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-rw-r--r-- | dom/base/nsGlobalWindowInner.cpp | 7657 |
1 files changed, 7657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/base/nsGlobalWindowInner.cpp b/dom/base/nsGlobalWindowInner.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..469e3fb6d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dom/base/nsGlobalWindowInner.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,7657 @@ +/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ +/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +#include "nsGlobalWindowInner.h" + +#include <inttypes.h> +#include <math.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <string.h> +#include <cstdint> +#include <new> +#include <type_traits> +#include <utility> +#include "AudioChannelService.h" +#include "AutoplayPolicy.h" +#include "Crypto.h" +#include "GeckoProfiler.h" +#include "MainThreadUtils.h" +#include "Navigator.h" +#include "PaintWorkletImpl.h" +#include "SessionStorageCache.h" +#include "Units.h" +#include "VRManagerChild.h" +#include "WindowDestroyedEvent.h" +#include "WindowNamedPropertiesHandler.h" +#include "js/ComparisonOperators.h" +#include "js/CompileOptions.h" +#include "js/Id.h" +#include "js/PropertyDescriptor.h" +#include "js/RealmOptions.h" +#include "js/RootingAPI.h" +#include "js/TypeDecls.h" +#include "js/Value.h" +#include "js/Warnings.h" +#include "js/shadow/String.h" +#include "jsapi.h" +#include "jsfriendapi.h" +#include "mozIDOMWindow.h" +#include "moz_external_vr.h" +#include "mozilla/AlreadyAddRefed.h" +#include "mozilla/ArrayIterator.h" +#include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" +#include "mozilla/Attributes.h" +#include "mozilla/BaseProfilerMarkersPrerequisites.h" +#include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h" +#include "mozilla/CallState.h" +#include "mozilla/CycleCollectedJSContext.h" +#include "mozilla/DOMEventTargetHelper.h" +#include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h" +#include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h" +#include "mozilla/EventListenerManager.h" +#include "mozilla/EventQueue.h" +#include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h" +#include "mozilla/FlushType.h" +#include "mozilla/Likely.h" +#include "mozilla/LinkedList.h" +#include "mozilla/Logging.h" +#include "mozilla/MacroForEach.h" +#include "mozilla/Maybe.h" +#include "mozilla/OwningNonNull.h" +#include "mozilla/PermissionDelegateHandler.h" +#include "mozilla/Preferences.h" +#include "mozilla/PresShell.h" +#include "mozilla/ProcessHangMonitor.h" +#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" +#include "mozilla/Result.h" +#include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h" +#include "mozilla/ScrollOrigin.h" +#include "mozilla/ScrollTypes.h" +#include "mozilla/Services.h" +#include "mozilla/SizeOfState.h" +#include "mozilla/Span.h" +#include "mozilla/SpinEventLoopUntil.h" +#include "mozilla/Sprintf.h" +#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_browser.h" +#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_dom.h" +#include "mozilla/StorageAccess.h" +#include "mozilla/TaskCategory.h" +#include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" +#include "mozilla/TelemetryHistogramEnums.h" +#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h" +#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h" +#include "mozilla/Unused.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/AudioContext.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/BarProps.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/BindingUtils.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/BrowserChild.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContext.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/CSPEvalChecker.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/CallbackDebuggerNotification.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ChromeMessageBroadcaster.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ClientInfo.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ClientManager.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ClientSource.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ClientState.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ClientsBinding.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Console.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ContentFrameMessageManager.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ContentMediaController.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/CustomElementRegistry.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/DOMJSProxyHandler.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/DebuggerNotification.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/DebuggerNotificationBinding.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/DebuggerNotificationManager.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/DispatcherTrait.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/DocGroup.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/DocumentInlines.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Event.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/EventTarget.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Fetch.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Gamepad.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/GamepadHandle.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/GamepadManager.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/HashChangeEvent.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/HashChangeEventBinding.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/IDBFactory.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/IdleRequest.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ImageBitmap.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ImageBitmapSource.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/InstallTriggerBinding.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/IntlUtils.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/JSExecutionContext.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/LSObject.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/LoadedScript.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/LocalStorage.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/LocalStorageCommon.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Location.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/MediaKeys.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/NavigatorBinding.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/PartitionedLocalStorage.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Performance.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/PopStateEvent.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/PopStateEventBinding.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/PopupBlocker.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/PrimitiveConversions.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/RootedDictionary.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ScriptLoader.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ServiceWorker.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ServiceWorkerDescriptor.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ServiceWorkerRegistration.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/SessionStorageManager.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/SharedWorker.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Storage.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/StorageEvent.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/StorageEventBinding.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/StorageNotifierService.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/StorageUtils.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/TabMessageTypes.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Timeout.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/TimeoutHandler.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/TimeoutManager.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/ToJSValue.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/U2F.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/VRDisplay.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/VRDisplayEvent.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/VRDisplayEventBinding.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/VREventObserver.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/VisualViewport.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/WakeLock.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/WebIDLGlobalNameHash.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/WindowBinding.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/WindowContext.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/WindowGlobalChild.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/WindowProxyHolder.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/WorkerCommon.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/Worklet.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/XRPermissionRequest.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/cache/CacheStorage.h" +#include "mozilla/dom/cache/Types.h" +#include "mozilla/fallible.h" +#include "mozilla/gfx/BasePoint.h" +#include "mozilla/gfx/BaseRect.h" +#include "mozilla/gfx/BaseSize.h" +#include "mozilla/gfx/Rect.h" +#include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h" +#include "mozilla/intl/LocaleService.h" +#include "mozilla/net/CookieJarSettings.h" +#include "nsAtom.h" +#include "nsBaseHashtable.h" +#include "nsCCUncollectableMarker.h" +#include "nsCOMPtr.h" +#include "nsCRT.h" +#include "nsCRTGlue.h" +#include "nsCanvasFrame.h" +#include "nsCharTraits.h" +#include "nsCheapSets.h" +#include "nsContentUtils.h" +#include "nsCoord.h" +#include "nsCycleCollectionNoteChild.h" +#include "nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback.h" +#include "nsDOMNavigationTiming.h" +#include "nsDOMOfflineResourceList.h" +#include "nsDebug.h" +#include "nsDocShell.h" +#include "nsFocusManager.h" +#include "nsFrameMessageManager.h" +#include "nsGkAtoms.h" +#include "nsGlobalWindowOuter.h" +#include "nsHashKeys.h" +#include "nsHistory.h" +#include "nsIAddonPolicyService.h" +#include "nsIArray.h" +#include "nsIBaseWindow.h" +#include "nsIBrowserChild.h" +#include "nsICancelableRunnable.h" +#include "nsIChannel.h" +#include "nsIContentSecurityPolicy.h" +#include "nsIControllers.h" +#include "nsICookieJarSettings.h" +#include "nsICookieService.h" +#include "nsID.h" +#include "nsIDOMStorageManager.h" +#include "nsIDeviceSensors.h" +#include "nsIDocShell.h" +#include "nsIDocShellTreeItem.h" +#include "nsIDocShellTreeOwner.h" +#include "nsIDocumentLoader.h" +#include "nsIDragService.h" +#include "nsIFocusManager.h" +#include "nsIFrame.h" +#include "nsIGlobalObject.h" +#include "nsIIOService.h" +#include "nsIIdleRunnable.h" +#include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h" +#include "nsILoadContext.h" +#include "nsILoadGroup.h" +#include "nsILoadInfo.h" +#include "nsINamed.h" +#include "nsINode.h" +#include "nsIObserver.h" +#include "nsIObserverService.h" +#include "nsIPermission.h" +#include "nsIPermissionManager.h" +#include "nsIPrefBranch.h" +#include "nsIPrincipal.h" +#include "nsIPrompt.h" +#include "nsIRunnable.h" +#include "nsIScreen.h" +#include "nsIScreenManager.h" +#include "nsIScriptContext.h" +#include "nsIScriptGlobalObject.h" +#include "nsIScriptObjectPrincipal.h" +#include "nsIScrollableFrame.h" +#include "nsISerialEventTarget.h" +#include "nsISimpleEnumerator.h" +#include "nsISizeOfEventTarget.h" +#include "nsISlowScriptDebug.h" +#include "nsISupportsUtils.h" +#include "nsIThread.h" +#include "nsITimedChannel.h" +#include "nsIURI.h" +#include "nsIVariant.h" +#include "nsIWeakReference.h" +#include "nsIWebBrowserChrome.h" +#include "nsIWebNavigation.h" +#include "nsIWebProgressListener.h" +#include "nsIWidget.h" +#include "nsIWidgetListener.h" +#include "nsJSPrincipals.h" +#include "nsJSUtils.h" +#include "nsLayoutStatics.h" +#include "nsLiteralString.h" +#include "nsNetUtil.h" +#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" +#include "nsPIDOMWindowInlines.h" +#include "nsPIWindowRoot.h" +#include "nsPoint.h" +#include "nsPresContext.h" +#include "nsQueryObject.h" +#include "nsRefPtrHashtable.h" +#include "nsSandboxFlags.h" +#include "nsScreen.h" +#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" +#include "nsString.h" +#include "nsStringFlags.h" +#include "nsStringFwd.h" +#include "nsTArray.h" +#include "nsTLiteralString.h" +#include "nsTObserverArray.h" +#include "nsTStringRepr.h" +#include "nsThreadUtils.h" +#include "nsWeakReference.h" +#include "nsWindowMemoryReporter.h" +#include "nsWindowSizes.h" +#include "nsWrapperCache.h" +#include "nsWrapperCacheInlines.h" +#include "nsXULAppAPI.h" +#include "nsrootidl.h" +#include "prclist.h" +#include "prtypes.h" +#include "xpcprivate.h" +#include "xpcpublic.h" + +#ifdef MOZ_XUL +# include "nsIDOMXULControlElement.h" +# include "nsMenuPopupFrame.h" +#endif + +#ifdef NS_PRINTING +# include "nsIPrintSettings.h" +# include "nsIPrintSettingsService.h" +# include "nsIWebBrowserPrint.h" +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_SIDEBAR +# include "mozilla/dom/ExternalBinding.h" +#endif + +#ifdef MOZ_WEBSPEECH +# include "mozilla/dom/SpeechSynthesis.h" +#endif + +#ifdef ANDROID +# include <android/log.h> +#endif + +#ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID +# include "mozilla/dom/WindowOrientationObserver.h" +#endif + +#ifdef XP_WIN +# include "mozilla/Debug.h" +# include <process.h> +# define getpid _getpid +#else +# include <unistd.h> // for getpid() +#endif + +using namespace mozilla; +using namespace mozilla::dom; +using namespace mozilla::dom::ipc; +using mozilla::TimeDuration; +using mozilla::TimeStamp; +using mozilla::dom::GamepadHandle; +using mozilla::dom::cache::CacheStorage; + +#define FORWARD_TO_OUTER(method, args, err_rval) \ + PR_BEGIN_MACRO \ + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); \ + if (!HasActiveDocument()) { \ + NS_WARNING(outer ? "Inner window does not have active document." \ + : "No outer window available!"); \ + return err_rval; \ + } \ + return outer->method args; \ + PR_END_MACRO + +static nsGlobalWindowOuter* GetOuterWindowForForwarding( + nsGlobalWindowInner* aInner, ErrorResult& aError) { + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = aInner->GetOuterWindowInternal(); + if (MOZ_LIKELY(aInner->HasActiveDocument())) { + return outer; + } + if (!outer) { + NS_WARNING("No outer window available!"); + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); + } else { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_XPC_SECURITY_MANAGER_VETO); + } + return nullptr; +} + +#define FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(method, args, errorresult, err_rval) \ + PR_BEGIN_MACRO \ + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowForForwarding(this, errorresult); \ + if (MOZ_LIKELY(outer)) { \ + return outer->method args; \ + } \ + return err_rval; \ + PR_END_MACRO + +#define FORWARD_TO_OUTER_VOID(method, args) \ + PR_BEGIN_MACRO \ + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); \ + if (!HasActiveDocument()) { \ + NS_WARNING(outer ? "Inner window does not have active document." \ + : "No outer window available!"); \ + return; \ + } \ + outer->method args; \ + return; \ + PR_END_MACRO + +#define ENSURE_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT(errorresult, err_rval) \ + PR_BEGIN_MACRO \ + if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!HasActiveDocument())) { \ + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_XPC_SECURITY_MANAGER_VETO); \ + return err_rval; \ + } \ + PR_END_MACRO + +#define DOM_TOUCH_LISTENER_ADDED "dom-touch-listener-added" +#define MEMORY_PRESSURE_OBSERVER_TOPIC "memory-pressure" +#define PERMISSION_CHANGED_TOPIC "perm-changed" + +// Amount of time allowed between alert/prompt/confirm before enabling +// the stop dialog checkbox. +#define DEFAULT_SUCCESSIVE_DIALOG_TIME_LIMIT 3 // 3 sec + +// Maximum number of successive dialogs before we prompt users to disable +// dialogs for this window. +#define MAX_SUCCESSIVE_DIALOG_COUNT 5 + +static LazyLogModule gDOMLeakPRLogInner("DOMLeakInner"); +extern mozilla::LazyLogModule gTimeoutLog; + +#ifdef DEBUG +static LazyLogModule gDocShellAndDOMWindowLeakLogging( + "DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak"); +#endif + +static FILE* gDumpFile = nullptr; + +nsGlobalWindowInner::InnerWindowByIdTable* + nsGlobalWindowInner::sInnerWindowsById = nullptr; + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::sDragServiceDisabled = false; +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::sMouseDown = false; + +/** + * An indirect observer object that means we don't have to implement nsIObserver + * on nsGlobalWindow, where any script could see it. + */ +class nsGlobalWindowObserver final : public nsIObserver, + public nsIInterfaceRequestor, + public StorageNotificationObserver { + public: + explicit nsGlobalWindowObserver(nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow) + : mWindow(aWindow) {} + NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS + NS_IMETHOD Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, + const char16_t* aData) override { + if (!mWindow) return NS_OK; + return mWindow->Observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData); + } + void Forget() { mWindow = nullptr; } + NS_IMETHOD GetInterface(const nsIID& aIID, void** aResult) override { + if (mWindow && aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMWindow)) && mWindow) { + return mWindow->QueryInterface(aIID, aResult); + } + return NS_NOINTERFACE; + } + + void ObserveStorageNotification(StorageEvent* aEvent, + const char16_t* aStorageType, + bool aPrivateBrowsing) override { + if (mWindow) { + mWindow->ObserveStorageNotification(aEvent, aStorageType, + aPrivateBrowsing); + } + } + + nsIPrincipal* GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal() const override { + return mWindow ? mWindow->GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal() : nullptr; + } + + bool IsPrivateBrowsing() const override { + return mWindow ? mWindow->IsPrivateBrowsing() : false; + } + + nsIEventTarget* GetEventTarget() const override { + return mWindow ? mWindow->EventTargetFor(TaskCategory::Other) : nullptr; + } + + private: + ~nsGlobalWindowObserver() = default; + + // This reference is non-owning and safe because it's cleared by + // nsGlobalWindowInner::FreeInnerObjects(). + nsGlobalWindowInner* MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF mWindow; +}; + +NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsGlobalWindowObserver, nsIObserver, nsIInterfaceRequestor) + +class IdleRequestExecutor; + +class IdleRequestExecutorTimeoutHandler final : public TimeoutHandler { + public: + explicit IdleRequestExecutorTimeoutHandler(IdleRequestExecutor* aExecutor) + : mExecutor(aExecutor) {} + + NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ISUPPORTS + NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS(IdleRequestExecutorTimeoutHandler) + + bool Call(const char* /* unused */) override; + + private: + ~IdleRequestExecutorTimeoutHandler() override = default; + RefPtr<IdleRequestExecutor> mExecutor; +}; + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION(IdleRequestExecutorTimeoutHandler, mExecutor) + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(IdleRequestExecutorTimeoutHandler) +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(IdleRequestExecutorTimeoutHandler) + +NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(IdleRequestExecutorTimeoutHandler) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupports) +NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END + +class IdleRequestExecutor final : public nsIRunnable, + public nsICancelableRunnable, + public nsINamed, + public nsIIdleRunnable { + public: + explicit IdleRequestExecutor(nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow) + : mDispatched(false), mDeadline(TimeStamp::Now()), mWindow(aWindow) { + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(mWindow); + + mIdlePeriodLimit = {mDeadline, mWindow->LastIdleRequestHandle()}; + mDelayedExecutorDispatcher = new IdleRequestExecutorTimeoutHandler(this); + } + + NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ISUPPORTS + NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS_AMBIGUOUS(IdleRequestExecutor, nsIRunnable) + + NS_DECL_NSIRUNNABLE + NS_DECL_NSINAMED + nsresult Cancel() override; + void SetDeadline(TimeStamp aDeadline) override; + + bool IsCancelled() const { return !mWindow || mWindow->IsDying(); } + // Checks if aRequest shouldn't execute in the current idle period + // since it has been queued from a chained call to + // requestIdleCallback from within a running idle callback. + bool IneligibleForCurrentIdlePeriod(IdleRequest* aRequest) const { + return aRequest->Handle() >= mIdlePeriodLimit.mLastRequestIdInIdlePeriod && + TimeStamp::Now() <= mIdlePeriodLimit.mEndOfIdlePeriod; + } + + void MaybeUpdateIdlePeriodLimit(); + + // Maybe dispatch the IdleRequestExecutor. MabyeDispatch will + // schedule a delayed dispatch if the associated window is in the + // background or if given a time to wait until dispatching. + void MaybeDispatch(TimeStamp aDelayUntil = TimeStamp()); + void ScheduleDispatch(); + + private: + struct IdlePeriodLimit { + TimeStamp mEndOfIdlePeriod; + uint32_t mLastRequestIdInIdlePeriod; + }; + + void DelayedDispatch(uint32_t aDelay); + + ~IdleRequestExecutor() override = default; + + bool mDispatched; + TimeStamp mDeadline; + IdlePeriodLimit mIdlePeriodLimit; + RefPtr<nsGlobalWindowInner> mWindow; + // The timeout handler responsible for dispatching this executor in + // the case of immediate dispatch to the idle queue isn't + // desirable. This is used if we've dispatched all idle callbacks + // that are allowed to run in the current idle period, or if the + // associated window is currently in the background. + RefPtr<TimeoutHandler> mDelayedExecutorDispatcher; + // If not Nothing() then this value is the handle to the currently + // scheduled delayed executor dispatcher. This is needed to be able + // to cancel the timeout handler in case of the executor being + // cancelled. + Maybe<int32_t> mDelayedExecutorHandle; +}; + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS(IdleRequestExecutor) + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(IdleRequestExecutor) +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(IdleRequestExecutor) + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_BEGIN(IdleRequestExecutor) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mWindow) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mDelayedExecutorDispatcher) +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_END + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_BEGIN(IdleRequestExecutor) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mWindow) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mDelayedExecutorDispatcher) +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_END + +NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(IdleRequestExecutor) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIRunnable) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsICancelableRunnable) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsINamed) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIIdleRunnable) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIRunnable) +NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END + +NS_IMETHODIMP +IdleRequestExecutor::GetName(nsACString& aName) { + aName.AssignLiteral("IdleRequestExecutor"); + return NS_OK; +} + +// MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY until nsIRunnable::Run is MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT. +// See bug 1535398. +MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY NS_IMETHODIMP IdleRequestExecutor::Run() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + + mDispatched = false; + if (mWindow) { + RefPtr<nsGlobalWindowInner> window(mWindow); + window->ExecuteIdleRequest(mDeadline); + } + + return NS_OK; +} + +nsresult IdleRequestExecutor::Cancel() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + + if (mDelayedExecutorHandle && mWindow) { + mWindow->TimeoutManager().ClearTimeout( + mDelayedExecutorHandle.value(), Timeout::Reason::eIdleCallbackTimeout); + } + + mWindow = nullptr; + return NS_OK; +} + +void IdleRequestExecutor::SetDeadline(TimeStamp aDeadline) { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + + if (!mWindow) { + return; + } + + mDeadline = aDeadline; +} + +void IdleRequestExecutor::MaybeUpdateIdlePeriodLimit() { + if (TimeStamp::Now() > mIdlePeriodLimit.mEndOfIdlePeriod) { + mIdlePeriodLimit = {mDeadline, mWindow->LastIdleRequestHandle()}; + } +} + +void IdleRequestExecutor::MaybeDispatch(TimeStamp aDelayUntil) { + // If we've already dispatched the executor we don't want to do it + // again. Also, if we've called IdleRequestExecutor::Cancel mWindow + // will be null, which indicates that we shouldn't dispatch this + // executor either. + if (mDispatched || IsCancelled()) { + return; + } + + mDispatched = true; + + nsPIDOMWindowOuter* outer = mWindow->GetOuterWindow(); + if (outer && outer->IsBackground()) { + // Set a timeout handler with a timeout of 0 ms to throttle idle + // callback requests coming from a backround window using + // background timeout throttling. + DelayedDispatch(0); + return; + } + + TimeStamp now = TimeStamp::Now(); + if (!aDelayUntil || aDelayUntil < now) { + ScheduleDispatch(); + return; + } + + TimeDuration delay = aDelayUntil - now; + DelayedDispatch(static_cast<uint32_t>(delay.ToMilliseconds())); +} + +void IdleRequestExecutor::ScheduleDispatch() { + MOZ_ASSERT(mWindow); + mDelayedExecutorHandle = Nothing(); + RefPtr<IdleRequestExecutor> request = this; + NS_DispatchToCurrentThreadQueue(request.forget(), EventQueuePriority::Idle); +} + +void IdleRequestExecutor::DelayedDispatch(uint32_t aDelay) { + MOZ_ASSERT(mWindow); + MOZ_ASSERT(mDelayedExecutorHandle.isNothing()); + int32_t handle; + mWindow->TimeoutManager().SetTimeout( + mDelayedExecutorDispatcher, aDelay, false, + Timeout::Reason::eIdleCallbackTimeout, &handle); + mDelayedExecutorHandle = Some(handle); +} + +bool IdleRequestExecutorTimeoutHandler::Call(const char* /* unused */) { + if (!mExecutor->IsCancelled()) { + mExecutor->ScheduleDispatch(); + } + return true; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ScheduleIdleRequestDispatch() { + AssertIsOnMainThread(); + + if (!mIdleRequestExecutor) { + mIdleRequestExecutor = new IdleRequestExecutor(this); + } + + mIdleRequestExecutor->MaybeDispatch(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SuspendIdleRequests() { + if (mIdleRequestExecutor) { + mIdleRequestExecutor->Cancel(); + mIdleRequestExecutor = nullptr; + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ResumeIdleRequests() { + MOZ_ASSERT(!mIdleRequestExecutor); + + ScheduleIdleRequestDispatch(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::RemoveIdleCallback( + mozilla::dom::IdleRequest* aRequest) { + AssertIsOnMainThread(); + + if (aRequest->HasTimeout()) { + mTimeoutManager->ClearTimeout(aRequest->GetTimeoutHandle(), + Timeout::Reason::eIdleCallbackTimeout); + } + + aRequest->removeFrom(mIdleRequestCallbacks); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::RunIdleRequest(IdleRequest* aRequest, + DOMHighResTimeStamp aDeadline, + bool aDidTimeout) { + AssertIsOnMainThread(); + // XXXbz Do we still need this RefPtr? MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT should + // guarantee that caller is holding a strong ref on the stack. + RefPtr<IdleRequest> request(aRequest); + RemoveIdleCallback(request); + request->IdleRun(this, aDeadline, aDidTimeout); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ExecuteIdleRequest(TimeStamp aDeadline) { + AssertIsOnMainThread(); + RefPtr<IdleRequest> request = mIdleRequestCallbacks.getFirst(); + + if (!request) { + // There are no more idle requests, so stop scheduling idle + // request callbacks. + return; + } + + // If the request that we're trying to execute has been queued + // during the current idle period, then dispatch it again at the end + // of the idle period. + if (mIdleRequestExecutor->IneligibleForCurrentIdlePeriod(request)) { + mIdleRequestExecutor->MaybeDispatch(aDeadline); + return; + } + + DOMHighResTimeStamp deadline = 0.0; + + if (Performance* perf = GetPerformance()) { + deadline = perf->GetDOMTiming()->TimeStampToDOMHighRes(aDeadline); + } + + mIdleRequestExecutor->MaybeUpdateIdlePeriodLimit(); + RunIdleRequest(request, deadline, false); + + // Running the idle callback could've suspended the window, in which + // case mIdleRequestExecutor will be null. + if (mIdleRequestExecutor) { + mIdleRequestExecutor->MaybeDispatch(); + } +} + +class IdleRequestTimeoutHandler final : public TimeoutHandler { + public: + IdleRequestTimeoutHandler(JSContext* aCx, IdleRequest* aIdleRequest, + nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow) + : TimeoutHandler(aCx), mIdleRequest(aIdleRequest), mWindow(aWindow) {} + + NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ISUPPORTS + NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS(IdleRequestTimeoutHandler) + + MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool Call(const char* /* unused */) override { + RefPtr<nsGlobalWindowInner> window(nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(mWindow)); + RefPtr<IdleRequest> request(mIdleRequest); + window->RunIdleRequest(request, 0.0, true); + return true; + } + + private: + ~IdleRequestTimeoutHandler() override = default; + + RefPtr<IdleRequest> mIdleRequest; + nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> mWindow; +}; + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION(IdleRequestTimeoutHandler, mIdleRequest, mWindow) + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(IdleRequestTimeoutHandler) +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(IdleRequestTimeoutHandler) + +NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(IdleRequestTimeoutHandler) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupports) +NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END + +uint32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::RequestIdleCallback( + JSContext* aCx, IdleRequestCallback& aCallback, + const IdleRequestOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aError) { + AssertIsOnMainThread(); + + if (IsDying()) { + return 0; + } + + uint32_t handle = mIdleRequestCallbackCounter++; + + RefPtr<IdleRequest> request = new IdleRequest(&aCallback, handle); + + if (aOptions.mTimeout.WasPassed()) { + int32_t timeoutHandle; + RefPtr<TimeoutHandler> handler( + new IdleRequestTimeoutHandler(aCx, request, this)); + + nsresult rv = mTimeoutManager->SetTimeout( + handler, aOptions.mTimeout.Value(), false, + Timeout::Reason::eIdleCallbackTimeout, &timeoutHandle); + + if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { + return 0; + } + + request->SetTimeoutHandle(timeoutHandle); + } + + mIdleRequestCallbacks.insertBack(request); + + if (!IsSuspended()) { + ScheduleIdleRequestDispatch(); + } + + return handle; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::CancelIdleCallback(uint32_t aHandle) { + for (IdleRequest* r : mIdleRequestCallbacks) { + if (r->Handle() == aHandle) { + RemoveIdleCallback(r); + break; + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::DisableIdleCallbackRequests() { + if (mIdleRequestExecutor) { + mIdleRequestExecutor->Cancel(); + mIdleRequestExecutor = nullptr; + } + + while (!mIdleRequestCallbacks.isEmpty()) { + RefPtr<IdleRequest> request = mIdleRequestCallbacks.getFirst(); + RemoveIdleCallback(request); + } +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsBackgroundInternal() const { + return !mOuterWindow || mOuterWindow->IsBackground(); +} + +class PromiseDocumentFlushedResolver final { + public: + PromiseDocumentFlushedResolver(Promise* aPromise, + PromiseDocumentFlushedCallback& aCallback) + : mPromise(aPromise), mCallback(&aCallback) {} + + virtual ~PromiseDocumentFlushedResolver() = default; + + void