, retain_collection_types),
+ )
+ for kk, vv in iteritems(val)
+ )
+ else:
+ rv = val
+ return rv
+def astuple(
+ inst,
+ recurse=True,
+ filter=None,
+ tuple_factory=tuple,
+ retain_collection_types=False,
+ """
+ Return the ``attrs`` attribute values of *inst* as a tuple.
+ Optionally recurse into other ``attrs``-decorated classes.
+ :param inst: Instance of an ``attrs``-decorated class.
+ :param bool recurse: Recurse into classes that are also
+ ``attrs``-decorated.
+ :param callable filter: A callable whose return code determines whether an
+ attribute or element is included (``True``) or dropped (``False``). Is
+ called with the :class:`attr.Attribute` as the first argument and the
+ value as the second argument.
+ :param callable tuple_factory: A callable to produce tuples from. For
+ example, to produce lists instead of tuples.
+ :param bool retain_collection_types: Do not convert to ``list``
+ or ``dict`` when encountering an attribute which type is
+ ``tuple``, ``dict`` or ``set``. Only meaningful if ``recurse`` is
+ ``True``.
+ :rtype: return type of *tuple_factory*
+ :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs``
+ class.
+ .. versionadded:: 16.2.0
+ """
+ attrs = fields(inst.__class__)
+ rv = []
+ retain = retain_collection_types # Very long. :/
+ for a in attrs:
+ v = getattr(inst,
+ if filter is not None and not filter(a, v):
+ continue
+ if recurse is True:
+ if has(v.__class__):
+ rv.append(
+ astuple(
+ v,
+ recurse=True,
+ filter=filter,
+ tuple_factory=tuple_factory,
+ retain_collection_types=retain,
+ )
+ )
+ elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list, set)):
+ cf = v.__class__ if retain is True else list
+ rv.append(
+ cf(
+ [
+ astuple(
+ j,
+ recurse=True,
+ filter=filter,
+ tuple_factory=tuple_factory,
+ retain_collection_types=retain,
+ )
+ if has(j.__class__)
+ else j
+ for j in v
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ elif isinstance(v, dict):
+ df = v.__class__ if retain is True else dict
+ rv.append(
+ df(
+ (
+ astuple(
+ kk,
+ tuple_factory=tuple_factory,
+ retain_collection_types=retain,
+ )
+ if has(kk.__class__)
+ else kk,
+ astuple(
+ vv,
+ tuple_factory=tuple_factory,
+ retain_collection_types=retain,
+ )
+ if has(vv.__class__)
+ else vv,
+ )
+ for kk, vv in iteritems(v)
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ rv.append(v)
+ else:
+ rv.append(v)
+ return rv if tuple_factory is list else tuple_factory(rv)
+def has(cls):
+ """
+ Check whether *cls* is a class with ``attrs`` attributes.
+ :param type cls: Class to introspect.
+ :raise TypeError: If *cls* is not a class.
+ :rtype: :class:`bool`
+ """
+ return getattr(cls, "__attrs_attrs__", None) is not None
+def assoc(inst, **changes):
+ """
+ Copy *inst* and apply *changes*.
+ :param inst: Instance of a class with ``attrs`` attributes.
+ :param changes: Keyword changes in the new copy.
+ :return: A copy of inst with *changes* incorporated.
+ :raise attr.exceptions.AttrsAttributeNotFoundError: If *attr_name* couldn't
+ be found on *cls*.
+ :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs``
+ class.
+ .. deprecated:: 17.1.0
+ Use :func:`evolve` instead.
+ """
+ import warnings
+ warnings.warn(
+ "assoc is deprecated and will be removed after 2018/01.",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ new = copy.copy(inst)
+ attrs = fields(inst.__class__)
+ for k, v in iteritems(changes):
+ a = getattr(attrs, k, NOTHING)
+ if a is NOTHING:
+ raise AttrsAttributeNotFoundError(
+ "{k} is not an attrs attribute on {cl}.".format(
+ k=k, cl=new.__class__
+ )
+ )
+ _obj_setattr(new, k, v)
+ return new
+def evolve(inst, **changes):
+ """
+ Create a new instance, based on *inst* with *changes* applied.
+ :param inst: Instance of a class with ``attrs`` attributes.
+ :param changes: Keyword changes in the new copy.
+ :return: A copy of inst with *changes* incorporated.
+ :raise TypeError: If *attr_name* couldn't be found in the class
+ ``__init__``.
+ :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs``
+ class.
+ .. versionadded:: 17.1.0
+ """
+ cls = inst.__class__
+ attrs = fields(cls)
+ for a in attrs:
+ if not a.init:
+ continue
+ attr_name = # To deal with private attributes.
+ init_name = attr_name if attr_name[0] != "_" else attr_name[1:]
+ if init_name not in changes:
+ changes[init_name] = getattr(inst, attr_name)
+ return cls(**changes)
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..827175a460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
@@ -0,0 +1,2086 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import copy
+import hashlib
+import linecache
+import sys
+import threading
+import warnings
+from operator import itemgetter
+from . import _config
+from ._compat import (
+ PY2,
+ isclass,
+ iteritems,
+ metadata_proxy,
+ ordered_dict,
+ set_closure_cell,
+from .exceptions import (
+ DefaultAlreadySetError,
+ FrozenInstanceError,
+ NotAnAttrsClassError,
+ PythonTooOldError,
+ UnannotatedAttributeError,
+# This is used at least twice, so cache it here.
+_obj_setattr = object.__setattr__
+_init_converter_pat = "__attr_converter_{}"
+_init_factory_pat = "__attr_factory_{}"
+_tuple_property_pat = (
+ " {attr_name} = _attrs_property(_attrs_itemgetter({index}))"
+_classvar_prefixes = ("typing.ClassVar", "t.ClassVar", "ClassVar")
+# we don't use a double-underscore prefix because that triggers
+# name mangling when trying to create a slot for the field
+# (when slots=True)
+_hash_cache_field = "_attrs_cached_hash"
+_empty_metadata_singleton = metadata_proxy({})
+class _Nothing(object):
+ """
+ Sentinel class to indicate the lack of a value when ``None`` is ambiguous.
+ ``_Nothing`` is a singleton. There is only ever one of it.
+ """
+ _singleton = None
+ def __new__(cls):
+ if _Nothing._singleton is None:
+ _Nothing._singleton = super(_Nothing, cls).__new__(cls)
+ return _Nothing._singleton
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "NOTHING"
+NOTHING = _Nothing()
+Sentinel to indicate the lack of a value when ``None`` is ambiguous.
+def attrib(
+ default=NOTHING,
+ validator=None,
+ repr=True,
+ cmp=True,
+ hash=None,
+ init=True,
+ convert=None,
+ metadata=None,
+ type=None,
+ converter=None,
+ factory=None,
+ kw_only=False,
+ """
+ Create a new attribute on a class.
+ .. warning::
+ Does *not* do anything unless the class is also decorated with
+ :func:`attr.s`!
+ :param default: A value that is used if an ``attrs``-generated ``__init__``
+ is used and no value is passed while instantiating or the attribute is
+ excluded using ``init=False``.
+ If the value is an instance of :class:`Factory`, its callable will be
+ used to construct a new value (useful for mutable data types like lists
+ or dicts).
+ If a default is not set (or set manually to ``attr.NOTHING``), a value
+ *must* be supplied when instantiating; otherwise a :exc:`TypeError`
+ will be raised.
+ The default can also be set using decorator notation as shown below.
+ :type default: Any value.
+ :param callable factory: Syntactic sugar for
+ ``default=attr.Factory(callable)``.
+ :param validator: :func:`callable` that is called by ``attrs``-generated
+ ``__init__`` methods after the instance has been initialized. They
+ receive the initialized instance, the :class:`Attribute`, and the
+ passed value.
+ The return value is *not* inspected so the validator has to throw an
+ exception itself.
+ If a ``list`` is passed, its items are treated as validators and must
+ all pass.
+ Validators can be globally disabled and re-enabled using
+ :func:`get_run_validators`.
+ The validator can also be set using decorator notation as shown below.
+ :type validator: ``callable`` or a ``list`` of ``callable``\\ s.
+ :param bool repr: Include this attribute in the generated ``__repr__``
+ method.
+ :param bool cmp: Include this attribute in the generated comparison methods
+ (``__eq__`` et al).
+ :param hash: Include this attribute in the generated ``__hash__``
+ method. If ``None`` (default), mirror *cmp*'s value. This is the
+ correct behavior according the Python spec. Setting this value to
+ anything else than ``None`` is *discouraged*.
+ :type hash: ``bool`` or ``None``
+ :param bool init: Include this attribute in the generated ``__init__``
+ method. It is possible to set this to ``False`` and set a default
+ value. In that case this attributed is unconditionally initialized
+ with the specified default value or factory.
+ :param callable converter: :func:`callable` that is called by
+ ``attrs``-generated ``__init__`` methods to converter attribute's value
+ to the desired format. It is given the passed-in value, and the
+ returned value will be used as the new value of the attribute. The
+ value is converted before being passed to the validator, if any.
+ :param metadata: An arbitrary mapping, to be used by third-party
+ components. See :ref:`extending_metadata`.
+ :param type: The type of the attribute. In Python 3.6 or greater, the
+ preferred method to specify the type is using a variable annotation
+ (see `PEP 526 <>`_).
+ This argument is provided for backward compatibility.
+ Regardless of the approach used, the type will be stored on
+ ``Attribute.type``.
+ Please note that ``attrs`` doesn't do anything with this metadata by
+ itself. You can use it as part of your own code or for
+ :doc:`static type checking <types>`.
+ :param kw_only: Make this attribute keyword-only (Python 3+)
+ in the generated ``__init__`` (if ``init`` is ``False``, this
+ parameter is ignored).
+ .. versionadded:: 15.2.0 *convert*
+ .. versionadded:: 16.3.0 *metadata*
+ .. versionchanged:: 17.1.0 *validator* can be a ``list`` now.
+ .. versionchanged:: 17.1.0
+ *hash* is ``None`` and therefore mirrors *cmp* by default.
