path: root/dom/media/webrtc/jsep/JsepTrack.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/media/webrtc/jsep/JsepTrack.h')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/media/webrtc/jsep/JsepTrack.h b/dom/media/webrtc/jsep/JsepTrack.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5879b4726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/webrtc/jsep/JsepTrack.h
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef _JSEPTRACK_H_
+#define _JSEPTRACK_H_
+#include <functional>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <mozilla/UniquePtr.h>
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "nsError.h"
+#include "jsep/JsepTrackEncoding.h"
+#include "jsep/SsrcGenerator.h"
+#include "sdp/Sdp.h"
+#include "sdp/SdpAttribute.h"
+#include "sdp/SdpMediaSection.h"
+#include "libwebrtcglue/RtpRtcpConfig.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+class JsepTrackNegotiatedDetails {
+ public:
+ JsepTrackNegotiatedDetails()
+ : mTias(0), mRtpRtcpConf(webrtc::RtcpMode::kCompound) {}
+ JsepTrackNegotiatedDetails(const JsepTrackNegotiatedDetails& orig)
+ : mExtmap(orig.mExtmap),
+ mUniquePayloadTypes(orig.mUniquePayloadTypes),
+ mTias(orig.mTias),
+ mRtpRtcpConf(orig.mRtpRtcpConf) {
+ for (const auto& encoding : orig.mEncodings) {
+ mEncodings.emplace_back(new JsepTrackEncoding(*encoding));
+ }
+ }
+ size_t GetEncodingCount() const { return mEncodings.size(); }
+ const JsepTrackEncoding& GetEncoding(size_t index) const {
+ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(index < mEncodings.size());
+ return *mEncodings[index];
+ }
+ const SdpExtmapAttributeList::Extmap* GetExt(
+ const std::string& ext_name) const {
+ auto it = mExtmap.find(ext_name);
+ if (it != mExtmap.end()) {
+ return &it->second;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ void ForEachRTPHeaderExtension(
+ const std::function<void(const SdpExtmapAttributeList::Extmap& extmap)>&
+ fn) const {
+ for (auto entry : mExtmap) {
+ fn(entry.second);
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<uint8_t> GetUniquePayloadTypes() const {
+ return mUniquePayloadTypes;
+ }
+ uint32_t GetTias() const { return mTias; }
+ RtpRtcpConfig GetRtpRtcpConfig() const { return mRtpRtcpConf; }
+ private:
+ friend class JsepTrack;
+ std::map<std::string, SdpExtmapAttributeList::Extmap> mExtmap;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> mUniquePayloadTypes;
+ std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepTrackEncoding>> mEncodings;
+ uint32_t mTias; // bits per second
+ RtpRtcpConfig mRtpRtcpConf;
+class JsepTrack {
+ public:
+ JsepTrack(mozilla::SdpMediaSection::MediaType type, sdp::Direction direction)
+ : mType(type),
+ mDirection(direction),
+ mActive(false),
+ mRemoteSetSendBit(false) {}
+ virtual ~JsepTrack() {}
+ void UpdateStreamIds(const std::vector<std::string>& streamIds) {
+ mStreamIds = streamIds;
+ }
+ void SetTrackId(const std::string& aTrackId) { mTrackId = aTrackId; }
+ void ClearStreamIds() { mStreamIds.clear(); }
+ void UpdateRecvTrack(const Sdp& sdp, const SdpMediaSection& msection) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mDirection == sdp::kRecv);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(msection.GetMediaType() !=
+ SdpMediaSection::MediaType::kApplication);
+ std::string error;
+ SdpHelper helper(&error);
+ mRemoteSetSendBit = msection.IsSending();
+ if (msection.IsSending()) {
+ (void)helper.GetIdsFromMsid(sdp, msection, &mStreamIds);
+ } else {
+ mStreamIds.clear();
+ }
+ // We do this whether or not the track is active
+ SetCNAME(helper.GetCNAME(msection));
+ mSsrcs.clear();
+ if (msection.GetAttributeList().HasAttribute(
+ SdpAttribute::kSsrcAttribute)) {
+ for (auto& ssrcAttr : msection.GetAttributeList().GetSsrc().mSsrcs) {
+ mSsrcs.push_back(ssrcAttr.ssrc);
+ }
+ }
+ // Use FID ssrc-group to associate rtx ssrcs with "regular" ssrcs. Despite
+ // not being part of RFC 4588, this is how rtx is negotiated by libwebrtc
+ // and jitsi.