Call() { + nsMutationGuard guard; + ErrorResult error; + JS::Rooted<JS::Value> returnVal(RootingCx()); + mCallback->Call(&returnVal, error); + + if (error.Failed()) { + mPromise->MaybeReject(std::move(error)); + } else if (guard.Mutated(0)) { + // Something within the callback mutated the DOM. + mPromise->MaybeReject(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); + } else { + mPromise->MaybeResolve(returnVal); + } + } + + void Cancel() { mPromise->MaybeReject(NS_ERROR_ABORT); } + + RefPtr<Promise> mPromise; + RefPtr<PromiseDocumentFlushedCallback> mCallback; +}; + +//***************************************************************************** +//*** nsGlobalWindowInner: Object Management +//***************************************************************************** + +nsGlobalWindowInner::nsGlobalWindowInner(nsGlobalWindowOuter* aOuterWindow, + WindowGlobalChild* aActor) + : nsPIDOMWindowInner(aOuterWindow, aActor), + mWasOffline(false), + mHasHadSlowScript(false), + mIsChrome(false), + mCleanMessageManager(false), + mNeedsFocus(true), + mHasFocus(false), + mFocusByKeyOccurred(false), + mDidFireDocElemInserted(false), + mHasGamepad(false), + mHasXRSession(false), + mHasVRDisplayActivateEvents(false), + mXRRuntimeDetectionInFlight(false), + mXRPermissionRequestInFlight(false), + mXRPermissionGranted(false), + mWasCurrentInnerWindow(false), + mHasSeenGamepadInput(false), + mHintedWasLoading(false), + mHasOpenedExternalProtocolFrame(false), + mSuspendDepth(0), + mFreezeDepth(0), +#ifdef DEBUG + mSerial(0), +#endif + mFocusMethod(0), + mIdleRequestCallbackCounter(1), + mIdleRequestExecutor(nullptr), + mDialogAbuseCount(0), + mAreDialogsEnabled(true), + mObservingDidRefresh(false), + mIteratingDocumentFlushedResolvers(false), + mCanSkipCCGeneration(0), + mBeforeUnloadListenerCount(0) { + mIsInnerWindow = true; + + AssertIsOnMainThread(); + nsLayoutStatics::AddRef(); + + // Initialize the PRCList (this). + PR_INIT_CLIST(this); + + // add this inner window to the outer window list of inners. + PR_INSERT_AFTER(this, aOuterWindow); + + mTimeoutManager = MakeUnique<dom::TimeoutManager>( + *this, StaticPrefs::dom_timeout_max_idle_defer_ms()); + + mObserver = new nsGlobalWindowObserver(this); + nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> os = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); + if (os) { + // Watch for online/offline status changes so we can fire events. Use + // a strong reference. + os->AddObserver(mObserver, NS_IOSERVICE_OFFLINE_STATUS_TOPIC, false); + os->AddObserver(mObserver, MEMORY_PRESSURE_OBSERVER_TOPIC, false); + os->AddObserver(mObserver, PERMISSION_CHANGED_TOPIC, false); + } + + Preferences::AddStrongObserver(mObserver, "intl.accept_languages"); + + // Watch for storage notifications so we can fire storage events. + RefPtr<StorageNotifierService> sns = StorageNotifierService::GetOrCreate(); + if (sns) { + sns->Register(mObserver); + } + + if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell = GetDocShell(); + if (docShell) { + mBrowserChild = docShell->GetBrowserChild(); + } + } + + if (gDumpFile == nullptr) { + nsAutoCString fname; + Preferences::GetCString("browser.dom.window.dump.file", fname); + if (!fname.IsEmpty()) { + // If this fails to open, Dump() knows to just go to stdout on null. + gDumpFile = fopen(fname.get(), "wb+"); + } else { + gDumpFile = stdout; + } + } + +#ifdef DEBUG + mSerial = nsContentUtils::InnerOrOuterWindowCreated(); + + MOZ_LOG(gDocShellAndDOMWindowLeakLogging, LogLevel::Info, + ("++DOMWINDOW == %d (%p) [pid = %d] [serial = %d] [outer = %p]\n", + nsContentUtils::GetCurrentInnerOrOuterWindowCount(), + static_cast<void*>(ToCanonicalSupports(this)), getpid(), mSerial, + static_cast<void*>(ToCanonicalSupports(aOuterWindow)))); +#endif + + MOZ_LOG(gDOMLeakPRLogInner, LogLevel::Debug, + ("DOMWINDOW %p created outer=%p", this, aOuterWindow)); + + // Add ourselves to the inner windows list. + MOZ_ASSERT(sInnerWindowsById, "Inner Windows hash table must be created!"); + MOZ_ASSERT(!sInnerWindowsById->Get(mWindowID), + "This window shouldn't be in the hash table yet!"); + // We seem to see crashes in release builds because of null + // |sInnerWindowsById|. + if (sInnerWindowsById) { + sInnerWindowsById->Put(mWindowID, this); + } +} + +#ifdef DEBUG + +/* static */ +void nsGlobalWindowInner::AssertIsOnMainThread() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); +} + +#endif // DEBUG + +/* static */ +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Init() { + AssertIsOnMainThread(); + + NS_ASSERTION(gDOMLeakPRLogInner, + "gDOMLeakPRLogInner should have been initialized!"); + + sInnerWindowsById = new InnerWindowByIdTable(); +} + +nsGlobalWindowInner::~nsGlobalWindowInner() { + AssertIsOnMainThread(); + MOZ_ASSERT(!mHintedWasLoading); + + if (IsChromeWindow()) { + MOZ_ASSERT(mCleanMessageManager, + "chrome windows may always disconnect the msg manager"); + + DisconnectAndClearGroupMessageManagers(); + + if (mChromeFields.mMessageManager) { + static_cast<nsFrameMessageManager*>(mChromeFields.mMessageManager.get()) + ->Disconnect(); + } + + mCleanMessageManager = false; + } + + // In most cases this should already have been called, but call it again + // here to catch any corner cases. + FreeInnerObjects(); + + if (sInnerWindowsById) { + sInnerWindowsById->Remove(mWindowID); + } + + nsContentUtils::InnerOrOuterWindowDestroyed(); + +#ifdef DEBUG + if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(gDocShellAndDOMWindowLeakLogging, LogLevel::Info)) { + nsAutoCString url; + if (mLastOpenedURI) { + url = mLastOpenedURI->GetSpecOrDefault(); + + // Data URLs can be very long, so truncate to avoid flooding the log. + const uint32_t maxURLLength = 1000; + if (url.Length() > maxURLLength) { + url.Truncate(maxURLLength); + } + } + + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = nsGlobalWindowOuter::Cast(mOuterWindow); + MOZ_LOG( + gDocShellAndDOMWindowLeakLogging, LogLevel::Info, + ("--DOMWINDOW == %d (%p) [pid = %d] [serial = %d] [outer = %p] [url = " + "%s]\n", + nsContentUtils::GetCurrentInnerOrOuterWindowCount(), + static_cast<void*>(ToCanonicalSupports(this)), getpid(), mSerial, + static_cast<void*>(ToCanonicalSupports(outer)), url.get())); + } +#endif + MOZ_LOG(gDOMLeakPRLogInner, LogLevel::Debug, + ("DOMWINDOW %p destroyed", this)); + + Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::INNERWINDOWS_WITH_MUTATION_LISTENERS, + mMutationBits ? 1 : 0); + + // An inner window is destroyed, pull it out of the outer window's + // list if inner windows. + + PR_REMOVE_LINK(this); + + // If our outer window's inner window is this window, null out the + // outer window's reference to this window that's being deleted. + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + if (outer) { + outer->MaybeClearInnerWindow(this); + } + + // We don't have to leave the tab group if we are an inner window. + + nsCOMPtr<nsIDeviceSensors> ac = do_GetService(NS_DEVICE_SENSORS_CONTRACTID); + if (ac) ac->RemoveWindowAsListener(this); + + nsLayoutStatics::Release(); +} + +// static +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ShutDown() { + AssertIsOnMainThread(); + + if (gDumpFile && gDumpFile != stdout) { + fclose(gDumpFile); + } + gDumpFile = nullptr; + + delete sInnerWindowsById; + sInnerWindowsById = nullptr; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::FreeInnerObjects() { + if (IsDying()) { + return; + } + StartDying(); + + if (mDoc && mDoc->GetWindowContext()) { + // The document is about to lose its window, so this is a good time to send + // our page use counters. + // + // (We also do this in Document::SetScriptGlobalObject(nullptr), which + // catches most cases of documents losing their window, but not all.) + mDoc->SendPageUseCounters(); + } + + // Make sure that this is called before we null out the document and + // other members that the window destroyed observers could + // re-create. + NotifyDOMWindowDestroyed(this); + if (auto* reporter = nsWindowMemoryReporter::Get()) { + reporter->ObserveDOMWindowDetached(this); + } + + // Kill all of the workers for this window. + CancelWorkersForWindow(*this); + + for (RefPtr<mozilla::dom::SharedWorker> pinnedWorker : + mSharedWorkers.ForwardRange()) { + pinnedWorker->Close(); + } + + if (mTimeoutManager) { + mTimeoutManager->ClearAllTimeouts(); + } + + DisableIdleCallbackRequests(); + + mChromeEventHandler = nullptr; + + if (mListenerManager) { + mListenerManager->RemoveAllListeners(); + mListenerManager->Disconnect(); + mListenerManager = nullptr; + } + + mHistory = nullptr; + + if (mNavigator) { + mNavigator->OnNavigation(); + mNavigator->Invalidate(); + mNavigator = nullptr; + } + + mScreen = nullptr; + +#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) + mOrientationChangeObserver = nullptr; +#endif + + if (mDoc) { + // Remember the document's principal, URI, and CSP. + mDocumentPrincipal = mDoc->NodePrincipal(); + mDocumentStoragePrincipal = mDoc->EffectiveStoragePrincipal(); + mDocumentPartitionedPrincipal = mDoc->PartitionedPrincipal(); + mDocumentURI = mDoc->GetDocumentURI(); + mDocBaseURI = mDoc->GetDocBaseURI(); + mDocumentCsp = mDoc->GetCsp(); + + while (mDoc->EventHandlingSuppressed()) { + mDoc->UnsuppressEventHandlingAndFireEvents(false); + } + + if (mObservingDidRefresh) { + PresShell* presShell = mDoc->GetPresShell(); + if (presShell) { + Unused << presShell->RemovePostRefreshObserver(this); + } + } + } + + // Remove our reference to the document and the document principal. + mFocusedElement = nullptr; + + if (mApplicationCache) { + static_cast<nsDOMOfflineResourceList*>(mApplicationCache.get()) + ->Disconnect(); + mApplicationCache = nullptr; + } + + if (mIndexedDB) { + mIndexedDB->DisconnectFromGlobal(this); + mIndexedDB = nullptr; + } + + nsIGlobalObject::UnlinkObjectsInGlobal(); + + NotifyWindowIDDestroyed("inner-window-destroyed"); + + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mAudioContexts.Length(); ++i) { + mAudioContexts[i]->OnWindowDestroy(); + } + mAudioContexts.Clear(); + + for (MediaKeys* mediaKeys : mMediaKeysInstances) { + mediaKeys->OnInnerWindowDestroy(); + } + mMediaKeysInstances.Clear(); + + DisableGamepadUpdates(); + mHasGamepad = false; + mGamepads.Clear(); + DisableVRUpdates(); + mHasXRSession = false; + mHasVRDisplayActivateEvents = false; + mXRRuntimeDetectionInFlight = false; + mXRPermissionRequestInFlight = false; + mXRPermissionGranted = false; + mVRDisplays.Clear(); + + // This breaks a cycle between the window and the ClientSource object. + mClientSource.reset(); + + if (mWindowGlobalChild) { + // Remove any remaining listeners. + int64_t nListeners = mWindowGlobalChild->BeforeUnloadListeners(); + for (int64_t i = 0; i < nListeners; ++i) { + mWindowGlobalChild->BeforeUnloadRemoved(); + } + MOZ_ASSERT(mWindowGlobalChild->BeforeUnloadListeners() == 0); + } + + // If we have any promiseDocumentFlushed callbacks, fire them now so + // that the Promises can resolve. + CallDocumentFlushedResolvers(); + mObservingDidRefresh = false; + + DisconnectEventTargetObjects(); + + if (mObserver) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> os = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); + if (os) { + os->RemoveObserver(mObserver, NS_IOSERVICE_OFFLINE_STATUS_TOPIC); + os->RemoveObserver(mObserver, MEMORY_PRESSURE_OBSERVER_TOPIC); + os->RemoveObserver(mObserver, PERMISSION_CHANGED_TOPIC); + } + + RefPtr<StorageNotifierService> sns = StorageNotifierService::GetOrCreate(); + if (sns) { + sns->Unregister(mObserver); + } + + Preferences::RemoveObserver(mObserver, "intl.accept_languages"); + + // Drop its reference to this dying window, in case for some bogus reason + // the object stays around. + mObserver->Forget(); + } + + mMenubar = nullptr; + mToolbar = nullptr; + mLocationbar = nullptr; + mPersonalbar = nullptr; + mStatusbar = nullptr; + mScrollbars = nullptr; + + mConsole = nullptr; + + mPaintWorklet = nullptr; + + mExternal = nullptr; + mInstallTrigger = nullptr; + + mLocalStorage = nullptr; + mSessionStorage = nullptr; + mPerformance = nullptr; + + mContentMediaController = nullptr; + + mSharedWorkers.Clear(); + +#ifdef MOZ_WEBSPEECH + mSpeechSynthesis = nullptr; +#endif + +#ifdef MOZ_GLEAN + mGlean = nullptr; + mGleanPings = nullptr; +#endif + + mParentTarget = nullptr; + + if (mCleanMessageManager) { + MOZ_ASSERT(mIsChrome, "only chrome should have msg manager cleaned"); + if (mChromeFields.mMessageManager) { + mChromeFields.mMessageManager->Disconnect(); + } + } + + if (mWindowGlobalChild && !mWindowGlobalChild->IsClosed()) { + mWindowGlobalChild->Destroy(); + } + mWindowGlobalChild = nullptr; + + mIntlUtils = nullptr; + + HintIsLoading(false); +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// nsGlobalWindowInner::nsISupports +//***************************************************************************** + +// QueryInterface implementation for nsGlobalWindowInner +NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(nsGlobalWindowInner) + NS_WRAPPERCACHE_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, EventTarget) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMWindow) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIGlobalObject) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIScriptGlobalObject) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIScriptObjectPrincipal) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(mozilla::dom::EventTarget) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsPIDOMWindowInner) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(mozIDOMWindow) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_CONDITIONAL(nsIDOMChromeWindow, IsChromeWindow()) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupportsWeakReference) + NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIInterfaceRequestor) +NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(nsGlobalWindowInner) +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(nsGlobalWindowInner) + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_BEGIN(nsGlobalWindowInner) + if (tmp->IsBlackForCC(false)) { + if (nsCCUncollectableMarker::InGeneration(tmp->mCanSkipCCGeneration)) { + return true; + } + tmp->mCanSkipCCGeneration = nsCCUncollectableMarker::sGeneration; + if (EventListenerManager* elm = tmp->GetExistingListenerManager()) { + elm->MarkForCC(); + } + if (tmp->mTimeoutManager) { + tmp->mTimeoutManager->UnmarkGrayTimers(); + } + return true; + } +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_END + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_IN_CC_BEGIN(nsGlobalWindowInner) + return tmp->IsBlackForCC(true); +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_IN_CC_END + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_THIS_BEGIN(nsGlobalWindowInner) + return tmp->IsBlackForCC(false); +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_THIS_END + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS(nsGlobalWindowInner) + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_BEGIN_INTERNAL(nsGlobalWindowInner) + if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(cb.WantDebugInfo())) { + char name[512]; + nsAutoCString uri; + if (tmp->mDoc && tmp->mDoc->GetDocumentURI()) { + uri = tmp->mDoc->GetDocumentURI()->GetSpecOrDefault(); + } + SprintfLiteral(name, "nsGlobalWindowInner # %" PRIu64 " inner %s", + tmp->mWindowID, uri.get()); + cb.DescribeRefCountedNode(tmp->mRefCnt.get(), name); + } else { + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_DESCRIBE(nsGlobalWindowInner, tmp->mRefCnt.get()) + } + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mNavigator) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mPerformance) + +#ifdef MOZ_WEBSPEECH + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mSpeechSynthesis) +#endif + +#ifdef MOZ_GLEAN + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mGlean) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mGleanPings) +#endif + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mOuterWindow) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mTopInnerWindow) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mListenerManager) + + if (tmp->mTimeoutManager) { + tmp->mTimeoutManager->ForEachUnorderedTimeout([&cb](Timeout* timeout) { + cb.NoteNativeChild(timeout, NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_PARTICIPANT(Timeout)); + }); + } + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mLocation) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mHistory) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mCustomElements) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mSharedWorkers) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mLocalStorage) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mSessionStorage) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mApplicationCache) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mIndexedDB) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mDocumentPrincipal) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mDocumentStoragePrincipal) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mDocumentPartitionedPrincipal) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mDocumentCsp) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mBrowserChild) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mDoc) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mIdleRequestExecutor) + for (IdleRequest* request : tmp->mIdleRequestCallbacks) { + cb.NoteNativeChild(request, NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_PARTICIPANT(IdleRequest)); + } + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mClientSource) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mGamepads) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mCacheStorage) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mVRDisplays) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mDebuggerNotificationManager) + + // Traverse stuff from nsPIDOMWindow + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mChromeEventHandler) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mParentTarget) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mFocusedElement) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mMenubar) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mToolbar) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mLocationbar) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mPersonalbar) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mStatusbar) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mScrollbars) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mCrypto) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mU2F) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mConsole) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mPaintWorklet) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mExternal) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mInstallTrigger) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mIntlUtils) + + tmp->TraverseObjectsInGlobal(cb); + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mChromeFields.mMessageManager) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mChromeFields.mGroupMessageManagers) + + for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp->mDocumentFlushedResolvers.Length(); i++) { + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mDocumentFlushedResolvers[i]->mPromise); + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mDocumentFlushedResolvers[i]->mCallback); + } + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_END + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_BEGIN(nsGlobalWindowInner) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_WEAK_REFERENCE + if (sInnerWindowsById) { + sInnerWindowsById->Remove(tmp->mWindowID); + } + + JSObject* wrapper = tmp->GetWrapperPreserveColor(); + if (wrapper) { + // Mark our realm as dead, so the JS engine won't hand out our + // global after this point. + JS::SetRealmNonLive(js::GetNonCCWObjectRealm(wrapper)); + } + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mNavigator) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mPerformance) + +#ifdef MOZ_WEBSPEECH + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mSpeechSynthesis) +#endif + +#ifdef MOZ_GLEAN + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mGlean) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mGleanPings) +#endif + + if (tmp->mOuterWindow) { + nsGlobalWindowOuter::Cast(tmp->mOuterWindow)->MaybeClearInnerWindow(tmp); + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mOuterWindow) + } + + if (tmp->mListenerManager) { + tmp->mListenerManager->Disconnect(); + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mListenerManager) + } + + // Here the Timeouts list would've been unlinked, but we rely on + // that Timeout objects have been traced and will remove themselves + // while unlinking. + + tmp->UpdateTopInnerWindow(); + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mTopInnerWindow) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mLocation) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mHistory) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mCustomElements) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mSharedWorkers) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mLocalStorage) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mSessionStorage) + if (tmp->mApplicationCache) { + static_cast<nsDOMOfflineResourceList*>(tmp->mApplicationCache.get()) + ->Disconnect(); + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mApplicationCache) + } + if (tmp->mIndexedDB) { + tmp->mIndexedDB->DisconnectFromGlobal(tmp); + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mIndexedDB) + } + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mDocumentPrincipal) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mDocumentStoragePrincipal) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mDocumentPartitionedPrincipal) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mDocumentCsp) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mBrowserChild) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mDoc) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mGamepads) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mCacheStorage) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mVRDisplays) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mDebuggerNotificationManager) + + // Unlink stuff from nsPIDOMWindow + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mChromeEventHandler) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mParentTarget) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mFocusedElement) + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mMenubar) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mToolbar) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mLocationbar) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mPersonalbar) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mStatusbar) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mScrollbars) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mCrypto) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mU2F) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mConsole) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mPaintWorklet) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mExternal) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mInstallTrigger) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mIntlUtils) + + tmp->UnlinkObjectsInGlobal(); + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mIdleRequestExecutor) + + // Here the IdleRequest list would've been unlinked, but we rely on + // that IdleRequest objects have been traced and will remove + // themselves while unlinking. + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mClientSource) + + if (tmp->IsChromeWindow()) { + if (tmp->mChromeFields.mMessageManager) { + static_cast<nsFrameMessageManager*>( + tmp->mChromeFields.mMessageManager.get()) + ->Disconnect(); + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mChromeFields.mMessageManager) + } + tmp->DisconnectAndClearGroupMessageManagers(); + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mChromeFields.mGroupMessageManagers) + } + + for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp->mDocumentFlushedResolvers.Length(); i++) { + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mDocumentFlushedResolvers[i]->mPromise); + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mDocumentFlushedResolvers[i]->mCallback); + } + tmp->mDocumentFlushedResolvers.Clear(); + + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_PRESERVED_WRAPPER +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_END + +#ifdef DEBUG +void nsGlobalWindowInner::RiskyUnlink() { + NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INNERNAME.Unlink(this); +} +#endif + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_BEGIN(nsGlobalWindowInner) + NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_PRESERVED_WRAPPER +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_END + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsBlackForCC(bool aTracingNeeded) { + if (!nsCCUncollectableMarker::sGeneration) { + return false; + } + + return (nsCCUncollectableMarker::InGeneration(GetMarkedCCGeneration()) || + HasKnownLiveWrapper()) && + (!aTracingNeeded || HasNothingToTrace(ToSupports(this))); +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// nsGlobalWindowInner::nsIScriptGlobalObject +//***************************************************************************** + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::EnsureScriptEnvironment() { + // NOTE: We can't use FORWARD_TO_OUTER here because we don't want to fail if + // we're called on an inactive inner window. + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + if (!outer) { + NS_WARNING("No outer window available!"); + return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; + } + return outer->EnsureScriptEnvironment(); +} + +nsIScriptContext* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScriptContext() { + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + if (!outer) { + return nullptr; + } + return outer->GetScriptContext(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::TraceGlobalJSObject(JSTracer* aTrc) { + TraceWrapper(aTrc, "active window global"); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::UpdateAutoplayPermission() { + if (!GetWindowContext()) { + return; + } + uint32_t perm = AutoplayPolicy::GetSiteAutoplayPermission(GetPrincipal()); + if (GetWindowContext()->GetAutoplayPermission() == perm) { + return; + } + + // Setting autoplay permission on a discarded context has no effect. + Unused << GetWindowContext()->SetAutoplayPermission(perm); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::UpdateShortcutsPermission() { + if (!GetWindowContext() || + !GetWindowContext()->GetBrowsingContext()->IsTop()) { + // We only cache the shortcuts permission on top-level WindowContexts + // since we always check the top-level principal for the permission. + return; + } + + uint32_t perm = GetShortcutsPermission(GetPrincipal()); + + if (GetWindowContext()->GetShortcutsPermission() == perm) { + return; + } + + // If the WindowContext is discarded this has no effect. + Unused << GetWindowContext()->SetShortcutsPermission(perm); +} + +/* static */ +uint32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::GetShortcutsPermission(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal) { + uint32_t perm = nsIPermissionManager::DENY_ACTION; + nsCOMPtr<nsIPermissionManager> permMgr = + mozilla::services::GetPermissionManager(); + if (aPrincipal && permMgr) { + permMgr->TestExactPermissionFromPrincipal(aPrincipal, "shortcuts"_ns, + &perm); + } + return perm; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::UpdatePopupPermission() { + if (!GetWindowContext()) { + return; + } + + uint32_t perm = PopupBlocker::GetPopupPermission(GetPrincipal()); + if (GetWindowContext()->GetPopupPermission() == perm) { + return; + } + + // If the WindowContext is discarded this has no effect. + Unused << GetWindowContext()->SetPopupPermission(perm); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::UpdatePermissions() { + if (!GetWindowContext()) { + return; + } + + nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal = GetPrincipal(); + RefPtr<WindowContext> windowContext = GetWindowContext(); + + WindowContext::Transaction txn; + txn.SetAutoplayPermission( + AutoplayPolicy::GetSiteAutoplayPermission(principal)); + txn.SetPopupPermission(PopupBlocker::GetPopupPermission(principal)); + + if (windowContext->IsTop()) { + txn.SetShortcutsPermission(GetShortcutsPermission(principal)); + } + + // Setting permissions on a discarded WindowContext has no effect + Unused << txn.Commit(windowContext); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::InitDocumentDependentState(JSContext* aCx) { + MOZ_ASSERT(mDoc); + + if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(gDOMLeakPRLogInner, LogLevel::Debug)) { + nsIURI* uri = mDoc->GetDocumentURI(); + MOZ_LOG(gDOMLeakPRLogInner, LogLevel::Debug, + ("DOMWINDOW %p SetNewDocument %s", this, + uri ? uri->GetSpecOrDefault().get() : "")); + } + + mFocusedElement = nullptr; + mLocalStorage = nullptr; + mSessionStorage = nullptr; + mPerformance = nullptr; + + // This must be called after nullifying the internal objects because here we + // could recreate them, calling the getter methods, and store them into the JS + // slots. If we nullify them after, the slot values and the objects will be + // out of sync. + ClearDocumentDependentSlots(aCx); + + if (!mWindowGlobalChild) { + mWindowGlobalChild = WindowGlobalChild::Create(this); + } + MOZ_ASSERT(!GetWindowContext()->HasBeenUserGestureActivated(), + "WindowContext should always not have user gesture activation at " + "this point."); + + UpdatePermissions(); + + RefPtr<PermissionDelegateHandler> permDelegateHandler = + mDoc->GetPermissionDelegateHandler(); + + if (permDelegateHandler) { + permDelegateHandler->PopulateAllDelegatedPermissions(); + } + +#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) + // When we insert the new document to the window in the top-level browsing + // context, we should reset the status of the request which is used for the + // previous document. + if (mWindowGlobalChild && GetBrowsingContext() && + !GetBrowsingContext()->GetParent()) { + // Return value of setting synced field should be checked. See bug 1656492. + Unused << GetBrowsingContext()->ResetGVAutoplayRequestStatus(); + } +#endif + +#ifdef DEBUG + mLastOpenedURI = mDoc->GetDocumentURI(); +#endif + + Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::INNERWINDOWS_WITH_MUTATION_LISTENERS, + mMutationBits ? 