+ .. versionadded:: 17.3.0 *type*
+ .. deprecated:: 17.4.0 *convert*
+ .. versionadded:: 17.4.0 *converter* as a replacement for the deprecated
+ *convert* to achieve consistency with other noun-based arguments.
+ .. versionadded:: 18.1.0
+ ``factory=f`` is syntactic sugar for ``default=attr.Factory(f)``.
+ .. versionadded:: 18.2.0 *kw_only*
+ """
+ if hash is not None and hash is not True and hash is not False:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Invalid value for hash. Must be True, False, or None."
+ )
+ if convert is not None:
+ if converter is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Can't pass both `convert` and `converter`. "
+ "Please use `converter` only."
+ )
+ warnings.warn(
+ "The `convert` argument is deprecated in favor of `converter`. "
+ "It will be removed after 2019/01.",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ converter = convert
+ if factory is not None:
+ if default is not NOTHING:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The `default` and `factory` arguments are mutually "
+ "exclusive."
+ )
+ if not callable(factory):
+ raise ValueError("The `factory` argument must be a callable.")
+ default = Factory(factory)
+ if metadata is None:
+ metadata = {}
+ return _CountingAttr(
+ default=default,
+ validator=validator,
+ repr=repr,
+ cmp=cmp,
+ hash=hash,
+ init=init,
+ converter=converter,
+ metadata=metadata,
+ type=type,
+ kw_only=kw_only,
+ )
+def _make_attr_tuple_class(cls_name, attr_names):
+ """
+ Create a tuple subclass to hold `Attribute`s for an `attrs` class.
+ The subclass is a bare tuple with properties for names.
+ class MyClassAttributes(tuple):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ x = property(itemgetter(0))
+ """
+ attr_class_name = "{}Attributes".format(cls_name)
+ attr_class_template = [
+ "class {}(tuple):".format(attr_class_name),
+ " __slots__ = ()",
+ ]
+ if attr_names:
+ for i, attr_name in enumerate(attr_names):
+ attr_class_template.append(
+ _tuple_property_pat.format(index=i, attr_name=attr_name)
+ )
+ else:
+ attr_class_template.append(" pass")
+ globs = {"_attrs_itemgetter": itemgetter, "_attrs_property": property}
+ eval(compile("\n".join(attr_class_template), "", "exec"), globs)
+ return globs[attr_class_name]
+# Tuple class for extracted attributes from a class definition.
+# `base_attrs` is a subset of `attrs`.
+_Attributes = _make_attr_tuple_class(
+ "_Attributes",
+ [
+ # all attributes to build dunder methods for
+ "attrs",
+ # attributes that have been inherited
+ "base_attrs",
+ # map inherited attributes to their originating classes
+ "base_attrs_map",
+ ],
+def _is_class_var(annot):
+ """
+ Check whether *annot* is a typing.ClassVar.
+ The string comparison hack is used to avoid evaluating all string
+ annotations which would put attrs-based classes at a performance
+ disadvantage compared to plain old classes.
+ """
+ return str(annot).startswith(_classvar_prefixes)
+def _get_annotations(cls):
+ """
+ Get annotations for *cls*.
+ """
+ anns = getattr(cls, "__annotations__", None)
+ if anns is None:
+ return {}
+ # Verify that the annotations aren't merely inherited.
+ for base_cls in cls.__mro__[1:]:
+ if anns is getattr(base_cls, "__annotations__", None):
+ return {}
+ return anns
+def _counter_getter(e):
+ """
+ Key function for sorting to avoid re-creating a lambda for every class.
+ """
+ return e[1].counter
+def _transform_attrs(cls, these, auto_attribs, kw_only):
+ """
+ Transform all `_CountingAttr`s on a class into `Attribute`s.
+ If *these* is passed, use that and don't look for them on the class.
+ Return an `_Attributes`.
+ """
+ cd = cls.__dict__
+ anns = _get_annotations(cls)
+ if these is not None:
+ ca_list = [(name, ca) for name, ca in iteritems(these)]
+ if not isinstance(these, ordered_dict):
+ ca_list.sort(key=_counter_getter)
+ elif auto_attribs is True:
+ ca_names = {
+ name
+ for name, attr in cd.items()
+ if isinstance(attr, _CountingAttr)
+ }
+ ca_list = []
+ annot_names = set()
+ for attr_name, type in anns.items():
+ if _is_class_var(type):
+ continue
+ annot_names.add(attr_name)
+ a = cd.get(attr_name, NOTHING)
+ if not isinstance(a, _CountingAttr):
+ if a is NOTHING:
+ a = attrib()
+ else:
+ a = attrib(default=a)
+ ca_list.append((attr_name, a))
+ unannotated = ca_names - annot_names
+ if len(unannotated) > 0:
+ raise UnannotatedAttributeError(
+ "The following `attr.ib`s lack a type annotation: "
+ + ", ".join(
+ sorted(unannotated, key=lambda n: cd.get(n).counter)
+ )
+ + "."
+ )
+ else:
+ ca_list = sorted(
+ (
+ (name, attr)
+ for name, attr in cd.items()
+ if isinstance(attr, _CountingAttr)
+ ),
+ key=lambda e: e[1].counter,
+ )
+ own_attrs = [
+ Attribute.from_counting_attr(
+ name=attr_name, ca=ca, type=anns.get(attr_name)
+ )
+ for attr_name, ca in ca_list
+ ]
+ base_attrs = []
+ base_attr_map = {} # A dictionary of base attrs to their classes.
+ taken_attr_names = { a for a in own_attrs}
+ # Traverse the MRO and collect attributes.
+ for base_cls in cls.__mro__[1:-1]:
+ sub_attrs = getattr(base_cls, "__attrs_attrs__", None)
+ if sub_attrs is not None:
+ for a in sub_attrs:
+ prev_a = taken_attr_names.get(
+ # Only add an attribute if it hasn't been defined before. This
+ # allows for overwriting attribute definitions by subclassing.
+ if prev_a is None:
+ base_attrs.append(a)
+ taken_attr_names[] = a
+ base_attr_map[] = base_cls
+ attr_names = [ for a in base_attrs + own_attrs]
+ AttrsClass = _make_attr_tuple_class(cls.__name__, attr_names)
+ if kw_only:
+ own_attrs = [a._assoc(kw_only=True) for a in own_attrs]
+ base_attrs = [a._assoc(kw_only=True) for a in base_attrs]
+ attrs = AttrsClass(base_attrs + own_attrs)
+ had_default = False
+ was_kw_only = False
+ for a in attrs:
+ if (
+ was_kw_only is False
+ and had_default is True
+ and a.default is NOTHING
+ and a.init is True
+ and a.kw_only is False
+ ):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "No mandatory attributes allowed after an attribute with a "
+ "default value or factory. Attribute in question: %r" % (a,)
+ )
+ elif (
+ had_default is False
+ and a.default is not NOTHING
+ and a.init is not False
+ and
+ # Keyword-only attributes without defaults can be specified
+ # after keyword-only attributes with defaults.
+ a.kw_only is False
+ ):
+ had_default = True
+ if was_kw_only is True and a.kw_only is False and a.init is True:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Non keyword-only attributes are not allowed after a "
+ "keyword-only attribute (unless they are init=False). "
+ "Attribute in question: {a!r}".format(a=a)
+ )
+ if was_kw_only is False and a.init is True and a.kw_only is True:
+ was_kw_only = True
+ return _Attributes((attrs, base_attrs, base_attr_map))
+def _frozen_setattrs(self, name, value):
+ """
+ Attached to frozen classes as __setattr__.
+ """
+ raise FrozenInstanceError()
+def _frozen_delattrs(self, name):
+ """
+ Attached to frozen classes as __delattr__.
+ """
+ raise FrozenInstanceError()
+class _ClassBuilder(object):
+ """
+ Iteratively build *one* class.
+ """
+ __slots__ = (
+ "_cls",
+ "_cls_dict",
+ "_attrs",
+ "_base_names",
+ "_attr_names",
+ "_slots",
+ "_frozen",
+ "_weakref_slot",
+ "_cache_hash",
+ "_has_post_init",
+ "_delete_attribs",
+ "_base_attr_map",
+ "_is_exc",
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ cls,
+ these,
+ slots,
+ frozen,
+ weakref_slot,
+ auto_attribs,
+ kw_only,
+ cache_hash,
+ is_exc,
+ ):
+ attrs, base_attrs, base_map = _transform_attrs(
+ cls, these, auto_attribs, kw_only
+ )
+ self._cls = cls
+ self._cls_dict = dict(cls.__dict__) if slots else {}
+ self._attrs = attrs
+ self._base_names = set( for a in base_attrs)
+ self._base_attr_map = base_map
+ self._attr_names = tuple( for a in attrs)
+ self._slots = slots
+ self._frozen = frozen or _has_frozen_base_class(cls)
+ self._weakref_slot = weakref_slot
+ self._cache_hash = cache_hash
+ self._has_post_init = bool(getattr(cls, "__attrs_post_init__", False))
+ self._delete_attribs = not bool(these)
+ self._is_exc = is_exc
+ self._cls_dict["__attrs_attrs__"] = self._attrs
+ if frozen:
+ self._cls_dict["__setattr__"] = _frozen_setattrs
+ self._cls_dict["__delattr__"] = _frozen_delattrs
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<_ClassBuilder(cls={cls})>".format(cls=self._cls.__name__)
+ def build_class(self):
+ """
+ Finalize class based on the accumulated configuration.
+ Builder cannot be used after calling this method.
+ """
+ if self._slots is True:
+ return self._create_slots_class()
+ else:
+ return self._patch_original_class()
+ def _patch_original_class(self):
+ """
+ Apply accumulated methods and return the class.
+ """
+ cls = self._cls
+ base_names = self._base_names
+ # Clean class of attribute definitions (`attr.ib()`s).
+ if self._delete_attribs:
+ for name in self._attr_names:
+ if (
+ name not in base_names
+ and getattr(cls, name, None) is not None
+ ):
+ try:
+ delattr(cls, name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ # This can happen if a base class defines a class
+ # variable and we want to set an attribute with the
+ # same name by using only a type annotation.
+ pass
+ # Attach our dunder methods.