+ mSsrcToRtxSsrc.clear();
+ if (msection.GetAttributeList().HasAttribute(
+ SdpAttribute::kSsrcGroupAttribute)) {
+ for (const auto& group :
+ msection.GetAttributeList().GetSsrcGroup().mSsrcGroups) {
+ if (group.semantics == SdpSsrcGroupAttributeList::kFid &&
+ group.ssrcs.size() == 2) {
+ // Ensure we have a "regular" ssrc for each rtx ssrc.
+ if (std::find(mSsrcs.begin(), mSsrcs.end(), group.ssrcs[0]) !=
+ mSsrcs.end()) {
+ mSsrcToRtxSsrc[group.ssrcs[0]] = group.ssrcs[1];
+ // Remove rtx ssrcs from mSsrcs
+ auto res = std::remove_if(
+ mSsrcs.begin(), mSsrcs.end(),
+ [group](uint32_t ssrc) { return ssrc == group.ssrcs[1]; });
+ mSsrcs.erase(res, mSsrcs.end());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ JsepTrack(const JsepTrack& orig) { *this = orig; }
+ JsepTrack(JsepTrack&& orig) = default;
+ JsepTrack& operator=(JsepTrack&& rhs) = default;
+ JsepTrack& operator=(const JsepTrack& rhs) {
+ if (this != &rhs) {
+ mType = rhs.mType;
+ mStreamIds = rhs.mStreamIds;
+ mTrackId = rhs.mTrackId;
+ mCNAME = rhs.mCNAME;
+ mDirection = rhs.mDirection;
+ mJsEncodeConstraints = rhs.mJsEncodeConstraints;
+ mSsrcs = rhs.mSsrcs;
+ mSsrcToRtxSsrc = rhs.mSsrcToRtxSsrc;
+ mActive = rhs.mActive;
+ mRemoteSetSendBit = rhs.mRemoteSetSendBit;
+ mPrototypeCodecs.clear();
+ for (const auto& codec : rhs.mPrototypeCodecs) {
+ mPrototypeCodecs.emplace_back(codec->Clone());
+ }
+ if (rhs.mNegotiatedDetails) {
+ mNegotiatedDetails.reset(
+ new JsepTrackNegotiatedDetails(*rhs.mNegotiatedDetails));
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ virtual mozilla::SdpMediaSection::MediaType GetMediaType() const {
+ return mType;
+ }
+ virtual const std::vector<std::string>& GetStreamIds() const {
+ return mStreamIds;
+ }
+ virtual const std::string& GetCNAME() const { return mCNAME; }
+ virtual void SetCNAME(const std::string& cname) { mCNAME = cname; }
+ virtual sdp::Direction GetDirection() const { return mDirection; }
+ virtual const std::vector<uint32_t>& GetSsrcs() const { return mSsrcs; }
+ virtual std::vector<uint32_t> GetRtxSsrcs() const {
+ std::vector<uint32_t> result;
+ if (mRtxIsAllowed &&
+ Preferences::GetBool("", false)) {
+ std::for_each(
+ mSsrcToRtxSsrc.begin(), mSsrcToRtxSsrc.end(),
+ [&result](const auto& pair) { result.push_back(pair.second); });
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual void EnsureSsrcs(SsrcGenerator& ssrcGenerator, size_t aNumber);
+ bool GetActive() const { return mActive; }
+ void SetActive(bool active) { mActive = active; }
+ bool GetRemoteSetSendBit() const { return mRemoteSetSendBit; }
+ virtual void PopulateCodecs(
+ const std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepCodecDescription>>& prototype);
+ template <class UnaryFunction>
+ void ForEachCodec(UnaryFunction func) {
+ std::for_each(mPrototypeCodecs.begin(), mPrototypeCodecs.end(), func);
+ }
+ template <class BinaryPredicate>
+ void SortCodecs(BinaryPredicate sorter) {
+ std::stable_sort(mPrototypeCodecs.begin(), mPrototypeCodecs.end(), sorter);
+ }
+ // These two are non-const because this is where ssrcs are chosen.
