path: root/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-empty/src/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
commit2aa4a82499d4becd2284cdb482213d541b8804dd (patch)
treeb80bf8bf13c3766139fbacc530efd0dd9d54394c /third_party/rust/gfx-backend-empty/src/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 86.0.1.upstream/86.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/gfx-backend-empty/src/')
1 files changed, 1146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-empty/src/ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-empty/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ac826454b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-empty/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1146 @@
+//! Mock backend implementation to test the code for compile errors
+//! outside of the graphics development environment.
+extern crate gfx_hal as hal;
+use crate::{
+ buffer::Buffer,
+ descriptor::{DescriptorPool, DescriptorSet, DescriptorSetLayout},
+ image::Image,
+ memory::Memory,
+use hal::{adapter, command, device, format, pass, pool, pso, query, queue, window};
+use log::debug;
+use std::{borrow::Borrow, ops::Range};
+mod buffer;
+mod descriptor;
+mod image;
+mod memory;
+const NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE: &str = "This function is not currently mocked by the empty backend";
+/// Dummy backend.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+pub enum Backend {}
+impl hal::Backend for Backend {
+ type Instance = Instance;
+ type PhysicalDevice = PhysicalDevice;
+ type Device = Device;
+ type Surface = Surface;
+ type QueueFamily = QueueFamily;
+ type CommandQueue = CommandQueue;
+ type CommandBuffer = CommandBuffer;
+ type Memory = Memory;
+ type CommandPool = CommandPool;
+ type ShaderModule = ();
+ type RenderPass = ();
+ type Framebuffer = ();
+ type Buffer = Buffer;
+ type BufferView = ();
+ type Image = Image;
+ type ImageView = ();
+ type Sampler = ();
+ type ComputePipeline = ();
+ type GraphicsPipeline = ();
+ type PipelineCache = ();
+ type PipelineLayout = ();
+ type DescriptorSetLayout = DescriptorSetLayout;
+ type DescriptorPool = DescriptorPool;
+ type DescriptorSet = DescriptorSet;
+ type Fence = ();
+ type Semaphore = ();
+ type Event = ();
+ type QueryPool = ();
+/// Dummy physical device.
+pub struct PhysicalDevice;
+impl adapter::PhysicalDevice<Backend> for PhysicalDevice {
+ unsafe fn open(
+ &self,
+ families: &[(&QueueFamily, &[queue::QueuePriority])],
+ _requested_features: hal::Features,
+ ) -> Result<adapter::Gpu<Backend>, device::CreationError> {
+ // Validate the arguments
+ assert_eq!(
+ families.len(),
+ 1,
+ "Empty backend doesn't have multiple queue families"
+ );
+ let (_family, priorities) = families[0];
+ assert_eq!(
+ priorities.len(),
+ 1,
+ "Empty backend doesn't support multiple queues"
+ );
+ let priority = priorities[0];
+ assert!(
+ 0.0 <= priority && priority <= 1.0,
+ "Queue priority is out of range"
+ );
+ // Create the queues
+ let queue_groups = {
+ let mut queue_group = queue::QueueGroup::new(QUEUE_FAMILY_ID);
+ queue_group.add_queue(CommandQueue);
+ vec![queue_group]
+ };
+ let gpu = adapter::Gpu {
+ device: Device,
+ queue_groups,
+ };
+ Ok(gpu)
+ }
+ fn format_properties(&self, _: Option<format::Format>) -> format::Properties {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ fn image_format_properties(
+ &self,
+ _: format::Format,
+ _dim: u8,
+ _: hal::image::Tiling,
+ _: hal::image::Usage,
+ _: hal::image::ViewCapabilities,
+ ) -> Option<hal::image::FormatProperties> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ fn memory_properties(&self) -> adapter::MemoryProperties {
+ let memory_types = {
+ use hal::memory::Properties;
+ let properties = Properties::DEVICE_LOCAL
+ | Properties::CPU_VISIBLE
+ | Properties::COHERENT
+ | Properties::CPU_CACHED;
+ let memory_type = adapter::MemoryType {
+ properties,
+ heap_index: 0,
+ };
+ vec![memory_type]
+ };
+ // TODO: perhaps get an estimate of free RAM to report here?