+ for name, value in self._cls_dict.items():
+ setattr(cls, name, value)
+ # Attach __setstate__. This is necessary to clear the hash code
+ # cache on deserialization. See issue
+ # .
+ # Note that this code only handles setstate for dict classes.
+ # For slotted classes, see similar code in _create_slots_class .
+ if self._cache_hash:
+ existing_set_state_method = getattr(cls, "__setstate__", None)
+ if existing_set_state_method:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Currently you cannot use hash caching if "
+ "you specify your own __setstate__ method."
+ "See ."
+ )
+ def cache_hash_set_state(chss_self, _):
+ # clear hash code cache
+ setattr(chss_self, _hash_cache_field, None)
+ setattr(cls, "__setstate__", cache_hash_set_state)
+ return cls
+ def _create_slots_class(self):
+ """
+ Build and return a new class with a `__slots__` attribute.
+ """
+ base_names = self._base_names
+ cd = {
+ k: v
+ for k, v in iteritems(self._cls_dict)
+ if k not in tuple(self._attr_names) + ("__dict__", "__weakref__")
+ }
+ weakref_inherited = False
+ # Traverse the MRO to check for an existing __weakref__.
+ for base_cls in self._cls.__mro__[1:-1]:
+ if "__weakref__" in getattr(base_cls, "__dict__", ()):
+ weakref_inherited = True
+ break
+ names = self._attr_names
+ if (
+ self._weakref_slot
+ and "__weakref__" not in getattr(self._cls, "__slots__", ())
+ and "__weakref__" not in names
+ and not weakref_inherited
+ ):
+ names += ("__weakref__",)
+ # We only add the names of attributes that aren't inherited.
+ # Settings __slots__ to inherited attributes wastes memory.
+ slot_names = [name for name in names if name not in base_names]
+ if self._cache_hash:
+ slot_names.append(_hash_cache_field)
+ cd["__slots__"] = tuple(slot_names)
+ qualname = getattr(self._cls, "__qualname__", None)
+ if qualname is not None:
+ cd["__qualname__"] = qualname
+ # __weakref__ is not writable.
+ state_attr_names = tuple(
+ an for an in self._attr_names if an != "__weakref__"
+ )
+ def slots_getstate(self):
+ """
+ Automatically created by attrs.
+ """
+ return tuple(getattr(self, name) for name in state_attr_names)
+ hash_caching_enabled = self._cache_hash
+ def slots_setstate(self, state):
+ """
+ Automatically created by attrs.
+ """
+ __bound_setattr = _obj_setattr.__get__(self, Attribute)
+ for name, value in zip(state_attr_names, state):
+ __bound_setattr(name, value)
+ # Clearing the hash code cache on deserialization is needed
+ # because hash codes can change from run to run. See issue
+ # .
+ # Note that this code only handles setstate for slotted classes.
+ # For dict classes, see similar code in _patch_original_class .
+ if hash_caching_enabled:
+ __bound_setattr(_hash_cache_field, None)
+ # slots and frozen require __getstate__/__setstate__ to work
+ cd["__getstate__"] = slots_getstate
+ cd["__setstate__"] = slots_setstate
+ # Create new class based on old class and our methods.
+ cls = type(self._cls)(self._cls.__name__, self._cls.__bases__, cd)
+ # The following is a fix for
+ # On Python 3,
+ # if a method mentions `__class__` or uses the no-arg super(), the
+ # compiler will bake a reference to the class in the method itself
+ # as `method.__closure__`. Since we replace the class with a
+ # clone, we rewrite these references so it keeps working.
+ for item in cls.__dict__.values():
+ if isinstance(item, (classmethod, staticmethod)):
+ # Class- and staticmethods hide their functions inside.
+ # These might need to be rewritten as well.
+ closure_cells = getattr(item.__func__, "__closure__", None)
+ else:
+ closure_cells = getattr(item, "__closure__", None)
+ if not closure_cells: # Catch None or the empty list.
+ continue
+ for cell in closure_cells:
+ if cell.cell_contents is self._cls:
+ set_closure_cell(cell, cls)
+ return cls
+ def add_repr(self, ns):
+ self._cls_dict["__repr__"] = self._add_method_dunders(
+ _make_repr(self._attrs, ns=ns)
+ )
+ return self
+ def add_str(self):
+ repr = self._cls_dict.get("__repr__")
+ if repr is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "__str__ can only be generated if a __repr__ exists."
+ )
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.__repr__()
+ self._cls_dict["__str__"] = self._add_method_dunders(__str__)
+ return self
+ def make_unhashable(self):
+ self._cls_dict["__hash__"] = None
+ return self
+ def add_hash(self):
+ self._cls_dict["__hash__"] = self._add_method_dunders(
+ _make_hash(
+ self._attrs, frozen=self._frozen, cache_hash=self._cache_hash
+ )
+ )
+ return self
+ def add_init(self):
+ self._cls_dict["__init__"] = self._add_method_dunders(
+ _make_init(
+ self._attrs,
+ self._has_post_init,
+ self._frozen,
+ self._slots,
+ self._cache_hash,
+ self._base_attr_map,
+ self._is_exc,
+ )
+ )
+ return self
+ def add_cmp(self):
+ cd = self._cls_dict
+ cd["__eq__"], cd["__ne__"], cd["__lt__"], cd["__le__"], cd[
+ "__gt__"
+ ], cd["__ge__"] = (
+ self._add_method_dunders(meth) for meth in _make_cmp(self._attrs)
+ )
+ return self
+ def _add_method_dunders(self, method):
+ """
+ Add __module__ and __qualname__ to a *method* if possible.
+ """
+ try:
+ method.__module__ = self._cls.__module__
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ method.__qualname__ = ".".join(
+ (self._cls.__qualname__, method.__name__)
+ )
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ return method
+def attrs(
+ maybe_cls=None,
+ these=None,
+ repr_ns=None,
+ repr=True,
+ cmp=True,
+ hash=None,
+ init=True,
+ slots=False,
+ frozen=False,
+ weakref_slot=True,
+ str=False,
+ auto_attribs=False,
+ kw_only=False,
+ cache_hash=False,
+ auto_exc=False,
+ r"""
+ A class decorator that adds `dunder
+ <>`_\ -methods according to the
+ specified attributes using :func:`attr.ib` or the *these* argument.
+ :param these: A dictionary of name to :func:`attr.ib` mappings. This is
+ useful to avoid the definition of your attributes within the class body
+ because you can't (e.g. if you want to add ``__repr__`` methods to
+ Django models) or don't want to.
+ If *these* is not ``None``, ``attrs`` will *not* search the class body
+ for attributes and will *not* remove any attributes from it.
+ If *these* is an ordered dict (:class:`dict` on Python 3.6+,
+ :class:`collections.OrderedDict` otherwise), the order is deduced from
+ the order of the attributes inside *these*. Otherwise the order
+ of the definition of the attributes is used.
+ :type these: :class:`dict` of :class:`str` to :func:`attr.ib`
+ :param str repr_ns: When using nested classes, there's no way in Python 2
+ to automatically detect that. Therefore it's possible to set the
+ namespace explicitly for a more meaningful ``repr`` output.
+ :param bool repr: Create a ``__repr__`` method with a human readable
+ representation of ``attrs`` attributes..
+ :param bool str: Create a ``__str__`` method that is identical to
+ ``__repr__``. This is usually not necessary except for
+ :class:`Exception`\ s.
+ :param bool cmp: Create ``__eq__``, ``__ne__``, ``__lt__``, ``__le__``,
+ ``__gt__``, and ``__ge__`` methods that compare the class as if it were
+ a tuple of its ``attrs`` attributes. But the attributes are *only*
+ compared, if the types of both classes are *identical*!
+ :param hash: If ``None`` (default), the ``__hash__`` method is generated
+ according how *cmp* and *frozen* are set.
+ 1. If *both* are True, ``attrs`` will generate a ``__hash__`` for you.
+ 2. If *cmp* is True and *frozen* is False, ``__hash__`` will be set to
+ None, marking it unhashable (which it is).
+ 3. If *cmp* is False, ``__hash__`` will be left untouched meaning the
+ ``__hash__`` method of the base class will be used (if base class is
+ ``object``, this means it will fall back to id-based hashing.).
+ Although not recommended, you can decide for yourself and force
+ ``attrs`` to create one (e.g. if the class is immutable even though you
+ didn't freeze it programmatically) by passing ``True`` or not. Both of
+ these cases are rather special and should be used carefully.
+ See the `Python documentation \
+ <>`_
+ and the `GitHub issue that led to the default behavior \
+ <>`_ for more details.
+ :type hash: ``bool`` or ``None``
+ :param bool init: Create a ``__init__`` method that initializes the
+ ``attrs`` attributes. Leading underscores are stripped for the
+ argument name. If a ``__attrs_post_init__`` method exists on the
+ class, it will be called after the class is fully initialized.
+ :param bool slots: Create a slots_-style class that's more
+ memory-efficient. See :ref:`slots` for further ramifications.
+ :param bool frozen: Make instances immutable after initialization. If
+ someone attempts to modify a frozen instance,
+ :exc:`attr.exceptions.FrozenInstanceError` is raised.
+ Please note:
+ 1. This is achieved by installing a custom ``__setattr__`` method
+ on your class so you can't implement an own one.
+ 2. True immutability is impossible in Python.
+ 3. This *does* have a minor a runtime performance :ref:`impact
+ <how-frozen>` when initializing new instances. In other words:
+ ``__init__`` is slightly slower with ``frozen=True``.
+ 4. If a class is frozen, you cannot modify ``self`` in
+ ``__attrs_post_init__`` or a self-written ``__init__``. You can
+ circumvent that limitation by using
+ ``object.__setattr__(self, "attribute_name", value)``.
+ .. _slots:
+ :param bool weakref_slot: Make instances weak-referenceable. This has no
+ effect unless ``slots`` is also enabled.
+ :param bool auto_attribs: If True, collect `PEP 526`_-annotated attributes
+ (Python 3.6 and later only) from the class body.