1 : 0); + + // Clear our mutation bitfield. + mMutationBits = 0; +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::EnsureClientSource() { + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(mDoc); + + bool newClientSource = false; + + // Get the load info for the document if we performed a load. Be careful not + // to look at local URLs, though. Local URLs are those that have a scheme of: + // * about: + // * data: + // * blob: + // We also do an additional check here so that we only treat about:blank + // and about:srcdoc as local URLs. Other internal firefox about: URLs should + // not be treated this way. + nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo; + nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = mDoc->GetChannel(); + if (channel) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; + Unused << channel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); + + bool ignoreLoadInfo = false; + + // Note, this is mostly copied from NS_IsAboutBlank(). Its duplicated + // here so we can efficiently check about:srcdoc as well. + if (uri->SchemeIs("about")) { + nsCString spec = uri->GetSpecOrDefault(); + ignoreLoadInfo = spec.EqualsLiteral("about:blank") || + spec.EqualsLiteral("about:srcdoc"); + } else { + // Its not an about: URL, so now check for our other URL types. + ignoreLoadInfo = uri->SchemeIs("data") || uri->SchemeIs("blob"); + } + + if (!ignoreLoadInfo) { + loadInfo = channel->LoadInfo(); + } + } + + // Take the initial client source from the docshell immediately. Even if we + // don't end up using it here we should consume it. + UniquePtr<ClientSource> initialClientSource; + nsIDocShell* docshell = GetDocShell(); + if (docshell) { + initialClientSource = docshell->TakeInitialClientSource(); + } + + // Try to get the reserved client from the LoadInfo. A Client is + // reserved at the start of the channel load if there is not an + // initial about:blank document that will be reused. It is also + // created if the channel load encounters a cross-origin redirect. + if (loadInfo) { + UniquePtr<ClientSource> reservedClient = + loadInfo->TakeReservedClientSource(); + if (reservedClient) { + mClientSource.reset(); + mClientSource = std::move(reservedClient); + newClientSource = true; + } + } + + // We don't have a LoadInfo reserved client, but maybe we should + // be inheriting an initial one from the docshell. This means + // that the docshell started the channel load before creating the + // initial about:blank document. This is an optimization, though, + // and it created an initial Client as a placeholder for the document. + // In this case we want to inherit this placeholder Client here. + if (!mClientSource) { + mClientSource = std::move(initialClientSource); + if (mClientSource) { + newClientSource = true; + } + } + + // Verify the final ClientSource principal matches the final document + // principal. The ClientChannelHelper handles things like network + // redirects, but there are other ways the document principal can change. + // For example, if something sets the nsIChannel.owner property, then + // the final channel principal can be anything. Unfortunately there is + // no good way to detect this until after the channel completes loading. + // + // For now we handle this just by reseting the ClientSource. This will + // result in a new ClientSource with the correct principal being created. + // To APIs like ServiceWorker and Clients API it will look like there was + // an initial content page created that was then immediately replaced. + // This is pretty close to what we are actually doing. + if (mClientSource) { + auto principalOrErr = mClientSource->Info().GetPrincipal(); + nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> clientPrincipal = + principalOrErr.isOk() ? principalOrErr.unwrap() : nullptr; + if (!clientPrincipal || !clientPrincipal->Equals(mDoc->NodePrincipal())) { + mClientSource.reset(); + } + } + + // If we don't have a reserved client or an initial client, then create + // one now. This can happen in certain cases where we avoid preallocating + // the client in the docshell. This mainly occurs in situations where + // the principal is not clearly inherited from the parent; e.g. sandboxed + // iframes, window.open(), etc. + // + // We also do this late ClientSource creation if the final document ended + // up with a different principal. + // + // TODO: We may not be marking initial about:blank documents created + // this way as controlled by a service worker properly. The + // controller should be coming from the same place as the inheritted + // principal. We do this in docshell, but as mentioned we aren't + // smart enough to handle all cases yet. For example, a + // window.open() with new URL should inherit the controller from + // the opener, but we probably don't handle that yet. + if (!mClientSource) { + mClientSource = ClientManager::CreateSource( + ClientType::Window, EventTargetFor(TaskCategory::Other), + mDoc->NodePrincipal()); + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(mClientSource); + newClientSource = true; + + // Note, we don't apply the loadinfo controller below if we create + // the ClientSource here. + } + + // The load may have started controlling the Client as well. If + // so, mark it as controlled immediately here. The actor may + // or may not have been notified by the parent side about being + // controlled yet. + // + // Note: We should be careful not to control a client that was created late. + // These clients were not seen by the ServiceWorkerManager when it + // marked the LoadInfo controlled and it won't know about them. Its + // also possible we are creating the client late due to the final + // principal changing and these clients should definitely not be + // controlled by a service worker with a different principal. + else if (loadInfo) { + const Maybe<ServiceWorkerDescriptor> controller = loadInfo->GetController(); + if (controller.isSome()) { + mClientSource->SetController(controller.ref()); + } + + // We also have to handle the case where te initial about:blank is + // controlled due to inheritting the service worker from its parent, + // but the actual nsIChannel load is not covered by any service worker. + // In this case we want the final page to be uncontrolled. There is + // an open spec issue about how exactly this should be handled, but for + // now we just force creation of a new ClientSource to clear the + // controller. + // + // https://github.com/w3c/ServiceWorker/issues/1232 + // + else if (mClientSource->GetController().isSome()) { + mClientSource.reset(); + mClientSource = ClientManager::CreateSource( + ClientType::Window, EventTargetFor(TaskCategory::Other), + mDoc->NodePrincipal()); + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(mClientSource); + newClientSource = true; + } + } + + if (mClientSource) { + // Generally the CSP is stored within the Client and cached on the document. + // At the time of CSP parsing however, the Client has not been created yet, + // hence we store the CSP on the document and propagate/sync the CSP with + // Client here when we create the Client. + mClientSource->SetCsp(mDoc->GetCsp()); + + DocGroup* docGroup = GetDocGroup(); + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(docGroup); + mClientSource->SetAgentClusterId(docGroup->AgentClusterId()); + + if (mWindowGlobalChild) { + mWindowGlobalChild->SendSetClientInfo(mClientSource->Info().ToIPC()); + } + } + + // Its possible that we got a client just after being frozen in + // the bfcache. In that case freeze the client immediately. + if (newClientSource && IsFrozen()) { + mClientSource->Freeze(); + } + + return NS_OK; +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::ExecutionReady() { + nsresult rv = EnsureClientSource(); + NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); + + rv = mClientSource->WindowExecutionReady(this); + NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); + + return NS_OK; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::UpdateParentTarget() { + // NOTE: This method is identical to + // nsGlobalWindowOuter::UpdateParentTarget(). IF YOU UPDATE THIS METHOD, + // UPDATE THE OTHER ONE TOO! + + // Try to get our frame element's tab child global (its in-process message + // manager). If that fails, fall back to the chrome event handler's tab + // child global, and if it doesn't have one, just use the chrome event + // handler itself. + + nsPIDOMWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindow(); + if (!outer) { + return; + } + nsCOMPtr<Element> frameElement = outer->GetFrameElementInternal(); + nsCOMPtr<EventTarget> eventTarget = + nsContentUtils::TryGetBrowserChildGlobal(frameElement); + + if (!eventTarget) { + nsGlobalWindowOuter* topWin = GetInProcessScriptableTopInternal(); + if (topWin) { + frameElement = topWin->GetFrameElementInternal(); + eventTarget = nsContentUtils::TryGetBrowserChildGlobal(frameElement); + } + } + + if (!eventTarget) { + eventTarget = nsContentUtils::TryGetBrowserChildGlobal(mChromeEventHandler); + } + + if (!eventTarget) { + eventTarget = mChromeEventHandler; + } + + mParentTarget = eventTarget; +} + +EventTarget* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetTargetForDOMEvent() { + return GetOuterWindowInternal(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetEventTargetParent(EventChainPreVisitor& aVisitor) { + EventMessage msg = aVisitor.mEvent->mMessage; + + aVisitor.mCanHandle = true; + aVisitor.mForceContentDispatch = true; // FIXME! Bug 329119 + if (msg == eResize && aVisitor.mEvent->IsTrusted()) { + // QIing to window so that we can keep the old behavior also in case + // a child window is handling resize. + nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> window = + do_QueryInterface(aVisitor.mEvent->mOriginalTarget); + if (window) { + mIsHandlingResizeEvent = true; + } + } else if (msg == eMouseDown && aVisitor.mEvent->IsTrusted()) { + sMouseDown = true; + } else if ((msg == eMouseUp || msg == eDragEnd) && + aVisitor.mEvent->IsTrusted()) { + sMouseDown = false; + if (sDragServiceDisabled) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIDragService> ds = + do_GetService("@mozilla.org/widget/dragservice;1"); + if (ds) { + sDragServiceDisabled = false; + ds->Unsuppress(); + } + } + } + + aVisitor.SetParentTarget(GetParentTarget(), true); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::DialogsAreBeingAbused() { + NS_ASSERTION(GetInProcessScriptableTopInternal() && + GetInProcessScriptableTopInternal() + ->GetCurrentInnerWindowInternal() == this, + "DialogsAreBeingAbused called with invalid window"); + + if (mLastDialogQuitTime.IsNull() || nsContentUtils::IsCallerChrome()) { + return false; + } + + TimeDuration dialogInterval(TimeStamp::Now() - mLastDialogQuitTime); + if (dialogInterval.ToSeconds() < + Preferences::GetInt("dom.successive_dialog_time_limit", + DEFAULT_SUCCESSIVE_DIALOG_TIME_LIMIT)) { + mDialogAbuseCount++; + + return PopupBlocker::GetPopupControlState() > PopupBlocker::openAllowed || + mDialogAbuseCount > MAX_SUCCESSIVE_DIALOG_COUNT; + } + + // Reset the abuse counter + mDialogAbuseCount = 0; + + return false; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::FireFrameLoadEvent() { + // If we're not in a content frame, or are at a BrowsingContext tree boundary, + // such as the content-chrome boundary, don't fire the "load" event. + if (GetBrowsingContext()->IsTopContent() || + GetBrowsingContext()->IsChrome()) { + return; + } + + // If embedder is same-process, fire the event on our embedder element. + // + // XXX: Bug 1440212 is looking into potentially changing this behaviour to act + // more like the remote case when in-process. + RefPtr<Element> element = GetBrowsingContext()->GetEmbedderElement(); + if (element) { + nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore; + WidgetEvent event(/* aIsTrusted = */ true, eLoad); + event.mFlags.mBubbles = false; + event.mFlags.mCancelable = false; + + if (mozilla::dom::DocGroup::TryToLoadIframesInBackground()) { + nsDocShell* ds = nsDocShell::Cast(GetDocShell()); + + if (ds && !ds->HasFakeOnLoadDispatched()) { + EventDispatcher::Dispatch(element, nullptr, &event, nullptr, &status); + } + } else { + // Most of the time we could get a pres context to pass in here, + // but not always (i.e. if this window is not shown there won't + // be a pres context available). Since we're not firing a GUI + // event we don't need a pres context anyway so we just pass + // null as the pres context all the time here. + EventDispatcher::Dispatch(element, nullptr, &event, nullptr, &status); + } + return; + } + + // We don't have an in-process embedder. Try to get our `BrowserChild` actor + // to send a message to that embedder. We want to double-check that our outer + // window is actually the one at the root of this browserChild though, just in + // case. + RefPtr<BrowserChild> browserChild = + BrowserChild::GetFrom(static_cast<nsPIDOMWindowInner*>(this)); + if (browserChild) { + // Double-check that our outer window is actually at the root of this + // `BrowserChild`, in case we're in an odd maybe-unhosted situation like a + // print preview dialog. + nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> rootOuter = + do_GetInterface(browserChild->WebNavigation()); + if (!rootOuter || rootOuter != GetOuterWindow()) { + return; + } + + mozilla::Unused << browserChild->SendMaybeFireEmbedderLoadEvents( + EmbedderElementEventType::LoadEvent); + } +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::PostHandleEvent(EventChainPostVisitor& aVisitor) { + // Return early if there is nothing to do. + switch (aVisitor.mEvent->mMessage) { + case eResize: + case eUnload: + case eLoad: + break; + default: + return NS_OK; + } + + /* mChromeEventHandler and mContext go dangling in the middle of this + function under some circumstances (events that destroy the window) + without this addref. */ + RefPtr<EventTarget> kungFuDeathGrip1(mChromeEventHandler); + mozilla::Unused + << kungFuDeathGrip1; // These aren't referred to through the function + nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptContext> kungFuDeathGrip2(GetContextInternal()); + mozilla::Unused + << kungFuDeathGrip2; // These aren't referred to through the function + + if (aVisitor.mEvent->mMessage == eResize) { + mIsHandlingResizeEvent = false; + } else if (aVisitor.mEvent->mMessage == eUnload && + aVisitor.mEvent->IsTrusted()) { + // If any VR display presentation is active at unload, the next page + // will receive a vrdisplayactive event to indicate that it should + // immediately begin vr presentation. This should occur when navigating + // forwards, navigating backwards, and on page reload. + for (const auto& display : mVRDisplays) { + if (display->IsPresenting()) { + display->StartVRNavigation(); + // Save this VR display ID to trigger vrdisplayactivate event + // after the next load event. + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + if (outer) { + outer->SetAutoActivateVRDisplayID(display->DisplayId()); + } + + // XXX The WebVR 1.1 spec does not define which of multiple VR + // presenting VR displays will be chosen during navigation. + // As the underlying platform VR API's currently only allow a single + // VR display, it is safe to choose the first VR display for now. + break; + } + } + mIsDocumentLoaded = false; + // Tell the parent process that the document is not loaded. + if (mWindowGlobalChild) { + mWindowGlobalChild->SendUpdateDocumentHasLoaded(mIsDocumentLoaded); + } + } else if (aVisitor.mEvent->mMessage == eLoad && + aVisitor.mEvent->IsTrusted()) { + // This is page load event since load events don't propagate to |window|. + // @see Document::GetEventTargetParent. + mIsDocumentLoaded = true; + // Tell the parent process that the document is loaded. + if (mWindowGlobalChild) { + mWindowGlobalChild->SendUpdateDocumentHasLoaded(mIsDocumentLoaded); + } + + mTimeoutManager->OnDocumentLoaded(); + + MOZ_ASSERT(aVisitor.mEvent->IsTrusted()); + FireFrameLoadEvent(); + + if (mVREventObserver) { + mVREventObserver->NotifyAfterLoad(); + } + + uint32_t autoActivateVRDisplayID = 0; + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + if (outer) { + autoActivateVRDisplayID = outer->GetAutoActivateVRDisplayID(); + } + if (autoActivateVRDisplayID) { + DispatchVRDisplayActivate(autoActivateVRDisplayID, + VRDisplayEventReason::Navigation); + } + } + + return NS_OK; +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::DefineArgumentsProperty(nsIArray* aArguments) { + nsIScriptContext* ctx = GetOuterWindowInternal()->mContext; + NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aArguments && ctx, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); + + JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(RootingCx(), GetWrapperPreserveColor()); + return ctx->SetProperty(obj, "arguments", aArguments); +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// nsGlobalWindowInner::nsIScriptObjectPrincipal +//***************************************************************************** + +nsIPrincipal* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetPrincipal() { + if (mDoc) { + // If we have a document, get the principal from the document + return mDoc->NodePrincipal(); + } + + if (mDocumentPrincipal) { + return mDocumentPrincipal; + } + + // If we don't have a principal and we don't have a document we + // ask the parent window for the principal. This can happen when + // loading a frameset that has a <frame src="javascript:xxx">, in + // that case the global window is used in JS before we've loaded + // a document into the window. + + nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptObjectPrincipal> objPrincipal = + do_QueryInterface(GetInProcessParentInternal()); + + if (objPrincipal) { + return objPrincipal->GetPrincipal(); + } + + return nullptr; +} + +nsIPrincipal* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal() { + if (mDoc) { + // If we have a document, get the principal from the document + return mDoc->EffectiveStoragePrincipal(); + } + + if (mDocumentStoragePrincipal) { + return mDocumentStoragePrincipal; + } + + // If we don't have a storage principal and we don't have a document we ask + // the parent window for the storage principal. + + nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptObjectPrincipal> objPrincipal = + do_QueryInterface(GetInProcessParentInternal()); + + if (objPrincipal) { + return objPrincipal->GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal(); + } + + return nullptr; +} + +nsIPrincipal* nsGlobalWindowInner::PartitionedPrincipal() { + if (mDoc) { + // If we have a document, get the principal from the document + return mDoc->PartitionedPrincipal(); + } + + if (mDocumentPartitionedPrincipal) { + return mDocumentPartitionedPrincipal; + } + + // If we don't have a partitioned principal and we don't have a document we + // ask the parent window for the partitioned principal. + + nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptObjectPrincipal> objPrincipal = + do_QueryInterface(GetInProcessParentInternal()); + + if (objPrincipal) { + return objPrincipal->PartitionedPrincipal(); + } + + return nullptr; +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// nsGlobalWindowInner::nsIDOMWindow +//***************************************************************************** + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::AddAudioContext(AudioContext* aAudioContext) { + mAudioContexts.AppendElement(aAudioContext); + + // Return true if the context should be muted and false if not. + nsIDocShell* docShell = GetDocShell(); + return docShell && !docShell->GetAllowMedia() && !aAudioContext->IsOffline(); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::RemoveAudioContext(AudioContext* aAudioContext) { + mAudioContexts.RemoveElement(aAudioContext); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::MuteAudioContexts() { + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mAudioContexts.Length(); ++i) { + if (!mAudioContexts[i]->IsOffline()) { + mAudioContexts[i]->Mute(); + } + } +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::UnmuteAudioContexts() { + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mAudioContexts.Length(); ++i) { + if (!mAudioContexts[i]->IsOffline()) { + mAudioContexts[i]->Unmute(); + } + } +} + +WindowProxyHolder nsGlobalWindowInner::Window() { + return WindowProxyHolder(GetBrowsingContext()); +} + +Navigator* nsPIDOMWindowInner::Navigator() { + if (!mNavigator) { + mNavigator = new mozilla::dom::Navigator(this); + } + + return mNavigator; +} + +VisualViewport* nsGlobalWindowInner::VisualViewport() { + if (!mVisualViewport) { + mVisualViewport = new mozilla::dom::VisualViewport(this); + } + + return mVisualViewport; +} + +nsScreen* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScreen(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mScreen) { + mScreen = nsScreen::Create(this); + if (!mScreen) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); + return nullptr; + } + } + + return mScreen; +} + +nsHistory* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetHistory(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mHistory) { + mHistory = new nsHistory(this); + } + + return mHistory; +} + +CustomElementRegistry* nsGlobalWindowInner::CustomElements() { + if (!mCustomElements) { + mCustomElements = new CustomElementRegistry(this); + } + + return mCustomElements; +} + +CustomElementRegistry* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetExistingCustomElements() { + return mCustomElements; +} + +Performance* nsPIDOMWindowInner::GetPerformance() { + CreatePerformanceObjectIfNeeded(); + return mPerformance; +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::QueuePerformanceNavigationTiming() { + CreatePerformanceObjectIfNeeded(); + if (mPerformance) { + mPerformance->QueueNavigationTimingEntry(); + } +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::CreatePerformanceObjectIfNeeded() { + if (mPerformance || !mDoc) { + return; + } + RefPtr<nsDOMNavigationTiming> timing = mDoc->GetNavigationTiming(); + nsCOMPtr<nsITimedChannel> timedChannel(do_QueryInterface(mDoc->GetChannel())); + bool timingEnabled = false; + if (!timedChannel || + !NS_SUCCEEDED(timedChannel->GetTimingEnabled(&timingEnabled)) || + !timingEnabled) { + timedChannel = nullptr; + } + if (timing) { + mPerformance = Performance::CreateForMainThread(this, mDoc->NodePrincipal(), + timing, timedChannel); + } +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::IsSecureContext() const { + return nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->IsSecureContext(); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::Suspend() { + nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->Suspend(); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::Resume() { nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->Resume(); } + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::SyncStateFromParentWindow() { + nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->SyncStateFromParentWindow(); +} + +Maybe<ClientInfo> nsPIDOMWindowInner::GetClientInfo() const { + return nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->GetClientInfo(); +} + +Maybe<ClientState> nsPIDOMWindowInner::GetClientState() const { + return nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->GetClientState(); +} + +Maybe<ServiceWorkerDescriptor> nsPIDOMWindowInner::GetController() const { + return nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->GetController(); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::SetCsp(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aCsp) { + return nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->SetCsp(aCsp); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::SetPreloadCsp(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aPreloadCsp) { + return nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->SetPreloadCsp(aPreloadCsp); +} + +nsIContentSecurityPolicy* nsPIDOMWindowInner::GetCsp() { + return nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->GetCsp(); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::NoteCalledRegisterForServiceWorkerScope( + const nsACString& aScope) { + nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->NoteCalledRegisterForServiceWorkerScope( + aScope); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::NoteDOMContentLoaded() { + nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->NoteDOMContentLoaded(); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::ShouldReportForServiceWorkerScope( + const nsAString& aScope) { + bool result = false; + + nsPIDOMWindowOuter* topOuter = GetInProcessScriptableTop(); + NS_ENSURE_TRUE(topOuter, false); + + nsGlobalWindowInner* topInner = + nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(topOuter->GetCurrentInnerWindow()); + NS_ENSURE_TRUE(topInner, false); + + topInner->ShouldReportForServiceWorkerScopeInternal( + NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aScope), &result); + return result; +} + +InstallTriggerImpl* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInstallTrigger() { + if (!mInstallTrigger) { + ErrorResult rv; + mInstallTrigger = ConstructJSImplementation<InstallTriggerImpl>( + "@mozilla.org/addons/installtrigger;1", this, rv); + if (rv.Failed()) { + rv.SuppressException(); + return nullptr; + } + } + + return mInstallTrigger; +} + +nsIDOMWindowUtils* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetWindowUtils(ErrorResult& aRv) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(WindowUtils, (), aRv, nullptr); +} + +CallState nsGlobalWindowInner::ShouldReportForServiceWorkerScopeInternal( + const nsACString& aScope, bool* aResultOut) { + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aResultOut); + + // First check to see if this window is controlled. If so, then we have + // found a match and are done. + const Maybe<ServiceWorkerDescriptor> swd = GetController(); + if (swd.isSome() && swd.ref().Scope() == aScope) { + *aResultOut = true; + return CallState::Stop; + } + + // Next, check to see if this window has called + // navigator.serviceWorker.register() for this scope. If so, then treat this + // as a match so console reports appear in the devtools console. + if (mClientSource && + mClientSource->CalledRegisterForServiceWorkerScope(aScope)) { + *aResultOut = true; + return CallState::Stop; + } + + // Finally check the current docshell nsILoadGroup to see if there are any + // outstanding navigation requests. If so, match the scope against the + // channel's URL. We want to show console reports during the FetchEvent + // intercepting the navigation itself. + nsCOMPtr<nsIDocumentLoader> loader(do_QueryInterface(GetDocShell())); + if (loader) { + nsCOMPtr<nsILoadGroup> loadgroup; + Unused << loader->GetLoadGroup(getter_AddRefs(loadgroup)); + if (loadgroup) { + nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> iter; + Unused << loadgroup->GetRequests(getter_AddRefs(iter)); + if (iter) { + nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> tmp; + bool hasMore = true; + // Check each network request in the load group. + while (NS_SUCCEEDED(iter->HasMoreElements(&hasMore)) && hasMore) { + iter->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(tmp)); + nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> loadingChannel(do_QueryInterface(tmp)); + // Ignore subresource requests. Logging for a subresource + // FetchEvent should be handled above since the client is + // already controlled. + if (!loadingChannel || + !nsContentUtils::IsNonSubresourceRequest(loadingChannel)) { + continue; + } + nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> loadingURL; + Unused << loadingChannel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(loadingURL)); + if (!loadingURL) { + continue; + } + nsAutoCString loadingSpec; + Unused << loadingURL->GetSpec(loadingSpec); + // Perform a simple substring comparison to match the scope + // against the channel URL. + if (StringBeginsWith(loadingSpec, aScope)) { + *aResultOut = true; + return CallState::Stop; + } + } + } + } + } + + // The current window doesn't care about this service worker, but maybe + // one of our child frames does. + return CallOnInProcessChildren( + &nsGlobalWindowInner::ShouldReportForServiceWorkerScopeInternal, aScope, + aResultOut); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::NoteCalledRegisterForServiceWorkerScope( + const nsACString& aScope) { + if (!mClientSource) { + return; + } + + mClientSource->NoteCalledRegisterForServiceWorkerScope(aScope); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::NoteDOMContentLoaded() { + if (!mClientSource) { + return; + } + + mClientSource->NoteDOMContentLoaded(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::UpdateTopInnerWindow() { + if (IsTopInnerWindow() || !mTopInnerWindow) { + return; + } + + mTopInnerWindow->UpdateWebSocketCount(-(int32_t)mNumOfOpenWebSockets); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsInSyncOperation() { + return GetExtantDoc() && GetExtantDoc()->IsInSyncOperation(); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsSharedMemoryAllowed() const { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + + if (StaticPrefs:: + dom_postMessage_sharedArrayBuffer_bypassCOOP_COEP_insecure_enabled()) { + return true; + } + + return CrossOriginIsolated(); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::CrossOriginIsolated() const { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + + RefPtr<BrowsingContext> bc = GetBrowsingContext(); + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(bc); + return bc->CrossOriginIsolated(); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::AddPeerConnection() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + mTopInnerWindow ? mTopInnerWindow->mActivePeerConnections++ + : mActivePeerConnections++; +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::RemovePeerConnection() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + MOZ_ASSERT(mTopInnerWindow ? mTopInnerWindow->mActivePeerConnections + : mActivePeerConnections); + + mTopInnerWindow ? mTopInnerWindow->mActivePeerConnections-- + : mActivePeerConnections--; +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::HasActivePeerConnections() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + return mTopInnerWindow ? mTopInnerWindow->mActivePeerConnections + : mActivePeerConnections; +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::AddMediaKeysInstance(MediaKeys* aMediaKeys) { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + mMediaKeysInstances.AppendElement(aMediaKeys); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::RemoveMediaKeysInstance(MediaKeys* aMediaKeys) { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + mMediaKeysInstances.RemoveElement(aMediaKeys); +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::HasActiveMediaKeysInstance() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + return !mMediaKeysInstances.IsEmpty(); +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::IsPlayingAudio() { + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mAudioContexts.Length(); i++) { + if (mAudioContexts[i]->IsRunning()) { + return true; + } + } + RefPtr<AudioChannelService> acs = AudioChannelService::Get(); + if (!acs) { + return false; + } + auto outer = GetOuterWindow(); + if (!outer) { + // We've been unlinked and are about to die. Not a good time to pretend to + // be playing audio. + return false; + } + return acs->IsWindowActive(outer); +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::IsDocumentLoaded() const { return mIsDocumentLoaded; } + +mozilla::dom::TimeoutManager& nsPIDOMWindowInner::TimeoutManager() { + return *mTimeoutManager; +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::IsRunningTimeout() { + return TimeoutManager().IsRunningTimeout(); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::TryToCacheTopInnerWindow() { + if (mHasTriedToCacheTopInnerWindow) { + return; + } + + nsGlobalWindowInner* window = nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this); + + MOZ_ASSERT(!window->IsDying()); + + mHasTriedToCacheTopInnerWindow = true; + + MOZ_ASSERT(window); + + if (nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> topOutter = + window->GetInProcessScriptableTop()) { + mTopInnerWindow = topOutter->GetCurrentInnerWindow(); + } +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::UpdateActiveIndexedDBDatabaseCount(int32_t aDelta) { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + + if (aDelta == 0) { + return; + } + + // We count databases but not transactions because only active databases + // could block throttling. + uint32_t& counter = mTopInnerWindow + ? mTopInnerWindow->mNumOfIndexedDBDatabases + : mNumOfIndexedDBDatabases; + + counter += aDelta; +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::HasActiveIndexedDBDatabases() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + + return mTopInnerWindow ? mTopInnerWindow->mNumOfIndexedDBDatabases > 0 + : mNumOfIndexedDBDatabases > 0; +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::UpdateWebSocketCount(int32_t aDelta) { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + + if (aDelta == 0) { + return; + } + + if (mTopInnerWindow && !IsTopInnerWindow()) { + mTopInnerWindow->UpdateWebSocketCount(aDelta); + } + + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT( + aDelta > 0 || ((aDelta + mNumOfOpenWebSockets) < mNumOfOpenWebSockets)); + + mNumOfOpenWebSockets += aDelta; +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::HasOpenWebSockets() const { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + + return mNumOfOpenWebSockets || + (mTopInnerWindow && mTopInnerWindow->mNumOfOpenWebSockets); +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::IsCurrentInnerWindow() const { + auto* bc = GetBrowsingContext(); + MOZ_ASSERT(bc); + + if (bc->IsDiscarded()) { + // If our BrowsingContext has been discarded, we consider ourselves + // still-current if we were current