path: root/dom/cache/FileUtils.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/cache/FileUtils.cpp')
1 files changed, 698 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/cache/FileUtils.cpp b/dom/cache/FileUtils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..957d3a4ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/cache/FileUtils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "FileUtilsImpl.h"
+#include "DBSchema.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/InternalResponse.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/quota/FileStreams.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/quota/QuotaManager.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/quota/QuotaObject.h"
+#include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h"
+#include "mozilla/SnappyCompressOutputStream.h"
+#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
+#include "nsIObjectInputStream.h"
+#include "nsIObjectOutputStream.h"
+#include "nsIFile.h"
+#include "nsIUUIDGenerator.h"
+#include "nsNetCID.h"
+#include "nsNetUtil.h"
+#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
+#include "nsString.h"
+#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
+namespace mozilla::dom::cache {
+using mozilla::dom::quota::Client;
+using mozilla::dom::quota::CloneFileAndAppend;
+using mozilla::dom::quota::FileInputStream;
+using mozilla::dom::quota::FileOutputStream;
+using mozilla::dom::quota::PERSISTENCE_TYPE_DEFAULT;
+using mozilla::dom::quota::QuotaManager;
+using mozilla::dom::quota::QuotaObject;
+namespace {
+// Const variable for generate padding size.
+// XXX This will be tweaked to something more meaningful in Bug 1383656.
+const int64_t kRoundUpNumber = 20480;
+enum BodyFileType { BODY_FILE_FINAL, BODY_FILE_TMP };
+Result<NotNull<nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>>, nsresult> BodyIdToFile(nsIFile& aBaseDir,
+ const nsID& aId,
+ BodyFileType aType);
+int64_t RoundUp(int64_t aX, int64_t aY);
+// The alogrithm for generating padding refers to the mitigation approach in
+// First, generate a random number between 0 and 100kB.
+// Next, round up the sum of random number and response size to the nearest
+// 20kB.
+// Finally, the virtual padding size will be the result minus the response size.
+int64_t BodyGeneratePadding(int64_t aBodyFileSize, uint32_t aPaddingInfo);
+nsresult LockedDirectoryPaddingWrite(nsIFile& aBaseDir,
+ DirPaddingFile aPaddingFileType,
+ int64_t aPaddingSize);
+const auto kMorgueDirectory = u"morgue"_ns;
+template <typename SuccessType = Ok>
+Result<SuccessType, nsresult> MapNotFoundToDefault(const nsresult aRv) {
+ return (aRv == NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ||
+ ? Result<SuccessType, nsresult>{std::in_place}
+ : Err(aRv);
+Result<Ok, nsresult> MapAlreadyExistsToDefault(const nsresult aRv) {
+ ? Result<Ok, nsresult>{std::in_place}
+ : Err(aRv);
+Result<NotNull<nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>>, nsresult> BodyGetCacheDir(nsIFile& aBaseDir,
+ const nsID& aId) {
+ CACHE_TRY_UNWRAP(auto cacheDir,
+ CloneFileAndAppend(aBaseDir, kMorgueDirectory));
+ // Some file systems have poor performance when there are too many files
+ // in a single directory. Mitigate this issue by spreading the body
+ // files out into sub-directories. We use the last byte of the ID for
+ // the name of the sub-directory.