+ let memory_heaps = vec![adapter::MemoryHeap {
+ size: 64 * 1024,
+ flags: hal::memory::HeapFlags::empty(),
+ }];
+ adapter::MemoryProperties {
+ memory_types,
+ memory_heaps,
+ }
+ }
+ fn features(&self) -> hal::Features {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ fn hints(&self) -> hal::Hints {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ fn limits(&self) -> hal::Limits {
+ hal::Limits {
+ non_coherent_atom_size: 1,
+ optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment: 1,
+ ..Default::default()
+ }
+ }
+/// Dummy command queue doing nothing.
+pub struct CommandQueue;
+impl queue::CommandQueue<Backend> for CommandQueue {
+ unsafe fn submit<'a, T, Ic, S, Iw, Is>(
+ &mut self,
+ _: queue::Submission<Ic, Iw, Is>,
+ _: Option<&()>,
+ ) where
+ T: 'a + Borrow<CommandBuffer>,
+ Ic: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>,
+ S: 'a + Borrow<()>,
+ Iw: IntoIterator<Item = (&'a S, pso::PipelineStage)>,
+ Is: IntoIterator<Item = &'a S>,
+ {
+ }
+ unsafe fn present(
+ &mut self,
+ _surface: &mut Surface,
+ _image: SwapchainImage,
+ _wait_semaphore: Option<&()>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<window::Suboptimal>, window::PresentError> {
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ fn wait_idle(&self) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+/// Dummy device doing nothing.
+pub struct Device;
+impl device::Device<Backend> for Device {
+ unsafe fn create_command_pool(
+ &self,
+ _: queue::QueueFamilyId,
+ _: pool::CommandPoolCreateFlags,
+ ) -> Result<CommandPool, device::OutOfMemory> {
+ Ok(CommandPool)
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_command_pool(&self, _: CommandPool) {}
+ unsafe fn allocate_memory(
+ &self,
+ memory_type: hal::MemoryTypeId,
+ size: u64,
+ ) -> Result<Memory, device::AllocationError> {
+ Memory::allocate(memory_type, size)
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_render_pass<'a, IA, IS, ID>(
+ &self,
+ _: IA,
+ _: IS,
+ _: ID,
+ ) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ IA: IntoIterator,
+ IA::Item: Borrow<pass::Attachment>,
+ IS: IntoIterator,
+ IS::Item: Borrow<pass::SubpassDesc<'a>>,
+ ID: IntoIterator,
+ ID::Item: Borrow<pass::SubpassDependency>,
+ {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_pipeline_layout<IS, IR>(&self, _: IS, _: IR) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ IS: IntoIterator,
+ IS::Item: Borrow<DescriptorSetLayout>,
+ IR: IntoIterator,
+ IR::Item: Borrow<(pso::ShaderStageFlags, Range<u32>)>,
+ {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_pipeline_cache(
+ &self,
+ _data: Option<&[u8]>,
+ ) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_pipeline_cache_data(&self, _cache: &()) -> Result<Vec<u8>, device::OutOfMemory> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_pipeline_cache(&self, _: ()) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_graphics_pipeline<'a>(
+ &self,
+ _: &pso::GraphicsPipelineDesc<'a, Backend>,
+ _: Option<&()>,
+ ) -> Result<(), pso::CreationError> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_compute_pipeline<'a>(
+ &self,
+ _: &pso::ComputePipelineDesc<'a, Backend>,
+ _: Option<&()>,
+ ) -> Result<(), pso::CreationError> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn merge_pipeline_caches<I>(&self, _: &(), _: I) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<()>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_framebuffer<I>(
+ &self,
+ _: &(),
+ _: I,
+ _: hal::image::Extent,
+ ) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<()>,
+ {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_shader_module(&self, _: &[u32]) -> Result<(), device::ShaderError> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_sampler(
+ &self,
+ _: &hal::image::SamplerDesc,
+ ) -> Result<(), device::AllocationError> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_buffer(
+ &self,
+ size: u64,
+ _: hal::buffer::Usage,
+ ) -> Result<Buffer, hal::buffer::CreationError> {
+ Ok(Buffer::new(size))
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_buffer_requirements(&self, buffer: &Buffer) -> hal::memory::Requirements {
+ hal::memory::Requirements {
+ size: buffer.size,
+ // TODO: perhaps require stronger alignments?