+ In this case, you **must** annotate every field. If ``attrs``
+ encounters a field that is set to an :func:`attr.ib` but lacks a type
+ annotation, an :exc:`attr.exceptions.UnannotatedAttributeError` is
+ raised. Use ``field_name: typing.Any = attr.ib(...)`` if you don't
+ want to set a type.
+ If you assign a value to those attributes (e.g. ``x: int = 42``), that
+ value becomes the default value like if it were passed using
+ ``attr.ib(default=42)``. Passing an instance of :class:`Factory` also
+ works as expected.
+ Attributes annotated as :data:`typing.ClassVar` are **ignored**.
+ .. _`PEP 526`:
+ :param bool kw_only: Make all attributes keyword-only (Python 3+)
+ in the generated ``__init__`` (if ``init`` is ``False``, this
+ parameter is ignored).
+ :param bool cache_hash: Ensure that the object's hash code is computed
+ only once and stored on the object. If this is set to ``True``,
+ hashing must be either explicitly or implicitly enabled for this
+ class. If the hash code is cached, avoid any reassignments of
+ fields involved in hash code computation or mutations of the objects
+ those fields point to after object creation. If such changes occur,
+ the behavior of the object's hash code is undefined.
+ :param bool auto_exc: If the class subclasses :class:`BaseException`
+ (which implicitly includes any subclass of any exception), the
+ following happens to behave like a well-behaved Python exceptions
+ class:
+ - the values for *cmp* and *hash* are ignored and the instances compare
+ and hash by the instance's ids (N.B. ``attrs`` will *not* remove
+ existing implementations of ``__hash__`` or the equality methods. It
+ just won't add own ones.),
+ - all attributes that are either passed into ``__init__`` or have a
+ default value are additionally available as a tuple in the ``args``
+ attribute,
+ - the value of *str* is ignored leaving ``__str__`` to base classes.
+ .. versionadded:: 16.0.0 *slots*
+ .. versionadded:: 16.1.0 *frozen*
+ .. versionadded:: 16.3.0 *str*
+ .. versionadded:: 16.3.0 Support for ``__attrs_post_init__``.
+ .. versionchanged:: 17.1.0
+ *hash* supports ``None`` as value which is also the default now.
+ .. versionadded:: 17.3.0 *auto_attribs*
+ .. versionchanged:: 18.1.0
+ If *these* is passed, no attributes are deleted from the class body.
+ .. versionchanged:: 18.1.0 If *these* is ordered, the order is retained.
+ .. versionadded:: 18.2.0 *weakref_slot*
+ .. deprecated:: 18.2.0
+ ``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, and ``__ge__`` now raise a
+ :class:`DeprecationWarning` if the classes compared are subclasses of
+ each other. ``__eq`` and ``__ne__`` never tried to compared subclasses
+ to each other.
+ .. versionadded:: 18.2.0 *kw_only*
+ .. versionadded:: 18.2.0 *cache_hash*
+ .. versionadded:: 19.1.0 *auto_exc*
+ """
+ def wrap(cls):
+ if getattr(cls, "__class__", None) is None:
+ raise TypeError("attrs only works with new-style classes.")
+ is_exc = auto_exc is True and issubclass(cls, BaseException)
+ builder = _ClassBuilder(
+ cls,
+ these,
+ slots,
+ frozen,
+ weakref_slot,
+ auto_attribs,
+ kw_only,
+ cache_hash,
+ is_exc,
+ )
+ if repr is True:
+ builder.add_repr(repr_ns)
+ if str is True:
+ builder.add_str()
+ if cmp is True and not is_exc:
+ builder.add_cmp()
+ if hash is not True and hash is not False and hash is not None:
+ # Can't use `hash in` because 1 == True for example.
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Invalid value for hash. Must be True, False, or None."
+ )
+ elif hash is False or (hash is None and cmp is False):
+ if cache_hash:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Invalid value for cache_hash. To use hash caching,"
+ " hashing must be either explicitly or implicitly "
+ "enabled."
+ )
+ elif (
+ hash is True
+ or (hash is None and cmp is True and frozen is True)
+ and is_exc is False
+ ):
+ builder.add_hash()
+ else:
+ if cache_hash:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Invalid value for cache_hash. To use hash caching,"
+ " hashing must be either explicitly or implicitly "
+ "enabled."
+ )
+ builder.make_unhashable()
+ if init is True:
+ builder.add_init()
+ else:
+ if cache_hash:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Invalid value for cache_hash. To use hash caching,"
+ " init must be True."
+ )
+ return builder.build_class()
+ # maybe_cls's type depends on the usage of the decorator. It's a class
+ # if it's used as `@attrs` but ``None`` if used as `@attrs()`.
+ if maybe_cls is None:
+ return wrap
+ else:
+ return wrap(maybe_cls)
+_attrs = attrs
+Internal alias so we can use it in functions that take an argument called
+if PY2:
+ def _has_frozen_base_class(cls):
+ """
+ Check whether *cls* has a frozen ancestor by looking at its
+ __setattr__.
+ """
+ return (
+ getattr(cls.__setattr__, "__module__", None)
+ == _frozen_setattrs.__module__
+ and cls.__setattr__.__name__ == _frozen_setattrs.__name__
+ )
+ def _has_frozen_base_class(cls):
+ """
+ Check whether *cls* has a frozen ancestor by looking at its
+ __setattr__.
+ """
+ return cls.__setattr__ == _frozen_setattrs
+def _attrs_to_tuple(obj, attrs):
+ """
+ Create a tuple of all values of *obj*'s *attrs*.
+ """
+ return tuple(getattr(obj, for a in attrs)
+def _make_hash(attrs, frozen, cache_hash):
+ attrs = tuple(
+ a
+ for a in attrs
+ if a.hash is True or (a.hash is None and a.cmp is True)
+ )
+ tab = " "
+ # We cache the generated hash methods for the same kinds of attributes.
+ sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
+ sha1.update(repr(attrs).encode("utf-8"))
+ unique_filename = "<attrs generated hash %s>" % (sha1.hexdigest(),)
+ type_hash = hash(unique_filename)
+ method_lines = ["def __hash__(self):"]
+ def append_hash_computation_lines(prefix, indent):
+ """
+ Generate the code for actually computing the hash code.
+ Below this will either be returned directly or used to compute
+ a value which is then cached, depending on the value of cache_hash
+ """
+ method_lines.extend(
+ [indent + prefix + "hash((", indent + " %d," % (type_hash,)]
+ )
+ for a in attrs:
+ method_lines.append(indent + " self.%s," %
+ method_lines.append(indent + " ))")
+ if cache_hash:
+ method_lines.append(tab + "if self.%s is None:" % _hash_cache_field)
+ if frozen:
+ append_hash_computation_lines(
+ "object.__setattr__(self, '%s', " % _hash_cache_field, tab * 2
+ )
+ method_lines.append(tab * 2 + ")") # close __setattr__
+ else:
+ append_hash_computation_lines(
+ "self.%s = " % _hash_cache_field, tab * 2
+ )
+ method_lines.append(tab + "return self.%s" % _hash_cache_field)
+ else:
+ append_hash_computation_lines("return ", tab)
+ script = "\n".join(method_lines)
+ globs = {}
+ locs = {}
+ bytecode = compile(script, unique_filename, "exec")
+ eval(bytecode, globs, locs)
+ # In order of debuggers like PDB being able to step through the code,
+ # we add a fake linecache entry.
+ linecache.cache[unique_filename] = (
+ len(script),
+ None,
+ script.splitlines(True),
+ unique_filename,
+ )
+ return locs["__hash__"]
+def _add_hash(cls, attrs):
+ """
+ Add a hash method to *cls*.
+ """
+ cls.__hash__ = _make_hash(attrs, frozen=False, cache_hash=False)
+ return cls
+def __ne__(self, other):
+ """
+ Check equality and either forward a NotImplemented or return the result
+ negated.
+ """
+ result = self.__eq__(other)
+ if result is NotImplemented:
+ return NotImplemented
+ return not result
+ "Comparision of subclasses using __%s__ is deprecated and will be removed "
+ "in 2019."
+def _make_cmp(attrs):
+ attrs = [a for a in attrs if a.cmp]
+ # We cache the generated eq methods for the same kinds of attributes.
+ sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
+ sha1.update(repr(attrs).encode("utf-8"))
+ unique_filename = "<attrs generated eq %s>" % (sha1.hexdigest(),)
+ lines = [
+ "def __eq__(self, other):",
+ " if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:",
+ " return NotImplemented",
+ ]
+ # We can't just do a big self.x = other.x and... clause due to
+ # irregularities like nan == nan is false but (nan,) == (nan,) is true.
+ if attrs:
+ lines.append(" return (")
+ others = [" ) == ("]
+ for a in attrs:
+ lines.append(" self.%s," % (,))
+ others.append(" other.%s," % (,))
+ lines += others + [" )"]
+ else:
+ lines.append(" return True")
+ script = "\n".join(lines)
+ globs = {}
+ locs = {}
+ bytecode = compile(script, unique_filename, "exec")
+ eval(bytecode, globs, locs)
+ # In order of debuggers like PDB being able to step through the code,
+ # we add a fake linecache entry.
+ linecache.cache[unique_filename] = (
+ len(script),
+ None,
+ script.splitlines(True),
+ unique_filename,
+ )
+ eq = locs["__eq__"]
+ ne = __ne__
+ def attrs_to_tuple(obj):
+ """
+ Save us some typing.
+ """
+ return _attrs_to_tuple(obj, attrs)
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ """
+ Automatically created by attrs.
+ """
+ if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
+ warnings.warn(
+ WARNING_CMP_ISINSTANCE % ("lt",), DeprecationWarning
+ )
+ return attrs_to_tuple(self) < attrs_to_tuple(other)
+ else:
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ """
+ Automatically created by attrs.
+ """
+ if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
+ warnings.warn(
+ WARNING_CMP_ISINSTANCE % ("le",), DeprecationWarning
+ )
+ return attrs_to_tuple(self) <= attrs_to_tuple(other)
+ else:
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ """
+ Automatically created by attrs.