+ virtual void AddToOffer(SsrcGenerator& ssrcGenerator, SdpMediaSection* offer);
+ virtual void AddToAnswer(const SdpMediaSection& offer,
+ SsrcGenerator& ssrcGenerator,
+ SdpMediaSection* answer);
+ virtual void Negotiate(const SdpMediaSection& answer,
+ const SdpMediaSection& remote);
+ static void SetUniquePayloadTypes(std::vector<JsepTrack*>& tracks);
+ virtual void GetNegotiatedPayloadTypes(
+ std::vector<uint16_t>* payloadTypes) const;
+ // This will be set when negotiation is carried out.
+ virtual const JsepTrackNegotiatedDetails* GetNegotiatedDetails() const {
+ if (mNegotiatedDetails) {
+ return mNegotiatedDetails.get();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ virtual JsepTrackNegotiatedDetails* GetNegotiatedDetails() {
+ if (mNegotiatedDetails) {
+ return mNegotiatedDetails.get();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ virtual void ClearNegotiatedDetails() { mNegotiatedDetails.reset(); }
+ struct JsConstraints {
+ std::string rid;
+ bool paused = false;
+ EncodingConstraints constraints;
+ bool operator==(const JsConstraints& other) const {
+ return rid == other.rid && paused == other.paused &&
+ constraints == other.constraints;
+ }
+ };
+ // Returns true if the constraints changed.
+ bool SetJsConstraints(const std::vector<JsConstraints>& constraintsList);
+ void GetJsConstraints(std::vector<JsConstraints>* outConstraintsList) const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(outConstraintsList);
+ *outConstraintsList = mJsEncodeConstraints;
+ }
+ void AddToMsection(const std::vector<JsConstraints>& constraintsList,
+ sdp::Direction direction, SsrcGenerator& ssrcGenerator,
+ bool rtxEnabled, SdpMediaSection* msection);
+ // See Bug 1642419, this can be removed when all sites are working with RTX.
+ void SetRtxIsAllowed(bool aRtxIsAllowed) { mRtxIsAllowed = aRtxIsAllowed; }
+ private:
+ std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepCodecDescription>> GetCodecClones() const;
+ static void EnsureNoDuplicatePayloadTypes(
+ std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepCodecDescription>>* codecs);
+ static void GetPayloadTypes(
+ const std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepCodecDescription>>& codecs,
+ std::vector<uint16_t>* pts);
+ void AddToMsection(const std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepCodecDescription>>& codecs,
+ SdpMediaSection* msection);
+ void GetRids(
+ const SdpMediaSection& msection, sdp::Direction direction,
+ std::vector<std::pair<SdpRidAttributeList::Rid, bool>>* rids) const;
+ void CreateEncodings(
+ const SdpMediaSection& remote,
+ const std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepCodecDescription>>& negotiatedCodecs,
+ JsepTrackNegotiatedDetails* details);
+ virtual std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepCodecDescription>> NegotiateCodecs(
+ const SdpMediaSection& remote, bool isOffer);
+ JsConstraints* FindConstraints(
+ const std::string& rid,
+ std::vector<JsConstraints>& constraintsList) const;
+ void NegotiateRids(
+ const std::vector<std::pair<SdpRidAttributeList::Rid, bool>>& rids,
+ std::vector<JsConstraints>* constraints) const;
+ void UpdateSsrcs(SsrcGenerator& ssrcGenerator, size_t encodings);
+ void PruneSsrcs(size_t aNumSsrcs);
+ bool IsRtxEnabled(
+ const std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepCodecDescription>>& codecs) const;
+ mozilla::SdpMediaSection::MediaType mType;
+ // These are the ids that everyone outside of JsepSession care about
+ std::vector<std::string> mStreamIds;
+ std::string mTrackId;
+ std::string mCNAME;
+ sdp::Direction mDirection;
+ std::vector<UniquePtr<JsepCodecDescription>> mPrototypeCodecs;
+ // Holds encoding params/constraints from JS. Simulcast happens when there are
+ // multiple of these. If there are none, we assume unconstrained unicast with
+ // no rid.
+ std::vector<JsConstraints> mJsEncodeConstraints;
+ UniquePtr<JsepTrackNegotiatedDetails> mNegotiatedDetails;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> mSsrcs;
+ std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> mSsrcToRtxSsrc;
+ bool mActive;
+ bool mRemoteSetSendBit;
+ // See Bug 1642419, this can be removed when all sites are working with RTX.
+ bool mRtxIsAllowed = true;
+} // namespace mozilla