+ alignment: 1,
+ type_mask: !0,
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_buffer_memory(
+ &self,
+ _memory: &Memory,
+ _: u64,
+ _: &mut Buffer,
+ ) -> Result<(), device::BindError> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_buffer_view(
+ &self,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: Option<format::Format>,
+ _: hal::buffer::SubRange,
+ ) -> Result<(), hal::buffer::ViewCreationError> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_image(
+ &self,
+ kind: hal::image::Kind,
+ _: hal::image::Level,
+ _: format::Format,
+ _: hal::image::Tiling,
+ _: hal::image::Usage,
+ _: hal::image::ViewCapabilities,
+ ) -> Result<Image, hal::image::CreationError> {
+ Ok(Image::new(kind))
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_image_requirements(&self, image: &Image) -> hal::memory::Requirements {
+ image.get_requirements()
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_image_subresource_footprint(
+ &self,
+ _: &Image,
+ _: hal::image::Subresource,
+ ) -> hal::image::SubresourceFootprint {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_image_memory(
+ &self,
+ _memory: &Memory,
+ _: u64,
+ _: &mut Image,
+ ) -> Result<(), device::BindError> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_image_view(
+ &self,
+ _: &Image,
+ _: hal::image::ViewKind,
+ _: format::Format,
+ _: format::Swizzle,
+ _: hal::image::SubresourceRange,
+ ) -> Result<(), hal::image::ViewCreationError> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_descriptor_pool<I>(
+ &self,
+ _: usize,
+ _: I,
+ _: pso::DescriptorPoolCreateFlags,
+ ) -> Result<DescriptorPool, device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<pso::DescriptorRangeDesc>,
+ {
+ Ok(DescriptorPool)
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_descriptor_set_layout<I, J>(
+ &self,
+ _bindings: I,
+ _samplers: J,
+ ) -> Result<DescriptorSetLayout, device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<pso::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding>,
+ J: IntoIterator,
+ J::Item: Borrow<()>,
+ {
+ let layout = DescriptorSetLayout {
+ name: String::new(),
+ };
+ Ok(layout)
+ }
+ unsafe fn write_descriptor_sets<'a, I, J>(&self, _: I)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = pso::DescriptorSetWrite<'a, Backend, J>>,
+ J: IntoIterator,
+ J::Item: Borrow<pso::Descriptor<'a, Backend>>,
+ {
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_descriptor_sets<'a, I>(&self, _: I)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<pso::DescriptorSetCopy<'a, Backend>>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ fn create_semaphore(&self) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn create_fence(&self, _: bool) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_fence_status(&self, _: &()) -> Result<bool, device::DeviceLost> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ fn create_event(&self) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_event_status(&self, _: &()) -> Result<bool, device::OomOrDeviceLost> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_event(&self, _: &()) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn reset_event(&self, _: &()) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_query_pool(&self, _: query::Type, _: u32) -> Result<(), query::CreationError> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_query_pool(&self, _: ()) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_query_pool_results(
+ &self,
+ _: &(),
+ _: Range<query::Id>,
+ _: &mut [u8],
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: query::ResultFlags,
+ ) -> Result<bool, device::OomOrDeviceLost> {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn map_memory(
+ &self,
+ memory: &Memory,
+ segment: hal::memory::Segment,
+ ) -> Result<*mut u8, device::MapError> {
+ }
+ unsafe fn unmap_memory(&self, _memory: &Memory) {}
+ unsafe fn flush_mapped_memory_ranges<'a, I>(&self, _: I) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<(&'a Memory, hal::memory::Segment)>,
+ {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn invalidate_mapped_memory_ranges<'a, I>(&self, _: I) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<(&'a Memory, hal::memory::Segment)>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn free_memory(&self, _memory: Memory) {
+ // Let memory drop
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_shader_module(&self, _: ()) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_render_pass(&self, _: ()) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_pipeline_layout(&self, _: ()) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_graphics_pipeline(&self, _: ()) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_compute_pipeline(&self, _: ()) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_framebuffer(&self, _: ()) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_buffer(&self, _: Buffer) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_buffer_view(&self, _: ()) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_image(&self, _: Image) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_image_view(&self, _: ()) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_sampler(&self, _: ()) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_descriptor_pool(&self, _: DescriptorPool) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_descriptor_set_layout(&self, _: DescriptorSetLayout) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_fence(&self, _: ()) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_semaphore(&self, _: ()) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_event(&self, _: ()) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ fn wait_idle(&self) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_image_name(&self, _: &mut Image, _: &str) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_buffer_name(&self, _: &mut Buffer, _: &str) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_command_buffer_name(&self, _: &mut CommandBuffer, _: &str) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_semaphore_name(&self, _: &mut (), _: &str) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_fence_name(&self, _: &mut (), _: &str) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_framebuffer_name(&self, _: &mut (), _: &str) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_render_pass_name(&self, _: &mut (), _: &str) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_descriptor_set_name(&self, set: &mut DescriptorSet, name: &str) {
+ = name.to_string();
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_descriptor_set_layout_name(&self, layout: &mut DescriptorSetLayout, name: &str) {
+ = name.to_string();
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_pipeline_layout_name(&self, _pipeline_layout: &mut (), _name: &str) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_compute_pipeline_name(&self, _compute_pipeline: &mut (), _name: &str) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_graphics_pipeline_name(&self, _graphics_pipeline: &mut (), _name: &str) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn reset_fence(&self, _: &()) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn wait_for_fence(&self, _: &(), _: u64) -> Result<bool, device::OomOrDeviceLost> {
+ Ok(true)
+ }
+pub struct QueueFamily;
+impl queue::QueueFamily for QueueFamily {
+ fn queue_type(&self) -> queue::QueueType {
+ queue::QueueType::General
+ }
+ fn max_queues(&self) -> usize {
+ 1
+ }
+ fn id(&self) -> queue::QueueFamilyId {
+ }
+const QUEUE_FAMILY_ID: queue::QueueFamilyId = queue::QueueFamilyId(0);
+/// Dummy raw command pool.
+pub struct CommandPool;
+impl pool::CommandPool<Backend> for CommandPool {
+ unsafe fn allocate_one(&mut self, level: command::Level) -> CommandBuffer {
+ assert_eq!(
+ level,
+ command::Level::Primary,
+ "Only primary command buffers are supported"
+ );
+ CommandBuffer
+ }
+ unsafe fn reset(&mut self, _: bool) {}
+ unsafe fn free<I>(&mut self, _: I)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = CommandBuffer>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+/// Dummy command buffer, which ignores all the calls.
+pub struct CommandBuffer;
+impl command::CommandBuffer<Backend> for CommandBuffer {
+ unsafe fn begin(
+ &mut self,
+ _: command::CommandBufferFlags,
+ _: command::CommandBufferInheritanceInfo<Backend>,
+ ) {
+ }
+ unsafe fn finish(&mut self) {}
+ unsafe fn reset(&mut self, _: bool) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn pipeline_barrier<'a, T>(
+ &mut self,
+ _: Range<pso::PipelineStage>,
+ _: hal::memory::Dependencies,
+ _: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<hal::memory::Barrier<'a, Backend>>,
+ {
+ }
+ unsafe fn fill_buffer(&mut self, _: &Buffer, _: hal::buffer::SubRange, _: u32) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn update_buffer(&mut self, _: &Buffer, _: hal::buffer::Offset, _: &[u8]) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn clear_image<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Image,
+ _: hal::image::Layout,
+ _: command::ClearValue,
+ _: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<hal::image::SubresourceRange>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn clear_attachments<T, U>(&mut self, _: T, _: U)
+ where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::AttachmentClear>,
+ U: IntoIterator,
+ U::Item: Borrow<pso::ClearRect>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn resolve_image<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Image,
+ _: hal::image::Layout,
+ _: &Image,
+ _: hal::image::Layout,
+ _: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::ImageResolve>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn blit_image<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Image,
+ _: hal::image::Layout,
+ _: &Image,
+ _: hal::image::Layout,
+ _: hal::image::Filter,
+ _: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::ImageBlit>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_index_buffer(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: hal::buffer::SubRange,
+ _: hal::IndexType,
+ ) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_vertex_buffers<I, T>(&mut self, _: u32, _: I)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = (T, hal::buffer::SubRange)>,
+ T: Borrow<Buffer>,
+ {
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_viewports<T>(&mut self, _: u32, _: T)
+ where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<pso::Viewport>,
+ {
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_scissors<T>(&mut self, _: u32, _: T)
+ where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<pso::Rect>,
+ {
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_stencil_reference(&mut self, _: pso::Face, _: pso::StencilValue) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_stencil_read_mask(&mut self, _: pso::Face, _: pso::StencilValue) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_stencil_write_mask(&mut self, _: pso::Face, _: pso::StencilValue) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_blend_constants(&mut self, _: pso::ColorValue) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_depth_bounds(&mut self, _: Range<f32>) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_line_width(&mut self, _: f32) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_depth_bias(&mut self, _: pso::DepthBias) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn begin_render_pass<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &(),