+ CACHE_TRY(cacheDir->Append(IntToString(aId.m3[7])));
+ CACHE_TRY(ToResult(cacheDir->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0755))
+ .orElse(ErrToDefaultOkOrErr<NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, Ok>));
+ return WrapNotNullUnchecked(std::move(cacheDir));
+} // namespace
+nsresult BodyCreateDir(nsIFile& aBaseDir) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& bodyDir,
+ CloneFileAndAppend(aBaseDir, kMorgueDirectory));
+ CACHE_TRY(ToResult(bodyDir->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0755))
+ .orElse(ErrToDefaultOkOrErr<NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, Ok>));
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult BodyDeleteDir(const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo, nsIFile& aBaseDir) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& bodyDir,
+ CloneFileAndAppend(aBaseDir, kMorgueDirectory));
+ CACHE_TRY(RemoveNsIFileRecursively(aQuotaInfo, *bodyDir));
+ return NS_OK;
+Result<std::pair<nsID, nsCOMPtr<nsISupports>>, nsresult> BodyStartWriteStream(
+ const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo, nsIFile& aBaseDir, nsIInputStream& aSource,
+ void* aClosure, nsAsyncCopyCallbackFun aCallback) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& idGen, ToResultGet<nsCOMPtr<nsIUUIDGenerator>>(
+ ";1"));
+ nsID id;
+ CACHE_TRY(idGen->GenerateUUIDInPlace(&id));
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& finalFile,
+ BodyIdToFile(aBaseDir, id, BODY_FILE_FINAL));
+ {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const bool& exists,
+ MOZ_TO_RESULT_INVOKE(*finalFile, Exists));
+ }
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& tmpFile,
+ BodyIdToFile(aBaseDir, id, BODY_FILE_TMP));
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const bool& exists, MOZ_TO_RESULT_INVOKE(*tmpFile, Exists));
+ const nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> fileStream = CreateFileOutputStream(
+ PERSISTENCE_TYPE_DEFAULT, aQuotaInfo, Client::DOMCACHE, tmpFile.get());
+ const auto compressed = MakeRefPtr<SnappyCompressOutputStream>(fileStream);
+ const nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> target =
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> copyContext;
+ CACHE_TRY(NS_AsyncCopy(&aSource, compressed, target,
+ compressed->BlockSize(), aCallback, aClosure, true,
+ true, // close streams
+ getter_AddRefs(copyContext)));
+ return std::make_pair(id, std::move(copyContext));
+void BodyCancelWrite(nsISupports& aCopyContext) {
+ CACHE_TRY(NS_CancelAsyncCopy(&aCopyContext, NS_ERROR_ABORT), QM_VOID);
+ // TODO The partially written file must be cleaned up after the async copy
+ // makes its callback.
+nsresult BodyFinalizeWrite(nsIFile& aBaseDir, const nsID& aId) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& tmpFile,
+ BodyIdToFile(aBaseDir, aId, BODY_FILE_TMP));
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& finalFile,
+ BodyIdToFile(aBaseDir, aId, BODY_FILE_FINAL));
+ nsAutoString finalFileName;
+ CACHE_TRY(finalFile->GetLeafName(finalFileName));
+ // It's fine to not notify the QuotaManager that the path has been changed,
+ // because its path will be updated and its size will be recalculated when
+ // opening file next time.
+ CACHE_TRY(tmpFile->RenameTo(nullptr, finalFileName));
+ return NS_OK;
+Result<NotNull<nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream>>, nsresult> BodyOpen(
+ const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo, nsIFile& aBaseDir, const nsID& aId) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& finalFile,
+ BodyIdToFile(aBaseDir, aId, BODY_FILE_FINAL));
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const bool& exists,
+ MOZ_TO_RESULT_INVOKE(*finalFile, Exists));
+ // XXX This is somewhat redundant. We could just return
+ // NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if CreateFileInputStream fails? Or, if that might
+ // fail for other reasons, it should probably be changed to return a Result,
+ // and then we can just propagate its result.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> fileStream = CreateFileInputStream(
+ PERSISTENCE_TYPE_DEFAULT, aQuotaInfo, Client::DOMCACHE, finalFile.get());
+ return WrapNotNullUnchecked(std::move(fileStream));
+nsresult BodyMaybeUpdatePaddingSize(const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo,
+ nsIFile& aBaseDir, const nsID& aId,
+ const uint32_t aPaddingInfo,
+ int64_t* aPaddingSizeInOut) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& bodyFile,
+ BodyIdToFile(aBaseDir, aId, BODY_FILE_TMP));
+ QuotaManager* quotaManager = QuotaManager::Get();