+ """
+ if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
+ warnings.warn(
+ WARNING_CMP_ISINSTANCE % ("gt",), DeprecationWarning
+ )
+ return attrs_to_tuple(self) > attrs_to_tuple(other)
+ else:
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ """
+ Automatically created by attrs.
+ """
+ if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
+ warnings.warn(
+ WARNING_CMP_ISINSTANCE % ("ge",), DeprecationWarning
+ )
+ return attrs_to_tuple(self) >= attrs_to_tuple(other)
+ else:
+ return NotImplemented
+ return eq, ne, __lt__, __le__, __gt__, __ge__
+def _add_cmp(cls, attrs=None):
+ """
+ Add comparison methods to *cls*.
+ """
+ if attrs is None:
+ attrs = cls.__attrs_attrs__
+ cls.__eq__, cls.__ne__, cls.__lt__, cls.__le__, cls.__gt__, cls.__ge__ = _make_cmp( # noqa
+ attrs
+ )
+ return cls
+_already_repring = threading.local()
+def _make_repr(attrs, ns):
+ """
+ Make a repr method for *attr_names* adding *ns* to the full name.
+ """
+ attr_names = tuple( for a in attrs if a.repr)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Automatically created by attrs.
+ """
+ try:
+ working_set = _already_repring.working_set
+ except AttributeError:
+ working_set = set()
+ _already_repring.working_set = working_set
+ if id(self) in working_set:
+ return "..."
+ real_cls = self.__class__
+ if ns is None:
+ qualname = getattr(real_cls, "__qualname__", None)
+ if qualname is not None:
+ class_name = qualname.rsplit(">.", 1)[-1]
+ else:
+ class_name = real_cls.__name__
+ else:
+ class_name = ns + "." + real_cls.__name__
+ # Since 'self' remains on the stack (i.e.: strongly referenced) for the
+ # duration of this call, it's safe to depend on id(...) stability, and
+ # not need to track the instance and therefore worry about properties
+ # like weakref- or hash-ability.
+ working_set.add(id(self))
+ try:
+ result = [class_name, "("]
+ first = True
+ for name in attr_names:
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ else:
+ result.append(", ")
+ result.extend((name, "=", repr(getattr(self, name, NOTHING))))
+ return "".join(result) + ")"
+ finally:
+ working_set.remove(id(self))
+ return __repr__
+def _add_repr(cls, ns=None, attrs=None):
+ """
+ Add a repr method to *cls*.
+ """
+ if attrs is None:
+ attrs = cls.__attrs_attrs__
+ cls.__repr__ = _make_repr(attrs, ns)
+ return cls
+def _make_init(
+ attrs, post_init, frozen, slots, cache_hash, base_attr_map, is_exc
+ attrs = [a for a in attrs if a.init or a.default is not NOTHING]
+ # We cache the generated init methods for the same kinds of attributes.
+ sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
+ sha1.update(repr(attrs).encode("utf-8"))
+ unique_filename = "<attrs generated init {0}>".format(sha1.hexdigest())
+ script, globs, annotations = _attrs_to_init_script(
+ attrs, frozen, slots, post_init, cache_hash, base_attr_map, is_exc
+ )
+ locs = {}
+ bytecode = compile(script, unique_filename, "exec")
+ attr_dict = dict((, a) for a in attrs)
+ globs.update({"NOTHING": NOTHING, "attr_dict": attr_dict})
+ if frozen is True:
+ # Save the lookup overhead in __init__ if we need to circumvent
+ # immutability.
+ globs["_cached_setattr"] = _obj_setattr
+ eval(bytecode, globs, locs)
+ # In order of debuggers like PDB being able to step through the code,
+ # we add a fake linecache entry.
+ linecache.cache[unique_filename] = (
+ len(script),
+ None,
+ script.splitlines(True),
+ unique_filename,
+ )
+ __init__ = locs["__init__"]
+ __init__.__annotations__ = annotations
+ return __init__
+def fields(cls):
+ """
+ Return the tuple of ``attrs`` attributes for a class.
+ The tuple also allows accessing the fields by their names (see below for
+ examples).
+ :param type cls: Class to introspect.
+ :raise TypeError: If *cls* is not a class.
+ :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs``
+ class.
+ :rtype: tuple (with name accessors) of :class:`attr.Attribute`
+ .. versionchanged:: 16.2.0 Returned tuple allows accessing the fields
+ by name.
+ """
+ if not isclass(cls):
+ raise TypeError("Passed object must be a class.")
+ attrs = getattr(cls, "__attrs_attrs__", None)
+ if attrs is None:
+ raise NotAnAttrsClassError(
+ "{cls!r} is not an attrs-decorated class.".format(cls=cls)
+ )
+ return attrs
+def fields_dict(cls):
+ """
+ Return an ordered dictionary of ``attrs`` attributes for a class, whose
+ keys are the attribute names.
+ :param type cls: Class to introspect.
+ :raise TypeError: If *cls* is not a class.
+ :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs``
+ class.
+ :rtype: an ordered dict where keys are attribute names and values are
+ :class:`attr.Attribute`\\ s. This will be a :class:`dict` if it's
+ naturally ordered like on Python 3.6+ or an
+ :class:`~collections.OrderedDict` otherwise.
+ .. versionadded:: 18.1.0
+ """
+ if not isclass(cls):
+ raise TypeError("Passed object must be a class.")
+ attrs = getattr(cls, "__attrs_attrs__", None)
+ if attrs is None:
+ raise NotAnAttrsClassError(
+ "{cls!r} is not an attrs-decorated class.".format(cls=cls)
+ )
+ return ordered_dict(((, a) for a in attrs))
+def validate(inst):
+ """
+ Validate all attributes on *inst* that have a validator.
+ Leaves all exceptions through.
+ :param inst: Instance of a class with ``attrs`` attributes.
+ """
+ if _config._run_validators is False:
+ return
+ for a in fields(inst.__class__):
+ v = a.validator
+ if v is not None:
+ v(inst, a, getattr(inst,
+def _is_slot_cls(cls):
+ return "__slots__" in cls.__dict__
+def _is_slot_attr(a_name, base_attr_map):
+ """
+ Check if the attribute name comes from a slot class.
+ """
+ return a_name in base_attr_map and _is_slot_cls(base_attr_map[a_name])
+def _attrs_to_init_script(
+ attrs, frozen, slots, post_init, cache_hash, base_attr_map, is_exc
+ """
+ Return a script of an initializer for *attrs* and a dict of globals.
+ The globals are expected by the generated script.
+ If *frozen* is True, we cannot set the attributes directly so we use
+ a cached ``object.__setattr__``.
+ """
+ lines = []
+ any_slot_ancestors = any(
+ _is_slot_attr(, base_attr_map) for a in attrs
+ )
+ if frozen is True:
+ if slots is True:
+ lines.append(
+ # Circumvent the __setattr__ descriptor to save one lookup per
+ # assignment.
+ # Note _setattr will be used again below if cache_hash is True
+ "_setattr = _cached_setattr.__get__(self, self.__class__)"
+ )
+ def fmt_setter(attr_name, value_var):
+ return "_setattr('%(attr_name)s', %(value_var)s)" % {
+ "attr_name": attr_name,
+ "value_var": value_var,
+ }
+ def fmt_setter_with_converter(attr_name, value_var):
+ conv_name = _init_converter_pat.format(attr_name)
+ return "_setattr('%(attr_name)s', %(conv)s(%(value_var)s))" % {
+ "attr_name": attr_name,
+ "value_var": value_var,
+ "conv": conv_name,
+ }
+ else:
+ # Dict frozen classes assign directly to __dict__.
+ # But only if the attribute doesn't come from an ancestor slot
+ # class.
+ # Note _inst_dict will be used again below if cache_hash is True
+ lines.append("_inst_dict = self.__dict__")
+ if any_slot_ancestors:
+ lines.append(
+ # Circumvent the __setattr__ descriptor to save one lookup
+ # per assignment.
+ "_setattr = _cached_setattr.__get__(self, self.__class__)"
+ )
+ def fmt_setter(attr_name, value_var):
+ if _is_slot_attr(attr_name, base_attr_map):
+ res = "_setattr('%(attr_name)s', %(value_var)s)" % {
+ "attr_name": attr_name,
+ "value_var": value_var,
+ }
+ else:
+ res = "_inst_dict['%(attr_name)s'] = %(value_var)s" % {
+ "attr_name": attr_name,
+ "value_var": value_var,
+ }
+ return res
+ def fmt_setter_with_converter(attr_name, value_var):
+ conv_name = _init_converter_pat.format(attr_name)
+ if _is_slot_attr(attr_name, base_attr_map):
+ tmpl = "_setattr('%(attr_name)s', %(c)s(%(value_var)s))"
+ else:
+ tmpl = "_inst_dict['%(attr_name)s'] = %(c)s(%(value_var)s)"
+ return tmpl % {
+ "attr_name": attr_name,
+ "value_var": value_var,
+ "c": conv_name,
+ }
+ else:
+ # Not frozen.
+ def fmt_setter(attr_name, value):
+ return "self.%(attr_name)s = %(value)s" % {
+ "attr_name": attr_name,
+ "value": value,
+ }
+ def fmt_setter_with_converter(attr_name, value_var):
+ conv_name = _init_converter_pat.format(attr_name)
+ return "self.%(attr_name)s = %(conv)s(%(value_var)s)" % {
+ "attr_name": attr_name,
+ "value_var": value_var,
+ "conv": conv_name,
+ }
+ args = []
+ kw_only_args = []
+ attrs_to_validate = []
+ # This is a dictionary of names to validator and converter callables.
+ # Injecting this into __init__ globals lets us avoid lookups.