+ _: &(),
+ _: pso::Rect,
+ _: T,
+ _: command::SubpassContents,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::ClearValue>,
+ {
+ }
+ unsafe fn next_subpass(&mut self, _: command::SubpassContents) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn end_render_pass(&mut self) {}
+ unsafe fn bind_graphics_pipeline(&mut self, _: &()) {}
+ unsafe fn bind_graphics_descriptor_sets<I, J>(&mut self, _: &(), _: usize, _: I, _: J)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<DescriptorSet>,
+ J: IntoIterator,
+ J::Item: Borrow<command::DescriptorSetOffset>,
+ {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_compute_pipeline(&mut self, _: &()) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_compute_descriptor_sets<I, J>(&mut self, _: &(), _: usize, _: I, _: J)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<DescriptorSet>,
+ J: IntoIterator,
+ J::Item: Borrow<command::DescriptorSetOffset>,
+ {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+ unsafe fn dispatch(&mut self, _: hal::WorkGroupCount) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn dispatch_indirect(&mut self, _: &Buffer, _: hal::buffer::Offset) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_buffer<T>(&mut self, _: &Buffer, _: &Buffer, _: T)
+ where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::BufferCopy>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_image<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Image,
+ _: hal::image::Layout,
+ _: &Image,
+ _: hal::image::Layout,
+ _: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::ImageCopy>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_buffer_to_image<T>(&mut self, _: &Buffer, _: &Image, _: hal::image::Layout, _: T)
+ where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::BufferImageCopy>,
+ {
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_image_to_buffer<T>(&mut self, _: &Image, _: hal::image::Layout, _: &Buffer, _: T)
+ where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::BufferImageCopy>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw(&mut self, _: Range<hal::VertexCount>, _: Range<hal::InstanceCount>) {}
+ unsafe fn draw_indexed(
+ &mut self,
+ _: Range<hal::IndexCount>,
+ _: hal::VertexOffset,
+ _: Range<hal::InstanceCount>,
+ ) {
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_indirect(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: hal::DrawCount,
+ _: u32,
+ ) {
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_indexed_indirect(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: hal::DrawCount,
+ _: u32,
+ ) {
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_indirect_count(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: u32,
+ _: u32,
+ ) {
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_indexed_indirect_count(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: u32,
+ _: u32,
+ ) {
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_mesh_tasks(&mut self, _: u32, _: u32) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_mesh_tasks_indirect(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: hal::DrawCount,
+ _: u32,
+ ) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_mesh_tasks_indirect_count(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: u32,
+ _: u32,
+ ) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_event(&mut self, _: &(), _: pso::PipelineStage) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn reset_event(&mut self, _: &(), _: pso::PipelineStage) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn wait_events<'a, I, J>(&mut self, _: I, _: Range<pso::PipelineStage>, _: J)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<()>,
+ J: IntoIterator,
+ J::Item: Borrow<hal::memory::Barrier<'a, Backend>>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn begin_query(&mut self, _: query::Query<Backend>, _: query::ControlFlags) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn end_query(&mut self, _: query::Query<Backend>) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn reset_query_pool(&mut self, _: &(), _: Range<query::Id>) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_query_pool_results(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &(),
+ _: Range<query::Id>,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: hal::buffer::Offset,
+ _: query::ResultFlags,
+ ) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn write_timestamp(&mut self, _: pso::PipelineStage, _: query::Query<Backend>) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn push_graphics_constants(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &(),
+ _: pso::ShaderStageFlags,
+ _: u32,
+ _: &[u32],
+ ) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn push_compute_constants(&mut self, _: &(), _: u32, _: &[u32]) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn execute_commands<'a, T, I>(&mut self, _: I)
+ where
+ T: 'a + Borrow<CommandBuffer>,
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn insert_debug_marker(&mut self, _: &str, _: u32) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn begin_debug_marker(&mut self, _: &str, _: u32) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+ unsafe fn end_debug_marker(&mut self) {
+ unimplemented!("{}", NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE)
+ }
+/// Dummy surface.