+ int64_t fileSize = 0;
+ RefPtr<QuotaObject> quotaObject = quotaManager->GetQuotaObject(
+ PERSISTENCE_TYPE_DEFAULT, aQuotaInfo, Client::DOMCACHE, bodyFile.get(),
+ -1, &fileSize);
+ // XXXtt: bug:
+ if (!quotaObject) {
+ }
+ if (*aPaddingSizeInOut == InternalResponse::UNKNOWN_PADDING_SIZE) {
+ *aPaddingSizeInOut = BodyGeneratePadding(fileSize, aPaddingInfo);
+ }
+ MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(*aPaddingSizeInOut >= 0);
+ if (!quotaObject->IncreaseSize(*aPaddingSizeInOut)) {
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult BodyDeleteFiles(const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo, nsIFile& aBaseDir,
+ const nsTArray<nsID>& aIdList) {
+ for (const auto id : aIdList) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& bodyDir, BodyGetCacheDir(aBaseDir, id));
+ const auto removeFileForId =
+ [&aQuotaInfo, &id](
+ nsIFile& bodyFile,
+ const nsACString& leafName) -> Result<bool, nsresult> {
+ nsID fileId;
+ CACHE_TRY(OkIf(fileId.Parse(leafName.BeginReading())), true,
+ ([&aQuotaInfo, &bodyFile](const auto) {
+ DebugOnly<nsresult> result = RemoveNsIFile(
+ aQuotaInfo, bodyFile, /* aTrackQuota */ false);
+ }));
+ if (id.Equals(fileId)) {
+ DebugOnly<nsresult> result = RemoveNsIFile(aQuotaInfo, bodyFile);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ CACHE_TRY(BodyTraverseFiles(aQuotaInfo, *bodyDir, removeFileForId,
+ /* aCanRemoveFiles */ false,
+ /* aTrackQuota */ true));
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+namespace {
+Result<NotNull<nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>>, nsresult> BodyIdToFile(
+ nsIFile& aBaseDir, const nsID& aId, const BodyFileType aType) {
+ CACHE_TRY_UNWRAP(auto bodyFile, BodyGetCacheDir(aBaseDir, aId));
+ char idString[NSID_LENGTH];
+ aId.ToProvidedString(idString);
+ NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 fileName(idString);
+ if (aType == BODY_FILE_FINAL) {
+ fileName.AppendLiteral(".final");
+ } else {
+ fileName.AppendLiteral(".tmp");
+ }
+ CACHE_TRY(bodyFile->Append(fileName));
+ return bodyFile;
+int64_t RoundUp(const int64_t aX, const int64_t aY) {
+ MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(INT64_MAX - ((aX - 1) / aY) * aY >= aY);
+ return aY + ((aX - 1) / aY) * aY;
+int64_t BodyGeneratePadding(const int64_t aBodyFileSize,
+ const uint32_t aPaddingInfo) {
+ // Generate padding
+ int64_t randomSize = static_cast<int64_t>(aPaddingInfo);
+ MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(INT64_MAX - aBodyFileSize >= randomSize);
+ randomSize += aBodyFileSize;
+ return RoundUp(randomSize, kRoundUpNumber) - aBodyFileSize;
+nsresult LockedDirectoryPaddingWrite(nsIFile& aBaseDir,
+ DirPaddingFile aPaddingFileType,
+ int64_t aPaddingSize) {
+ MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aPaddingSize >= 0);
+ const auto& file,
+ CloneFileAndAppend(aBaseDir, aPaddingFileType == DirPaddingFile::TMP_FILE
+ ? nsLiteralString(PADDING_TMP_FILE_NAME)
+ : nsLiteralString(PADDING_FILE_NAME)));
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& outputStream,
+ NS_NewLocalFileOutputStream(file));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObjectOutputStream> objectStream =
+ NS_NewObjectOutputStream(outputStream);
+ CACHE_TRY(objectStream->Write64(aPaddingSize));
+ return NS_OK;
+} // namespace
+nsresult BodyDeleteOrphanedFiles(const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo, nsIFile& aBaseDir,
+ const nsTArray<nsID>& aKnownBodyIdList) {
+ // body files are stored in a directory structure like:
+ //
+ // /morgue/01/{01fdddb2-884d-4c3d-95ba-0c8062f6c325}.final
+ // /morgue/02/{02fdddb2-884d-4c3d-95ba-0c8062f6c325}.tmp
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& dir,
+ CloneFileAndAppend(aBaseDir, kMorgueDirectory));
+ // Iterate over all the intermediate morgue subdirs
+ CACHE_TRY(quota::CollectEachFile(
+ *dir,
+ [&aQuotaInfo, &aKnownBodyIdList](
+ const nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>& subdir) -> Result<Ok, nsresult> {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const bool& isDir,
+ MOZ_TO_RESULT_INVOKE(subdir, IsDirectory));
+ // If a file got in here somehow, try to remove it and move on
+ CACHE_TRY(OkIf(isDir), Ok{}, ([&aQuotaInfo, &subdir](const auto&) {
+ DebugOnly<nsresult> result = RemoveNsIFile(
+ aQuotaInfo, *subdir, /* aTrackQuota */ false);
+ }));
+ const auto removeOrphanedFiles =
+ [&aQuotaInfo, &aKnownBodyIdList](
+ nsIFile& bodyFile,
+ const nsACString& leafName) -> Result<bool, nsresult> {
+ // Finally, parse the uuid out of the name. If it fails to parse,
+ // then ignore the file.