+ names_for_globals = {}
+ annotations = {"return": None}
+ for a in attrs:
+ if a.validator:
+ attrs_to_validate.append(a)
+ attr_name =
+ arg_name ="_")
+ has_factory = isinstance(a.default, Factory)
+ if has_factory and a.default.takes_self:
+ maybe_self = "self"
+ else:
+ maybe_self = ""
+ if a.init is False:
+ if has_factory:
+ init_factory_name = _init_factory_pat.format(
+ if a.converter is not None:
+ lines.append(
+ fmt_setter_with_converter(
+ attr_name,
+ init_factory_name + "({0})".format(maybe_self),
+ )
+ )
+ conv_name = _init_converter_pat.format(
+ names_for_globals[conv_name] = a.converter
+ else:
+ lines.append(
+ fmt_setter(
+ attr_name,
+ init_factory_name + "({0})".format(maybe_self),
+ )
+ )
+ names_for_globals[init_factory_name] = a.default.factory
+ else:
+ if a.converter is not None:
+ lines.append(
+ fmt_setter_with_converter(
+ attr_name,
+ "attr_dict['{attr_name}'].default".format(
+ attr_name=attr_name
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ conv_name = _init_converter_pat.format(
+ names_for_globals[conv_name] = a.converter
+ else:
+ lines.append(
+ fmt_setter(
+ attr_name,
+ "attr_dict['{attr_name}'].default".format(
+ attr_name=attr_name
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ elif a.default is not NOTHING and not has_factory:
+ arg = "{arg_name}=attr_dict['{attr_name}'].default".format(
+ arg_name=arg_name, attr_name=attr_name
+ )
+ if a.kw_only:
+ kw_only_args.append(arg)
+ else:
+ args.append(arg)
+ if a.converter is not None:
+ lines.append(fmt_setter_with_converter(attr_name, arg_name))
+ names_for_globals[
+ _init_converter_pat.format(
+ ] = a.converter
+ else:
+ lines.append(fmt_setter(attr_name, arg_name))
+ elif has_factory:
+ arg = "{arg_name}=NOTHING".format(arg_name=arg_name)
+ if a.kw_only:
+ kw_only_args.append(arg)
+ else:
+ args.append(arg)
+ lines.append(
+ "if {arg_name} is not NOTHING:".format(arg_name=arg_name)
+ )
+ init_factory_name = _init_factory_pat.format(
+ if a.converter is not None:
+ lines.append(
+ " " + fmt_setter_with_converter(attr_name, arg_name)
+ )
+ lines.append("else:")
+ lines.append(
+ " "
+ + fmt_setter_with_converter(
+ attr_name,
+ init_factory_name + "({0})".format(maybe_self),
+ )
+ )
+ names_for_globals[
+ _init_converter_pat.format(
+ ] = a.converter
+ else:
+ lines.append(" " + fmt_setter(attr_name, arg_name))
+ lines.append("else:")
+ lines.append(
+ " "
+ + fmt_setter(
+ attr_name,
+ init_factory_name + "({0})".format(maybe_self),
+ )
+ )
+ names_for_globals[init_factory_name] = a.default.factory
+ else:
+ if a.kw_only:
+ kw_only_args.append(arg_name)
+ else:
+ args.append(arg_name)
+ if a.converter is not None:
+ lines.append(fmt_setter_with_converter(attr_name, arg_name))
+ names_for_globals[
+ _init_converter_pat.format(
+ ] = a.converter
+ else:
+ lines.append(fmt_setter(attr_name, arg_name))
+ if a.init is True and a.converter is None and a.type is not None:
+ annotations[arg_name] = a.type
+ if attrs_to_validate: # we can skip this if there are no validators.
+ names_for_globals["_config"] = _config
+ lines.append("if _config._run_validators is True:")
+ for a in attrs_to_validate:
+ val_name = "__attr_validator_{}".format(
+ attr_name = "__attr_{}".format(
+ lines.append(
+ " {}(self, {}, self.{})".format(val_name, attr_name,
+ )
+ names_for_globals[val_name] = a.validator
+ names_for_globals[attr_name] = a
+ if post_init:
+ lines.append("self.__attrs_post_init__()")
+ # because this is set only after __attrs_post_init is called, a crash
+ # will result if post-init tries to access the hash code. This seemed
+ # preferable to setting this beforehand, in which case alteration to
+ # field values during post-init combined with post-init accessing the
+ # hash code would result in silent bugs.
+ if cache_hash:
+ if frozen:
+ if slots:
+ # if frozen and slots, then _setattr defined above
+ init_hash_cache = "_setattr('%s', %s)"
+ else:
+ # if frozen and not slots, then _inst_dict defined above
+ init_hash_cache = "_inst_dict['%s'] = %s"
+ else:
+ init_hash_cache = "self.%s = %s"
+ lines.append(init_hash_cache % (_hash_cache_field, "None"))
+ # For exceptions we rely on BaseException.__init__ for proper
+ # initialization.
+ if is_exc:
+ vals = ",".join("self." + for a in attrs if a.init)
+ lines.append("BaseException.__init__(self, %s)" % (vals,))
+ args = ", ".join(args)
+ if kw_only_args:
+ if PY2:
+ raise PythonTooOldError(
+ "Keyword-only arguments only work on Python 3 and later."
+ )
+ args += "{leading_comma}*, {kw_only_args}".format(
+ leading_comma=", " if args else "",
+ kw_only_args=", ".join(kw_only_args),
+ )
+ return (
+ """\
+def __init__(self, {args}):
+ {lines}
+ args=args, lines="\n ".join(lines) if lines else "pass"
+ ),
+ names_for_globals,
+ annotations,
+ )
+class Attribute(object):
+ """
+ *Read-only* representation of an attribute.
+ :attribute name: The name of the attribute.
+ Plus *all* arguments of :func:`attr.ib`.
+ For the version history of the fields, see :func:`attr.ib`.
+ """
+ __slots__ = (
+ "name",
+ "default",
+ "validator",
+ "repr",
+ "cmp",
+ "hash",
+ "init",
+ "metadata",
+ "type",
+ "converter",
+ "kw_only",
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name,
+ default,
+ validator,
+ repr,
+ cmp,
+ hash,
+ init,
+ convert=None,
+ metadata=None,
+ type=None,
+ converter=None,
+ kw_only=False,
+ ):
+ # Cache this descriptor here to speed things up later.
+ bound_setattr = _obj_setattr.__get__(self, Attribute)
+ # Despite the big red warning, people *do* instantiate `Attribute`
+ # themselves.
+ if convert is not None:
+ if converter is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Can't pass both `convert` and `converter`. "
+ "Please use `converter` only."
+ )
+ warnings.warn(
+ "The `convert` argument is deprecated in favor of `converter`."
+ " It will be removed after 2019/01.",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ converter = convert
+ bound_setattr("name", name)
+ bound_setattr("default", default)
+ bound_setattr("validator", validator)
+ bound_setattr("repr", repr)
+ bound_setattr("cmp", cmp)
+ bound_setattr("hash", hash)
+ bound_setattr("init", init)
+ bound_setattr("converter", converter)
+ bound_setattr(
+ "metadata",
+ (
+ metadata_proxy(metadata)
+ if metadata
+ else _empty_metadata_singleton
+ ),
+ )
+ bound_setattr("type", type)
+ bound_setattr("kw_only", kw_only)
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ raise FrozenInstanceError()
+ @property
+ def convert(self):
+ warnings.warn(
+ "The `convert` attribute is deprecated in favor of `converter`. "
+ "It will be removed after 2019/01.",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ return self.converter
+ @classmethod
+ def from_counting_attr(cls, name, ca, type=None):
+ # type holds the annotated value. deal with conflicts:
+ if type is None:
+ type = ca.type
+ elif ca.type is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Type annotation and type argument cannot both be present"
+ )
+ inst_dict = {
+ k: getattr(ca, k)
+ for k in Attribute.__slots__
+ if k
+ not in (
+ "name",
+ "validator",
+ "default",
+ "type",
+ "convert",
+ ) # exclude methods and deprecated alias
+ }
+ return cls(
+ name=name,
+ validator=ca._validator,
+ default=ca._default,
+ type=type,
+ **inst_dict
+ )
+ # Don't use attr.assoc since fields(Attribute) doesn't work
+ def _assoc(self, **changes):
+ """
+ Copy *self* and apply *changes*.
+ """
+ new = copy.copy(self)
+ new._setattrs(changes.items())
+ return new
+ # Don't use _add_pickle since fields(Attribute) doesn't work
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ """
+ Play nice with pickle.
+ """
+ return tuple(
+ getattr(self, name) if name != "metadata" else dict(self.metadata)
+ for name in self.__slots__
+ )
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ """
+ Play nice with pickle.
+ """
+ self._setattrs(zip(self.__slots__, state))
+ def _setattrs(self, name_values_pairs):
+ bound_setattr = _obj_setattr.__get__(self, Attribute)
+ for name, value in name_values_pairs:
+ if name != "metadata":
+ bound_setattr(name, value)
+ else:
+ bound_setattr(
+ name,
+ metadata_proxy(value)
+ if value
+ else _empty_metadata_singleton,
+ )
+_a = [
+ Attribute(
+ name=name,
+ default=NOTHING,
+ validator=None,
+ repr=True,
+ cmp=True,
+ hash=(name != "metadata"),
+ init=True,
+ )
+ for name in Attribute.__slots__
+ if name != "convert" # XXX: remove once `convert` is gone
+Attribute = _add_hash(
+ _add_cmp(_add_repr(Attribute, attrs=_a), attrs=_a),
+ attrs=[a for a in _a if a.hash],
+class _CountingAttr(object):
+ """
+ Intermediate representation of attributes that uses a counter to preserve
+ the order in which the attributes have been defined.
+ *Internal* data structure of the attrs library. Running into is most
+ likely the result of a bug like a forgotten `@attr.s` decorator.
+ """
+ __slots__ = (
+ "counter",
+ "_default",
+ "repr",
+ "cmp",
+ "hash",
+ "init",
+ "metadata",
+ "_validator",
+ "converter",
+ "type",
+ "kw_only",
+ )
+ __attrs_attrs__ = tuple(
+ Attribute(
+ name=name,
+ default=NOTHING,
+ validator=None,
+ repr=True,
+ cmp=True,
+ hash=True,
+ init=True,
+ kw_only=False,
+ )
+ for name in ("counter", "_default", "repr", "cmp", "hash", "init")
+ ) + (
+ Attribute(
+ name="metadata",
+ default=None,
+ validator=None,
+ repr=True,
+ cmp=True,
+ hash=False,
+ init=True,
+ kw_only=False,
+ ),
+ )
+ cls_counter = 0
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ default,
+ validator,
+ repr,
+ cmp,
+ hash,
+ init,
+ converter,
+ metadata,
+ type,
+ kw_only,
+ ):
+ _CountingAttr.cls_counter += 1
+ self.counter = _CountingAttr.cls_counter
+ self._default = default
+ # If validator is a list/tuple, wrap it using helper validator.