at the time it was discarded. + return mOuterWindow && WasCurrentInnerWindow(); + } + + nsPIDOMWindowOuter* outer = bc->GetDOMWindow(); + return outer && outer->GetCurrentInnerWindow() == this; +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::IsFullyActive() const { + WindowContext* wc = GetWindowContext(); + if (!wc || wc->IsDiscarded() || wc->IsCached()) { + return false; + } + return GetBrowsingContext()->AncestorsAreCurrent(); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::SetAudioCapture(bool aCapture) { + RefPtr<AudioChannelService> service = AudioChannelService::GetOrCreate(); + if (service) { + service->SetWindowAudioCaptured(GetOuterWindow(), mWindowID, aCapture); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetActiveLoadingState(bool aIsLoading) { + MOZ_LOG( + gTimeoutLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, + ("SetActiveLoadingState innerwindow %p: %d", (void*)this, aIsLoading)); + if (GetBrowsingContext()) { + // Setting loading on a discarded context has no effect. + Unused << GetBrowsingContext()->SetLoading(aIsLoading); + } + + if (!nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->IsChromeWindow()) { + mTimeoutManager->SetLoading(aIsLoading); + } + + HintIsLoading(aIsLoading); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::HintIsLoading(bool aIsLoading) { + // Hint to tell the JS GC to use modified triggers during pageload. + if (mHintedWasLoading != aIsLoading) { + using namespace js::gc; + SetPerformanceHint(danger::GetJSContext(), aIsLoading + ? PerformanceHint::InPageLoad + : PerformanceHint::Normal); + mHintedWasLoading = aIsLoading; + } +} + +// nsISpeechSynthesisGetter + +#ifdef MOZ_WEBSPEECH +SpeechSynthesis* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetSpeechSynthesis(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mSpeechSynthesis) { + mSpeechSynthesis = new SpeechSynthesis(this); + } + + return mSpeechSynthesis; +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::HasActiveSpeechSynthesis() { + if (mSpeechSynthesis) { + return !mSpeechSynthesis->HasEmptyQueue(); + } + + return false; +} + +#endif + +#ifdef MOZ_GLEAN +mozilla::glean::Glean* nsGlobalWindowInner::Glean() { + if (!mGlean) { + mGlean = new mozilla::glean::Glean(); + } + + return mGlean; +} + +mozilla::glean::GleanPings* nsGlobalWindowInner::GleanPings() { + if (!mGleanPings) { + mGleanPings = new mozilla::glean::GleanPings(); + } + + return mGleanPings; +} +#endif + +Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetParent( + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetParentOuter, (), aError, nullptr); +} + +/** + * GetInProcessScriptableParent used to be called when a script read + * window.parent. Under Fission, that is now handled by + * BrowsingContext::GetParent, and the result is a WindowProxyHolder rather than + * an actual global window. This method still exists for legacy callers which + * relied on the old logic, and require in-process windows. However, it only + * works correctly when no out-of-process frames exist between this window and + * the top-level window, so it should not be used in new code. + * + * In contrast to GetRealParent, GetInProcessScriptableParent respects <iframe + * mozbrowser> boundaries, so if |this| is contained by an <iframe + * mozbrowser>, we will return |this| as its own parent. + */ +nsPIDOMWindowOuter* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInProcessScriptableParent() { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER(GetInProcessScriptableParent, (), nullptr); +} + +/** + * GetInProcessScriptableTop used to be called when a script read window.top. + * Under Fission, that is now handled by BrowsingContext::Top, and the result is + * a WindowProxyHolder rather than an actual global window. This method still + * exists for legacy callers which relied on the old logic, and require + * in-process windows. However, it only works correctly when no out-of-process + * frames exist between this window and the top-level window, so it should not + * be used in new code. + * + * In contrast to GetRealTop, GetInProcessScriptableTop respects <iframe + * mozbrowser> boundaries. If we encounter a window owned by an <iframe + * mozbrowser> while walking up the window hierarchy, we'll stop and return that + * window. + */ +nsPIDOMWindowOuter* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInProcessScriptableTop() { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER(GetInProcessScriptableTop, (), nullptr); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetContent(JSContext* aCx, + JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aRetval, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetContentOuter, + (aCx, aRetval, aCallerType, aError), aError, ); +} + +BarProp* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetMenubar(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mMenubar) { + mMenubar = new MenubarProp(this); + } + + return mMenubar; +} + +BarProp* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetToolbar(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mToolbar) { + mToolbar = new ToolbarProp(this); + } + + return mToolbar; +} + +BarProp* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetLocationbar(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mLocationbar) { + mLocationbar = new LocationbarProp(this); + } + return mLocationbar; +} + +BarProp* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetPersonalbar(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mPersonalbar) { + mPersonalbar = new PersonalbarProp(this); + } + return mPersonalbar; +} + +BarProp* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetStatusbar(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mStatusbar) { + mStatusbar = new StatusbarProp(this); + } + return mStatusbar; +} + +BarProp* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScrollbars(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mScrollbars) { + mScrollbars = new ScrollbarsProp(this); + } + + return mScrollbars; +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::GetClosed(ErrorResult& aError) { + // If we're called from JS (which is the only way we should be getting called + // here) and we reach this point, that means our JS global is the current + // target of the WindowProxy, which means that we are the "current inner" + // of our outer. So if FORWARD_TO_OUTER fails to forward, that means the + // outer is already torn down, which corresponds to the closed state. + FORWARD_TO_OUTER(GetClosedOuter, (), true); +} + +Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> nsGlobalWindowInner::IndexedGetter( + uint32_t aIndex) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER(IndexedGetterOuter, (aIndex), nullptr); +} + +namespace { + +struct InterfaceShimEntry { + const char* geckoName; + const char* domName; +}; + +} // anonymous namespace + +// We add shims from Components.interfaces.nsIDOMFoo to window.Foo for each +// interface that has interface constants that sites might be getting off +// of Ci. +const InterfaceShimEntry kInterfaceShimMap[] = { + {"nsIXMLHttpRequest", "XMLHttpRequest"}, + {"nsIDOMDOMException", "DOMException"}, + {"nsIDOMNode", "Node"}, + {"nsIDOMCSSRule", "CSSRule"}, + {"nsIDOMEvent", "Event"}, + {"nsIDOMNSEvent", "Event"}, + {"nsIDOMKeyEvent", "KeyEvent"}, + {"nsIDOMMouseEvent", "MouseEvent"}, + {"nsIDOMMouseScrollEvent", "MouseScrollEvent"}, + {"nsIDOMMutationEvent", "MutationEvent"}, + {"nsIDOMUIEvent", "UIEvent"}, + {"nsIDOMHTMLMediaElement", "HTMLMediaElement"}, + {"nsIDOMRange", "Range"}, + // Think about whether Ci.nsINodeFilter can just go away for websites! + {"nsIDOMNodeFilter", "NodeFilter"}, + {"nsIDOMXPathResult", "XPathResult"}}; + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::ResolveComponentsShim( + JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGlobal, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::PropertyDescriptor> aDesc) { + // Keep track of how often this happens. + Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::COMPONENTS_SHIM_ACCESSED_BY_CONTENT, true); + + // Warn once. + nsCOMPtr<Document> doc = GetExtantDoc(); + if (doc) { + doc->WarnOnceAbout(DeprecatedOperations::eComponents, /* asError = */ true); + } + + // Create a fake Components object. + AssertSameCompartment(aCx, aGlobal); + JS::Rooted<JSObject*> components(aCx, JS_NewPlainObject(aCx)); + if (NS_WARN_IF(!components)) { + return false; + } + + // Create a fake interfaces object. + JS::Rooted<JSObject*> interfaces(aCx, JS_NewPlainObject(aCx)); + if (NS_WARN_IF(!interfaces)) { + return false; + } + bool ok = + JS_DefineProperty(aCx, components, "interfaces", interfaces, + JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_READONLY); + if (NS_WARN_IF(!ok)) { + return false; + } + + // Define a bunch of shims from the Ci.nsIDOMFoo to window.Foo for DOM + // interfaces with constants. + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(kInterfaceShimMap); ++i) { + // Grab the names from the table. + const char* geckoName = kInterfaceShimMap[i].geckoName; + const char* domName = kInterfaceShimMap[i].domName; + + // Look up the appopriate interface object on the global. + JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(aCx, JS::UndefinedValue()); + ok = JS_GetProperty(aCx, aGlobal, domName, &v); + if (NS_WARN_IF(!ok)) { + return false; + } + if (!v.isObject()) { + NS_WARNING("Unable to find interface object on global"); + continue; + } + + // Define the shim on the interfaces object. + ok = JS_DefineProperty( + aCx, interfaces, geckoName, v, + JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_READONLY); + if (NS_WARN_IF(!ok)) { + return false; + } + } + + FillPropertyDescriptor(aDesc, aGlobal, JS::ObjectValue(*components), false); + + return true; +} + +#ifdef RELEASE_OR_BETA +# define USE_CONTROLLERS_SHIM +#endif + +#ifdef USE_CONTROLLERS_SHIM +static const JSClass ControllersShimClass = {"Controllers", 0}; +static const JSClass XULControllersShimClass = {"XULControllers", 0}; +#endif + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::DoResolve( + JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj, JS::Handle<jsid> aId, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::PropertyDescriptor> aDesc) { + // Note: Keep this in sync with MayResolve. + + // Note: The infallibleInit call in GlobalResolve depends on this check. + if (!JSID_IS_STRING(aId)) { + return true; + } + + bool found; + if (!WebIDLGlobalNameHash::DefineIfEnabled(aCx, aObj, aId, aDesc, &found)) { + return false; + } + + if (found) { + return true; + } + + // We support a cut-down Components.interfaces in case websites are + // using Components.interfaces.nsIFoo.CONSTANT_NAME for the ones + // that have constants. + if (StaticPrefs::dom_use_components_shim() && + aId == XPCJSRuntime::Get()->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_COMPONENTS)) { + return ResolveComponentsShim(aCx, aObj, aDesc); + } + + // We also support a "window.controllers" thing; apparently some + // sites use it for browser-sniffing. See bug 1010577. +#ifdef USE_CONTROLLERS_SHIM + // Note: We use |aObj| rather than |this| to get the principal here, because + // this is called during Window setup when the Document isn't necessarily + // hooked up yet. + if ((aId == XPCJSRuntime::Get()->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_CONTROLLERS) || + aId == XPCJSRuntime::Get()->GetStringID( + XPCJSContext::IDX_CONTROLLERS_CLASS)) && + !xpc::IsXrayWrapper(aObj) && + !nsContentUtils::ObjectPrincipal(aObj)->IsSystemPrincipal()) { + if (GetExtantDoc()) { + GetExtantDoc()->WarnOnceAbout( + DeprecatedOperations::eWindow_Cc_ontrollers); + } + const JSClass* clazz; + if (aId == + XPCJSRuntime::Get()->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_CONTROLLERS)) { + clazz = &XULControllersShimClass; + } else { + clazz = &ControllersShimClass; + } + MOZ_ASSERT(JS_IsGlobalObject(aObj)); + JS::Rooted<JSObject*> shim(aCx, JS_NewObject(aCx, clazz)); + if (NS_WARN_IF(!shim)) { + return false; + } + FillPropertyDescriptor(aDesc, aObj, JS::ObjectValue(*shim), + /* readOnly = */ false); + return true; + } +#endif + + return true; +} + +/* static */ +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::MayResolve(jsid aId) { + // Note: This function does not fail and may not have any side-effects. + // Note: Keep this in sync with DoResolve. + if (!JSID_IS_STRING(aId)) { + return false; + } + + if (aId == XPCJSRuntime::Get()->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_COMPONENTS)) { + return true; + } + + if (aId == XPCJSRuntime::Get()->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_CONTROLLERS) || + aId == XPCJSRuntime::Get()->GetStringID( + XPCJSContext::IDX_CONTROLLERS_CLASS)) { + // We only resolve .controllers/.Controllers in release builds and on + // non-chrome windows, but let's not worry about any of that stuff. + return true; + } + + return WebIDLGlobalNameHash::MayResolve(aId); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOwnPropertyNames( + JSContext* aCx, JS::MutableHandleVector<jsid> aNames, bool aEnumerableOnly, + ErrorResult& aRv) { + if (aEnumerableOnly) { + // The names we would return from here get defined on the window via one of + // two codepaths. The ones coming from the WebIDLGlobalNameHash will end up + // in the DefineConstructor function in BindingUtils, which always defines + // things as non-enumerable. The ones coming from the script namespace + // manager get defined by our resolve hook using FillPropertyDescriptor with + // 0 for the property attributes, so non-enumerable as well. + // + // So in the aEnumerableOnly case we have nothing to do. + return; + } + + // "Components" is marked as enumerable but only resolved on demand :-/. + // aNames.AppendElement(u"Components"_ns); + + JS::Rooted<JSObject*> wrapper(aCx, GetWrapper()); + + // There are actually two ways we can get called here: For normal + // enumeration or for Xray enumeration. In the latter case, we want to + // return all possible WebIDL names, because we don't really support + // deleting these names off our Xray; trying to resolve them will just make + // them come back. In the former case, we want to avoid returning deleted + // names. But the JS engine already knows about the non-deleted + // already-resolved names, so we can just return the so-far-unresolved ones. + // + // We can tell which case we're in by whether aCx is in our wrapper's + // compartment. If not, we're in the Xray case. + WebIDLGlobalNameHash::NameType nameType = + js::IsObjectInContextCompartment(wrapper, aCx) + ? WebIDLGlobalNameHash::UnresolvedNamesOnly + : WebIDLGlobalNameHash::AllNames; + if (!WebIDLGlobalNameHash::GetNames(aCx, wrapper, nameType, aNames)) { + aRv.NoteJSContextException(aCx); + } +} + +/* static */ +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsPrivilegedChromeWindow(JSContext*, JSObject* aObj) { + // For now, have to deal with XPConnect objects here. + nsGlobalWindowInner* win = xpc::WindowOrNull(aObj); + return win && win->IsChromeWindow() && + nsContentUtils::ObjectPrincipal(aObj) == + nsContentUtils::GetSystemPrincipal(); +} + +/* static */ +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsRequestIdleCallbackEnabled(JSContext* aCx, + JSObject*) { + // The requestIdleCallback should always be enabled for system code. + return StaticPrefs::dom_requestIdleCallback_enabled() || + nsContentUtils::IsSystemCaller(aCx); +} + +/* static */ +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::DeviceSensorsEnabled(JSContext*, JSObject*) { + return Preferences::GetBool("device.sensors.enabled"); +} + +/* static */ +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::ContentPropertyEnabled(JSContext* aCx, JSObject*) { + return StaticPrefs::dom_window_content_untrusted_enabled() || + nsContentUtils::IsSystemCaller(aCx); +} + +nsDOMOfflineResourceList* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetApplicationCache( + ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mApplicationCache) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIWebNavigation> webNav(do_QueryInterface(GetDocShell())); + if (!webNav || !mDoc) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return nullptr; + } + + nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; + aError = webNav->GetCurrentURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); + if (aError.Failed()) { + return nullptr; + } + + nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> manifestURI; + nsContentUtils::GetOfflineAppManifest(mDoc, getter_AddRefs(manifestURI)); + + RefPtr<nsDOMOfflineResourceList> applicationCache = + new nsDOMOfflineResourceList(manifestURI, uri, mDoc->NodePrincipal(), + this); + + applicationCache->Init(); + + mApplicationCache = applicationCache; + } + + return mApplicationCache; +} + +nsDOMOfflineResourceList* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetApplicationCache() { + return GetApplicationCache(IgnoreErrors()); +} + +Crypto* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetCrypto(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mCrypto) { + mCrypto = new Crypto(this); + } + return mCrypto; +} + +mozilla::dom::U2F* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetU2f(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mU2F) { + RefPtr<U2F> u2f = new U2F(this); + u2f->Init(aError); + if (NS_WARN_IF(aError.Failed())) { + return nullptr; + } + + mU2F = u2f; + } + return mU2F; +} + +nsIControllers* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetControllers(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetControllersOuter, (aError), aError, nullptr); +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::GetControllers(nsIControllers** aResult) { + ErrorResult rv; + nsCOMPtr<nsIControllers> controllers = GetControllers(rv); + controllers.forget(aResult); + + return rv.StealNSResult(); +} + +Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOpenerWindow( + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetOpenerWindowOuter, (), aError, nullptr); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOpener(JSContext* aCx, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval, + ErrorResult& aError) { + Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> opener = GetOpenerWindow(aError); + if (aError.Failed() || opener.IsNull()) { + aRetval.setNull(); + return; + } + + if (!ToJSValue(aCx, opener.Value(), aRetval)) { + aError.NoteJSContextException(aCx); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetOpener(JSContext* aCx, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aOpener, + ErrorResult& aError) { + if (aOpener.isNull()) { + RefPtr<BrowsingContext> bc(GetBrowsingContext()); + if (!bc->IsDiscarded()) { + bc->SetOpener(nullptr); + } + return; + } + + // If something other than null is passed, just define aOpener on our inner + // window's JS object, wrapped into the current compartment so that for Xrays + // we define on the Xray expando object, but don't set it on the outer window, + // so that it'll get reset on navigation. This is just like replaceable + // properties, but we're not quite readonly. + RedefineProperty(aCx, "opener", aOpener, aError); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetEvent(JSContext* aCx, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval) { + if (mEvent) { + Unused << nsContentUtils::WrapNative(aCx, mEvent, aRetval); + } else { + aRetval.setUndefined(); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetStatus(nsAString& aStatus, ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetStatusOuter, (aStatus), aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetStatus(const nsAString& aStatus, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SetStatusOuter, (aStatus), aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetName(nsAString& aName, ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetNameOuter, (aName), aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetName(const nsAString& aName, + mozilla::ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SetNameOuter, (aName, aError), aError, ); +} + +double nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInnerWidth(CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + // We ignore aCallerType; we only have that argument because some other things + // called by GetReplaceableWindowCoord need it. If this ever changes, fix + // nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInnerWidth(double* aInnerWidth) + // to actually take a useful CallerType and pass it in here. + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetInnerWidthOuter, (aError), aError, 0); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInnerWidth(JSContext* aCx, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + GetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInnerWidth, aValue, + aCallerType, aError); +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInnerWidth(double* aInnerWidth) { + ErrorResult rv; + // Callee doesn't care about the caller type, but play it safe. + *aInnerWidth = GetInnerWidth(CallerType::NonSystem, rv); + + return rv.StealNSResult(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetInnerWidth(double aInnerWidth, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SetInnerWidthOuter, + (aInnerWidth, aCallerType, aError), aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetInnerWidth(JSContext* aCx, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + SetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::SetInnerWidth, aValue, + "innerWidth", aCallerType, aError); +} + +double nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInnerHeight(CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + // We ignore aCallerType; we only have that argument because some other things + // called by GetReplaceableWindowCoord need it. If this ever changes, fix + // nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInnerHeight(double* aInnerWidth) + // to actually take a useful CallerType and pass it in here. + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetInnerHeightOuter, (aError), aError, 0); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInnerHeight(JSContext* aCx, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + GetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInnerHeight, aValue, + aCallerType, aError); +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInnerHeight(double* aInnerHeight) { + ErrorResult rv; + // Callee doesn't care about the caller type, but play it safe. + *aInnerHeight = GetInnerHeight(CallerType::NonSystem, rv); + + return rv.StealNSResult(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetInnerHeight(double aInnerHeight, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SetInnerHeightOuter, + (aInnerHeight, aCallerType, aError), aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetInnerHeight(JSContext* aCx, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + SetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::SetInnerHeight, aValue, + "innerHeight", aCallerType, aError); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOuterWidth(CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetOuterWidthOuter, (aCallerType, aError), aError, + 0); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOuterWidth(JSContext* aCx, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + GetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOuterWidth, aValue, + aCallerType, aError); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOuterHeight(CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetOuterHeightOuter, (aCallerType, aError), aError, + 0); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOuterHeight(JSContext* aCx, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + GetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOuterHeight, aValue, + aCallerType, aError); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetOuterWidth(int32_t aOuterWidth, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SetOuterWidthOuter, + (aOuterWidth, aCallerType, aError), aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetOuterWidth(JSContext* aCx, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + SetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::SetOuterWidth, aValue, + "outerWidth", aCallerType, aError); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetOuterHeight(int32_t aOuterHeight, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SetOuterHeightOuter, + (aOuterHeight, aCallerType, aError), aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetOuterHeight(JSContext* aCx, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + SetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::SetOuterHeight, aValue, + "outerHeight", aCallerType, aError); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScreenX(CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetScreenXOuter, (aCallerType, aError), aError, 0); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScreenX(JSContext* aCx, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + GetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScreenX, aValue, + aCallerType, aError); +} + +float nsGlobalWindowInner::GetMozInnerScreenX(CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetMozInnerScreenXOuter, (aCallerType), aError, 0); +} + +float nsGlobalWindowInner::GetMozInnerScreenY(CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetMozInnerScreenYOuter, (aCallerType), aError, 0); +} + +double nsGlobalWindowInner::GetDevicePixelRatio(CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetDevicePixelRatioOuter, (aCallerType), aError, + 0.0); +} + +uint64_t nsGlobalWindowInner::GetMozPaintCount(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetMozPaintCountOuter, (), aError, 0); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::RequestAnimationFrame( + FrameRequestCallback& aCallback, ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mDoc) { + return 0; + } + + if (GetWrapperPreserveColor()) { + js::NotifyAnimationActivity(GetWrapperPreserveColor()); + } + + DebuggerNotificationDispatch(this, + DebuggerNotificationType::RequestAnimationFrame); + + int32_t handle; + aError = mDoc->ScheduleFrameRequestCallback(aCallback, &handle); + return handle; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::CancelAnimationFrame(int32_t aHandle, + ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mDoc) { + return; + } + + DebuggerNotificationDispatch(this, + DebuggerNotificationType::CancelAnimationFrame); + + mDoc->CancelFrameRequestCallback(aHandle); +} + +already_AddRefed<MediaQueryList> nsGlobalWindowInner::MatchMedia( + const nsACString& aMediaQueryList, CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + ENSURE_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT(aError, nullptr); + return mDoc->MatchMedia(aMediaQueryList, aCallerType); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetScreenX(int32_t aScreenX, CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SetScreenXOuter, (aScreenX, aCallerType, aError), + aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetScreenX(JSContext* aCx, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + SetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::SetScreenX, aValue, + "screenX", aCallerType, aError); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScreenY(CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetScreenYOuter, (aCallerType, aError), aError, 0); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScreenY(JSContext* aCx, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + GetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScreenY, aValue, + aCallerType, aError); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetScreenY(int32_t aScreenY, CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SetScreenYOuter, (aScreenY, aCallerType, aError), + aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetScreenY(JSContext* aCx, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + SetReplaceableWindowCoord(aCx, &nsGlobalWindowInner::SetScreenY, aValue, + "screenY", aCallerType, aError); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScrollMinX(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetScrollBoundaryOuter, (eSideLeft), aError, 0); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScrollMinY(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetScrollBoundaryOuter, (eSideTop), aError, 0); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScrollMaxX(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetScrollBoundaryOuter, (eSideRight), aError, 0); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScrollMaxY(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetScrollBoundaryOuter, (eSideBottom), aError, 0); +} + +double nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScrollX(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetScrollXOuter, (), aError, 0); +} + +double nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScrollY(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetScrollYOuter, (), aError, 0); +} + +uint32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::Length() { FORWARD_TO_OUTER(Length, (), 0); } + +Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetTop( + mozilla::ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetTopOuter, (), aError, nullptr); +} + +already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetChildWindow( + const nsAString& aName) { + if (GetOuterWindowInternal()) { + return GetOuterWindowInternal()->GetChildWindow(aName); + } + return nullptr; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::RefreshRealmPrincipal() { + JS::SetRealmPrincipals(js::GetNonCCWObjectRealm(GetWrapperPreserveColor()), + nsJSPrincipals::get(mDoc->NodePrincipal())); +} + +already_AddRefed<nsIWidget> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetMainWidget() { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER(GetMainWidget, (), nullptr); +} + +nsIWidget* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetNearestWidget() const { + if (GetOuterWindowInternal()) { + return GetOuterWindowInternal()->GetNearestWidget(); + } + return nullptr; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetFullScreen(bool aFullscreen, + mozilla::ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SetFullscreenOuter, (aFullscreen, aError), aError, + /* void */); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::GetFullScreen(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetFullscreenOuter, (), aError, false); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::GetFullScreen() { + ErrorResult dummy; + bool fullscreen = GetFullScreen(dummy); + dummy.SuppressException(); + return fullscreen; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Dump(const nsAString& aStr) { + if (!nsJSUtils::DumpEnabled()) { + return; + } + + char* cstr = ToNewUTF8String(aStr); + +#if defined(XP_MACOSX) + // have to convert \r to \n so that printing to the console works + char *c = cstr, *cEnd = cstr + strlen(cstr); + while (c < cEnd) { + if (*c == '\r') *c = '\n'; + c++; + } +#endif + + if (cstr) { + MOZ_LOG(nsContentUtils::DOMDumpLog(), LogLevel::Debug, + ("[Window.Dump] %s", cstr)); +#ifdef XP_WIN + PrintToDebugger(cstr); +#endif +#ifdef ANDROID + __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "GeckoDump", cstr); +#endif + FILE* fp = gDumpFile ? gDumpFile : stdout; + fputs(cstr, fp); + fflush(fp); + free(cstr); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Alert(nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal, + ErrorResult& aError) { + Alert(u""_ns, aSubjectPrincipal, aError); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Alert(const nsAString& aMessage, + nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(AlertOuter, (aMessage, aSubjectPrincipal, aError), + aError, ); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::Confirm(const nsAString& aMessage, + nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(ConfirmOuter, (aMessage, aSubjectPrincipal, aError), + aError, false); +} + +already_AddRefed<Promise> nsGlobalWindowInner::Fetch( + const RequestOrUSVString& aInput, const RequestInit& aInit, + CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aRv) { + return FetchRequest(this, aInput, aInit, aCallerType, aRv); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Prompt(const