+ auto cleanup = MakeScopeExit([&aQuotaInfo, &bodyFile] {
+ DebugOnly<nsresult> result = RemoveNsIFile(aQuotaInfo, bodyFile);
+ });
+ nsID id;
+ CACHE_TRY(OkIf(id.Parse(leafName.BeginReading())), true);
+ if (!aKnownBodyIdList.Contains(id)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ cleanup.release();
+ return false;
+ };
+ CACHE_TRY(BodyTraverseFiles(aQuotaInfo, *subdir, removeOrphanedFiles,
+ /* aCanRemoveFiles */ true,
+ /* aTrackQuota */ true));
+ return Ok{};
+ }));
+ return NS_OK;
+namespace {
+Result<nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>, nsresult> GetMarkerFileHandle(
+ const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo) {
+ CACHE_TRY_UNWRAP(auto marker,
+ CloneFileAndAppend(*aQuotaInfo.mDir, u"cache"_ns));
+ CACHE_TRY(marker->Append(u"context_open.marker"_ns));
+ return marker;
+} // namespace
+nsresult CreateMarkerFile(const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& marker, GetMarkerFileHandle(aQuotaInfo));
+ CACHE_TRY(ToResult(marker->Create(nsIFile::NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0644))
+ .orElse(MapAlreadyExistsToDefault));
+ // Note, we don't need to fsync here. We only care about actually
+ // writing the marker if later modifications to the Cache are
+ // actually flushed to the disk. If the OS crashes before the marker
+ // is written then we are ensured no other changes to the Cache were
+ // flushed either.
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult DeleteMarkerFile(const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& marker, GetMarkerFileHandle(aQuotaInfo));
+ DebugOnly<nsresult> result =
+ RemoveNsIFile(aQuotaInfo, *marker, /* aTrackQuota */ false);
+ // Again, no fsync is necessary. If the OS crashes before the file
+ // removal is flushed, then the Cache will search for stale data on
+ // startup. This will cause the next Cache access to be a bit slow, but
+ // it seems appropriate after an OS crash.
+ return NS_OK;
+bool MarkerFileExists(const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& marker, GetMarkerFileHandle(aQuotaInfo), false);
+ CACHE_TRY_RETURN(MOZ_TO_RESULT_INVOKE(marker, Exists), false);
+nsresult RemoveNsIFileRecursively(const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo, nsIFile& aFile,
+ const bool aTrackQuota) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const Maybe<bool>& maybeIsDirectory,
+ MOZ_TO_RESULT_INVOKE(aFile, IsDirectory)
+ .map(Some<bool>)
+ .orElse(MapNotFoundToDefault<Maybe<bool>>));
+ if (!maybeIsDirectory) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (!maybeIsDirectory.value()) {
+ return RemoveNsIFile(aQuotaInfo, aFile, aTrackQuota);
+ }
+ // Unfortunately, we need to traverse all the entries and delete files one by
+ // one to update their usages to the QuotaManager.