+ if validator and isinstance(validator, (list, tuple)):
+ self._validator = and_(*validator)
+ else:
+ self._validator = validator
+ self.repr = repr
+ self.cmp = cmp
+ self.hash = hash
+ self.init = init
+ self.converter = converter
+ self.metadata = metadata
+ self.type = type
+ self.kw_only = kw_only
+ def validator(self, meth):
+ """
+ Decorator that adds *meth* to the list of validators.
+ Returns *meth* unchanged.
+ .. versionadded:: 17.1.0
+ """
+ if self._validator is None:
+ self._validator = meth
+ else:
+ self._validator = and_(self._validator, meth)
+ return meth
+ def default(self, meth):
+ """
+ Decorator that allows to set the default for an attribute.
+ Returns *meth* unchanged.
+ :raises DefaultAlreadySetError: If default has been set before.
+ .. versionadded:: 17.1.0
+ """
+ if self._default is not NOTHING:
+ raise DefaultAlreadySetError()
+ self._default = Factory(meth, takes_self=True)
+ return meth
+_CountingAttr = _add_cmp(_add_repr(_CountingAttr))
+@attrs(slots=True, init=False, hash=True)
+class Factory(object):
+ """
+ Stores a factory callable.
+ If passed as the default value to :func:`attr.ib`, the factory is used to
+ generate a new value.
+ :param callable factory: A callable that takes either none or exactly one
+ mandatory positional argument depending on *takes_self*.
+ :param bool takes_self: Pass the partially initialized instance that is
+ being initialized as a positional argument.
+ .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 *takes_self*
+ """
+ factory = attrib()
+ takes_self = attrib()
+ def __init__(self, factory, takes_self=False):
+ """
+ `Factory` is part of the default machinery so if we want a default
+ value here, we have to implement it ourselves.
+ """
+ self.factory = factory
+ self.takes_self = takes_self
+def make_class(name, attrs, bases=(object,), **attributes_arguments):
+ """
+ A quick way to create a new class called *name* with *attrs*.
+ :param name: The name for the new class.
+ :type name: str
+ :param attrs: A list of names or a dictionary of mappings of names to
+ attributes.
+ If *attrs* is a list or an ordered dict (:class:`dict` on Python 3.6+,
+ :class:`collections.OrderedDict` otherwise), the order is deduced from
+ the order of the names or attributes inside *attrs*. Otherwise the
+ order of the definition of the attributes is used.
+ :type attrs: :class:`list` or :class:`dict`
+ :param tuple bases: Classes that the new class will subclass.
+ :param attributes_arguments: Passed unmodified to :func:`attr.s`.
+ :return: A new class with *attrs*.
+ :rtype: type
+ .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 *bases*
+ .. versionchanged:: 18.1.0 If *attrs* is ordered, the order is retained.
+ """
+ if isinstance(attrs, dict):
+ cls_dict = attrs
+ elif isinstance(attrs, (list, tuple)):
+ cls_dict = dict((a, attrib()) for a in attrs)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("attrs argument must be a dict or a list.")
+ post_init = cls_dict.pop("__attrs_post_init__", None)
+ type_ = type(
+ name,
+ bases,
+ {} if post_init is None else {"__attrs_post_init__": post_init},
+ )
+ # For pickling to work, the __module__ variable needs to be set to the
+ # frame where the class is created. Bypass this step in environments where
+ # sys._getframe is not defined (Jython for example) or sys._getframe is not
+ # defined for arguments greater than 0 (IronPython).
+ try:
+ type_.__module__ = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get(
+ "__name__", "__main__"
+ )
+ except (AttributeError, ValueError):
+ pass
+ return _attrs(these=cls_dict, **attributes_arguments)(type_)
+# These are required by within this module so we define them here and merely
+# import into .validators.
+@attrs(slots=True, hash=True)
+class _AndValidator(object):
+ """
+ Compose many validators to a single one.
+ """
+ _validators = attrib()
+ def __call__(self, inst, attr, value):
+ for v in self._validators:
+ v(inst, attr, value)
+def and_(*validators):
+ """
+ A validator that composes multiple validators into one.
+ When called on a value, it runs all wrapped validators.
+ :param validators: Arbitrary number of validators.
+ :type validators: callables
+ .. versionadded:: 17.1.0
+ """
+ vals = []
+ for validator in validators:
+ vals.extend(
+ validator._validators
+ if isinstance(validator, _AndValidator)
+ else [validator]
+ )
+ return _AndValidator(tuple(vals))
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37c4a07a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Commonly useful converters.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+from ._make import NOTHING, Factory
+def optional(converter):
+ """
+ A converter that allows an attribute to be optional. An optional attribute
+ is one which can be set to ``None``.
+ :param callable converter: the converter that is used for non-``None``
+ values.
+ .. versionadded:: 17.1.0
+ """
+ def optional_converter(val):
+ if val is None:
+ return None
+ return converter(val)
+ return optional_converter
+def default_if_none(default=NOTHING, factory=None):
+ """
+ A converter that allows to replace ``None`` values by *default* or the
+ result of *factory*.
+ :param default: Value to be used if ``None`` is passed. Passing an instance
+ of :class:`attr.Factory` is supported, however the ``takes_self`` option
+ is *not*.
+ :param callable factory: A callable that takes not parameters whose result
+ is used if ``None`` is passed.
+ :raises TypeError: If **neither** *default* or *factory* is passed.
+ :raises TypeError: If **both** *default* and *factory* are passed.
+ :raises ValueError: If an instance of :class:`attr.Factory` is passed with
+ ``takes_self=True``.
+ .. versionadded:: 18.2.0
+ """
+ if default is NOTHING and factory is None:
+ raise TypeError("Must pass either `default` or `factory`.")
+ if default is not NOTHING and factory is not None:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Must pass either `default` or `factory` but not both."
+ )
+ if factory is not None:
+ default = Factory(factory)
+ if isinstance(default, Factory):
+ if default.takes_self:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "`takes_self` is not supported by default_if_none."
+ )
+ def default_if_none_converter(val):
+ if val is not None:
+ return val
+ return default.factory()
+ else:
+ def default_if_none_converter(val):
+ if val is not None:
+ return val
+ return default
+ return default_if_none_converter
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/converters.pyi b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/converters.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63b2a3866e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/converters.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from typing import TypeVar, Optional, Callable, overload
+from . import _ConverterType
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+def optional(
+ converter: _ConverterType[_T]
+) -> _ConverterType[Optional[_T]]: ...
+def default_if_none(default: _T) -> _ConverterType[_T]: ...
+def default_if_none(*, factory: Callable[[], _T]) -> _ConverterType[_T]: ...
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b12e41e97a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+class FrozenInstanceError(AttributeError):
+ """
+ A frozen/immutable instance has been attempted to be modified.
+ It mirrors the behavior of ``namedtuples`` by using the same error message
+ and subclassing :exc:`AttributeError`.
+ .. versionadded:: 16.1.0
+ """
+ msg = "can't set attribute"
+ args = [msg]
+class AttrsAttributeNotFoundError(ValueError):
+ """
+ An ``attrs`` function couldn't find an attribute that the user asked for.
+ .. versionadded:: 16.2.0
+ """
+class NotAnAttrsClassError(ValueError):
+ """
+ A non-``attrs`` class has been passed into an ``attrs`` function.
+ .. versionadded:: 16.2.0
+ """
+class DefaultAlreadySetError(RuntimeError):
+ """
+ A default has been set using ``attr.ib()`` and is attempted to be reset
+ using the decorator.
+ .. versionadded:: 17.1.0
+ """
+class UnannotatedAttributeError(RuntimeError):
+ """
+ A class with ``auto_attribs=True`` has an ``attr.ib()`` without a type
+ annotation.
+ .. versionadded:: 17.3.0
+ """
+class PythonTooOldError(RuntimeError):
+ """
+ An ``attrs`` feature requiring a more recent python version has been used.
+ .. versionadded:: 18.2.0
+ """
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/exceptions.pyi b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/exceptions.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48fffcc1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/exceptions.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class FrozenInstanceError(AttributeError):
+ msg: str = ...
+class AttrsAttributeNotFoundError(ValueError): ...
+class NotAnAttrsClassError(ValueError): ...
+class DefaultAlreadySetError(RuntimeError): ...
+class UnannotatedAttributeError(RuntimeError): ...
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1c69b8bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Commonly useful filters for :func:`attr.asdict`.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+from ._compat import isclass
+from ._make import Attribute
+def _split_what(what):
+ """
+ Returns a tuple of `frozenset`s of classes and attributes.
+ """
+ return (
+ frozenset(cls for cls in what if isclass(cls)),
+ frozenset(cls for cls in what if isinstance(cls, Attribute)),
+ )
+def include(*what):
+ """
+ Whitelist *what*.
+ :param what: What to whitelist.
+ :type what: :class:`list` of :class:`type` or :class:`attr.Attribute`\\ s
+ :rtype: :class:`callable`
+ """
+ cls, attrs = _split_what(what)
+ def include_(attribute, value):
+ return value.__class__ in cls or attribute in attrs
+ return include_
+def exclude(*what):
+ """
+ Blacklist *what*.
+ :param what: What to blacklist.
+ :type what: :class:`list` of classes or :class:`attr.Attribute`\\ s.
+ :rtype: :class:`callable`
+ """
+ cls, attrs = _split_what(what)
+ def exclude_(attribute, value):
+ return value.__class__ not in cls and attribute not in attrs
+ return exclude_
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/filters.pyi b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/filters.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68368fe2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/filters.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from typing import Union, Any
+from . import Attribute, _FilterType
+def include(*what: Union[type, Attribute[Any]]) -> _FilterType[Any]: ...
+def exclude(*what: Union[type, Attribute[Any]]) -> _FilterType[Any]: ...