+pub struct Surface;
+impl window::Surface<Backend> for Surface {
+ fn supports_queue_family(&self, _: &QueueFamily) -> bool {
+ true
+ }
+ fn capabilities(&self, _: &PhysicalDevice) -> window::SurfaceCapabilities {
+ let extents = {
+ let min_extent = window::Extent2D {
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
+ };
+ let max_extent = window::Extent2D {
+ width: 8192,
+ height: 4096,
+ };
+ min_extent..=max_extent
+ };
+ let usage = hal::image::Usage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT;
+ let present_modes = window::PresentMode::all();
+ let composite_alpha_modes = window::CompositeAlphaMode::OPAQUE;
+ window::SurfaceCapabilities {
+ image_count: 1..=1,
+ current_extent: None,
+ extents,
+ max_image_layers: 1,
+ usage,
+ present_modes,
+ composite_alpha_modes,
+ }
+ }
+ fn supported_formats(&self, _: &PhysicalDevice) -> Option<Vec<format::Format>> {
+ None
+ }
+pub struct SwapchainImage;
+impl Borrow<Image> for SwapchainImage {
+ fn borrow(&self) -> &Image {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+impl Borrow<()> for SwapchainImage {
+ fn borrow(&self) -> &() {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+impl window::PresentationSurface<Backend> for Surface {
+ type SwapchainImage = SwapchainImage;
+ unsafe fn configure_swapchain(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Device,
+ _: window::SwapchainConfig,
+ ) -> Result<(), window::CreationError> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn unconfigure_swapchain(&mut self, _: &Device) {}
+ unsafe fn acquire_image(
+ &mut self,
+ _: u64,
+ ) -> Result<(SwapchainImage, Option<window::Suboptimal>), window::AcquireError> {
+ Ok((SwapchainImage, None))
+ }
+pub struct Instance;
+impl hal::Instance<Backend> for Instance {
+ fn create(name: &str, version: u32) -> Result<Self, hal::UnsupportedBackend> {
+ debug!(
+ "Creating empty backend instance with name '{}' and version {}",
+ name, version
+ );
+ Ok(Instance)
+ }
+ fn enumerate_adapters(&self) -> Vec<adapter::Adapter<Backend>> {
+ // TODO: provide more mock adapters, with various qualities
+ let info = adapter::AdapterInfo {
+ name: "Mock Device".to_string(),
+ vendor: 0,
+ device: 1234,
+ device_type: adapter::DeviceType::Other,
+ };
+ let adapter = adapter::Adapter {
+ info,
+ physical_device: PhysicalDevice,
+ // TODO: multiple queue families
+ queue_families: vec![QueueFamily],
+ };
+ vec![adapter]
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_surface(
+ &self,
+ raw_window_handle: &impl raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle,
+ ) -> Result<Surface, hal::window::InitError> {
+ // TODO: maybe check somehow that the given handle is valid?
+ let _handle = raw_window_handle.raw_window_handle();
+ Ok(Surface)
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_surface(&self, _surface: Surface) {}