+ CACHE_TRY(quota::CollectEachFile(
+ aFile,
+ [&aQuotaInfo,
+ &aTrackQuota](const nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>& file) -> Result<Ok, nsresult> {
+ CACHE_TRY(RemoveNsIFileRecursively(aQuotaInfo, *file, aTrackQuota));
+ return Ok{};
+ }));
+ // In the end, remove the folder
+ CACHE_TRY(aFile.Remove(/* recursive */ false));
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult RemoveNsIFile(const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo, nsIFile& aFile,
+ const bool aTrackQuota) {
+ int64_t fileSize = 0;
+ if (aTrackQuota) {
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& maybeFileSize,
+ MOZ_TO_RESULT_INVOKE(aFile, GetFileSize)
+ .map(Some<int64_t>)
+ .orElse(MapNotFoundToDefault<Maybe<int64_t>>));
+ if (!maybeFileSize) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ fileSize = *maybeFileSize;
+ }
+ CACHE_TRY(ToResult(aFile.Remove(/* recursive */ false))
+ .orElse(MapNotFoundToDefault<>));
+ if (fileSize > 0) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aTrackQuota);
+ DecreaseUsageForQuotaInfo(aQuotaInfo, fileSize);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+void DecreaseUsageForQuotaInfo(const QuotaInfo& aQuotaInfo,
+ const int64_t aUpdatingSize) {
+ MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aUpdatingSize > 0);
+ QuotaManager* quotaManager = QuotaManager::Get();
+ quotaManager->DecreaseUsageForOrigin(PERSISTENCE_TYPE_DEFAULT, aQuotaInfo,
+ Client::DOMCACHE, aUpdatingSize);
+bool DirectoryPaddingFileExists(nsIFile& aBaseDir,
+ DirPaddingFile aPaddingFileType) {
+ const auto& file,
+ CloneFileAndAppend(aBaseDir, aPaddingFileType == DirPaddingFile::TMP_FILE
+ ? nsLiteralString(PADDING_TMP_FILE_NAME)
+ : nsLiteralString(PADDING_FILE_NAME)),
+ false);
+Result<int64_t, nsresult> LockedDirectoryPaddingGet(nsIFile& aBaseDir) {
+ !DirectoryPaddingFileExists(aBaseDir, DirPaddingFile::TMP_FILE));
+ const auto& file,
+ CloneFileAndAppend(aBaseDir, nsLiteralString(PADDING_FILE_NAME)));
+ CACHE_TRY_UNWRAP(auto stream, NS_NewLocalFileInputStream(file));
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const auto& bufferedStream,
+ NS_NewBufferedInputStream(stream.forget(), 512));
+ const nsCOMPtr<nsIObjectInputStream> objectStream =
+ NS_NewObjectInputStream(bufferedStream);
+ MOZ_TO_RESULT_INVOKE(objectStream, Read64).map([](const uint64_t val) {
+ return int64_t(val);
+ }));
+nsresult LockedDirectoryPaddingInit(nsIFile& aBaseDir) {
+ CACHE_TRY(LockedDirectoryPaddingWrite(aBaseDir, DirPaddingFile::FILE, 0));
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult LockedUpdateDirectoryPaddingFile(nsIFile& aBaseDir,
+ mozIStorageConnection& aConn,
+ const int64_t aIncreaseSize,
+ const int64_t aDecreaseSize,
+ const bool aTemporaryFileExist) {
+ MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aIncreaseSize >= 0);
+ MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aDecreaseSize >= 0);
+ const auto directoryPaddingGetResult =
+ aTemporaryFileExist ? Maybe<int64_t>{} : [&aBaseDir] {
+ CACHE_TRY_RETURN(LockedDirectoryPaddingGet(aBaseDir)
+ .map(Some<int64_t>)
+ .orElse(MapNotFoundToDefault<Maybe<int64_t>>),
+ Maybe<int64_t>{});
+ }();
+ const int64_t& currentPaddingSize,
+ ([directoryPaddingGetResult, &aBaseDir, &aConn, aIncreaseSize,
+ aDecreaseSize]() -> Result<int64_t, nsresult> {
+ if (!directoryPaddingGetResult) {
+ // Fail to read padding size from the dir padding file, so try to
+ // restore.
+ // Not delete the temporary padding file here, because we're going
+ // to overwrite it below anyway.