nsAString& aMessage, + const nsAString& aInitial, nsAString& aReturn, + nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW( + PromptOuter, (aMessage, aInitial, aReturn, aSubjectPrincipal, aError), + aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Focus(CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW( + FocusOuter, (aCallerType, nsFocusManager::GenerateFocusActionId()), + aError, ); +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::Focus(CallerType aCallerType) { + ErrorResult rv; + Focus(aCallerType, rv); + + return rv.StealNSResult(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Blur(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(BlurOuter, (), aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Stop(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(StopOuter, (aError), aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Print(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(PrintOuter, (aError), aError, ); +} + +Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> nsGlobalWindowInner::PrintPreview( + nsIPrintSettings* aSettings, nsIWebProgressListener* aListener, + nsIDocShell* aDocShellToCloneInto, ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(Print, + (aSettings, aListener, aDocShellToCloneInto, + nsGlobalWindowOuter::IsPreview::Yes, + nsGlobalWindowOuter::IsForWindowDotPrint::No, + /* aPrintPreviewCallback = */ nullptr, aError), + aError, nullptr); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::MoveTo(int32_t aXPos, int32_t aYPos, + CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(MoveToOuter, (aXPos, aYPos, aCallerType, aError), + aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::MoveBy(int32_t aXDif, int32_t aYDif, + CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(MoveByOuter, (aXDif, aYDif, aCallerType, aError), + aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ResizeTo(int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(ResizeToOuter, + (aWidth, aHeight, aCallerType, aError), aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ResizeBy(int32_t aWidthDif, int32_t aHeightDif, + CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW( + ResizeByOuter, (aWidthDif, aHeightDif, aCallerType, aError), aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SizeToContent(CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SizeToContentOuter, (aCallerType, aError), + aError, ); +} + +already_AddRefed<nsPIWindowRoot> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetTopWindowRoot() { + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + if (!outer) { + return nullptr; + } + return outer->GetTopWindowRoot(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Scroll(double aXScroll, double aYScroll) { + // Convert -Inf, Inf, and NaN to 0; otherwise, convert by C-style cast. + auto scrollPos = CSSIntPoint::Truncate(mozilla::ToZeroIfNonfinite(aXScroll), + mozilla::ToZeroIfNonfinite(aYScroll)); + ScrollTo(scrollPos, ScrollOptions()); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ScrollTo(double aXScroll, double aYScroll) { + // Convert -Inf, Inf, and NaN to 0; otherwise, convert by C-style cast. + auto scrollPos = CSSIntPoint::Truncate(mozilla::ToZeroIfNonfinite(aXScroll), + mozilla::ToZeroIfNonfinite(aYScroll)); + ScrollTo(scrollPos, ScrollOptions()); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ScrollTo(const ScrollToOptions& aOptions) { + // When scrolling to a non-zero offset, we need to determine whether that + // position is within our scrollable range, so we need updated layout + // information which requires a layout flush, otherwise all we need is to + // flush frames to be able to access our scrollable frame here. + FlushType flushType = + ((aOptions.mLeft.WasPassed() && aOptions.mLeft.Value() > 0) || + (aOptions.mTop.WasPassed() && aOptions.mTop.Value() > 0)) + ? FlushType::Layout + : FlushType::Frames; + FlushPendingNotifications(flushType); + nsIScrollableFrame* sf = GetScrollFrame(); + + if (sf) { + CSSIntPoint scrollPos = sf->GetScrollPositionCSSPixels(); + if (aOptions.mLeft.WasPassed()) { + scrollPos.x = mozilla::ToZeroIfNonfinite(aOptions.mLeft.Value()); + } + if (aOptions.mTop.WasPassed()) { + scrollPos.y = mozilla::ToZeroIfNonfinite(aOptions.mTop.Value()); + } + + ScrollTo(scrollPos, aOptions); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Scroll(const ScrollToOptions& aOptions) { + ScrollTo(aOptions); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ScrollTo(const CSSIntPoint& aScroll, + const ScrollOptions& aOptions) { + // When scrolling to a non-zero offset, we need to determine whether that + // position is within our scrollable range, so we need updated layout + // information which requires a layout flush, otherwise all we need is to + // flush frames to be able to access our scrollable frame here. + FlushType flushType = + (aScroll.x || aScroll.y) ? FlushType::Layout : FlushType::Frames; + FlushPendingNotifications(flushType); + nsIScrollableFrame* sf = GetScrollFrame(); + + if (sf) { + // Here we calculate what the max pixel value is that we can + // scroll to, we do this by dividing maxint with the pixel to + // twips conversion factor, and subtracting 4, the 4 comes from + // experimenting with this value, anything less makes the view + // code not scroll correctly, I have no idea why. -- jst + const int32_t maxpx = nsPresContext::AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(0x7fffffff) - 4; + + CSSIntPoint scroll(aScroll); + if (scroll.x > maxpx) { + scroll.x = maxpx; + } + + if (scroll.y > maxpx) { + scroll.y = maxpx; + } + + ScrollMode scrollMode = sf->IsSmoothScroll(aOptions.mBehavior) + ? ScrollMode::SmoothMsd + : ScrollMode::Instant; + + sf->ScrollToCSSPixels(scroll, scrollMode); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ScrollBy(double aXScrollDif, double aYScrollDif) { + FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Layout); + nsIScrollableFrame* sf = GetScrollFrame(); + + if (sf) { + // It seems like it would make more sense for ScrollBy to use + // SMOOTH mode, but tests seem to depend on the synchronous behaviour. + // Perhaps Web content does too. + ScrollToOptions options; + options.mLeft.Construct(aXScrollDif); + options.mTop.Construct(aYScrollDif); + ScrollBy(options); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ScrollBy(const ScrollToOptions& aOptions) { + FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Layout); + nsIScrollableFrame* sf = GetScrollFrame(); + + if (sf) { + CSSIntPoint scrollDelta; + if (aOptions.mLeft.WasPassed()) { + scrollDelta.x = mozilla::ToZeroIfNonfinite(aOptions.mLeft.Value()); + } + if (aOptions.mTop.WasPassed()) { + scrollDelta.y = mozilla::ToZeroIfNonfinite(aOptions.mTop.Value()); + } + + ScrollMode scrollMode = sf->IsSmoothScroll(aOptions.mBehavior) + ? ScrollMode::SmoothMsd + : ScrollMode::Instant; + + sf->ScrollByCSSPixels(scrollDelta, scrollMode, + mozilla::ScrollOrigin::Relative); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ScrollByLines(int32_t numLines, + const ScrollOptions& aOptions) { + FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Layout); + nsIScrollableFrame* sf = GetScrollFrame(); + if (sf) { + // It seems like it would make more sense for ScrollByLines to use + // SMOOTH mode, but tests seem to depend on the synchronous behaviour. + // Perhaps Web content does too. + ScrollMode scrollMode = sf->IsSmoothScroll(aOptions.mBehavior) + ? ScrollMode::SmoothMsd + : ScrollMode::Instant; + + sf->ScrollBy(nsIntPoint(0, numLines), ScrollUnit::LINES, scrollMode); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ScrollByPages(int32_t numPages, + const ScrollOptions& aOptions) { + FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Layout); + nsIScrollableFrame* sf = GetScrollFrame(); + if (sf) { + // It seems like it would make more sense for ScrollByPages to use + // SMOOTH mode, but tests seem to depend on the synchronous behaviour. + // Perhaps Web content does too. + ScrollMode scrollMode = sf->IsSmoothScroll(aOptions.mBehavior) + ? ScrollMode::SmoothMsd + : ScrollMode::Instant; + + sf->ScrollBy(nsIntPoint(0, numPages), ScrollUnit::PAGES, scrollMode); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::MozScrollSnap() { + FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Layout); + nsIScrollableFrame* sf = GetScrollFrame(); + if (sf) { + sf->ScrollSnap(); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ClearTimeout(int32_t aHandle) { + DebuggerNotificationDispatch(this, DebuggerNotificationType::ClearTimeout); + + if (aHandle > 0) { + mTimeoutManager->ClearTimeout(aHandle, Timeout::Reason::eTimeoutOrInterval); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ClearInterval(int32_t aHandle) { + DebuggerNotificationDispatch(this, DebuggerNotificationType::ClearInterval); + + if (aHandle > 0) { + mTimeoutManager->ClearTimeout(aHandle, Timeout::Reason::eTimeoutOrInterval); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetResizable(bool aResizable) const { + // nop +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::CaptureEvents() { + if (mDoc) { + mDoc->WarnOnceAbout(DeprecatedOperations::eUseOfCaptureEvents); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ReleaseEvents() { + if (mDoc) { + mDoc->WarnOnceAbout(DeprecatedOperations::eUseOfReleaseEvents); + } +} + +Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> nsGlobalWindowInner::Open(const nsAString& aUrl, + const nsAString& aName, + const nsAString& aOptions, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(OpenOuter, (aUrl, aName, aOptions, aError), aError, + nullptr); +} + +Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> nsGlobalWindowInner::OpenDialog( + JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aUrl, const nsAString& aName, + const nsAString& aOptions, const Sequence<JS::Value>& aExtraArgument, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW( + OpenDialogOuter, (aCx, aUrl, aName, aOptions, aExtraArgument, aError), + aError, nullptr); +} + +WindowProxyHolder nsGlobalWindowInner::GetFrames(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetFramesOuter, (), aError, Window()); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::PostMessageMoz(JSContext* aCx, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aMessage, + const nsAString& aTargetOrigin, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aTransfer, + nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW( + PostMessageMozOuter, + (aCx, aMessage, aTargetOrigin, aTransfer, aSubjectPrincipal, aError), + aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::PostMessageMoz(JSContext* aCx, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aMessage, + const nsAString& aTargetOrigin, + const Sequence<JSObject*>& aTransfer, + nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal, + ErrorResult& aRv) { + JS::Rooted<JS::Value> transferArray(aCx, JS::UndefinedValue()); + + aRv = nsContentUtils::CreateJSValueFromSequenceOfObject(aCx, aTransfer, + &transferArray); + if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { + return; + } + + PostMessageMoz(aCx, aMessage, aTargetOrigin, transferArray, aSubjectPrincipal, + aRv); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::PostMessageMoz( + JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aMessage, + const WindowPostMessageOptions& aOptions, nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal, + ErrorResult& aRv) { + JS::Rooted<JS::Value> transferArray(aCx, JS::UndefinedValue()); + + aRv = nsContentUtils::CreateJSValueFromSequenceOfObject( + aCx, aOptions.mTransfer, &transferArray); + if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { + return; + } + + PostMessageMoz(aCx, aMessage, aOptions.mTargetOrigin, transferArray, + aSubjectPrincipal, aRv); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Close(CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(CloseOuter, (aCallerType == CallerType::System), + aError, ); +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::Close() { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER(Close, (), NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsInModalState() { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER(IsInModalState, (), false); +} + +// static +void nsGlobalWindowInner::NotifyDOMWindowDestroyed( + nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> observerService = services::GetObserverService(); + if (observerService) { + observerService->NotifyObservers(ToSupports(aWindow), + DOM_WINDOW_DESTROYED_TOPIC, nullptr); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::NotifyWindowIDDestroyed(const char* aTopic) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable = + new WindowDestroyedEvent(this, mWindowID, aTopic); + Dispatch(TaskCategory::Other, runnable.forget()); +} + +// static +void nsGlobalWindowInner::NotifyDOMWindowFrozen(nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow) { + if (aWindow) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> observerService = + services::GetObserverService(); + if (observerService) { + observerService->NotifyObservers(ToSupports(aWindow), + DOM_WINDOW_FROZEN_TOPIC, nullptr); + } + } +} + +// static +void nsGlobalWindowInner::NotifyDOMWindowThawed(nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow) { + if (aWindow) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> observerService = + services::GetObserverService(); + if (observerService) { + observerService->NotifyObservers(ToSupports(aWindow), + DOM_WINDOW_THAWED_TOPIC, nullptr); + } + } +} + +Element* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetFrameElement(nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetFrameElement, (aSubjectPrincipal), aError, + nullptr); +} + +Element* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetRealFrameElement(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetFrameElement, (), aError, nullptr); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::UpdateCommands(const nsAString& anAction, + Selection* aSel, int16_t aReason) { + if (GetOuterWindowInternal()) { + GetOuterWindowInternal()->UpdateCommands(anAction, aSel, aReason); + } +} + +Selection* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetSelection(ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetSelectionOuter, (), aError, nullptr); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::Find(const nsAString& aString, bool aCaseSensitive, + bool aBackwards, bool aWrapAround, + bool aWholeWord, bool aSearchInFrames, + bool aShowDialog, ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(FindOuter, + (aString, aCaseSensitive, aBackwards, aWrapAround, + aWholeWord, aSearchInFrames, aShowDialog, aError), + aError, false); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOrigin(nsAString& aOrigin) { + nsContentUtils::GetUTFOrigin(GetPrincipal(), aOrigin); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Atob(const nsAString& aAsciiBase64String, + nsAString& aBinaryData, ErrorResult& aError) { + aError = nsContentUtils::Atob(aAsciiBase64String, aBinaryData); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Btoa(const nsAString& aBinaryData, + nsAString& aAsciiBase64String, + ErrorResult& aError) { + aError = nsContentUtils::Btoa(aBinaryData, aAsciiBase64String); +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// EventTarget +//***************************************************************************** + +nsPIDOMWindowOuter* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOwnerGlobalForBindingsInternal() { + return nsPIDOMWindowOuter::GetFromCurrentInner(this); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::DispatchEvent(Event& aEvent, CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aRv) { + if (!IsCurrentInnerWindow()) { + NS_WARNING( + "DispatchEvent called on non-current inner window, dropping. " + "Please check the window in the caller instead."); + aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return false; + } + + if (!mDoc) { + aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return false; + } + + // Obtain a presentation shell + RefPtr<nsPresContext> presContext = mDoc->GetPresContext(); + + nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore; + nsresult rv = EventDispatcher::DispatchDOMEvent( + ToSupports(this), nullptr, &aEvent, presContext, &status); + bool retval = !aEvent.DefaultPrevented(aCallerType); + if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { + aRv.Throw(rv); + } + return retval; +} + +mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::dom::EventCallbackDebuggerNotificationType> +nsGlobalWindowInner::GetDebuggerNotificationType() const { + return mozilla::Some( + mozilla::dom::EventCallbackDebuggerNotificationType::Global); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::ComputeDefaultWantsUntrusted(ErrorResult& aRv) { + return !nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(mDoc); +} + +EventListenerManager* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOrCreateListenerManager() { + if (!mListenerManager) { + mListenerManager = + new EventListenerManager(static_cast<EventTarget*>(this)); + } + + return mListenerManager; +} + +EventListenerManager* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetExistingListenerManager() const { + return mListenerManager; +} + +mozilla::dom::DebuggerNotificationManager* +nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOrCreateDebuggerNotificationManager() { + if (!mDebuggerNotificationManager) { + mDebuggerNotificationManager = new DebuggerNotificationManager(this); + } + + return mDebuggerNotificationManager; +} + +mozilla::dom::DebuggerNotificationManager* +nsGlobalWindowInner::GetExistingDebuggerNotificationManager() { + return mDebuggerNotificationManager; +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// nsGlobalWindowInner::nsPIDOMWindow +//***************************************************************************** + +Location* nsGlobalWindowInner::Location() { + if (!mLocation) { + mLocation = new dom::Location(this, GetBrowsingContext()); + } + + return mLocation; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::MaybeUpdateTouchState() { + if (mMayHaveTouchEventListener) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> observerService = + services::GetObserverService(); + + if (observerService) { + observerService->NotifyObservers(static_cast<nsIDOMWindow*>(this), + DOM_TOUCH_LISTENER_ADDED, nullptr); + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::EnableGamepadUpdates() { + if (mHasGamepad) { + RefPtr<GamepadManager> gamepadManager(GamepadManager::GetService()); + if (gamepadManager) { + gamepadManager->AddListener(this); + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::DisableGamepadUpdates() { + if (mHasGamepad) { + RefPtr<GamepadManager> gamepadManager(GamepadManager::GetService()); + if (gamepadManager) { + gamepadManager->RemoveListener(this); + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::EnableVRUpdates() { + // We need to create a VREventObserver before we can either detect XR runtimes + // or start an XR session + if (!mVREventObserver && (mHasXRSession || mXRRuntimeDetectionInFlight)) { + // Assert that we are not creating the observer while IsDying() as + // that would result in a leak. VREventObserver holds a RefPtr to + // this nsGlobalWindowInner and would prevent it from being deallocated. + MOZ_ASSERT(!IsDying(), + "Creating a VREventObserver for an nsGlobalWindow that is " + "dying would cause it to leak."); + mVREventObserver = new VREventObserver(this); + } + // If the content has an XR session, then we need to tell + // VREventObserver that there is VR activity. + if (mHasXRSession) { + nsPIDOMWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindow(); + if (outer && !outer->IsBackground()) { + StartVRActivity(); + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::DisableVRUpdates() { + if (mVREventObserver) { + mVREventObserver->DisconnectFromOwner(); + mVREventObserver = nullptr; + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ResetVRTelemetry(bool aUpdate) { + if (mVREventObserver) { + mVREventObserver->UpdateSpentTimeIn2DTelemetry(aUpdate); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::StartVRActivity() { + /** + * If the content has an XR session, tell + * the VREventObserver that the window is accessing + * VR devices. + * + * It's possible to have a VREventObserver without + * and XR session, if we are using it to get updates + * about XR runtime enumeration. In this case, + * we would not tell the VREventObserver that + * we are accessing VR devices. + */ + if (mVREventObserver && mHasXRSession) { + mVREventObserver->StartActivity(); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::StopVRActivity() { + /** + * If the content has an XR session, tell + * the VReventObserver that the window is no longer + * accessing VR devices. This does not stop the + * XR session itself, which may be resumed with + * EnableVRUpdates. + * It's possible to have a VREventObserver without + * and XR session, if we are using it to get updates + * about XR runtime enumeration. In this case, + * we would not tell the VREventObserver that + * we ending an activity that accesses VR devices. + */ + if (mVREventObserver && mHasXRSession) { + mVREventObserver->StopActivity(); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetFocusedElement(Element* aElement, + uint32_t aFocusMethod, + bool aNeedsFocus) { + if (aElement && aElement->GetComposedDoc() != mDoc) { + NS_WARNING("Trying to set focus to a node from a wrong document"); + return; + } + + if (IsDying()) { + NS_ASSERTION(!aElement, "Trying to focus cleaned up window!"); + aElement = nullptr; + aNeedsFocus = false; + } + if (mFocusedElement != aElement) { + UpdateCanvasFocus(false, aElement); + mFocusedElement = aElement; + mFocusMethod = aFocusMethod & FOCUSMETHOD_MASK; + } + + if (mFocusedElement) { + // if a node was focused by a keypress, turn on focus rings for the + // window. + if (mFocusMethod & nsIFocusManager::FLAG_BYKEY) { + mFocusByKeyOccurred = true; + } + } + + if (aNeedsFocus) mNeedsFocus = aNeedsFocus; +} + +uint32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::GetFocusMethod() { return mFocusMethod; } + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::ShouldShowFocusRing() { + if (mFocusByKeyOccurred && + StaticPrefs::browser_display_always_show_rings_after_key_focus()) { + return true; + } + + nsCOMPtr<nsPIWindowRoot> root = GetTopWindowRoot(); + return root && root->ShowFocusRings(); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::TakeFocus(bool aFocus, uint32_t aFocusMethod) { + if (IsDying()) { + return false; + } + + if (aFocus) mFocusMethod = aFocusMethod & FOCUSMETHOD_MASK; + + if (mHasFocus != aFocus) { + mHasFocus = aFocus; + UpdateCanvasFocus(true, mFocusedElement); + } + + // if mNeedsFocus is true, then the document has not yet received a + // document-level focus event. If there is a root content node, then return + // true to tell the calling focus manager that a focus event is expected. If + // there is no root content node, the document hasn't loaded enough yet, or + // there isn't one and there is no point in firing a focus event. + if (aFocus && mNeedsFocus && mDoc && mDoc->GetRootElement() != nullptr) { + mNeedsFocus = false; + return true; + } + + mNeedsFocus = false; + return false; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetReadyForFocus() { + bool oldNeedsFocus = mNeedsFocus; + mNeedsFocus = false; + + nsFocusManager* fm = nsFocusManager::GetFocusManager(); + if (fm) { + fm->WindowShown(GetOuterWindow(), oldNeedsFocus); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::PageHidden() { + // the window is being hidden, so tell the focus manager that the frame is + // no longer valid. Use the persisted field to determine if the document + // is being destroyed. + + nsFocusManager* fm = nsFocusManager::GetFocusManager(); + if (fm) { + fm->WindowHidden(GetOuterWindow(), nsFocusManager::GenerateFocusActionId()); + } + + mNeedsFocus = true; +} + +class HashchangeCallback : public Runnable { + public: + HashchangeCallback(const nsAString& aOldURL, const nsAString& aNewURL, + nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow) + : mozilla::Runnable("HashchangeCallback"), mWindow(aWindow) { + MOZ_ASSERT(mWindow); + mOldURL.Assign(aOldURL); + mNewURL.Assign(aNewURL); + } + + NS_IMETHOD Run() override { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "Should be called on the main thread."); + return mWindow->FireHashchange(mOldURL, mNewURL); + } + + private: + nsString mOldURL; + nsString mNewURL; + RefPtr<nsGlobalWindowInner> mWindow; +}; + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::DispatchAsyncHashchange(nsIURI* aOldURI, + nsIURI* aNewURI) { + // Make sure that aOldURI and aNewURI are identical up to the '#', and that + // their hashes are different. + bool equal = false; + NS_ENSURE_STATE(NS_SUCCEEDED(aOldURI->EqualsExceptRef(aNewURI, &equal)) && + equal); + nsAutoCString oldHash, newHash; + bool oldHasHash, newHasHash; + NS_ENSURE_STATE(NS_SUCCEEDED(aOldURI->GetRef(oldHash)) && + NS_SUCCEEDED(aNewURI->GetRef(newHash)) && + NS_SUCCEEDED(aOldURI->GetHasRef(&oldHasHash)) && + NS_SUCCEEDED(aNewURI->GetHasRef(&newHasHash)) && + (oldHasHash != newHasHash || !oldHash.Equals(newHash))); + + nsAutoCString oldSpec, newSpec; + nsresult rv = aOldURI->GetSpec(oldSpec); + NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); + rv = aNewURI->GetSpec(newSpec); + NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); + + NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 oldWideSpec(oldSpec); + NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 newWideSpec(newSpec); + + nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> callback = + new HashchangeCallback(oldWideSpec, newWideSpec, this); + return Dispatch(TaskCategory::Other, callback.forget()); +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::FireHashchange(const nsAString& aOldURL, + const nsAString& aNewURL) { + // Don't do anything if the window is frozen. + if (IsFrozen()) { + return NS_OK; + } + + // Get a presentation shell for use in creating the hashchange event. + NS_ENSURE_STATE(IsCurrentInnerWindow()); + + HashChangeEventInit init; + init.mNewURL = aNewURL; + init.mOldURL = aOldURL; + + RefPtr<HashChangeEvent> event = + HashChangeEvent::Constructor(this, u"hashchange"_ns, init); + + event->SetTrusted(true); + + ErrorResult rv; + DispatchEvent(*event, rv); + return rv.StealNSResult(); +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::DispatchSyncPopState() { + NS_ASSERTION(nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript(), + "Must be safe to run script here."); + + // Bail if the window is frozen. + if (IsFrozen()) { + return NS_OK; + } + + // Get the document's pending state object -- it contains the data we're + // going to send along with the popstate event. The object is serialized + // using structured clone. + nsCOMPtr<nsIVariant> stateObj; + nsresult rv = mDoc->GetStateObject(getter_AddRefs(stateObj)); + NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); + + AutoJSAPI jsapi; + bool result = jsapi.Init(this); + NS_ENSURE_TRUE(result, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + + JSContext* cx = jsapi.cx(); + JS::Rooted<JS::Value> stateJSValue(cx, JS::NullValue()); + result = stateObj ? VariantToJsval(cx, stateObj, &stateJSValue) : true; + NS_ENSURE_TRUE(result, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + + RootedDictionary<PopStateEventInit> init(cx); + init.mState = stateJSValue; + + RefPtr<PopStateEvent> event = + PopStateEvent::Constructor(this, u"popstate"_ns, init); + event->SetTrusted(true); + event->SetTarget(this); + + ErrorResult err; + DispatchEvent(*event, err); + return err.StealNSResult(); +} + +//------------------------------------------------------- +// Tells the HTMLFrame/CanvasFrame that is now has focus +void nsGlobalWindowInner::UpdateCanvasFocus(bool aFocusChanged, + nsIContent* aNewContent) { + // this is called from the inner window so use GetDocShell + nsIDocShell* docShell = GetDocShell(); + if (!docShell) return; + + bool editable; + docShell->GetEditable(&editable); + if (editable) return; + + PresShell* presShell = docShell->GetPresShell(); + if (!presShell || !mDoc) { + return; + } + + Element* rootElement = mDoc->GetRootElement(); + if (rootElement) { + if ((mHasFocus || aFocusChanged) && + (mFocusedElement == rootElement || aNewContent == rootElement)) { + nsCanvasFrame* canvasFrame = presShell->GetCanvasFrame(); + if (canvasFrame) { + canvasFrame->SetHasFocus(mHasFocus && rootElement == aNewContent); + } + } + } else { + // XXXbz I would expect that there is never a canvasFrame in this case... + nsCanvasFrame* canvasFrame = presShell->GetCanvasFrame(); + if (canvasFrame) { + canvasFrame->SetHasFocus(false); + } + } +} + +already_AddRefed<nsICSSDeclaration> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetComputedStyle( + Element& aElt, const nsAString& aPseudoElt, ErrorResult& aError) { + return GetComputedStyleHelper(aElt, aPseudoElt, false, aError); +} + +already_AddRefed<nsICSSDeclaration> +nsGlobalWindowInner::GetDefaultComputedStyle(Element& aElt, + const nsAString& aPseudoElt, + ErrorResult& aError) { + return GetComputedStyleHelper(aElt, aPseudoElt, true, aError); +} + +already_AddRefed<nsICSSDeclaration> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetComputedStyleHelper( + Element& aElt, const nsAString& aPseudoElt, bool aDefaultStylesOnly, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetComputedStyleHelperOuter, + (aElt, aPseudoElt, aDefaultStylesOnly), aError, + nullptr); +} + +Storage* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetSessionStorage(ErrorResult& aError) { + nsIPrincipal* principal = GetPrincipal(); + nsIPrincipal* storagePrincipal = GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal(); + BrowsingContext* browsingContext = GetBrowsingContext(); + + if (!principal || !storagePrincipal || !browsingContext || + !Storage::StoragePrefIsEnabled()) { + return nullptr; + } + + if (mSessionStorage) { + MOZ_LOG(gDOMLeakPRLogInner, LogLevel::Debug, + ("nsGlobalWindowInner %p has %p sessionStorage", this, + mSessionStorage.get())); + bool canAccess = + principal->Subsumes(mSessionStorage->Principal()) && + storagePrincipal->Subsumes(mSessionStorage->StoragePrincipal()); + if (!canAccess) { + mSessionStorage = nullptr; + } + } + + if (!mSessionStorage) { + nsString documentURI; + if (mDoc) { + aError = mDoc->GetDocumentURI(documentURI); + if (NS_WARN_IF(aError.Failed())) { + return nullptr; + } + } + + // If the document has the sandboxed origin flag set + // don't allow access to sessionStorage. + if (!mDoc) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return nullptr; + } + + if (mDoc->GetSandboxFlags() & SANDBOXED_ORIGIN) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR); + return nullptr; + } + + uint32_t rejectedReason = 0; + StorageAccess access = StorageAllowedForWindow(this, &rejectedReason); + + // SessionStorage is an ephemeral per-tab per-origin storage that only lives + // as long as the tab is open, although it may survive browser restarts + // thanks to the session store. So we interpret storage access differently + // than we would for persistent per-origin storage like LocalStorage and so + // it may be okay to provide SessionStorage even when we receive a value of + // eDeny. + // + // ContentBlocking::ShouldAllowAccessFor will return false for 3 main + // reasons. + // + // 1. Cookies are entirely blocked due to a per-origin permission + // (nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DENY for the top-level principal or this + // window's principal) or the very broad BEHAVIOR_REJECT. This will return + // eDeny with a reason of STATE_COOKIES_BLOCKED_BY_PERMISSION or + // STATE_COOKIES_BLOCKED_ALL. + // + // 2. Third-party cookies are limited via BEHAVIOR_REJECT_FOREIGN and + // BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN and this is a third-party window. This will return + // eDeny with a reason of STATE_COOKIES_BLOCKED_FOREIGN. + // + // 3. Tracking protection (BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER and + // BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER_AND_PARTITION_FOREIGN) is in effect and + // IsThirdPartyTrackingResourceWindow() returned true and there wasn't a + // permission that allows