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/py.typed b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/py.typed
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+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/py.typed
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index 0000000000..7fc4446be4
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+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+Commonly useful validators.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+from ._make import _AndValidator, and_, attrib, attrs
+__all__ = ["and_", "in_", "instance_of", "optional", "provides"]
+@attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True)
+class _InstanceOfValidator(object):
+ type = attrib()
+ def __call__(self, inst, attr, value):
+ """
+ We use a callable class to be able to change the ``__repr__``.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(value, self.type):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "'{name}' must be {type!r} (got {value!r} that is a "
+ "{actual!r}).".format(
+ type=self.type,
+ actual=value.__class__,
+ value=value,
+ ),
+ attr,
+ self.type,
+ value,
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<instance_of validator for type {type!r}>".format(
+ type=self.type
+ )
+def instance_of(type):
+ """
+ A validator that raises a :exc:`TypeError` if the initializer is called
+ with a wrong type for this particular attribute (checks are performed using
+ :func:`isinstance` therefore it's also valid to pass a tuple of types).
+ :param type: The type to check for.
+ :type type: type or tuple of types
+ :raises TypeError: With a human readable error message, the attribute
+ (of type :class:`attr.Attribute`), the expected type, and the value it
+ got.
+ """
+ return _InstanceOfValidator(type)
+@attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True)
+class _ProvidesValidator(object):
+ interface = attrib()
+ def __call__(self, inst, attr, value):
+ """
+ We use a callable class to be able to change the ``__repr__``.
+ """
+ if not self.interface.providedBy(value):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "'{name}' must provide {interface!r} which {value!r} "
+ "doesn't.".format(
+, interface=self.interface, value=value
+ ),
+ attr,
+ self.interface,
+ value,
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<provides validator for interface {interface!r}>".format(
+ interface=self.interface
+ )
+def provides(interface):
+ """
+ A validator that raises a :exc:`TypeError` if the initializer is called
+ with an object that does not provide the requested *interface* (checks are
+ performed using ``interface.providedBy(value)`` (see `zope.interface
+ <>`_).
+ :param zope.interface.Interface interface: The interface to check for.
+ :raises TypeError: With a human readable error message, the attribute
+ (of type :class:`attr.Attribute`), the expected interface, and the
+ value it got.
+ """
+ return _ProvidesValidator(interface)
+@attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True)
+class _OptionalValidator(object):
+ validator = attrib()
+ def __call__(self, inst, attr, value):
+ if value is None:
+ return
+ self.validator(inst, attr, value)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<optional validator for {what} or None>".format(
+ what=repr(self.validator)
+ )
+def optional(validator):
+ """
+ A validator that makes an attribute optional. An optional attribute is one
+ which can be set to ``None`` in addition to satisfying the requirements of
+ the sub-validator.
+ :param validator: A validator (or a list of validators) that is used for
+ non-``None`` values.
+ :type validator: callable or :class:`list` of callables.
+ .. versionadded:: 15.1.0
+ .. versionchanged:: 17.1.0 *validator* can be a list of validators.
+ """
+ if isinstance(validator, list):
+ return _OptionalValidator(_AndValidator(validator))
+ return _OptionalValidator(validator)
+@attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True)
+class _InValidator(object):
+ options = attrib()
+ def __call__(self, inst, attr, value):
+ try:
+ in_options = value in self.options
+ except TypeError: # e.g. `1 in "abc"`
+ in_options = False
+ if not in_options:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "'{name}' must be in {options!r} (got {value!r})".format(
+, options=self.options, value=value
+ )
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<in_ validator with options {options!r}>".format(
+ options=self.options
+ )
+def in_(options):
+ """
+ A validator that raises a :exc:`ValueError` if the initializer is called
+ with a value that does not belong in the options provided. The check is
+ performed using ``value in options``.
+ :param options: Allowed options.
+ :type options: list, tuple, :class:`enum.Enum`, ...
+ :raises ValueError: With a human readable error message, the attribute (of
+ type :class:`attr.Attribute`), the expected options, and the value it
+ got.
+ .. versionadded:: 17.1.0
+ """
+ return _InValidator(options)
+@attrs(repr=False, slots=False, hash=True)
+class _IsCallableValidator(object):
+ def __call__(self, inst, attr, value):
+ """
+ We use a callable class to be able to change the ``__repr__``.
+ """
+ if not callable(value):
+ raise TypeError("'{name}' must be callable".format(
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<is_callable validator>"
+def is_callable():
+ """
+ A validator that raises a :class:`TypeError` if the initializer is called
+ with a value for this particular attribute that is not callable.
+ .. versionadded:: 19.1.0
+ :raises TypeError: With a human readable error message containing the
+ attribute (of type :class:`attr.Attribute`) name.
+ """
+ return _IsCallableValidator()
+@attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True)
+class _DeepIterable(object):
+ member_validator = attrib(validator=is_callable())
+ iterable_validator = attrib(
+ default=None, validator=optional(is_callable())
+ )
+ def __call__(self, inst, attr, value):
+ """
+ We use a callable class to be able to change the ``__repr__``.
+ """
+ if self.iterable_validator is not None:
+ self.iterable_validator(inst, attr, value)
+ for member in value:
+ self.member_validator(inst, attr, member)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ iterable_identifier = (
+ ""
+ if self.iterable_validator is None
+ else " {iterable!r}".format(iterable=self.iterable_validator)
+ )
+ return (
+ "<deep_iterable validator for{iterable_identifier}"
+ " iterables of {member!r}>"
+ ).format(
+ iterable_identifier=iterable_identifier,
+ member=self.member_validator,
+ )
+def deep_iterable(member_validator, iterable_validator=None):
+ """
+ A validator that performs deep validation of an iterable.
+ :param member_validator: Validator to apply to iterable members
+ :param iterable_validator: Validator to apply to iterable itself
+ (optional)
+ .. versionadded:: 19.1.0
+ :raises TypeError: if any sub-validators fail
+ """
+ return _DeepIterable(member_validator, iterable_validator)
+@attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True)
+class _DeepMapping(object):
+ key_validator = attrib(validator=is_callable())
+ value_validator = attrib(validator=is_callable())
+ mapping_validator = attrib(default=None, validator=optional(is_callable()))
+ def __call__(self, inst, attr, value):
+ """
+ We use a callable class to be able to change the ``__repr__``.
+ """
+ if self.mapping_validator is not None:
+ self.mapping_validator(inst, attr, value)
+ for key in value:
+ self.key_validator(inst, attr, key)
+ self.value_validator(inst, attr, value[key])
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return (
+ "<deep_mapping validator for objects mapping {key!r} to {value!r}>"
+ ).format(key=self.key_validator, value=self.value_validator)
+def deep_mapping(key_validator, value_validator, mapping_validator=None):
+ """
+ A validator that performs deep validation of a dictionary.
+ :param key_validator: Validator to apply to dictionary keys
+ :param value_validator: Validator to apply to dictionary values
+ :param mapping_validator: Validator to apply to top-level mapping
+ attribute (optional)
+ .. versionadded:: 19.1.0
+ :raises TypeError: if any sub-validators fail
+ """
+ return _DeepMapping(key_validator, value_validator, mapping_validator)
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/validators.pyi b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/validators.pyi
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+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/src/attr/validators.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from typing import Container, List, Union, TypeVar, Type, Any, Optional, Tuple
+from . import _ValidatorType
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+def instance_of(
+ type: Union[Tuple[Type[_T], ...], Type[_T]]
+) -> _ValidatorType[_T]: ...
+def provides(interface: Any) -> _ValidatorType[Any]: ...
+def optional(
+ validator: Union[_ValidatorType[_T], List[_ValidatorType[_T]]]
+) -> _ValidatorType[Optional[_T]]: ...
+def in_(options: Container[_T]) -> _ValidatorType[_T]: ...
+def and_(*validators: _ValidatorType[_T]) -> _ValidatorType[_T]: ...
+def deep_iterable(
+ member_validator: _ValidatorType[_T],
+ iterable_validator: Optional[_ValidatorType[_T]],
+) -> _ValidatorType[_T]: ...
+def deep_mapping(
+ key_validator: _ValidatorType[_T],
+ value_validator: _ValidatorType[_T],
+ mapping_validator: Optional[_ValidatorType[_T]],
+) -> _ValidatorType[_T]: ...
+def is_callable() -> _ValidatorType[_T]: ...
diff --git a/third_party/python/attrs/tox.ini b/third_party/python/attrs/tox.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d2f3c32c5
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+++ b/third_party/python/attrs/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+envlist = typing,lint,py27,py34,py35,py36,py37,pypy,pypy3,manifest,docs,pypi-description,changelog,coverage-report
+isolated_build = True
+# Prevent random setuptools/pip breakages like
+# from breaking our builds.
+setenv =
+extras = tests
+commands = python -m pytest {posargs}
+extras = tests
+commands = coverage run --parallel -m pytest {posargs}
+# Python 3.6+ has a number of compile-time warnings on invalid string escapes.
+# PYTHONWARNINGS=d and --no-compile below make them visible during the Tox run.
+install_command = pip install --no-compile {opts} {packages}
+setenv =
+extras = tests
+commands = coverage run --parallel -m pytest {posargs}
+basepython = python3.7
+skip_install = true
+deps = coverage
+commands =
+ coverage combine
+ coverage report
+basepython = python3.7
+skip_install = true
+deps = pre-commit
+passenv = HOMEPATH # needed on Windows
+commands = pre-commit run --all-files
+# RTD only allows for 3.7
+basepython = python3.7
+extras = docs
+commands =
+ sphinx-build -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/html
+ sphinx-build -W -b doctest -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/html
+ python -m doctest README.rst
+basepython = python3.7
+deps = check-manifest
+skip_install = true
+commands = check-manifest
+basepython = python3.7
+skip_install = true
+deps =
+ twine
+ pip >= 18.0.0
+commands =
+ pip wheel -w {envtmpdir}/build --no-deps .
+ twine check {envtmpdir}/build/*
+basepython = python3.7
+deps = towncrier
+skip_install = true
+commands = towncrier --draft
+basepython = python3.7
+deps = mypy
+commands = mypy tests/