+ LockedDirectoryPaddingDeleteFile(aBaseDir, DirPaddingFile::FILE));
+ // We don't need to add the aIncreaseSize or aDecreaseSize here,
+ // because it's already encompassed within the database.
+ CACHE_TRY_RETURN(db::FindOverallPaddingSize(aConn));
+ }
+ int64_t currentPaddingSize = directoryPaddingGetResult.value();
+ bool shouldRevise = false;
+ if (aIncreaseSize > 0) {
+ if (INT64_MAX - currentPaddingSize < aDecreaseSize) {
+ shouldRevise = true;
+ } else {
+ currentPaddingSize += aIncreaseSize;
+ }
+ }
+ if (aDecreaseSize > 0) {
+ if (currentPaddingSize < aDecreaseSize) {
+ shouldRevise = true;
+ } else if (!shouldRevise) {
+ currentPaddingSize -= aDecreaseSize;
+ }
+ }
+ if (shouldRevise) {
+ // If somehow runing into this condition, the tracking padding size is
+ // incorrect.
+ // Delete padding file to indicate the padding size is incorrect for
+ // avoiding error happening in the following lines.
+ LockedDirectoryPaddingDeleteFile(aBaseDir, DirPaddingFile::FILE));
+ CACHE_TRY_UNWRAP(currentPaddingSize,
+ db::FindOverallPaddingSize(aConn));
+ // XXXtt: we should have an easy way to update (increase or
+ // recalulate) padding size in the QM. For now, only correct the
+ // padding size in padding file and make QM be able to get the correct
+ // size in the next QM initialization. We still want to catch this in
+ // the debug build.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(false, "The padding size is unsync with QM");
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ const int64_t lastPaddingSize = currentPaddingSize;
+ CACHE_TRY_UNWRAP(currentPaddingSize, db::FindOverallPaddingSize(aConn));
+ MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(currentPaddingSize == lastPaddingSize);
+#endif // DEBUG
+ return currentPaddingSize;
+ }()));
+ MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(currentPaddingSize >= 0);
+ CACHE_TRY(LockedDirectoryPaddingWrite(aBaseDir, DirPaddingFile::TMP_FILE,
+ currentPaddingSize));
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult LockedDirectoryPaddingFinalizeWrite(nsIFile& aBaseDir) {
+ DirectoryPaddingFileExists(aBaseDir, DirPaddingFile::TMP_FILE));
+ const auto& file,
+ CloneFileAndAppend(aBaseDir, nsLiteralString(PADDING_TMP_FILE_NAME)));
+ CACHE_TRY(file->RenameTo(nullptr, nsLiteralString(PADDING_FILE_NAME)));
+ return NS_OK;
+Result<int64_t, nsresult> LockedDirectoryPaddingRestore(
+ nsIFile& aBaseDir, mozIStorageConnection& aConn, const bool aMustRestore) {
+ // The content of padding file is untrusted, so remove it here.
+ CACHE_TRY(LockedDirectoryPaddingDeleteFile(aBaseDir, DirPaddingFile::FILE));
+ CACHE_TRY_INSPECT(const int64_t& paddingSize,
+ db::FindOverallPaddingSize(aConn));
+ MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(paddingSize >= 0);
+ LockedDirectoryPaddingWrite(aBaseDir, DirPaddingFile::FILE, paddingSize),
+ (aMustRestore ? Err(tryTempError)
+ : Result<int64_t, nsresult>{paddingSize}));
+ LockedDirectoryPaddingDeleteFile(aBaseDir, DirPaddingFile::TMP_FILE));
+ return paddingSize;
+nsresult LockedDirectoryPaddingDeleteFile(nsIFile& aBaseDir,
+ DirPaddingFile aPaddingFileType) {
+ const auto& file,
+ CloneFileAndAppend(aBaseDir, aPaddingFileType == DirPaddingFile::TMP_FILE
+ ? nsLiteralString(PADDING_TMP_FILE_NAME)
+ : nsLiteralString(PADDING_FILE_NAME)));
+ CACHE_TRY(ToResult(file->Remove(/* recursive */ false))
+ .orElse(MapNotFoundToDefault<>));
+ return NS_OK;
+} // namespace mozilla::dom::cache