it. This will return ePartitionTrackersOrDeny with + // a reason of STATE_COOKIES_BLOCKED_TRACKER or + // STATE_COOKIES_BLOCKED_SOCIALTRACKER. + // + // In the 1st case, the user has explicitly indicated that they don't want + // to allow any storage to the origin or all origins and so we throw an + // error and deny access to SessionStorage. In the 2nd case, a legacy + // decision reasoned that there's no harm in providing SessionStorage + // because the information is not durable and cannot escape the current tab. + // The rationale is similar for the 3rd case. + if (access == StorageAccess::eDeny && + rejectedReason != + nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_COOKIES_BLOCKED_FOREIGN) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR); + return nullptr; + } + + const RefPtr<SessionStorageManager> storageManager = + browsingContext->GetSessionStorageManager(); + if (!storageManager) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); + return nullptr; + } + + RefPtr<Storage> storage; + aError = storageManager->CreateStorage(this, principal, storagePrincipal, + documentURI, IsPrivateBrowsing(), + getter_AddRefs(storage)); + if (aError.Failed()) { + return nullptr; + } + + mSessionStorage = storage; + MOZ_ASSERT(mSessionStorage); + + MOZ_LOG(gDOMLeakPRLogInner, LogLevel::Debug, + ("nsGlobalWindowInner %p tried to get a new sessionStorage %p", + this, mSessionStorage.get())); + + if (!mSessionStorage) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); + return nullptr; + } + } + + MOZ_LOG(gDOMLeakPRLogInner, LogLevel::Debug, + ("nsGlobalWindowInner %p returns %p sessionStorage", this, + mSessionStorage.get())); + + return mSessionStorage; +} + +Storage* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetLocalStorage(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!Storage::StoragePrefIsEnabled()) { + return nullptr; + } + + // LocalStorage needs to be exposed in every context except for sandboxes and + // NullPrincipals (data: URLs, for instance). But we need to keep data + // separate in some scenarios: private-browsing and partitioned trackers. + // In private-browsing, LocalStorage keeps data in memory, and it shares + // StorageEvents just with other origins in the same private-browsing + // environment. + // For Partitioned Trackers, we expose a partitioned LocalStorage, which + // doesn't share data with other contexts, and it's just in memory. + // Partitioned localStorage is available only for trackers listed in the + // privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.partitionedHosts pref. See + // nsContentUtils::IsURIInPrefList to know the syntax for the pref value. + // This is a temporary web-compatibility hack. + + StorageAccess access = StorageAllowedForWindow(this); + + // We allow partitioned localStorage only to some hosts. + bool isolated = false; + if (ShouldPartitionStorage(access)) { + if (!mDoc) { + access = StorageAccess::eDeny; + } else if (!StoragePartitioningEnabled(access, mDoc->CookieJarSettings())) { + static const char* kPrefName = + "privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.partitionedHosts"; + + bool isInList = false; + mDoc->NodePrincipal()->IsURIInPrefList(kPrefName, &isInList); + if (!isInList) { + access = StorageAccess::eDeny; + } else { + isolated = true; + } + } + } + + if (access == StorageAccess::eDeny) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR); + return nullptr; + } + + nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> cookieJarSettings; + if (mDoc) { + cookieJarSettings = mDoc->CookieJarSettings(); + } else { + cookieJarSettings = net::CookieJarSettings::GetBlockingAll(); + } + + // Note that this behavior is observable: if we grant storage permission to a + // tracker, we pass from the partitioned LocalStorage (or a partitioned cookie + // jar) to the 'normal' one. The previous data is lost and the 2 + // window.localStorage objects, before and after the permission granted, will + // be different. + if (mLocalStorage) { + if ((mLocalStorage->Type() == (isolated ? Storage::ePartitionedLocalStorage + : Storage::eLocalStorage)) && + (mLocalStorage->StoragePrincipal() == GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal())) { + return mLocalStorage; + } + + // storage needs change + mLocalStorage = nullptr; + } + + MOZ_ASSERT(!mLocalStorage); + + if (!isolated) { + RefPtr<Storage> storage; + + if (NextGenLocalStorageEnabled()) { + aError = LSObject::CreateForWindow(this, getter_AddRefs(storage)); + } else { + nsresult rv; + nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMStorageManager> storageManager = + do_GetService("@mozilla.org/dom/localStorage-manager;1", &rv); + if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { + aError.Throw(rv); + return nullptr; + } + + nsString documentURI; + if (mDoc) { + aError = mDoc->GetDocumentURI(documentURI); + if (NS_WARN_IF(aError.Failed())) { + return nullptr; + } + } + + nsIPrincipal* principal = GetPrincipal(); + if (!principal) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR); + return nullptr; + } + + nsIPrincipal* storagePrincipal = GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal(); + if (!storagePrincipal) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR); + return nullptr; + } + + aError = storageManager->CreateStorage(this, principal, storagePrincipal, + documentURI, IsPrivateBrowsing(), + getter_AddRefs(storage)); + } + + if (aError.Failed()) { + return nullptr; + } + + mLocalStorage = storage; + } else { + nsresult rv; + nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMSessionStorageManager> storageManager = + do_GetService("@mozilla.org/dom/sessionStorage-manager;1", &rv); + if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { + aError.Throw(rv); + return nullptr; + } + + nsIPrincipal* principal = GetPrincipal(); + if (!principal) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR); + return nullptr; + } + + nsIPrincipal* storagePrincipal = GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal(); + if (!storagePrincipal) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR); + return nullptr; + } + + RefPtr<SessionStorageCache> cache; + if (isolated) { + cache = new SessionStorageCache(); + } else { + // This will clone the session storage if it exists. + rv = storageManager->GetSessionStorageCache(principal, storagePrincipal, + &cache); + if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { + aError.Throw(rv); + return nullptr; + } + } + + mLocalStorage = + new PartitionedLocalStorage(this, principal, storagePrincipal, cache); + } + + MOZ_ASSERT(mLocalStorage); + MOZ_ASSERT( + mLocalStorage->Type() == + (isolated ? Storage::ePartitionedLocalStorage : Storage::eLocalStorage)); + return mLocalStorage; +} + +IDBFactory* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetIndexedDB(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mIndexedDB) { + // This may keep mIndexedDB null without setting an error. + auto res = IDBFactory::CreateForWindow(this); + if (res.isErr()) { + aError = res.unwrapErr(); + } else { + mIndexedDB = res.unwrap(); + } + } + + return mIndexedDB; +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// nsGlobalWindowInner::nsIInterfaceRequestor +//***************************************************************************** + +NS_IMETHODIMP +nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInterface(const nsIID& aIID, void** aSink) { + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + NS_ENSURE_TRUE(outer, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); + + nsresult rv = outer->GetInterfaceInternal(aIID, aSink); + if (rv == NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE) { + return QueryInterface(aIID, aSink); + } + return rv; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInterface(JSContext* aCx, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aIID, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval, + ErrorResult& aError) { + dom::GetInterface(aCx, this, aIID, aRetval, aError); +} + +already_AddRefed<CacheStorage> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetCaches( + ErrorResult& aRv) { + if (!mCacheStorage) { + bool forceTrustedOrigin = + GetOuterWindow()->GetServiceWorkersTestingEnabled(); + mCacheStorage = CacheStorage::CreateOnMainThread( + cache::DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, this, GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal(), + forceTrustedOrigin, aRv); + } + + RefPtr<CacheStorage> ref = mCacheStorage; + return ref.forget(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::FireOfflineStatusEventIfChanged() { + if (!IsCurrentInnerWindow()) return; + + // Don't fire an event if the status hasn't changed + if (mWasOffline == NS_IsOffline()) { + return; + } + + mWasOffline = !mWasOffline; + + nsAutoString name; + if (mWasOffline) { + name.AssignLiteral("offline"); + } else { + name.AssignLiteral("online"); + } + nsContentUtils::DispatchTrustedEvent(mDoc, static_cast<EventTarget*>(this), + name, CanBubble::eNo, Cancelable::eNo); +} + +nsGlobalWindowInner::SlowScriptResponse +nsGlobalWindowInner::ShowSlowScriptDialog(JSContext* aCx, + const nsString& aAddonId, + const double aDuration) { + nsresult rv; + + if (Preferences::GetBool("dom.always_stop_slow_scripts")) { + return KillSlowScript; + } + + // If it isn't safe to run script, then it isn't safe to bring up the prompt + // (since that spins the event loop). In that (rare) case, we just kill the + // script and report a warning. + if (!nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript()) { + JS::WarnASCII(aCx, "A long running script was terminated"); + return KillSlowScript; + } + + // If our document is not active, just kill the script: we've been unloaded + if (!HasActiveDocument()) { + return KillSlowScript; + } + + // Check if we should offer the option to debug + JS::AutoFilename filename; + unsigned lineno; + // Computing the line number can be very expensive (see bug 1330231 for + // example), and we don't use the line number anywhere except than in the + // parent process, so we avoid computing it elsewhere. This gives us most of + // the wins we are interested in, since the source of the slowness here is + // minified scripts which is more common in Web content that is loaded in the + // content process. + unsigned* linenop = XRE_IsParentProcess() ? &lineno : nullptr; + bool hasFrame = JS::DescribeScriptedCaller(aCx, &filename, linenop); + + // Record the slow script event if we haven't done so already for this inner + // window (which represents a particular page to the user). + if (!mHasHadSlowScript) { + Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SLOW_SCRIPT_PAGE_COUNT, 1); + } + mHasHadSlowScript = true; + + // Override the cursor to something that we're sure the user can see. + SetCursor("auto"_ns, IgnoreErrors()); + + if (XRE_IsContentProcess() && ProcessHangMonitor::Get()) { + ProcessHangMonitor::SlowScriptAction action; + RefPtr<ProcessHangMonitor> monitor = ProcessHangMonitor::Get(); + nsIDocShell* docShell = GetDocShell(); + nsCOMPtr<nsIBrowserChild> child = + docShell ? docShell->GetBrowserChild() : nullptr; + action = + monitor->NotifySlowScript(child, filename.get(), aAddonId, aDuration); + if (action == ProcessHangMonitor::Terminate) { + return KillSlowScript; + } + if (action == ProcessHangMonitor::TerminateGlobal) { + return KillScriptGlobal; + } + + if (action == ProcessHangMonitor::StartDebugger) { + // Spin a nested event loop so that the debugger in the parent can fetch + // any information it needs. Once the debugger has started, return to the + // script. + RefPtr<nsGlobalWindowOuter> outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + outer->EnterModalState(); + SpinEventLoopUntil( + [&]() { return monitor->IsDebuggerStartupComplete(); }); + outer->LeaveModalState(); + return ContinueSlowScript; + } + + return ContinueSlowScriptAndKeepNotifying; + } + + // Reached only on non-e10s - once per slow script dialog. + // On e10s - we probe once at ProcessHangsMonitor.jsm + Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SLOW_SCRIPT_NOTICE_COUNT, 1); + + // Get the nsIPrompt interface from the docshell + nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> ds = GetDocShell(); + NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ds, KillSlowScript); + nsCOMPtr<nsIPrompt> prompt = do_GetInterface(ds); + NS_ENSURE_TRUE(prompt, KillSlowScript); + + // Prioritize the SlowScriptDebug interface over JSD1. + nsCOMPtr<nsISlowScriptDebugCallback> debugCallback; + + if (hasFrame) { + const char* debugCID = "@mozilla.org/dom/slow-script-debug;1"; + nsCOMPtr<nsISlowScriptDebug> debugService = do_GetService(debugCID, &rv); + if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { + debugService->GetActivationHandler(getter_AddRefs(debugCallback)); + } + } + + bool failed = false; + auto getString = [&](const char* name, + nsContentUtils::PropertiesFile propFile = + nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES) { + nsAutoString result; + nsresult rv = nsContentUtils::GetLocalizedString(propFile, name, result); + + // GetStringFromName can return NS_OK and still give nullptr string + failed = failed || NS_FAILED(rv) || result.IsEmpty(); + return result; + }; + + bool isAddonScript = !aAddonId.IsEmpty(); + bool showDebugButton = debugCallback && !isAddonScript; + + // Get localizable strings + + nsAutoString title, checkboxMsg, debugButton, msg; + if (isAddonScript) { + title = getString("KillAddonScriptTitle"); + checkboxMsg = getString("KillAddonScriptGlobalMessage"); + + auto appName = + getString("brandShortName", nsContentUtils::eBRAND_PROPERTIES); + + nsCOMPtr<nsIAddonPolicyService> aps = + do_GetService("@mozilla.org/addons/policy-service;1"); + nsString addonName; + if (!aps || NS_FAILED(aps->GetExtensionName(aAddonId, addonName))) { + addonName = aAddonId; + } + + rv = nsContentUtils::FormatLocalizedString( + msg, nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, "KillAddonScriptMessage", + addonName, appName); + + failed = failed || NS_FAILED(rv); + } else { + title = getString("KillScriptTitle"); + checkboxMsg = getString("DontAskAgain"); + + if (showDebugButton) { + debugButton = getString("DebugScriptButton"); + msg = getString("KillScriptWithDebugMessage"); + } else { + msg = getString("KillScriptMessage"); + } + } + + auto stopButton = getString("StopScriptButton"); + auto waitButton = getString("WaitForScriptButton"); + + if (failed) { + NS_ERROR("Failed to get localized strings."); + return ContinueSlowScript; + } + + // Append file and line number information, if available + if (filename.get()) { + nsAutoString scriptLocation; + // We want to drop the middle part of too-long locations. We'll + // define "too-long" as longer than 60 UTF-16 code units. Just + // have to be a bit careful about unpaired surrogates. + NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 filenameUTF16(filename.get()); + if (filenameUTF16.Length() > 60) { + // XXXbz Do we need to insert any bidi overrides here? + size_t cutStart = 30; + size_t cutLength = filenameUTF16.Length() - 60; + MOZ_ASSERT(cutLength > 0); + if (NS_IS_LOW_SURROGATE(filenameUTF16[cutStart])) { + // Don't truncate before the low surrogate, in case it's preceded by a + // high surrogate and forms a single Unicode character. Instead, just + // include the low surrogate. + ++cutStart; + --cutLength; + } + if (NS_IS_LOW_SURROGATE(filenameUTF16[cutStart + cutLength])) { + // Likewise, don't drop a trailing low surrogate here. We want to + // increase cutLength, since it might be 0 already so we can't very well + // decrease it. + ++cutLength; + } + + // Insert U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS + filenameUTF16.ReplaceLiteral(cutStart, cutLength, u"\x2026"); + } + rv = nsContentUtils::FormatLocalizedString( + scriptLocation, nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, "KillScriptLocation", + filenameUTF16); + + if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { + msg.AppendLiteral("\n\n"); + msg.Append(scriptLocation); + msg.Append(':'); + msg.AppendInt(lineno); + } + } + + uint32_t buttonFlags = nsIPrompt::BUTTON_POS_1_DEFAULT + + (nsIPrompt::BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * + (nsIPrompt::BUTTON_POS_0 + nsIPrompt::BUTTON_POS_1)); + + // Add a third button if necessary. + if (showDebugButton) + buttonFlags += nsIPrompt::BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * nsIPrompt::BUTTON_POS_2; + + bool checkboxValue = false; + int32_t buttonPressed = 0; // In case the user exits dialog by clicking X. + { + // Null out the operation callback while we're re-entering JS here. + AutoDisableJSInterruptCallback disabler(aCx); + + // Open the dialog. + rv = prompt->ConfirmEx( + title.get(), msg.get(), buttonFlags, waitButton.get(), stopButton.get(), + debugButton.get(), checkboxMsg.get(), &checkboxValue, &buttonPressed); + } + + if (buttonPressed == 0) { + if (checkboxValue && !isAddonScript && NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) + return AlwaysContinueSlowScript; + return ContinueSlowScript; + } + + if (buttonPressed == 2) { + MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(debugCallback); + + rv = debugCallback->HandleSlowScriptDebug(this); + return NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? ContinueSlowScript : KillSlowScript; + } + + JS_ClearPendingException(aCx); + + if (checkboxValue && isAddonScript) return KillScriptGlobal; + return KillSlowScript; +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, + const char16_t* aData) { + if (!nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic, NS_IOSERVICE_OFFLINE_STATUS_TOPIC)) { + if (!IsFrozen()) { + // Fires an offline status event if the offline status has changed + FireOfflineStatusEventIfChanged(); + } + return NS_OK; + } + + if (!nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic, MEMORY_PRESSURE_OBSERVER_TOPIC)) { + if (mPerformance) { + mPerformance->MemoryPressure(); + } + RemoveReportRecords(); + return NS_OK; + } + + if (!nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic, "offline-cache-update-added")) { + if (mApplicationCache) return NS_OK; + + // Instantiate the application object now. It observes update belonging to + // this window's document and correctly updates the applicationCache object + // state. + nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver> observer = GetApplicationCache(); + if (observer) observer->Observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData); + + return NS_OK; + } + + if (!nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic, PERMISSION_CHANGED_TOPIC)) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIPermission> perm(do_QueryInterface(aSubject)); + if (!perm) { + // A null permission indicates that the entire permission list + // was cleared. + MOZ_ASSERT(!nsCRT::strcmp(aData, u"cleared")); + UpdatePermissions(); + return NS_OK; + } + + nsAutoCString type; + perm->GetType(type); + if (type == "autoplay-media"_ns) { + UpdateAutoplayPermission(); + } else if (type == "shortcuts"_ns) { + UpdateShortcutsPermission(); + } else if (type == "popup"_ns) { + UpdatePopupPermission(); + } + + if (!mDoc) { + return NS_OK; + } + + RefPtr<PermissionDelegateHandler> permDelegateHandler = + mDoc->GetPermissionDelegateHandler(); + + if (permDelegateHandler) { + permDelegateHandler->UpdateDelegatedPermission(type); + } + + return NS_OK; + } + + if (!nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic, NS_PREFBRANCH_PREFCHANGE_TOPIC_ID)) { + MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_strcmp(aData, u"intl.accept_languages")); + + // The user preferred languages have changed, we need to fire an event on + // Window object and invalidate the cache for navigator.languages. It is + // done for every change which can be a waste of cycles but those should be + // fairly rare. + // We MUST invalidate navigator.languages before sending the event in the + // very likely situation where an event handler will try to read its value. + + if (mNavigator) { + Navigator_Binding::ClearCachedLanguageValue(mNavigator); + Navigator_Binding::ClearCachedLanguagesValue(mNavigator); + } + + // The event has to be dispatched only to the current inner window. + if (!IsCurrentInnerWindow()) { + return NS_OK; + } + + RefPtr<Event> event = NS_NewDOMEvent(this, nullptr, nullptr); + event->InitEvent(u"languagechange"_ns, false, false); + event->SetTrusted(true); + + ErrorResult rv; + DispatchEvent(*event, rv); + return rv.StealNSResult(); + } + + NS_WARNING("unrecognized topic in nsGlobalWindowInner::Observe"); + return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ObserveStorageNotification( + StorageEvent* aEvent, const char16_t* aStorageType, bool aPrivateBrowsing) { + MOZ_ASSERT(aEvent); + + // The private browsing check must be done here again because this window + // could have changed its state before the notification check and now. This + // happens in case this window did have a docShell at that time. + if (aPrivateBrowsing != IsPrivateBrowsing()) { + return; + } + + // LocalStorage can only exist on an inner window, and we don't want to + // generate events on frozen or otherwise-navigated-away from windows. + // (Actually, this code used to try and buffer events for frozen windows, + // but it never worked, so we've removed it. See bug 1285898.) + if (!IsCurrentInnerWindow() || IsFrozen()) { + return; + } + + nsIPrincipal* principal = GetPrincipal(); + if (!principal) { + return; + } + + bool fireMozStorageChanged = false; + nsAutoString eventType; + eventType.AssignLiteral("storage"); + + if (!NS_strcmp(aStorageType, u"sessionStorage")) { + RefPtr<Storage> changingStorage = aEvent->GetStorageArea(); + MOZ_ASSERT(changingStorage); + + bool check = false; + + if (const RefPtr<SessionStorageManager> storageManager = + GetBrowsingContext()->GetSessionStorageManager()) { + nsresult rv = storageManager->CheckStorage(GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal(), + changingStorage, &check); + if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { + return; + } + } + + if (!check) { + // This storage event is not coming from our storage or is coming + // from a different docshell, i.e. it is a clone, ignore this event. + return; + } + + MOZ_LOG( + gDOMLeakPRLogInner, LogLevel::Debug, + ("nsGlobalWindowInner %p with sessionStorage %p passing event from %p", + this, mSessionStorage.get(), changingStorage.get())); + + fireMozStorageChanged = mSessionStorage == changingStorage; + if (fireMozStorageChanged) { + eventType.AssignLiteral("MozSessionStorageChanged"); + } + } + + else { + MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_strcmp(aStorageType, u"localStorage")); + + nsIPrincipal* storagePrincipal = GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal(); + if (!storagePrincipal) { + return; + } + + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(StorageUtils::PrincipalsEqual(aEvent->GetPrincipal(), + storagePrincipal)); + + fireMozStorageChanged = + mLocalStorage && mLocalStorage == aEvent->GetStorageArea(); + + if (fireMozStorageChanged) { + eventType.AssignLiteral("MozLocalStorageChanged"); + } + } + + // Clone the storage event included in the observer notification. We want + // to dispatch clones rather than the original event. + IgnoredErrorResult error; + RefPtr<StorageEvent> clonedEvent = + CloneStorageEvent(eventType, aEvent, error); + if (error.Failed() || !clonedEvent) { + return; + } + + clonedEvent->SetTrusted(true); + + if (fireMozStorageChanged) { + WidgetEvent* internalEvent = clonedEvent->WidgetEventPtr(); + internalEvent->mFlags.mOnlyChromeDispatch = true; + } + + DispatchEvent(*clonedEvent); +} + +already_AddRefed<StorageEvent> nsGlobalWindowInner::CloneStorageEvent( + const nsAString& aType, const RefPtr<StorageEvent>& aEvent, + ErrorResult& aRv) { + StorageEventInit dict; + + dict.mBubbles = aEvent->Bubbles(); + dict.mCancelable = aEvent->Cancelable(); + aEvent->GetKey(dict.mKey); + aEvent->GetOldValue(dict.mOldValue); + aEvent->GetNewValue(dict.mNewValue); + aEvent->GetUrl(dict.mUrl); + + RefPtr<Storage> storageArea = aEvent->GetStorageArea(); + + RefPtr<Storage> storage; + + // If null, this is a localStorage event received by IPC. + if (!storageArea) { + storage = GetLocalStorage(aRv); + if (!NextGenLocalStorageEnabled()) { + if (aRv.Failed() || !storage) { + return nullptr; + } + + if (storage->Type() == Storage::eLocalStorage) { + RefPtr<LocalStorage> localStorage = + static_cast<LocalStorage*>(storage.get()); + + // We must apply the current change to the 'local' localStorage. + localStorage->ApplyEvent(aEvent); + } + } + } else if (storageArea->Type() == Storage::eSessionStorage) { + storage = GetSessionStorage(aRv); + } else { + MOZ_ASSERT(storageArea->Type() == Storage::eLocalStorage); + storage = GetLocalStorage(aRv); + } + + if (aRv.Failed() || !storage) { + return nullptr; + } + + if (storage->Type() == Storage::ePartitionedLocalStorage) { + // This error message is not exposed. + aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR); + return nullptr; + } + + MOZ_ASSERT(storage); + MOZ_ASSERT_IF(storageArea, storage->IsForkOf(storageArea)); + + dict.mStorageArea = storage; + + RefPtr<StorageEvent> event = StorageEvent::Constructor(this, aType, dict); + return event.forget(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Suspend() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + + // We can only safely suspend windows that are the current inner window. If + // its not the current inner, then we are in one of two different cases. + // Either we are in the bfcache or we are doomed window that is going away. + // When a window becomes inactive we purposely avoid placing already suspended + // windows into the bfcache. It only expects windows suspended due to the + // Freeze() method which occurs while the window is still the current inner. + // So we must not call Suspend() on bfcache windows at this point or this + // invariant will be broken. If the window is doomed there is no point in + // suspending it since it will soon be gone. + if (!IsCurrentInnerWindow()) { + return; + } + + // All children are also suspended. This ensure mSuspendDepth is + // set properly and the timers are properly canceled for each child. + CallOnInProcessChildren(&nsGlobalWindowInner::Suspend); + + mSuspendDepth += 1; + if (mSuspendDepth != 1) { + return; + } + + nsCOMPtr<nsIDeviceSensors> ac = do_GetService(NS_DEVICE_SENSORS_CONTRACTID); + if (ac) { + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mEnabledSensors.Length(); i++) + ac->RemoveWindowListener(mEnabledSensors[i], this); + } + DisableGamepadUpdates(); + DisableVRUpdates(); + + SuspendWorkersForWindow(*this); + + for (RefPtr<mozilla::dom::SharedWorker> pinnedWorker : + mSharedWorkers.ForwardRange()) { + pinnedWorker->Suspend(); + } + + SuspendIdleRequests(); + + mTimeoutManager->Suspend(); + + // Suspend all of the AudioContexts for this window + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mAudioContexts.Length(); ++i) { + mAudioContexts[i]->SuspendFromChrome(); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Resume() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + + // We can only safely resume a window if its the current inner window. If + // its not the current inner, then we are in one of two different cases. + // Either we are in the bfcache or we are doomed window that is going away. + // If a window is suspended when it becomes inactive we purposely do not + // put it in the bfcache, so Resume should never be needed in that case. + // If the window is doomed then there is no point in resuming it. + if (!IsCurrentInnerWindow()) { + return; + } + + // Resume all children. This restores timers recursively canceled + // in Suspend() and ensures all children have the correct mSuspendDepth. + CallOnInProcessChildren(&nsGlobalWindowInner::Resume); + + if (mSuspendDepth == 0) { + // Ignore if the window is not suspended. + return; + } + + mSuspendDepth -= 1; + + if (mSuspendDepth != 0) { + return; + } + + // We should not be able to resume a frozen window. It must be Thaw()'d + // first. + MOZ_ASSERT(mFreezeDepth == 0); + + nsCOMPtr<nsIDeviceSensors> ac = do_GetService(NS_DEVICE_SENSORS_CONTRACTID); + if (ac) { + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mEnabledSensors.Length(); i++) + ac->AddWindowListener(mEnabledSensors[i], this); + } + EnableGamepadUpdates(); + EnableVRUpdates(); + + // Resume all of the AudioContexts for this window + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mAudioContexts.Length(); ++i) { + mAudioContexts[i]->ResumeFromChrome(); + } + + mTimeoutManager->Resume(); + + ResumeIdleRequests(); + + // Resume all of the workers for this window. We must do this + // after timeouts since workers may have queued events that can trigger + // a setTimeout(). + ResumeWorkersForWindow(*this); + + for (RefPtr<mozilla::dom::SharedWorker> pinnedWorker : + mSharedWorkers.ForwardRange()) { + pinnedWorker->Resume(); + } +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsSuspended() const { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + return mSuspendDepth != 0; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Freeze() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + Suspend(); + FreezeInternal(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::FreezeInternal() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(IsCurrentInnerWindow()); + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(IsSuspended()); + + HintIsLoading(false); + + CallOnInProcessChildren(&nsGlobalWindowInner::FreezeInternal); + + mFreezeDepth += 1; + MOZ_ASSERT(mSuspendDepth >= mFreezeDepth); + if (mFreezeDepth != 1) { + return; + } + + FreezeWorkersForWindow(*this); + + for (RefPtr<mozilla::dom::SharedWorker> pinnedWorker : + mSharedWorkers.ForwardRange()) { + pinnedWorker->Freeze(); + } + + mTimeoutManager->Freeze(); + if (mClientSource) { + mClientSource->Freeze(); + } + + NotifyDOMWindowFrozen(this); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Thaw() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + ThawInternal(); + Resume(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ThawInternal() { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(IsCurrentInnerWindow()); + MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(IsSuspended()); + + CallOnInProcessChildren(&nsGlobalWindowInner::ThawInternal); + + MOZ_ASSERT(mFreezeDepth != 0); + mFreezeDepth -= 1; + MOZ_ASSERT(mSuspendDepth >= mFreezeDepth); + if (mFreezeDepth != 0) { + return; + } + + if (mClientSource) { + mClientSource->Thaw(); + } + mTimeoutManager->Thaw(); + + ThawWorkersForWindow(*this); + + for (RefPtr<mozilla::dom::SharedWorker> pinnedWorker : + mSharedWorkers.ForwardRange()) { + pinnedWorker->Thaw(); + } + + NotifyDOMWindowThawed(this); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsFrozen() const { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + bool frozen = mFreezeDepth != 0; + MOZ_ASSERT_IF(frozen, IsSuspended()); + return frozen; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SyncStateFromParentWindow() { + // This method should only be called on an inner window that has been + // assigned to an outer window already. + MOZ_ASSERT(IsCurrentInnerWindow()); + nsPIDOMWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindow(); + MOZ_ASSERT(outer); + + // Attempt to find our parent windows. + nsCOMPtr<Element> frame = outer->GetFrameElementInternal(); + nsPIDOMWindowOuter* parentOuter = + frame ? frame->OwnerDoc()->GetWindow() : nullptr; + nsGlobalWindowInner* parentInner = + parentOuter + ? nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(parentOuter->GetCurrentInnerWindow()) + : nullptr; + + // If our outer is in a modal state, but our parent is not in a modal + // state, then we must apply the suspend directly. If our parent is + // in a modal state then we should get the suspend automatically + // via the parentSuspendDepth application below. + if ((!parentInner || !parentInner->IsInModalState()) && IsInModalState()) { + Suspend(); + } + + uint32_t parentFreezeDepth = parentInner ? parentInner->mFreezeDepth : 0; + uint32_t parentSuspendDepth = parentInner ? parentInner->mSuspendDepth : 0; + + // Since every Freeze() calls Suspend(), the suspend count must + // be equal or greater to the freeze count. + MOZ_ASSERT(parentFreezeDepth <= parentSuspendDepth); + + // First apply the Freeze() calls. + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < parentFreezeDepth; ++i) { + Freeze(); + } + + // Now apply only the number of Suspend() calls to reach the target + // suspend count after applying the Freeze() calls. + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (parentSuspendDepth - parentFreezeDepth); ++i) { + Suspend(); + } +} + +template <typename Method, typename... Args> +CallState nsGlobalWindowInner::CallOnInProcessChildren(Method aMethod, + Args&... aArgs) { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + MOZ_ASSERT(IsCurrentInnerWindow()); + + CallState state = CallState::Continue; + + nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell = GetDocShell(); + if (!docShell) { + return state; + } + + for (const RefPtr<BrowsingContext>& bc : GetBrowsingContext()->Children()) { + nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> pWin = bc->GetDOMWindow(); + if (!pWin) { + continue; + } + + auto* win = nsGlobalWindowOuter::Cast(pWin); + nsGlobalWindowInner* inner = win->GetCurrentInnerWindowInternal(); + + // This is a bit hackish. Only freeze/suspend windows which are truly our + // subwindows. + nsCOMPtr<Element> frame = pWin->GetFrameElementInternal(); + if (!mDoc || !frame || mDoc != frame->OwnerDoc() || !inner) { + continue; + } + + // Call the child method using our helper CallChild() template method. + // This allows us to handle both void returning methods and methods + // that return CallState explicitly. For void returning methods we + // assume CallState::Continue. + typedef decltype((inner->*aMethod)(aArgs...)) returnType; + state = CallChild<returnType>(inner, aMethod, aArgs...); + + if (state == CallState::Stop) { + return state; + } + } + + return state; +} + +Maybe<ClientInfo> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetClientInfo() const { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + if (mDoc && mDoc->IsStaticDocument()) { + if (Maybe<ClientInfo> info = mDoc->GetOriginalDocument()->GetClientInfo()) { + return info; + } + } + + Maybe<ClientInfo> clientInfo; + if (mClientSource) { + clientInfo.emplace(mClientSource->Info()); + } + return clientInfo; +} + +Maybe<ClientState> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetClientState() const { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + if (mDoc && mDoc->IsStaticDocument()) { + if (Maybe<ClientState> state = + mDoc->GetOriginalDocument()->GetClientState()) { + return state; + } + } + + Maybe<ClientState> clientState; + if (mClientSource) { + Result<ClientState, ErrorResult> res = mClientSource->SnapshotState(); + if (res.isOk()) { + clientState.emplace(res.unwrap()); + } else { + res.unwrapErr().SuppressException(); + } + } + return clientState; +} + +Maybe<ServiceWorkerDescriptor> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetController() const { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + if (mDoc && mDoc->IsStaticDocument()) { + if (Maybe<ServiceWorkerDescriptor> controller = + mDoc->GetOriginalDocument()->GetController()) { + return controller; + } + } + + Maybe<ServiceWorkerDescriptor> controller; + if (mClientSource) { + controller = mClientSource->GetController(); + } + return controller; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetCsp(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aCsp) { + if (!mClientSource) { + return; + } + mClientSource->SetCsp(aCsp); + // Also cache the CSP within the document + mDoc->SetCsp(aCsp); + + if (mWindowGlobalChild) { + mWindowGlobalChild->SendSetClientInfo(mClientSource->Info().ToIPC()); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetPreloadCsp(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aPreloadCsp) { + if (!mClientSource) { + return; + } + mClientSource->SetPreloadCsp(aPreloadCsp); + // Also cache the preload CSP within the document + mDoc->SetPreloadCsp(aPreloadCsp); + + if (mWindowGlobalChild) { + mWindowGlobalChild->SendSetClientInfo(mClientSource->Info().ToIPC()); + } +} + +nsIContentSecurityPolicy* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetCsp() { + if (mDoc) { + return mDoc->GetCsp(); + } + + // If the window is partially torn down and has its document nulled out, + // we query the CSP we snapshot in FreeInnerObjects. + if (mDocumentCsp) { + return mDocumentCsp; + } + return nullptr; +} + +RefPtr<ServiceWorker> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOrCreateServiceWorker( + const ServiceWorkerDescriptor& aDescriptor) { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + RefPtr<ServiceWorker> ref; + ForEachEventTargetObject([&](DOMEventTargetHelper* aTarget, bool* aDoneOut) { + RefPtr<ServiceWorker> sw = do_QueryObject(aTarget); + if (!sw || !sw->Descriptor().Matches(aDescriptor)) { + return; + } + + ref = std::move(sw); + *aDoneOut = true; + }); + + if (!ref) { + ref = ServiceWorker::Create(this, aDescriptor); + } + + return ref; +} + +RefPtr<mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerRegistration> +nsGlobalWindowInner::GetServiceWorkerRegistration( + const mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerRegistrationDescriptor& aDescriptor) + const { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + RefPtr<ServiceWorkerRegistration> ref; + ForEachEventTargetObject([&](DOMEventTargetHelper* aTarget, bool* aDoneOut) { + RefPtr<ServiceWorkerRegistration> swr = do_QueryObject(aTarget); + if (!swr || !swr->MatchesDescriptor(aDescriptor)) { + return; + } + + ref = std::move(swr); + *aDoneOut = true; + }); + return ref; +} + +RefPtr<ServiceWorkerRegistration> +nsGlobalWindowInner::GetOrCreateServiceWorkerRegistration( + const ServiceWorkerRegistrationDescriptor& aDescriptor) { + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + RefPtr<ServiceWorkerRegistration> ref = + GetServiceWorkerRegistration(aDescriptor); + if (!ref) { + ref = ServiceWorkerRegistration::CreateForMainThread(this, aDescriptor); + } + return ref; +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::FireDelayedDOMEvents() { + if (mApplicationCache) { + static_cast<nsDOMOfflineResourceList*>(mApplicationCache.get()) + ->FirePendingEvents(); + } + + // Fires an offline status event if the offline status has changed + FireOfflineStatusEventIfChanged(); + + nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell = GetDocShell(); + if (docShell) { + int32_t childCount = 0; + docShell->GetInProcessChildCount(&childCount); + + // Take a copy of the current children so that modifications to + // the child list don't affect to the iteration. + AutoTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem>, 8> children; + for (int32_t i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> childShell; + docShell->GetInProcessChildAt(i, getter_AddRefs(childShell)); + if (childShell) { + children.AppendElement(childShell); + } + } + + for (nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> childShell : children) { + if (nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> pWin = childShell->GetWindow()) { + auto* win = nsGlobalWindowOuter::Cast(pWin); + win->FireDelayedDOMEvents(); + } + } + } + + return NS_OK; +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// nsGlobalWindowInner: Window Control Functions +//***************************************************************************** + +nsPIDOMWindowOuter* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetInProcessParentInternal() { + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + if (!outer) { + // No outer window available! + return nullptr; + } + return outer->GetInProcessParentInternal(); +} + +nsIPrincipal* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetTopLevelAntiTrackingPrincipal() { + nsPIDOMWindowOuter* outerWindow = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + if (!outerWindow) { + return nullptr; + } + + nsPIDOMWindowOuter* topLevelOuterWindow = + GetBrowsingContext()->Top()->GetDOMWindow(); + if (!topLevelOuterWindow) { + return nullptr; + } + + bool stopAtOurLevel = + mDoc && mDoc->CookieJarSettings()->GetCookieBehavior() == + nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER; + + if (stopAtOurLevel && topLevelOuterWindow == outerWindow) { + return nullptr; + } + + nsPIDOMWindowInner* topLevelInnerWindow = + topLevelOuterWindow->GetCurrentInnerWindow(); + if (NS_WARN_IF(!topLevelInnerWindow)) { + return nullptr; + } + + nsIPrincipal* topLevelPrincipal = + nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(topLevelInnerWindow)->GetPrincipal(); + if (NS_WARN_IF(!topLevelPrincipal)) { + return nullptr; + } + + return topLevelPrincipal; +} + +nsIPrincipal* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetTopLevelStorageAreaPrincipal() { + if (mDoc && (mDoc->StorageAccessSandboxed())) { + // Storage access is disabled + return nullptr; + } + + BrowsingContext* parent = GetBrowsingContext()->GetParent(); + nsPIDOMWindowOuter* outerWindow = parent ? parent->GetDOMWindow() : nullptr; + if (!outerWindow) { + // No outer window available! + return nullptr; + } + + if (!outerWindow->GetBrowsingContext()->IsTop()) { + return nullptr; + } + + nsPIDOMWindowInner* innerWindow = outerWindow->GetCurrentInnerWindow(); + if (NS_WARN_IF(!innerWindow)) { + return nullptr; + } + + nsIPrincipal* parentPrincipal = + nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(innerWindow)->GetPrincipal(); + if (NS_WARN_IF(!parentPrincipal)) { + return nullptr; + } + + return parentPrincipal; +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// nsGlobalWindowInner: Timeout Functions +//***************************************************************************** + +class WindowScriptTimeoutHandler final : public ScriptTimeoutHandler { + public: + NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED + NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS_INHERITED(WindowScriptTimeoutHandler, + ScriptTimeoutHandler) + + WindowScriptTimeoutHandler(JSContext* aCx, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, + const nsAString& aExpression) + : ScriptTimeoutHandler(aCx, aGlobal, aExpression), + mInitiatingScript(ScriptLoader::GetActiveScript(aCx)) {} + + MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT virtual bool Call(const char* aExecutionReason) override; + + private: + virtual ~WindowScriptTimeoutHandler() = default; + + // Initiating script for use when evaluating mExpr on the main thread. + RefPtr<LoadedScript> mInitiatingScript; +}; + +NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(WindowScriptTimeoutHandler, + ScriptTimeoutHandler, mInitiatingScript) + +NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(WindowScriptTimeoutHandler) +NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END_INHERITING(ScriptTimeoutHandler) + +NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(WindowScriptTimeoutHandler, ScriptTimeoutHandler) +NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(WindowScriptTimeoutHandler, ScriptTimeoutHandler) + +bool WindowScriptTimeoutHandler::Call(const char* aExecutionReason) { + // New script entry point required, due to the "Create a script" sub-step + // of + // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#timer-initialisation-steps + nsAutoMicroTask mt; + AutoEntryScript aes(mGlobal, aExecutionReason, true); + JS::CompileOptions options(aes.cx()); + options.setFileAndLine(mFileName.get(), mLineNo); + options.setNoScriptRval(true); + options.setIntroductionType("domTimer"); + JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(aes.cx(), mGlobal->GetGlobalJSObject()); + { + JSExecutionContext exec(aes.cx(), global); + nsresult rv = exec.Compile(options, mExpr); + + JS::Rooted<JSScript*> script(aes.cx(), exec.MaybeGetScript()); + if (script) { + if (mInitiatingScript) { + mInitiatingScript->AssociateWithScript(script); + } + + rv = exec.ExecScript(); + } + + if (rv == NS_SUCCESS_DOM_SCRIPT_EVALUATION_THREW_UNCATCHABLE) { + return false; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +nsGlobalWindowInner* nsGlobalWindowInner::InnerForSetTimeoutOrInterval( + ErrorResult& aError) { + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + nsGlobalWindowInner* currentInner = + outer ? outer->GetCurrentInnerWindowInternal() : this; + + // If forwardTo is not the window with an active document then we want the + // call to setTimeout/Interval to be a noop, so return null but don't set an + // error. + return HasActiveDocument() ? currentInner : nullptr; +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::SetTimeout(JSContext* aCx, Function& aFunction, + int32_t aTimeout, + const Sequence<JS::Value>& aArguments, + ErrorResult& aError) { + return SetTimeoutOrInterval(aCx, aFunction, aTimeout, aArguments, false, + aError); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::SetTimeout(JSContext* aCx, + const nsAString& aHandler, + int32_t aTimeout, + const Sequence<JS::Value>& /* unused */, + ErrorResult& aError) { + return SetTimeoutOrInterval(aCx, aHandler, aTimeout, false, aError); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::SetInterval(JSContext* aCx, Function& aFunction, + const int32_t aTimeout, + const Sequence<JS::Value>& aArguments, + ErrorResult& aError) { + return SetTimeoutOrInterval(aCx, aFunction, aTimeout, aArguments, true, + aError); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::SetInterval( + JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aHandler, const int32_t aTimeout, + const Sequence<JS::Value>& /* unused */, ErrorResult& aError) { + return SetTimeoutOrInterval(aCx, aHandler, aTimeout, true, aError); +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::SetTimeoutOrInterval( + JSContext* aCx, Function& aFunction, int32_t aTimeout, + const Sequence<JS::Value>& aArguments, bool aIsInterval, + ErrorResult& aError) { + nsGlobalWindowInner* inner = InnerForSetTimeoutOrInterval(aError); + if (!inner) { + return -1; + } + + if (inner != this) { + RefPtr<nsGlobalWindowInner> innerRef(inner); + return innerRef->SetTimeoutOrInterval(aCx, aFunction, aTimeout, aArguments, + aIsInterval, aError); + } + + DebuggerNotificationDispatch( + this, aIsInterval ? DebuggerNotificationType::SetInterval + : DebuggerNotificationType::SetTimeout); + + if (!GetContextInternal() || !HasJSGlobal()) { + // This window was already closed, or never properly initialized, + // don't let a timer be scheduled on such a window. + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); + return 0; + } + + nsTArray<JS::Heap<JS::Value>> args; + if (!args.AppendElements(aArguments, fallible)) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); + return 0; + } + + RefPtr<TimeoutHandler> handler = + new CallbackTimeoutHandler(aCx, this, &aFunction, std::move(args)); + + int32_t result; + aError = + mTimeoutManager->SetTimeout(handler, aTimeout, aIsInterval, + Timeout::Reason::eTimeoutOrInterval, &result); + return result; +} + +int32_t nsGlobalWindowInner::SetTimeoutOrInterval(JSContext* aCx, + const nsAString& aHandler, + int32_t aTimeout, + bool aIsInterval, + ErrorResult& aError) { + nsGlobalWindowInner* inner = InnerForSetTimeoutOrInterval(aError); + if (!inner) { + return -1; + } + + if (inner != this) { + RefPtr<nsGlobalWindowInner> innerRef(inner); + return innerRef->SetTimeoutOrInterval(aCx, aHandler, aTimeout, aIsInterval, + aError); + } + + DebuggerNotificationDispatch( + this, aIsInterval ? DebuggerNotificationType::SetInterval + : DebuggerNotificationType::SetTimeout); + + if (!GetContextInternal() || !HasJSGlobal()) { + // This window was already closed, or never properly initialized, + // don't let a timer be scheduled on such a window. + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); + return 0; + } + + bool allowEval = false; + aError = CSPEvalChecker::CheckForWindow(aCx, this, aHandler, &allowEval); + if (NS_WARN_IF(aError.Failed()) || !allowEval) { + return 0; + } + + RefPtr<TimeoutHandler> handler = + new WindowScriptTimeoutHandler(aCx, this, aHandler); + + int32_t result; + aError = + mTimeoutManager->SetTimeout(handler, aTimeout, aIsInterval, + Timeout::Reason::eTimeoutOrInterval, &result); + return result; +} + +static const char* GetTimeoutReasonString(Timeout* aTimeout) { + switch (aTimeout->mReason) { + case Timeout::Reason::eTimeoutOrInterval: + if (aTimeout->mIsInterval) { + return "setInterval handler"; + } + return "setTimeout handler"; + case Timeout::Reason::eIdleCallbackTimeout: + return "setIdleCallback handler (timed out)"; + default: + MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected enum value"); + return ""; + } +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::RunTimeoutHandler(Timeout* aTimeout, + nsIScriptContext* aScx) { + // Hold on to the timeout in case mExpr or mFunObj releases its + // doc. + // XXXbz Our caller guarantees it'll hold on to the timeout (because + // we're MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT), so we can probably stop doing that... + RefPtr<Timeout> timeout = aTimeout; + Timeout* last_running_timeout = mTimeoutManager->BeginRunningTimeout(timeout); + timeout->mRunning = true; + + // Push this timeout's popup control state, which should only be + // enabled the first time a timeout fires that was created while + // popups were enabled and with a delay less than + // "dom.disable_open_click_delay". + AutoPopupStatePusher popupStatePusher(timeout->mPopupState); + + // Clear the timeout's popup state, if any, to prevent interval + // timeouts from repeatedly opening poups. + timeout->mPopupState = PopupBlocker::openAbused; + + uint32_t nestingLevel = TimeoutManager::GetNestingLevel(); + TimeoutManager::SetNestingLevel(timeout->mNestingLevel); + + const char* reason = GetTimeoutReasonString(timeout); + +#ifdef MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER + nsCString str; + if (profiler_can_accept_markers()) { + TimeDuration originalInterval = timeout->When() - timeout->SubmitTime(); + str.Append(reason); + str.Append(" with interval "); + str.AppendInt(int(originalInterval.ToMilliseconds())); + str.Append("ms: "); + nsCString handlerDescription; + timeout->mScriptHandler->GetDescription(handlerDescription); + str.Append(handlerDescription); + } + AUTO_PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT("setTimeout callback", DOM, + MarkerOptions(MarkerStack::TakeBacktrace( + timeout->TakeProfilerBacktrace()), + MarkerInnerWindowId(mWindowID)), + str); +#endif + + bool abortIntervalHandler; + { + RefPtr<TimeoutHandler> handler(timeout->mScriptHandler); + + CallbackDebuggerNotificationGuard guard( + this, timeout->mIsInterval + ? DebuggerNotificationType::SetIntervalCallback + : DebuggerNotificationType::SetTimeoutCallback); + abortIntervalHandler = !handler->Call(reason); + } + + // If we received an uncatchable exception, do not schedule the timeout again. + // This allows the slow script dialog to break easy DoS attacks like + // setInterval(function() { while(1); }, 100); + if (abortIntervalHandler) { + // If it wasn't an interval timer to begin with, this does nothing. If it + // was, we'll treat it as a timeout that we just ran and discard it when + // we return. + timeout->mIsInterval = false; + } + + // We ignore any failures from calling EvaluateString() on the context or + // Call() on a Function here since we're in a loop + // where we're likely to be running timeouts whose OS timers + // didn't fire in time and we don't want to not fire those timers + // now just because execution of one timer failed. We can't + // propagate the error to anyone who cares about it from this + // point anyway, and the script context should have already reported + // the script error in the usual way - so we just drop it. + + TimeoutManager::SetNestingLevel(nestingLevel); + + mTimeoutManager->EndRunningTimeout(last_running_timeout); + timeout->mRunning = false; + + return timeout->mCleared; +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// nsGlobalWindowInner: Helper Functions +//***************************************************************************** + +already_AddRefed<nsIDocShellTreeOwner> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetTreeOwner() { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER(GetTreeOwner, (), nullptr); +} + +already_AddRefed<nsIWebBrowserChrome> +nsGlobalWindowInner::GetWebBrowserChrome() { + nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeOwner> treeOwner = GetTreeOwner(); + + nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowserChrome> browserChrome = do_GetInterface(treeOwner); + return browserChrome.forget(); +} + +nsIScrollableFrame* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetScrollFrame() { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER(GetScrollFrame, (), nullptr); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsPrivateBrowsing() { + nsCOMPtr<nsILoadContext> loadContext = do_QueryInterface(GetDocShell()); + return loadContext && loadContext->UsePrivateBrowsing(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType aType) { + if (mDoc) { + mDoc->FlushPendingNotifications(aType); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::EnableDeviceSensor(uint32_t aType) { + bool alreadyEnabled = false; + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mEnabledSensors.Length(); i++) { + if (mEnabledSensors[i] == aType) { + alreadyEnabled = true; + break; + } + } + + mEnabledSensors.AppendElement(aType); + + if (alreadyEnabled) { + return; + } + + nsCOMPtr<nsIDeviceSensors> ac = do_GetService(NS_DEVICE_SENSORS_CONTRACTID); + if (ac) { + ac->AddWindowListener(aType, this); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::DisableDeviceSensor(uint32_t aType) { + int32_t doomedElement = -1; + int32_t listenerCount = 0; + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mEnabledSensors.Length(); i++) { + if (mEnabledSensors[i] == aType) { + doomedElement = i; + listenerCount++; + } + } + + if (doomedElement == -1) { + return; + } + + mEnabledSensors.RemoveElementAt(doomedElement); + + if (listenerCount > 1) { + return; + } + + nsCOMPtr<nsIDeviceSensors> ac = do_GetService(NS_DEVICE_SENSORS_CONTRACTID); + if (ac) { + ac->RemoveWindowListener(aType, this); + } +} + +#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) +void nsGlobalWindowInner::EnableOrientationChangeListener() { + if (!nsContentUtils::ShouldResistFingerprinting(GetDocShell()) && + !mOrientationChangeObserver) { + mOrientationChangeObserver = MakeUnique<WindowOrientationObserver>(this); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::DisableOrientationChangeListener() { + mOrientationChangeObserver = nullptr; +} +#endif + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetHasGamepadEventListener( + bool aHasGamepad /* = true*/) { + mHasGamepad = aHasGamepad; + if (aHasGamepad) { + EnableGamepadUpdates(); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::NotifyDetectXRRuntimesCompleted() { + if (!mXRRuntimeDetectionInFlight) { + return; + } + mXRRuntimeDetectionInFlight = false; + if (mXRPermissionRequestInFlight) { + return; + } + gfx::VRManagerChild* vm = gfx::VRManagerChild::Get(); + bool supported = vm->RuntimeSupportsVR(); + if (!supported) { + // A VR runtime was not installed; we can suppress + // the permission prompt + OnXRPermissionRequestCancel(); + return; + } + // A VR runtime was found. Display a permission prompt before + // allowing it to be accessed. + // Connect to the VRManager in order to receive the runtime + // detection results. + mXRPermissionRequestInFlight = true; + RefPtr<XRPermissionRequest> request = + new XRPermissionRequest(this, WindowID()); + Unused << NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(request->Start())); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::RequestXRPermission() { + if (IsDying()) { + // Do not proceed if the window is dying, as that will result + // in leaks of objects that get re-allocated after FreeInnerObjects + // has been called, including mVREventObserver. + return; + } + if (mXRPermissionGranted) { + // Don't prompt redundantly once permission to + // access XR devices has been granted. + OnXRPermissionRequestAllow(); + return; + } + if (mXRRuntimeDetectionInFlight || mXRPermissionRequestInFlight) { + // Don't allow multiple simultaneous permissions requests; + return; + } + // Before displaying a permission prompt, detect + // if there is any VR runtime installed. + gfx::VRManagerChild* vm = gfx::VRManagerChild::Get(); + mXRRuntimeDetectionInFlight = true; + EnableVRUpdates(); + vm->DetectRuntimes(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::OnXRPermissionRequestAllow() { + mXRPermissionRequestInFlight = false; + if (IsDying()) { + // The window may have started dying while the permission request + // is in flight. + // Do not proceed if the window is dying, as that will result + // in leaks of objects that get re-allocated after FreeInnerObjects + // has been called, including mNavigator. + return; + } + mXRPermissionGranted = true; + + NotifyHasXRSession(); + + dom::Navigator* nav = Navigator(); + MOZ_ASSERT(nav != nullptr); + nav->OnXRPermissionRequestAllow(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::OnXRPermissionRequestCancel() { + mXRPermissionRequestInFlight = false; + if (IsDying()) { + // The window may have started dying while the permission request + // is in flight. + // Do not proceed if the window is dying, as that will result + // in leaks of objects that get re-allocated after FreeInnerObjects + // has been called, including mNavigator. + return; + } + dom::Navigator* nav = Navigator(); + MOZ_ASSERT(nav != nullptr); + nav->OnXRPermissionRequestCancel(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::EventListenerAdded(nsAtom* aType) { + if (aType == nsGkAtoms::onvrdisplayactivate || + aType == nsGkAtoms::onvrdisplayconnect || + aType == nsGkAtoms::onvrdisplaydeactivate || + aType == nsGkAtoms::onvrdisplaydisconnect || + aType == nsGkAtoms::onvrdisplaypresentchange) { + RequestXRPermission(); + } + + if (aType == nsGkAtoms::onvrdisplayactivate) { + mHasVRDisplayActivateEvents = true; + } + + if (aType == nsGkAtoms::onbeforeunload && mWindowGlobalChild && + (!mDoc || !(mDoc->GetSandboxFlags() & SANDBOXED_MODALS))) { + mWindowGlobalChild->BeforeUnloadAdded(); + MOZ_ASSERT(mWindowGlobalChild->BeforeUnloadListeners() > 0); + } + + // We need to initialize localStorage in order to receive notifications. + if (aType == nsGkAtoms::onstorage) { + ErrorResult rv; + GetLocalStorage(rv); + rv.SuppressException(); + + if (NextGenLocalStorageEnabled() && mLocalStorage && + mLocalStorage->Type() == Storage::eLocalStorage) { + auto object = static_cast<LSObject*>(mLocalStorage.get()); + + Unused << NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(object->EnsureObserver())); + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::EventListenerRemoved(nsAtom* aType) { + if (aType == nsGkAtoms::onbeforeunload && mWindowGlobalChild && + (!mDoc || !(mDoc->GetSandboxFlags() & SANDBOXED_MODALS))) { + mWindowGlobalChild->BeforeUnloadRemoved(); + MOZ_ASSERT(mWindowGlobalChild->BeforeUnloadListeners() >= 0); + } + + if (aType == nsGkAtoms::onstorage) { + if (NextGenLocalStorageEnabled() && mLocalStorage && + mLocalStorage->Type() == Storage::eLocalStorage && + // The remove event is fired even if this isn't the last listener, so + // only remove if there are no other listeners left. + mListenerManager && + !mListenerManager->HasListenersFor(nsGkAtoms::onstorage)) { + auto object = static_cast<LSObject*>(mLocalStorage.get()); + + object->DropObserver(); + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::NotifyHasXRSession() { + if (IsDying()) { + // Do not proceed if the window is dying, as that will result + // in leaks of objects that get re-allocated after FreeInnerObjects + // has been called, including mVREventObserver. + return; + } + mHasXRSession = true; + EnableVRUpdates(); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::HasUsedVR() const { + // Returns true only if content has enumerated and activated + // XR devices. Detection of XR runtimes without activation + // will not cause true to be returned. + return mHasXRSession; +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsVRContentDetected() const { + // Returns true only if the content will respond to + // the VRDisplayActivate event. + return mHasVRDisplayActivateEvents; +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsVRContentPresenting() const { + for (const auto& display : mVRDisplays) { + if (display->IsAnyPresenting(gfx::kVRGroupAll)) { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::AddSizeOfIncludingThis( + nsWindowSizes& aWindowSizes) const { + aWindowSizes.mDOMOtherSize += aWindowSizes.mState.mMallocSizeOf(this); + aWindowSizes.mDOMOtherSize += nsIGlobalObject::ShallowSizeOfExcludingThis( + aWindowSizes.mState.mMallocSizeOf); + + EventListenerManager* elm = GetExistingListenerManager(); + if (elm) { + aWindowSizes.mDOMOtherSize += + elm->SizeOfIncludingThis(aWindowSizes.mState.mMallocSizeOf); + aWindowSizes.mDOMEventListenersCount += elm->ListenerCount(); + } + if (mDoc) { + // Multiple global windows can share a document. So only measure the + // document if it (a) doesn't have a global window, or (b) it's the + // primary document for the window. + if (!mDoc->GetInnerWindow() || mDoc->GetInnerWindow() == this) { + mDoc->DocAddSizeOfIncludingThis(aWindowSizes); + } + } + + if (mNavigator) { + aWindowSizes.mDOMOtherSize += + mNavigator->SizeOfIncludingThis(aWindowSizes.mState.mMallocSizeOf); + } + + ForEachEventTargetObject([&](DOMEventTargetHelper* et, bool* aDoneOut) { + if (nsCOMPtr<nsISizeOfEventTarget> iSizeOf = do_QueryObject(et)) { + aWindowSizes.mDOMEventTargetsSize += + iSizeOf->SizeOfEventTargetIncludingThis( + aWindowSizes.mState.mMallocSizeOf); + } + if (EventListenerManager* elm = et->GetExistingListenerManager()) { + aWindowSizes.mDOMEventListenersCount += elm->ListenerCount(); + } + ++aWindowSizes.mDOMEventTargetsCount; + }); + + if (mPerformance) { + aWindowSizes.mDOMPerformanceUserEntries = + mPerformance->SizeOfUserEntries(aWindowSizes.mState.mMallocSizeOf); + aWindowSizes.mDOMPerformanceResourceEntries = + mPerformance->SizeOfResourceEntries(aWindowSizes.mState.mMallocSizeOf); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::AddGamepad(GamepadHandle aHandle, Gamepad* aGamepad) { + // Create the index we will present to content based on which indices are + // already taken, as required by the spec. + // https://w3c.github.io/gamepad/gamepad.html#widl-Gamepad-index + int index = 0; + while (mGamepadIndexSet.Contains(index)) { + ++index; + } + mGamepadIndexSet.Put(index); + aGamepad->SetIndex(index); + mGamepads.Put(aHandle, RefPtr{aGamepad}); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::RemoveGamepad(GamepadHandle aHandle) { + RefPtr<Gamepad> gamepad; + if (!mGamepads.Get(aHandle, getter_AddRefs(gamepad))) { + return; + } + // Free up the index we were using so it can be reused + mGamepadIndexSet.Remove(gamepad->Index()); + mGamepads.Remove(aHandle); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetGamepads(nsTArray<RefPtr<Gamepad>>& aGamepads) { + aGamepads.Clear(); + + // navigator.getGamepads() always returns an empty array when + // privacy.resistFingerprinting is true. + if (nsContentUtils::ShouldResistFingerprinting(GetDocShell())) { + return; + } + + // mGamepads.Count() may not be sufficient, but it's not harmful. + aGamepads.SetCapacity(mGamepads.Count()); + for (auto iter = mGamepads.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { + Gamepad* gamepad = iter.UserData(); + aGamepads.EnsureLengthAtLeast(gamepad->Index() + 1); + aGamepads[gamepad->Index()] = gamepad; + } +} + +already_AddRefed<Gamepad> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetGamepad( + GamepadHandle aHandle) { + RefPtr<Gamepad> gamepad; + + if (mGamepads.Get(aHandle, getter_AddRefs(gamepad))) { + return gamepad.forget(); + } + + return nullptr; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetHasSeenGamepadInput(bool aHasSeen) { + mHasSeenGamepadInput = aHasSeen; +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::HasSeenGamepadInput() { return mHasSeenGamepadInput; } + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SyncGamepadState() { + if (mHasSeenGamepadInput) { + RefPtr<GamepadManager> gamepadManager(GamepadManager::GetService()); + for (auto iter = mGamepads.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { + gamepadManager->SyncGamepadState(iter.Key(), this, iter.UserData()); + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::StopGamepadHaptics() { + if (mHasSeenGamepadInput) { + RefPtr<GamepadManager> gamepadManager(GamepadManager::GetService()); + gamepadManager->StopHaptics(); + } +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::UpdateVRDisplays( + nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::dom::VRDisplay>>& aDevices) { + VRDisplay::UpdateVRDisplays(mVRDisplays, this); + aDevices = mVRDisplays.Clone(); + return true; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::NotifyActiveVRDisplaysChanged() { + if (mNavigator) { + mNavigator->NotifyActiveVRDisplaysChanged(); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::NotifyPresentationGenerationChanged( + uint32_t aDisplayID) { + for (const auto& display : mVRDisplays) { + if (display->DisplayId() == aDisplayID) { + display->OnPresentationGenerationChanged(); + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::DispatchVRDisplayActivate( + uint32_t aDisplayID, mozilla::dom::VRDisplayEventReason aReason) { + // Ensure that our list of displays is up to date + VRDisplay::UpdateVRDisplays(mVRDisplays, this); + + // Search for the display identified with aDisplayID and fire the + // event if found. + for (const auto& display : mVRDisplays) { + if (display->DisplayId() == aDisplayID) { + if (aReason != VRDisplayEventReason::Navigation && + display->IsAnyPresenting(gfx::kVRGroupContent)) { + // We only want to trigger this event if nobody is presenting to the + // display already or when a page is loaded by navigating away + // from a page with an active VR Presentation. + continue; + } + + VRDisplayEventInit init; + init.mBubbles = false; + init.mCancelable = false; + init.mDisplay = display; + init.mReason.Construct(aReason); + + RefPtr<VRDisplayEvent> event = + VRDisplayEvent::Constructor(this, u"vrdisplayactivate"_ns, init); + // vrdisplayactivate is a trusted event, allowing VRDisplay.requestPresent + // to be used in response to link traversal, user request (chrome UX), and + // HMD mounting detection sensors. + event->SetTrusted(true); + // VRDisplay.requestPresent normally requires a user gesture; however, an + // exception is made to allow it to be called in response to + // vrdisplayactivate during VR link traversal. + display->StartHandlingVRNavigationEvent(); + DispatchEvent(*event); + display->StopHandlingVRNavigationEvent(); + // Once we dispatch the event, we must not access any members as an event + // listener can do anything, including closing windows. + return; + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::DispatchVRDisplayDeactivate( + uint32_t aDisplayID, mozilla::dom::VRDisplayEventReason aReason) { + // Ensure that our list of displays is up to date + VRDisplay::UpdateVRDisplays(mVRDisplays, this); + + // Search for the display identified with aDisplayID and fire the + // event if found. + for (const auto& display : mVRDisplays) { + if (display->DisplayId() == aDisplayID && display->IsPresenting()) { + // We only want to trigger this event to content that is presenting to + // the display already. + + VRDisplayEventInit init; + init.mBubbles = false; + init.mCancelable = false; + init.mDisplay = display; + init.mReason.Construct(aReason); + + RefPtr<VRDisplayEvent> event = + VRDisplayEvent::Constructor(this, u"vrdisplaydeactivate"_ns, init); + event->SetTrusted(true); + DispatchEvent(*event); + // Once we dispatch the event, we must not access any members as an event + // listener can do anything, including closing windows. + return; + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::DispatchVRDisplayConnect(uint32_t aDisplayID) { + // Ensure that our list of displays is up to date + VRDisplay::UpdateVRDisplays(mVRDisplays, this); + + // Search for the display identified with aDisplayID and fire the + // event if found. + for (const auto& display : mVRDisplays) { + if (display->DisplayId() == aDisplayID) { + // Fire event even if not presenting to the display. + VRDisplayEventInit init; + init.mBubbles = false; + init.mCancelable = false; + init.mDisplay = display; + // VRDisplayEvent.reason is not set for vrdisplayconnect + + RefPtr<VRDisplayEvent> event = + VRDisplayEvent::Constructor(this, u"vrdisplayconnect"_ns, init); + event->SetTrusted(true); + DispatchEvent(*event); + // Once we dispatch the event, we must not access any members as an event + // listener can do anything, including closing windows. + return; + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::DispatchVRDisplayDisconnect(uint32_t aDisplayID) { + // Ensure that our list of displays is up to date + VRDisplay::UpdateVRDisplays(mVRDisplays, this); + + // Search for the display identified with aDisplayID and fire the + // event if found. + for (const auto& display : mVRDisplays) { + if (display->DisplayId() == aDisplayID) { + // Fire event even if not presenting to the display. + VRDisplayEventInit init; + init.mBubbles = false; + init.mCancelable = false; + init.mDisplay = display; + // VRDisplayEvent.reason is not set for vrdisplaydisconnect + + RefPtr<VRDisplayEvent> event = + VRDisplayEvent::Constructor(this, u"vrdisplaydisconnect"_ns, init); + event->SetTrusted(true); + DispatchEvent(*event); + // Once we dispatch the event, we must not access any members as an event + // listener can do anything, including closing windows. + return; + } + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::DispatchVRDisplayPresentChange(uint32_t aDisplayID) { + // Ensure that our list of displays is up to date + VRDisplay::UpdateVRDisplays(mVRDisplays, this); + + // Search for the display identified with aDisplayID and fire the + // event if found. + for (const auto& display : mVRDisplays) { + if (display->DisplayId() == aDisplayID) { + // Fire event even if not presenting to the display. + VRDisplayEventInit init; + init.mBubbles = false; + init.mCancelable = false; + init.mDisplay = display; + // VRDisplayEvent.reason is not set for vrdisplaypresentchange + RefPtr<VRDisplayEvent> event = + VRDisplayEvent::Constructor(this, u"vrdisplaypresentchange"_ns, init); + event->SetTrusted(true); + DispatchEvent(*event); + // Once we dispatch the event, we must not access any members as an event + // listener can do anything, including closing windows. + return; + } + } +} + +enum WindowState { + // These constants need to match the constants in Window.webidl + STATE_MAXIMIZED = 1, + STATE_MINIMIZED = 2, + STATE_NORMAL = 3, + STATE_FULLSCREEN = 4 +}; + +uint16_t nsGlobalWindowInner::WindowState() { + nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = GetMainWidget(); + + int32_t mode = widget ? widget->SizeMode() : 0; + + switch (mode) { + case nsSizeMode_Minimized: + return STATE_MINIMIZED; + case nsSizeMode_Maximized: + return STATE_MAXIMIZED; + case nsSizeMode_Fullscreen: + return STATE_FULLSCREEN; + case nsSizeMode_Normal: + return STATE_NORMAL; + default: + NS_WARNING("Illegal window state for this chrome window"); + break; + } + + return STATE_NORMAL; +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsFullyOccluded() { + nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = GetMainWidget(); + return widget && widget->IsFullyOccluded(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Maximize() { + nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = GetMainWidget(); + + if (widget) { + widget->SetSizeMode(nsSizeMode_Maximized); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Minimize() { + nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = GetMainWidget(); + + if (widget) { + widget->SetSizeMode(nsSizeMode_Minimized); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::Restore() { + nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = GetMainWidget(); + + if (widget) { + widget->SetSizeMode(nsSizeMode_Normal); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetWorkspaceID(nsAString& workspaceID) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = GetMainWidget(); + + workspaceID.Truncate(); + if (widget) { + return widget->GetWorkspaceID(workspaceID); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::MoveToWorkspace(const nsAString& workspaceID) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = GetMainWidget(); + + if (widget) { + widget->MoveToWorkspace(workspaceID); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetAttention(ErrorResult& aResult) { + return GetAttentionWithCycleCount(-1, aResult); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetAttentionWithCycleCount(int32_t aCycleCount, + ErrorResult& aError) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = GetMainWidget(); + + if (widget) { + aError = widget->GetAttention(aCycleCount); + } +} + +already_AddRefed<Promise> nsGlobalWindowInner::PromiseDocumentFlushed( + PromiseDocumentFlushedCallback& aCallback, ErrorResult& aError) { + MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsChromeWindow()); + + if (!IsCurrentInnerWindow()) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return nullptr; + } + + if (mIteratingDocumentFlushedResolvers) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return nullptr; + } + + if (!mDoc) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return nullptr; + } + + PresShell* presShell = mDoc->GetPresShell(); + if (!presShell) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return nullptr; + } + + // We need to associate the lifetime of the Promise to the lifetime + // of the caller's global. That way, if the window we're observing + // refresh driver ticks on goes away before our observer is fired, + // we can still resolve the Promise. + nsIGlobalObject* global = GetIncumbentGlobal(); + if (!global) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return nullptr; + } + + RefPtr<Promise> resultPromise = Promise::Create(global, aError); + if (aError.Failed()) { + return nullptr; + } + + UniquePtr<PromiseDocumentFlushedResolver> flushResolver( + new PromiseDocumentFlushedResolver(resultPromise, aCallback)); + + if (!presShell->NeedStyleFlush() && !presShell->NeedLayoutFlush()) { + flushResolver->Call(); + return resultPromise.forget(); + } + + if (!mObservingDidRefresh) { + bool success = presShell->AddPostRefreshObserver(this); + if (!success) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return nullptr; + } + mObservingDidRefresh = true; + } + + mDocumentFlushedResolvers.AppendElement(std::move(flushResolver)); + return resultPromise.forget(); +} + +template <bool call> +void nsGlobalWindowInner::CallOrCancelDocumentFlushedResolvers() { + MOZ_ASSERT(!mIteratingDocumentFlushedResolvers); + + while (true) { + { + // To coalesce MicroTask checkpoints inside callback call, enclose the + // inner loop with nsAutoMicroTask, and perform a MicroTask checkpoint + // after the loop. + nsAutoMicroTask mt; + + mIteratingDocumentFlushedResolvers = true; + for (const auto& documentFlushedResolver : mDocumentFlushedResolvers) { + if (call) { + documentFlushedResolver->Call(); + } else { + documentFlushedResolver->Cancel(); + } + } + mDocumentFlushedResolvers.Clear(); + mIteratingDocumentFlushedResolvers = false; + } + + // Leaving nsAutoMicroTask above will perform MicroTask checkpoint, and + // Promise callbacks there may create mDocumentFlushedResolvers items. + + // If there's no new item, there's nothing to do here. + if (!mDocumentFlushedResolvers.Length()) { + break; + } + + // If there are new items, the observer is not added for them when calling + // PromiseDocumentFlushed. Add here and leave. + // FIXME: Handle this case inside PromiseDocumentFlushed (bug 1442824). + if (mDoc) { + PresShell* presShell = mDoc->GetPresShell(); + if (presShell) { + Unused << presShell->AddPostRefreshObserver(this); + break; + } + } + + // If we fail adding observer, keep looping to resolve or reject all + // promises. This case happens while destroying window. + // This violates the constraint that the promiseDocumentFlushed callback + // only ever run when no flush needed, but it's necessary to resolve + // Promise returned by that. + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::CallDocumentFlushedResolvers() { + CallOrCancelDocumentFlushedResolvers<true>(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::CancelDocumentFlushedResolvers() { + CallOrCancelDocumentFlushedResolvers<false>(); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::DidRefresh() { + RefPtr<nsGlobalWindowInner> kungFuDeathGrip(this); + + auto rejectionGuard = MakeScopeExit([&] { + CancelDocumentFlushedResolvers(); + mObservingDidRefresh = false; + }); + + MOZ_ASSERT(mDoc); + + PresShell* presShell = mDoc->GetPresShell(); + MOZ_ASSERT(presShell); + + if (presShell->NeedStyleFlush() || presShell->NeedLayoutFlush()) { + // By the time our observer fired, something has already invalidated + // style or layout - or perhaps we're still in the middle of a flush that + // was interrupted. In either case, we'll wait until the next refresh driver + // tick instead and try again. + rejectionGuard.release(); + return; + } + + bool success = presShell->RemovePostRefreshObserver(this); + if (!success) { + return; + } + + rejectionGuard.release(); + + CallDocumentFlushedResolvers(); + mObservingDidRefresh = false; +} + +already_AddRefed<nsWindowRoot> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetWindowRoot( + mozilla::ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetWindowRootOuter, (), aError, nullptr); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetCursor(const nsACString& aCursor, + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SetCursorOuter, (aCursor, aError), aError, ); +} + +NS_IMETHODIMP +nsGlobalWindowInner::GetBrowserDOMWindow(nsIBrowserDOMWindow** aBrowserWindow) { + MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsChromeWindow()); + + ErrorResult rv; + NS_IF_ADDREF(*aBrowserWindow = GetBrowserDOMWindow(rv)); + return rv.StealNSResult(); +} + +nsIBrowserDOMWindow* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetBrowserDOMWindow( + ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(GetBrowserDOMWindowOuter, (), aError, nullptr); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetBrowserDOMWindow( + nsIBrowserDOMWindow* aBrowserWindow, ErrorResult& aError) { + FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW(SetBrowserDOMWindowOuter, (aBrowserWindow), + aError, ); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::NotifyDefaultButtonLoaded(Element& aDefaultButton, + ErrorResult& aError) { +#ifdef MOZ_XUL + // Don't snap to a disabled button. + nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULControlElement> xulControl = aDefaultButton.AsXULControl(); + if (!xulControl) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return; + } + bool disabled; + aError = xulControl->GetDisabled(&disabled); + if (aError.Failed() || disabled) { + return; + } + + // Get the button rect in screen coordinates. + nsIFrame* frame = aDefaultButton.GetPrimaryFrame(); + if (!frame) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return; + } + LayoutDeviceIntRect buttonRect = LayoutDeviceIntRect::FromAppUnitsToNearest( + frame->GetScreenRectInAppUnits(), + frame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel()); + + // Get the widget rect in screen coordinates. + nsIWidget* widget = GetNearestWidget(); + if (!widget) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return; + } + LayoutDeviceIntRect widgetRect = widget->GetScreenBounds(); + + // Convert the buttonRect coordinates from screen to the widget. + buttonRect -= widgetRect.TopLeft(); + nsresult rv = widget->OnDefaultButtonLoaded(buttonRect); + if (NS_FAILED(rv) && rv != NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { + aError.Throw(rv); + } +#else + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); +#endif +} + +ChromeMessageBroadcaster* nsGlobalWindowInner::MessageManager() { + MOZ_ASSERT(IsChromeWindow()); + if (!mChromeFields.mMessageManager) { + RefPtr<ChromeMessageBroadcaster> globalMM = + nsFrameMessageManager::GetGlobalMessageManager(); + mChromeFields.mMessageManager = new ChromeMessageBroadcaster(globalMM); + } + return mChromeFields.mMessageManager; +} + +ChromeMessageBroadcaster* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetGroupMessageManager( + const nsAString& aGroup) { + MOZ_ASSERT(IsChromeWindow()); + + RefPtr<ChromeMessageBroadcaster> messageManager = + mChromeFields.mGroupMessageManagers.LookupForAdd(aGroup).OrInsert( + [this]() { return new ChromeMessageBroadcaster(MessageManager()); }); + return messageManager; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::InitWasOffline() { mWasOffline = NS_IsOffline(); } + +#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) +int16_t nsGlobalWindowInner::Orientation(CallerType aCallerType) const { + return nsContentUtils::ResistFingerprinting(aCallerType) + ? 0 + : WindowOrientationObserver::OrientationAngle(); +} +#endif + +already_AddRefed<Console> nsGlobalWindowInner::GetConsole(JSContext* aCx, + ErrorResult& aRv) { + if (!mConsole) { + mConsole = Console::Create(aCx, this, aRv); + if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { + return nullptr; + } + } + + RefPtr<Console> console = mConsole; + return console.forget(); +} + +bool nsGlobalWindowInner::IsSecureContext() const { + JS::Realm* realm = js::GetNonCCWObjectRealm(GetWrapperPreserveColor()); + return JS::GetIsSecureContext(realm); +} + +External* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetExternal(ErrorResult& aRv) { +#ifdef HAVE_SIDEBAR + if (!mExternal) { + mExternal = ConstructJSImplementation<External>("@mozilla.org/sidebar;1", + this, aRv); + if (aRv.Failed()) { + return nullptr; + } + } + + return static_cast<External*>(mExternal.get()); +#else + aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); + return nullptr; +#endif +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetSidebar(OwningExternalOrWindowProxy& aResult, + ErrorResult& aRv) { +#ifdef HAVE_SIDEBAR + // First check for a named frame named "sidebar" + RefPtr<BrowsingContext> domWindow = GetChildWindow(u"sidebar"_ns); + if (domWindow) { + aResult.SetAsWindowProxy() = std::move(domWindow); + return; + } + + RefPtr<External> external = GetExternal(aRv); + if (external) { + aResult.SetAsExternal() = external; + } +#else + aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); +#endif +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ClearDocumentDependentSlots(JSContext* aCx) { + // If JSAPI OOMs here, there is basically nothing we can do to recover safely. + if (!Window_Binding::ClearCachedDocumentValue(aCx, this) || + !Window_Binding::ClearCachedPerformanceValue(aCx, this)) { + MOZ_CRASH("Unhandlable OOM while clearing document dependent slots."); + } +} + +/* static */ +JSObject* nsGlobalWindowInner::CreateNamedPropertiesObject( + JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aProto) { + return WindowNamedPropertiesHandler::Create(aCx, aProto); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::RedefineProperty(JSContext* aCx, + const char* aPropName, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue, + ErrorResult& aError) { + JS::Rooted<JSObject*> thisObj(aCx, GetWrapperPreserveColor()); + if (!thisObj) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); + return; + } + + if (!JS_WrapObject(aCx, &thisObj) || + !JS_DefineProperty(aCx, thisObj, aPropName, aValue, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + } +} + +template <typename T> +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetReplaceableWindowCoord( + JSContext* aCx, nsGlobalWindowInner::WindowCoordGetter<T> aGetter, + JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval, CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + T coord = (this->*aGetter)(aCallerType, aError); + if (!aError.Failed() && !ToJSValue(aCx, coord, aRetval)) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + } +} + +template <typename T> +void nsGlobalWindowInner::SetReplaceableWindowCoord( + JSContext* aCx, nsGlobalWindowInner::WindowCoordSetter<T> aSetter, + JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue, const char* aPropName, CallerType aCallerType, + ErrorResult& aError) { + /* + * If caller is not chrome and the user has not explicitly exempted the site, + * just treat this the way we would an IDL replaceable property. + */ + nsGlobalWindowOuter* outer = GetOuterWindowInternal(); + if (!outer || !outer->CanMoveResizeWindows(aCallerType) || + mBrowsingContext->IsFrame()) { + RedefineProperty(aCx, aPropName, aValue, aError); + return; + } + + T value; + if (!ValueToPrimitive<T, eDefault>(aCx, aValue, aPropName, &value)) { + aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); + return; + } + + if (nsContentUtils::ShouldResistFingerprinting(GetDocShell())) { + bool innerWidthSpecified = false; + bool innerHeightSpecified = false; + bool outerWidthSpecified = false; + bool outerHeightSpecified = false; + + if (strcmp(aPropName, "innerWidth") == 0) { + innerWidthSpecified = true; + } else if (strcmp(aPropName, "innerHeight") == 0) { + innerHeightSpecified = true; + } else if (strcmp(aPropName, "outerWidth") == 0) { + outerWidthSpecified = true; + } else if (strcmp(aPropName, "outerHeight") == 0) { + outerHeightSpecified = true; + } + + if (innerWidthSpecified || innerHeightSpecified || outerWidthSpecified || + outerHeightSpecified) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> treeOwnerAsWin = outer->GetTreeOwnerWindow(); + nsCOMPtr<nsIScreen> screen; + nsCOMPtr<nsIScreenManager> screenMgr( + do_GetService("@mozilla.org/gfx/screenmanager;1")); + int32_t winLeft = 0; + int32_t winTop = 0; + int32_t winWidth = 0; + int32_t winHeight = 0; + double scale = 1.0; + + if (treeOwnerAsWin && screenMgr) { + // Acquire current window size. + treeOwnerAsWin->GetUnscaledDevicePixelsPerCSSPixel(&scale); + treeOwnerAsWin->GetPositionAndSize(&winLeft, &winTop, &winWidth, + &winHeight); + winLeft = NSToIntRound(winHeight / scale); + winTop = NSToIntRound(winWidth / scale); + winWidth = NSToIntRound(winWidth / scale); + winHeight = NSToIntRound(winHeight / scale); + + // Acquire content window size. + CSSSize contentSize; + outer->GetInnerSize(contentSize); + + screenMgr->ScreenForRect(winLeft, winTop, winWidth, winHeight, + getter_AddRefs(screen)); + + if (screen) { + int32_t roundedValue = std::round(value); + int32_t* targetContentWidth = nullptr; + int32_t* targetContentHeight = nullptr; + int32_t screenWidth = 0; + int32_t screenHeight = 0; + int32_t chromeWidth = 0; + int32_t chromeHeight = 0; + int32_t inputWidth = 0; + int32_t inputHeight = 0; + int32_t unused = 0; + + // Get screen dimensions (in device pixels) + screen->GetAvailRect(&unused, &unused, &screenWidth, &screenHeight); + // Convert them to CSS pixels + screenWidth = NSToIntRound(screenWidth / scale); + screenHeight = NSToIntRound(screenHeight / scale); + + // Calculate the chrome UI size. + chromeWidth = winWidth - contentSize.width; + chromeHeight = winHeight - contentSize.height; + + if (innerWidthSpecified || outerWidthSpecified) { + inputWidth = value; + targetContentWidth = &roundedValue; + targetContentHeight = &unused; + } else if (innerHeightSpecified || outerHeightSpecified) { + inputHeight = value; + targetContentWidth = &unused; + targetContentHeight = &roundedValue; + } + + nsContentUtils::CalcRoundedWindowSizeForResistingFingerprinting( + chromeWidth, chromeHeight, screenWidth, screenHeight, inputWidth, + inputHeight, outerWidthSpecified, outerHeightSpecified, + targetContentWidth, targetContentHeight); + value = T(roundedValue); + } + } + } + } + + (this->*aSetter)(value, aCallerType, aError); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::FireOnNewGlobalObject() { + // AutoEntryScript required to invoke debugger hook, which is a + // Gecko-specific concept at present. + AutoEntryScript aes(this, "nsGlobalWindowInner report new global"); + JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(aes.cx(), GetWrapper()); + JS_FireOnNewGlobalObject(aes.cx(), global); +} + +#if defined(_WINDOWS_) && !defined(MOZ_WRAPPED_WINDOWS_H) +# pragma message( \ + "wrapper failure reason: " MOZ_WINDOWS_WRAPPER_DISABLED_REASON) +# error "Never include unwrapped windows.h in this file!" +#endif + +already_AddRefed<Promise> nsGlobalWindowInner::CreateImageBitmap( + const ImageBitmapSource& aImage, ErrorResult& aRv) { + return ImageBitmap::Create(this, aImage, Nothing(), aRv); +} + +already_AddRefed<Promise> nsGlobalWindowInner::CreateImageBitmap( + const ImageBitmapSource& aImage, int32_t aSx, int32_t aSy, int32_t aSw, + int32_t aSh, ErrorResult& aRv) { + return ImageBitmap::Create(this, aImage, + Some(gfx::IntRect(aSx, aSy, aSw, aSh)), aRv); +} + +nsresult nsGlobalWindowInner::Dispatch( + TaskCategory aCategory, already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable>&& aRunnable) { + MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + if (GetDocGroup()) { + return GetDocGroup()->Dispatch(aCategory, std::move(aRunnable)); + } + return DispatcherTrait::Dispatch(aCategory, std::move(aRunnable)); +} + +nsISerialEventTarget* nsGlobalWindowInner::EventTargetFor( + TaskCategory aCategory) const { + MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + if (GetDocGroup()) { + return GetDocGroup()->EventTargetFor(aCategory); + } + return DispatcherTrait::EventTargetFor(aCategory); +} + +AbstractThread* nsGlobalWindowInner::AbstractMainThreadFor( + TaskCategory aCategory) { + MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); + if (GetDocGroup()) { + return GetDocGroup()->AbstractMainThreadFor(aCategory); + } + return DispatcherTrait::AbstractMainThreadFor(aCategory); +} + +Worklet* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetPaintWorklet(ErrorResult& aRv) { + if (!mPaintWorklet) { + nsIPrincipal* principal = GetPrincipal(); + if (!principal) { + aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); + return nullptr; + } + + mPaintWorklet = PaintWorkletImpl::CreateWorklet(this, principal); + } + + return mPaintWorklet; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetRegionalPrefsLocales( + nsTArray<nsString>& aLocales) { + MOZ_ASSERT(mozilla::intl::LocaleService::GetInstance()); + + AutoTArray<nsCString, 10> rpLocales; + mozilla::intl::LocaleService::GetInstance()->GetRegionalPrefsLocales( + rpLocales); + + for (const auto& loc : rpLocales) { + aLocales.AppendElement(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(loc)); + } +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::GetWebExposedLocales(nsTArray<nsString>& aLocales) { + MOZ_ASSERT(mozilla::intl::LocaleService::GetInstance()); + + AutoTArray<nsCString, 10> rpLocales; + mozilla::intl::LocaleService::GetInstance()->GetWebExposedLocales(rpLocales); + + for (const auto& loc : rpLocales) { + aLocales.AppendElement(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(loc)); + } +} + +IntlUtils* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetIntlUtils(ErrorResult& aError) { + if (!mIntlUtils) { + mIntlUtils = new IntlUtils(this); + } + + return mIntlUtils; +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::StoreSharedWorker(SharedWorker* aSharedWorker) { + MOZ_ASSERT(aSharedWorker); + MOZ_ASSERT(!mSharedWorkers.Contains(aSharedWorker)); + + mSharedWorkers.AppendElement(aSharedWorker); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::ForgetSharedWorker(SharedWorker* aSharedWorker) { + MOZ_ASSERT(aSharedWorker); + MOZ_ASSERT(mSharedWorkers.Contains(aSharedWorker)); + + mSharedWorkers.RemoveElement(aSharedWorker); +} + +void nsGlobalWindowInner::StorageAccessPermissionGranted() { + PropagateStorageAccessPermissionGrantedToWorkers(*this); + + // If we have a partitioned localStorage, it's time to replace it with a real + // one in order to receive notifications. + + if (mLocalStorage) { + IgnoredErrorResult error; + GetLocalStorage(error); + if (NS_WARN_IF(error.Failed())) { + return; + } + + MOZ_ASSERT(mLocalStorage && + mLocalStorage->Type() == Storage::eLocalStorage); + + if (NextGenLocalStorageEnabled() && mListenerManager && + mListenerManager->HasListenersFor(nsGkAtoms::onstorage)) { + auto object = static_cast<LSObject*>(mLocalStorage.get()); + + object->EnsureObserver(); + } + } + + // Reset the IndexedDB factory. + mIndexedDB = nullptr; + + // Reset DOM Cache + mCacheStorage = nullptr; + + // Reset the active storage principal + if (mDoc) { + mDoc->ClearActiveStoragePrincipal(); + } +} + +ContentMediaController* nsGlobalWindowInner::GetContentMediaController() { + if (mContentMediaController) { + return mContentMediaController; + } + if (!mBrowsingContext) { + return nullptr; + } + + mContentMediaController = new ContentMediaController(mBrowsingContext->Id()); + return mContentMediaController; +} + +/* static */ +already_AddRefed<nsGlobalWindowInner> nsGlobalWindowInner::Create( + nsGlobalWindowOuter* aOuterWindow, bool aIsChrome, + WindowGlobalChild* aActor) { + RefPtr<nsGlobalWindowInner> window = + new nsGlobalWindowInner(aOuterWindow, aActor); + if (aIsChrome) { + window->mIsChrome = true; + window->mCleanMessageManager = true; + } + + if (aActor) { + aActor->InitWindowGlobal(window); + } + + window->InitWasOffline(); + return window.forget(); +} + +nsIURI* nsPIDOMWindowInner::GetDocumentURI() const { + return mDoc ? mDoc->GetDocumentURI() : mDocumentURI.get(); +} + +nsIURI* nsPIDOMWindowInner::GetDocBaseURI() const { + return mDoc ? mDoc->GetDocBaseURI() : mDocBaseURI.get(); +} + +mozilla::dom::WindowContext* nsPIDOMWindowInner::GetWindowContext() const { + return mWindowGlobalChild ? mWindowGlobalChild->WindowContext() : nullptr; +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::RemoveFromBFCacheSync() { + if (Document* doc = GetExtantDoc()) { + return doc->RemoveFromBFCacheSync(); + } + return false; +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::MaybeCreateDoc() { + // XXX: Forward to outer? + MOZ_ASSERT(!mDoc); + if (nsIDocShell* docShell = GetDocShell()) { + // Note that |document| here is the same thing as our mDoc, but we + // don't have to explicitly set the member variable because the docshell + // has already called SetNewDocument(). + nsCOMPtr<Document> document = docShell->GetDocument(); + Unused << document; + } +} + +mozilla::dom::DocGroup* nsPIDOMWindowInner::GetDocGroup() const { + Document* doc = GetExtantDoc(); + if (doc) { + return doc->GetDocGroup(); + } + return nullptr; +} + +mozilla::dom::BrowsingContextGroup* +nsPIDOMWindowInner::GetBrowsingContextGroup() const { + return mBrowsingContext ? mBrowsingContext->Group() : nullptr; +} + +nsIGlobalObject* nsPIDOMWindowInner::AsGlobal() { + return nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this); +} + +const nsIGlobalObject* nsPIDOMWindowInner::AsGlobal() const { + return nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this); +} + +void nsPIDOMWindowInner::SaveStorageAccessPermissionGranted() { + mStorageAccessPermissionGranted = true; + + nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(this)->StorageAccessPermissionGranted(); +} + +bool nsPIDOMWindowInner::HasStorageAccessPermissionGranted() { + return mStorageAccessPermissionGranted; +} + +nsPIDOMWindowInner::nsPIDOMWindowInner(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aOuterWindow, + WindowGlobalChild* aActor) + : mMutationBits(0), + mActivePeerConnections(0), + mIsDocumentLoaded(false), + mIsHandlingResizeEvent(false), + mMayHavePaintEventListener(false), + mMayHaveTouchEventListener(false), + mMayHaveSelectionChangeEventListener(false), + mMayHaveMouseEnterLeaveEventListener(false), + mMayHavePointerEnterLeaveEventListener(false), + mMayHaveBeforeInputEventListenerForTelemetry(false), + mMutationObserverHasObservedNodeForTelemetry(false), + mOuterWindow(aOuterWindow), + mWindowID(0), + mHasNotifiedGlobalCreated(false), + mMarkedCCGeneration(0), + mHasTriedToCacheTopInnerWindow(false), + mNumOfIndexedDBDatabases(0), + mNumOfOpenWebSockets(0), + mEvent(nullptr), + mStorageAccessPermissionGranted(false), + mWindowGlobalChild(aActor), + mWasSuspendedByGroup(false) { + MOZ_ASSERT(aOuterWindow); + mBrowsingContext = aOuterWindow->GetBrowsingContext(); + + if (mWindowGlobalChild) { + mWindowID = aActor->InnerWindowId(); + + MOZ_ASSERT(mWindowGlobalChild->BrowsingContext() == mBrowsingContext); + } else { + mWindowID = nsContentUtils::GenerateWindowId(); + } +} + +nsPIDOMWindowInner::~nsPIDOMWindowInner() = default; + +#undef FORWARD_TO_OUTER +#undef FORWARD_TO_OUTER_OR_THROW +#undef FORWARD_TO_OUTER_VOID |